11a5e31fbSPranith Kumar#!/bin/bash
2c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney#
31a5e31fbSPranith Kumar# bash configinit.sh config-spec-file [ build output dir ]
4c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney#
5c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney# Create a .config file from the spec file.  Run from the kernel source tree.
6c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney# Exits with 0 if all went well, with 1 if all went well but the config
7c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney# did not match, and some other number for other failures.
8c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney#
9c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney# The first argument is the .config specification file, which contains
10c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney# desired settings, for example, "CONFIG_NO_HZ=y".  For best results,
11c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney# this should be a full pathname.
12c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney#
13c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney# The second argument is a optional path to a build output directory,
14c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney# for example, "O=/tmp/foo".  If this argument is omitted, the .config
15c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney# file will be generated directly in the current directory.
160e342a87SPaul E. McKenney#
170e342a87SPaul E. McKenney# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
180e342a87SPaul E. McKenney# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
190e342a87SPaul E. McKenney# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
200e342a87SPaul E. McKenney# (at your option) any later version.
210e342a87SPaul E. McKenney#
220e342a87SPaul E. McKenney# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
230e342a87SPaul E. McKenney# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
250e342a87SPaul E. McKenney# GNU General Public License for more details.
260e342a87SPaul E. McKenney#
270e342a87SPaul E. McKenney# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
280e342a87SPaul E. McKenney# along with this program; if not, you can access it online at
290e342a87SPaul E. McKenney# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
300e342a87SPaul E. McKenney#
310e342a87SPaul E. McKenney# Copyright (C) IBM Corporation, 2013
320e342a87SPaul E. McKenney#
330e342a87SPaul E. McKenney# Authors: Paul E. McKenney <paulmck@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
34c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney
35c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneyT=/tmp/configinit.sh.$$
36c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneytrap 'rm -rf $T' 0
37c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneymkdir $T
38c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney
39c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney# Capture config spec file.
40c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney
41c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneyc=$1
42c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneybuildloc=$2
43c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneybuilddir=
44c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneyif test -n $buildloc
45c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneythen
46c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney	if echo $buildloc | grep -q '^O='
47c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney	then
48c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney		builddir=`echo $buildloc | sed -e 's/^O=//'`
49c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney		if test ! -d $builddir
50c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney		then
51c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney			mkdir $builddir
52c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney		fi
53c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney	else
54c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney		echo Bad build directory: \"$builddir\"
55c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney		exit 2
56c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney	fi
57c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneyfi
58c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney
59c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneysed -e 's/^\(CONFIG[0-9A-Z_]*\)=.*$/grep -v "^# \1" |/' < $c > $T/u.sh
60c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneysed -e 's/^\(CONFIG[0-9A-Z_]*=\).*$/grep -v \1 |/' < $c >> $T/u.sh
61c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneygrep '^grep' < $T/u.sh > $T/upd.sh
62c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneyecho "cat - $c" >> $T/upd.sh
63c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneymake mrproper
64c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneymake $buildloc distclean > $builddir/Make.distclean 2>&1
658c55f227SPaul E. McKenneymake $buildloc $TORTURE_DEFCONFIG > $builddir/Make.defconfig.out 2>&1
66c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneymv $builddir/.config $builddir/.config.sav
67c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneysh $T/upd.sh < $builddir/.config.sav > $builddir/.config
68c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneycp $builddir/.config $builddir/.config.new
69c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneyyes '' | make $buildloc oldconfig > $builddir/Make.modconfig.out 2>&1
70c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney
71c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney# verify new config matches specification.
7250d48a1dSPaul E. McKenneyconfigcheck.sh $builddir/.config $c
73c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenney
74c87b9c60SPaul E. McKenneyexit 0