1#!/usr/bin/env python3
4This script determines the given package's openbmc dependencies from its
5configure.ac file where it downloads, configures, builds, and installs each of
6these dependencies. Then the given package is configured, built, and installed
7prior to executing its unit tests.
10import argparse
11import multiprocessing
12import os
13import platform
14import re
15import shutil
16import subprocess
17import sys
18from subprocess import CalledProcessError, check_call
19from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
20from urllib.parse import urljoin
22from git import Repo
24# interpreter is not used directly but this resolves dependency ordering
25# that would be broken if we didn't include it.
26from mesonbuild import interpreter  # noqa: F401
27from mesonbuild import coredata, optinterpreter
28from mesonbuild.mesonlib import OptionKey
29from mesonbuild.mesonlib import version_compare as meson_version_compare
32class DepTree:
33    """
34    Represents package dependency tree, where each node is a DepTree with a
35    name and DepTree children.
36    """
38    def __init__(self, name):
39        """
40        Create new DepTree.
42        Parameter descriptions:
43        name               Name of new tree node.
44        """
45        self.name = name
46        self.children = list()
48    def AddChild(self, name):
49        """
50        Add new child node to current node.
52        Parameter descriptions:
53        name               Name of new child
54        """
55        new_child = DepTree(name)
56        self.children.append(new_child)
57        return new_child
59    def AddChildNode(self, node):
60        """
61        Add existing child node to current node.
63        Parameter descriptions:
64        node               Tree node to add
65        """
66        self.children.append(node)
68    def RemoveChild(self, name):
69        """
70        Remove child node.
72        Parameter descriptions:
73        name               Name of child to remove
74        """
75        for child in self.children:
76            if child.name == name:
77                self.children.remove(child)
78                return
80    def GetNode(self, name):
81        """
82        Return node with matching name. Return None if not found.
84        Parameter descriptions:
85        name               Name of node to return
86        """
87        if self.name == name:
88            return self
89        for child in self.children:
90            node = child.GetNode(name)
91            if node:
92                return node
93        return None
95    def GetParentNode(self, name, parent_node=None):
96        """
97        Return parent of node with matching name. Return none if not found.
99        Parameter descriptions:
100        name               Name of node to get parent of
101        parent_node        Parent of current node
102        """
103        if self.name == name:
104            return parent_node
105        for child in self.children:
106            found_node = child.GetParentNode(name, self)
107            if found_node:
108                return found_node
109        return None
111    def GetPath(self, name, path=None):
112        """
113        Return list of node names from head to matching name.
114        Return None if not found.
116        Parameter descriptions:
117        name               Name of node
118        path               List of node names from head to current node
119        """
120        if not path:
121            path = []
122        if self.name == name:
123            path.append(self.name)
124            return path
125        for child in self.children:
126            match = child.GetPath(name, path + [self.name])
127            if match:
128                return match
129        return None
131    def GetPathRegex(self, name, regex_str, path=None):
132        """
133        Return list of node paths that end in name, or match regex_str.
134        Return empty list if not found.
136        Parameter descriptions:
137        name               Name of node to search for
138        regex_str          Regex string to match node names
139        path               Path of node names from head to current node
140        """
141        new_paths = []
142        if not path:
143            path = []
144        match = re.match(regex_str, self.name)
145        if (self.name == name) or (match):
146            new_paths.append(path + [self.name])
147        for child in self.children:
148            return_paths = None
149            full_path = path + [self.name]
150            return_paths = child.GetPathRegex(name, regex_str, full_path)
151            for i in return_paths:
152                new_paths.append(i)
153        return new_paths
155    def MoveNode(self, from_name, to_name):
156        """
157        Mode existing from_name node to become child of to_name node.
159        Parameter descriptions:
160        from_name          Name of node to make a child of to_name
161        to_name            Name of node to make parent of from_name
162        """
163        parent_from_node = self.GetParentNode(from_name)
164        from_node = self.GetNode(from_name)
165        parent_from_node.RemoveChild(from_name)
166        to_node = self.GetNode(to_name)
167        to_node.AddChildNode(from_node)
169    def ReorderDeps(self, name, regex_str):
170        """
171        Reorder dependency tree.  If tree contains nodes with names that
172        match 'name' and 'regex_str', move 'regex_str' nodes that are
173        to the right of 'name' node, so that they become children of the
174        'name' node.
176        Parameter descriptions:
177        name               Name of node to look for
178        regex_str          Regex string to match names to
179        """
180        name_path = self.GetPath(name)
181        if not name_path:
182            return
183        paths = self.GetPathRegex(name, regex_str)
184        is_name_in_paths = False
185        name_index = 0
186        for i in range(len(paths)):
187            path = paths[i]
188            if path[-1] == name:
189                is_name_in_paths = True
190                name_index = i
191                break
192        if not is_name_in_paths:
193            return
194        for i in range(name_index + 1, len(paths)):
195            path = paths[i]
196            if name in path:
197                continue
198            from_name = path[-1]
199            self.MoveNode(from_name, name)
201    def GetInstallList(self):
202        """
203        Return post-order list of node names.
205        Parameter descriptions:
206        """
207        install_list = []
208        for child in self.children:
209            child_install_list = child.GetInstallList()
210            install_list.extend(child_install_list)
211        install_list.append(self.name)
212        return install_list
214    def PrintTree(self, level=0):
215        """
216        Print pre-order node names with indentation denoting node depth level.
218        Parameter descriptions:
219        level              Current depth level
220        """
221        INDENT_PER_LEVEL = 4
222        print(" " * (level * INDENT_PER_LEVEL) + self.name)
223        for child in self.children:
224            child.PrintTree(level + 1)
227def check_call_cmd(*cmd, **kwargs):
228    """
229    Verbose prints the directory location the given command is called from and
230    the command, then executes the command using check_call.
