1 /****************************************************************************** 2 3 AudioScience HPI driver 4 Copyright (C) 1997-2010 AudioScience Inc. <support@audioscience.com> 5 6 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 7 it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as 8 published by the Free Software Foundation; 9 10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 12 MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 13 GNU General Public License for more details. 14 15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 16 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 18 19 */ 20 /** \file hpi.h 21 22 AudioScience Hardware Programming Interface (HPI) 23 public API definition. 24 25 The HPI is a low-level hardware abstraction layer to all 26 AudioScience digital audio adapters 27 28 (C) Copyright AudioScience Inc. 1998-2010 29 */ 30 31 #ifndef _HPI_H_ 32 #define _HPI_H_ 33 /* HPI Version 34 If HPI_VER_MINOR is odd then its a development release not intended for the 35 public. If HPI_VER_MINOR is even then is a release version 36 i.e 3.05.02 is a development version 37 */ 38 #define HPI_VERSION_CONSTRUCTOR(maj, min, rel) \ 39 ((maj << 16) + (min << 8) + rel) 40 41 #define HPI_VER_MAJOR(v) ((int)(v >> 16)) 42 #define HPI_VER_MINOR(v) ((int)((v >> 8) & 0xFF)) 43 #define HPI_VER_RELEASE(v) ((int)(v & 0xFF)) 44 45 /* Use single digits for versions less that 10 to avoid octal. */ 46 #define HPI_VER HPI_VERSION_CONSTRUCTOR(4L, 6, 0) 47 #define HPI_VER_STRING "4.06.00" 48 49 /* Library version as documented in hpi-api-versions.txt */ 50 #define HPI_LIB_VER HPI_VERSION_CONSTRUCTOR(9, 0, 0) 51 52 #include <linux/types.h> 53 #define HPI_BUILD_EXCLUDE_DEPRECATED 54 #define HPI_BUILD_KERNEL_MODE 55 56 /******************************************************************************/ 57 /******** HPI API DEFINITIONS *****/ 58 /******************************************************************************/ 59 60 /*******************************************/ 61 /** Audio format types 62 \ingroup stream 63 */ 64 enum HPI_FORMATS { 65 /** Used internally on adapter. */ 66 HPI_FORMAT_MIXER_NATIVE = 0, 67 /** 8-bit unsigned PCM. Windows equivalent is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM. */ 68 HPI_FORMAT_PCM8_UNSIGNED = 1, 69 /** 16-bit signed PCM. Windows equivalent is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM. */ 70 HPI_FORMAT_PCM16_SIGNED = 2, 71 /** MPEG-1 Layer-1. */ 72 HPI_FORMAT_MPEG_L1 = 3, 73 /** MPEG-1 Layer-2. 74 75 Windows equivalent is WAVE_FORMAT_MPEG. 76 77 The following table shows what combinations of mode and bitrate are possible: 78 79 <table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5> 80 <tr> 81 <td><p><b>Bitrate (kbs)</b></p> 82 <td><p><b>Mono</b></p> 83 <td><p><b>Stereo,<br>Joint Stereo or<br>Dual Channel</b></p> 84 85 <tr><td>32<td>X<td>_ 86 <tr><td>40<td>_<td>_ 87 <tr><td>48<td>X<td>_ 88 <tr><td>56<td>X<td>_ 89 <tr><td>64<td>X<td>X 90 <tr><td>80<td>X<td>_ 91 <tr><td>96<td>X<td>X 92 <tr><td>112<td>X<td>X 93 <tr><td>128<td>X<td>X 94 <tr><td>160<td>X<td>X 95 <tr><td>192<td>X<td>X 96 <tr><td>224<td>_<td>X 97 <tr><td>256<td>-<td>X 98 <tr><td>320<td>-<td>X 99 <tr><td>384<td>_<td>X 100 </table> 101 */ 102 HPI_FORMAT_MPEG_L2 = 4, 103 /** MPEG-1 Layer-3. 104 Windows equivalent is WAVE_FORMAT_MPEG. 105 106 The following table shows what combinations of mode and bitrate are possible: 107 108 <table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5> 109 <tr> 110 <td><p><b>Bitrate (kbs)</b></p> 111 <td><p><b>Mono<br>Stereo @ 8,<br>11.025 and<br>12kHz*</b></p> 112 <td><p><b>Mono<br>Stereo @ 16,<br>22.050 and<br>24kHz*</b></p> 113 <td><p><b>Mono<br>Stereo @ 32,<br>44.1 and<br>48kHz</b></p> 114 115 <tr><td>16<td>X<td>X<td>_ 116 <tr><td>24<td>X<td>X<td>_ 117 <tr><td>32<td>X<td>X<td>X 118 <tr><td>40<td>X<td>X<td>X 119 <tr><td>48<td>X<td>X<td>X 120 <tr><td>56<td>X<td>X<td>X 121 <tr><td>64<td>X<td>X<td>X 122 <tr><td>80<td>_<td>X<td>X 123 <tr><td>96<td>_<td>X<td>X 124 <tr><td>112<td>_<td>X<td>X 125 <tr><td>128<td>_<td>X<td>X 126 <tr><td>144<td>_<td>X<td>_ 127 <tr><td>160<td>_<td>X<td>X 128 <tr><td>192<td>_<td>_<td>X 129 <tr><td>224<td>_<td>_<td>X 130 <tr><td>256<td>-<td>_<td>X 131 <tr><td>320<td>-<td>_<td>X 132 </table> 133 \b * Available on the ASI6000 series only 134 */ 135 HPI_FORMAT_MPEG_L3 = 5, 136 /** Dolby AC-2. */ 137 HPI_FORMAT_DOLBY_AC2 = 6, 138 /** Dolbt AC-3. */ 139 HPI_FORMAT_DOLBY_AC3 = 7, 140 /** 16-bit PCM big-endian. */ 141 HPI_FORMAT_PCM16_BIGENDIAN = 8, 142 /** TAGIT-1 algorithm - hits. */ 143 HPI_FORMAT_AA_TAGIT1_HITS = 9, 144 /** TAGIT-1 algorithm - inserts. */ 145 HPI_FORMAT_AA_TAGIT1_INSERTS = 10, 146 /** 32-bit signed PCM. Windows equivalent is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM. 147 Each sample is a 32bit word. The most significant 24 bits contain a 24-bit 148 sample and the least significant 8 bits are set to 0. 149 */ 150 HPI_FORMAT_PCM32_SIGNED = 11, 151 /** Raw bitstream - unknown format. */ 152 HPI_FORMAT_RAW_BITSTREAM = 12, 153 /** TAGIT-1 algorithm hits - extended. */ 154 HPI_FORMAT_AA_TAGIT1_HITS_EX1 = 13, 155 /** 32-bit PCM as an IEEE float. Windows equivalent is WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT. 156 Each sample is a 32bit word in IEEE754 floating point format. 157 The range is +1.0 to -1.0, which corresponds to digital fullscale. 158 */ 159 HPI_FORMAT_PCM32_FLOAT = 14, 160 /** 24-bit PCM signed. Windows equivalent is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM. */ 161 HPI_FORMAT_PCM24_SIGNED = 15, 162 /** OEM format 1 - private. */ 163 HPI_FORMAT_OEM1 = 16, 164 /** OEM format 2 - private. */ 165 HPI_FORMAT_OEM2 = 17, 166 /** Undefined format. */ 167 HPI_FORMAT_UNDEFINED = 0xffff 168 }; 169 170 /*******************************************/ 171 /** Stream States 172 \ingroup stream 173 */ 174 enum HPI_STREAM_STATES { 175 /** State stopped - stream is stopped. */ 176 HPI_STATE_STOPPED = 1, 177 /** State playing - stream is playing audio. */ 178 HPI_STATE_PLAYING = 2, 179 /** State recording - stream is recording. */ 180 HPI_STATE_RECORDING = 3, 181 /** State drained - playing stream ran out of data to play. */ 182 HPI_STATE_DRAINED = 4, 183 /** State generate sine - to be implemented. */ 184 HPI_STATE_SINEGEN = 5, 185 /** State wait - used for inter-card sync to mean waiting for all 186 cards to be ready. */ 187 HPI_STATE_WAIT = 6 188 }; 189 /*******************************************/ 190 /** Source node types 191 \ingroup mixer 192 */ 193 enum HPI_SOURCENODES { 194 /** This define can be used instead of 0 to indicate 195 that there is no valid source node. A control that 196 exists on a destination node can be searched for using a source 197 node value of either 0, or HPI_SOURCENODE_NONE */ 198 HPI_SOURCENODE_NONE = 100, 199 /** Out Stream (Play) node. */ 200 HPI_SOURCENODE_OSTREAM = 101, 201 /** Line in node - could be analog, AES/EBU or network. */ 202 HPI_SOURCENODE_LINEIN = 102, 203 HPI_SOURCENODE_AESEBU_IN = 103, /**< AES/EBU input node. */ 204 HPI_SOURCENODE_TUNER = 104, /**< tuner node. */ 205 HPI_SOURCENODE_RF = 105, /**< RF input node. */ 206 HPI_SOURCENODE_CLOCK_SOURCE = 106, /**< clock source node. */ 207 HPI_SOURCENODE_RAW_BITSTREAM = 107, /**< raw bitstream node. */ 208 HPI_SOURCENODE_MICROPHONE = 108, /**< microphone node. */ 209 /** Cobranet input node - 210 Audio samples come from the Cobranet network and into the device. */ 211 HPI_SOURCENODE_COBRANET = 109, 212 HPI_SOURCENODE_ANALOG = 110, /**< analog input node. */ 213 HPI_SOURCENODE_ADAPTER = 111, /**< adapter node. */ 214 /* !!!Update this AND hpidebug.h if you add a new sourcenode type!!! */ 215 HPI_SOURCENODE_LAST_INDEX = 111 /**< largest ID */ 216 /* AX6 max sourcenode types = 15 */ 217 }; 218 219 /*******************************************/ 220 /** Destination node types 221 \ingroup mixer 222 */ 223 enum HPI_DESTNODES { 224 /** This define can be used instead of 0 to indicate 225 that there is no valid destination node. A control that 226 exists on a source node can be searched for using a destination 227 node value of either 0, or HPI_DESTNODE_NONE */ 228 HPI_DESTNODE_NONE = 200, 229 /** In Stream (Record) node. */ 230 HPI_DESTNODE_ISTREAM = 201, 231 HPI_DESTNODE_LINEOUT = 202, /**< line out node. */ 232 HPI_DESTNODE_AESEBU_OUT = 203, /**< AES/EBU output node. */ 233 HPI_DESTNODE_RF = 204, /**< RF output node. */ 234 HPI_DESTNODE_SPEAKER = 205, /**< speaker output node. */ 235 /** Cobranet output node - 236 Audio samples from the device are sent out on the Cobranet network.