xref: /openbmc/openbmc-test-automation/ffdc/ffdc_collector.py (revision 4d4302835588e40baff7a7ccaf1f705c9b224911)
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
4See class prolog below for details.
7import json
8import logging
9import os
10import platform
11import re
12import subprocess
13import sys
14import time
15from errno import EACCES, EPERM
17import yaml
19script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
21# Walk path and append to sys.path
22for root, dirs, files in os.walk(script_dir):
23    for dir in dirs:
24        sys.path.append(os.path.join(root, dir))
26from ssh_utility import SSHRemoteclient  # NOQA
27from telnet_utility import TelnetRemoteclient  # NOQA
30User define plugins python functions.
32It will imports files from directory plugins
35├── file1.py
36└── file2.py
38Example how to define in YAML:
39 - plugin:
40   - plugin_name: plugin.foo_func.foo_func_yaml
41     - plugin_args:
42       - arg1
43       - arg2
45plugin_dir = __file__.split(__file__.split("/")[-1])[0] + "/plugins"
48    for module in os.listdir(plugin_dir):
49        if module == "__init__.py" or module[-3:] != ".py":
50            continue
51        plugin_module = "plugins." + module[:-3]
52        # To access the module plugin.<module name>.<function>
53        # Example: plugin.foo_func.foo_func_yaml()
54        try:
55            plugin = __import__(plugin_module, globals(), locals(), [], 0)
56        except Exception as e:
57            print("PLUGIN: Module import failed: %s" % module)
58            pass
59except FileNotFoundError as e:
60    print("PLUGIN: %s" % e)
61    pass
64This is for plugin functions returning data or responses to the caller
65in YAML plugin setup.
69    - plugin:
70      - plugin_name: version = plugin.ssh_execution.ssh_execute_cmd
71      - plugin_args:
72        - ${hostname}
73        - ${username}
74        - ${password}
75        - "cat /etc/os-release | grep VERSION_ID | awk -F'=' '{print $2}'"
76     - plugin:
77        - plugin_name: plugin.print_vars.print_vars
78        - plugin_args:
79          - version
81where first plugin "version" var is used by another plugin in the YAML
82block or plugin
85global global_log_store_path
86global global_plugin_dict
87global global_plugin_list
89# Hold the plugin return values in dict and plugin return vars in list.
90# Dict is to reference and update vars processing in parser where as
91# list is for current vars from the plugin block which needs processing.
92global_plugin_dict = {}
93global_plugin_list = []
95# Hold the plugin return named declared if function returned values are list,dict.
96# Refer this name list to look up the plugin dict for eval() args function
97# Example ['version']
98global_plugin_type_list = []
100# Path where logs are to be stored or written.
101global_log_store_path = ""
103# Plugin error state defaults.
104plugin_error_dict = {
105    "exit_on_error": False,
106    "continue_on_error": False,
110class ffdc_collector:
111    r"""
112    Execute commands from configuration file to collect log files.
113    Fetch and store generated files at the specified location.
115    """
117    def __init__(
118        self,
119        hostname,
120        username,
121        password,
122        ffdc_config,
123        location,
124        remote_type,
125        remote_protocol,
126        env_vars,
127        econfig,
128        log_level,
129    ):
130        r"""
131        Description of argument(s):
133        hostname            name/ip of the targeted (remote) system
134        username            user on the targeted system with access to FFDC files
135        password            password for user on targeted system
136        ffdc_config         configuration file listing commands and files for FFDC
137        location            where to store collected FFDC
138        remote_type         os type of the remote host
139        remote_protocol     Protocol to use to collect data
140        env_vars            User define CLI env vars '{"key : "value"}'
141        econfig             User define env vars YAML file
143        """
145        self.hostname = hostname
146        self.username = username
147        self.password = password
148        self.ffdc_config = ffdc_config
149        self.location = location + "/" + remote_type.upper()
150        self.ssh_remoteclient = None
151        self.telnet_remoteclient = None
152        self.ffdc_dir_path = ""
153        self.ffdc_prefix = ""
154        self.target_type = remote_type.upper()
155        self.remote_protocol = remote_protocol.upper()
156        self.env_vars = env_vars
157        self.econfig = econfig
158        self.start_time = 0
159        self.elapsed_time = ""
160        self.logger = None
162        # Set prefix values for scp files and directory.
163        # Since the time stamp is at second granularity, these values are set here
164        # to be sure that all files for this run will have same timestamps
165        # and they will be saved in the same directory.
166        # self.location == local system for now
167        self.set_ffdc_default_store_path()
169        # Logger for this run.  Need to be after set_ffdc_default_store_path()
170        self.script_logging(getattr(logging, log_level.upper()))
172        # Verify top level directory exists for storage
173        self.validate_local_store(self.location)
175        if self.verify_script_env():
176            # Load default or user define YAML configuration file.
177            with open(self.ffdc_config, "r") as file:
178                try:
179                    self.ffdc_actions = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
180                except yaml.YAMLError as e:
181                    self.logger.error(e)
182                    sys.exit(-1)
184            if self.target_type not in self.ffdc_actions.keys():
185                self.logger.error(
186                    "\n\tERROR: %s is not listed in %s.\n\n"
187                    % (self.target_type, self.ffdc_config)
188                )
189                sys.exit(-1)
190        else:
191            sys.exit(-1)
193        # Load ENV vars from user.
