xref: /openbmc/linux/tools/testing/kunit/kunit.py (revision ea15d3bd)
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
4# A thin wrapper on top of the KUnit Kernel
6# Copyright (C) 2019, Google LLC.
7# Author: Felix Guo <felixguoxiuping@gmail.com>
8# Author: Brendan Higgins <brendanhiggins@google.com>
10import argparse
11import os
12import re
13import shlex
14import sys
15import time
17assert sys.version_info >= (3, 7), "Python version is too old"
19from dataclasses import dataclass
20from enum import Enum, auto
21from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
23import kunit_json
24import kunit_kernel
25import kunit_parser
26from kunit_printer import stdout
28class KunitStatus(Enum):
29	SUCCESS = auto()
30	CONFIG_FAILURE = auto()
31	BUILD_FAILURE = auto()
32	TEST_FAILURE = auto()
35class KunitResult:
36	status: KunitStatus
37	elapsed_time: float
40class KunitConfigRequest:
41	build_dir: str
42	make_options: Optional[List[str]]
45class KunitBuildRequest(KunitConfigRequest):
46	jobs: int
47	alltests: bool
50class KunitParseRequest:
51	raw_output: Optional[str]
52	json: Optional[str]
55class KunitExecRequest(KunitParseRequest):
56	build_dir: str
57	timeout: int
58	alltests: bool
59	filter_glob: str
60	kernel_args: Optional[List[str]]
61	run_isolated: Optional[str]
64class KunitRequest(KunitExecRequest, KunitBuildRequest):
65	pass
68def get_kernel_root_path() -> str:
69	path = sys.argv[0] if not __file__ else __file__
70	parts = os.path.realpath(path).split('tools/testing/kunit')
71	if len(parts) != 2:
72		sys.exit(1)
73	return parts[0]
75def config_tests(linux: kunit_kernel.LinuxSourceTree,
76		 request: KunitConfigRequest) -> KunitResult:
77	stdout.print_with_timestamp('Configuring KUnit Kernel ...')
79	config_start = time.time()
80	success = linux.build_reconfig(request.build_dir, request.make_options)
81	config_end = time.time()
82	if not success:
83		return KunitResult(KunitStatus.CONFIG_FAILURE,
84				   config_end - config_start)
85	return KunitResult(KunitStatus.SUCCESS,
86			   config_end - config_start)
88def build_tests(linux: kunit_kernel.LinuxSourceTree,
89		request: KunitBuildRequest) -> KunitResult:
90	stdout.print_with_timestamp('Building KUnit Kernel ...')
92	build_start = time.time()
93	success = linux.build_kernel(request.alltests,
94				     request.jobs,
95				     request.build_dir,
96				     request.make_options)
97	build_end = time.time()
98	if not success:
99		return KunitResult(KunitStatus.BUILD_FAILURE,
100				   build_end - build_start)
101	if not success:
102		return KunitResult(KunitStatus.BUILD_FAILURE,
103				   build_end - build_start)
104	return KunitResult(KunitStatus.SUCCESS,
105			   build_end - build_start)
107def config_and_build_tests(linux: kunit_kernel.LinuxSourceTree,
108			   request: KunitBuildRequest) -> KunitResult:
109	config_result = config_tests(linux, request)
110	if config_result.status != KunitStatus.SUCCESS:
111		return config_result
113	return build_tests(linux, request)
115def _list_tests(linux: kunit_kernel.LinuxSourceTree, request: KunitExecRequest) -> List[str]:
116	args = ['kunit.action=list']
117	if request.kernel_args:
118		args.extend(request.kernel_args)
120	output = linux.run_kernel(args=args,
121			   timeout=None if request.alltests else request.timeout,
122			   filter_glob=request.filter_glob,
123			   build_dir=request.build_dir)
124	lines = kunit_parser.extract_tap_lines(output)
125	# Hack! Drop the dummy TAP version header that the executor prints out.
126	lines.pop()
128	# Filter out any extraneous non-test output that might have gotten mixed in.
