xref: /openbmc/openbmc-test-automation/ffdc/ffdc_config.yaml (revision f1c61976be6719363962a21ac884768f1ac3b8d9)
2# This yaml formatted file contains defaults items to collect FFDC for the targeted system
3# COMMANDS - List of commands to be run on the corresponding targeted system (inband)
4#            to generate and/or collect data
5# FILES    - List of files; with complete path; on the corresponding targeted system
6#            to be copied to external destination
7# PROTOCOL - Protocol used to communicate with targeted system; ssh, Rest, redfish, etc
9# Note: Items in COMMANDS and FILES are not necessarily one-to-one correspondence.
10#       For example, a file could have been created by an internal process,
11#       and is listed in FILES to be collected.
14# Commands and Files to collect for a given OpenBMC system.
16    # Commands and File to take snapshot of linux based system.
17    # Filename is <OS>_general.txt, where <OS> is in [OPENBMC, RHEL, UBUNTU]
18    GENERAL:
19        COMMANDS:
20            - 'rm -rf /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
21            - 'echo "++++++++++ cat /etc/os-release ++++++++++" >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
22            - 'cat /etc/os-release >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
23            - 'echo -e "\n++++++++++ cat /etc/timestamp ++++++++++" >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
24            - 'cat /etc/timestamp >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
25            - 'echo -e "\n++++++++++ uname -a ++++++++++" >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
26            - 'uname -a >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
27            - 'echo -e "\n++++++++++ cat /etc/timestamp ++++++++++" >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
28            - 'cat /etc/timestamp >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
29            - 'echo -e "\n++++++++++ uptime;cat /proc/uptime ++++++++++" >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
30            - 'uptime >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
31            - 'cat /proc/uptime >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
32            - 'echo -e "\n++++++++++ df -hT ++++++++++" >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
33            - 'df -hT >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
34            - 'echo -e "\n++++++++++ date;/sbin/hwclock --show ++++++++++" >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
35            - 'date >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
36            - '/sbin/hwclock --show >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
37            - '/usr/bin/timedatectl >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
38            - 'echo -e "\n++++++++++ /usr/bin/obmcutil state ++++++++++" >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
39            - '/usr/bin/obmcutil state >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
40            - 'echo -e "\n++++++++++ bmcweb session data ++++++++++" >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
41            - 'for f in `find /var/lib/bmcweb/ -name "*.json"`; do (echo $f; cat $f) done >> /tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
42        FILES:
43            - '/tmp/OPENBMC_general.txt'
44        PROTOCOL:
45            - 'SSH'
48        COMMANDS:
49            - 'cat /sys/class/watchdog/watchdog1/bootstatus >/tmp/BMC_flash_side.txt'
50            - 'grep -r . /sys/class/hwmon/* >/tmp/BMC_hwmon.txt'
51            - 'top -n 1 -b >/tmp/BMC_proc_list.txt'
52            - 'ls -Al /proc/*/fd/ >/tmp/BMC_proc_fd_active_list.txt'
53            - 'journalctl --no-pager >/tmp/BMC_journalctl_nopager.txt'
54            - 'journalctl -o json-pretty >/tmp/BMC_journalctl_pretty.json'
55            - 'dmesg >/tmp/BMC_dmesg.txt'
56            - 'cat /proc/cpuinfo >/tmp/BMC_procinfo.txt'
57            - 'cat /proc/meminfo >/tmp/BMC_meminfo.txt'
58            - 'systemctl status --all >/tmp/BMC_systemd.txt'
59            - 'systemctl list-units --failed >/tmp/BMC_failed_service.txt'
60            - 'systemctl list-jobs >/tmp/BMC_list_service.txt'
61            - 'cat /var/log/obmc-console.log >/tmp/BMC_obmc_console.txt'
62            - 'cat /var/log/obmc-console1.log >/tmp/BMC_obmc_console1.txt'
63            - 'peltool -l >/tmp/PEL_logs_list.json'
64            - {'peltool -a >/tmp/PEL_logs_display.json':240}
65            - 'hexdump -C /var/lib/phosphor-logging/extensions/pels/badPEL >/tmp/PEL_logs_badPEL.txt'
66            - 'guard -l >/tmp/GUARD_list.txt'
67            - 'killall -s SIGUSR1 pldmd; sleep 5'
68            - 'fanctl dump'
69            - 'cp /var/lib/phosphor-software-manager/pnor/rw/DEVTREE /tmp/DEVTREE'
70        FILES:
71            - '/tmp/BMC_flash_side.txt'
72            - '/tmp/BMC_hwmon.txt'
73            - '/tmp/BMC_proc_list.txt'
74            - '/tmp/BMC_proc_fd_active_list.txt'
75            - '/tmp/BMC_journalctl_nopager.txt'
76            - '/tmp/BMC_journalctl_pretty.json'
77            - '/tmp/BMC_dmesg.txt'
78            - '/tmp/BMC_procinfo.txt'
79            - '/tmp/BMC_meminfo.txt'
80            - '/tmp/BMC_systemd.txt'
81            - '/tmp/BMC_failed_service.txt'
82            - '/tmp/BMC_list_service.txt'
83            - '/tmp/BMC_obmc_console.txt'
84            - '/tmp/BMC_obmc_console1.txt'
85            - '/tmp/PEL_logs_list.json'
86            - '/tmp/PEL_logs_display.json'
87            - '/tmp/PEL_logs_badPEL.txt'
88            - '/tmp/GUARD_list.txt'
89            - '/tmp/pldm_flight_recorder'
90            - '/tmp/fan_control_dump.json'
91            - '/tmp/DEVTREE'
92        PROTOCOL:
93            - 'SSH'
95    # DUMP_LOGS: This section provides option to 'SCP if file exist'.