194        self.logger.info("\n\tENV: User define input YAML variables")
195        self.env_dict = {}
196        self.load_env()
198    def verify_script_env(self):
199        # Import to log version
200        import click
201        import paramiko
203        run_env_ok = True
205        redfishtool_version = (
206            self.run_tool_cmd("redfishtool -V").split(" ")[2].strip("\n")
207        )
208        ipmitool_version = self.run_tool_cmd("ipmitool -V").split(" ")[2]
210        self.logger.info("\n\t---- Script host environment ----")
211        self.logger.info(
212            "\t{:<10}  {:<10}".format("Script hostname", os.uname()[1])
213        )
214        self.logger.info(
215            "\t{:<10}  {:<10}".format("Script host os", platform.platform())
216        )
217        self.logger.info(
218            "\t{:<10}  {:>10}".format("Python", platform.python_version())
219        )
220        self.logger.info("\t{:<10}  {:>10}".format("PyYAML", yaml.__version__))
221        self.logger.info("\t{:<10}  {:>10}".format("click", click.__version__))
222        self.logger.info(
223            "\t{:<10}  {:>10}".format("paramiko", paramiko.__version__)
224        )
225        self.logger.info(
226            "\t{:<10}  {:>9}".format("redfishtool", redfishtool_version)
227        )
228        self.logger.info(
229            "\t{:<10}  {:>12}".format("ipmitool", ipmitool_version)
230        )
232        if eval(yaml.__version__.replace(".", ",")) < (5, 3, 0):
233            self.logger.error(
234                "\n\tERROR: Python or python packages do not meet minimum"
235                " version requirement."
236            )
237            self.logger.error(
238                "\tERROR: PyYAML version 5.3.0 or higher is needed.\n"
239            )
240            run_env_ok = False
242        self.logger.info("\t---- End script host environment ----")
243        return run_env_ok
245    def script_logging(self, log_level_attr):
246        r"""
247        Create logger
249        """
250        self.logger = logging.getLogger()
251        self.logger.setLevel(log_level_attr)
252        log_file_handler = logging.FileHandler(
253            self.ffdc_dir_path + "collector.log"
254        )
256        stdout_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
257        self.logger.addHandler(log_file_handler)
258        self.logger.addHandler(stdout_handler)
260        # Turn off paramiko INFO logging
261        logging.getLogger("paramiko").setLevel(logging.WARNING)
263    def target_is_pingable(self):
264        r"""
265        Check if target system is ping-able.
267        """
268        response = os.system("ping -c 1 %s  2>&1 >/dev/null" % self.hostname)
269        if response == 0:
270            self.logger.info(
271                "\n\t[Check] %s is ping-able.\t\t [OK]" % self.hostname
272            )
273            return True
274        else:
275            self.logger.error(
276                "\n\tERROR: %s is not ping-able. FFDC collection aborted.\n"
277                % self.hostname
278            )
279            sys.exit(-1)
281    def collect_ffdc(self):
282        r"""
283        Initiate FFDC Collection depending on requested protocol.
285        """
287        self.logger.info(
288            "\n\t---- Start communicating with %s ----" % self.hostname
289        )
290        self.start_time = time.time()
292        # Find the list of target and protocol supported.
293        check_protocol_list = []
294        config_dict = self.ffdc_actions
296        for target_type in config_dict.keys():
297            if self.target_type != target_type:
298                continue
300            for k, v in config_dict[target_type].items():
301                if (
302                    config_dict[target_type][k]["PROTOCOL"][0]
303                    not in check_protocol_list
304                ):
305                    check_protocol_list.append(
306                        config_dict[target_type][k]["PROTOCOL"][0]
307                    )
309        self.logger.info(
310            "\n\t %s protocol type: %s"
311            % (self.target_type, check_protocol_list)
312        )
314        verified_working_protocol = self.verify_protocol(check_protocol_list)
316        if verified_working_protocol:
317            self.logger.info(
318                "\n\t---- Completed protocol pre-requisite check ----\n"
319            )
321        # Verify top level directory exists for storage
322        self.validate_local_store(self.location)
324        if (self.remote_protocol not in verified_working_protocol) and (
325            self.remote_protocol != "ALL"
326        ):
327            self.logger.info(
328                "\n\tWorking protocol list: %s" % verified_working_protocol
329            )
330            self.logger.error(
331                "\tERROR: Requested protocol %s is not in working protocol"
332                " list.\n" % self.remote_protocol
333            )
334            sys.exit(-1)
335        else:
336            self.generate_ffdc(verified_working_protocol)
338    def ssh_to_target_system(self):
339        r"""
340        Open a ssh connection to targeted system.
342        """
344        self.ssh_remoteclient = SSHRemoteclient(
345            self.hostname, self.username, self.password
346        )
348        if self.ssh_remoteclient.ssh_remoteclient_login():
349            self.logger.info(
350                "\n\t[Check] %s SSH connection established.\t [OK]"
351                % self.hostname
352            )
354            # Check scp connection.
355            # If scp connection fails,
356            # continue with FFDC generation but skip scp files to local host.
357            self.ssh_remoteclient.scp_connection()
358            return True
359        else:
360            self.logger.info(
361                "\n\t[Check] %s SSH connection.\t [NOT AVAILABLE]"
362                % self.hostname
363            )
364            return False
366    def telnet_to_target_system(self):
367        r"""
368        Open a telnet connection to targeted system.
369        """
370        self.telnet_remoteclient = TelnetRemoteclient(
371            self.hostname, self.username, self.password
372        )
373        if self.telnet_remoteclient.tn_remoteclient_login():
374            self.logger.info(
375                "\n\t[Check] %s Telnet connection established.\t [OK]"
376                % self.hostname
377            )
378            return True
379        else:
380            self.logger.info(
381                "\n\t[Check] %s Telnet connection.\t [NOT AVAILABLE]"
382                % self.hostname
383            )
384            return False
386    def generate_ffdc(self, working_protocol_list):
387        r"""
388        Determine actions based on remote host type
390        Description of argument(s):
391        working_protocol_list    list of confirmed working protocols to connect to remote host.
