xref: /openbmc/openbmc-build-scripts/scripts/unit-test.py (revision 22329968c1cdbcec6192311b0b17a890d2b52f16)
1#!/usr/bin/env python
4This script determines the given package's openbmc dependencies from its
5configure.ac file where it downloads, configures, builds, and installs each of
6these dependencies. Then the given package is configured, built, and installed
7prior to executing its unit tests.
10from git import Repo
11from urlparse import urljoin
12from subprocess import check_call, call, CalledProcessError
13import os
14import sys
15import argparse
16import multiprocessing
17import re
18import platform
21class DepTree():
22    """
23    Represents package dependency tree, where each node is a DepTree with a
24    name and DepTree children.
25    """
27    def __init__(self, name):
28        """
29        Create new DepTree.
31        Parameter descriptions:
32        name               Name of new tree node.
33        """
34        self.name = name
35        self.children = list()
37    def AddChild(self, name):
38        """
39        Add new child node to current node.
41        Parameter descriptions:
42        name               Name of new child
43        """
44        new_child = DepTree(name)
45        self.children.append(new_child)
46        return new_child
48    def AddChildNode(self, node):
49        """
50        Add existing child node to current node.
52        Parameter descriptions:
53        node               Tree node to add
54        """
55        self.children.append(node)
57    def RemoveChild(self, name):
58        """
59        Remove child node.
61        Parameter descriptions:
62        name               Name of child to remove
63        """
64        for child in self.children:
65            if child.name == name:
66                self.children.remove(child)
67                return
69    def GetNode(self, name):
70        """
71        Return node with matching name. Return None if not found.
73        Parameter descriptions:
74        name               Name of node to return
75        """
76        if self.name == name:
77            return self
78        for child in self.children:
79            node = child.GetNode(name)
80            if node:
81                return node
82        return None
84    def GetParentNode(self, name, parent_node=None):
85        """
86        Return parent of node with matching name. Return none if not found.
88        Parameter descriptions:
89        name               Name of node to get parent of
90        parent_node        Parent of current node
91        """
92        if self.name == name:
93            return parent_node
94        for child in self.children:
95            found_node = child.GetParentNode(name, self)
96            if found_node:
97                return found_node
98        return None
100    def GetPath(self, name, path=None):
101        """
102        Return list of node names from head to matching name.
103        Return None if not found.
105        Parameter descriptions:
106        name               Name of node
107        path               List of node names from head to current node
108        """
109        if not path:
110            path = []
111        if self.name == name:
112            path.append(self.name)
113            return path
114        for child in self.children:
115            match = child.GetPath(name, path + [self.name])
116            if match:
117                return match
118        return None
120    def GetPathRegex(self, name, regex_str, path=None):
121        """
122        Return list of node paths that end in name, or match regex_str.
123        Return empty list if not found.
125        Parameter descriptions:
126        name               Name of node to search for
127        regex_str          Regex string to match node names
128        path               Path of node names from head to current node
129        """
130        new_paths = []
131        if not path:
132            path = []
133        match = re.match(regex_str, self.name)
134        if (self.name == name) or (match):
135            new_paths.append(path + [self.name])
136        for child in self.children:
137            return_paths = None
138            full_path = path + [self.name]
139            return_paths = child.GetPathRegex(name, regex_str, full_path)
140            for i in return_paths:
141                new_paths.append(i)
142        return new_paths
144    def MoveNode(self, from_name, to_name):
145        """
146        Mode existing from_name node to become child of to_name node.
148        Parameter descriptions:
149        from_name          Name of node to make a child of to_name
150        to_name            Name of node to make parent of from_name
151        """
152        parent_from_node = self.GetParentNode(from_name)
153        from_node = self.GetNode(from_name)
154        parent_from_node.RemoveChild(from_name)
155        to_node = self.GetNode(to_name)
156        to_node.AddChildNode(from_node)
158    def ReorderDeps(self, name, regex_str):
159        """
160        Reorder dependency tree.  If tree contains nodes with names that
161        match 'name' and 'regex_str', move 'regex_str' nodes that are
162        to the right of 'name' node, so that they become children of the
163        'name' node.
