1 /*
2  * Support for Intel Camera Imaging ISP subsystem.
3  * Copyright (c) 2010 - 2015, Intel Corporation.
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
7  * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
12  * more details.
13  */
15 #ifndef _IA_CSS_BUFQ_H
16 #define _IA_CSS_BUFQ_H
18 #include <type_support.h>
19 #include "ia_css_bufq_comm.h"
20 #include "ia_css_buffer.h"
21 #include "ia_css_err.h"
22 #define BUFQ_EVENT_SIZE 4
24 /**
25  * @brief Query the internal frame ID.
26  *
27  * @param[in]	key	The query key.
28  * @param[out]	val	The query value.
29  *
30  * @return
31  *	true, if the query succeeds;
32  *	false, if the query fails.
33  */
34 bool ia_css_query_internal_queue_id(
35     enum ia_css_buffer_type buf_type,
36     unsigned int thread_id,
37     enum sh_css_queue_id *val
38 );
40 /**
41  * @brief  Map buffer type to a internal queue id.
42  *
43  * @param[in] thread id		Thread in which the buffer type has to be mapped or unmapped
44  * @param[in] buf_type		buffer type.
45  * @param[in] map		boolean flag to specify map or unmap
46  * @return none
47  */
48 void ia_css_queue_map(
49     unsigned int thread_id,
50     enum ia_css_buffer_type buf_type,
51     bool map
52 );
54 /**
55  * @brief  Initialize buffer type to a queue id mapping
56  * @return none
57  */
58 void ia_css_queue_map_init(void);
60 /**
61  * @brief initializes bufq module
62  * It create instances of
63  * -host to SP buffer queue  which is a list with predefined size,
64  *	MxN queues where M is the number threads and N is the number queues per thread
65  *-SP to host buffer queue , is a list with N queues
66  *-host to SP event communication queue
67  * -SP to host event communication queue
68  * -queue for tagger commands
69  * @return none
70  */
71 void ia_css_bufq_init(void);
73 /**
74 * @brief Enqueues an item into host to SP buffer queue
75  *
76  * @param thread_index[in]	Thread in which the item to be enqueued
77  *
78  * @param queue_id[in]		Index of the queue in the specified thread
79  * @param item[in]		Object to enqueue.
80  * @return	0 or error code upon error.
81  *
82 */
83 int ia_css_bufq_enqueue_buffer(
84     int thread_index,
85     int queue_id,
86     uint32_t item);
88 /**
89 * @brief Dequeues an item from SP to host buffer queue.
90  *
91  * @param queue_id[in]		Specifies  the index of the queue in the list where
92  *				the item has to be read.
93  * @paramitem [out]		Object to be dequeued into this item.
94  * @return	0 or error code upon error.
95  *
96 */
97 int ia_css_bufq_dequeue_buffer(
98     int queue_id,
99     uint32_t *item);
101 /**
102 * @brief  Enqueue an event item into host to SP communication event queue.
103  *
104  * @param[in]	evt_id		      The event ID.
105  * @param[in]	evt_payload_0	The event payload.
106  * @param[in]	evt_payload_1	The event payload.
107  * @param[in]	evt_payload_2	The event payload.
108  * @return	0 or error code upon error.
109  *
110 */
111 int ia_css_bufq_enqueue_psys_event(
112     u8 evt_id,
113     u8 evt_payload_0,
114     u8 evt_payload_1,
115     uint8_t evt_payload_2
116 );
118 /**
119  * @brief   Dequeue an item from  SP to host communication event queue.
120  *
121  * @param item	Object to be dequeued into this item.
122  * @return	0 or error code upon error.
123  *
124 */
125 int ia_css_bufq_dequeue_psys_event(
126     u8 item[BUFQ_EVENT_SIZE]
128 );
130 /**
131  * @brief  Enqueue an event item into host to SP EOF event queue.
132  *
133  * @param[in]	evt_id		      The event ID.
134  * @return	0 or error code upon error.
135  *
136  */
137 int ia_css_bufq_enqueue_isys_event(
138     uint8_t evt_id);
140 /**
141 * @brief   Dequeue an item from  SP to host communication EOF event queue.
143  *
144  * @param item	Object to be dequeued into this item.
145  * @return	0 or error code upon error.
146  *
147  */
148 int ia_css_bufq_dequeue_isys_event(
149     u8 item[BUFQ_EVENT_SIZE]);
151 /**
152 * @brief   Enqueue a tagger command item into tagger command queue..
153  *
154  * @param item	Object to be enqueue.
155  * @return	0 or error code upon error.
156  *
157 */
158 int ia_css_bufq_enqueue_tag_cmd(
159     uint32_t item);
161 /**
162 * @brief  Uninitializes bufq module.
163  *
164  * @return	0 or error code upon error.
165  *
166 */
167 int ia_css_bufq_deinit(void);
169 /**
170 * @brief  Dump queue states
171  *
172  * @return	None
173  *
174 */
175 void ia_css_bufq_dump_queue_info(void);
177 #endif	/* _IA_CSS_BUFQ_H */