129	return [l for l in lines if re.match(r'^[^\s.]+\.[^\s.]+$', l)]
131def _suites_from_test_list(tests: List[str]) -> List[str]:
132	"""Extracts all the suites from an ordered list of tests."""
133	suites = []  # type: List[str]
134	for t in tests:
135		parts = t.split('.', maxsplit=2)
136		if len(parts) != 2:
137			raise ValueError(f'internal KUnit error, test name should be of the form "<suite>.<test>", got "{t}"')
138		suite, case = parts
139		if not suites or suites[-1] != suite:
140			suites.append(suite)
141	return suites
145def exec_tests(linux: kunit_kernel.LinuxSourceTree, request: KunitExecRequest) -> KunitResult:
146	filter_globs = [request.filter_glob]
147	if request.run_isolated:
148		tests = _list_tests(linux, request)
149		if request.run_isolated == 'test':
150			filter_globs = tests
151		if request.run_isolated == 'suite':
152			filter_globs = _suites_from_test_list(tests)
153			# Apply the test-part of the user's glob, if present.
154			if '.' in request.filter_glob:
155				test_glob = request.filter_glob.split('.', maxsplit=2)[1]
156				filter_globs = [g + '.'+ test_glob for g in filter_globs]
158	metadata = kunit_json.Metadata(arch=linux.arch(), build_dir=request.build_dir, def_config='kunit_defconfig')
160	test_counts = kunit_parser.TestCounts()
161	exec_time = 0.0
162	for i, filter_glob in enumerate(filter_globs):
163		stdout.print_with_timestamp('Starting KUnit Kernel ({}/{})...'.format(i+1, len(filter_globs)))
165		test_start = time.time()
166		run_result = linux.run_kernel(
167			args=request.kernel_args,
168			timeout=None if request.alltests else request.timeout,
169			filter_glob=filter_glob,
170			build_dir=request.build_dir)
172		_, test_result = parse_tests(request, metadata, run_result)
173		# run_kernel() doesn't block on the kernel exiting.
174		# That only happens after we get the last line of output from `run_result`.
175		# So exec_time here actually contains parsing + execution time, which is fine.
176		test_end = time.time()
177		exec_time += test_end - test_start
179		test_counts.add_subtest_counts(test_result.counts)
181	if len(filter_globs) == 1 and test_counts.crashed > 0:
182		bd = request.build_dir
183		print('The kernel seems to have crashed; you can decode the stack traces with:')
184		print('$ scripts/decode_stacktrace.sh {}/vmlinux {} < {} | tee {}/decoded.log | {} parse'.format(
185				bd, bd, kunit_kernel.get_outfile_path(bd), bd, sys.argv[0]))
187	kunit_status = _map_to_overall_status(test_counts.get_status())
188	return KunitResult(status=kunit_status, elapsed_time=exec_time)
190def _map_to_overall_status(test_status: kunit_parser.TestStatus) -> KunitStatus:
191	if test_status in (kunit_parser.TestStatus.SUCCESS, kunit_parser.TestStatus.SKIPPED):
192		return KunitStatus.SUCCESS
193	return KunitStatus.TEST_FAILURE
195def parse_tests(request: KunitParseRequest, metadata: kunit_json.Metadata, input_data: Iterable[str]) -> Tuple[KunitResult, kunit_parser.Test]:
196	parse_start = time.time()
198	test_result = kunit_parser.Test()
200	if request.raw_output:
201		# Treat unparsed results as one passing test.