232    Parameter descriptions:
233    dir                 Directory location command is to be called from
234    cmd                 List of parameters constructing the complete command
235    """
236    printline(os.getcwd(), ">", " ".join(cmd))
237    check_call(cmd, **kwargs)
240def clone_pkg(pkg, branch):
241    """
242    Clone the given openbmc package's git repository from gerrit into
243    the WORKSPACE location
245    Parameter descriptions:
246    pkg                 Name of the package to clone
247    branch              Branch to clone from pkg
248    """
249    pkg_dir = os.path.join(WORKSPACE, pkg)
250    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pkg_dir, ".git")):
251        return pkg_dir
252    pkg_repo = urljoin("https://gerrit.openbmc.org/openbmc/", pkg)
253    os.mkdir(pkg_dir)
254    printline(pkg_dir, "> git clone", pkg_repo, branch, "./")
255    try:
256        # first try the branch
257        clone = Repo.clone_from(pkg_repo, pkg_dir, branch=branch)
258        repo_inst = clone.working_dir
259    except Exception:
260        printline("Input branch not found, default to master")
261        clone = Repo.clone_from(pkg_repo, pkg_dir, branch="master")
262        repo_inst = clone.working_dir
263    return repo_inst
266def make_target_exists(target):
267    """
268    Runs a check against the makefile in the current directory to determine
269    if the target exists so that it can be built.
271    Parameter descriptions:
272    target              The make target we are checking
273    """
274    try:
275        cmd = ["make", "-n", target]
276        with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull:
277            check_call(cmd, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
278        return True
279    except CalledProcessError:
280        return False
283make_parallel = [
284    "make",
285    # Run enough jobs to saturate all the cpus
286    "-j",
287    str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()),
288    # Don't start more jobs if the load avg is too high
289    "-l",
290    str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()),
291    # Synchronize the output so logs aren't intermixed in stdout / stderr
292    "-O",
296def build_and_install(name, build_for_testing=False):
297    """
298    Builds and installs the package in the environment. Optionally
299    builds the examples and test cases for package.
301    Parameter description:
302    name                The name of the package we are building
303    build_for_testing   Enable options related to testing on the package?
304    """
305    os.chdir(os.path.join(WORKSPACE, name))
307    # Refresh dynamic linker run time bindings for dependencies
308    check_call_cmd("sudo", "-n", "--", "ldconfig")
310    pkg = Package()
311    if build_for_testing:
312        pkg.test()
313    else:
314        pkg.install()
317def build_dep_tree(name, pkgdir, dep_added, head, branch, dep_tree=None):
318    """
319    For each package (name), starting with the package to be unit tested,
320    extract its dependencies. For each package dependency defined, recursively
321    apply the same strategy
323    Parameter descriptions:
324    name                Name of the package
325    pkgdir              Directory where package source is located
326    dep_added           Current dict of dependencies and added status
327    head                Head node of the dependency tree
328    branch              Branch to clone from pkg
329    dep_tree            Current dependency tree node
330    """
331    if not dep_tree:
332        dep_tree = head
334    with open("/tmp/depcache", "r") as depcache:
335        cache = depcache.readline()
337    # Read out pkg dependencies
338    pkg = Package(name, pkgdir)
340    build = pkg.build_system()
341    if not build:
342        raise Exception(f"Unable to find build system for {name}.")
344    for dep in set(build.dependencies()):
345        if dep in cache:
346            continue
347        # Dependency package not already known
348        if dep_added.get(dep) is None:
349            print(f"Adding {dep} dependency to {name}.")