*/ 237 HPI_DESTNODE_COBRANET = 206, 238 HPI_DESTNODE_ANALOG = 207, /**< analog output node. */ 239 240 /* !!!Update this AND hpidebug.h if you add a new destnode type!!! */ 241 HPI_DESTNODE_LAST_INDEX = 207 /**< largest ID */ 242 /* AX6 max destnode types = 15 */ 243 }; 244 245 /*******************************************/ 246 /** Mixer control types 247 \ingroup mixer 248 */ 249 enum HPI_CONTROLS { 250 HPI_CONTROL_GENERIC = 0, /**< generic control. */ 251 HPI_CONTROL_CONNECTION = 1, /**< A connection between nodes. */ 252 HPI_CONTROL_VOLUME = 2, /**< volume control - works in dB_fs. */ 253 HPI_CONTROL_METER = 3, /**< peak meter control. */ 254 HPI_CONTROL_MUTE = 4, /*mute control - not used at present. */ 255 HPI_CONTROL_MULTIPLEXER = 5, /**< multiplexer control. */ 256 257 HPI_CONTROL_AESEBU_TRANSMITTER = 6, /**< AES/EBU transmitter control */ 258 HPI_CONTROL_AESEBUTX = 6, /* HPI_CONTROL_AESEBU_TRANSMITTER */ 259 260 HPI_CONTROL_AESEBU_RECEIVER = 7, /**< AES/EBU receiver control. */ 261 HPI_CONTROL_AESEBURX = 7, /* HPI_CONTROL_AESEBU_RECEIVER */ 262 263 HPI_CONTROL_LEVEL = 8, /**< level/trim control - works in d_bu. */ 264 HPI_CONTROL_TUNER = 9, /**< tuner control. */ 265 /* HPI_CONTROL_ONOFFSWITCH = 10 */ 266 HPI_CONTROL_VOX = 11, /**< vox control. */ 267 /* HPI_CONTROL_AES18_TRANSMITTER = 12 */ 268 /* HPI_CONTROL_AES18_RECEIVER = 13 */ 269 /* HPI_CONTROL_AES18_BLOCKGENERATOR = 14 */ 270 HPI_CONTROL_CHANNEL_MODE = 15, /**< channel mode control. */ 271 272 HPI_CONTROL_BITSTREAM = 16, /**< bitstream control. */ 273 HPI_CONTROL_SAMPLECLOCK = 17, /**< sample clock control. */ 274 HPI_CONTROL_MICROPHONE = 18, /**< microphone control. */ 275 HPI_CONTROL_PARAMETRIC_EQ = 19, /**< parametric EQ control. */ 276 HPI_CONTROL_EQUALIZER = 19, /*HPI_CONTROL_PARAMETRIC_EQ */ 277 278 HPI_CONTROL_COMPANDER = 20, /**< compander control. */ 279 HPI_CONTROL_COBRANET = 21, /**< cobranet control. */ 280 HPI_CONTROL_TONEDETECTOR = 22, /**< tone detector control. */ 281 HPI_CONTROL_SILENCEDETECTOR = 23, /**< silence detector control. */ 282 HPI_CONTROL_PAD = 24, /**< tuner PAD control. */ 283 HPI_CONTROL_SRC = 25, /**< samplerate converter control. */ 284 HPI_CONTROL_UNIVERSAL = 26, /**< universal control. */ 285 286 /* !!! Update this AND hpidebug.h if you add a new control type!!!*/ 287 HPI_CONTROL_LAST_INDEX = 26 /**<highest control type ID */ 288 /* WARNING types 256 or greater impact bit packing in all AX6 DSP code */ 289 }; 290 291 /*******************************************/ 292 /** Adapter properties 293 These are used in HPI_AdapterSetProperty() and HPI_AdapterGetProperty() 294 \ingroup adapter 295 */ 296 enum HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTIES { 297 /** \internal Used in dwProperty field of HPI_AdapterSetProperty() and 298 HPI_AdapterGetProperty(). This errata applies to all ASI6000 cards with both 299 analog and digital outputs. The CS4224 A/D+D/A has a one sample delay between 300 left and right channels on both its input (ADC) and output (DAC). 301 More details are available in Cirrus Logic errata ER284B2. 302 PDF available from www.cirrus.com, released by Cirrus in 2001. 303 */ 304 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_ERRATA_1 = 1, 305 306 /** Adapter grouping property 307 Indicates whether the adapter supports the grouping API (for ASIO and SSX2) 308 */ 309 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_GROUPING = 2, 310 311 /** Driver SSX2 property 312 Tells the kernel driver to turn on SSX2 stream mapping. 313 This feature is not used by the DSP. In fact the call is completely processed 314 by the driver and is not passed on to the DSP at all. 315 */ 316 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_ENABLE_SSX2 = 3, 317 318 /** Adapter SSX2 property 319 Indicates the state of the adapter's SSX2 setting. This setting is stored in 320 non-volatile memory on the adapter. A typical call sequence would be to use 321 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_SSX2_SETTING to set SSX2 on the adapter and then to reload 322 the driver. The driver would query HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_SSX2_SETTING during 323 startup and if SSX2 is set, it would then call HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_ENABLE_SSX2 324 to enable SSX2 stream mapping within the kernel level of the driver. 325 */ 326 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_SSX2_SETTING = 4, 327 328 /** Enables/disables PCI(e) IRQ. 329 A setting of 0 indicates that no interrupts are being generated. A DSP boot 330 this property is set to 0. Setting to a non-zero value specifies the number 331 of frames of audio that should be processed between interrupts. This property 332 should be set to multiple of the mixer interval as read back from the 333 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_INTERVAL property. 334 */ 335 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_IRQ_RATE = 5, 336 337 /** Base number for readonly properties */ 338 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_READONLYBASE = 256, 339 340 /** Readonly adapter latency property. 341 This property returns in the input and output latency in samples. 342 Property 1 is the estimated input latency 343 in samples, while Property 2 is that output latency in samples. 344 */ 345 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_LATENCY = 256, 346 347 /** Readonly adapter granularity property. 348 The granulariy is the smallest size chunk of stereo samples that is processed by 349 the adapter. 350 This property returns the record granularity in samples in Property 1. 351 Property 2 returns the play granularity. 352 */ 353 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_GRANULARITY = 257, 354 355 /** Readonly adapter number of current channels property. 356 Property 1 is the number of record channels per record device. 357 Property 2 is the number of play channels per playback device.*/ 358 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_CURCHANNELS = 258, 359 360 /** Readonly adapter software version. 361 The SOFTWARE_VERSION property returns the version of the software running 362 on the adapter as Major.Minor.Release. 363 Property 1 contains Major in bits 15..8 and Minor in bits 7..0. 364 Property 2 contains Release in bits 7..0. */ 365 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_SOFTWARE_VERSION = 259, 366 367 /** Readonly adapter MAC address MSBs. 368 The MAC_ADDRESS_MSB property returns 369 the most significant 32 bits of the MAC address. 370 Property 1 contains bits 47..32 of the MAC address. 371 Property 2 contains bits 31..16 of the MAC address. */ 372 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_MAC_ADDRESS_MSB = 260, 373 374 /** Readonly adapter MAC address LSBs 375 The MAC_ADDRESS_LSB property returns 376 the least significant 16 bits of the MAC address. 377 Property 1 contains bits 15..0 of the MAC address. */ 378 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_MAC_ADDRESS_LSB = 261, 379 380 /** Readonly extended adapter type number 381 The EXTENDED_ADAPTER_TYPE property returns the 4 digits of an extended 382 adapter type, i.e ASI8920-0022, 0022 is the extended type. 383 The digits are returned as ASCII characters rather than the hex digits that 384 are returned for the main type 385 Property 1 returns the 1st two (left most) digits, i.e "00" 386 in the example above, the upper byte being the left most digit. 