1d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney#!/bin/bash
2fef141f6SPaul E. McKenney# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
3d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney#
4d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney# Run a kvm-based test of the specified tree on the specified configs.
5d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney# Fully automated run and error checking, no graphics console.
6d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney#
7d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney# Execute this in the source tree.  Do not run it as a background task
8d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney# because qemu does not seem to like that much.
9d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney#
10480b1eb6SPaul E. McKenney# Usage: kvm-test-1-run.sh config builddir resdir seconds qemu-args boot_args
11d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney#
121b2f48f2SBoqun Feng# qemu-args defaults to "-enable-kvm -nographic", along with arguments
131b2f48f2SBoqun Feng#			specifying the number of CPUs and other options
141b2f48f2SBoqun Feng#			generated from the underlying CPU architecture.
15d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney# boot_args defaults to value returned by the per_version_boot_params
16d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney#			shell function.
17d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney#
18d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney# Anything you specify for either qemu-args or boot_args is appended to
19d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney# the default values.  The "-smp" value is deduced from the contents of
20d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney# the config fragment.
21d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney#
22d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney# More sophisticated argument parsing is clearly needed.
23d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney#
24d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney# Copyright (C) IBM Corporation, 2011
25d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney#
26fef141f6SPaul E. McKenney# Authors: Paul E. McKenney <paulmck@linux.ibm.com>
27d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney
28b038c58bSPaul E. McKenneyT=${TMPDIR-/tmp}/kvm-test-1-run.sh.$$
29d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneytrap 'rm -rf $T' 0
30d62c9833SPaul E. McKenneymkdir $T
31d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney
32feef2d28SSeongJae Park. functions.sh
33edae018dSPranith Kumar. $CONFIGFRAG/ver_functions.sh
34d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney
35d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneyconfig_template=${1}
36d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneyconfig_dir=`echo $config_template | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
37d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneytitle=`echo $config_template | sed -e 's/^.*\///'`
38d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneybuilddir=${2}
39d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneyresdir=${3}
40d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneyif test -z "$resdir" -o ! -d "$resdir" -o ! -w "$resdir"
41d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneythen
42d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney	echo "kvm-test-1-run.sh :$resdir: Not a writable directory, cannot store results into it"
43d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney	exit 1
44d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneyfi
45d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneyecho ' ---' `date`: Starting build
46d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneyecho ' ---' Kconfig fragment at: $config_template >> $resdir/log
47b5744d3cSPaul E. McKenneytouch $resdir/ConfigFragment.input
486be63d7dSPaul E. McKenney
49409670aaSPaul E. McKenney# Combine additional Kconfig options into an existing set such that
50409670aaSPaul E. McKenney# newer options win.  The first argument is the Kconfig source ID, the
51409670aaSPaul E. McKenney# second the to-be-updated file within $T, and the third and final the
52409670aaSPaul E. McKenney# list of additional Kconfig options.  Note that a $2.tmp file is
53409670aaSPaul E. McKenney# created when doing the update.
546be63d7dSPaul E. McKenneyconfig_override_param () {
55409670aaSPaul E. McKenney	if test -n "$3"
566be63d7dSPaul E. McKenney	then
57409670aaSPaul E. McKenney		echo $3 | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' | tr -s " " "\012" > $T/Kconfig_args
586be63d7dSPaul E. McKenney		echo " --- $1" >> $resdir/ConfigFragment.input
596be63d7dSPaul E. McKenney		cat $T/Kconfig_args >> $resdir/ConfigFragment.input
60409670aaSPaul E. McKenney		config_override.sh $T/$2 $T/Kconfig_args > $T/$2.tmp
61409670aaSPaul E. McKenney		mv $T/$2.tmp $T/$2
626be63d7dSPaul E. McKenney		# Note that "#CHECK#" is not permitted on commandline.