392        """
394        self.logger.info(
395            "\n\t---- Executing commands on " + self.hostname + " ----"
396        )
397        self.logger.info(
398            "\n\tWorking protocol list: %s" % working_protocol_list
399        )
401        config_dict = self.ffdc_actions
402        for target_type in config_dict.keys():
403            if self.target_type != target_type:
404                continue
406            self.logger.info("\n\tFFDC Path: %s " % self.ffdc_dir_path)
407            global_plugin_dict["global_log_store_path"] = self.ffdc_dir_path
408            self.logger.info("\tSystem Type: %s" % target_type)
409            for k, v in config_dict[target_type].items():
410                if (
411                    self.remote_protocol not in working_protocol_list
412                    and self.remote_protocol != "ALL"
413                ):
414                    continue
416                protocol = config_dict[target_type][k]["PROTOCOL"][0]
418                if protocol not in working_protocol_list:
419                    continue
421                if protocol in working_protocol_list:
422                    if protocol == "SSH" or protocol == "SCP":
423                        self.protocol_ssh(protocol, target_type, k)
424                    elif protocol == "TELNET":
425                        self.protocol_telnet(target_type, k)
426                    elif (
427                        protocol == "REDFISH"
428                        or protocol == "IPMI"
429                        or protocol == "SHELL"
430                    ):
431                        self.protocol_execute(protocol, target_type, k)
432                else:
433                    self.logger.error(
434                        "\n\tERROR: %s is not available for %s."
435                        % (protocol, self.hostname)
436                    )
438        # Close network connection after collecting all files
439        self.elapsed_time = time.strftime(
440            "%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(time.time() - self.start_time)
441        )
442        if self.ssh_remoteclient:
443            self.ssh_remoteclient.ssh_remoteclient_disconnect()
444        if self.telnet_remoteclient:
445            self.telnet_remoteclient.tn_remoteclient_disconnect()
447    def protocol_ssh(self, protocol, target_type, sub_type):
448        r"""
449        Perform actions using SSH and SCP protocols.
451        Description of argument(s):
452        protocol            Protocol to execute.
453        target_type         OS Type of remote host.
454        sub_type            Group type of commands.
455        """
457        if protocol == "SCP":
458            self.group_copy(self.ffdc_actions[target_type][sub_type])
459        else:
460            self.collect_and_copy_ffdc(
461                self.ffdc_actions[target_type][sub_type]
462            )
464    def protocol_telnet(self, target_type, sub_type):
465        r"""
466        Perform actions using telnet protocol.
467        Description of argument(s):
468        target_type          OS Type of remote host.
469        """
470        self.logger.info(
471            "\n\t[Run] Executing commands on %s using %s"
472            % (self.hostname, "TELNET")
473        )
474        telnet_files_saved = []
475        progress_counter = 0
476        list_of_commands = self.ffdc_actions[target_type][sub_type]["COMMANDS"]
477        for index, each_cmd in enumerate(list_of_commands, start=0):
478            command_txt, command_timeout = self.unpack_command(each_cmd)
479            result = self.telnet_remoteclient.execute_command(
480                command_txt, command_timeout
481            )
482            if result:
483                try:
484                    targ_file = self.ffdc_actions[target_type][sub_type][
485                        "FILES"
486                    ][index]
487                except IndexError:
488                    targ_file = command_txt
489                    self.logger.warning(
490                        "\n\t[WARN] Missing filename to store data from"
491                        " telnet %s." % each_cmd
492                    )
493                    self.logger.warning(
494                        "\t[WARN] Data will be stored in %s." % targ_file
495                    )
496                targ_file_with_path = (
497                    self.ffdc_dir_path + self.ffdc_prefix + targ_file
498                )
499                # Creates a new file
500                with open(targ_file_with_path, "w") as fp:
501                    fp.write(result)
502                    fp.close
503                    telnet_files_saved.append(targ_file)
504            progress_counter += 1
505            self.print_progress(progress_counter)
506        self.logger.info("\n\t[Run] Commands execution completed.\t\t [OK]")
507        for file in telnet_files_saved:
508            self.logger.info("\n\t\tSuccessfully save file " + file + ".")
510    def protocol_execute(self, protocol, target_type, sub_type):
511        r"""
512        Perform actions for a given protocol.
514        Description of argument(s):
515        protocol            Protocol to execute.
516        target_type         OS Type of remote host.
517        sub_type            Group type of commands.
518        """
520        self.logger.info(
521            "\n\t[Run] Executing commands to %s using %s"
522            % (self.hostname, protocol)
523        )
524        executed_files_saved = []
525        progress_counter = 0
526        list_of_cmd = self.get_command_list(
527            self.ffdc_actions[target_type][sub_type]
528        )
529        for index, each_cmd in enumerate(list_of_cmd, start=0):
530            plugin_call = False
531            if isinstance(each_cmd, dict):
532                if "plugin" in each_cmd:
533                    # If the error is set and plugin explicitly
534                    # requested to skip execution on error..
535                    if plugin_error_dict[
536                        "exit_on_error"
537                    ] and self.plugin_error_check(each_cmd["plugin"]):
538                        self.logger.info(
539                            "\n\t[PLUGIN-ERROR] exit_on_error: %s"
540                            % plugin_error_dict["exit_on_error"]
541                        )
542                        self.logger.info(
543                            "\t[PLUGIN-SKIP] %s" % each_cmd["plugin"][0]
544                        )
545                        continue
546                    plugin_call = True
547                    # call the plugin
548                    self.logger.info("\n\t[PLUGIN-START]")
549                    result = self.execute_plugin_block(each_cmd["plugin"])
550                    self.logger.info("\t[PLUGIN-END]\n")
551            else:
552                each_cmd = self.yaml_env_and_plugin_vars_populate(each_cmd)
554            if not plugin_call:
555                result = self.run_tool_cmd(each_cmd)
556            if result:
557                try:
558                    file_name = self.get_file_list(
559                        self.ffdc_actions[target_type][sub_type]
560                    )[index]
561                    # If file is specified as None.
