1ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski================
2ff69c21aSJakub Kicinskibpftool-map
3ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski================
4ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5ff69c21aSJakub Kicinskitool for inspection and simple manipulation of eBPF maps
6ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
8ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski:Manual section: 8
9ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
10ff69c21aSJakub KicinskiSYNOPSIS
11ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski========
12ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
130641c3c8SQuentin Monnet	**bpftool** [*OPTIONS*] **map** *COMMAND*
140641c3c8SQuentin Monnet
15c541b734SPrashant Bhole	*OPTIONS* := { { **-j** | **--json** } [{ **-p** | **--pretty** }] | { **-f** | **--bpffs** } }
16ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
17ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski	*COMMANDS* :=
180b592b5aSJakub Kicinski	{ **show** | **list** | **create** | **dump** | **update** | **lookup** | **getnext**
190b592b5aSJakub Kicinski	| **delete** | **pin** | **help** }
20ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
21ff69c21aSJakub KicinskiMAP COMMANDS
22ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski=============
23ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
246ebe6dbdSJakub Kicinski|	**bpftool** **map { show | list }**   [*MAP*]
250b592b5aSJakub Kicinski|	**bpftool** **map create**     *FILE* **type** *TYPE* **key** *KEY_SIZE* **value** *VALUE_SIZE* \
260b592b5aSJakub Kicinski|		**entries** *MAX_ENTRIES* **name** *NAME* [**flags** *FLAGS*] [**dev** *NAME*]
2747ff7ac6SQuentin Monnet|	**bpftool** **map dump**       *MAP*
287d7209cbSStanislav Fomichev|	**bpftool** **map update**     *MAP* [**key** *DATA*] [**value** *VALUE*] [*UPDATE_FLAGS*]
298a89fff6SStanislav Fomichev|	**bpftool** **map lookup**     *MAP* [**key** *DATA*]
30c642ea26SJakub Kicinski|	**bpftool** **map getnext**    *MAP* [**key** *DATA*]
31c642ea26SJakub Kicinski|	**bpftool** **map delete**     *MAP*  **key** *DATA*
3247ff7ac6SQuentin Monnet|	**bpftool** **map pin**        *MAP*  *FILE*
33f412eed9SJakub Kicinski|	**bpftool** **map event_pipe** *MAP* [**cpu** *N* **index** *M*]
3466cf6e0bSStanislav Fomichev|	**bpftool** **map peek**       *MAP*
35549d4d3dSStanislav Fomichev|	**bpftool** **map push**       *MAP* **value** *VALUE*
36549d4d3dSStanislav Fomichev|	**bpftool** **map enqueue**    *MAP* **value** *VALUE*
3747ff7ac6SQuentin Monnet|	**bpftool** **map help**
38ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski|
3947ff7ac6SQuentin Monnet|	*MAP* := { **id** *MAP_ID* | **pinned** *FILE* }
40c642ea26SJakub Kicinski|	*DATA* := { [**hex**] *BYTES* }
412148481dSQuentin Monnet|	*PROG* := { **id** *PROG_ID* | **pinned** *FILE* | **tag** *PROG_TAG* }
42c642ea26SJakub Kicinski|	*VALUE* := { *DATA* | *MAP* | *PROG* }
4347ff7ac6SQuentin Monnet|	*UPDATE_FLAGS* := { **any** | **exist** | **noexist** }
440b592b5aSJakub Kicinski|	*TYPE* := { **hash** | **array** | **prog_array** | **perf_event_array** | **percpu_hash**
450b592b5aSJakub Kicinski|		| **percpu_array** | **stack_trace** | **cgroup_array** | **lru_hash**
460b592b5aSJakub Kicinski|		| **lru_percpu_hash** | **lpm_trie** | **array_of_maps** | **hash_of_maps**
470b592b5aSJakub Kicinski|		| **devmap** | **sockmap** | **cpumap** | **xskmap** | **sockhash**
48197c2dacSDavid Calavera|		| **cgroup_storage** | **reuseport_sockarray** | **percpu_cgroup_storage**
49197c2dacSDavid Calavera|		| **queue** | **stack** }
50ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
51ff69c21aSJakub KicinskiDESCRIPTION
52ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski===========
536ebe6dbdSJakub Kicinski	**bpftool map { show | list }**   [*MAP*]
54ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski		  Show information about loaded maps.  If *MAP* is specified
55ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski		  show information only about given map, otherwise list all
56ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski		  maps currently loaded on the system.
57ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
58ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski		  Output will start with map ID followed by map type and
59ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski		  zero or more named attributes (depending on kernel version).
60ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
610b592b5aSJakub Kicinski	**bpftool map create** *FILE* **type** *TYPE* **key** *KEY_SIZE* **value** *VALUE_SIZE*  **entries** *MAX_ENTRIES* **name** *NAME* [**flags** *FLAGS*] [**dev** *NAME*]
620b592b5aSJakub Kicinski		  Create a new map with given parameters and pin it to *bpffs*
630b592b5aSJakub Kicinski		  as *FILE*.
640b592b5aSJakub Kicinski
65ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski	**bpftool map dump**    *MAP*
66ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski		  Dump all entries in a given *MAP*.
67ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
687d7209cbSStanislav Fomichev	**bpftool map update**  *MAP* [**key** *DATA*] [**value** *VALUE*] [*UPDATE_FLAGS*]
69ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski		  Update map entry for a given *KEY*.
70ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
71ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski		  *UPDATE_FLAGS* can be one of: **any** update existing entry
72ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski		  or add if doesn't exit; **exist** update only if entry already
73ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski		  exists; **noexist** update only if entry doesn't exist.
74ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
750c90f224SQuentin Monnet		  If the **hex** keyword is provided in front of the bytes
760c90f224SQuentin Monnet		  sequence, the bytes are parsed as hexadeximal values, even if
770c90f224SQuentin Monnet		  no "0x" prefix is added. If the keyword is not provided, then
780c90f224SQuentin Monnet		  the bytes are parsed as decimal values, unless a "0x" prefix
790c90f224SQuentin Monnet		  (for hexadecimal) or a "0" prefix (for octal) is provided.
800c90f224SQuentin Monnet
818a89fff6SStanislav Fomichev	**bpftool map lookup**  *MAP* [**key** *DATA*]
82ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski		  Lookup **key** in the map.
83ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
84c642ea26SJakub Kicinski	**bpftool map getnext** *MAP* [**key** *DATA*]
85ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski		  Get next key.  If *key* is not specified, get first key.
86ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
87c642ea26SJakub Kicinski	**bpftool map delete**  *MAP*  **key** *DATA*
88ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski		  Remove entry from the map.
89ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
90ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski	**bpftool map pin**     *MAP*  *FILE*
91ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski		  Pin map *MAP* as *FILE*.
92ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
93882731e0SQuentin Monnet		  Note: *FILE* must be located in *bpffs* mount. It must not
94882731e0SQuentin Monnet		  contain a dot character ('.'), which is reserved for future
95882731e0SQuentin Monnet		  extensions of *bpffs*.
96ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
97f412eed9SJakub Kicinski	**bpftool** **map event_pipe** *MAP* [**cpu** *N* **index** *M*]
98f412eed9SJakub Kicinski		  Read events from a BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERF_EVENT_ARRAY map.
99f412eed9SJakub Kicinski
100f412eed9SJakub Kicinski		  Install perf rings into a perf event array map and dump
101f412eed9SJakub Kicinski		  output of any bpf_perf_event_output() call in the kernel.
102f412eed9SJakub Kicinski		  By default read the number of CPUs on the system and
103f412eed9SJakub Kicinski		  install perf ring for each CPU in the corresponding index
104f412eed9SJakub Kicinski		  in the array.
105f412eed9SJakub Kicinski
106f412eed9SJakub Kicinski		  If **cpu** and **index** are specified, install perf ring
107f412eed9SJakub Kicinski		  for given **cpu** at **index** in the array (single ring).