165        Parameter descriptions:
166        name               Name of node to look for
167        regex_str          Regex string to match names to
168        """
169        name_path = self.GetPath(name)
170        if not name_path:
171            return
172        paths = self.GetPathRegex(name, regex_str)
173        is_name_in_paths = False
174        name_index = 0
175        for i in range(len(paths)):
176            path = paths[i]
177            if path[-1] == name:
178                is_name_in_paths = True
179                name_index = i
180                break
181        if not is_name_in_paths:
182            return
183        for i in range(name_index + 1, len(paths)):
184            path = paths[i]
185            if name in path:
186                continue
187            from_name = path[-1]
188            self.MoveNode(from_name, name)
190    def GetInstallList(self):
191        """
192        Return post-order list of node names.
194        Parameter descriptions:
195        """
196        install_list = []
197        for child in self.children:
198            child_install_list = child.GetInstallList()
199            install_list.extend(child_install_list)
200        install_list.append(self.name)
201        return install_list
203    def PrintTree(self, level=0):
204        """
205        Print pre-order node names with indentation denoting node depth level.
207        Parameter descriptions:
208        level              Current depth level
209        """
210        INDENT_PER_LEVEL = 4
211        print ' ' * (level * INDENT_PER_LEVEL) + self.name
212        for child in self.children:
213            child.PrintTree(level + 1)
216def check_call_cmd(dir, *cmd):
217    """
218    Verbose prints the directory location the given command is called from and
219    the command, then executes the command using check_call.
221    Parameter descriptions:
222    dir                 Directory location command is to be called from
223    cmd                 List of parameters constructing the complete command
224    """
225    printline(dir, ">", " ".join(cmd))
226    check_call(cmd)
229def clone_pkg(pkg):
230    """
231    Clone the given openbmc package's git repository from gerrit into
232    the WORKSPACE location
234    Parameter descriptions:
235    pkg                 Name of the package to clone
236    """
237    pkg_dir = os.path.join(WORKSPACE, pkg)
238    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pkg_dir, '.git')):
239        return pkg_dir
240    pkg_repo = urljoin('https://gerrit.openbmc-project.xyz/openbmc/', pkg)
241    os.mkdir(pkg_dir)
242    printline(pkg_dir, "> git clone", pkg_repo, "./")
243    return Repo.clone_from(pkg_repo, pkg_dir).working_dir
246def get_deps(configure_ac):
247    """
248    Parse the given 'configure.ac' file for package dependencies and return
249    a list of the dependencies found.
251    Parameter descriptions:
252    configure_ac        Opened 'configure.ac' file object
253    """
254    line = ""
255    dep_pkgs = set()
256    for cfg_line in configure_ac:
257        # Remove whitespace & newline
258        cfg_line = cfg_line.rstrip()
259        # Check for line breaks
260        if cfg_line.endswith('\\'):
261            line += str(cfg_line[:-1])
262            continue
263        line = line+cfg_line
265        # Find any defined dependency
266        line_has = lambda x: x if x in line else None
267        macros = set(filter(line_has, DEPENDENCIES.iterkeys()))
268        if len(macros) == 1:
269            macro = ''.join(macros)
270            deps = filter(line_has, DEPENDENCIES[macro].iterkeys())
271            dep_pkgs.update(map(lambda x: DEPENDENCIES[macro][x], deps))
273        line = ""
274    deps = list(dep_pkgs)
276    return deps
279make_parallel = [
280    'make',
281    # Run enough jobs to saturate all the cpus
282    '-j', str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()),
283    # Don't start more jobs if the load avg is too high
284    '-l', str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()),
285    # Synchronize the output so logs aren't intermixed in stdout / stderr
286    '-O',
289def install_deps(dep_list):
290    """
291    Install each package in the ordered dep_list.
293    Parameter descriptions:
294    dep_list            Ordered list of dependencies
295    """
296    for pkg in dep_list:
297        pkgdir = os.path.join(WORKSPACE, pkg)
298        # Build & install this package
299        conf_flags = [
300            '--disable-silent-rules',
301            '--enable-tests',
302            '--enable-code-coverage',
303            '--enable-valgrind',
304        ]
305        os.chdir(pkgdir)
306        # Add any necessary configure flags for package
307        if CONFIGURE_FLAGS.get(pkg) is not None:
308            conf_flags.extend(CONFIGURE_FLAGS.get(pkg))
309        check_call_cmd(pkgdir, './bootstrap.sh')
310        check_call_cmd(pkgdir, './configure', *conf_flags)
311        check_call_cmd(pkgdir, *make_parallel)
312        check_call_cmd(pkgdir, *(make_parallel + [ 'install' ]))
315def build_dep_tree(pkg, pkgdir, dep_added, head, dep_tree=None):
316    """
317    For each package(pkg), starting with the package to be unit tested,
318    parse its 'configure.ac' file from within the package's directory(pkgdir)
319    for each package dependency defined recursively doing the same thing
320    on each package found as a dependency.
