1 /*
2  * ACPI PCI Hot Plug IBM Extension
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2004 Vernon Mauery <vernux@us.ibm.com>
5  * Copyright (C) 2004 IBM Corp.
6  *
7  * All rights reserved.
8  *
9  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
12  * your option) any later version.
13  *
14  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
15  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17  * NON INFRINGEMENT.  See the GNU General Public License for more
18  * details.
19  *
20  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22  * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
23  *
24  * Send feedback to <vernux@us.ibm.com>
25  *
26  */
28 #include <linux/init.h>
29 #include <linux/module.h>
30 #include <linux/kernel.h>
31 #include <acpi/acpi_bus.h>
32 #include <linux/sysfs.h>
33 #include <linux/kobject.h>
34 #include <asm/uaccess.h>
35 #include <linux/moduleparam.h>
36 #include <linux/pci.h>
38 #include "acpiphp.h"
39 #include "../pci.h"
41 #define DRIVER_VERSION	"1.0.1"
42 #define DRIVER_AUTHOR	"Irene Zubarev <zubarev@us.ibm.com>, Vernon Mauery <vernux@us.ibm.com>"
43 #define DRIVER_DESC	"ACPI Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver IBM extension"
45 static int debug;
51 module_param(debug, bool, 0644);
52 MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, " Debugging mode enabled or not");
53 #define MY_NAME "acpiphp_ibm"
55 #undef dbg
56 #define dbg(format, arg...)				\
57 do {							\
58 	if (debug)					\
59 		printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: " format,	\
60 				MY_NAME , ## arg);	\
61 } while (0)
63 #define FOUND_APCI 0x61504349
64 /* these are the names for the IBM ACPI pseudo-device */
65 #define IBM_HARDWARE_ID1 "IBM37D0"
66 #define IBM_HARDWARE_ID2 "IBM37D4"
68 #define hpslot_to_sun(A) (((struct slot *)((A)->private))->acpi_slot->sun)
70 /* union apci_descriptor - allows access to the
71  * various device descriptors that are embedded in the
72  * aPCI table
73  */
74 union apci_descriptor {
75 	struct {
76 		char sig[4];
77 		u8   len;
78 	} header;
79 	struct {
80 		u8  type;
81 		u8  len;
82 		u16 slot_id;
83 		u8  bus_id;
84 		u8  dev_num;
85 		u8  slot_num;
86 		u8  slot_attr[2];
87 		u8  attn;
88 		u8  status[2];
89 		u8  sun;
90 		u8  res[3];
91 	} slot;
92 	struct {
93 		u8 type;
94 		u8 len;
95 	} generic;
96 };
98 /* struct notification - keeps info about the device
99  * that cause the ACPI notification event
100  */
101 struct notification {
102 	struct acpi_device *device;
103 	u8                  event;
104 };
106 static int ibm_set_attention_status(struct hotplug_slot *slot, u8 status);
107 static int ibm_get_attention_status(struct hotplug_slot *slot, u8 *status);
108 static void ibm_handle_events(acpi_handle handle, u32 event, void *context);
109 static int ibm_get_table_from_acpi(char **bufp);
110 static ssize_t ibm_read_apci_table(struct kobject *kobj,
111 				   struct bin_attribute *bin_attr,
112 				   char *buffer, loff_t pos, size_t size);
113 static acpi_status __init ibm_find_acpi_device(acpi_handle handle,
114 		u32 lvl, void *context, void **rv);
115 static int __init ibm_acpiphp_init(void);
116 static void __exit ibm_acpiphp_exit(void);
118 static acpi_handle ibm_acpi_handle;
119 static struct notification ibm_note;
120 static struct bin_attribute ibm_apci_table_attr = {
121 	    .attr = {
122 		    .name = "apci_table",
123 		    .mode = S_IRUGO,
124 	    },
125 	    .read = ibm_read_apci_table,
126 	    .write = NULL,
127 };
128 static struct acpiphp_attention_info ibm_attention_info =
129 {
130 	.set_attn = ibm_set_attention_status,
131 	.get_attn = ibm_get_attention_status,
132 	.owner = THIS_MODULE,
133 };
135 /**
136  * ibm_slot_from_id - workaround for bad ibm hardware
137  * @id: the slot number that linux refers to the slot by
138  *
139  * Description: This method returns the aCPI slot descriptor
140  * corresponding to the Linux slot number.  This descriptor
141  * has info about the aPCI slot id and attention status.