636be63d7dSPaul E. McKenney	fi
646be63d7dSPaul E. McKenney}
656be63d7dSPaul E. McKenney
66409670aaSPaul E. McKenneyecho > $T/KcList
67409670aaSPaul E. McKenneyconfig_override_param "$config_dir/CFcommon" KcList "`cat $config_dir/CFcommon 2> /dev/null`"
68409670aaSPaul E. McKenneyconfig_override_param "$config_template" KcList "`cat $config_template 2> /dev/null`"
69b67a9170SPaul E. McKenneyconfig_override_param "--gdb options" KcList "$TORTURE_KCONFIG_GDB_ARG"
7004dbcdb4SPaul E. McKenneyconfig_override_param "--kasan options" KcList "$TORTURE_KCONFIG_KASAN_ARG"
71409670aaSPaul E. McKenneyconfig_override_param "--kcsan options" KcList "$TORTURE_KCONFIG_KCSAN_ARG"
72409670aaSPaul E. McKenneyconfig_override_param "--kconfig argument" KcList "$TORTURE_KCONFIG_ARG"
73409670aaSPaul E. McKenneycp $T/KcList $resdir/ConfigFragment
74d62c9833SPaul E. McKenney
75acc1adf5SPaul E. McKenneybase_resdir=`echo $resdir | sed -e 's/\.[0-9]\+$//'`
76*a519d214SPaul E. McKenneyif test "$base_resdir" != "$resdir" && test -f $base_resdir/bzImage && test -f $base_resdir/vmlinux
77d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneythen
78acc1adf5SPaul E. McKenney	# Rerunning previous test, so use that test's kernel.
79acc1adf5SPaul E. McKenney	QEMU="`identify_qemu $base_resdir/vmlinux`"
801b900c6aSBoqun Feng	BOOT_IMAGE="`identify_boot_image $QEMU`"
811b900c6aSBoqun Feng	KERNEL=$base_resdir/${BOOT_IMAGE##*/} # use the last component of ${BOOT_IMAGE}
82acc1adf5SPaul E. McKenney	ln -s $base_resdir/Make*.out $resdir  # for kvm-recheck.sh
83acc1adf5SPaul E. McKenney	ln -s $base_resdir/.config $resdir  # for kvm-recheck.sh
8485ef2bd2SPaul E. McKenney	# Arch-independent indicator
8585ef2bd2SPaul E. McKenney	touch $resdir/builtkernel
86*a519d214SPaul E. McKenneyelif test "$base_resdir" != "$resdir"
87*a519d214SPaul E. McKenneythen
88*a519d214SPaul E. McKenney	# Rerunning previous test for which build failed
89*a519d214SPaul E. McKenney	ln -s $base_resdir/Make*.out $resdir  # for kvm-recheck.sh
90*a519d214SPaul E. McKenney	ln -s $base_resdir/.config $resdir  # for kvm-recheck.sh
91*a519d214SPaul E. McKenney	echo Initial build failed, not running KVM, see $resdir.
92*a519d214SPaul E. McKenney	if test -f $builddir.wait
93*a519d214SPaul E. McKenney	then
94*a519d214SPaul E. McKenney		mv $builddir.wait $builddir.ready
95*a519d214SPaul E. McKenney	fi
96*a519d214SPaul E. McKenney	exit 1
97409670aaSPaul E. McKenneyelif kvm-build.sh $T/KcList $resdir
98acc1adf5SPaul E. McKenneythen
99acc1adf5SPaul E. McKenney	# Had to build a kernel for this test.
1006dc82595SPaul E. McKenney	QEMU="`identify_qemu vmlinux`"
101f189cc8cSPaul E. McKenney	BOOT_IMAGE="`identify_boot_image $QEMU`"
1026dc82595SPaul E. McKenney	cp vmlinux $resdir
1036dc82595SPaul E. McKenney	cp .config $resdir
1046dc82595SPaul E. McKenney	cp Module.symvers $resdir > /dev/null || :
1056dc82595SPaul E. McKenney	cp System.map $resdir > /dev/null || :
106f189cc8cSPaul E. McKenney	if test -n "$BOOT_IMAGE"
107f189cc8cSPaul E. McKenney	then
1086dc82595SPaul E. McKenney		cp $BOOT_IMAGE $resdir
1091b900c6aSBoqun Feng		KERNEL=$resdir/${BOOT_IMAGE##*/}
11085ef2bd2SPaul E. McKenney		# Arch-independent indicator
11185ef2bd2SPaul E. McKenney		touch $resdir/builtkernel
112f189cc8cSPaul E. McKenney	else
113f189cc8cSPaul E. McKenney		echo No identifiable boot image, not running KVM, see $resdir.
114f189cc8cSPaul E. McKenney		echo Do the torture scripts know about your architecture?
115f189cc8cSPaul E. McKenney	fi
116d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney	parse-build.sh $resdir/Make.out $title
117d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneyelse
118acc1adf5SPaul E. McKenney	# Build failed.
1196dc82595SPaul E. McKenney	cp .config $resdir || :
120d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney	echo Build failed, not running KVM, see $resdir.