350            # Dependency package not added
351            new_child = dep_tree.AddChild(dep)
352            dep_added[dep] = False
353            dep_pkgdir = clone_pkg(dep, branch)
354            # Determine this dependency package's
355            # dependencies and add them before
356            # returning to add this package
357            dep_added = build_dep_tree(
358                dep, dep_pkgdir, dep_added, head, branch, new_child
359            )
360        else:
361            # Dependency package known and added
362            if dep_added[dep]:
363                continue
364            else:
365                # Cyclic dependency failure
366                raise Exception("Cyclic dependencies found in " + name)
368    if not dep_added[name]:
369        dep_added[name] = True
371    return dep_added
374def run_cppcheck():
375    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join("build", "compile_commands.json")):
376        return None
378    with TemporaryDirectory() as cpp_dir:
379        # http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net/manual.pdf
380        try:
381            check_call_cmd(
382                "cppcheck",
383                "-j",
384                str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()),
385                "--enable=style,performance,portability,missingInclude",
386                "--inline-suppr",
387                "--suppress=useStlAlgorithm",
388                "--suppress=unusedStructMember",
389                "--suppress=postfixOperator",
390                "--suppress=unreadVariable",
391                "--suppress=knownConditionTrueFalse",
392                "--library=googletest",
393                "--project=build/compile_commands.json",
394                f"--cppcheck-build-dir={cpp_dir}",
395            )
396        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
397            print("cppcheck found errors")
400def is_valgrind_safe():
401    """
402    Returns whether it is safe to run valgrind on our platform
403    """
404    src = "unit-test-vg.c"
405    exe = "./unit-test-vg"
406    with open(src, "w") as h:
407        h.write("#include <errno.h>\n")
408        h.write("#include <stdio.h>\n")
409        h.write("#include <stdlib.h>\n")
410        h.write("#include <string.h>\n")
411        h.write("int main() {\n")
412        h.write("char *heap_str = malloc(16);\n")
413        h.write('strcpy(heap_str, "RandString");\n')
414        h.write('int res = strcmp("RandString", heap_str);\n')
415        h.write("free(heap_str);\n")
416        h.write("char errstr[64];\n")
417        h.write("strerror_r(EINVAL, errstr, sizeof(errstr));\n")
418        h.write('printf("%s\\n", errstr);\n')
419        h.write("return res;\n")
420        h.write("}\n")
421    try:
422        with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull:
423            check_call(
424                ["gcc", "-O2", "-o", exe, src], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull
425            )
426            check_call(
427                ["valgrind", "--error-exitcode=99", exe],
428                stdout=devnull,
429                stderr=devnull,
430            )
431        return True
432    except Exception:
433        sys.stderr.write("###### Platform is not valgrind safe ######\n")
434        return False
435    finally:
436        os.remove(src)
437        os.remove(exe)
440def is_sanitize_safe():
441    """
442    Returns whether it is safe to run sanitizers on our platform
443    """
444    src = "unit-test-sanitize.c"
445    exe = "./unit-test-sanitize"
446    with open(src, "w") as h:
447        h.write("int main() { return 0; }\n")
448    try:
449        with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull:
450            check_call(
451                [
452                    "gcc",
453                    "-O2",
454                    "-fsanitize=address",
455                    "-fsanitize=undefined",
456                    "-o",
457                    exe,
458                    src,
459                ],
460                stdout=devnull,
461                stderr=devnull,
462            )
463            check_call([exe], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
465        # TODO - Sanitizer not working on ppc64le
466        # https://github.com/openbmc/openbmc-build-scripts/issues/31
467        if platform.processor() == "ppc64le":
468            sys.stderr.write("###### ppc64le is not sanitize safe ######\n")
469            return False
470        else:
471            return True
472    except Exception:
473        sys.stderr.write("###### Platform is not sanitize safe ######\n")
474        return False
475    finally:
476        os.remove(src)
477        os.remove(exe)
480def maybe_make_valgrind():
481    """
482    Potentially runs the unit tests through valgrind for the package
483    via `make check-valgrind`. If the package does not have valgrind testing
484    then it just skips over this.
485    """
486    # Valgrind testing is currently broken by an aggressive strcmp optimization
487    # that is inlined into optimized code for POWER by gcc 7+. Until we find
488    # a workaround, just don't run valgrind tests on POWER.
489    # https://github.com/openbmc/openbmc/issues/3315
490    if not is_valgrind_safe():
491        sys.stderr.write("###### Skipping valgrind ######\n")
492        return
493    if not make_target_exists("check-valgrind"):
494        return
496    try:
497        cmd = make_parallel + ["check-valgrind"]
498        check_call_cmd(*cmd)
499    except CalledProcessError:
500        for root, _, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):
501            for f in files:
502                if re.search("test-suite-[a-z]+.log", f) is None:
503                    continue
504                check_call_cmd("cat", os.path.join(root, f))
505        raise Exception("Valgrind tests failed")
508def maybe_make_coverage():
509    """
510    Potentially runs the unit tests through code coverage for the package
511    via `make check-code-coverage`. If the package does not have code coverage
512    testing then it just skips over this.
513    """
514    if not make_target_exists("check-code-coverage"):
515        return
517    # Actually run code coverage
518    try:
519        cmd = make_parallel + ["check-code-coverage"]
520        check_call_cmd(*cmd)
521    except CalledProcessError:
522        raise Exception("Code coverage failed")
525class BuildSystem(object):
526    """
527    Build systems generally provide the means to configure, build, install and
528    test software. The BuildSystem class defines a set of interfaces on top of
529    which Autotools, Meson, CMake and possibly other build system drivers can
530    be implemented, separating out the phases to control whether a package
531    should merely be installed or also tested and analyzed.
532    """
534    def __init__(self, package, path):
535        """Initialise the driver with properties independent of the build
536        system
538        Keyword arguments:
539        package: The name of the package. Derived from the path if None
540        path: The path to the package. Set to the working directory if None
541        """
542        self.path = "." if not path else path
543        realpath = os.path.realpath(self.path)
544        self.package = package if package else os.path.basename(realpath)
545        self.build_for_testing = False
547    def probe(self):
548        """Test if the build system driver can be applied to the package
550        Return True if the driver can drive the package's build system,
551        otherwise False.
553        Generally probe() is implemented by testing for the presence of the
554        build system's configuration file(s).
555        """
556        raise NotImplementedError
558    def dependencies(self):
559        """Provide the package's dependencies
561        Returns a list of dependencies. If no dependencies are required then an
562        empty list must be returned.
564        Generally dependencies() is implemented by analysing and extracting the
565        data from the build system configuration.