322    Parameter descriptions:
323    pkg                 Name of the package
324    pkgdir              Directory where package source is located
325    dep_added           Current list of dependencies and added status
326    head                Head node of the dependency tree
327    dep_tree            Current dependency tree node
328    """
329    if not dep_tree:
330        dep_tree = head
331    os.chdir(pkgdir)
332    # Open package's configure.ac
333    with open("/root/.depcache", "r") as depcache:
334        cached = depcache.readline()
335    with open("configure.ac", "rt") as configure_ac:
336        # Retrieve dependency list from package's configure.ac
337        configure_ac_deps = get_deps(configure_ac)
338        for dep_pkg in configure_ac_deps:
339            if dep_pkg in cached:
340                continue
341            # Dependency package not already known
342            if dep_added.get(dep_pkg) is None:
343                # Dependency package not added
344                new_child = dep_tree.AddChild(dep_pkg)
345                dep_added[dep_pkg] = False
346                dep_pkgdir = clone_pkg(dep_pkg)
347                # Determine this dependency package's
348                # dependencies and add them before
349                # returning to add this package
350                dep_added = build_dep_tree(dep_pkg,
351                                           dep_pkgdir,
352                                           dep_added,
353                                           head,
354                                           new_child)
355            else:
356                # Dependency package known and added
357                if dep_added[dep_pkg]:
358                    continue
359                else:
360                    # Cyclic dependency failure
361                    raise Exception("Cyclic dependencies found in "+pkg)
363    if not dep_added[pkg]:
364        dep_added[pkg] = True
366    return dep_added
368def make_target_exists(target):
369    """
370    Runs a check against the makefile in the current directory to determine
371    if the target exists so that it can be built.
373    Parameter descriptions:
374    target              The make target we are checking
375    """
376    try:
377        cmd = [ 'make', '-n', target ]
378        with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
379            check_call(cmd, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
380        return True
381    except CalledProcessError:
382        return False
384def run_unit_tests(top_dir):
385    """
386    Runs the unit tests for the package via `make check`
388    Parameter descriptions:
389    top_dir             The root directory of our project
390    """
391    try:
392        cmd = make_parallel + [ 'check' ]
393        for i in range(0, args.repeat):
394            check_call_cmd(top_dir,  *cmd)
395    except CalledProcessError:
396        for root, _, files in os.walk(top_dir):
397            if 'test-suite.log' not in files:
398                continue
399            check_call_cmd(root, 'cat', os.path.join(root, 'test-suite.log'))
400        raise Exception('Unit tests failed')
403def maybe_run_valgrind(top_dir):
404    """
405    Potentially runs the unit tests through valgrind for the package
406    via `make check-valgrind`. If the package does not have valgrind testing
407    then it just skips over this.
409    Parameter descriptions:
410    top_dir             The root directory of our project
411    """
412    # Valgrind testing is currently broken by an aggressive strcmp optimization
413    # that is inlined into optimized code for POWER by gcc 7+. Until we find
414    # a workaround, just don't run valgrind tests on POWER.
415    # https://github.com/openbmc/openbmc/issues/3315
416    if re.match('ppc64', platform.machine()) is not None:
417        return
418    if not make_target_exists('check-valgrind'):
419        return
421    try:
422        cmd = make_parallel + [ 'check-valgrind' ]
423        check_call_cmd(top_dir,  *cmd)
424    except CalledProcessError:
425        for root, _, files in os.walk(top_dir):
426            for f in files:
427                if re.search('test-suite-[a-z]+.log', f) is None:
428                    continue
429                check_call_cmd(root, 'cat', os.path.join(root, f))
430        raise Exception('Valgrind tests failed')
432def maybe_run_coverage(top_dir):
433    """
434    Potentially runs the unit tests through code coverage for the package
435    via `make check-code-coverage`. If the package does not have code coverage
436    testing then it just skips over this.
