xref: /openbmc/linux/scripts/bpf_doc.py (revision b3dff59e)
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
4# Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Netronome Systems, Inc.
5# Copyright (C) 2021 Isovalent, Inc.
7# In case user attempts to run with Python 2.
8from __future__ import print_function
10import argparse
11import re
12import sys, os
13import subprocess
15helpersDocStart = 'Start of BPF helper function descriptions:'
17class NoHelperFound(BaseException):
18    pass
20class NoSyscallCommandFound(BaseException):
21    pass
23class ParsingError(BaseException):
24    def __init__(self, line='<line not provided>', reader=None):
25        if reader:
26            BaseException.__init__(self,
27                                   'Error at file offset %d, parsing line: %s' %
28                                   (reader.tell(), line))
29        else:
30            BaseException.__init__(self, 'Error parsing line: %s' % line)
33class APIElement(object):
34    """
35    An object representing the description of an aspect of the eBPF API.
36    @proto: prototype of the API symbol
37    @desc: textual description of the symbol
38    @ret: (optional) description of any associated return value
39    """
40    def __init__(self, proto='', desc='', ret=''):
41        self.proto = proto
42        self.desc = desc
43        self.ret = ret
46class Helper(APIElement):
47    """
48    An object representing the description of an eBPF helper function.
49    @proto: function prototype of the helper function
50    @desc: textual description of the helper function
51    @ret: description of the return value of the helper function
52    """
53    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
54        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
55        self.enum_val = None
57    def proto_break_down(self):
58        """
59        Break down helper function protocol into smaller chunks: return type,
60        name, distincts arguments.
61        """
62        arg_re = re.compile('((\w+ )*?(\w+|...))( (\**)(\w+))?$')
63        res = {}
64        proto_re = re.compile('(.+) (\**)(\w+)\(((([^,]+)(, )?){1,5})\)$')
66        capture = proto_re.match(self.proto)
67        res['ret_type'] = capture.group(1)
68        res['ret_star'] = capture.group(2)
69        res['name']     = capture.group(3)
70        res['args'] = []
72        args    = capture.group(4).split(', ')
73        for a in args:
74            capture = arg_re.match(a)
75            res['args'].append({
76                'type' : capture.group(1),
77                'star' : capture.group(5),
78                'name' : capture.group(6)
79            })
81        return res
84class HeaderParser(object):
85    """
86    An object used to parse a file in order to extract the documentation of a
87    list of eBPF helper functions. All the helpers that can be retrieved are
88    stored as Helper object, in the self.helpers() array.
89    @filename: name of file to parse, usually include/uapi/linux/bpf.h in the
90               kernel tree
91    """
92    def __init__(self, filename):
93        self.reader = open(filename, 'r')
94        self.line = ''
95        self.helpers = []
96        self.commands = []
97        self.desc_unique_helpers = set()
98        self.define_unique_helpers = []
99        self.helper_enum_vals = {}
100        self.helper_enum_pos = {}
101        self.desc_syscalls = []
102        self.enum_syscalls = []
104    def parse_element(self):
105        proto    = self.parse_symbol()
106        desc     = self.parse_desc(proto)
107        ret      = self.parse_ret(proto)
108        return APIElement(proto=proto, desc=desc, ret=ret)
110    def parse_helper(self):
111        proto    = self.parse_proto()
112        desc     = self.parse_desc(proto)
113        ret      = self.parse_ret(proto)
114        return Helper(proto=proto, desc=desc, ret=ret)
116    def parse_symbol(self):
117        p = re.compile(' \* ?(BPF\w+)$')
118        capture = p.match(self.line)
119        if not capture:
120            raise NoSyscallCommandFound
121        end_re = re.compile(' \* ?NOTES$')
122        end = end_re.match(self.line)
123        if end:
124            raise NoSyscallCommandFound
125        self.line = self.reader.readline()
126        return capture.group(1)
128    def parse_proto(self):
129        # Argument can be of shape:
130        #   - "void"
131        #   - "type  name"
132        #   - "type *name"
133        #   - Same as above, with "const" and/or "struct" in front of type
134        #   - "..." (undefined number of arguments, for bpf_trace_printk())
135        # There is at least one term ("void"), and at most five arguments.