566        """
567        raise NotImplementedError
569    def configure(self, build_for_testing):
570        """Configure the source ready for building
572        Should raise an exception if configuration failed.
574        Keyword arguments:
575        build_for_testing: Mark the package as being built for testing rather
576                           than for installation as a dependency for the
577                           package under test. Setting to True generally
578                           implies that the package will be configured to build
579                           with debug information, at a low level of
580                           optimisation and possibly with sanitizers enabled.
582        Generally configure() is implemented by invoking the build system
583        tooling to generate Makefiles or equivalent.
584        """
585        raise NotImplementedError
587    def build(self):
588        """Build the software ready for installation and/or testing
590        Should raise an exception if the build fails
592        Generally build() is implemented by invoking `make` or `ninja`.
593        """
594        raise NotImplementedError
596    def install(self):
597        """Install the software ready for use
599        Should raise an exception if installation fails
601        Like build(), install() is generally implemented by invoking `make` or
602        `ninja`.
603        """
604        raise NotImplementedError
606    def test(self):
607        """Build and run the test suite associated with the package
609        Should raise an exception if the build or testing fails.
611        Like install(), test() is generally implemented by invoking `make` or
612        `ninja`.
613        """
614        raise NotImplementedError
616    def analyze(self):
617        """Run any supported analysis tools over the codebase
619        Should raise an exception if analysis fails.
621        Some analysis tools such as scan-build need injection into the build
622        system. analyze() provides the necessary hook to implement such
623        behaviour. Analyzers independent of the build system can also be
624        specified here but at the cost of possible duplication of code between
625        the build system driver implementations.
626        """
627        raise NotImplementedError
630class Autotools(BuildSystem):
631    def __init__(self, package=None, path=None):
632        super(Autotools, self).__init__(package, path)
634    def probe(self):
635        return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.path, "configure.ac"))
637    def dependencies(self):
638        configure_ac = os.path.join(self.path, "configure.ac")
640        contents = ""
641        # Prepend some special function overrides so we can parse out
642        # dependencies
643        for macro in DEPENDENCIES.keys():
644            contents += (
645                "m4_define(["
646                + macro
647                + "], ["
648                + macro
649                + "_START$"
650                + str(DEPENDENCIES_OFFSET[macro] + 1)
651                + macro
652                + "_END])\n"
653            )
654        with open(configure_ac, "rt") as f:
655            contents += f.read()
657        autoconf_cmdline = ["autoconf", "-Wno-undefined", "-"]
658        autoconf_process = subprocess.Popen(
659            autoconf_cmdline,
660            stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
661            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
662            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
663        )
664        document = contents.encode("utf-8")
665        (stdout, stderr) = autoconf_process.communicate(input=document)
666        if not stdout:
667            print(stderr)
668            raise Exception("Failed to run autoconf for parsing dependencies")
670        # Parse out all of the dependency text
671        matches = []
672        for macro in DEPENDENCIES.keys():
673            pattern = "(" + macro + ")_START(.*?)" + macro + "_END"
674            for match in re.compile(pattern).finditer(stdout.decode("utf-8")):
675                matches.append((match.group(1), match.group(2)))
677        # Look up dependencies from the text
678        found_deps = []
679        for macro, deptext in matches:
680            for potential_dep in deptext.split(" "):
681                for known_dep in DEPENDENCIES[macro].keys():
682                    if potential_dep.startswith(known_dep):
683                        found_deps.append(DEPENDENCIES[macro][known_dep])
685        return found_deps
687    def _configure_feature(self, flag, enabled):
688        """
689        Returns an configure flag as a string
691        Parameters:
692        flag                The name of the flag
693        enabled             Whether the flag is enabled or disabled
694        """
695        return "--" + ("enable" if enabled else "disable") + "-" + flag
697    def configure(self, build_for_testing):
698        self.build_for_testing = build_for_testing
699        conf_flags = [
700            self._configure_feature("silent-rules", False),
701            self._configure_feature("examples", build_for_testing),
702            self._configure_feature("tests", build_for_testing),
703            self._configure_feature("itests", INTEGRATION_TEST),
704        ]
705        conf_flags.extend(
706            [
707                self._configure_feature("code-coverage", build_for_testing),
708                self._configure_feature("valgrind", build_for_testing),
709            ]
710        )
711        # Add any necessary configure flags for package
712        if CONFIGURE_FLAGS.get(self.package) is not None:
713            conf_flags.extend(CONFIGURE_FLAGS.get(self.package))
714        for bootstrap in ["bootstrap.sh", "bootstrap", "autogen.sh"]:
715            if os.path.exists(bootstrap):
716                check_call_cmd("./" + bootstrap)
717                break
718        check_call_cmd("./configure", *conf_flags)
720    def build(self):
721        check_call_cmd(*make_parallel)
723    def install(self):
724        check_call_cmd("sudo", "-n", "--", *(make_parallel + ["install"]))
726    def test(self):
727        try:
728            cmd = make_parallel + ["check"]
729            for i in range(0, args.repeat):
730                check_call_cmd(*cmd)
732            maybe_make_valgrind()
733            maybe_make_coverage()
734        except CalledProcessError:
735            for root, _, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):
736                if "test-suite.log" not in files:
737                    continue
738                check_call_cmd("cat", os.path.join(root, "test-suite.log"))
739            raise Exception("Unit tests failed")
741    def analyze(self):
742        run_cppcheck()
745class CMake(BuildSystem):
746    def __init__(self, package=None, path=None):
747        super(CMake, self).__init__(package, path)
749    def probe(self):
750        return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.path, "CMakeLists.txt"))
752    def dependencies(self):
753        return []
755    def configure(self, build_for_testing):
756        self.build_for_testing = build_for_testing
757        if INTEGRATION_TEST:
758            check_call_cmd(
759                "cmake",
761                "-DITESTS=ON",
762                ".",
763            )
764        else:
765            check_call_cmd("cmake", "-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON", ".")