387 Property 2 returns the 2nd two digits, i.e "22" in the example above*/ 388 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_EXTENDED_ADAPTER_TYPE = 262, 389 390 /** Readonly debug log buffer information */ 391 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_LOGTABLEN = 263, 392 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_LOGTABBEG = 264, 393 394 /** Readonly adapter IP address 395 For 396 Property 1 returns the 1st two (left most) digits, i.e 192*256 + 168 397 in the example above, the upper byte being the left most digit. 398 Property 2 returns the 2nd two digits, i.e 1*256 + 101 in the example above, */ 399 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_IP_ADDRESS = 265, 400 401 /** Readonly adapter buffer processed count. Returns a buffer processed count 402 that is incremented every time all buffers for all streams are updated. This 403 is useful for checking completion of all stream operations across the adapter 404 when using grouped streams. 405 */ 406 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_BUFFER_UPDATE_COUNT = 266, 407 408 /** Readonly mixer and stream intervals 409 410 These intervals are measured in mixer frames. 411 To convert to time, divide by the adapter samplerate. 412 413 The mixer interval is the number of frames processed in one mixer iteration. 414 The stream update interval is the interval at which streams check for and 415 process data, and BBM host buffer counters are updated. 416 417 Property 1 is the mixer interval in mixer frames. 418 Property 2 is the stream update interval in mixer frames. 419 */ 420 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_INTERVAL = 267, 421 /** Adapter capabilities 1 422 Property 1 - adapter can do multichannel (SSX1) 423 Property 2 - adapter can do stream grouping (supports SSX2) 424 */ 425 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_CAPS1 = 268, 426 /** Adapter capabilities 2 427 Property 1 - adapter can do samplerate conversion (MRX) 428 Property 2 - adapter can do timestretch (TSX) 429 */ 430 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_CAPS2 = 269, 431 432 /** Readonly adapter sync header connection count. 433 */ 434 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_SYNC_HEADER_CONNECTIONS = 270, 435 /** Readonly supports SSX2 property. 436 Indicates the adapter supports SSX2 in some mode setting. The 437 return value is true (1) or false (0). If the current adapter 438 mode is MONO SSX2 is disabled, even though this property will 439 return true. 440 */ 441 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_SUPPORTS_SSX2 = 271, 442 /** Readonly supports PCI(e) IRQ. 443 Indicates that the adapter in it's current mode supports interrupts 444 across the host bus. Note, this does not imply that interrupts are 445 enabled. Instead it indicates that they can be enabled. 446 */ 447 HPI_ADAPTER_PROPERTY_SUPPORTS_IRQ = 272 448 }; 449 450 /** Adapter mode commands 451 452 Used in wQueryOrSet parameter of HPI_AdapterSetModeEx(). 453 \ingroup adapter 454 */ 455 enum HPI_ADAPTER_MODE_CMDS { 456 /** Set the mode to the given parameter */ 457 HPI_ADAPTER_MODE_SET = 0, 458 /** Return 0 or error depending whether mode is valid, 459 but don't set the mode */ 460 HPI_ADAPTER_MODE_QUERY = 1 461 }; 462 463 /** Adapter Modes 464 These are used by HPI_AdapterSetModeEx() 465 466 \warning - more than 16 possible modes breaks 467 a bitmask in the Windows WAVE DLL 468 \ingroup adapter 469 */ 470 enum HPI_ADAPTER_MODES { 471 /** 4 outstream mode. 472 - ASI6114: 1 instream 473 - ASI6044: 4 instreams 474 - ASI6012: 1 instream 475 - ASI6102: no instreams 476 - ASI6022, ASI6122: 2 instreams 477 - ASI5111, ASI5101: 2 instreams 478 - ASI652x, ASI662x: 2 instreams 479 - ASI654x, ASI664x: 4 instreams 480 */ 481 HPI_ADAPTER_MODE_4OSTREAM = 1, 482 483 /** 6 outstream mode. 484 - ASI6012: 1 instream, 485 - ASI6022, ASI6122: 2 instreams 486 - ASI652x, ASI662x: 4 instreams 487 */ 488 HPI_ADAPTER_MODE_6OSTREAM = 2, 489 490 /** 8 outstream mode. 491 - ASI6114: 8 instreams 492 - ASI6118: 8 instreams 493 - ASI6585: 8 instreams 494 */ 495 HPI_ADAPTER_MODE_8OSTREAM = 3, 496 497 /** 16 outstream mode. 498 - ASI6416 16 instreams 499 - ASI6518, ASI6618 16 instreams 500 - ASI6118 16 mono out and in streams 501 */ 502 HPI_ADAPTER_MODE_16OSTREAM = 4, 503 504 /** one outstream mode. 505 - ASI5111 1 outstream, 1 instream 506 */ 507 HPI_ADAPTER_MODE_1OSTREAM = 5, 508 509 /** ASI504X mode 1. 12 outstream, 4 instream 0 to 48kHz sample rates 510 (see ASI504X datasheet for more info). 511 */ 512 HPI_ADAPTER_MODE_1 = 6, 513 514 /** ASI504X mode 2. 4 outstreams, 4 instreams at 0 to 192kHz sample rates 515 (see ASI504X datasheet for more info). 516 */ 517 HPI_ADAPTER_MODE_2 = 7, 518 519 /** ASI504X mode 3. 4 outstreams, 4 instreams at 0 to 192kHz sample rates 520 (see ASI504X datasheet for more info). 521 */ 522 HPI_ADAPTER_MODE_3 = 8, 523 524 /** ASI504X multichannel mode. 525 2 outstreams -> 4 line outs = 1 to 8 channel streams), 526 4 lineins -> 1 instream (1 to 8 channel streams) at 0-48kHz. 527 For more info see the SSX Specification. 528 */ 529 HPI_ADAPTER_MODE_MULTICHANNEL = 9, 530 531 /** 12 outstream mode. 532 - ASI6514, ASI6614: 2 instreams 533 - ASI6540,ASI6544: 8 instreams 534 - ASI6640,ASI6644: 8 instreams 535 */ 536 HPI_ADAPTER_MODE_12OSTREAM = 10, 537 538 /** 9 outstream mode. 539 - ASI6044: 8 instreams 540 */ 541 HPI_ADAPTER_MODE_9OSTREAM = 11, 542 543 /** mono mode. 544 - ASI6416: 16 outstreams/instreams 545 - ASI5402: 2 outstreams/instreams 546 */ 547 HPI_ADAPTER_MODE_MONO = 12, 548 549 /** Low latency mode. 550 - ASI6416/ASI6316: 1 16 channel outstream and instream 551 */ 552 HPI_ADAPTER_MODE_LOW_LATENCY = 13 553 }; 554 555 /* Note, adapters can have more than one capability - 556 encoding as bitfield is recommended. */ 557 #define HPI_CAPABILITY_NONE (0) 558 #define HPI_CAPABILITY_MPEG_LAYER3 (1) 559 560 /* Set this equal to maximum capability index, 561 Must not be greater than 32 - see axnvdef.h */ 562 #define HPI_CAPABILITY_MAX 1 563 /* #define HPI_CAPABILITY_AAC 2 */ 564 565 /******************************************* STREAM ATTRIBUTES ****/ 566 567 /** MPEG Ancillary Data modes 568 569 The mode for the ancillary data insertion or extraction to operate in. 570 \ingroup stream 571 */ 572 enum HPI_MPEG_ANC_MODES { 573 /** the MPEG frames have energy information stored in them (5 bytes per stereo frame, 3 per mono) */ 574 HPI_MPEG_ANC_HASENERGY = 0, 575 /** the entire ancillary data field is taken up by data from the Anc data buffer 576 On encode, the encoder will insert the energy bytes before filling the remainder 577 of the ancillary data space with data from the ancillary data buffer. 578 */ 579 HPI_MPEG_ANC_RAW = 1 580 }; 581 582 /** Ancillary Data Alignment 583 \ingroup instream 584 */ 585 enum HPI_ISTREAM_MPEG_ANC_ALIGNS { 586 /** data is packed against the end of data, then padded to the end of frame */ 587 HPI_MPEG_ANC_ALIGN_LEFT = 0, 588 /** data is packed against the end of the frame */ 589 HPI_MPEG_ANC_ALIGN_RIGHT = 1 590 }; 591 592 /** MPEG modes 593 MPEG modes - can be used optionally for HPI_FormatCreate() 594 parameter dwAttributes. 595 596 Using any mode setting other than HPI_MPEG_MODE_DEFAULT 597 with single channel format will return an error. 