108f412eed9SJakub Kicinski
109f412eed9SJakub Kicinski		  Note that installing a perf ring into an array will silently
110f412eed9SJakub Kicinski		  replace any existing ring.  Any other application will stop
111f412eed9SJakub Kicinski		  receiving events if it installed its rings earlier.
112f412eed9SJakub Kicinski
11366cf6e0bSStanislav Fomichev	**bpftool map peek**  *MAP*
11466cf6e0bSStanislav Fomichev		  Peek next **value** in the queue or stack.
11566cf6e0bSStanislav Fomichev
116549d4d3dSStanislav Fomichev	**bpftool map push**  *MAP* **value** *VALUE*
117549d4d3dSStanislav Fomichev		  Push **value** onto the stack.
118549d4d3dSStanislav Fomichev
119549d4d3dSStanislav Fomichev	**bpftool map enqueue**  *MAP* **value** *VALUE*
120549d4d3dSStanislav Fomichev		  Enqueue **value** into the queue.
121549d4d3dSStanislav Fomichev
122ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski	**bpftool map help**
123ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski		  Print short help message.
124ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
125a2bc2e5cSQuentin MonnetOPTIONS
126a2bc2e5cSQuentin Monnet=======
127a2bc2e5cSQuentin Monnet	-h, --help
128a2bc2e5cSQuentin Monnet		  Print short generic help message (similar to **bpftool help**).
129a2bc2e5cSQuentin Monnet
130a2bc2e5cSQuentin Monnet	-v, --version
131a2bc2e5cSQuentin Monnet		  Print version number (similar to **bpftool version**).
132a2bc2e5cSQuentin Monnet
1330641c3c8SQuentin Monnet	-j, --json
1340641c3c8SQuentin Monnet		  Generate JSON output. For commands that cannot produce JSON, this
1350641c3c8SQuentin Monnet		  option has no effect.
1360641c3c8SQuentin Monnet
1370641c3c8SQuentin Monnet	-p, --pretty
1380641c3c8SQuentin Monnet		  Generate human-readable JSON output. Implies **-j**.
1390641c3c8SQuentin Monnet
140c541b734SPrashant Bhole	-f, --bpffs
141c541b734SPrashant Bhole		  Show file names of pinned maps.
142c541b734SPrashant Bhole
14333221307SQuentin Monnet	-n, --nomount
14433221307SQuentin Monnet		  Do not automatically attempt to mount any virtual file system
14533221307SQuentin Monnet		  (such as tracefs or BPF virtual file system) when necessary.
14633221307SQuentin Monnet
147ff69c21aSJakub KicinskiEXAMPLES
148ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski========
149ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski**# bpftool map show**
150ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski::
151ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
152ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski  10: hash  name some_map  flags 0x0
153ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski	key 4B  value 8B  max_entries 2048  memlock 167936B
154ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
1550c90f224SQuentin MonnetThe following three commands are equivalent:
1560c90f224SQuentin Monnet
1570c90f224SQuentin Monnet|
1580c90f224SQuentin Monnet| **# bpftool map update id 10 key hex   20   c4   b7   00 value hex   0f   ff   ff   ab   01   02   03   4c**
1590c90f224SQuentin Monnet| **# bpftool map update id 10 key     0x20 0xc4 0xb7 0x00 value     0x0f 0xff 0xff 0xab 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x4c**
1600c90f224SQuentin Monnet| **# bpftool map update id 10 key       32  196  183    0 value       15  255  255  171    1    2    3   76**
161ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
162ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski**# bpftool map lookup id 10 key 0 1 2 3**
163ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
164ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski::
165ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
166ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski  key: 00 01 02 03 value: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
167ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
168ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
169ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski**# bpftool map dump id 10**
170ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski::
171ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
172ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski  key: 00 01 02 03  value: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
173ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski  key: 0d 00 07 00  value: 02 00 00 00 01 02 03 04
174ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski  Found 2 elements
175ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
176ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski**# bpftool map getnext id 10 key 0 1 2 3**
177ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski::
178ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
179ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski  key:
180ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski  00 01 02 03
181ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski  next key:
182ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski  0d 00 07 00
183ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
184ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski|
185ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski| **# mount -t bpf none /sys/fs/bpf/**
186ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski| **# bpftool map pin id 10 /sys/fs/bpf/map**
187ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski| **# bpftool map del pinned /sys/fs/bpf/map key 13 00 07 00**
188ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski
189bd0fb9d0SQuentin MonnetNote that map update can also be used in order to change the program references
190bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnethold by a program array map. This can be used, for example, to change the
191bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnetprograms used for tail-call jumps at runtime, without having to reload the
192bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnetentry-point program. Below is an example for this use case: we load a program
193bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnetdefining a prog array map, and with a main function that contains a tail call
194bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnetto other programs that can be used either to "process" packets or to "debug"
195bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnetprocessing. Note that the prog array map MUST be pinned into the BPF virtual
196bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnetfile system for the map update to work successfully, as kernel flushes prog
197bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnetarray maps when they have no more references from user space (and the update
198bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnetwould be lost as soon as bpftool exits).
199bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet
200bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet|
201bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet| **# bpftool prog loadall tail_calls.o /sys/fs/bpf/foo type xdp**
202bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet| **# bpftool prog --bpffs**
203bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet
204bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet::
205bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet
206bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet  545: xdp  name main_func  tag 674b4b5597193dc3  gpl
207bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet          loaded_at 2018-12-12T15:02:58+0000  uid 0
208bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet          xlated 240B  jited 257B  memlock 4096B  map_ids 294
209bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet          pinned /sys/fs/bpf/foo/xdp
210bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet  546: xdp  name bpf_func_process  tag e369a529024751fc  gpl
211bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet          loaded_at 2018-12-12T15:02:58+0000  uid 0
212bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet          xlated 200B  jited 164B  memlock 4096B
213bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet          pinned /sys/fs/bpf/foo/process
214bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet  547: xdp  name bpf_func_debug  tag 0b597868bc7f0976  gpl
215bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet          loaded_at 2018-12-12T15:02:58+0000  uid 0
216bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet          xlated 200B  jited 164B  memlock 4096B
217bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet          pinned /sys/fs/bpf/foo/debug
218bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet
219bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet**# bpftool map**
220bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet
221bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet::
222bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet
223bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet  294: prog_array  name jmp_table  flags 0x0
224bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet          key 4B  value 4B  max_entries 1  memlock 4096B
225bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet          owner_prog_type xdp  owner jited
226bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet
227bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet|
228bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet| **# bpftool map pin id 294 /sys/fs/bpf/bar**
229bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet| **# bpftool map dump pinned /sys/fs/bpf/bar**
230bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet
231bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet::
232bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet
233bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet  Found 0 elements
234bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet
235bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet|
236bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet| **# bpftool map update pinned /sys/fs/bpf/bar key 0 0 0 0 value pinned /sys/fs/bpf/foo/debug**
237bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet| **# bpftool map dump pinned /sys/fs/bpf/bar**
238bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet
239bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet::
240bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet
241bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet  key: 00 00 00 00  value: 22 02 00 00
242bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet  Found 1 element
243bd0fb9d0SQuentin Monnet
244ff69c21aSJakub KicinskiSEE ALSO
245ff69c21aSJakub Kicinski========
246f98e46a2SQuentin Monnet	**bpf**\ (2),
247f98e46a2SQuentin Monnet	**bpf-helpers**\ (7),
248f98e46a2SQuentin Monnet	**bpftool**\ (8),
249f98e46a2SQuentin Monnet	**bpftool-prog**\ (8),
250f98e46a2SQuentin Monnet	**bpftool-cgroup**\ (8),
251f98e46a2SQuentin Monnet	**bpftool-net**\ (8),
252f98e46a2SQuentin Monnet	**bpftool-perf**\ (8)