1*369b75c1SMichael Walsh#!/usr/bin/env python
2*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
3*369b75c1SMichael Walshfrom gen_print import *
4*369b75c1SMichael Walshfrom gen_valid import *
5*369b75c1SMichael Walshfrom gen_arg import *
6*369b75c1SMichael Walshfrom gen_misc import *
7*369b75c1SMichael Walshfrom gen_cmd import *
8*369b75c1SMichael Walshfrom var_funcs import *
9*369b75c1SMichael Walshfrom gen_plug_in_utils import *
10*369b75c1SMichael Walshfrom gen_call_robot import *
11*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
12*369b75c1SMichael Walsh# Set exit_on_error for gen_valid functions.
13*369b75c1SMichael Walshset_exit_on_error(True)
14*369b75c1SMichael Walshignore_err = 0
15*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
16*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
17*369b75c1SMichael Walshparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
18*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    usage='%(prog)s [OPTIONS]',
19*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    description="%(prog)s will calculate the value of num_err_logs and"
20*369b75c1SMichael Walsh        + " save it as a plug-in value for the benefit of the FFDC plug-in."
21*369b75c1SMichael Walsh        + "  The FFDC plug-in can use that data to decide whether to collect"
22*369b75c1SMichael Walsh        + " FFDC data.",
23*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
24*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    prefix_chars='-+')
25*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
26*369b75c1SMichael Walsh# The stock_list will be passed to gen_get_options.  We populate it with the names of stock parm options we
27*369b75c1SMichael Walsh# want.  These stock parms are pre-defined by gen_get_options.
28*369b75c1SMichael Walshstock_list = [("test_mode", 0),
29*369b75c1SMichael Walsh              ("quiet", get_plug_default("quiet", 0)),
30*369b75c1SMichael Walsh              ("debug", get_plug_default("debug", 0))]
31*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
32*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
33*369b75c1SMichael Walshdef exit_function(signal_number=0,
34*369b75c1SMichael Walsh                  frame=None):
35*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    r"""
36*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    Execute whenever the program ends normally or with the signals that we catch (i.e. TERM, INT).
37*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
38*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    This function will be called by gen_exit_function().
39*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    """
40*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
41*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    process_robot_output_files()
42*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
43*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
44*369b75c1SMichael Walshdef validate_parms():
45*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    r"""
46*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    Validate program parameters, etc.
47*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
48*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    This function will be called by gen_setup().
49*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    """
50*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
51*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    get_plug_vars()
52*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
53*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    global AUTOSCRIPT_STATUS_FILE_PATH
54*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    # AUTOSCRIPT_STATUS_FILE_PATH is set when we're called by autoscript.  For this program to work
55*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    # correctly, it must be called with autoscript.
56*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    AUTOSCRIPT_STATUS_FILE_PATH = os.environ.get("AUTOSCRIPT_STATUS_FILE_PATH", "")
57*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    valid_value(AUTOSCRIPT_STATUS_FILE_PATH)
58*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    valid_value(AUTOBOOT_OPENBMC_HOST)
59*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
60*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
61*369b75c1SMichael Walshdef main():
62*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
63*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    gen_setup()
64*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
65*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    print_plug_in_header()
66*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
67*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    # Get the number of error logs from the BMC.
68*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    init_robot_out_parms(get_plug_in_package_name() + "." + pgm_name + ".")
69*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
70*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    lib_file_path = init_robot_file_path("lib/logging_utils.robot")
71*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    lib_file_path += ":" + init_robot_file_path("lib/gen_robot_print.py")
72*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    set_mod_global(lib_file_path)
73*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
74*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    keyword_string = "${error_logs}=  Get Error Logs  &{filter_low_severity_errlogs}"
75*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    keyword_string += " ; ${num_error_logs}=  Get Length  ${error_logs}"
76*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    keyword_string += " ; Rprint Vars  num_error_logs"
77*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    set_mod_global(keyword_string)
78*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
79*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    cmd_buf = create_robot_cmd_string("extended/run_keyword.robot", OPENBMC_HOST, SSH_PORT, HTTPS_PORT,
80*369b75c1SMichael Walsh                                      REST_USERNAME, REST_PASSWORD, keyword_string, lib_file_path, quiet,
81*369b75c1SMichael Walsh                                      test_mode, debug, outputdir, output, log, report)
82*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    if not robot_cmd_fnc(cmd_buf):
83*369b75c1SMichael Walsh        exit(1)
84*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    # The output contains the num_error_logs value which we will isolate with egrep.
85*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    rc, out_buf = shell_cmd("egrep '^num_error_logs:[ ]' " + AUTOSCRIPT_STATUS_FILE_PATH, quiet=1,
86*369b75c1SMichael Walsh                            print_output=0)
87*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    result = key_value_outbuf_to_dict(out_buf)
88*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    num_error_logs = int(result['num_error_logs'])
89*369b75c1SMichael Walsh    save_plug_in_value(num_error_logs)
90*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
91*369b75c1SMichael Walsh
92*369b75c1SMichael Walshmain()