598 \ingroup stream 599 */ 600 enum HPI_MPEG_MODES { 601 /** Causes the MPEG-1 Layer II bitstream to be recorded 602 in single_channel mode when the number of channels is 1 and in stereo when the 603 number of channels is 2. */ 604 HPI_MPEG_MODE_DEFAULT = 0, 605 /** Standard stereo without joint-stereo compression */ 606 HPI_MPEG_MODE_STEREO = 1, 607 /** Joint stereo */ 608 HPI_MPEG_MODE_JOINTSTEREO = 2, 609 /** Left and Right channels are completely independent */ 610 HPI_MPEG_MODE_DUALCHANNEL = 3 611 }; 612 /******************************************* MIXER ATTRIBUTES ****/ 613 614 /* \defgroup mixer_flags Mixer flags for HPI_MIXER_GET_CONTROL_MULTIPLE_VALUES 615 { 616 */ 617 #define HPI_MIXER_GET_CONTROL_MULTIPLE_CHANGED (0) 618 #define HPI_MIXER_GET_CONTROL_MULTIPLE_RESET (1) 619 /*}*/ 620 621 /** Commands used by HPI_MixerStore() 622 \ingroup mixer 623 */ 624 enum HPI_MIXER_STORE_COMMAND { 625 /** Save all mixer control settings. */ 626 HPI_MIXER_STORE_SAVE = 1, 627 /** Restore all controls from saved. */ 628 HPI_MIXER_STORE_RESTORE = 2, 629 /** Delete saved control settings. */ 630 HPI_MIXER_STORE_DELETE = 3, 631 /** Enable auto storage of some control settings. */ 632 HPI_MIXER_STORE_ENABLE = 4, 633 /** Disable auto storage of some control settings. */ 634 HPI_MIXER_STORE_DISABLE = 5, 635 /** Save the attributes of a single control. */ 636 HPI_MIXER_STORE_SAVE_SINGLE = 6 637 }; 638 639 /****************************/ 640 /* CONTROL ATTRIBUTE VALUES */ 641 /****************************/ 642 643 /** Used by mixer plugin enable functions 644 645 E.g. HPI_ParametricEq_SetState() 646 \ingroup mixer 647 */ 648 enum HPI_SWITCH_STATES { 649 HPI_SWITCH_OFF = 0, /**< turn the mixer plugin on. */ 650 HPI_SWITCH_ON = 1 /**< turn the mixer plugin off. */ 651 }; 652 653 /* Volume control special gain values */ 654 655 /** volumes units are 100ths of a dB 656 \ingroup volume 657 */ 658 #define HPI_UNITS_PER_dB 100 659 /** turns volume control OFF or MUTE 660 \ingroup volume 661 */ 662 #define HPI_GAIN_OFF (-100 * HPI_UNITS_PER_dB) 663 664 /** channel mask specifying all channels 665 \ingroup volume 666 */ 667 #define HPI_BITMASK_ALL_CHANNELS (0xFFFFFFFF) 668 669 /** value returned for no signal 670 \ingroup meter 671 */ 672 #define HPI_METER_MINIMUM (-150 * HPI_UNITS_PER_dB) 673 674 /** autofade profiles 675 \ingroup volume 676 */ 677 enum HPI_VOLUME_AUTOFADES { 678 /** log fade - dB attenuation changes linearly over time */ 679 HPI_VOLUME_AUTOFADE_LOG = 2, 680 /** linear fade - amplitude changes linearly */ 681 HPI_VOLUME_AUTOFADE_LINEAR = 3 682 }; 683 684 /** The physical encoding format of the AESEBU I/O. 685 686 Used in HPI_Aesebu_Transmitter_SetFormat(), HPI_Aesebu_Receiver_SetFormat() 687 along with related Get and Query functions 688 \ingroup aestx 689 */ 690 enum HPI_AESEBU_FORMATS { 691 /** AES/EBU physical format - AES/EBU balanced "professional" */ 692 HPI_AESEBU_FORMAT_AESEBU = 1, 693 /** AES/EBU physical format - S/PDIF unbalanced "consumer" */ 694 HPI_AESEBU_FORMAT_SPDIF = 2 695 }; 696 697 /** AES/EBU error status bits 698 699 Returned by HPI_Aesebu_Receiver_GetErrorStatus() 700 \ingroup aesrx 701 */ 702 enum HPI_AESEBU_ERRORS { 703 /** bit0: 1 when PLL is not locked */ 704 HPI_AESEBU_ERROR_NOT_LOCKED = 0x01, 705 /** bit1: 1 when signal quality is poor */ 706 HPI_AESEBU_ERROR_POOR_QUALITY = 0x02, 707 /** bit2: 1 when there is a parity error */ 708 HPI_AESEBU_ERROR_PARITY_ERROR = 0x04, 709 /** bit3: 1 when there is a bi-phase coding violation */ 710 HPI_AESEBU_ERROR_BIPHASE_VIOLATION = 0x08, 711 /** bit4: 1 when the validity bit is high */ 712 HPI_AESEBU_ERROR_VALIDITY = 0x10, 713 /** bit5: 1 when the CRC error bit is high */ 714 HPI_AESEBU_ERROR_CRC = 0x20 715 }; 716 717 /** \addtogroup pad 718 \{ 719 */ 720 /** The text string containing the station/channel combination. */ 721 #define HPI_PAD_CHANNEL_NAME_LEN 16 722 /** The text string containing the artist. */ 723 #define HPI_PAD_ARTIST_LEN 64 724 /** The text string containing the title. */ 725 #define HPI_PAD_TITLE_LEN 64 726 /** The text string containing the comment. */ 727 #define HPI_PAD_COMMENT_LEN 256 728 /** The PTY when the tuner has not recieved any PTY. */ 729 #define HPI_PAD_PROGRAM_TYPE_INVALID 0xffff 730 /** \} */ 731 732 /** Data types for PTY string translation. 733 \ingroup rds 734 */ 735 enum eHPI_RDS_type { 736 HPI_RDS_DATATYPE_RDS = 0, /**< RDS bitstream.*/ 737 HPI_RDS_DATATYPE_RBDS = 1 /**< RBDS bitstream.*/ 738 }; 739 740 /** Tuner bands 741 742 Used for HPI_Tuner_SetBand(),HPI_Tuner_GetBand() 743 \ingroup tuner 744 */ 745 enum HPI_TUNER_BAND { 746 HPI_TUNER_BAND_AM = 1, /**< AM band */ 747 HPI_TUNER_BAND_FM = 2, /**< FM band (mono) */ 748 HPI_TUNER_BAND_TV_NTSC_M = 3, /**< NTSC-M TV band*/ 749 HPI_TUNER_BAND_TV = 3, /* use TV_NTSC_M */ 750 HPI_TUNER_BAND_FM_STEREO = 4, /**< FM band (stereo) */ 751 HPI_TUNER_BAND_AUX = 5, /**< auxiliary input */ 752 HPI_TUNER_BAND_TV_PAL_BG = 6, /**< PAL-B/G TV band*/ 753 HPI_TUNER_BAND_TV_PAL_I = 7, /**< PAL-I TV band*/ 754 HPI_TUNER_BAND_TV_PAL_DK = 8, /**< PAL-D/K TV band*/ 755 HPI_TUNER_BAND_TV_SECAM_L = 9, /**< SECAM-L TV band*/ 756 HPI_TUNER_BAND_LAST = 9 /**< the index of the last tuner band. */ 757 }; 758 759 /** Tuner mode attributes 760 761 Used by HPI_Tuner_SetMode(), HPI_Tuner_GetMode() 762 \ingroup tuner 763 764 */ 765 enum HPI_TUNER_MODES { 766 HPI_TUNER_MODE_RSS = 1, /**< control RSS */ 767 HPI_TUNER_MODE_RDS = 2 /**< control RBDS/RDS */ 768 }; 769 770 /** Tuner mode attribute values 771 772 Used by HPI_Tuner_SetMode(), HPI_Tuner_GetMode() 773 \ingroup tuner 774 */ 775 enum HPI_TUNER_MODE_VALUES { 776 /* RSS attribute values */ 777 HPI_TUNER_MODE_RSS_DISABLE = 0, /**< RSS disable */ 778 HPI_TUNER_MODE_RSS_ENABLE = 1, /**< RSS enable */ 779 780 /* RDS mode attributes */ 781 HPI_TUNER_MODE_RDS_DISABLE = 0, /**< RDS - disabled */ 782 HPI_TUNER_MODE_RDS_RDS = 1, /**< RDS - RDS mode */ 783 HPI_TUNER_MODE_RDS_RBDS = 2 /**< RDS - RBDS mode */ 784 }; 785 786 /** Tuner Status Bits 787 788 These bitfield values are returned by a call to HPI_Tuner_GetStatus(). 789 Multiple fields are returned from a single call. 790 \ingroup tuner 791 */ 792 enum HPI_TUNER_STATUS_BITS { 793 HPI_TUNER_VIDEO_COLOR_PRESENT = 0x0001, /**< video color is present. */ 794 HPI_TUNER_VIDEO_IS_60HZ = 0x0020, /**< 60 hz video detected. */ 795 HPI_TUNER_VIDEO_HORZ_SYNC_MISSING = 0x0040, /**< video HSYNC is missing. */ 796 HPI_TUNER_VIDEO_STATUS_VALID = 0x0100, /**< video status is valid. */ 797 HPI_TUNER_DIGITAL = 0x0200, /**< tuner reports digital programming. */ 798 HPI_TUNER_MULTIPROGRAM = 0x0400, /**< tuner reports multiple programs. */ 799 HPI_TUNER_PLL_LOCKED = 0x1000, /**< the tuner's PLL is locked. */ 800 HPI_TUNER_FM_STEREO = 0x2000 /**< tuner reports back FM stereo. */ 801 }; 802 803 /** Channel Modes 804 Used for HPI_ChannelModeSet/Get() 805 \ingroup channelmode 806 */ 807 enum HPI_CHANNEL_MODES { 808 /** Left channel out = left channel in, Right channel out = right channel in. */ 809 HPI_CHANNEL_MODE_NORMAL = 1, 810 /** Left channel out = right channel in, Right channel out = left channel in. */ 811 HPI_CHANNEL_MODE_SWAP = 2, 812 /** Left channel out = left channel in, Right channel out = left channel in. */ 813 HPI_CHANNEL_MODE_LEFT_TO_STEREO = 3, 814 /** Left channel out = right channel in, Right channel out = right channel in.*/ 815 HPI_CHANNEL_MODE_RIGHT_TO_STEREO = 4, 816 /** Left channel out = (left channel in + right channel in)/2, 817 Right channel out = mute. */ 818 HPI_CHANNEL_MODE_STEREO_TO_LEFT = 5, 819 /** Left channel out = mute, 820 Right channel out = (right channel in + left channel in)/2. */ 821 HPI_CHANNEL_MODE_STEREO_TO_RIGHT = 6, 822 HPI_CHANNEL_MODE_LAST = 6 823 }; 824 825 /** SampleClock source values 826 \ingroup sampleclock 827 */ 828 enum HPI_SAMPLECLOCK_SOURCES { 829 /** The sampleclock output is derived from its local samplerate generator. 830 The local samplerate may be set using HPI_SampleClock_SetLocalRate(). */ 831 HPI_SAMPLECLOCK_SOURCE_LOCAL = 1, 832 /** The adapter is clocked from a dedicated AES/EBU SampleClock input.*/ 833 HPI_SAMPLECLOCK_SOURCE_AESEBU_SYNC = 2, 834 /** From external wordclock connector */ 835 HPI_SAMPLECLOCK_SOURCE_WORD = 3, 836 /** Board-to-board header */ 837 HPI_SAMPLECLOCK_SOURCE_WORD_HEADER = 4, 838 /** FUTURE - SMPTE clock. */ 839 HPI_SAMPLECLOCK_SOURCE_SMPTE = 5, 840 /** One of the aesebu inputs */ 841 HPI_SAMPLECLOCK_SOURCE_AESEBU_INPUT = 6, 842 /** From a network interface e.g. Cobranet or Livewire at either 48 or 96kHz */ 843 HPI_SAMPLECLOCK_SOURCE_NETWORK = 8, 844 /** From previous adjacent module (ASI2416 only)*/ 845 HPI_SAMPLECLOCK_SOURCE_PREV_MODULE = 10, 846 /*! Update this if you add a new clock source.