96    #     COMMANDS: filename is preceded by ls -AX '.
97    #     FILES: is not needed and is ignored if exists.
98    DUMP_LOGS:
99        COMMANDS:
100            - 'ls -AX /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.*'
101            - 'ls -AX /var/lib/phosphor-debug-collector/dumps/*/*.tar.xz'
102            - 'ls -AX /var/lib/phosphor-debug-collector/hostbootdump/*/*.tar.gz'
103        PROTOCOL:
104            - 'SCP'
106    # URLs and Files for OPENBMC redfish
107    # URLs and Files are one-to-one corresponding.
108    # File contains the data returned from 'redfishtool GET URL'
110        COMMANDS:
111            - redfishtool -u ${username} -p ${password} -r ${hostname} -S Always raw GET /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts
112            - redfishtool -u ${username} -p ${password} -r ${hostname} -S Always raw GET /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/LogServices/Dump/Entries
113            - redfishtool -u ${username} -p ${password} -r ${hostname} -S Always raw GET /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/Dump/Entries
114            - redfishtool -u ${username} -p ${password} -r ${hostname} -S Always raw GET /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/EventLog/Entries
115            - plugin:
116              - plugin_name: plugin.redfish.enumerate_request
117              - plugin_args:
118                - ${hostname}
119                - ${username}
120                - ${password}
121                - /redfish/v1/
122                - json
123        FILES:
124            - 'REDFISH_bmc_user_accounts.json'
125            - 'REDFISH_bmc_dump_entries.json'
126            - 'REDFISH_system_dumps_entries.json'
127            - 'REDFISH_event_log_entries.json'
128            - 'REDFISH_enumerate_v1.json'
129        PROTOCOL:
130            - 'REDFISH'
132    # Commands and Files to collect for via out of band IPMI.
133    IPMI_LOGS:
134        COMMANDS:
135            - ipmitool -I lanplus -C 17 -U ${username} -P ${password} -H ${hostname} lan print
136            - ipmitool -I lanplus -C 17 -U ${username} -P ${password} -H ${hostname} fru list
137            - ipmitool -I lanplus -C 17 -U ${username} -P ${password} -H ${hostname} user list
138        FILES:
139            - 'IPMI_LAN_print.txt'
140            - 'IPMI_FRU_list.txt'
141            - 'IPMI_USER_list.txt'
142        PROTOCOL:
143            - 'IPMI'
145# Commands and Files to collect for all Linux distributions
147    LINUX_LOGS:
148        COMMANDS:
149            - 'cat /sys/firmware/opal/msglog >/tmp/OS_msglog.txt'
150            - 'ppc64_cpu --frequency >/tmp/OS_cpufrequency.txt'
151            - 'dmesg >/tmp/OS_dmesg.txt'
152            - 'cat /var/log/opal-prd* >/tmp/OS_opal_prd.txt'
153            - 'cat /var/log/boot.log >/tmp/OS_boot.txt'
154            - 'cat /proc/cpuinfo >/tmp/OS_procinfo.txt'
155            - 'cat /proc/meminfo >/tmp/OS_meminfo.txt'
156            - 'netstat -a >/tmp/OS_netstat.txt'
157            - 'lspci >/tmp/OS_lspci.txt'
158            - 'lscpu >/tmp/OS_lscpu.txt'
159            - 'lscfg >/tmp/OS_lscfg.txt'
160            - 'journalctl --no-pager -b > /tmp/OS_journalctl_nopager.txt '
161        FILES:
162            - '/tmp/OS_msglog.txt'
163            - '/tmp/OS_cpufrequency.txt'
164            - '/tmp/OS_dmesg.txt'