562                    if file_name == "None":
563                        continue
564                    targ_file = self.yaml_env_and_plugin_vars_populate(
565                        file_name
566                    )
567                except IndexError:
568                    targ_file = each_cmd.split("/")[-1]
569                    self.logger.warning(
570                        "\n\t[WARN] Missing filename to store data from %s."
571                        % each_cmd
572                    )
573                    self.logger.warning(
574                        "\t[WARN] Data will be stored in %s." % targ_file
575                    )
577                targ_file_with_path = (
578                    self.ffdc_dir_path + self.ffdc_prefix + targ_file
579                )
581                # Creates a new file
582                with open(targ_file_with_path, "w") as fp:
583                    if isinstance(result, dict):
584                        fp.write(json.dumps(result))
585                    else:
586                        fp.write(result)
587                    fp.close
588                    executed_files_saved.append(targ_file)
590            progress_counter += 1
591            self.print_progress(progress_counter)
593        self.logger.info("\n\t[Run] Commands execution completed.\t\t [OK]")
595        for file in executed_files_saved:
596            self.logger.info("\n\t\tSuccessfully save file " + file + ".")
598    def collect_and_copy_ffdc(
599        self, ffdc_actions_for_target_type, form_filename=False
600    ):
601        r"""
602        Send commands in ffdc_config file to targeted system.
604        Description of argument(s):
605        ffdc_actions_for_target_type     commands and files for the selected remote host type.
606        form_filename                    if true, pre-pend self.target_type to filename
607        """
609        # Executing commands, if any
610        self.ssh_execute_ffdc_commands(
611            ffdc_actions_for_target_type, form_filename
612        )
614        # Copying files
615        if self.ssh_remoteclient.scpclient:
616            self.logger.info(
617                "\n\n\tCopying FFDC files from remote system %s.\n"
618                % self.hostname
619            )
621            # Retrieving files from target system
622            list_of_files = self.get_file_list(ffdc_actions_for_target_type)
623            self.scp_ffdc(
624                self.ffdc_dir_path,
625                self.ffdc_prefix,
626                form_filename,
627                list_of_files,
628            )
629        else:
630            self.logger.info(
631                "\n\n\tSkip copying FFDC files from remote system %s.\n"
632                % self.hostname
633            )
635    def get_command_list(self, ffdc_actions_for_target_type):
636        r"""
637        Fetch list of commands from configuration file
639        Description of argument(s):
640        ffdc_actions_for_target_type    commands and files for the selected remote host type.
641        """
642        try:
643            list_of_commands = ffdc_actions_for_target_type["COMMANDS"]
644        except KeyError:
645            list_of_commands = []
646        return list_of_commands
648    def get_file_list(self, ffdc_actions_for_target_type):
649        r"""
650        Fetch list of commands from configuration file
652        Description of argument(s):
653        ffdc_actions_for_target_type    commands and files for the selected remote host type.
654        """
655        try:
656            list_of_files = ffdc_actions_for_target_type["FILES"]
657        except KeyError:
658            list_of_files = []
659        return list_of_files
661    def unpack_command(self, command):
662        r"""
663        Unpack command from config file
665        Description of argument(s):
666        command    Command from config file.
667        """
668        if isinstance(command, dict):
669            command_txt = next(iter(command))
670            command_timeout = next(iter(command.values()))
671        elif isinstance(command, str):
672            command_txt = command
673            # Default command timeout 60 seconds
674            command_timeout = 60
676        return command_txt, command_timeout
678    def ssh_execute_ffdc_commands(
679        self, ffdc_actions_for_target_type, form_filename=False
680    ):
681        r"""
682        Send commands in ffdc_config file to targeted system.
684        Description of argument(s):
685        ffdc_actions_for_target_type    commands and files for the selected remote host type.
686        form_filename                    if true, pre-pend self.target_type to filename
687        """
688        self.logger.info(
689            "\n\t[Run] Executing commands on %s using %s"
690            % (self.hostname, ffdc_actions_for_target_type["PROTOCOL"][0])
691        )
693        list_of_commands = self.get_command_list(ffdc_actions_for_target_type)
694        # If command list is empty, returns
695        if not list_of_commands:
696            return
698        progress_counter = 0
699        for command in list_of_commands:
700            command_txt, command_timeout = self.unpack_command(command)
702            if form_filename:
703                command_txt = str(command_txt % self.target_type)
705            (
706                cmd_exit_code,
707                err,
708                response,
709            ) = self.ssh_remoteclient.execute_command(
710                command_txt, command_timeout
711            )
713            if cmd_exit_code:
714                self.logger.warning(
715                    "\n\t\t[WARN] %s exits with code %s."
716                    % (command_txt, str(cmd_exit_code))
717                )
718                self.logger.warning("\t\t[WARN] %s " % err)
720            progress_counter += 1
721            self.print_progress(progress_counter)
723        self.logger.info("\n\t[Run] Commands execution completed.\t\t [OK]")
725    def group_copy(self, ffdc_actions_for_target_type):
726        r"""
727        scp group of files (wild card) from remote host.
729        Description of argument(s):
730        fdc_actions_for_target_type    commands and files for the selected remote host type.