136        p = re.compile(' \* ?((.+) \**\w+\((((const )?(struct )?(\w+|\.\.\.)( \**\w+)?)(, )?){1,5}\))$')
137        capture = p.match(self.line)
138        if not capture:
139            raise NoHelperFound
140        self.line = self.reader.readline()
141        return capture.group(1)
143    def parse_desc(self, proto):
144        p = re.compile(' \* ?(?:\t| {5,8})Description$')
145        capture = p.match(self.line)
146        if not capture:
147            raise Exception("No description section found for " + proto)
148        # Description can be several lines, some of them possibly empty, and it
149        # stops when another subsection title is met.
150        desc = ''
151        desc_present = False
152        while True:
153            self.line = self.reader.readline()
154            if self.line == ' *\n':
155                desc += '\n'
156            else:
157                p = re.compile(' \* ?(?:\t| {5,8})(?:\t| {8})(.*)')
158                capture = p.match(self.line)
159                if capture:
160                    desc_present = True
161                    desc += capture.group(1) + '\n'
162                else:
163                    break
165        if not desc_present:
166            raise Exception("No description found for " + proto)
167        return desc
169    def parse_ret(self, proto):
170        p = re.compile(' \* ?(?:\t| {5,8})Return$')
171        capture = p.match(self.line)
172        if not capture:
173            raise Exception("No return section found for " + proto)
174        # Return value description can be several lines, some of them possibly
175        # empty, and it stops when another subsection title is met.
176        ret = ''
177        ret_present = False
178        while True:
179            self.line = self.reader.readline()
180            if self.line == ' *\n':
181                ret += '\n'
182            else:
183                p = re.compile(' \* ?(?:\t| {5,8})(?:\t| {8})(.*)')
184                capture = p.match(self.line)
185                if capture:
186                    ret_present = True
187                    ret += capture.group(1) + '\n'
188                else:
189                    break
191        if not ret_present:
192            raise Exception("No return found for " + proto)
193        return ret
195    def seek_to(self, target, help_message, discard_lines = 1):
196        self.reader.seek(0)
197        offset = self.reader.read().find(target)
198        if offset == -1:
199            raise Exception(help_message)
200        self.reader.seek(offset)
201        self.reader.readline()
202        for _ in range(discard_lines):
203            self.reader.readline()
204        self.line = self.reader.readline()
206    def parse_desc_syscall(self):
207        self.seek_to('* DOC: eBPF Syscall Commands',
208                     'Could not find start of eBPF syscall descriptions list')
209        while True:
210            try:
211                command = self.parse_element()
212                self.commands.append(command)
213                self.desc_syscalls.append(command.proto)
215            except NoSyscallCommandFound:
216                break
218    def parse_enum_syscall(self):
219        self.seek_to('enum bpf_cmd {',
220                     'Could not find start of bpf_cmd enum', 0)
221        # Searches for either one or more BPF\w+ enums
222        bpf_p = re.compile('\s*(BPF\w+)+')
223        # Searches for an enum entry assigned to another entry,
224        # for e.g. BPF_PROG_RUN = BPF_PROG_TEST_RUN, which is
225        # not documented hence should be skipped in check to
226        # determine if the right number of syscalls are documented
227        assign_p = re.compile('\s*(BPF\w+)\s*=\s*(BPF\w+)')
228        bpf_cmd_str = ''
229        while True:
230            capture = assign_p.match(self.line)
231            if capture:
232                # Skip line if an enum entry is assigned to another entry
233                self.line = self.reader.readline()
234                continue
235            capture = bpf_p.match(self.line)
236            if capture:
237                bpf_cmd_str += self.line
238            else:
239                break
240            self.line = self.reader.readline()
241        # Find the number of occurences of BPF\w+
242        self.enum_syscalls = re.findall('(BPF\w+)+', bpf_cmd_str)
244    def parse_desc_helpers(self):
245        self.seek_to(helpersDocStart,
246                     'Could not find start of eBPF helper descriptions list')
247        while True:
248            try:
249                helper = self.parse_helper()
250                self.helpers.append(helper)
251                proto = helper.proto_break_down()
252                self.desc_unique_helpers.add(proto['name'])
253            except NoHelperFound:
254                break
256    def parse_define_helpers(self):
257        # Parse FN(...) in #define ___BPF_FUNC_MAPPER to compare later with the
258        # number of unique function names present in description and use the
259        # correct enumeration value.