142  * This descriptor must be freed using kfree when done.
143  */
144 static union apci_descriptor *ibm_slot_from_id(int id)
145 {
146 	int ind = 0, size;
147 	union apci_descriptor *ret = NULL, *des;
148 	char *table;
150 	size = ibm_get_table_from_acpi(&table);
151 	des = (union apci_descriptor *)table;
152 	if (memcmp(des->header.sig, "aPCI", 4) != 0)
153 		goto ibm_slot_done;
155 	des = (union apci_descriptor *)&table[ind += des->header.len];
156 	while (ind < size && (des->generic.type != 0x82 ||
157 			des->slot.slot_num != id)) {
158 		des = (union apci_descriptor *)&table[ind += des->generic.len];
159 	}
161 	if (ind < size && des->slot.slot_num == id)
162 		ret = des;
164 ibm_slot_done:
165 	if (ret) {
166 		ret = kmalloc(sizeof(union apci_descriptor), GFP_KERNEL);
167 		memcpy(ret, des, sizeof(union apci_descriptor));
168 	}
169 	kfree(table);
170 	return ret;
171 }
173 /**
174  * ibm_set_attention_status - callback method to set the attention LED
175  * @slot: the hotplug_slot to work with
176  * @status: what to set the LED to (0 or 1)
177  *
178  * Description: This method is registered with the acpiphp module as a
179  * callback to do the device specific task of setting the LED status.
180  */
181 static int ibm_set_attention_status(struct hotplug_slot *slot, u8 status)
182 {
183 	union acpi_object args[2];
184 	struct acpi_object_list params = { .pointer = args, .count = 2 };
185 	acpi_status stat;
186 	unsigned long long rc;
187 	union apci_descriptor *ibm_slot;
189 	ibm_slot = ibm_slot_from_id(hpslot_to_sun(slot));
191 	dbg("%s: set slot %d (%d) attention status to %d\n", __func__,
192 			ibm_slot->slot.slot_num, ibm_slot->slot.slot_id,
193 			(status ? 1 : 0));
195 	args[0].type = ACPI_TYPE_INTEGER;
196 	args[0].integer.value = ibm_slot->slot.slot_id;
197 	args[1].type = ACPI_TYPE_INTEGER;
198 	args[1].integer.value = (status) ? 1 : 0;
200 	kfree(ibm_slot);
202 	stat = acpi_evaluate_integer(ibm_acpi_handle, "APLS", &params, &rc);
203 	if (ACPI_FAILURE(stat)) {
204 		err("APLS evaluation failed:  0x%08x\n", stat);
205 		return -ENODEV;
206 	} else if (!rc) {
207 		err("APLS method failed:  0x%08llx\n", rc);
208 		return -ERANGE;
209 	}
210 	return 0;
211 }
213 /**
214  * ibm_get_attention_status - callback method to get attention LED status
215  * @slot: the hotplug_slot to work with
216  * @status: returns what the LED is set to (0 or 1)
217  *
218  * Description: This method is registered with the acpiphp module as a
219  * callback to do the device specific task of getting the LED status.
220  *
221  * Because there is no direct method of getting the LED status directly
222  * from an ACPI call, we read the aPCI table and parse out our
223  * slot descriptor to read the status from that.
224  */
225 static int ibm_get_attention_status(struct hotplug_slot *slot, u8 *status)
226 {
227 	union apci_descriptor *ibm_slot;
229 	ibm_slot = ibm_slot_from_id(hpslot_to_sun(slot));
231 	if (ibm_slot->slot.attn & 0xa0 || ibm_slot->slot.status[1] & 0x08)
232 		*status = 1;
233 	else
234 		*status = 0;
236 	dbg("%s: get slot %d (%d) attention status is %d\n", __func__,
237 			ibm_slot->slot.slot_num, ibm_slot->slot.slot_id,
238 			*status);
240 	kfree(ibm_slot);
241 	return 0;
242 }
244 /**
245  * ibm_handle_events - listens for ACPI events for the IBM37D0 device
246  * @handle: an ACPI handle to the device that caused the event
247  * @event: the event info (device specific)
248  * @context: passed context (our notification struct)
249  *
250  * Description: This method is registered as a callback with the ACPI
251  * subsystem it is called when this device has an event to notify the OS of.
252  *
253  * The events actually come from the device as two events that get
254  * synthesized into one event with data by this function.  The event
255  * ID comes first and then the slot number that caused it.  We report
256  * this as one event to the OS.