731        """
733        if self.ssh_remoteclient.scpclient:
734            self.logger.info(
735                "\n\tCopying files from remote system %s via SCP.\n"
736                % self.hostname
737            )
739            list_of_commands = self.get_command_list(
740                ffdc_actions_for_target_type
741            )
742            # If command list is empty, returns
743            if not list_of_commands:
744                return
746            for command in list_of_commands:
747                try:
748                    command = self.yaml_env_and_plugin_vars_populate(command)
749                except IndexError:
750                    self.logger.error("\t\tInvalid command %s" % command)
751                    continue
753                (
754                    cmd_exit_code,
755                    err,
756                    response,
757                ) = self.ssh_remoteclient.execute_command(command)
759                # If file does not exist, code take no action.
760                # cmd_exit_code is ignored for this scenario.
761                if response:
762                    scp_result = self.ssh_remoteclient.scp_file_from_remote(
763                        response.split("\n"), self.ffdc_dir_path
764                    )
765                    if scp_result:
766                        self.logger.info(
767                            "\t\tSuccessfully copied from "
768                            + self.hostname
769                            + ":"
770                            + command
771                        )
772                else:
773                    self.logger.info("\t\t%s has no result" % command)
775        else:
776            self.logger.info(
777                "\n\n\tSkip copying files from remote system %s.\n"
778                % self.hostname
779            )
781    def scp_ffdc(
782        self,
783        targ_dir_path,
784        targ_file_prefix,
785        form_filename,
786        file_list=None,
787        quiet=None,
788    ):
789        r"""
790        SCP all files in file_dict to the indicated directory on the local system.
792        Description of argument(s):
793        targ_dir_path                   The path of the directory to receive the files.
794        targ_file_prefix                Prefix which will be prepended to each
795                                        target file's name.
796        file_dict                       A dictionary of files to scp from targeted system to this system
798        """
800        progress_counter = 0
801        for filename in file_list:
802            if form_filename:
803                filename = str(filename % self.target_type)
804            source_file_path = filename
805            targ_file_path = (
806                targ_dir_path + targ_file_prefix + filename.split("/")[-1]
807            )
809            # If source file name contains wild card, copy filename as is.
810            if "*" in source_file_path:
811                scp_result = self.ssh_remoteclient.scp_file_from_remote(
812                    source_file_path, self.ffdc_dir_path
813                )
814            else:
815                scp_result = self.ssh_remoteclient.scp_file_from_remote(
816                    source_file_path, targ_file_path
817                )
819            if not quiet:
820                if scp_result:
821                    self.logger.info(
822                        "\t\tSuccessfully copied from "
823                        + self.hostname
824                        + ":"
825                        + source_file_path
826                        + ".\n"
827                    )
828                else:
829                    self.logger.info(
830                        "\t\tFail to copy from "
831                        + self.hostname
832                        + ":"
833                        + source_file_path
834                        + ".\n"
835                    )
836            else:
837                progress_counter += 1
838                self.print_progress(progress_counter)
840    def set_ffdc_default_store_path(self):
841        r"""
842        Set a default value for self.ffdc_dir_path and self.ffdc_prefix.
843        Collected ffdc file will be stored in dir /self.location/hostname_timestr/.
844        Individual ffdc file will have timestr_filename.
846        Description of class variables:
847        self.ffdc_dir_path  The dir path where collected ffdc data files should be put.
849        self.ffdc_prefix    The prefix to be given to each ffdc file name.
851        """
853        timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
854        self.ffdc_dir_path = (
855            self.location + "/" + self.hostname + "_" + timestr + "/"
856        )
857        self.ffdc_prefix = timestr + "_"
858        self.validate_local_store(self.ffdc_dir_path)
860    # Need to verify local store path exists prior to instantiate this class.
861    # This class method is used to share the same code between CLI input parm
862    # and Robot Framework "${EXECDIR}/logs" before referencing this class.
863    @classmethod
864    def validate_local_store(cls, dir_path):
865        r"""
866        Ensure path exists to store FFDC files locally.
868        Description of variable:
869        dir_path  The dir path where collected ffdc data files will be stored.
871        """
873        if not os.path.exists(dir_path):
874            try:
875                os.makedirs(dir_path, 0o755)
876            except (IOError, OSError) as e:
877                # PermissionError
878                if e.errno == EPERM or e.errno == EACCES:
879                    self.logger.error(
880                        "\tERROR: os.makedirs %s failed with"
881                        " PermissionError.\n" % dir_path
882                    )
883                else:
884                    self.logger.error(
885                        "\tERROR: os.makedirs %s failed with %s.\n"
886                        % (dir_path, e.strerror)
887                    )
888                sys.exit(-1)
890    def print_progress(self, progress):
891        r"""
892        Print activity progress +
894        Description of variable:
895        progress  Progress counter.
897        """
899        sys.stdout.write("\r\t" + "+" * progress)
900        sys.stdout.flush()
901        time.sleep(0.1)
903    def verify_redfish(self):
904        r"""
905        Verify remote host has redfish service active
907        """
908        redfish_parm = (
909            "redfishtool -r "
910            + self.hostname
911            + " -S Always raw GET /redfish/v1/"
912        )
913        return self.run_tool_cmd(redfish_parm, True)
915    def verify_ipmi(self):
916        r"""
917        Verify remote host has IPMI LAN service active
919        """
920        if self.target_type == "OPENBMC":
921            ipmi_parm = (
922                "ipmitool -I lanplus -C 17  -U "
923                + self.username
924                + " -P "
925                + self.password
926                + " -H "
927                + self.hostname
928                + " power status"
929            )
930        else:
931            ipmi_parm = (
932                "ipmitool -I lanplus  -P "
933                + self.password
934                + " -H "
935                + self.hostname
936                + " power status"
937            )
939        return self.run_tool_cmd(ipmi_parm, True)
941    def run_tool_cmd(self, parms_string, quiet=False):
942        r"""
943        Run CLI standard tool or scripts.
945        Description of variable:
946        parms_string         tool command options.
