xref: /openbmc/linux/include/video/tdfx.h (revision 64c70b1c)
1 #ifndef _TDFX_H
2 #define _TDFX_H
4 /* membase0 register offsets */
5 #define STATUS          0x00
6 #define PCIINIT0        0x04
7 #define SIPMONITOR      0x08
8 #define LFBMEMORYCONFIG 0x0c
9 #define MISCINIT0       0x10
10 #define MISCINIT1       0x14
11 #define DRAMINIT0       0x18
12 #define DRAMINIT1       0x1c
13 #define AGPINIT         0x20
14 #define TMUGBEINIT      0x24
15 #define VGAINIT0        0x28
16 #define VGAINIT1        0x2c
17 #define DRAMCOMMAND     0x30
18 #define DRAMDATA        0x34
19 /* reserved             0x38 */
20 /* reserved             0x3c */
21 #define PLLCTRL0        0x40
22 #define PLLCTRL1        0x44
23 #define PLLCTRL2        0x48
24 #define DACMODE         0x4c
25 #define DACADDR         0x50
26 #define DACDATA         0x54
27 #define RGBMAXDELTA     0x58
28 #define VIDPROCCFG      0x5c
29 #define HWCURPATADDR    0x60
30 #define HWCURLOC        0x64
31 #define HWCURC0         0x68
32 #define HWCURC1         0x6c
33 #define VIDINFORMAT     0x70
34 #define VIDINSTATUS     0x74
35 #define VIDSERPARPORT   0x78
36 #define VIDINXDELTA     0x7c
37 #define VIDININITERR    0x80
38 #define VIDINYDELTA     0x84
39 #define VIDPIXBUFTHOLD  0x88
40 #define VIDCHRMIN       0x8c
41 #define VIDCHRMAX       0x90
42 #define VIDCURLIN       0x94
43 #define VIDSCREENSIZE   0x98
44 #define VIDOVRSTARTCRD  0x9c
45 #define VIDOVRENDCRD    0xa0
46 #define VIDOVRDUDX      0xa4
47 #define VIDOVRDUDXOFF   0xa8
48 #define VIDOVRDVDY      0xac
49 /*  ... */
50 #define VIDOVRDVDYOFF   0xe0
51 #define VIDDESKSTART    0xe4
52 #define VIDDESKSTRIDE   0xe8
53 #define VIDINADDR0      0xec
54 #define VIDINADDR1      0xf0
55 #define VIDINADDR2      0xf4
56 #define VIDINSTRIDE     0xf8
57 #define VIDCUROVRSTART  0xfc
59 #define INTCTRL         (0x00100000 + 0x04)
60 #define CLIP0MIN        (0x00100000 + 0x08)
61 #define CLIP0MAX        (0x00100000 + 0x0c)
62 #define DSTBASE         (0x00100000 + 0x10)
63 #define DSTFORMAT       (0x00100000 + 0x14)
64 #define SRCBASE         (0x00100000 + 0x34)
65 #define COMMANDEXTRA_2D (0x00100000 + 0x38)
66 #define CLIP1MIN        (0x00100000 + 0x4c)
67 #define CLIP1MAX        (0x00100000 + 0x50)
68 #define SRCFORMAT       (0x00100000 + 0x54)
69 #define SRCSIZE         (0x00100000 + 0x58)
70 #define SRCXY           (0x00100000 + 0x5c)
71 #define COLORBACK       (0x00100000 + 0x60)
72 #define COLORFORE       (0x00100000 + 0x64)
73 #define DSTSIZE         (0x00100000 + 0x68)
74 #define DSTXY           (0x00100000 + 0x6c)
75 #define COMMAND_2D      (0x00100000 + 0x70)
76 #define LAUNCH_2D       (0x00100000 + 0x80)
78 #define COMMAND_3D      (0x00200000 + 0x120)
80 /* register bitfields (not all, only as needed) */
82 #define BIT(x) (1UL << (x))
84 /* COMMAND_2D reg. values */
85 #define TDFX_ROP_COPY        0xcc     // src
86 #define TDFX_ROP_INVERT      0x55     // NOT dst
87 #define TDFX_ROP_XOR         0x66     // src XOR dst
89 #define AUTOINC_DSTX                    BIT(10)
90 #define AUTOINC_DSTY                    BIT(11)
91 #define COMMAND_2D_FILLRECT             0x05
92 #define COMMAND_2D_S2S_BITBLT           0x01      // screen to screen