121d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney	if test -f $builddir.wait
122d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney	then
123d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney		mv $builddir.wait $builddir.ready
124d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney	fi
125d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney	exit 1
126d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneyfi
127acc1adf5SPaul E. McKenneyif test -f $builddir.wait
128acc1adf5SPaul E. McKenneythen
129acc1adf5SPaul E. McKenney	mv $builddir.wait $builddir.ready
130acc1adf5SPaul E. McKenneyfi
131d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneywhile test -f $builddir.ready
132d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneydo
133d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney	sleep 1
134d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneydone
135480b1eb6SPaul E. McKenneyseconds=$4
136d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneyqemu_args=$5
137d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneyboot_args=$6
138d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney
1399bee2c6fSPaul E. McKenneyif test -z "$TORTURE_BUILDONLY"
1409bee2c6fSPaul E. McKenneythen
141d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney	echo ' ---' `date`: Starting kernel
1429bee2c6fSPaul E. McKenneyfi
143d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney
144d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney# Generate -smp qemu argument.
1451b2f48f2SBoqun Fengqemu_args="-enable-kvm -nographic $qemu_args"
146d62c9833SPaul E. McKenneycpu_count=`configNR_CPUS.sh $resdir/ConfigFragment`
147ae867ff0SPaul E. McKenneycpu_count=`configfrag_boot_cpus "$boot_args" "$config_template" "$cpu_count"`
148b22eb7ceSPaul E. McKenneyif test "$cpu_count" -gt "$TORTURE_ALLOTED_CPUS"
149d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneythen
150b22eb7ceSPaul E. McKenney	echo CPU count limited from $cpu_count to $TORTURE_ALLOTED_CPUS | tee -a $resdir/Warnings
151b22eb7ceSPaul E. McKenney	cpu_count=$TORTURE_ALLOTED_CPUS
152d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneyfi
153d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneyqemu_args="`specify_qemu_cpus "$QEMU" "$qemu_args" "$cpu_count"`"
15488513ae5SPaul E. McKenneyqemu_args="`specify_qemu_net "$qemu_args"`"
155d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney
156d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney# Generate architecture-specific and interaction-specific qemu arguments
157c979ff99SPaul E. McKenneyqemu_args="$qemu_args `identify_qemu_args "$QEMU" "$resdir/console.log"`"
158d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney
159d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney# Generate qemu -append arguments
160d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneyqemu_append="`identify_qemu_append "$QEMU"`"
161d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney
162d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney# Pull in Kconfig-fragment boot parameters
163d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneyboot_args="`configfrag_boot_params "$boot_args" "$config_template"`"
164d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney# Generate kernel-version-specific boot parameters
1656bb7ff17SPaul E. McKenneyboot_args="`per_version_boot_params "$boot_args" $resdir/.config $seconds`"
166b67a9170SPaul E. McKenneyif test -n "$TORTURE_BOOT_GDB_ARG"
167b67a9170SPaul E. McKenneythen
168b67a9170SPaul E. McKenney	boot_args="$boot_args $TORTURE_BOOT_GDB_ARG"
169b67a9170SPaul E. McKenneyfi
170b67a9170SPaul E. McKenneyecho $QEMU $qemu_args -m $TORTURE_QEMU_MEM -kernel $KERNEL -append \"$qemu_append $boot_args\" $TORTURE_QEMU_GDB_ARG > $resdir/qemu-cmd
171315957caSPaul E. McKenneyecho "# TORTURE_SHUTDOWN_GRACE=$TORTURE_SHUTDOWN_GRACE" >> $resdir/qemu-cmd
172315957caSPaul E. McKenneyecho "# seconds=$seconds" >> $resdir/qemu-cmd
173d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney
174805ffee2SPaul E. McKenneyif test -n "$TORTURE_BUILDONLY"
175d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneythen
176d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney	echo Build-only run specified, boot/test omitted.
1779bee2c6fSPaul E. McKenney	touch $resdir/buildonly
178d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney	exit 0
179d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneyfi
180316db589SPaul E. McKenney
181316db589SPaul E. McKenney# Decorate qemu-cmd with redirection, backgrounding, and PID capture
182316db589SPaul E. McKenneysed -e 's/$/ 2>\&1 \&/' < $resdir/qemu-cmd > $T/qemu-cmd
183316db589SPaul E. McKenneyecho 'echo $! > $resdir/qemu_pid' >> $T/qemu-cmd
184316db589SPaul E. McKenney
185316db589SPaul E. McKenney# In case qemu refuses to run...