947        quiet                do not print tool error message if True
948        """
950        result = subprocess.run(
951            [parms_string],
952            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
953            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
954            shell=True,
955            universal_newlines=True,
956        )
958        if result.stderr and not quiet:
959            self.logger.error("\n\t\tERROR with %s " % parms_string)
960            self.logger.error("\t\t" + result.stderr)
962        return result.stdout
964    def verify_protocol(self, protocol_list):
965        r"""
966        Perform protocol working check.
968        Description of argument(s):
969        protocol_list        List of protocol.
970        """
972        tmp_list = []
973        if self.target_is_pingable():
974            tmp_list.append("SHELL")
976        for protocol in protocol_list:
977            if self.remote_protocol != "ALL":
978                if self.remote_protocol != protocol:
979                    continue
981            # Only check SSH/SCP once for both protocols
982            if (
983                protocol == "SSH"
984                or protocol == "SCP"
985                and protocol not in tmp_list
986            ):
987                if self.ssh_to_target_system():
988                    # Add only what user asked.
989                    if self.remote_protocol != "ALL":
990                        tmp_list.append(self.remote_protocol)
991                    else:
992                        tmp_list.append("SSH")
993                        tmp_list.append("SCP")
995            if protocol == "TELNET":
996                if self.telnet_to_target_system():
997                    tmp_list.append(protocol)
999            if protocol == "REDFISH":
1000                if self.verify_redfish():
1001                    tmp_list.append(protocol)
1002                    self.logger.info(
1003                        "\n\t[Check] %s Redfish Service.\t\t [OK]"
1004                        % self.hostname
1005                    )
1006                else:
1007                    self.logger.info(
1008                        "\n\t[Check] %s Redfish Service.\t\t [NOT AVAILABLE]"
1009                        % self.hostname
1010                    )
1012            if protocol == "IPMI":
1013                if self.verify_ipmi():
1014                    tmp_list.append(protocol)
1015                    self.logger.info(
1016                        "\n\t[Check] %s IPMI LAN Service.\t\t [OK]"
1017                        % self.hostname
1018                    )
1019                else:
1020                    self.logger.info(
1021                        "\n\t[Check] %s IPMI LAN Service.\t\t [NOT AVAILABLE]"
1022                        % self.hostname
1023                    )
1025        return tmp_list
1027    def load_env(self):
1028        r"""
1029        Perform protocol working check.
1031        """
1032        # This is for the env vars a user can use in YAML to load it at runtime.
1033        # Example YAML:
1034        # -COMMANDS:
1035        #    - my_command ${hostname}  ${username}   ${password}
1036        os.environ["hostname"] = self.hostname
1037        os.environ["username"] = self.username
1038        os.environ["password"] = self.password
1040        # Append default Env.
1041        self.env_dict["hostname"] = self.hostname
1042        self.env_dict["username"] = self.username
1043        self.env_dict["password"] = self.password
1045        try:
1046            tmp_env_dict = {}
1047            if self.env_vars:
1048                tmp_env_dict = json.loads(self.env_vars)
1049                # Export ENV vars default.
1050                for key, value in tmp_env_dict.items():
1051                    os.environ[key] = value
1052                    self.env_dict[key] = str(value)
1054            if self.econfig:
1055                with open(self.econfig, "r") as file:
1056                    try:
1057                        tmp_env_dict = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
1058                    except yaml.YAMLError as e:
1059                        self.logger.error(e)
1060                        sys.exit(-1)
1061                # Export ENV vars.
1062                for key, value in tmp_env_dict["env_params"].items():
1063                    os.environ[key] = str(value)
1064                    self.env_dict[key] = str(value)
1065        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
1066            self.logger.error("\n\tERROR: %s " % e)
1067            sys.exit(-1)
1069        # This to mask the password from displaying on the console.
1070        mask_dict = self.env_dict.copy()
1071        for k, v in mask_dict.items():
1072            if k.lower().find("password") != -1:
1073                hidden_text = []
1074                hidden_text.append(v)
1075                password_regex = (
1076                    "(" + "|".join([re.escape(x) for x in hidden_text]) + ")"
1077                )
1078                mask_dict[k] = re.sub(password_regex, "********", v)
1080        self.logger.info(json.dumps(mask_dict, indent=8, sort_keys=False))
1082    def execute_python_eval(self, eval_string):
1083        r"""
1084        Execute qualified python function string using eval.
1086        Description of argument(s):
1087        eval_string        Execute the python object.
1089        Example:
1090                eval(plugin.foo_func.foo_func(10))
1091        """
1092        try:
1093            self.logger.info("\tExecuting plugin func()")
1094            self.logger.debug("\tCall func: %s" % eval_string)
1095            result = eval(eval_string)
1096            self.logger.info("\treturn: %s" % str(result))
1097        except (
1098            ValueError,
1099            SyntaxError,
1100            NameError,
1101            AttributeError,
1102            TypeError,
1103        ) as e:
1104            self.logger.error("\tERROR: execute_python_eval: %s" % e)
1105            # Set the plugin error state.
1106            plugin_error_dict["exit_on_error"] = True
1107            self.logger.info("\treturn: PLUGIN_EVAL_ERROR")
1108            return "PLUGIN_EVAL_ERROR"
1110        return result
1112    def execute_plugin_block(self, plugin_cmd_list):
1113        r"""
1114        Pack the plugin command to qualifed python string object.
1116        Description of argument(s):
1117        plugin_list_dict      Plugin block read from YAML
1118                              [{'plugin_name': 'plugin.foo_func.my_func'},
1119                               {'plugin_args': [10]}]
1121        Example:
1122            - plugin:
1123              - plugin_name: plugin.foo_func.my_func
1124              - plugin_args:
1125                - arg1
1126                - arg2
1128            - plugin:
1129              - plugin_name: result = plugin.foo_func.my_func
1130              - plugin_args:
1131                - arg1
1132                - arg2
1134            - plugin:
1135              - plugin_name: result1,result2 = plugin.foo_func.my_func
1136              - plugin_args:
1137                - arg1
1138                - arg2
1139        """
1140        try:
1141            idx = self.key_index_list_dict("plugin_name", plugin_cmd_list)
1142            plugin_name = plugin_cmd_list[idx]["plugin_name"]
1143            # Equal separator means plugin function returns result.