*/ 847 HPI_SAMPLECLOCK_SOURCE_LAST = 10 848 }; 849 850 /** Equalizer filter types. Used by HPI_ParametricEq_SetBand() 851 \ingroup parmeq 852 */ 853 enum HPI_FILTER_TYPE { 854 HPI_FILTER_TYPE_BYPASS = 0, /**< filter is turned off */ 855 856 HPI_FILTER_TYPE_LOWSHELF = 1, /**< EQ low shelf */ 857 HPI_FILTER_TYPE_HIGHSHELF = 2, /**< EQ high shelf */ 858 HPI_FILTER_TYPE_EQ_BAND = 3, /**< EQ gain */ 859 860 HPI_FILTER_TYPE_LOWPASS = 4, /**< standard low pass */ 861 HPI_FILTER_TYPE_HIGHPASS = 5, /**< standard high pass */ 862 HPI_FILTER_TYPE_BANDPASS = 6, /**< standard band pass */ 863 HPI_FILTER_TYPE_BANDSTOP = 7 /**< standard band stop/notch */ 864 }; 865 866 /** Async Event sources 867 \ingroup async 868 */ 869 enum ASYNC_EVENT_SOURCES { 870 HPI_ASYNC_EVENT_GPIO = 1, /**< GPIO event. */ 871 HPI_ASYNC_EVENT_SILENCE = 2, /**< silence event detected. */ 872 HPI_ASYNC_EVENT_TONE = 3 /**< tone event detected. */ 873 }; 874 /*******************************************/ 875 /** HPI Error codes 876 877 Almost all HPI functions return an error code 878 A return value of zero means there was no error. 879 Otherwise one of these error codes is returned. 880 Error codes can be converted to a descriptive string using HPI_GetErrorText() 881 882 \note When a new error code is added HPI_GetErrorText() MUST be updated. 883 \note Codes 1-100 are reserved for driver use 884 \ingroup utility 885 */ 886 enum HPI_ERROR_CODES { 887 /** Message type does not exist. */ 888 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE = 100, 889 /** Object type does not exist. */ 890 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_OBJ = 101, 891 /** Function does not exist. */ 892 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_FUNC = 102, 893 /** The specified object does not exist. */ 894 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_OBJ_INDEX = 103, 895 /** Trying to access an object that has not been opened yet. */ 896 HPI_ERROR_OBJ_NOT_OPEN = 104, 897 /** Trying to open an already open object. */ 898 HPI_ERROR_OBJ_ALREADY_OPEN = 105, 899 /** PCI, ISA resource not valid. */ 900 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_RESOURCE = 106, 901 /* HPI_ERROR_SUBSYSFINDADAPTERS_GETINFO= 107 */ 902 /** Default response was never updated with actual error code. */ 903 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE = 108, 904 /** wSize field of response was not updated, 905 indicating that the message was not processed. */ 906 HPI_ERROR_PROCESSING_MESSAGE = 109, 907 /** The network did not respond in a timely manner. */ 908 HPI_ERROR_NETWORK_TIMEOUT = 110, 909 /* An HPI handle is invalid (uninitialised?). */ 910 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE = 111, 911 /** A function or attribute has not been implemented yet. */ 912 HPI_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED = 112, 913 /** There are too many clients attempting 914 to access a network resource. */ 915 HPI_ERROR_NETWORK_TOO_MANY_CLIENTS = 113, 916 /** Response buffer passed to HPI_Message 917 was smaller than returned response. 918 wSpecificError field of hpi response contains the required size. 919 */ 920 HPI_ERROR_RESPONSE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL = 114, 921 /** The returned response did not match the sent message */ 922 HPI_ERROR_RESPONSE_MISMATCH = 115, 923 /** A control setting that should have been cached was not. */ 924 HPI_ERROR_CONTROL_CACHING = 116, 925 /** A message buffer in the path to the adapter was smaller 926 than the message size. 927 wSpecificError field of hpi response contains the actual size. 928 */ 929 HPI_ERROR_MESSAGE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL = 117, 930 931 /* HPI_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ADAPTERS= 200 */ 932 /** Bad adpater. */ 933 HPI_ERROR_BAD_ADAPTER = 201, 934 /** Adapter number out of range or not set properly. */ 935 HPI_ERROR_BAD_ADAPTER_NUMBER = 202, 936 /** 2 adapters with the same adapter number. */ 937 HPI_ERROR_DUPLICATE_ADAPTER_NUMBER = 203, 938 /** DSP code failed to bootload. (unused?) */ 939 HPI_ERROR_DSP_BOOTLOAD = 204, 940 /** Couldn't find or open the DSP code file. */ 941 HPI_ERROR_DSP_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 206, 942 /** Internal DSP hardware error. */ 943 HPI_ERROR_DSP_HARDWARE = 207, 944 /** Could not allocate memory */ 945 HPI_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOC = 208, 946 /** Failed to correctly load/config PLD. (unused) */ 947 HPI_ERROR_PLD_LOAD = 209, 948 /** Unexpected end of file, block length too big etc. */ 949 HPI_ERROR_DSP_FILE_FORMAT = 210, 950 951 /** Found but could not open DSP code file. */ 952 HPI_ERROR_DSP_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED = 211, 953 /** First DSP code section header not found in DSP file. */ 954 HPI_ERROR_DSP_FILE_NO_HEADER = 212, 955 /* HPI_ERROR_DSP_FILE_READ_ERROR= 213, */ 956 /** DSP code for adapter family not found. */ 957 HPI_ERROR_DSP_SECTION_NOT_FOUND = 214, 958 /** Other OS specific error opening DSP file. */ 959 HPI_ERROR_DSP_FILE_OTHER_ERROR = 215, 960 /** Sharing violation opening DSP code file. */ 961 HPI_ERROR_DSP_FILE_SHARING_VIOLATION = 216, 962 /** DSP code section header had size == 0. */ 963 HPI_ERROR_DSP_FILE_NULL_HEADER = 217, 964 965 /* HPI_ERROR_FLASH = 220, */ 966 967 /** Flash has bad checksum */ 968 HPI_ERROR_BAD_CHECKSUM = 221, 969 HPI_ERROR_BAD_SEQUENCE = 222, 970 HPI_ERROR_FLASH_ERASE = 223, 971 HPI_ERROR_FLASH_PROGRAM = 224, 972 HPI_ERROR_FLASH_VERIFY = 225, 973 HPI_ERROR_FLASH_TYPE = 226, 974 HPI_ERROR_FLASH_START = 227, 975 976 /** Reserved for OEMs. */ 977 HPI_ERROR_RESERVED_1 = 290, 978 979 /* HPI_ERROR_INVALID_STREAM = 300 use HPI_ERROR_INVALID_OBJ_INDEX */ 980 /** Invalid compression format. */ 981 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT = 301, 982 /** Invalid format samplerate */ 983 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_SAMPLERATE = 302, 984 /** Invalid format number of channels. */ 985 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNELS = 303, 986 /** Invalid format bitrate. */ 987 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_BITRATE = 304, 988 /** Invalid datasize used for stream read/write. */ 989 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_DATASIZE = 305, 990 /* HPI_ERROR_BUFFER_FULL = 306 use HPI_ERROR_INVALID_DATASIZE */ 991 /* HPI_ERROR_BUFFER_EMPTY = 307 use HPI_ERROR_INVALID_DATASIZE */ 992 /** Null data pointer used for stream read/write. */ 993 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_DATA_POINTER = 308, 994 /** Packet ordering error for stream read/write. */ 995 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_PACKET_ORDER = 309, 996 997 /** Object can't do requested operation in its current 998 state, eg set format, change rec mux state while recording.*/ 999 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION = 310, 1000 1001 /** Where a SRG is shared amongst streams, an incompatible samplerate 1002 is one that is different to any currently active stream. */ 1003 HPI_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_SAMPLERATE = 311, 1004 /** Adapter mode is illegal.