165            - '/tmp/OS_opal_prd.txt'
166            - '/tmp/OS_boot.txt'
167            - '/tmp/OS_procinfo.txt'
168            - '/tmp/OS_meminfo.txt'
169            - '/tmp/OS_netstat.txt'
170            - '/tmp/OS_lspci.txt'
171            - '/tmp/OS_lscpu.txt'
172            - '/tmp/OS_lscfg.txt'
173            - '/tmp/OS_journalctl_nopager.txt'
174        PROTOCOL:
175            - 'SSH'
177# Commands and Files to collect for Ubuntu Linux only
179    GENERAL:
180        COMMANDS:
181            - 'rm -rf /tmp/UBUNTU_general.txt'
182            - 'echo "++++++++++ UBUNTU Rleasae ++++++++++" > /tmp/UBUNTU_general.txt'
183            - 'cat /etc/os-release >> /tmp/UBUNTU_general.txt'
184            - 'echo "\n++++++++++ Time stamp ++++++++++" >> /tmp/UBUNTU_general.txt'
185            - 'date >> /tmp/UBUNTU_general.txt'
186            - 'echo  "\n++++++++++ uname -a ++++++++++" >> /tmp/UBUNTU_general.txt'
187            - 'uname -a >> /tmp/UBUNTU_general.txt'
188            - 'echo "\n++++++++++ uptime ++++++++++" >> /tmp/UBUNTU_general.txt'
189            - 'uptime >> /tmp/UBUNTU_general.txt'
190        FILES:
191            - '/tmp/UBUNTU_general.txt'
192        PROTOCOL:
193            - 'SSH'
195        COMMANDS:
196            - '{ cat /etc/os-release; uname -a; rpm -qa ; } >/tmp/OS_info.txt'
197            - 'tail -n 200000 /var/log/messages >/tmp/OS_syslog.txt'
198            - 'rm -rf /tmp/sosreport*FFDC*'
199            - {'sosreport --batch --tmp-dir /tmp --label FFDC >/tmp/OS_sosreport.txt': 1200}
200            - 'tar -zcvf /tmp/crash.tar.gz /var/crash'
201        FILES:
202            - '/tmp/OS_info.txt'
203            - '/tmp/OS_syslog.txt'
204            - '/tmp/OS_sosreport.txt'
205            - '/tmp/sosreport*.tar.xz'
206            - '/tmp/crash.tar.gz'
207        PROTOCOL:
208            - 'SSH'
209    DUMP_LOGS:
210        COMMANDS:
211            - 'ls -AX /tmp/htx/htxerr'
212            - 'ls -AX /tmp/htx/htxmsg'
213        PROTOCOL:
214            - 'SCP'
216# Commands and Files to collect for RHE Linux only
218    GENERAL:
219        COMMANDS:
220            - 'rm -rf /tmp/RHEL_general.txt'
221            - 'echo "++++++++++ RHEL Rleasae ++++++++++" > /tmp/RHEL_general.txt'
222            - 'cat /etc/os-release >> /tmp/RHEL_general.txt'
223            - 'echo -e "\n++++++++++ Time stamp ++++++++++" >> /tmp/RHEL_general.txt'
224            - 'date >> /tmp/RHEL_general.txt'
225            - 'echo -e "\n++++++++++ uname -a ++++++++++" >> /tmp/RHEL_general.txt'
226            - 'uname -a >> /tmp/RHEL_general.txt'
227            - 'echo -e "\n++++++++++ uptime ++++++++++" >> /tmp/RHEL_general.txt'
228            - 'uptime >> /tmp/RHEL_general.txt'
229        FILES:
230            - '/tmp/RHEL_general.txt'
231        PROTOCOL:
232            - 'SSH'
233    RHEL_LOGS:
234        COMMANDS:
235            - '{ cat /etc/os-release; uname -a; rpm -qa ; } >/tmp/OS_info.txt'
236            - 'tail -n 200000 /var/log/messages >/tmp/OS_syslog.txt'
237            - 'rm -rf /tmp/sosreport*FFDC*'
238            - {'sosreport --batch --tmp-dir /tmp --label FFDC >/tmp/OS_sosreport.txt': 1200}
239            - 'tar -zcvf /tmp/crash.tar.gz /var/crash'
240        FILES:
241            - '/tmp/OS_info.txt'
242            - '/tmp/OS_syslog.txt'