767    def build(self):
768        check_call_cmd(
769            "cmake",
770            "--build",
771            ".",
772            "--",
773            "-j",
774            str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()),
775        )
777    def install(self):
778        check_call_cmd("sudo", "cmake", "--install", ".")
780    def test(self):
781        if make_target_exists("test"):
782            check_call_cmd("ctest", ".")
784    def analyze(self):
785        if os.path.isfile(".clang-tidy"):
786            with TemporaryDirectory(prefix="build", dir=".") as build_dir:
787                # clang-tidy needs to run on a clang-specific build
788                check_call_cmd(
789                    "cmake",
790                    "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang",
791                    "-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++",
792                    "-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON",
793                    "-H.",
794                    "-B" + build_dir,
795                )
797                check_call_cmd(
798                    "run-clang-tidy", "-header-filter=.*", "-p", build_dir
799                )
801        maybe_make_valgrind()
802        maybe_make_coverage()
803        run_cppcheck()
806class Meson(BuildSystem):
807    def __init__(self, package=None, path=None):
808        super(Meson, self).__init__(package, path)
810    def probe(self):
811        return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.path, "meson.build"))
813    def dependencies(self):
814        meson_build = os.path.join(self.path, "meson.build")
815        if not os.path.exists(meson_build):
816            return []
818        found_deps = []
819        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.path):
820            if "meson.build" not in files:
821                continue
822            with open(os.path.join(root, "meson.build"), "rt") as f:
823                build_contents = f.read()
824            pattern = r"dependency\('([^']*)'.*?\),?\n"
825            for match in re.finditer(pattern, build_contents):
826                group = match.group(1)
827                maybe_dep = DEPENDENCIES["PKG_CHECK_MODULES"].get(group)
828                if maybe_dep is not None:
829                    found_deps.append(maybe_dep)
831        return found_deps
833    def _parse_options(self, options_file):
834        """
835        Returns a set of options defined in the provides meson_options.txt file
837        Parameters:
838        options_file        The file containing options
839        """
840        oi = optinterpreter.OptionInterpreter("")
841        oi.process(options_file)
842        return oi.options
844    def _configure_boolean(self, val):
845        """
846        Returns the meson flag which signifies the value
848        True is true which requires the boolean.
849        False is false which disables the boolean.
851        Parameters:
852        val                 The value being converted
853        """
854        if val is True:
855            return "true"
856        elif val is False:
857            return "false"
858        else:
859            raise Exception("Bad meson boolean value")
861    def _configure_feature(self, val):
862        """
863        Returns the meson flag which signifies the value
865        True is enabled which requires the feature.
866        False is disabled which disables the feature.
867        None is auto which autodetects the feature.
869        Parameters:
870        val                 The value being converted
871        """
872        if val is True:
873            return "enabled"
874        elif val is False:
875            return "disabled"
876        elif val is None:
877            return "auto"
878        else:
879            raise Exception("Bad meson feature value")
881    def _configure_option(self, opts, key, val):
882        """
883        Returns the meson flag which signifies the value
884        based on the type of the opt
886        Parameters:
887        opt                 The meson option which we are setting
888        val                 The value being converted
889        """
890        if isinstance(opts[key], coredata.UserBooleanOption):
891            str_val = self._configure_boolean(val)
892        elif isinstance(opts[key], coredata.UserFeatureOption):
893            str_val = self._configure_feature(val)
894        else:
895            raise Exception("Unknown meson option type")
896        return "-D{}={}".format(key, str_val)
898    def configure(self, build_for_testing):
899        self.build_for_testing = build_for_testing
900        meson_options = {}
901        if os.path.exists("meson.options"):
902            meson_options = self._parse_options("meson.options")
903        elif os.path.exists("meson_options.txt"):
904            meson_options = self._parse_options("meson_options.txt")
905        meson_flags = [
906            "-Db_colorout=never",
907            "-Dwerror=true",
908            "-Dwarning_level=3",
909        ]
910        if build_for_testing:
911            # -Ddebug=true -Doptimization=g is helpful for abi-dumper but isn't a combination that
912            # is supported by meson's build types. Configure it manually.
913            meson_flags.append("-Ddebug=true")
914            meson_flags.append("-Doptimization=g")
915        else:
916            meson_flags.append("--buildtype=debugoptimized")
917        if OptionKey("tests") in meson_options:
918            meson_flags.append(
919                self._configure_option(
920                    meson_options, OptionKey("tests"), build_for_testing
921                )
922            )
923        if OptionKey("examples") in meson_options:
924            meson_flags.append(
925                self._configure_option(
926                    meson_options, OptionKey("examples"), build_for_testing
927                )
928            )
929        if OptionKey("itests") in meson_options:
930            meson_flags.append(
931                self._configure_option(
932                    meson_options, OptionKey("itests"), INTEGRATION_TEST
933                )
934            )
935        if MESON_FLAGS.get(self.package) is not None:
936            meson_flags.extend(MESON_FLAGS.get(self.package))
937        try:
938            check_call_cmd(
939                "meson", "setup", "--reconfigure", "build", *meson_flags
940            )
941        except Exception:
942            shutil.rmtree("build", ignore_errors=True)
943            check_call_cmd("meson", "setup", "build", *meson_flags)
945    def build(self):
946        check_call_cmd("ninja", "-C", "build")
948    def install(self):
949        check_call_cmd("sudo", "-n", "--", "ninja", "-C", "build", "install")
951    def test(self):
952        # It is useful to check various settings of the meson.build file
953        # for compatibility, such as meson_version checks.  We shouldn't
954        # do this in the configure path though because it affects subprojects
955        # and dependencies as well, but we only want this applied to the
956        # project-under-test (otherwise an upstream dependency could fail
957        # this check without our control).