186c979ff99SPaul E. McKenneyecho "NOTE: $QEMU either did not run or was interactive" > $resdir/console.log
187316db589SPaul E. McKenney
188316db589SPaul E. McKenney# Attempt to run qemu
189315957caSPaul E. McKenneykstarttime=`gawk 'BEGIN { print systime() }' < /dev/null`
190316db589SPaul E. McKenney( . $T/qemu-cmd; wait `cat  $resdir/qemu_pid`; echo $? > $resdir/qemu-retval ) &
191d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneycommandcompleted=0
192b67a9170SPaul E. McKenneyif test -z "$TORTURE_KCONFIG_GDB_ARG"
193b67a9170SPaul E. McKenneythen
194fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenney	sleep 10 # Give qemu's pid a chance to reach the file
195fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenney	if test -s "$resdir/qemu_pid"
196fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenney	then
197fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenney		qemu_pid=`cat "$resdir/qemu_pid"`
198d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney		echo Monitoring qemu job at pid $qemu_pid
199fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenney	else
200fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenney		qemu_pid=""
201fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenney		echo Monitoring qemu job at yet-as-unknown pid
202fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenney	fi
203b67a9170SPaul E. McKenneyfi
204b67a9170SPaul E. McKenneyif test -n "$TORTURE_KCONFIG_GDB_ARG"
205b67a9170SPaul E. McKenneythen
206b67a9170SPaul E. McKenney	echo Waiting for you to attach a debug session, for example: > /dev/tty
207b67a9170SPaul E. McKenney	echo "    gdb $base_resdir/vmlinux" > /dev/tty
208b67a9170SPaul E. McKenney	echo 'After symbols load and the "(gdb)" prompt appears:' > /dev/tty
209b67a9170SPaul E. McKenney	echo "    target remote :1234" > /dev/tty
210b67a9170SPaul E. McKenney	echo "    continue" > /dev/tty
211b67a9170SPaul E. McKenney	kstarttime=`gawk 'BEGIN { print systime() }' < /dev/null`
212b67a9170SPaul E. McKenneyfi
2130bca7c33SPaul E. McKenneywhile :
214d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneydo
215fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenney	if test -z "$qemu_pid" -a -s "$resdir/qemu_pid"
216fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenney	then
217fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenney		qemu_pid=`cat "$resdir/qemu_pid"`
218fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenney	fi
219c493f1c9SPaul E. McKenney	kruntime=`gawk 'BEGIN { print systime() - '"$kstarttime"' }' < /dev/null`
220fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenney	if test -z "$qemu_pid" || kill -0 "$qemu_pid" > /dev/null 2>&1
221d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney	then
22208c79742SPaul E. McKenney		if test -n "$TORTURE_KCONFIG_GDB_ARG"
22308c79742SPaul E. McKenney		then
22408c79742SPaul E. McKenney			:
225c821f855SPaul E. McKenney		elif test $kruntime -ge $seconds || test -f "$resdir/../STOP.1"
2260bca7c33SPaul E. McKenney		then
2270bca7c33SPaul E. McKenney			break;
2280bca7c33SPaul E. McKenney		fi
229d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney		sleep 1
230d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney	else
231d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney		commandcompleted=1
232d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney		if test $kruntime -lt $seconds
233d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney		then
234d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney			echo Completed in $kruntime vs. $seconds >> $resdir/Warnings 2>&1
235fff35c4eSPaul E. McKenney			grep "^(qemu) qemu:" $resdir/kvm-test-1-run.sh.out >> $resdir/Warnings 2>&1
236fff35c4eSPaul E. McKenney			killpid="`sed -n "s/^(qemu) qemu: terminating on signal [0-9]* from pid \([0-9]*\).*$/\1/p" $resdir/Warnings`"
237fff35c4eSPaul E. McKenney			if test -n "$killpid"
238fff35c4eSPaul E. McKenney			then
239fff35c4eSPaul E. McKenney				echo "ps -fp $killpid" >> $resdir/Warnings 2>&1
240fff35c4eSPaul E. McKenney				ps -fp $killpid >> $resdir/Warnings 2>&1
241fff35c4eSPaul E. McKenney			fi
242c64659efSPaul E. McKenney			# Reduce probability of PID reuse by allowing a one-minute buffer
243c64659efSPaul E. McKenney			if test $((kruntime + 60)) -lt $seconds && test -s "$resdir/../jitter_pids"
244c64659efSPaul E. McKenney			then
245c64659efSPaul E. McKenney				awk < "$resdir/../jitter_pids" '
246c64659efSPaul E. McKenney				NF > 0 {
247c64659efSPaul E. McKenney					pidlist = pidlist " " $1;