260        # Note: seek_to(..) discards the first line below the target search text,
261        # resulting in FN(unspec, 0, ##ctx) being skipped and not added to
262        # self.define_unique_helpers.
263        self.seek_to('#define ___BPF_FUNC_MAPPER(FN, ctx...)',
264                     'Could not find start of eBPF helper definition list')
265        # Searches for one FN(\w+) define or a backslash for newline
266        p = re.compile('\s*FN\((\w+), (\d+), ##ctx\)|\\\\')
267        fn_defines_str = ''
268        i = 0
269        while True:
270            capture = p.match(self.line)
271            if capture:
272                fn_defines_str += self.line
273                helper_name = capture.expand(r'bpf_\1')
274                self.helper_enum_vals[helper_name] = int(capture.group(2))
275                self.helper_enum_pos[helper_name] = i
276                i += 1
277            else:
278                break
279            self.line = self.reader.readline()
280        # Find the number of occurences of FN(\w+)
281        self.define_unique_helpers = re.findall('FN\(\w+, \d+, ##ctx\)', fn_defines_str)
283    def validate_helpers(self):
284        last_helper = ''
285        seen_helpers = set()
286        seen_enum_vals = set()
287        i = 0
288        for helper in self.helpers:
289            proto = helper.proto_break_down()
290            name = proto['name']
291            try:
292                enum_val = self.helper_enum_vals[name]
293                enum_pos = self.helper_enum_pos[name]
294            except KeyError:
295                raise Exception("Helper %s is missing from enum bpf_func_id" % name)
297            if name in seen_helpers:
298                if last_helper != name:
299                    raise Exception("Helper %s has multiple descriptions which are not grouped together" % name)
300                continue
302            # Enforce current practice of having the descriptions ordered
303            # by enum value.
304            if enum_pos != i:
305                raise Exception("Helper %s (ID %d) comment order (#%d) must be aligned with its position (#%d) in enum bpf_func_id" % (name, enum_val, i + 1, enum_pos + 1))
306            if enum_val in seen_enum_vals:
307                raise Exception("Helper %s has duplicated value %d" % (name, enum_val))
309            seen_helpers.add(name)
310            last_helper = name
311            seen_enum_vals.add(enum_val)
313            helper.enum_val = enum_val
314            i += 1
316    def run(self):
317        self.parse_desc_syscall()
318        self.parse_enum_syscall()
319        self.parse_desc_helpers()
320        self.parse_define_helpers()
321        self.validate_helpers()
322        self.reader.close()
326class Printer(object):
327    """
328    A generic class for printers. Printers should be created with an array of
329    Helper objects, and implement a way to print them in the desired fashion.
330    @parser: A HeaderParser with objects to print to standard output
331    """
332    def __init__(self, parser):
333        self.parser = parser
334        self.elements = []
336    def print_header(self):
337        pass
339    def print_footer(self):
340        pass
342    def print_one(self, helper):
343        pass
345    def print_all(self):
346        self.print_header()
347        for elem in self.elements:
348            self.print_one(elem)
349        self.print_footer()
351    def elem_number_check(self, desc_unique_elem, define_unique_elem, type, instance):
352        """
353        Checks the number of helpers/syscalls documented within the header file
354        description with those defined as part of enum/macro and raise an
355        Exception if they don't match.
356        """
357        nr_desc_unique_elem = len(desc_unique_elem)
358        nr_define_unique_elem = len(define_unique_elem)
359        if nr_desc_unique_elem != nr_define_unique_elem:
360            exception_msg = '''
361The number of unique %s in description (%d) doesn\'t match the number of unique %s defined in %s (%d)
362''' % (type, nr_desc_unique_elem, type, instance, nr_define_unique_elem)
363            if nr_desc_unique_elem < nr_define_unique_elem:
364                # Function description is parsed until no helper is found (which can be due to
365                # misformatting). Hence, only print the first missing/misformatted helper/enum.
366                exception_msg += '''
367The description for %s is not present or formatted correctly.
368''' % (define_unique_elem[nr_desc_unique_elem])
369            raise Exception(exception_msg)
371class PrinterRST(Printer):
372    """
373    A generic class for printers that print ReStructured Text. Printers should
374    be created with a HeaderParser object, and implement a way to print API
375    elements in the desired fashion.