202		test_result.status = kunit_parser.TestStatus.SUCCESS
203		test_result.counts.passed = 1
205		output: Iterable[str] = input_data
206		if request.raw_output == 'all':
207			pass
208		elif request.raw_output == 'kunit':
209			output = kunit_parser.extract_tap_lines(output)
210		for line in output:
211			print(line.rstrip())
213	else:
214		test_result = kunit_parser.parse_run_tests(input_data)
215	parse_end = time.time()
217	if request.json:
218		json_str = kunit_json.get_json_result(
219					test=test_result,
220					metadata=metadata)
221		if request.json == 'stdout':
222			print(json_str)
223		else:
224			with open(request.json, 'w') as f:
225				f.write(json_str)
226			stdout.print_with_timestamp("Test results stored in %s" %
227				os.path.abspath(request.json))
229	if test_result.status != kunit_parser.TestStatus.SUCCESS:
230		return KunitResult(KunitStatus.TEST_FAILURE, parse_end - parse_start), test_result
232	return KunitResult(KunitStatus.SUCCESS, parse_end - parse_start), test_result
234def run_tests(linux: kunit_kernel.LinuxSourceTree,
235	      request: KunitRequest) -> KunitResult:
236	run_start = time.time()
238	config_result = config_tests(linux, request)
239	if config_result.status != KunitStatus.SUCCESS:
240		return config_result
242	build_result = build_tests(linux, request)
243	if build_result.status != KunitStatus.SUCCESS:
244		return build_result
246	exec_result = exec_tests(linux, request)
248	run_end = time.time()
250	stdout.print_with_timestamp((
251		'Elapsed time: %.3fs total, %.3fs configuring, %.3fs ' +
252		'building, %.3fs running\n') % (
253				run_end - run_start,
254				config_result.elapsed_time,
255				build_result.elapsed_time,
256				exec_result.elapsed_time))
257	return exec_result
259# Problem:
260# $ kunit.py run --json
261# works as one would expect and prints the parsed test results as JSON.
262# $ kunit.py run --json suite_name
263# would *not* pass suite_name as the filter_glob and print as json.
264# argparse will consider it to be another way of writing
265# $ kunit.py run --json=suite_name
266# i.e. it would run all tests, and dump the json to a `suite_name` file.
267# So we hackily automatically rewrite --json => --json=stdout
268pseudo_bool_flag_defaults = {
269		'--json': 'stdout',
270		'--raw_output': 'kunit',
272def massage_argv(argv: Sequence[str]) -> Sequence[str]:
273	def massage_arg(arg: str) -> str:
274		if arg not in pseudo_bool_flag_defaults:
275			return arg
276		return  f'{arg}={pseudo_bool_flag_defaults[arg]}'
277	return list(map(massage_arg, argv))
279def get_default_jobs() -> int:
280	return len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))
282def add_common_opts(parser) -> None:
283	parser.add_argument('--build_dir',
284			    help='As in the make command, it specifies the build '
285			    'directory.',
286			    type=str, default='.kunit', metavar='DIR')
287	parser.add_argument('--make_options',
288			    help='X=Y make option, can be repeated.',
289			    action='append', metavar='X=Y')
290	parser.add_argument('--alltests',
291			    help='Run all KUnit tests through allyesconfig',
292			    action='store_true')
293	parser.add_argument('--kunitconfig',
294			     help='Path to Kconfig fragment that enables KUnit tests.'
295			     ' If given a directory, (e.g. lib/kunit), "/.kunitconfig" '
296			     'will get  automatically appended. If repeated, the files '
297			     'blindly concatenated, which might not work in all cases.',
298			     action='append', metavar='PATHS')
299	parser.add_argument('--kconfig_add',
300			     help='Additional Kconfig options to append to the '
301			     '.kunitconfig, e.g. CONFIG_KASAN=y. Can be repeated.',
302			    action='append', metavar='CONFIG_X=Y')
304	parser.add_argument('--arch',
305			    help=('Specifies the architecture to run tests under. '
306				  'The architecture specified here must match the '
307				  'string passed to the ARCH make param, '
308				  'e.g. i386, x86_64, arm, um, etc. Non-UML '
309				  'architectures run on QEMU.'),
310			    type=str, default='um', metavar='ARCH')
312	parser.add_argument('--cross_compile',
313			    help=('Sets make\'s CROSS_COMPILE variable; it should '
314				  'be set to a toolchain path prefix (the prefix '
315				  'of gcc and other tools in your toolchain, for '
316				  'example `sparc64-linux-gnu-` if you have the '
317				  'sparc toolchain installed on your system, or '