1144            if " = " in plugin_name:
1145                # Ex. ['result', 'plugin.foo_func.my_func']
1146                plugin_name_args = plugin_name.split(" = ")
1147                # plugin func return data.
1148                for arg in plugin_name_args:
1149                    if arg == plugin_name_args[-1]:
1150                        plugin_name = arg
1151                    else:
1152                        plugin_resp = arg.split(",")
1153                        # ['result1','result2']
1154                        for x in plugin_resp:
1155                            global_plugin_list.append(x)
1156                            global_plugin_dict[x] = ""
1158            # Walk the plugin args ['arg1,'arg2']
1159            # If the YAML plugin statement 'plugin_args' is not declared.
1160            if any("plugin_args" in d for d in plugin_cmd_list):
1161                idx = self.key_index_list_dict("plugin_args", plugin_cmd_list)
1162                plugin_args = plugin_cmd_list[idx]["plugin_args"]
1163                if plugin_args:
1164                    plugin_args = self.yaml_args_populate(plugin_args)
1165                else:
1166                    plugin_args = []
1167            else:
1168                plugin_args = self.yaml_args_populate([])
1170            # Pack the args arg1, arg2, .... argn into
1171            # "arg1","arg2","argn"  string as params for function.
1172            parm_args_str = self.yaml_args_string(plugin_args)
1173            if parm_args_str:
1174                plugin_func = plugin_name + "(" + parm_args_str + ")"
1175            else:
1176                plugin_func = plugin_name + "()"
1178            # Execute plugin function.
1179            if global_plugin_dict:
1180                resp = self.execute_python_eval(plugin_func)
1181                # Update plugin vars dict if there is any.
1182                if resp != "PLUGIN_EVAL_ERROR":
1183                    self.response_args_data(resp)
1184            else:
1185                resp = self.execute_python_eval(plugin_func)
1186        except Exception as e:
1187            # Set the plugin error state.
1188            plugin_error_dict["exit_on_error"] = True
1189            self.logger.error("\tERROR: execute_plugin_block: %s" % e)
1190            pass
1192        # There is a real error executing the plugin function.
1193        if resp == "PLUGIN_EVAL_ERROR":
1194            return resp
1196        # Check if plugin_expects_return (int, string, list,dict etc)
1197        if any("plugin_expects_return" in d for d in plugin_cmd_list):
1198            idx = self.key_index_list_dict(
1199                "plugin_expects_return", plugin_cmd_list
1200            )
1201            plugin_expects = plugin_cmd_list[idx]["plugin_expects_return"]
1202            if plugin_expects:
1203                if resp:
1204                    if (
1205                        self.plugin_expect_type(plugin_expects, resp)
1206                        == "INVALID"
1207                    ):
1208                        self.logger.error("\tWARN: Plugin error check skipped")
1209                    elif not self.plugin_expect_type(plugin_expects, resp):
1210                        self.logger.error(
1211                            "\tERROR: Plugin expects return data: %s"
1212                            % plugin_expects
1213                        )
1214                        plugin_error_dict["exit_on_error"] = True
1215                elif not resp:
1216                    self.logger.error(
1217                        "\tERROR: Plugin func failed to return data"
1218                    )
1219                    plugin_error_dict["exit_on_error"] = True
1221        return resp
1223    def response_args_data(self, plugin_resp):
1224        r"""
1225        Parse the plugin function response and update plugin return variable.
1227        plugin_resp       Response data from plugin function.
1228        """
1229        resp_list = []
1230        resp_data = ""
1232        # There is nothing to update the plugin response.
1233        if len(global_plugin_list) == 0 or plugin_resp == "None":
1234            return
1236        if isinstance(plugin_resp, str):
1237            resp_data = plugin_resp.strip("\r\n\t")
1238            resp_list.append(resp_data)
1239        elif isinstance(plugin_resp, bytes):
1240            resp_data = str(plugin_resp, "UTF-8").strip("\r\n\t")
1241            resp_list.append(resp_data)
1242        elif isinstance(plugin_resp, tuple):
1243            if len(global_plugin_list) == 1:
1244                resp_list.append(plugin_resp)
1245            else:
1246                resp_list = list(plugin_resp)
1247                resp_list = [x.strip("\r\n\t") for x in resp_list]
1248        elif isinstance(plugin_resp, list):
1249            if len(global_plugin_list) == 1:
1250                resp_list.append([x.strip("\r\n\t") for x in plugin_resp])
1251            else:
1252                resp_list = [x.strip("\r\n\t") for x in plugin_resp]
1253        elif isinstance(plugin_resp, int) or isinstance(plugin_resp, float):
1254            resp_list.append(plugin_resp)
1256        # Iterate if there is a list of plugin return vars to update.
1257        for idx, item in enumerate(resp_list, start=0):
1258            # Exit loop, done required loop.
1259            if idx >= len(global_plugin_list):
1260                break
1261            # Find the index of the return func in the list and
1262            # update the global func return dictionary.