376    @parser: A HeaderParser with objects to print to standard output
377    """
378    def __init__(self, parser):
379        self.parser = parser
381    def print_license(self):
382        license = '''\
383.. Copyright (C) All BPF authors and contributors from 2014 to present.
384.. See git log include/uapi/linux/bpf.h in kernel tree for details.
386.. SPDX-License-Identifier:  Linux-man-pages-copyleft
388.. Please do not edit this file. It was generated from the documentation
389.. located in file include/uapi/linux/bpf.h of the Linux kernel sources
390.. (helpers description), and from scripts/bpf_doc.py in the same
391.. repository (header and footer).
393        print(license)
395    def print_elem(self, elem):
396        if (elem.desc):
397            print('\tDescription')
398            # Do not strip all newline characters: formatted code at the end of
399            # a section must be followed by a blank line.
400            for line in re.sub('\n$', '', elem.desc, count=1).split('\n'):
401                print('{}{}'.format('\t\t' if line else '', line))
403        if (elem.ret):
404            print('\tReturn')
405            for line in elem.ret.rstrip().split('\n'):
406                print('{}{}'.format('\t\t' if line else '', line))
408        print('')
410    def get_kernel_version(self):
411        try:
412            version = subprocess.run(['git', 'describe'], cwd=linuxRoot,
413                                     capture_output=True, check=True)
414            version = version.stdout.decode().rstrip()
415        except:
416            try:
417                version = subprocess.run(['make', 'kernelversion'], cwd=linuxRoot,
418                                         capture_output=True, check=True)
419                version = version.stdout.decode().rstrip()
420            except:
421                return 'Linux'
422        return 'Linux {version}'.format(version=version)
424    def get_last_doc_update(self, delimiter):
425        try:
426            cmd = ['git', 'log', '-1', '--pretty=format:%cs', '--no-patch',
427                   '-L',
428                   '/{}/,/\*\//:include/uapi/linux/bpf.h'.format(delimiter)]
429            date = subprocess.run(cmd, cwd=linuxRoot,
430                                  capture_output=True, check=True)
431            return date.stdout.decode().rstrip()
432        except:
433            return ''
435class PrinterHelpersRST(PrinterRST):
436    """
437    A printer for dumping collected information about helpers as a ReStructured
438    Text page compatible with the rst2man program, which can be used to
439    generate a manual page for the helpers.
440    @parser: A HeaderParser with Helper objects to print to standard output
441    """
442    def __init__(self, parser):
443        self.elements = parser.helpers
444        self.elem_number_check(parser.desc_unique_helpers, parser.define_unique_helpers, 'helper', '___BPF_FUNC_MAPPER')
446    def print_header(self):
447        header = '''\
452list of eBPF helper functions
455:Manual section: 7
456:Version: {version}
462The extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) subsystem consists in programs
463written in a pseudo-assembly language, then attached to one of the several
464kernel hooks and run in reaction of specific events. This framework differs
465from the older, "classic" BPF (or "cBPF") in several aspects, one of them being
466the ability to call special functions (or "helpers") from within a program.
467These functions are restricted to a white-list of helpers defined in the
470These helpers are used by eBPF programs to interact with the system, or with
471the context in which they work. For instance, they can be used to print
472debugging messages, to get the time since the system was booted, to interact
473with eBPF maps, or to manipulate network packets. Since there are several eBPF
474program types, and that they do not run in the same context, each program type
475can only call a subset of those helpers.
477Due to eBPF conventions, a helper can not have more than five arguments.
479Internally, eBPF programs call directly into the compiled helper functions
480without requiring any foreign-function interface. As a result, calling helpers
481introduces no overhead, thus offering excellent performance.
483This document is an attempt to list and document the helpers available to eBPF
484developers. They are sorted by chronological order (the oldest helpers in the
485kernel at the top).