257  *
258  * From section of the ACPI 2.0 spec, I understand that the OSPM will
259  * only re-enable the interrupt that causes this event AFTER this method
260  * has returned, thereby enforcing serial access for the notification struct.
261  */
262 static void ibm_handle_events(acpi_handle handle, u32 event, void *context)
263 {
264 	u8 detail = event & 0x0f;
265 	u8 subevent = event & 0xf0;
266 	struct notification *note = context;
268 	dbg("%s: Received notification %02x\n", __func__, event);
270 	if (subevent == 0x80) {
271 		dbg("%s: generationg bus event\n", __func__);
272 		acpi_bus_generate_proc_event(note->device, note->event, detail);
273 		acpi_bus_generate_netlink_event(note->device->pnp.device_class,
274 						  dev_name(&note->device->dev),
275 						  note->event, detail);
276 	} else
277 		note->event = event;
278 }
280 /**
281  * ibm_get_table_from_acpi - reads the APLS buffer from ACPI
282  * @bufp: address to pointer to allocate for the table
283  *
284  * Description: This method reads the APLS buffer in from ACPI and
285  * stores the "stripped" table into a single buffer
286  * it allocates and passes the address back in bufp.
287  *
288  * If NULL is passed in as buffer, this method only calculates
289  * the size of the table and returns that without filling
290  * in the buffer.
291  *
292  * Returns < 0 on error or the size of the table on success.
293  */
294 static int ibm_get_table_from_acpi(char **bufp)
295 {
296 	union acpi_object *package;
297 	struct acpi_buffer buffer = { ACPI_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, NULL };
298 	acpi_status status;
299 	char *lbuf = NULL;
300 	int i, size = -EIO;
302 	status = acpi_evaluate_object(ibm_acpi_handle, "APCI", NULL, &buffer);
303 	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {
304 		err("%s:  APCI evaluation failed\n", __func__);
305 		return -ENODEV;
306 	}
308 	package = (union acpi_object *) buffer.pointer;
309 	if (!(package) ||
310 			(package->type != ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE) ||
311 			!(package->package.elements)) {
312 		err("%s:  Invalid APCI object\n", __func__);
313 		goto read_table_done;
314 	}
316 	for(size = 0, i = 0; i < package->package.count; i++) {
317 		if (package->package.elements[i].type != ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER) {
318 			err("%s:  Invalid APCI element %d\n", __func__, i);
319 			goto read_table_done;
320 		}
321 		size += package->package.elements[i].buffer.length;
322 	}
324 	if (bufp == NULL)
325 		goto read_table_done;
327 	lbuf = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
328 	dbg("%s: element count: %i, ASL table size: %i, &table = 0x%p\n",
329 			__func__, package->package.count, size, lbuf);
331 	if (lbuf) {
332 		*bufp = lbuf;
333 	} else {
334 		size = -ENOMEM;
335 		goto read_table_done;
336 	}
338 	size = 0;
339 	for (i=0; i<package->package.count; i++) {
340 		memcpy(&lbuf[size],
341 				package->package.elements[i].buffer.pointer,
342 				package->package.elements[i].buffer.length);
343 		size += package->package.elements[i].buffer.length;
344 	}
346 read_table_done:
347 	kfree(buffer.pointer);
348 	return size;
349 }
351 /**
352  * ibm_read_apci_table - callback for the sysfs apci_table file
353  * @kobj: the kobject this binary attribute is a part of
354  * @bin_attr: struct bin_attribute for this file
355  * @buffer: the kernel space buffer to fill
356  * @pos: the offset into the file
357  * @size: the number of bytes requested
358  *
359  * Description: Gets registered with sysfs as the reader callback
360  * to be executed when /sys/bus/pci/slots/apci_table gets read.
361  *
362  * Since we don't get notified on open and close for this file,
363  * things get really tricky here...
364  * our solution is to only allow reading the table in all at once.
