1 # Redfish Coding Guidelines 2 3 - For robot programs wishing to run Redfish commands, include the following in 4 your robot file: 5 6 ``` 7 *** Settings *** 8 9 Resource bmc_redfish_resource.robot 10 ``` 11 12 - This git repository has some redfish wrapper modules: 13 14 - [redfish_plus.py](../lib/redfish_plus.py) 15 - [bmc_redfish.py](../lib/bmc_redfish.py) 16 - [bmc_redfish_utils.py](../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.py) 17 - Redfish wrapper module features: 18 19 For all Redfish REST requests (get, head, post, put, patch, delete): 20 21 - Support for python-like strings for all arguments which allows callers to 22 easily specify complex arguments such as lists or dictionaries. 23 24 So instead of coding this: 25 26 ``` 27 ${ldap_type_dict}= Create Dictionary ServiceEnabled=${False} 28 ${body}= Create Dictionary ${LDAP_TYPE}=${ldap_type_dict} 29 Redfish.Patch ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}AccountService body=${body} 30 ``` 31 32 You can do it in one fell swoop like this: 33 34 ``` 35 Redfish.Patch ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}AccountService body={'${LDAP_TYPE}': {'ServiceEnabled': ${False}}} 36 ``` 37 38 - Support for **valid_status_codes** argument and auto-failure: 39 40 As mentioned above, this argument may be either an actual robot/python 41 list or it may be a string value which python can translate into a list. 42 43 The default value is [${HTTP_OK}]. 44 45 This means that the Redfish REST request will fail **automatically** if 46 the resulting status code is not found in the valid_status_codes list. 47 48 So instead of having to do this: 49 50 ``` 51 ${resp}= Redfish.Get ${EVENT_LOG_URI}Entries 52 Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} 53 ``` 54 55 You can simply do this: 56 57 ``` 58 ${resp}= Redfish.Get ${EVENT_LOG_URI}Entries 59 ``` 60 61 If, for some reason, you **expect** your command to fail, you can specify 62 the expected status code or codes: 63 64 ``` 65 Redfish.Patch ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}UpdateService body={'ApplyTime' : 'Invalid'} valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST}] 66 ``` 67 68 - Login defaults for path, username and password are 69 https://${OPENBMC_HOST}, 70 ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}, ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}. 71 - Many utility functions are available. Examples:; 72 73 - get_properties 74 - get_attributes 75 - get_session_info 76 - list_request 77 - enumerate_request 78 79 # Rules for use of Redfish.Login and Redfish.Logout 80 81 It is desirable to avoid excessive redfish logins/logouts for the following 82 reasons: 83 84 - It simplifies the code base. 85 - It allows calling keywords and testcases to keep control over login parameters 86 like USERNAME, PASSWORD, etc. Consider the following example: 87 88 ``` 89 # Login to redfish with non-standard username/password. 90 Redfish.Login ${LDAP_USER} ${LDAP_USER_PASSWORD} 91 # Run 'Some Keyword' while logged in as ${LDAP_USER}/${LDAP_USER_PASSWORD}. 92 Some Keyword 93 ``` 94 95 If 'Some Keyword' in the example above does its own Redfish.Login, it will 96 thwart the stated purpose of the caller. 97 98 **Rules:** 99 100 - Login should be done once in Suite Setup: 101 102 ``` 103 *** Keywords *** 104 Suite Setup Execution 105 Redfish.Login 106 ``` 107 108 - Logout should be done once in Suite Teardown: 109 ``` 110 *** Keywords *** 111 Suite Teardown Execution 112 Redfish.Logout 113 ``` 114 - As a result of the first two rules, all keywords and testcases that call upon 115 redfish functions (e.g. Redfish.Get, Redfish.Patch, etc.) have a right to 116 expect that login/logout have already been handled. Therefore, such keywords 117 and testcases should NOT do logins and logouts themselves. 118 - There may be exceptions to the above but they require justification (e.g. a 119 test whose purpose is to verify that it can login with an **alternate** 120 username, etc.). 121 - Any keyword or test case which breaks the above rules is responsible for 122 setting things right (i.e. back to a logged in state). 123 124 # Rules for use of data/variables.py 125 126 Avoid defining variables in data/variables.py for Redfish URIs. 127 128 There's no obvious benefit to using such variables. Conversely, with literal 129 values, it is much easier for the programmer to interpret the code. 130 131 Consider the following example. 132 133 Here's an excerpt from data/variables.py: 134 135 ``` 136 # Redfish variables. 137 REDFISH_BASE_URI = '/redfish/v1/' 138 ... 139 REDFISH_ACCOUNTS = 'AccountService/Accounts/' 140 REDFISH_ACCOUNTS_URI = REDFISH_BASE_URI + REDFISH_ACCOUNTS 141 ``` 142 143 And here is a corresponding Robot code example: 144 145 ``` 146 # Rather than coding this: 147 Redfish.Delete ${REDFISH_ACCOUNTS_URI}user_user 148 149 # Code this: 150 Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/user_user 151 ``` 152