490        kernelVersion = self.get_kernel_version()
491        lastUpdate = self.get_last_doc_update(helpersDocStart)
493        PrinterRST.print_license(self)
494        print(header.format(version=kernelVersion,
495                            date_field = ':Date: ' if lastUpdate else '',
496                            date=lastUpdate))
498    def print_footer(self):
499        footer = '''
503Example usage for most of the eBPF helpers listed in this manual page are
504available within the Linux kernel sources, at the following locations:
506* *samples/bpf/*
507* *tools/testing/selftests/bpf/*
512eBPF programs can have an associated license, passed along with the bytecode
513instructions to the kernel when the programs are loaded. The format for that
514string is identical to the one in use for kernel modules (Dual licenses, such
515as "Dual BSD/GPL", may be used). Some helper functions are only accessible to
516programs that are compatible with the GNU Privacy License (GPL).
518In order to use such helpers, the eBPF program must be loaded with the correct
519license string passed (via **attr**) to the **bpf**\ () system call, and this
520generally translates into the C source code of the program containing a line
521similar to the following:
525	char ____license[] __attribute__((section("license"), used)) = "GPL";
530This manual page is an effort to document the existing eBPF helper functions.
531But as of this writing, the BPF sub-system is under heavy development. New eBPF
532program or map types are added, along with new helper functions. Some helpers
533are occasionally made available for additional program types. So in spite of
534the efforts of the community, this page might not be up-to-date. If you want to
535check by yourself what helper functions exist in your kernel, or what types of
536programs they can support, here are some files among the kernel tree that you
537may be interested in:
539* *include/uapi/linux/bpf.h* is the main BPF header. It contains the full list
540  of all helper functions, as well as many other BPF definitions including most
541  of the flags, structs or constants used by the helpers.
542* *net/core/filter.c* contains the definition of most network-related helper
543  functions, and the list of program types from which they can be used.
544* *kernel/trace/bpf_trace.c* is the equivalent for most tracing program-related
545  helpers.
546* *kernel/bpf/verifier.c* contains the functions used to check that valid types
547  of eBPF maps are used with a given helper function.
548* *kernel/bpf/* directory contains other files in which additional helpers are
549  defined (for cgroups, sockmaps, etc.).
550* The bpftool utility can be used to probe the availability of helper functions
551  on the system (as well as supported program and map types, and a number of
552  other parameters). To do so, run **bpftool feature probe** (see
553  **bpftool-feature**\ (8) for details). Add the **unprivileged** keyword to
554  list features available to unprivileged users.
556Compatibility between helper functions and program types can generally be found
557in the files where helper functions are defined. Look for the **struct
558bpf_func_proto** objects and for functions returning them: these functions
559contain a list of helpers that a given program type can call. Note that the
560**default:** label of the **switch ... case** used to filter helpers can call
561other functions, themselves allowing access to additional helpers. The
562requirement for GPL license is also in those **struct bpf_func_proto**.
564Compatibility between helper functions and map types can be found in the
565**check_map_func_compatibility**\ () function in file *kernel/bpf/verifier.c*.
567Helper functions that invalidate the checks on **data** and **data_end**
568pointers for network processing are listed in function
569**bpf_helper_changes_pkt_data**\ () in file *net/core/filter.c*.
574**bpf**\ (2),
575**bpftool**\ (8),
576**cgroups**\ (7),
577**ip**\ (8),
578**perf_event_open**\ (2),
579**sendmsg**\ (2),
580**socket**\ (7),
581**tc-bpf**\ (8)'''
582        print(footer)
584    def print_proto(self, helper):
585        """
586        Format function protocol with bold and italics markers. This makes RST
587        file less readable, but gives nice results in the manual page.
588        """
589        proto = helper.proto_break_down()
591        print('**%s %s%s(' % (proto['ret_type'],
592                              proto['ret_star'].replace('*', '\\*'),
593                              proto['name']),
594              end='')
596        comma = ''
597        for a in proto['args']:
598            one_arg = '{}{}'.format(comma, a['type'])
599            if a['name']:
600                if a['star']:
601                    one_arg += ' {}**\ '.format(a['star'].replace('*', '\\*'))
602                else:
603                    one_arg += '** '
604                one_arg += '*{}*\\ **'.format(a['name'])
605            comma = ', '
606            print(one_arg, end='')
608        print(')**')
610    def print_one(self, helper):
611        self.print_proto(helper)
612        self.print_elem(helper)
615class PrinterSyscallRST(PrinterRST):
616    """
617    A printer for dumping collected information about the syscall API as a
618    ReStructured Text page compatible with the rst2man program, which can be
619    used to generate a manual page for the syscall.