365  */
366 static ssize_t ibm_read_apci_table(struct kobject *kobj,
367 				   struct bin_attribute *bin_attr,
368 				   char *buffer, loff_t pos, size_t size)
369 {
370 	int bytes_read = -EINVAL;
371 	char *table = NULL;
373 	dbg("%s: pos = %d, size = %zd\n", __func__, (int)pos, size);
375 	if (pos == 0) {
376 		bytes_read = ibm_get_table_from_acpi(&table);
377 		if (bytes_read > 0 && bytes_read <= size)
378 			memcpy(buffer, table, bytes_read);
379 		kfree(table);
380 	}
381 	return bytes_read;
382 }
384 /**
385  * ibm_find_acpi_device - callback to find our ACPI device
386  * @handle: the ACPI handle of the device we are inspecting
387  * @lvl: depth into the namespace tree
388  * @context: a pointer to our handle to fill when we find the device
389  * @rv: a return value to fill if desired
390  *
391  * Description: Used as a callback when calling acpi_walk_namespace
392  * to find our device.  When this method returns non-zero
393  * acpi_walk_namespace quits its search and returns our value.
394  */
395 static acpi_status __init ibm_find_acpi_device(acpi_handle handle,
396 		u32 lvl, void *context, void **rv)
397 {
398 	acpi_handle *phandle = (acpi_handle *)context;
399 	acpi_status status;
400 	struct acpi_device_info *info;
401 	int retval = 0;
403 	status = acpi_get_object_info(handle, &info);
404 	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {
405 		err("%s:  Failed to get device information status=0x%x\n",
406 			__func__, status);
407 		return retval;
408 	}
410 	if (info->current_status && (info->valid & ACPI_VALID_HID) &&
411 			(!strcmp(info->hardware_id.string, IBM_HARDWARE_ID1) ||
412 			 !strcmp(info->hardware_id.string, IBM_HARDWARE_ID2))) {
413 		dbg("found hardware: %s, handle: %p\n",
414 			info->hardware_id.string, handle);
415 		*phandle = handle;
416 		/* returning non-zero causes the search to stop
417 		 * and returns this value to the caller of
418 		 * acpi_walk_namespace, but it also causes some warnings
419 		 * in the acpi debug code to print...
420 		 */
421 		retval = FOUND_APCI;
422 	}
423 	kfree(info);
424 	return retval;
425 }
427 static int __init ibm_acpiphp_init(void)
428 {
429 	int retval = 0;
430 	acpi_status status;
431 	struct acpi_device *device;
432 	struct kobject *sysdir = &pci_slots_kset->kobj;
434 	dbg("%s\n", __func__);
436 	if (acpi_walk_namespace(ACPI_TYPE_DEVICE, ACPI_ROOT_OBJECT,
437 			ACPI_UINT32_MAX, ibm_find_acpi_device, NULL,
438 			&ibm_acpi_handle, NULL) != FOUND_APCI) {
439 		err("%s: acpi_walk_namespace failed\n", __func__);
440 		retval = -ENODEV;
441 		goto init_return;
442 	}
443 	dbg("%s: found IBM aPCI device\n", __func__);
444 	if (acpi_bus_get_device(ibm_acpi_handle, &device)) {
445 		err("%s: acpi_bus_get_device failed\n", __func__);
446 		retval = -ENODEV;
447 		goto init_return;
448 	}
449 	if (acpiphp_register_attention(&ibm_attention_info)) {
450 		retval = -ENODEV;
451 		goto init_return;
452 	}
454 	ibm_note.device = device;
455 	status = acpi_install_notify_handler(ibm_acpi_handle,
456 			ACPI_DEVICE_NOTIFY, ibm_handle_events,
457 			&ibm_note);
458 	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {
459 		err("%s: Failed to register notification handler\n",
460 				__func__);
461 		retval = -EBUSY;
462 		goto init_cleanup;
463 	}
465 	ibm_apci_table_attr.size = ibm_get_table_from_acpi(NULL);
466 	retval = sysfs_create_bin_file(sysdir, &ibm_apci_table_attr);
468 	return retval;
470 init_cleanup:
471 	acpiphp_unregister_attention(&ibm_attention_info);
472 init_return:
473 	return retval;
474 }
476 static void __exit ibm_acpiphp_exit(void)
477 {
478 	acpi_status status;
479 	struct kobject *sysdir = &pci_slots_kset->kobj;
481 	dbg("%s\n", __func__);
483 	if (acpiphp_unregister_attention(&ibm_attention_info))
484 		err("%s: attention info deregistration failed", __func__);
486 	status = acpi_remove_notify_handler(
487 			   ibm_acpi_handle,
489 			   ibm_handle_events);
490 	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status))
491 		err("%s: Notification handler removal failed\n", __func__);
492 	/* remove the /sys entries */
493 	sysfs_remove_bin_file(sysdir, &ibm_apci_table_attr);
494 }
496 module_init(ibm_acpiphp_init);
497 module_exit(ibm_acpiphp_exit);