958        self._extra_meson_checks()
960        try:
961            test_args = ("--repeat", str(args.repeat), "-C", "build")
962            check_call_cmd("meson", "test", "--print-errorlogs", *test_args)
964        except CalledProcessError:
965            raise Exception("Unit tests failed")
967    def _setup_exists(self, setup):
968        """
969        Returns whether the meson build supports the named test setup.
971        Parameter descriptions:
972        setup              The setup target to check
973        """
974        try:
975            with open(os.devnull, "w"):
976                output = subprocess.check_output(
977                    [
978                        "meson",
979                        "test",
980                        "-C",
981                        "build",
982                        "--setup",
983                        setup,
984                        "-t",
985                        "0",
986                    ],
987                    stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
988                )
989        except CalledProcessError as e:
990            output = e.output
991        output = output.decode("utf-8")
992        return not re.search("Test setup .* not found from project", output)
994    def _maybe_valgrind(self):
995        """
996        Potentially runs the unit tests through valgrind for the package
997        via `meson test`. The package can specify custom valgrind
998        configurations by utilizing add_test_setup() in a meson.build
999        """
1000        if not is_valgrind_safe():
1001            sys.stderr.write("###### Skipping valgrind ######\n")
1002            return
1003        try:
1004            if self._setup_exists("valgrind"):
1005                check_call_cmd(
1006                    "meson",
1007                    "test",
1008                    "-t",
1009                    "10",
1010                    "-C",
1011                    "build",
1012                    "--print-errorlogs",
1013                    "--setup",
1014                    "valgrind",
1015                )
1016            else:
1017                check_call_cmd(
1018                    "meson",
1019                    "test",
1020                    "-t",
1021                    "10",
1022                    "-C",
1023                    "build",
1024                    "--print-errorlogs",
1025                    "--wrapper",
1026                    "valgrind",
1027                )
1028        except CalledProcessError:
1029            raise Exception("Valgrind tests failed")
1031    def analyze(self):
1032        self._maybe_valgrind()
1034        # Run clang-tidy only if the project has a configuration
1035        if os.path.isfile(".clang-tidy"):
1036            os.environ["CXX"] = "clang++"
1037            with TemporaryDirectory(prefix="build", dir=".") as build_dir:
1038                check_call_cmd("meson", "setup", build_dir)
1039                if not os.path.isfile(".openbmc-no-clang"):
1040                    check_call_cmd("meson", "compile", "-C", build_dir)
1041                try:
1042                    check_call_cmd("ninja", "-C", build_dir, "clang-tidy-fix")
1043                except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
1044                    check_call_cmd(
1045                        "git", "-C", CODE_SCAN_DIR, "--no-pager", "diff"
1046                    )
1047                    raise
1048        # Run the basic clang static analyzer otherwise
1049        else:
1050            check_call_cmd("ninja", "-C", "build", "scan-build")
1052        # Run tests through sanitizers
1053        # b_lundef is needed if clang++ is CXX since it resolves the
1054        # asan symbols at runtime only. We don't want to set it earlier
1055        # in the build process to ensure we don't have undefined
1056        # runtime code.
1057        if is_sanitize_safe():
1058            check_call_cmd(
1059                "meson",
1060                "configure",
1061                "build",
1062                "-Db_sanitize=address,undefined",
1063                "-Db_lundef=false",
1064            )
1065            check_call_cmd(
1066                "meson",
1067                "test",
1068                "-C",
1069                "build",
1070                "--print-errorlogs",
1071                "--logbase",
1072                "testlog-ubasan",
1073                env=os.environ | {"UBSAN_OPTIONS": "halt_on_error=1"},
1074            )
1075            # TODO: Fix memory sanitizer
1076            # check_call_cmd('meson', 'configure', 'build',
1077            #                '-Db_sanitize=memory')
1078            # check_call_cmd('meson', 'test', '-C', 'build'
1079            #                '--logbase', 'testlog-msan')
1080            check_call_cmd("meson", "configure", "build", "-Db_sanitize=none")
1081        else:
1082            sys.stderr.write("###### Skipping sanitizers ######\n")
1084        # Run coverage checks
1085        check_call_cmd("meson", "configure", "build", "-Db_coverage=true")
1086        self.test()
1087        # Only build coverage HTML if coverage files were produced
1088        for root, dirs, files in os.walk("build"):
1089            if any([f.endswith(".gcda") for f in files]):
1090                check_call_cmd("ninja", "-C", "build", "coverage-html")
1091                break
1092        check_call_cmd("meson", "configure", "build", "-Db_coverage=false")
1093        run_cppcheck()
1095    def _extra_meson_checks(self):
1096        with open(os.path.join(self.path, "meson.build"), "rt") as f:
1097            build_contents = f.read()
1099        # Find project's specified meson_version.