620    @parser: A HeaderParser with APIElement objects to print to standard
621             output
622    """
623    def __init__(self, parser):
624        self.elements = parser.commands
625        self.elem_number_check(parser.desc_syscalls, parser.enum_syscalls, 'syscall', 'bpf_cmd')
627    def print_header(self):
628        header = '''\
633Perform a command on an extended BPF object
636:Manual section: 2
641        PrinterRST.print_license(self)
642        print(header)
644    def print_one(self, command):
645        print('**%s**' % (command.proto))
646        self.print_elem(command)
649class PrinterHelpers(Printer):
650    """
651    A printer for dumping collected information about helpers as C header to
652    be included from BPF program.
653    @parser: A HeaderParser with Helper objects to print to standard output
654    """
655    def __init__(self, parser):
656        self.elements = parser.helpers
657        self.elem_number_check(parser.desc_unique_helpers, parser.define_unique_helpers, 'helper', '___BPF_FUNC_MAPPER')
659    type_fwds = [
660            'struct bpf_fib_lookup',
661            'struct bpf_sk_lookup',
662            'struct bpf_perf_event_data',
663            'struct bpf_perf_event_value',
664            'struct bpf_pidns_info',
665            'struct bpf_redir_neigh',
666            'struct bpf_sock',
667            'struct bpf_sock_addr',
668            'struct bpf_sock_ops',
669            'struct bpf_sock_tuple',
670            'struct bpf_spin_lock',
671            'struct bpf_sysctl',
672            'struct bpf_tcp_sock',
673            'struct bpf_tunnel_key',
674            'struct bpf_xfrm_state',
675            'struct linux_binprm',
676            'struct pt_regs',
677            'struct sk_reuseport_md',
678            'struct sockaddr',
679            'struct tcphdr',
680            'struct seq_file',
681            'struct tcp6_sock',
682            'struct tcp_sock',
683            'struct tcp_timewait_sock',
684            'struct tcp_request_sock',
685            'struct udp6_sock',
686            'struct unix_sock',
687            'struct task_struct',
688            'struct cgroup',
690            'struct __sk_buff',
691            'struct sk_msg_md',
692            'struct xdp_md',
693            'struct path',
694            'struct btf_ptr',
695            'struct inode',
696            'struct socket',
697            'struct file',
698            'struct bpf_timer',
699            'struct mptcp_sock',
700            'struct bpf_dynptr',
701            'struct iphdr',
702            'struct ipv6hdr',
703    ]
704    known_types = {
705            '...',
706            'void',
707            'const void',
708            'char',
709            'const char',
710            'int',
711            'long',
712            'unsigned long',
714            '__be16',
715            '__be32',
716            '__wsum',
718            'struct bpf_fib_lookup',
719            'struct bpf_perf_event_data',
720            'struct bpf_perf_event_value',
721            'struct bpf_pidns_info',
722            'struct bpf_redir_neigh',
723            'struct bpf_sk_lookup',
724            'struct bpf_sock',
725            'struct bpf_sock_addr',
726            'struct bpf_sock_ops',
727            'struct bpf_sock_tuple',
728            'struct bpf_spin_lock',
729            'struct bpf_sysctl',
730            'struct bpf_tcp_sock',
731            'struct bpf_tunnel_key',
732            'struct bpf_xfrm_state',
733            'struct linux_binprm',
734            'struct pt_regs',
735            'struct sk_reuseport_md',
736            'struct sockaddr',
737            'struct tcphdr',
738            'struct seq_file',
739            'struct tcp6_sock',
740            'struct tcp_sock',
741            'struct tcp_timewait_sock',
742            'struct tcp_request_sock',
743            'struct udp6_sock',
744            'struct unix_sock',
745            'struct task_struct',
746            'struct cgroup',
747            'struct path',
748            'struct btf_ptr',
749            'struct inode',
750            'struct socket',
751            'struct file',
752            'struct bpf_timer',
753            'struct mptcp_sock',
754            'struct bpf_dynptr',
755            'const struct bpf_dynptr',
756            'struct iphdr',
757            'struct ipv6hdr',
758    }
759    mapped_types = {
760            'u8': '__u8',
761            'u16': '__u16',
762            'u32': '__u32',
763            'u64': '__u64',
764            's8': '__s8',
765            's16': '__s16',
766            's32': '__s32',
767            's64': '__s64',
768            'size_t': 'unsigned long',
769            'struct bpf_map': 'void',
770            'struct sk_buff': 'struct __sk_buff',
771            'const struct sk_buff': 'const struct __sk_buff',
772            'struct sk_msg_buff': 'struct sk_msg_md',
773            'struct xdp_buff': 'struct xdp_md',
774    }
775    # Helpers overloaded for different context types.