*/ 1005 HPI_ERROR_BAD_ADAPTER_MODE = 312, 1006 1007 /** There have been too many attempts to set the adapter's 1008 capabilities (using bad keys), the card should be returned 1009 to ASI if further capabilities updates are required */ 1010 HPI_ERROR_TOO_MANY_CAPABILITY_CHANGE_ATTEMPTS = 313, 1011 /** Streams on different adapters cannot be grouped. */ 1012 HPI_ERROR_NO_INTERADAPTER_GROUPS = 314, 1013 /** Streams on different DSPs cannot be grouped. */ 1014 HPI_ERROR_NO_INTERDSP_GROUPS = 315, 1015 /** Stream wait cancelled before threshold reached. */ 1016 HPI_ERROR_WAIT_CANCELLED = 316, 1017 1018 /** Invalid mixer node for this adapter. */ 1019 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_NODE = 400, 1020 /** Invalid control. */ 1021 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_CONTROL = 401, 1022 /** Invalid control value was passed. */ 1023 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_CONTROL_VALUE = 402, 1024 /** Control attribute not supported by this control. */ 1025 HPI_ERROR_INVALID_CONTROL_ATTRIBUTE = 403, 1026 /** Control is disabled. */ 1027 HPI_ERROR_CONTROL_DISABLED = 404, 1028 /** I2C transaction failed due to a missing ACK. */ 1029 HPI_ERROR_CONTROL_I2C_MISSING_ACK = 405, 1030 HPI_ERROR_I2C_MISSING_ACK = 405, 1031 /** Control is busy, or coming out of 1032 reset and cannot be accessed at this time. */ 1033 HPI_ERROR_CONTROL_NOT_READY = 407, 1034 1035 /** Non volatile memory */ 1036 HPI_ERROR_NVMEM_BUSY = 450, 1037 HPI_ERROR_NVMEM_FULL = 451, 1038 HPI_ERROR_NVMEM_FAIL = 452, 1039 1040 /** I2C */ 1041 HPI_ERROR_I2C_BAD_ADR = 460, 1042 1043 /** Entity errors */ 1044 HPI_ERROR_ENTITY_TYPE_MISMATCH = 470, 1045 HPI_ERROR_ENTITY_ITEM_COUNT = 471, 1046 HPI_ERROR_ENTITY_TYPE_INVALID = 472, 1047 HPI_ERROR_ENTITY_ROLE_INVALID = 473, 1048 HPI_ERROR_ENTITY_SIZE_MISMATCH = 474, 1049 1050 /* AES18 specific errors were 500..507 */ 1051 1052 /** custom error to use for debugging */ 1053 HPI_ERROR_CUSTOM = 600, 1054 1055 /** hpioct32.c can't obtain mutex */ 1056 HPI_ERROR_MUTEX_TIMEOUT = 700, 1057 1058 /** Backend errors used to be greater than this. 1059 \deprecated Now, all backends return only errors defined here in hpi.h 1060 */ 1061 HPI_ERROR_BACKEND_BASE = 900, 1062 1063 /** Communication with DSP failed */ 1064 HPI_ERROR_DSP_COMMUNICATION = 900 1065 /* Note that the dsp communication error is set to this value so that 1066 it remains compatible with any software that expects such errors 1067 to be backend errors i.e. >= 900. 1068 Do not define any new error codes with values > 900. 1069 */ 1070 }; 1071 1072 /** \defgroup maximums HPI maximum values 1073 \{ 1074 */ 1075 /** Maximum number of adapters per HPI sub-system 1076 WARNING: modifying this value changes the response structure size.*/ 1077 #define HPI_MAX_ADAPTERS 20 1078 /** Maximum number of in or out streams per adapter */ 1079 #define HPI_MAX_STREAMS 16 1080 #define HPI_MAX_CHANNELS 2 /* per stream */ 1081 #define HPI_MAX_NODES 8 /* per mixer ? */ 1082 #define HPI_MAX_CONTROLS 4 /* per node ? */ 1083 /** maximum number of ancillary bytes per MPEG frame */ 1084 #define HPI_MAX_ANC_BYTES_PER_FRAME (64) 1085 #define HPI_STRING_LEN 16 1086 1087 /** Velocity units */ 1088 #define HPI_OSTREAM_VELOCITY_UNITS 4096 1089 /** OutStream timescale units */ 1090 #define HPI_OSTREAM_TIMESCALE_UNITS 10000 1091 /** OutStream timescale passthrough - turns timescaling on in passthough mode */ 1092 #define HPI_OSTREAM_TIMESCALE_PASSTHROUGH 99999 1093 1094 /**\}*/ 1095 1096 /**************/ 1097 /* STRUCTURES */ 1098 #ifndef DISABLE_PRAGMA_PACK1 1099 #pragma pack(push, 1) 1100 #endif 1101 1102 /** Structure containing sample format information. 1103 See also HPI_FormatCreate(). 1104 */ 1105 struct hpi_format { 1106 u32 sample_rate; 1107 /**< 11025, 32000, 44100 ... */ 1108 u32 bit_rate; /**< for MPEG */ 1109 u32 attributes; 1110 /**< Stereo/JointStereo/Mono */ 1111 u16 mode_legacy; 1112 /**< Legacy ancillary mode or idle bit */ 1113 u16 unused; /**< Unused */ 1114 u16 channels; /**< 1,2..., (or ancillary mode or idle bit */ 1115 u16 format; /**< HPI_FORMAT_PCM16, _MPEG etc. see #HPI_FORMATS. */ 1116 }; 1117 1118 struct hpi_anc_frame { 1119 u32 valid_bits_in_this_frame; 1120 u8 b_data[HPI_MAX_ANC_BYTES_PER_FRAME]; 1121 }; 1122 1123 /** An object for containing a single async event. 1124 */ 1125 struct hpi_async_event { 1126 u16 event_type; /**< type of event. \sa async_event */ 1127 u16 sequence; /**< Sequence number, allows lost event detection */ 1128 u32 state; /**< New state */ 1129 u32 h_object; /**< handle to the object returning the event. */ 1130 union { 1131 struct { 1132 u16 index; /**< GPIO bit index. */ 1133 } gpio; 1134 struct { 1135 u16 node_index; /**< what node is the control on ? */ 1136 u16 node_type; /**< what type of node is the control on ? */ 1137 } control; 1138 } u; 1139 }; 1140 1141 /* skip host side function declarations for 1142 DSP compile and documentation extraction */ 1143 1144 #ifndef DISABLE_PRAGMA_PACK1 1145 #pragma pack(pop) 1146 #endif 1147 1148 /*****************/ 1149 /* HPI FUNCTIONS */ 1150 /*****************/ 1151 1152 /* Stream */ 1153 u16 hpi_stream_estimate_buffer_size(struct hpi_format *pF, 1154 u32 host_polling_rate_in_milli_seconds, u32 *recommended_buffer_size); 1155 1156 /*************/ 1157 /* SubSystem */ 1158 /*************/ 1159 1160 u16 hpi_subsys_get_version_ex(u32 *pversion_ex); 1161 1162 u16 hpi_subsys_get_num_adapters(int *pn_num_adapters); 1163 1164 u16 hpi_subsys_get_adapter(int iterator, u32 *padapter_index, 1165 u16 *pw_adapter_type); 1166 1167 /***********/ 1168 /* Adapter */ 1169 /***********/ 1170 1171 u16 hpi_adapter_open(u16 adapter_index); 1172 1173 u16 hpi_adapter_close(u16 adapter_index); 1174 1175 u16 hpi_adapter_get_info(u16 adapter_index, u16 *pw_num_outstreams, 1176 u16 *pw_num_instreams, u16 *pw_version, u32 *pserial_number, 1177 u16 *pw_adapter_type); 1178 1179 u16 hpi_adapter_get_module_by_index(u16 adapter_index, u16 module_index, 1180 u16 *pw_num_outputs, u16 *pw_num_inputs, u16 *pw_version, 1181 u32 *pserial_number, u16 *pw_module_type, u32 *ph_module); 1182 1183 u16 hpi_adapter_set_mode(u16 adapter_index, u32 adapter_mode); 1184 1185 u16 hpi_adapter_set_mode_ex(u16 adapter_index, u32 adapter_mode, 1186 u16 query_or_set); 1187 1188 u16 hpi_adapter_get_mode(u16 adapter_index, u32 *padapter_mode); 1189 1190 u16 hpi_adapter_get_assert2(u16 adapter_index, u16 *p_assert_count, 1191 char *psz_assert, u32 *p_param1, u32 *p_param2, 1192 u32 *p_dsp_string_addr, u16 *p_processor_id); 1193 1194 u16 hpi_adapter_test_assert(u16 adapter_index, u16 assert_id); 1195 1196 u16 hpi_adapter_enable_capability(u16 adapter_index, u16 capability, u32 key); 1197 1198 u16 hpi_adapter_self_test(u16 adapter_index); 1199 1200 u16 hpi_adapter_debug_read(u16 adapter_index, u32 dsp_address, char *p_bytes, 1201 int *count_bytes); 1202 1203 u16 hpi_adapter_set_property(u16 adapter_index, u16 property, u16 paramter1, 1204 u16 paramter2); 1205 1206 u16 hpi_adapter_get_property(u16 adapter_index, u16 property, 1207 u16 *pw_paramter1, u16 *pw_paramter2); 1208 1209 u16 hpi_adapter_enumerate_property(u16 adapter_index, u16 index, 1210 u16 what_to_enumerate, u16 property_index, u32 *psetting); 1211 /*************/ 1212 /* OutStream */ 1213 /*************/ 1214 u16 hpi_outstream_open(u16 adapter_index, u16 outstream_index, 1215 u32 *ph_outstream); 1216 1217 u16 hpi_outstream_close(u32 h_outstream); 1218 1219 u16 hpi_outstream_get_info_ex(u32 h_outstream, u16 *pw_state, 1220 u32 *pbuffer_size, u32 *pdata_to_play, u32 *psamples_played, 1221 u32 *pauxiliary_data_to_play); 1222 1223 u16 hpi_outstream_write_buf(u32 h_outstream, const u8 *pb_write_buf, 1224 u32 bytes_to_write, const struct hpi_format *p_format); 1225 1226 u16 hpi_outstream_start(u32 h_outstream); 1227 1228 u16 hpi_outstream_wait_start(u32 h_outstream); 1229 1230 u16 hpi_outstream_stop(u32 h_outstream); 1231 1232 u16 hpi_outstream_sinegen(u32 h_outstream); 1233 1234 u16 hpi_outstream_reset(u32 h_outstream); 1235 1236 u16 hpi_outstream_query_format(u32 h_outstream, struct hpi_format *p_format); 1237 1238 u16 hpi_outstream_set_format(u32 h_outstream, struct hpi_format *p_format); 1239 1240 u16 hpi_outstream_set_punch_in_out(u32 h_outstream, u32 punch_in_sample, 1241 u32 punch_out_sample); 1242 1243 u16 hpi_outstream_set_velocity(u32 h_outstream, short velocity); 1244 1245 u16 hpi_outstream_ancillary_reset(u32 h_outstream, u16 mode); 1246 1247 u16 hpi_outstream_ancillary_get_info(u32 h_outstream, u32 *pframes_available); 1248 1249 u16 hpi_outstream_ancillary_read(u32 h_outstream, 1250 struct hpi_anc_frame *p_anc_frame_buffer, 1251 u32 anc_frame_buffer_size_in_bytes, 1252 u32 number_of_ancillary_frames_to_read); 1253 1254 u16 hpi_outstream_set_time_scale(u32 h_outstream, u32 time_scaleX10000); 1255 1256 u16 hpi_outstream_host_buffer_allocate(u32 h_outstream, u32 size_in_bytes); 1257 1258 u16 hpi_outstream_host_buffer_free(u32 h_outstream); 1259 1260 u16 hpi_outstream_group_add(u32 h_outstream, u32 h_stream); 1261 1262 