1263            try:
1264                dict_idx = global_plugin_list[idx]
1265                global_plugin_dict[dict_idx] = item
1266            except (IndexError, ValueError) as e:
1267                self.logger.warn("\tWARN: response_args_data: %s" % e)
1268                pass
1270        # Done updating plugin dict irrespective of pass or failed,
1271        # clear all the list element for next plugin block execute.
1272        global_plugin_list.clear()
1274    def yaml_args_string(self, plugin_args):
1275        r"""
1276        Pack the args into string.
1278        plugin_args            arg list ['arg1','arg2,'argn']
1279        """
1280        args_str = ""
1281        for args in plugin_args:
1282            if args:
1283                if isinstance(args, (int, float)):
1284                    args_str += str(args)
1285                elif args in global_plugin_type_list:
1286                    args_str += str(global_plugin_dict[args])
1287                else:
1288                    args_str += '"' + str(args.strip("\r\n\t")) + '"'
1289            # Skip last list element.
1290            if args != plugin_args[-1]:
1291                args_str += ","
1292        return args_str
1294    def yaml_args_populate(self, yaml_arg_list):
1295        r"""
1296        Decode env and plugin vars and populate.
1298        Description of argument(s):
1299        yaml_arg_list         arg list read from YAML
1301        Example:
1302          - plugin_args:
1303            - arg1
1304            - arg2
1306                  yaml_arg_list:  [arg2, arg2]
1307        """
1308        # Get the env loaded keys as list ['hostname', 'username', 'password'].
1309        env_vars_list = list(self.env_dict)
1311        if isinstance(yaml_arg_list, list):
1312            tmp_list = []
1313            for arg in yaml_arg_list:
1314                if isinstance(arg, (int, float)):
1315                    tmp_list.append(arg)
1316                    continue
1317                elif isinstance(arg, str):
1318                    arg_str = self.yaml_env_and_plugin_vars_populate(str(arg))
1319                    tmp_list.append(arg_str)
1320                else:
1321                    tmp_list.append(arg)
1323            # return populated list.
1324            return tmp_list
1326    def yaml_env_and_plugin_vars_populate(self, yaml_arg_str):
1327        r"""
1328        Update ${MY_VAR} and plugin vars.
1330        Description of argument(s):
1331        yaml_arg_str         arg string read from YAML.
1333        Example:
1334            - cat ${MY_VAR}
1335            - ls -AX my_plugin_var
1336        """
1337        # Parse the string for env vars ${env_vars}.
1338        try:
1339            # Example, list of matching env vars ['username', 'password', 'hostname']
1340            # Extra escape \ for special symbols. '\$\{([^\}]+)\}' works good.
1341            var_name_regex = "\\$\\{([^\\}]+)\\}"
1342            env_var_names_list = re.findall(var_name_regex, yaml_arg_str)
1343            for var in env_var_names_list:
1344                env_var = os.environ[var]
1345                env_replace = "${" + var + "}"
1346                yaml_arg_str = yaml_arg_str.replace(env_replace, env_var)
1347        except Exception as e:
1348            self.logger.error("\tERROR:yaml_env_vars_populate: %s" % e)
1349            pass
1351        # Parse the string for plugin vars.
1352        try:
1353            # Example, list of plugin vars ['my_username', 'my_data']
1354            plugin_var_name_list = global_plugin_dict.keys()
1355            for var in plugin_var_name_list:
1356                # skip env var list already populated above code block list.
1357                if var in env_var_names_list:
1358                    continue
1359                # If this plugin var exist but empty in dict, don't replace.
1360                # This is either a YAML plugin statement incorrectly used or
1361                # user added a plugin var which is not going to be populated.
1362                if yaml_arg_str in global_plugin_dict:
1363                    if isinstance(global_plugin_dict[var], (list, dict)):
1364                        # List data type or dict can't be replaced, use directly
1365                        # in eval function call.
1366                        global_plugin_type_list.append(var)
1367                    else:
1368                        yaml_arg_str = yaml_arg_str.replace(
1369                            str(var), str(global_plugin_dict[var])
1370                        )
1371                # Just a string like filename or command.
1372                else:
1373                    yaml_arg_str = yaml_arg_str.replace(
1374                        str(var), str(global_plugin_dict[var])
1375                    )
1376        except (IndexError, ValueError) as e:
1377            self.logger.error("\tERROR: yaml_plugin_vars_populate: %s" % e)
1378            pass
1380        return yaml_arg_str
1382    def plugin_error_check(self, plugin_dict):
1383        r"""
1384        Plugin error dict processing.
1386        Description of argument(s):
1387        plugin_dict        Dictionary of plugin error.
1388        """
1389        if any("plugin_error" in d for d in plugin_dict):
1390            for d in plugin_dict:
1391                if "plugin_error" in d:
1392                    value = d["plugin_error"]
1393                    # Reference if the error is set or not by plugin.
1394                    return plugin_error_dict[value]
1396    def key_index_list_dict(self, key, list_dict):
1397        r"""
1398        Iterate list of dictionary and return index if the key match is found.
1400        Description of argument(s):
1401        key           Valid Key in a dict.
1402        list_dict     list of dictionary.
1403        """
1404        for i, d in enumerate(list_dict):
1405            if key in d.keys():
1406                return i
1408    def plugin_expect_type(self, type, data):
1409        r"""
1410        Plugin expect directive type check.
1411        """
1412        if type == "int":
1413            return isinstance(data, int)
1414        elif type == "float":
1415            return isinstance(data, float)
1416        elif type == "str":
1417            return isinstance(data, str)
1418        elif type == "list":
1419            return isinstance(data, list)
1420        elif type == "dict":
1421            return isinstance(data, dict)
1422        elif type == "tuple":
1423            return isinstance(data, tuple)
1424        else:
1425            self.logger.info("\tInvalid data type requested: %s" % type)
1426            return "INVALID"