438    Parameter descriptions:
439    top_dir             The root directory of our project
440    """
441    if not make_target_exists('check-code-coverage'):
442        return
444    # Actually run code coverage
445    try:
446        cmd = make_parallel + [ 'check-code-coverage' ]
447        check_call_cmd(top_dir,  *cmd)
448    except CalledProcessError:
449        raise Exception('Code coverage failed')
451if __name__ == '__main__':
454        'phosphor-objmgr': ['--enable-unpatched-systemd'],
455        'sdbusplus': ['--enable-transaction'],
456        'phosphor-logging':
457        ['--enable-metadata-processing',
458         'YAML_DIR=/usr/local/share/phosphor-dbus-yaml/yaml']
459    }
461    # DEPENDENCIES = [MACRO]:[library/header]:[GIT REPO]
463        'AC_CHECK_LIB': {'mapper': 'phosphor-objmgr'},
464        'AC_CHECK_HEADER': {
465            'host-ipmid': 'phosphor-host-ipmid',
466            'sdbusplus': 'sdbusplus',
467            'sdeventplus': 'sdeventplus',
468            'gpioplus': 'gpioplus',
469            'phosphor-logging/log.hpp': 'phosphor-logging',
470        },
471        'AC_PATH_PROG': {'sdbus++': 'sdbusplus'},
472        'PKG_CHECK_MODULES': {
473            'phosphor-dbus-interfaces': 'phosphor-dbus-interfaces',
474            'openpower-dbus-interfaces': 'openpower-dbus-interfaces',
475            'ibm-dbus-interfaces': 'ibm-dbus-interfaces',
476            'sdbusplus': 'sdbusplus',
477            'sdeventplus': 'sdeventplus',
478            'gpioplus': 'gpioplus',
479            'phosphor-logging': 'phosphor-logging',
480            'phosphor-snmp': 'phosphor-snmp',
481        },
482    }
486        'phosphor-logging': '\S+-dbus-interfaces$'
487    }
489    # Set command line arguments
490    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
491    parser.add_argument("-w", "--workspace", dest="WORKSPACE", required=True,
492                        help="Workspace directory location(i.e. /home)")
493    parser.add_argument("-p", "--package", dest="PACKAGE", required=True,
494                        help="OpenBMC package to be unit tested")
495    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
496                        help="Print additional package status messages")
497    parser.add_argument("-r", "--repeat", help="Repeat tests N times",
498                        type=int, default=1)
499    args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
502    if args.verbose:
503        def printline(*line):
504            for arg in line:
505                print arg,
506            print
507    else:
508        printline = lambda *l: None
510    # First validate code formatting if repo has style formatting files.
511    # The format-code.sh checks for these files.
513    check_call_cmd(WORKSPACE, "./format-code.sh", CODE_SCAN_DIR)
515    # Automake
516    if os.path.isfile(CODE_SCAN_DIR + "/configure.ac"):
517        prev_umask = os.umask(000)
518        # Determine dependencies and add them
519        dep_added = dict()
520        dep_added[UNIT_TEST_PKG] = False
521        # Create dependency tree
522        dep_tree = DepTree(UNIT_TEST_PKG)
523        build_dep_tree(UNIT_TEST_PKG,
524                       os.path.join(WORKSPACE, UNIT_TEST_PKG),
525                       dep_added,
526                       dep_tree)
528        # Reorder Dependency Tree
529        for pkg_name, regex_str in DEPENDENCIES_REGEX.iteritems():
530            dep_tree.ReorderDeps(pkg_name, regex_str)
531        if args.verbose:
532            dep_tree.PrintTree()
533        install_list = dep_tree.GetInstallList()
534        # install reordered dependencies
535        install_deps(install_list)
536        top_dir = os.path.join(WORKSPACE, UNIT_TEST_PKG)
537        os.chdir(top_dir)
538        # Refresh dynamic linker run time bindings for dependencies
539        check_call_cmd(top_dir, 'ldconfig')
540        # Run package unit tests
541        run_unit_tests(top_dir)
542        maybe_run_valgrind(top_dir)
543        maybe_run_coverage(top_dir)
545        os.umask(prev_umask)
547    # Cmake
548    elif os.path.isfile(CODE_SCAN_DIR + "/CMakeLists.txt"):
549        top_dir = os.path.join(WORKSPACE, UNIT_TEST_PKG)
550        os.chdir(top_dir)
551        check_call_cmd(top_dir, 'cmake', '.')
552        check_call_cmd(top_dir, 'cmake', '--build', '.', '--', '-j',
553                       str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()))
554        if make_target_exists('test'):
555            check_call_cmd(top_dir, 'ctest', '.')
556        maybe_run_valgrind(top_dir)
557        maybe_run_coverage(top_dir)
559    else:
560        print "Not a supported repo for CI Tests, exit"
561        quit()