1100        meson_version = None
1101        pattern = r"meson_version:[^']*'([^']*)'"
1102        for match in re.finditer(pattern, build_contents):
1103            group = match.group(1)
1104            meson_version = group
1106        # C++20 requires at least Meson 0.57 but Meson itself doesn't
1107        # identify this.  Add to our unit-test checks so that we don't
1108        # get a meson.build missing this.
1109        pattern = r"'cpp_std=c\+\+20'"
1110        for match in re.finditer(pattern, build_contents):
1111            if not meson_version or not meson_version_compare(
1112                meson_version, ">=0.57"
1113            ):
1114                raise Exception(
1115                    "C++20 support requires specifying in meson.build: "
1116                    + "meson_version: '>=0.57'"
1117                )
1119        # C++23 requires at least Meson 1.1.1 but Meson itself doesn't
1120        # identify this.  Add to our unit-test checks so that we don't
1121        # get a meson.build missing this.
1122        pattern = r"'cpp_std=c\+\+23'"
1123        for match in re.finditer(pattern, build_contents):
1124            if not meson_version or not meson_version_compare(
1125                meson_version, ">=1.1.1"
1126            ):
1127                raise Exception(
1128                    "C++23 support requires specifying in meson.build: "
1129                    + "meson_version: '>=1.1.1'"
1130                )
1132        if "get_variable(" in build_contents:
1133            if not meson_version or not meson_version_compare(
1134                meson_version, ">=0.58"
1135            ):
1136                raise Exception(
1137                    "dep.get_variable() with positional argument requires "
1138                    + "meson_Version: '>=0.58'"
1139                )
1142class Package(object):
1143    def __init__(self, name=None, path=None):
1144        self.supported = [Meson, Autotools, CMake]
1145        self.name = name
1146        self.path = path
1147        self.test_only = False
1149    def build_systems(self):
1150        instances = (system(self.name, self.path) for system in self.supported)
1151        return (instance for instance in instances if instance.probe())
1153    def build_system(self, preferred=None):
1154        systems = list(self.build_systems())
1156        if not systems:
1157            return None
1159        if preferred:
1160            return {type(system): system for system in systems}[preferred]
1162        return next(iter(systems))
1164    def install(self, system=None):
1165        if not system:
1166            system = self.build_system()
1168        system.configure(False)
1169        system.build()
1170        system.install()
1172    def _test_one(self, system):
1173        system.configure(True)
1174        system.build()
1175        system.install()
1176        system.test()
1177        if not TEST_ONLY:
1178            system.analyze()
1180    def test(self):
1181        for system in self.build_systems():
1182            self._test_one(system)
1185def find_file(filename, basedir):
1186    """
1187    Finds all occurrences of a file (or list of files) in the base
1188    directory and passes them back with their relative paths.
1190    Parameter descriptions:
1191    filename              The name of the file (or list of files) to
1192                          find
1193    basedir               The base directory search in
1194    """
1196    if not isinstance(filename, list):
1197        filename = [filename]
1199    filepaths = []
1200    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(basedir):
1201        if os.path.split(root)[-1] == "subprojects":
1202            for f in files:
1203                subproject = ".".join(f.split(".")[0:-1])
1204                if f.endswith(".wrap") and subproject in dirs:
1205                    # don't find files in meson subprojects with wraps
1206                    dirs.remove(subproject)
1207        for f in filename:
1208            if f in files:
1209                filepaths.append(os.path.join(root, f))
1210    return filepaths
1213if __name__ == "__main__":
1216        "phosphor-logging": [
1217            "--enable-metadata-processing",
1218            "--enable-openpower-pel-extension",
1219            "YAML_DIR=/usr/local/share/phosphor-dbus-yaml/yaml",
1220        ]
1221    }
1224    MESON_FLAGS = {
1225        "phosphor-dbus-interfaces": [
1226            "-Ddata_com_ibm=true",
1227            "-Ddata_org_open_power=true",
1228        ],
1229        "phosphor-logging": ["-Dopenpower-pel-extension=enabled"],
1230    }
1232    # DEPENDENCIES = [MACRO]:[library/header]:[GIT REPO]
1233    DEPENDENCIES = {
1234        "AC_CHECK_LIB": {"mapper": "phosphor-objmgr"},
1235        "AC_CHECK_HEADER": {
1236            "host-ipmid": "phosphor-host-ipmid",
1237            "blobs-ipmid": "phosphor-ipmi-blobs",
1238            "sdbusplus": "sdbusplus",
1239            "sdeventplus": "sdeventplus",
1240            "stdplus": "stdplus",
1241            "gpioplus": "gpioplus",
1242            "phosphor-logging/log.hpp": "phosphor-logging",
1243        },
1244        "AC_PATH_PROG": {"sdbus++": "sdbusplus"},
1245        "PKG_CHECK_MODULES": {
1246            "phosphor-dbus-interfaces": "phosphor-dbus-interfaces",