243            - '/tmp/OS_sosreport.txt'
244            - '/tmp/sosreport*.tar.xz'
245            - '/tmp/crash.tar.gz'
246        PROTOCOL:
247            - 'SSH'
248    DUMP_LOGS:
249        COMMANDS:
250            - 'ls -AX /tmp/htx/htxerr'
251            - 'ls -AX /tmp/htx/htxmsg'
252        PROTOCOL:
253            - 'SCP'
255# Commands and Files to collect for SLES Linux only
257    GENERAL:
258        COMMANDS:
259            - 'rm -rf /tmp/SLES_general.txt'
260            - 'echo "++++++++++ SLES Rleasae ++++++++++" > /tmp/SLES_general.txt'
261            - 'cat /etc/os-release >> /tmp/SLES_general.txt'
262            - 'echo "\n++++++++++ Time stamp ++++++++++" >> /tmp/SLES_general.txt'
263            - 'date >> /tmp/SLES_general.txt'
264            - 'echo "\n++++++++++ uname -a ++++++++++" >> /tmp/SLES_general.txt'
265            - 'uname -a >> /tmp/SLES_general.txt'
266            - 'echo "\n++++++++++ uptime ++++++++++" >> /tmp/SLES_general.txt'
267            - 'uptime >> /tmp/SLES_general.txt'
268        FILES:
269            - '/tmp/SLES_general.txt'
270        PROTOCOL:
271            - 'SSH'
272    SLES_LOGS:
273        COMMANDS:
274            - '{ cat /etc/os-release; uname -a; rpm -qa ; } >/tmp/OS_info.txt'
275            - 'tail -n 200000 /var/log/messages >/tmp/OS_syslog.txt'
276            - 'rm -rf /tmp/scc*.txz.md5'
277            - {'supportconfig >/tmp/OS_supportconfig.txt': 1200}
278            - 'cp /var/log/scc*.txz.md5 /tmp/'
279            - 'tar -zcvf /tmp/crash.tar.gz /var/crash'
280        FILES:
281            - '/tmp/OS_info.txt'
282            - '/tmp/OS_syslog.txt'
283            - '/tmp/OS_supportconfig.txt'
284            - '/tmp/scc*.txz.md5'
285            - '/tmp/crash.tar.gz'
286        PROTOCOL:
287            - 'SSH'
288    DUMP_LOGS:
289        COMMANDS:
290            - 'ls -AX /tmp/htx/htxerr'
291            - 'ls -AX /tmp/htx/htxmsg'
292        PROTOCOL:
293            - 'SCP'
295# Commands and Files to collect for AIX only
297    GENERAL:
298        COMMANDS:
299            - 'rm -rf /tmp/AIX_general.txt'
300            - 'echo "++++++++++ AIX Release ++++++++++" > /tmp/AIX_general.txt'
301            - 'cat /proc/version | tail -1 >> /tmp/AIX_general.txt'
302            - 'echo "\n++++++++++ Time stamp ++++++++++" >> /tmp/AIX_general.txt'
303            - 'date >> /tmp/AIX_general.txt'
304            - 'echo  "\n++++++++++ uname -a ++++++++++" >> /tmp/AIX_general.txt'
305            - 'uname -a >> /tmp/AIX_general.txt'
306            - 'echo "\n++++++++++ uptime ++++++++++" >> /tmp/AIX_general.txt'
307            - 'uptime >> /tmp/AIX_general.txt'
308            - 'echo "\n++++++++++ System Info ++++++++++" >> /tmp/AIX_general.txt'
309            - 'prtconf | head -15 >> /tmp/AIX_general.txt'
310        FILES:
311            - '/tmp/AIX_general.txt'
312        PROTOCOL:
313            - 'SSH'
314    AIX_LOGS:
315        COMMANDS:
316            - 'errpt -a >/tmp/OS_errpt.txt ; errclear 0;'
317            - 'bindprocessor -q >/tmp/OS_processors.txt'
318        FILES:
319            - '/tmp/OS_errpt.txt'
320            - '/tmp/OS_processors.txt'
321        PROTOCOL:
322            - 'SSH'
323    DUMP_LOGS:
324        COMMANDS:
325            - 'ls -AX /tmp/htx/htxerr'
326            - 'ls -AX /tmp/htx/htxmsg'
327        PROTOCOL:
328            - 'SCP'