93 #define COMMAND_2D_H2S_BITBLT           0x03       // host to screen
95 #define COMMAND_3D_NOP                  0x00
96 #define STATUS_RETRACE                  BIT(6)
97 #define STATUS_BUSY                     BIT(9)
98 #define MISCINIT1_CLUT_INV              BIT(0)
99 #define MISCINIT1_2DBLOCK_DIS           BIT(15)
100 #define DRAMINIT0_SGRAM_NUM             BIT(26)
101 #define DRAMINIT0_SGRAM_TYPE            BIT(27)
102 #define DRAMINIT0_SGRAM_TYPE_MASK       (BIT(27)|BIT(28)|BIT(29))
103 #define DRAMINIT0_SGRAM_TYPE_SHIFT      27
104 #define DRAMINIT1_MEM_SDRAM             BIT(30)
105 #define VGAINIT0_VGA_DISABLE            BIT(0)
106 #define VGAINIT0_EXT_TIMING             BIT(1)
107 #define VGAINIT0_8BIT_DAC               BIT(2)
108 #define VGAINIT0_EXT_ENABLE             BIT(6)
109 #define VGAINIT0_WAKEUP_3C3             BIT(8)
110 #define VGAINIT0_LEGACY_DISABLE         BIT(9)
111 #define VGAINIT0_ALT_READBACK           BIT(10)
112 #define VGAINIT0_FAST_BLINK             BIT(11)
113 #define VGAINIT0_EXTSHIFTOUT            BIT(12)
114 #define VGAINIT0_DECODE_3C6             BIT(13)
116 #define VGAINIT1_MASK                   0x1fffff
117 #define VIDCFG_VIDPROC_ENABLE           BIT(0)
118 #define VIDCFG_CURS_X11                 BIT(1)
119 #define VIDCFG_INTERLACE                BIT(3)
120 #define VIDCFG_HALF_MODE                BIT(4)
121 #define VIDCFG_DESK_ENABLE              BIT(7)
122 #define VIDCFG_CLUT_BYPASS              BIT(10)
123 #define VIDCFG_2X                       BIT(26)
124 #define VIDCFG_HWCURSOR_ENABLE          BIT(27)
125 #define VIDCFG_PIXFMT_SHIFT             18
126 #define DACMODE_2X                      BIT(0)
128 /* VGA rubbish, need to change this for multihead support */
129 #define MISC_W  0x3c2
130 #define MISC_R  0x3cc
131 #define SEQ_I   0x3c4
132 #define SEQ_D   0x3c5
133 #define CRT_I   0x3d4
134 #define CRT_D   0x3d5
135 #define ATT_IW  0x3c0
136 #define IS1_R   0x3da
137 #define GRA_I   0x3ce
138 #define GRA_D   0x3cf
140 #ifdef __KERNEL__
142 struct banshee_reg {
143 	/* VGA rubbish */
144 	unsigned char att[21];
145 	unsigned char crt[25];
146 	unsigned char gra[ 9];
147 	unsigned char misc[1];
148 	unsigned char seq[ 5];
150 	/* Banshee extensions */
151 	unsigned char ext[2];
152 	unsigned long vidcfg;
153 	unsigned long vidpll;
154 	unsigned long mempll;
155 	unsigned long gfxpll;
156 	unsigned long dacmode;
157 	unsigned long vgainit0;
158 	unsigned long vgainit1;
159 	unsigned long screensize;
160 	unsigned long stride;
161 	unsigned long cursloc;
162 	unsigned long curspataddr;
163 	unsigned long cursc0;
164 	unsigned long cursc1;
165 	unsigned long startaddr;
166 	unsigned long clip0min;
167 	unsigned long clip0max;
168 	unsigned long clip1min;
169 	unsigned long clip1max;
170 	unsigned long srcbase;
171 	unsigned long dstbase;
172 	unsigned long miscinit0;
173 };
175 struct tdfx_par {
176 	u32 max_pixclock;
177 	u32 palette[16];
178 	void __iomem *regbase_virt;
179 	unsigned long iobase;
180 	u32 baseline;
182 	struct {
183 		int w,u,d;
184 		unsigned long enable,disable;
185 		struct timer_list timer;
186 	} hwcursor;
188 	spinlock_t DAClock;
189 };
191 #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
193 #endif /* _TDFX_H */