248c64659efSPaul E. McKenney					n++;
249c64659efSPaul E. McKenney				}
250c64659efSPaul E. McKenney				END {
251c64659efSPaul E. McKenney					if (n > 0) {
252c64659efSPaul E. McKenney						print "kill " pidlist;
253c64659efSPaul E. McKenney					}
254c64659efSPaul E. McKenney				}' | sh
255c64659efSPaul E. McKenney			fi
256d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney		else
257fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenney			echo ' ---' `date`: "Kernel done"
258d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney		fi
259d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney		break
260d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney	fi
261d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneydone
262fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenneyif test -z "$qemu_pid" -a -s "$resdir/qemu_pid"
263fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenneythen
264fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenney	qemu_pid=`cat "$resdir/qemu_pid"`
265fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenneyfi
266fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenneyif test $commandcompleted -eq 0 -a -n "$qemu_pid"
267d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneythen
268c821f855SPaul E. McKenney	if ! test -f "$resdir/../STOP.1"
2696387ecbcSPaul E. McKenney	then
270d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney		echo Grace period for qemu job at pid $qemu_pid
2716387ecbcSPaul E. McKenney	fi
2726e8c66c8SPaul E. McKenney	oldline="`tail $resdir/console.log`"
2730bca7c33SPaul E. McKenney	while :
274d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney	do
275c821f855SPaul E. McKenney		if test -f "$resdir/../STOP.1"
2766387ecbcSPaul E. McKenney		then
277c821f855SPaul E. McKenney			echo "PID $qemu_pid killed due to run STOP.1 request" >> $resdir/Warnings 2>&1
2786387ecbcSPaul E. McKenney			kill -KILL $qemu_pid
2796387ecbcSPaul E. McKenney			break
2806387ecbcSPaul E. McKenney		fi
281c493f1c9SPaul E. McKenney		kruntime=`gawk 'BEGIN { print systime() - '"$kstarttime"' }' < /dev/null`
282d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney		if kill -0 $qemu_pid > /dev/null 2>&1
283d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney		then
2840bca7c33SPaul E. McKenney			:
285d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney		else
286d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney			break
287d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney		fi
2886e8c66c8SPaul E. McKenney		must_continue=no
2896e8c66c8SPaul E. McKenney		newline="`tail $resdir/console.log`"
2906e8c66c8SPaul E. McKenney		if test "$newline" != "$oldline" && echo $newline | grep -q ' [0-9]\+us : '
2916e8c66c8SPaul E. McKenney		then
2926e8c66c8SPaul E. McKenney			must_continue=yes
2936e8c66c8SPaul E. McKenney		fi
2946e8c66c8SPaul E. McKenney		last_ts="`tail $resdir/console.log | grep '^\[ *[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+]' | tail -1 | sed -e 's/^\[ *//' -e 's/\..*$//'`"
2952c667e5eSPaul E. McKenney		if test -z "$last_ts"
2966e8c66c8SPaul E. McKenney		then
2976e8c66c8SPaul E. McKenney			last_ts=0
2986e8c66c8SPaul E. McKenney		fi
2996e8c66c8SPaul E. McKenney		if test "$newline" != "$oldline" -a "$last_ts" -lt $((seconds + $TORTURE_SHUTDOWN_GRACE))
3006e8c66c8SPaul E. McKenney		then
3016e8c66c8SPaul E. McKenney			must_continue=yes
3026e8c66c8SPaul E. McKenney		fi
3036e8c66c8SPaul E. McKenney		if test $must_continue = no -a $kruntime -ge $((seconds + $TORTURE_SHUTDOWN_GRACE))
304d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney		then
305b7659241SPaul E. McKenney			echo "!!! PID $qemu_pid hung at $kruntime vs. $seconds seconds" >> $resdir/Warnings 2>&1
306d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney			kill -KILL $qemu_pid
3070bca7c33SPaul E. McKenney			break
308d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney		fi
3096e8c66c8SPaul E. McKenney		oldline=$newline
3106e8c66c8SPaul E. McKenney		sleep 10
311d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney	done
312fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenneyelif test -z "$qemu_pid"
313fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenneythen
314fb2c66afSPaul E. McKenney	echo Unknown PID, cannot kill qemu command
315d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneyfi
316d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenney
317d3b1548aSPaul E. McKenneyparse-console.sh $resdir/console.log $title