u16 hpi_outstream_group_get_map(u32 h_outstream, u32 *poutstream_map, 1263 u32 *pinstream_map); 1264 1265 u16 hpi_outstream_group_reset(u32 h_outstream); 1266 1267 /************/ 1268 /* InStream */ 1269 /************/ 1270 u16 hpi_instream_open(u16 adapter_index, u16 instream_index, 1271 u32 *ph_instream); 1272 1273 u16 hpi_instream_close(u32 h_instream); 1274 1275 u16 hpi_instream_query_format(u32 h_instream, 1276 const struct hpi_format *p_format); 1277 1278 u16 hpi_instream_set_format(u32 h_instream, 1279 const struct hpi_format *p_format); 1280 1281 u16 hpi_instream_read_buf(u32 h_instream, u8 *pb_read_buf, u32 bytes_to_read); 1282 1283 u16 hpi_instream_start(u32 h_instream); 1284 1285 u16 hpi_instream_wait_start(u32 h_instream); 1286 1287 u16 hpi_instream_stop(u32 h_instream); 1288 1289 u16 hpi_instream_reset(u32 h_instream); 1290 1291 u16 hpi_instream_get_info_ex(u32 h_instream, u16 *pw_state, u32 *pbuffer_size, 1292 u32 *pdata_recorded, u32 *psamples_recorded, 1293 u32 *pauxiliary_data_recorded); 1294 1295 u16 hpi_instream_ancillary_reset(u32 h_instream, u16 bytes_per_frame, 1296 u16 mode, u16 alignment, u16 idle_bit); 1297 1298 u16 hpi_instream_ancillary_get_info(u32 h_instream, u32 *pframe_space); 1299 1300 u16 hpi_instream_ancillary_write(u32 h_instream, 1301 const struct hpi_anc_frame *p_anc_frame_buffer, 1302 u32 anc_frame_buffer_size_in_bytes, 1303 u32 number_of_ancillary_frames_to_write); 1304 1305 u16 hpi_instream_host_buffer_allocate(u32 h_instream, u32 size_in_bytes); 1306 1307 u16 hpi_instream_host_buffer_free(u32 h_instream); 1308 1309 u16 hpi_instream_group_add(u32 h_instream, u32 h_stream); 1310 1311 u16 hpi_instream_group_get_map(u32 h_instream, u32 *poutstream_map, 1312 u32 *pinstream_map); 1313 1314 u16 hpi_instream_group_reset(u32 h_instream); 1315 1316 /*********/ 1317 /* Mixer */ 1318 /*********/ 1319 u16 hpi_mixer_open(u16 adapter_index, u32 *ph_mixer); 1320 1321 u16 hpi_mixer_close(u32 h_mixer); 1322 1323 u16 hpi_mixer_get_control(u32 h_mixer, u16 src_node_type, 1324 u16 src_node_type_index, u16 dst_node_type, u16 dst_node_type_index, 1325 u16 control_type, u32 *ph_control); 1326 1327 u16 hpi_mixer_get_control_by_index(u32 h_mixer, u16 control_index, 1328 u16 *pw_src_node_type, u16 *pw_src_node_index, u16 *pw_dst_node_type, 1329 u16 *pw_dst_node_index, u16 *pw_control_type, u32 *ph_control); 1330 1331 u16 hpi_mixer_store(u32 h_mixer, enum HPI_MIXER_STORE_COMMAND command, 1332 u16 index); 1333 /************/ 1334 /* Controls */ 1335 /************/ 1336 /******************/ 1337 /* Volume control */ 1338 /******************/ 1339 u16 hpi_volume_set_gain(u32 h_control, short an_gain0_01dB[HPI_MAX_CHANNELS] 1340 ); 1341 1342 u16 hpi_volume_get_gain(u32 h_control, 1343 short an_gain0_01dB_out[HPI_MAX_CHANNELS] 1344 ); 1345 1346 u16 hpi_volume_set_mute(u32 h_control, u32 mute); 1347 1348 u16 hpi_volume_get_mute(u32 h_control, u32 *mute); 1349 1350 #define hpi_volume_get_range hpi_volume_query_range 1351 u16 hpi_volume_query_range(u32 h_control, short *min_gain_01dB, 1352 short *max_gain_01dB, short *step_gain_01dB); 1353 1354 u16 hpi_volume_query_channels(const u32 h_volume, u32 *p_channels); 1355 1356 u16 hpi_volume_auto_fade(u32 h_control, 1357 short an_stop_gain0_01dB[HPI_MAX_CHANNELS], u32 duration_ms); 1358 1359 u16 hpi_volume_auto_fade_profile(u32 h_control, 1360 short an_stop_gain0_01dB[HPI_MAX_CHANNELS], u32 duration_ms, 1361 u16 profile); 1362 1363 /*****************/ 1364 /* Level control */ 1365 /*****************/ 1366 u16 hpi_level_query_range(u32 h_control, short *min_gain_01dB, 1367 short *max_gain_01dB, short *step_gain_01dB); 1368 1369 u16 hpi_level_set_gain(u32 h_control, short an_gain0_01dB[HPI_MAX_CHANNELS] 1370 ); 1371 1372 u16 hpi_level_get_gain(u32 h_control, 1373 short an_gain0_01dB_out[HPI_MAX_CHANNELS] 1374 ); 1375 1376 /*****************/ 1377 /* Meter control */ 1378 /*****************/ 1379 u16 hpi_meter_query_channels(const u32 h_meter, u32 *p_channels); 1380 1381 u16 hpi_meter_get_peak(u32 h_control, 1382 short an_peak0_01dB_out[HPI_MAX_CHANNELS] 1383 ); 1384 1385 u16 hpi_meter_get_rms(u32 h_control, short an_peak0_01dB_out[HPI_MAX_CHANNELS] 1386 ); 1387 1388 u16 hpi_meter_set_peak_ballistics(u32 h_control, u16 attack, u16 decay); 1389 1390 u16 hpi_meter_set_rms_ballistics(u32 h_control, u16 attack, u16 decay); 1391 1392 u16 hpi_meter_get_peak_ballistics(u32 h_control, u16 *attack, u16 *decay); 1393 1394 u16 hpi_meter_get_rms_ballistics(u32 h_control, u16 *attack, u16 *decay); 1395 1396 /************************/ 1397 /* ChannelMode control */ 1398 /************************/ 1399 u16 hpi_channel_mode_query_mode(const u32 h_mode, const u32 index, 1400 u16 *pw_mode); 1401 1402 u16 hpi_channel_mode_set(u32 h_control, u16 mode); 1403 1404 u16 hpi_channel_mode_get(u32 h_control, u16 *mode); 1405 1406 /*****************/ 1407 /* Tuner control */ 1408 /*****************/ 1409 u16 hpi_tuner_query_band(const u32 h_tuner, const u32 index, u16 *pw_band); 1410 1411 u16 hpi_tuner_set_band(u32 h_control, u16 band); 1412 1413 u16 hpi_tuner_get_band(u32 h_control, u16 *pw_band); 1414 1415 u16 hpi_tuner_query_frequency(const u32 h_tuner, const u32 index, 1416 const u16 band, u32 *pfreq); 1417 1418 u16 hpi_tuner_set_frequency(u32 h_control, u32 freq_ink_hz); 1419 1420 u16 hpi_tuner_get_frequency(u32 h_control, u32 *pw_freq_ink_hz); 1421 1422 u16 hpi_tuner_get_rf_level(u32 h_control, short *pw_level); 1423 1424 u16 hpi_tuner_get_raw_rf_level(u32 h_control, short *pw_level); 1425 1426 u16 hpi_tuner_query_gain(const u32 h_tuner, const u32 index, u16 *pw_gain); 1427 1428 u16 hpi_tuner_set_gain(u32 h_control, short gain); 1429 1430 u16 hpi_tuner_get_gain(u32 h_control, short *pn_gain); 1431 1432 u16 hpi_tuner_get_status(u32 h_control, u16 *pw_status_mask, u16 *pw_status); 1433 1434 u16 hpi_tuner_set_mode(u32 h_control, u32 mode, u32 value); 1435 1436 u16 hpi_tuner_get_mode(u32 h_control, u32 mode, u32 *pn_value); 1437 1438 u16 hpi_tuner_get_rds(u32 h_control, char *p_rds_data); 1439 1440 u16 hpi_tuner_query_deemphasis(const u32 h_tuner, const u32 index, 1441 const u16 band, u32 *pdeemphasis); 1442 1443 u16 hpi_tuner_set_deemphasis(u32 h_control, u32 deemphasis); 1444 u16 hpi_tuner_get_deemphasis(u32 h_control, u32 *pdeemphasis); 1445 1446 u16 hpi_tuner_query_program(const u32 h_tuner, u32 *pbitmap_program); 1447 1448 u16 hpi_tuner_set_program(u32 h_control, u32 program); 1449 1450 u16 hpi_tuner_get_program(u32 h_control, u32 *pprogram); 1451 1452 u16 hpi_tuner_get_hd_radio_dsp_version(u32 h_control, char *psz_dsp_version, 1453 const u32 string_size); 1454 1455 u16 hpi_tuner_get_hd_radio_sdk_version(u32 h_control, char *psz_sdk_version, 1456 const u32 string_size); 1457 1458 u16 hpi_tuner_get_hd_radio_signal_quality(u32 h_control, u32 *pquality); 1459 1460 u16 hpi_tuner_get_hd_radio_signal_blend(u32 h_control, u32 *pblend); 1461 1462 u16 hpi_tuner_set_hd_radio_signal_blend(u32 h_control, const u32 blend); 1463 1464 /***************/ 1465 /* PAD control */ 1466 /***************/ 1467 1468 u16 hpi_pad_get_channel_name(u32 h_control, char *psz_string, 1469 const u32 string_length); 1470 1471 u16 hpi_pad_get_artist(u32 h_control, char *psz_string, 1472 const u32 string_length); 1473 1474 u16 hpi_pad_get_title(u32 h_control, char *psz_string, 1475 const u32 string_length); 1476 1477 u16 hpi_pad_get_comment(u32 h_control, char *psz_string, 1478 const u32 string_length); 1479 1480 u16 hpi_pad_get_program_type(u32 h_control, u32 *ppTY); 1481 1482 u16 hpi_pad_get_rdsPI(u32 h_control, u32 *ppI); 1483 1484 u16 hpi_pad_get_program_type_string(u32 h_control, const u32 data_type, 1485 const u32 pTY, char *psz_string, const u32 string_length); 1486 1487 /****************************/ 1488 /* AES/EBU Receiver control */ 1489 /****************************/ 1490 u16 hpi_aesebu_receiver_query_format(const u32 h_aes_rx, const u32 index, 1491 u16 *pw_format); 1492 1493 u16 hpi_aesebu_receiver_set_format(u32 h_control, u16 source); 1494 1495 u16 hpi_aesebu_receiver_get_format(u32 