776    overloaded_helpers = [
777        'bpf_get_socket_cookie',
778        'bpf_sk_assign',
779    ]
781    def print_header(self):
782        header = '''\
783/* This is auto-generated file. See bpf_doc.py for details. */
785/* Forward declarations of BPF structs */'''
787        print(header)
788        for fwd in self.type_fwds:
789            print('%s;' % fwd)
790        print('')
792    def print_footer(self):
793        footer = ''
794        print(footer)
796    def map_type(self, t):
797        if t in self.known_types:
798            return t
799        if t in self.mapped_types:
800            return self.mapped_types[t]
801        print("Unrecognized type '%s', please add it to known types!" % t,
802              file=sys.stderr)
803        sys.exit(1)
805    seen_helpers = set()
807    def print_one(self, helper):
808        proto = helper.proto_break_down()
810        if proto['name'] in self.seen_helpers:
811            return
812        self.seen_helpers.add(proto['name'])
814        print('/*')
815        print(" * %s" % proto['name'])
816        print(" *")
817        if (helper.desc):
818            # Do not strip all newline characters: formatted code at the end of
819            # a section must be followed by a blank line.
820            for line in re.sub('\n$', '', helper.desc, count=1).split('\n'):
821                print(' *{}{}'.format(' \t' if line else '', line))
823        if (helper.ret):
824            print(' *')
825            print(' * Returns')
826            for line in helper.ret.rstrip().split('\n'):
827                print(' *{}{}'.format(' \t' if line else '', line))
829        print(' */')
830        print('static %s %s(*%s)(' % (self.map_type(proto['ret_type']),
831                                      proto['ret_star'], proto['name']), end='')
832        comma = ''
833        for i, a in enumerate(proto['args']):
834            t = a['type']
835            n = a['name']
836            if proto['name'] in self.overloaded_helpers and i == 0:
837                    t = 'void'
838                    n = 'ctx'
839            one_arg = '{}{}'.format(comma, self.map_type(t))
840            if n:
841                if a['star']:
842                    one_arg += ' {}'.format(a['star'])
843                else:
844                    one_arg += ' '
845                one_arg += '{}'.format(n)
846            comma = ', '
847            print(one_arg, end='')
849        print(') = (void *) %d;' % helper.enum_val)
850        print('')
854# If script is launched from scripts/ from kernel tree and can access
855# ../include/uapi/linux/bpf.h, use it as a default name for the file to parse,
856# otherwise the --filename argument will be required from the command line.
857script = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
858linuxRoot = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(script))
859bpfh = os.path.join(linuxRoot, 'include/uapi/linux/bpf.h')
861printers = {
862        'helpers': PrinterHelpersRST,
863        'syscall': PrinterSyscallRST,
866argParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""
867Parse eBPF header file and generate documentation for the eBPF API.
868The RST-formatted output produced can be turned into a manual page with the
869rst2man utility.
871argParser.add_argument('--header', action='store_true',
872                       help='generate C header file')
873if (os.path.isfile(bpfh)):
874    argParser.add_argument('--filename', help='path to include/uapi/linux/bpf.h',
875                           default=bpfh)
877    argParser.add_argument('--filename', help='path to include/uapi/linux/bpf.h')
878argParser.add_argument('target', nargs='?', default='helpers',
879                       choices=printers.keys(), help='eBPF API target')
880args = argParser.parse_args()
882# Parse file.
883headerParser = HeaderParser(args.filename)
886# Print formatted output to standard output.
887if args.header:
888    if args.target != 'helpers':
889        raise NotImplementedError('Only helpers header generation is supported')
890    printer = PrinterHelpers(headerParser)
892    printer = printers[args.target](headerParser)