1 /* 2 3w-xxxx.h -- 3ware Storage Controller device driver for Linux. 3 4 Written By: Adam Radford <linuxraid@amcc.com> 5 Modifications By: Joel Jacobson <linux@3ware.com> 6 Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <acme@conectiva.com.br> 7 Brad Strand <linux@3ware.com> 8 9 Copyright (C) 1999-2005 3ware Inc. 10 11 Kernel compatiblity By: Andre Hedrick <andre@suse.com> 12 Non-Copyright (C) 2000 Andre Hedrick <andre@suse.com> 13 14 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 15 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 16 the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. 17 18 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 19 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 20 MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 21 GNU General Public License for more details. 22 23 NO WARRANTY 24 THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR 25 CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT 26 LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, 27 MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Each Recipient is 28 solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and 29 distributing the Program and assumes all risks associated with its 30 exercise of rights under this Agreement, including but not limited to 31 the risks and costs of program errors, damage to or loss of data, 32 programs or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of operations. 33 34 DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY 35 NEITHER RECIPIENT NOR ANY CONTRIBUTORS SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY 36 DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL 37 DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS), HOWEVER CAUSED AND 38 ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR 39 TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE 40 USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM OR THE EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED 41 HEREUNDER, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES 42 43 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 44 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 45 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 46 47 Bugs/Comments/Suggestions should be mailed to: 48 linuxraid@amcc.com 49 50 For more information, goto: 51 http://www.amcc.com 52 */ 53 54 #ifndef _3W_XXXX_H 55 #define _3W_XXXX_H 56 57 #include <linux/types.h> 58 59 /* AEN strings */ 60 static char *tw_aen_string[] = { 61 [0x000] = "INFO: AEN queue empty", 62 [0x001] = "INFO: Soft reset occurred", 63 [0x002] = "ERROR: Unit degraded: Unit #", 64 [0x003] = "ERROR: Controller error", 65 [0x004] = "ERROR: Rebuild failed: Unit #", 66 [0x005] = "INFO: Rebuild complete: Unit #", 67 [0x006] = "ERROR: Incomplete unit detected: Unit #", 68 [0x007] = "INFO: Initialization complete: Unit #", 69 [0x008] = "WARNING: Unclean shutdown detected: Unit #", 70 [0x009] = "WARNING: ATA port timeout: Port #", 71 [0x00A] = "ERROR: Drive error: Port #", 72 [0x00B] = "INFO: Rebuild started: Unit #", 73 [0x00C] = "INFO: Initialization started: Unit #", 74 [0x00D] = "ERROR: Logical unit deleted: Unit #", 75 [0x00F] = "WARNING: SMART threshold exceeded: Port #", 76 [0x021] = "WARNING: ATA UDMA downgrade: Port #", 77 [0x021] = "WARNING: ATA UDMA upgrade: Port #", 78 [0x023] = "WARNING: Sector repair occurred: Port #", 79 [0x024] = "ERROR: SBUF integrity check failure", 80 [0x025] = "ERROR: Lost cached write: Port #", 81 [0x026] = "ERROR: Drive ECC error detected: Port #", 82 [0x027] = "ERROR: DCB checksum error: Port #", 83 [0x028] = "ERROR: DCB unsupported version: Port #", 84 [0x029] = "INFO: Verify started: Unit #", 85 [0x02A] = "ERROR: Verify failed: Port #", 86 [0x02B] = "INFO: Verify complete: Unit #", 87 [0x02C] = "WARNING: Overwrote bad sector during rebuild: Port #", 88 [0x02D] = "ERROR: Encountered bad sector during rebuild: Port #", 89 [0x02E] = "ERROR: Replacement drive is too small: Port #", 90 [0x02F] = "WARNING: Verify error: Unit not previously initialized: Unit #", 91 [0x030] = "ERROR: Drive not supported: Port #" 92 }; 93 94 /* 95 Sense key lookup table 96 Format: ESDC/flags,SenseKey,AdditionalSenseCode,AdditionalSenseCodeQualifier 97 */ 98 static unsigned char tw_sense_table[][4] = 99 { 100 /* Codes for newer firmware */ 101 // ATA Error SCSI Error 102 {0x01, 0x03, 0x13, 0x00}, // Address mark not found Address mark not found for data field 103 {0x04, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x00}, // Aborted command Aborted command 104 {0x10, 0x0b, 0x14, 0x00}, // ID not found Recorded entity not found 105 {0x40, 0x03, 0x11, 0x00}, // Uncorrectable ECC error Unrecovered read error 106 {0x61, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00}, // Device fault Hardware error 107 {0x84, 0x0b, 0x47, 0x00}, // Data CRC error SCSI parity error 108 {0xd0, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x00}, // Device busy Aborted command 109 {0xd1, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x00}, // Device busy Aborted command 110 {0x37, 0x02, 0x04, 0x00}, // Unit offline Not ready 111 {0x09, 0x02, 0x04, 0x00}, // Unrecovered disk error Not ready 112 113 /* Codes for older firmware */ 114 // 3ware Error SCSI Error 115 {0x51, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x00} // Unspecified Aborted command 116 }; 117 118 /* Control register bit definitions */ 119 #define TW_CONTROL_CLEAR_HOST_INTERRUPT 0x00080000 120 #define TW_CONTROL_CLEAR_ATTENTION_INTERRUPT 0x00040000 121 #define TW_CONTROL_MASK_COMMAND_INTERRUPT 0x00020000 122 #define TW_CONTROL_MASK_RESPONSE_INTERRUPT 0x00010000 123 #define TW_CONTROL_UNMASK_COMMAND_INTERRUPT 0x00008000 124 #define TW_CONTROL_UNMASK_RESPONSE_INTERRUPT 0x00004000 125 #define TW_CONTROL_CLEAR_ERROR_STATUS 0x00000200 126 #define TW_CONTROL_ISSUE_SOFT_RESET 0x00000100 127 #define TW_CONTROL_ENABLE_INTERRUPTS 0x00000080 128 #define TW_CONTROL_DISABLE_INTERRUPTS 0x00000040 129 #define TW_CONTROL_ISSUE_HOST_INTERRUPT 0x00000020 130 #define TW_CONTROL_CLEAR_PARITY_ERROR 0x00800000 131 #define TW_CONTROL_CLEAR_QUEUE_ERROR 0x00400000 132 #define TW_CONTROL_CLEAR_PCI_ABORT 0x00100000 133 #define TW_CONTROL_CLEAR_SBUF_WRITE_ERROR 0x00000008 134 135 /* Status register bit definitions */ 136 #define TW_STATUS_MAJOR_VERSION_MASK 0xF0000000 137 #define TW_STATUS_MINOR_VERSION_MASK 0x0F000000 138 #define TW_STATUS_PCI_PARITY_ERROR 0x00800000 139 #define TW_STATUS_QUEUE_ERROR 0x00400000 140 #define TW_STATUS_MICROCONTROLLER_ERROR 0x00200000 141 #define TW_STATUS_PCI_ABORT 0x00100000 142 #define TW_STATUS_HOST_INTERRUPT 0x00080000 143 #define TW_STATUS_ATTENTION_INTERRUPT 0x00040000 144 #define TW_STATUS_COMMAND_INTERRUPT 0x00020000 145 #define TW_STATUS_RESPONSE_INTERRUPT 0x00010000 146 #define TW_STATUS_COMMAND_QUEUE_FULL 0x00008000 147 #define TW_STATUS_RESPONSE_QUEUE_EMPTY 0x00004000 148 #define TW_STATUS_MICROCONTROLLER_READY 0x00002000 149 #define TW_STATUS_COMMAND_QUEUE_EMPTY 0x00001000 150 #define TW_STATUS_ALL_INTERRUPTS 0x000F0000 151 #define TW_STATUS_CLEARABLE_BITS 0x00D00000 152 #define TW_STATUS_EXPECTED_BITS 0x00002000 153 #define TW_STATUS_UNEXPECTED_BITS 0x00F00008 154 #define TW_STATUS_SBUF_WRITE_ERROR 0x00000008 155 #define TW_STATUS_VALID_INTERRUPT 0x00DF0008 156 157 /* RESPONSE QUEUE BIT DEFINITIONS */ 158 #define TW_RESPONSE_ID_MASK 0x00000FF0 159 160 /* PCI related defines */ 161 #define TW_IO_ADDRESS_RANGE 0x10 162 #define TW_DEVICE_NAME "3ware Storage Controller" 163 #define TW_VENDOR_ID (0x13C1) /* 3ware */ 164 #define TW_DEVICE_ID (0x1000) /* Storage Controller */ 165 #define TW_DEVICE_ID2 (0x1001) /* 7000 series controller */ 166 #define TW_NUMDEVICES 2 167 #define TW_PCI_CLEAR_PARITY_ERRORS 0xc100 168 #define TW_PCI_CLEAR_PCI_ABORT 0x2000 169 170 /* Command packet opcodes */ 171 #define TW_OP_NOP 0x0 172 #define TW_OP_INIT_CONNECTION 0x1 173 #define TW_OP_READ 0x2 174 #define TW_OP_WRITE 0x3 175 #define TW_OP_VERIFY 0x4 176 #define TW_OP_GET_PARAM 0x12 177 #define TW_OP_SET_PARAM 0x13 178 #define TW_OP_SECTOR_INFO 0x1a 179 #define TW_OP_AEN_LISTEN 0x1c 180 #define TW_OP_FLUSH_CACHE 0x0e 181 #define TW_CMD_PACKET 0x1d 182 #define TW_CMD_PACKET_WITH_DATA 0x1f 183 184 /* Asynchronous Event Notification (AEN) Codes */ 185 #define TW_AEN_QUEUE_EMPTY 0x0000 186 #define TW_AEN_SOFT_RESET 0x0001 187 #define TW_AEN_DEGRADED_MIRROR 0x0002 188 #define TW_AEN_CONTROLLER_ERROR 0x0003 189 #define TW_AEN_REBUILD_FAIL 0x0004 190 #define TW_AEN_REBUILD_DONE 0x0005 191 #define TW_AEN_QUEUE_FULL 0x00ff 192 #define TW_AEN_TABLE_UNDEFINED 0x15 193 #define TW_AEN_APORT_TIMEOUT 0x0009 194 #define TW_AEN_DRIVE_ERROR 0x000A 195 #define TW_AEN_SMART_FAIL 0x000F 196 #define TW_AEN_SBUF_FAIL 0x0024 197 198 /* Phase defines */ 199 #define TW_PHASE_INITIAL 0 200 #define TW_PHASE_SINGLE 1 201 #define TW_PHASE_SGLIST 2 202 203 /* Misc defines */ 204 #define TW_ALIGNMENT_6000 64 /* 64 bytes */ 205 #define TW_ALIGNMENT_7000 4 /* 4 bytes */ 206 #define TW_MAX_UNITS 16 207 #define TW_COMMAND_ALIGNMENT_MASK 0x1ff 208 #define TW_INIT_MESSAGE_CREDITS 0x100 209 #define TW_INIT_COMMAND_PACKET_SIZE 0x3 210 #define TW_POLL_MAX_RETRIES 20000 211 #define TW_MAX_SGL_LENGTH 62 212 #define TW_ATA_PASS_SGL_MAX 60 213 #define TW_Q_LENGTH 256 214 #define TW_Q_START 0 215 #define TW_MAX_SLOT 32 216 #define TW_MAX_PCI_BUSES 255 217 #define TW_MAX_RESET_TRIES 3 218 #define TW_UNIT_INFORMATION_TABLE_BASE 0x300 219 #define TW_MAX_CMDS_PER_LUN 254 /* 254 for io, 1 for 220 chrdev ioctl, one for 221 internal aen post */ 222 #define TW_BLOCK_SIZE 0x200 /* 512-byte blocks */ 223 #define TW_IOCTL 0x80 224 #define TW_UNIT_ONLINE 1 225 #define TW_IN_INTR 1 226 #define TW_IN_RESET 2 227 #define TW_IN_CHRDEV_IOCTL 3 228 #define TW_MAX_SECTORS 256 229 #define TW_MAX_IOCTL_SECTORS 512 230 #define TW_AEN_WAIT_TIME 1000 231 #define TW_IOCTL_WAIT_TIME (1 * HZ) /* 1 second */ 232 #define TW_ISR_DONT_COMPLETE 2 233 #define TW_ISR_DONT_RESULT 3 234 #define TW_IOCTL_TIMEOUT 25 /* 25 seconds */ 235 #define TW_IOCTL_CHRDEV_TIMEOUT 60 /* 60 seconds */ 236 #define TW_IOCTL_CHRDEV_FREE -1 237 #define TW_DMA_MASK DMA_32BIT_MASK 238 #define TW_MAX_CDB_LEN 16 239 240 /* Bitmask macros to eliminate bitfields */ 241 242 /* opcode: 5, sgloffset: 3 */ 243 #define TW_OPSGL_IN(x,y) ((x << 5) | (y & 0x1f)) 244 #define TW_SGL_OUT(x) ((x >> 5) & 0x7) 245 246 /* reserved_1: 4, response_id: 8, reserved_2: 20 */ 247 #define TW_RESID_OUT(x) ((x >> 4) & 0xff) 248 249 /* unit: 4, host_id: 4 */ 250 #define TW_UNITHOST_IN(x,y) ((x << 4) | ( y & 0xf)) 251 #define TW_UNIT_OUT(x) (x & 0xf) 252 253 /* Macros */ 254 #define TW_CONTROL_REG_ADDR(x) (x->base_addr) 255 #define TW_STATUS_REG_ADDR(x) (x->base_addr + 0x4) 256 #define TW_COMMAND_QUEUE_REG_ADDR(x) (x->base_addr + 0x8) 257 #define TW_RESPONSE_QUEUE_REG_ADDR(x) (x->base_addr + 0xC) 258 #define TW_CLEAR_ALL_INTERRUPTS(x) (outl(TW_STATUS_VALID_INTERRUPT, TW_CONTROL_REG_ADDR(x))) 259 #define TW_CLEAR_ATTENTION_INTERRUPT(x) (outl(TW_CONTROL_CLEAR_ATTENTION_INTERRUPT, TW_CONTROL_REG_ADDR(x))) 260 #define TW_CLEAR_HOST_INTERRUPT(x) (outl(TW_CONTROL_CLEAR_HOST_INTERRUPT, TW_CONTROL_REG_ADDR(x))) 261 #define TW_DISABLE_INTERRUPTS(x) (outl(TW_CONTROL_DISABLE_INTERRUPTS, TW_CONTROL_REG_ADDR(x))) 262 #define TW_ENABLE_AND_CLEAR_INTERRUPTS(x) (outl(TW_CONTROL_CLEAR_ATTENTION_INTERRUPT | TW_CONTROL_UNMASK_RESPONSE_INTERRUPT | TW_CONTROL_ENABLE_INTERRUPTS, TW_CONTROL_REG_ADDR(x))) 263 #define TW_MASK_COMMAND_INTERRUPT(x) (outl(TW_CONTROL_MASK_COMMAND_INTERRUPT, TW_CONTROL_REG_ADDR(x))) 264 #define TW_UNMASK_COMMAND_INTERRUPT(x) (outl(TW_CONTROL_UNMASK_COMMAND_INTERRUPT, TW_CONTROL_REG_ADDR(x))) 265 #define TW_SOFT_RESET(x) (outl(TW_CONTROL_ISSUE_SOFT_RESET | \ 266 TW_CONTROL_CLEAR_HOST_INTERRUPT | \ 267 TW_CONTROL_CLEAR_ATTENTION_INTERRUPT | \ 268 TW_CONTROL_MASK_COMMAND_INTERRUPT | \ 269 TW_CONTROL_MASK_RESPONSE_INTERRUPT | \ 270 TW_CONTROL_CLEAR_ERROR_STATUS | \ 271 TW_CONTROL_DISABLE_INTERRUPTS, TW_CONTROL_REG_ADDR(x))) 272 #define TW_STATUS_ERRORS(x) \ 273 (((x & TW_STATUS_PCI_ABORT) || \ 274 (x & TW_STATUS_PCI_PARITY_ERROR) || \ 275 (x & TW_STATUS_QUEUE_ERROR) || \ 276 (x & TW_STATUS_MICROCONTROLLER_ERROR)) && \ 277 (x & TW_STATUS_MICROCONTROLLER_READY)) 278 279 #ifdef TW_DEBUG 280 #define dprintk(msg...) printk(msg) 281 #else 282 #define dprintk(msg...) do { } while(0) 283 #endif 284 285 #pragma pack(1) 286 287 /* Scatter Gather List Entry */ 288 typedef struct TAG_TW_SG_Entry { 289 u32 address; 290 u32 length; 291 } TW_SG_Entry; 292 293 typedef unsigned char TW_Sector[512]; 294 295 /* Command Packet */ 296 typedef struct TW_Command { 297 unsigned char opcode__sgloffset; 298 unsigned char size; 299 unsigned char request_id; 300 unsigned char unit__hostid; 301 /* Second DWORD */ 302 unsigned char status; 303 unsigned char flags; 304 union { 305 unsigned short block_count; 306 unsigned short parameter_count; 307 unsigned short message_credits; 308 } byte6; 309 union { 310 struct { 311 u32 lba; 312 TW_SG_Entry sgl[TW_MAX_SGL_LENGTH]; 313 u32 padding; /* pad to 512 bytes */ 314 } io; 315 struct { 316 TW_SG_Entry sgl[TW_MAX_SGL_LENGTH]; 317 u32 padding[2]; 318 } param; 319 struct { 320 u32 response_queue_pointer; 321 u32 padding[125]; 322 } init_connection; 323 struct { 324 char version[504]; 325 } ioctl_miniport_version; 326 } byte8; 327 } TW_Command; 328 329 #pragma pack() 330 331 typedef struct TAG_TW_Ioctl { 332 unsigned char opcode; 333 unsigned short table_id; 334 unsigned char parameter_id; 335 unsigned char parameter_size_bytes; 336 unsigned char unit_index; 337 unsigned char data[1]; 338 } TW_Ioctl; 339 340 #pragma pack(1) 341 342 /* Structure for new chardev ioctls */ 343 typedef struct TAG_TW_New_Ioctl { 344 unsigned int data_buffer_length; 345 unsigned char padding [508]; 346 TW_Command firmware_command; 347 char data_buffer[1]; 348 } TW_New_Ioctl; 349 350 /* GetParam descriptor */ 351 typedef struct { 352 unsigned short table_id; 353 unsigned char parameter_id; 354 unsigned char parameter_size_bytes; 355 unsigned char data[1]; 356 } TW_Param, *PTW_Param; 357 358 /* Response queue */ 359 typedef union TAG_TW_Response_Queue { 360 u32 response_id; 361 u32 value; 362 } TW_Response_Queue; 363 364 typedef int TW_Cmd_State; 365 366 #define TW_S_INITIAL 0x1 /* Initial state */ 367 #define TW_S_STARTED 0x2 /* Id in use */ 368 #define TW_S_POSTED 0x4 /* Posted to the controller */ 369 #define TW_S_PENDING 0x8 /* Waiting to be posted in isr */ 370 #define TW_S_COMPLETED 0x10 /* Completed by isr */ 371 #define TW_S_FINISHED 0x20 /* I/O completely done */ 372 #define TW_START_MASK (TW_S_STARTED | TW_S_POSTED | TW_S_PENDING | TW_S_COMPLETED) 373 374 /* Command header for ATA pass-thru */ 375 typedef struct TAG_TW_Passthru 376 { 377 unsigned char opcode__sgloffset; 378 unsigned char size; 379 unsigned char request_id; 380 unsigned char aport__hostid; 381 unsigned char status; 382 unsigned char flags; 383 unsigned short param; 384 unsigned short features; 385 unsigned short sector_count; 386 unsigned short sector_num; 387 unsigned short cylinder_lo; 388 unsigned short cylinder_hi; 389 unsigned char drive_head; 390 unsigned char command; 391 TW_SG_Entry sg_list[TW_ATA_PASS_SGL_MAX]; 392 unsigned char padding[12]; 393 } TW_Passthru; 394 395 typedef struct TAG_TW_Device_Extension { 396 u32 base_addr; 397 unsigned long *alignment_virtual_address[TW_Q_LENGTH]; 398 unsigned long alignment_physical_address[TW_Q_LENGTH]; 399 int is_unit_present[TW_MAX_UNITS]; 400 unsigned long *command_packet_virtual_address[TW_Q_LENGTH]; 401 unsigned long command_packet_physical_address[TW_Q_LENGTH]; 402 struct pci_dev *tw_pci_dev; 403 struct scsi_cmnd *srb[TW_Q_LENGTH]; 404 unsigned char free_queue[TW_Q_LENGTH]; 405 unsigned char free_head; 406 unsigned char free_tail; 407 unsigned char pending_queue[TW_Q_LENGTH]; 408 unsigned char pending_head; 409 unsigned char pending_tail; 410 TW_Cmd_State state[TW_Q_LENGTH]; 411 u32 posted_request_count; 412 u32 max_posted_request_count; 413 u32 request_count_marked_pending; 414 u32 pending_request_count; 415 u32 max_pending_request_count; 416 u32 max_sgl_entries; 417 u32 sgl_entries; 418 u32 num_resets; 419 u32 sector_count; 420 u32 max_sector_count; 421 u32 aen_count; 422 struct Scsi_Host *host; 423 struct semaphore ioctl_sem; 424 unsigned short aen_queue[TW_Q_LENGTH]; 425 unsigned char aen_head; 426 unsigned char aen_tail; 427 volatile long flags; /* long req'd for set_bit --RR */ 428 int reset_print; 429 volatile int chrdev_request_id; 430 wait_queue_head_t ioctl_wqueue; 431 } TW_Device_Extension; 432 433 #pragma pack() 434 435 #endif /* _3W_XXXX_H */ 436