h_control, u16 *pw_source); 1496 1497 u16 hpi_aesebu_receiver_get_sample_rate(u32 h_control, u32 *psample_rate); 1498 1499 u16 hpi_aesebu_receiver_get_user_data(u32 h_control, u16 index, u16 *pw_data); 1500 1501 u16 hpi_aesebu_receiver_get_channel_status(u32 h_control, u16 index, 1502 u16 *pw_data); 1503 1504 u16 hpi_aesebu_receiver_get_error_status(u32 h_control, u16 *pw_error_data); 1505 1506 /*******************************/ 1507 /* AES/EBU Transmitter control */ 1508 /*******************************/ 1509 u16 hpi_aesebu_transmitter_set_sample_rate(u32 h_control, u32 sample_rate); 1510 1511 u16 hpi_aesebu_transmitter_set_user_data(u32 h_control, u16 index, u16 data); 1512 1513 u16 hpi_aesebu_transmitter_set_channel_status(u32 h_control, u16 index, 1514 u16 data); 1515 1516 u16 hpi_aesebu_transmitter_get_channel_status(u32 h_control, u16 index, 1517 u16 *pw_data); 1518 1519 u16 hpi_aesebu_transmitter_query_format(const u32 h_aes_tx, const u32 index, 1520 u16 *pw_format); 1521 1522 u16 hpi_aesebu_transmitter_set_format(u32 h_control, u16 output_format); 1523 1524 u16 hpi_aesebu_transmitter_get_format(u32 h_control, u16 *pw_output_format); 1525 1526 /***********************/ 1527 /* Multiplexer control */ 1528 /***********************/ 1529 u16 hpi_multiplexer_set_source(u32 h_control, u16 source_node_type, 1530 u16 source_node_index); 1531 1532 u16 hpi_multiplexer_get_source(u32 h_control, u16 *source_node_type, 1533 u16 *source_node_index); 1534 1535 u16 hpi_multiplexer_query_source(u32 h_control, u16 index, 1536 u16 *source_node_type, u16 *source_node_index); 1537 1538 /***************/ 1539 /* Vox control */ 1540 /***************/ 1541 u16 hpi_vox_set_threshold(u32 h_control, short an_gain0_01dB); 1542 1543 u16 hpi_vox_get_threshold(u32 h_control, short *an_gain0_01dB); 1544 1545 /*********************/ 1546 /* Bitstream control */ 1547 /*********************/ 1548 u16 hpi_bitstream_set_clock_edge(u32 h_control, u16 edge_type); 1549 1550 u16 hpi_bitstream_set_data_polarity(u32 h_control, u16 polarity); 1551 1552 u16 hpi_bitstream_get_activity(u32 h_control, u16 *pw_clk_activity, 1553 u16 *pw_data_activity); 1554 1555 /***********************/ 1556 /* SampleClock control */ 1557 /***********************/ 1558 1559 u16 hpi_sample_clock_query_source(const u32 h_clock, const u32 index, 1560 u16 *pw_source); 1561 1562 u16 hpi_sample_clock_set_source(u32 h_control, u16 source); 1563 1564 u16 hpi_sample_clock_get_source(u32 h_control, u16 *pw_source); 1565 1566 u16 hpi_sample_clock_query_source_index(const u32 h_clock, const u32 index, 1567 const u32 source, u16 *pw_source_index); 1568 1569 u16 hpi_sample_clock_set_source_index(u32 h_control, u16 source_index); 1570 1571 u16 hpi_sample_clock_get_source_index(u32 h_control, u16 *pw_source_index); 1572 1573 u16 hpi_sample_clock_get_sample_rate(u32 h_control, u32 *psample_rate); 1574 1575 u16 hpi_sample_clock_query_local_rate(const u32 h_clock, const u32 index, 1576 u32 *psource); 1577 1578 u16 hpi_sample_clock_set_local_rate(u32 h_control, u32 sample_rate); 1579 1580 u16 hpi_sample_clock_get_local_rate(u32 h_control, u32 *psample_rate); 1581 1582 u16 hpi_sample_clock_set_auto(u32 h_control, u32 enable); 1583 1584 u16 hpi_sample_clock_get_auto(u32 h_control, u32 *penable); 1585 1586 u16 hpi_sample_clock_set_local_rate_lock(u32 h_control, u32 lock); 1587 1588 u16 hpi_sample_clock_get_local_rate_lock(u32 h_control, u32 *plock); 1589 1590 /***********************/ 1591 /* Microphone control */ 1592 /***********************/ 1593 u16 hpi_microphone_set_phantom_power(u32 h_control, u16 on_off); 1594 1595 u16 hpi_microphone_get_phantom_power(u32 h_control, u16 *pw_on_off); 1596 1597 /********************************/ 1598 /* Parametric Equalizer control */ 1599 /********************************/ 1600 u16 hpi_parametric_eq_get_info(u32 h_control, u16 *pw_number_of_bands, 1601 u16 *pw_enabled); 1602 1603 u16 hpi_parametric_eq_set_state(u32 h_control, u16 on_off); 1604 1605 u16 hpi_parametric_eq_set_band(u32 h_control, u16 index, u16 type, 1606 u32 frequency_hz, short q100, short gain0_01dB); 1607 1608 u16 hpi_parametric_eq_get_band(u32 h_control, u16 index, u16 *pn_type, 1609 u32 *pfrequency_hz, short *pnQ100, short *pn_gain0_01dB); 1610 1611 u16 hpi_parametric_eq_get_coeffs(u32 h_control, u16 index, short coeffs[5] 1612 ); 1613 1614 /*******************************/ 1615 /* Compressor Expander control */ 1616 /*******************************/ 1617 1618 u16 hpi_compander_set_enable(u32 h_control, u32 on); 1619 1620 u16 hpi_compander_get_enable(u32 h_control, u32 *pon); 1621 1622 u16 hpi_compander_set_makeup_gain(u32 h_control, short makeup_gain0_01dB); 1623 1624 u16 hpi_compander_get_makeup_gain(u32 h_control, short *pn_makeup_gain0_01dB); 1625 1626 u16 hpi_compander_set_attack_time_constant(u32 h_control, u32 index, 1627 u32 attack); 1628 1629 u16 hpi_compander_get_attack_time_constant(u32 h_control, u32 index, 1630 u32 *pw_attack); 1631 1632 u16 hpi_compander_set_decay_time_constant(u32 h_control, u32 index, 1633 u32 decay); 1634 1635 u16 hpi_compander_get_decay_time_constant(u32 h_control, u32 index, 1636 u32 *pw_decay); 1637 1638 u16 hpi_compander_set_threshold(u32 h_control, u32 index, 1639 short threshold0_01dB); 1640 1641 u16 hpi_compander_get_threshold(u32 h_control, u32 index, 1642 short *pn_threshold0_01dB); 1643 1644 u16 hpi_compander_set_ratio(u32 h_control, u32 index, u32 ratio100); 1645 1646 u16 hpi_compander_get_ratio(u32 h_control, u32 index, u32 *pw_ratio100); 1647 1648 /********************/ 1649 /* Cobranet control */ 1650 /********************/ 1651 u16 hpi_cobranet_hmi_write(u32 h_control, u32 hmi_address, u32 byte_count, 1652 u8 *pb_data); 1653 1654 u16 hpi_cobranet_hmi_read(u32 h_control, u32 hmi_address, u32 max_byte_count, 1655 u32 *pbyte_count, u8 *pb_data); 1656 1657 u16 hpi_cobranet_hmi_get_status(u32 h_control, u32 *pstatus, 1658 u32 *preadable_size, u32 *pwriteable_size); 1659 1660 u16 hpi_cobranet_get_ip_address(u32 h_control, u32 *pdw_ip_address); 1661 1662 u16 hpi_cobranet_set_ip_address(u32 h_control, u32 dw_ip_address); 1663 1664 u16 hpi_cobranet_get_static_ip_address(u32 h_control, u32 *pdw_ip_address); 1665 1666 u16 hpi_cobranet_set_static_ip_address(u32 h_control, u32 dw_ip_address); 1667 1668 u16 hpi_cobranet_get_macaddress(u32 h_control, u32 *p_mac_msbs, 1669 u32 *p_mac_lsbs); 1670 1671 /*************************/ 1672 /* Tone Detector control */ 1673 /*************************/ 1674 u16 hpi_tone_detector_get_state(u32 hC, u32 *state); 1675 1676 u16 hpi_tone_detector_set_enable(u32 hC, u32 enable); 1677 1678 u16 hpi_tone_detector_get_enable(u32 hC, u32 *enable); 1679 1680 u16 hpi_tone_detector_set_event_enable(u32 hC, u32 event_enable); 1681 1682 u16 hpi_tone_detector_get_event_enable(u32 hC, u32 *event_enable); 1683 1684 u16 hpi_tone_detector_set_threshold(u32 hC, int threshold); 1685 1686 u16 hpi_tone_detector_get_threshold(u32 hC, int *threshold); 1687 1688 u16 hpi_tone_detector_get_frequency(u32 hC, u32 index, u32 *frequency); 1689 1690 /****************************/ 1691 /* Silence Detector control */ 1692 /****************************/ 1693 u16 hpi_silence_detector_get_state(u32 hC, u32 *state); 1694 1695 u16 hpi_silence_detector_set_enable(u32 hC, u32 enable); 1696 1697 u16 hpi_silence_detector_get_enable(u32 hC, u32 *enable); 1698 1699 u16 hpi_silence_detector_set_event_enable(u32 hC, u32 event_enable); 1700 1701 u16 hpi_silence_detector_get_event_enable(u32 hC, u32 *event_enable); 1702 1703 u16 hpi_silence_detector_set_delay(u32 hC, u32 delay); 1704 1705 u16 hpi_silence_detector_get_delay(u32 hC, u32 *delay); 1706 1707 u16 hpi_silence_detector_set_threshold(u32 hC, int threshold); 1708 1709 u16 hpi_silence_detector_get_threshold(u32 hC, int *threshold); 1710 /*********************/ 1711 /* Utility functions */ 1712 /*********************/ 1713 1714 u16 hpi_format_create(struct hpi_format *p_format, u16 channels, u16 format, 1715 u32 sample_rate, u32 bit_rate, u32 attributes); 1716 1717 #endif /*_HPI_H_ */ 1718