1247            "libipmid": "phosphor-host-ipmid",
1248            "libipmid-host": "phosphor-host-ipmid",
1249            "sdbusplus": "sdbusplus",
1250            "sdeventplus": "sdeventplus",
1251            "stdplus": "stdplus",
1252            "gpioplus": "gpioplus",
1253            "phosphor-logging": "phosphor-logging",
1254            "phosphor-snmp": "phosphor-snmp",
1255            "ipmiblob": "ipmi-blob-tool",
1256            "hei": "openpower-libhei",
1257            "phosphor-ipmi-blobs": "phosphor-ipmi-blobs",
1258            "libcr51sign": "google-misc",
1259        },
1260    }
1262    # Offset into array of macro parameters MACRO(0, 1, ...N)
1264        "AC_CHECK_LIB": 0,
1265        "AC_CHECK_HEADER": 0,
1266        "AC_PATH_PROG": 1,
1267        "PKG_CHECK_MODULES": 1,
1268    }
1271    DEPENDENCIES_REGEX = {"phosphor-logging": r"\S+-dbus-interfaces$"}
1273    # Set command line arguments
1274    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
1275    parser.add_argument(
1276        "-w",
1277        "--workspace",
1278        dest="WORKSPACE",
1279        required=True,
1280        help="Workspace directory location(i.e. /home)",
1281    )
1282    parser.add_argument(
1283        "-p",
1284        "--package",
1285        dest="PACKAGE",
1286        required=True,
1287        help="OpenBMC package to be unit tested",
1288    )
1289    parser.add_argument(
1290        "-t",
1291        "--test-only",
1292        dest="TEST_ONLY",
1293        action="store_true",
1294        required=False,
1295        default=False,
1296        help="Only run test cases, no other validation",
1297    )
1298    arg_inttests = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
1299    arg_inttests.add_argument(
1300        "--integration-tests",
1301        dest="INTEGRATION_TEST",
1302        action="store_true",
1303        required=False,
1304        default=True,
1305        help="Enable integration tests [default].",
1306    )
1307    arg_inttests.add_argument(
1308        "--no-integration-tests",
1309        dest="INTEGRATION_TEST",
1310        action="store_false",
1311        required=False,
1312        help="Disable integration tests.",
1313    )
1314    parser.add_argument(
1315        "-v",
1316        "--verbose",
1317        action="store_true",
1318        help="Print additional package status messages",
1319    )
1320    parser.add_argument(
1321        "-r", "--repeat", help="Repeat tests N times", type=int, default=1
1322    )
1323    parser.add_argument(
1324        "-b",
1325        "--branch",
1326        dest="BRANCH",
1327        required=False,
1328        help="Branch to target for dependent repositories",
1329        default="master",
1330    )
1331    parser.add_argument(
1332        "-n",
1333        "--noformat",
1334        dest="FORMAT",
1335        action="store_false",
1336        required=False,
1337        help="Whether or not to run format code",
1338    )
1339    args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
1341    UNIT_TEST_PKG = args.PACKAGE
1342    TEST_ONLY = args.TEST_ONLY
1344    BRANCH = args.BRANCH
1345    FORMAT_CODE = args.FORMAT
1346    if args.verbose:
1348        def printline(*line):
1349            for arg in line:
1350                print(arg, end=" ")
1351            print()
1353    else:
1355        def printline(*line):
1356            pass
1358    CODE_SCAN_DIR = os.path.join(WORKSPACE, UNIT_TEST_PKG)
1360    # Run format-code.sh, which will in turn call any repo-level formatters.
1361    if FORMAT_CODE:
1362        check_call_cmd(
1363            os.path.join(
1364                WORKSPACE, "openbmc-build-scripts", "scripts", "format-code.sh"
1365            ),
1366            CODE_SCAN_DIR,
1367        )
1369        # Check to see if any files changed
1370        check_call_cmd(
1371            "git", "-C", CODE_SCAN_DIR, "--no-pager", "diff", "--exit-code"
1372        )
1374    # Check if this repo has a supported make infrastructure
1375    pkg = Package(UNIT_TEST_PKG, CODE_SCAN_DIR)
1376    if not pkg.build_system():
1377        print("No valid build system, exit")
1378        sys.exit(0)
1380    prev_umask = os.umask(000)
1382    # Determine dependencies and add them
1383    dep_added = dict()
1384    dep_added[UNIT_TEST_PKG] = False
1386    # Create dependency tree
1387    dep_tree = DepTree(UNIT_TEST_PKG)
1388    build_dep_tree(UNIT_TEST_PKG, CODE_SCAN_DIR, dep_added, dep_tree, BRANCH)
1390    # Reorder Dependency Tree
1391    for pkg_name, regex_str in DEPENDENCIES_REGEX.items():
1392        dep_tree.ReorderDeps(pkg_name, regex_str)
1393    if args.verbose:
1394        dep_tree.PrintTree()
1396    install_list = dep_tree.GetInstallList()
1398    # We don't want to treat our package as a dependency
1399    install_list.remove(UNIT_TEST_PKG)
1401    # Install reordered dependencies
1402    for dep in install_list:
1403        build_and_install(dep, False)
1405    # Run package unit tests
1406    build_and_install(UNIT_TEST_PKG, True)
1408    os.umask(prev_umask)
1410    # Run any custom CI scripts the repo has, of which there can be
1411    # multiple of and anywhere in the repository.
1412    ci_scripts = find_file(["run-ci.sh", "run-ci"], CODE_SCAN_DIR)
1413    if ci_scripts:
1414        os.chdir(CODE_SCAN_DIR)
1415        for ci_script in ci_scripts:
1416            check_call_cmd(ci_script)