318				  '`$HOME/toolchains/microblaze/gcc-9.2.0-nolibc/microblaze-linux/bin/microblaze-linux-` '
319				  'if you have downloaded the microblaze toolchain '
320				  'from the 0-day website to a directory in your '
321				  'home directory called `toolchains`).'),
322			    metavar='PREFIX')
324	parser.add_argument('--qemu_config',
325			    help=('Takes a path to a path to a file containing '
326				  'a QemuArchParams object.'),
327			    type=str, metavar='FILE')
329	parser.add_argument('--qemu_args',
330			    help='Additional QEMU arguments, e.g. "-smp 8"',
331			    action='append', metavar='')
333def add_build_opts(parser) -> None:
334	parser.add_argument('--jobs',
335			    help='As in the make command, "Specifies  the number of '
336			    'jobs (commands) to run simultaneously."',
337			    type=int, default=get_default_jobs(), metavar='N')
339def add_exec_opts(parser) -> None:
340	parser.add_argument('--timeout',
341			    help='maximum number of seconds to allow for all tests '
342			    'to run. This does not include time taken to build the '
343			    'tests.',
344			    type=int,
345			    default=300,
346			    metavar='SECONDS')
347	parser.add_argument('filter_glob',
348			    help='Filter which KUnit test suites/tests run at '
349			    'boot-time, e.g. list* or list*.*del_test',
350			    type=str,
351			    nargs='?',
352			    default='',
353			    metavar='filter_glob')
354	parser.add_argument('--kernel_args',
355			    help='Kernel command-line parameters. Maybe be repeated',
356			     action='append', metavar='')
357	parser.add_argument('--run_isolated', help='If set, boot the kernel for each '
358			    'individual suite/test. This is can be useful for debugging '
359			    'a non-hermetic test, one that might pass/fail based on '
360			    'what ran before it.',
361			    type=str,
362			    choices=['suite', 'test'])
364def add_parse_opts(parser) -> None:
365	parser.add_argument('--raw_output', help='If set don\'t format output from kernel. '
366			    'If set to --raw_output=kunit, filters to just KUnit output.',
367			     type=str, nargs='?', const='all', default=None, choices=['all', 'kunit'])
368	parser.add_argument('--json',
369			    nargs='?',
370			    help='Stores test results in a JSON, and either '
371			    'prints to stdout or saves to file if a '
372			    'filename is specified',
373			    type=str, const='stdout', default=None, metavar='FILE')
376def tree_from_args(cli_args: argparse.Namespace) -> kunit_kernel.LinuxSourceTree:
377	"""Returns a LinuxSourceTree based on the user's arguments."""
378	# Allow users to specify multiple arguments in one string, e.g. '-smp 8'
379	qemu_args: List[str] = []
380	if cli_args.qemu_args:
381		for arg in cli_args.qemu_args:
382			qemu_args.extend(shlex.split(arg))
384	return kunit_kernel.LinuxSourceTree(cli_args.build_dir,
385			kunitconfig_paths=cli_args.kunitconfig,
386			kconfig_add=cli_args.kconfig_add,
387			arch=cli_args.arch,
388			cross_compile=cli_args.cross_compile,
389			qemu_config_path=cli_args.qemu_config,
390			extra_qemu_args=qemu_args)
393def main(argv):
394	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
395			description='Helps writing and running KUnit tests.')
396	subparser = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subcommand')
398	# The 'run' command will config, build, exec, and parse in one go.
399	run_parser = subparser.add_parser('run', help='Runs KUnit tests.')
400	add_common_opts(run_parser)
401	add_build_opts(run_parser)
402	add_exec_opts(run_parser)
403	add_parse_opts(run_parser)
405	config_parser = subparser.add_parser('config',
406						help='Ensures that .config contains all of '
407						'the options in .kunitconfig')
408	add_common_opts(config_parser)
410	build_parser = subparser.add_parser('build', help='Builds a kernel with KUnit tests')
411	add_common_opts(build_parser)
412	add_build_opts(build_parser)
414	exec_parser = subparser.add_parser('exec', help='Run a kernel with KUnit tests')
415	add_common_opts(exec_parser)
416	add_exec_opts(exec_parser)
417	add_parse_opts(exec_parser)
419	# The 'parse' option is special, as it doesn't need the kernel source
420	# (therefore there is no need for a build_dir, hence no add_common_opts)
421	# and the '--file' argument is not relevant to 'run', so isn't in
422	# add_parse_opts()
423	parse_parser = subparser.add_parser('parse',
424					    help='Parses KUnit results from a file, '
425					    'and parses formatted results.')
426	add_parse_opts(parse_parser)
427	parse_parser.add_argument('file',
428				  help='Specifies the file to read results from.',
429				  type=str, nargs='?', metavar='input_file')
431	cli_args = parser.parse_args(massage_argv(argv))
433	if get_kernel_root_path():
434		os.chdir(get_kernel_root_path())
436	if cli_args.subcommand == 'run':
437		if not os.path.exists(cli_args.build_dir):
438			os.mkdir(cli_args.build_dir)
440		linux = tree_from_args(cli_args)
441		request = KunitRequest(build_dir=cli_args.build_dir,
442				       make_options=cli_args.make_options,
443				       jobs=cli_args.jobs,
444				       alltests=cli_args.alltests,
445				       raw_output=cli_args.raw_output,
446				       json=cli_args.json,
447				       timeout=cli_args.timeout,
448				       filter_glob=cli_args.filter_glob,
449				       kernel_args=cli_args.kernel_args,
450				       run_isolated=cli_args.run_isolated)
451		result = run_tests(linux, request)
452		if result.status != KunitStatus.SUCCESS:
453			sys.exit(1)
454	elif cli_args.subcommand == 'config':
455		if cli_args.build_dir and (
456				not os.path.exists(cli_args.build_dir)):
457			os.mkdir(cli_args.build_dir)
459		linux = tree_from_args(cli_args)
460		request = KunitConfigRequest(build_dir=cli_args.build_dir,
461					     make_options=cli_args.make_options)
462		result = config_tests(linux, request)
463		stdout.print_with_timestamp((
464			'Elapsed time: %.3fs\n') % (
465				result.elapsed_time))
466		if result.status != KunitStatus.SUCCESS:
467			sys.exit(1)
468	elif cli_args.subcommand == 'build':
469		linux = tree_from_args(cli_args)
470		request = KunitBuildRequest(build_dir=cli_args.build_dir,
471					    make_options=cli_args.make_options,
472					    jobs=cli_args.jobs,
473					    alltests=cli_args.alltests)
474		result = config_and_build_tests(linux, request)
475		stdout.print_with_timestamp((
476			'Elapsed time: %.3fs\n') % (
477				result.elapsed_time))
478		if result.status != KunitStatus.SUCCESS:
479			sys.exit(1)
480	elif cli_args.subcommand == 'exec':
481		linux = tree_from_args(cli_args)
482		exec_request = KunitExecRequest(raw_output=cli_args.raw_output,
483						build_dir=cli_args.build_dir,
484						json=cli_args.json,
485						timeout=cli_args.timeout,
486						alltests=cli_args.alltests,
487						filter_glob=cli_args.filter_glob,
488						kernel_args=cli_args.kernel_args,
489						run_isolated=cli_args.run_isolated)
490		result = exec_tests(linux, exec_request)
491		stdout.print_with_timestamp((
492			'Elapsed time: %.3fs\n') % (result.elapsed_time))
493		if result.status != KunitStatus.SUCCESS:
494			sys.exit(1)
495	elif cli_args.subcommand == 'parse':
496		if cli_args.file is None:
497			sys.stdin.reconfigure(errors='backslashreplace')  # pytype: disable=attribute-error
498			kunit_output = sys.stdin
499		else:
500			with open(cli_args.file, 'r', errors='backslashreplace') as f:
501				kunit_output = f.read().splitlines()
502		# We know nothing about how the result was created!
503		metadata = kunit_json.Metadata()
504		request = KunitParseRequest(raw_output=cli_args.raw_output,
505					    json=cli_args.json)
506		result, _ = parse_tests(request, metadata, kunit_output)
507		if result.status != KunitStatus.SUCCESS:
508			sys.exit(1)
509	else:
510		parser.print_help()
512if __name__ == '__main__':
513	main(sys.argv[1:])