xref: /openbmc/linux/drivers/net/wan/farsync.h (revision 64c70b1c)
1 /*
2  *      FarSync X21 driver for Linux
3  *
4  *      Actually sync driver for X.21, V.35 and V.24 on FarSync T-series cards
5  *
6  *      Copyright (C) 2001 FarSite Communications Ltd.
7  *      www.farsite.co.uk
8  *
9  *      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10  *      modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11  *      as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
12  *      2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13  *
14  *      Author: R.J.Dunlop      <bob.dunlop@farsite.co.uk>
15  *
16  *      For the most part this file only contains structures and information
17  *      that is visible to applications outside the driver. Shared memory
18  *      layout etc is internal to the driver and described within farsync.c.
19  *      Overlap exists in that the values used for some fields within the
20  *      ioctl interface extend into the cards firmware interface so values in
21  *      this file may not be changed arbitrarily.
22  */
24 /*      What's in a name
25  *
26  *      The project name for this driver is Oscar. The driver is intended to be
27  *      used with the FarSite T-Series cards (T2P & T4P) running in the high
28  *      speed frame shifter mode. This is sometimes referred to as X.21 mode
29  *      which is a complete misnomer as the card continues to support V.24 and
30  *      V.35 as well as X.21.
31  *
32  *      A short common prefix is useful for routines within the driver to avoid
33  *      conflict with other similar drivers and I chosen to use "fst_" for this
34  *      purpose (FarSite T-series).
35  *
36  *      Finally the device driver needs a short network interface name. Since
37  *      "hdlc" is already in use I've chosen the even less informative "sync"
38  *      for the present.
39  */
40 #define FST_NAME                "fst"           /* In debug/info etc */
41 #define FST_NDEV_NAME           "sync"          /* For net interface */
42 #define FST_DEV_NAME            "farsync"       /* For misc interfaces */
45 /*      User version number
46  *
47  *      This version number is incremented with each official release of the
48  *      package and is a simplified number for normal user reference.
49  *      Individual files are tracked by the version control system and may
50  *      have individual versions (or IDs) that move much faster than the
51  *      the release version as individual updates are tracked.
52  */
53 #define FST_USER_VERSION        "1.04"
56 /*      Ioctl call command values
57  *
58  *      The first three private ioctls are used by the sync-PPP module,
59  *      allowing a little room for expansion we start our numbering at 10.
60  */
61 #define FSTWRITE        (SIOCDEVPRIVATE+10)
68 /*      FSTWRITE
69  *
70  *      Used to write a block of data (firmware etc) before the card is running
71  */
72 struct fstioc_write {
73         unsigned int  size;
74         unsigned int  offset;
75         unsigned char data[0];
76 };
80  *
81  *      These take no additional data.
82  *      FSTCPURESET forces the cards CPU into a reset state and holds it there.
83  *      FSTCPURELEASE releases the CPU from this reset state allowing it to run,
84  *      the reset vector should be setup before this ioctl is run.
85  */
88  *
89  *      Get and set a card/ports configuration.
90  *      In order to allow selective setting of items and for the kernel to
91  *      indicate a partial status response the first field "valid" is a bitmask
92  *      indicating which other fields in the structure are valid.
93  *      Many of the field names in this structure match those used in the
94  *      firmware shared memory configuration interface and come originally from
95  *      the NT header file Smc.h
96  *
97  *      When used with FSTGETCONF this structure should be zeroed before use.
98  *      This is to allow for possible future expansion when some of the fields
99  *      might be used to indicate a different (expanded) structure.
100  */
101 struct fstioc_info {
102         unsigned int   valid;           /* Bits of structure that are valid */
103         unsigned int   nports;          /* Number of serial ports */
104         unsigned int   type;            /* Type index of card */
105         unsigned int   state;           /* State of card */
106         unsigned int   index;           /* Index of port ioctl was issued on */
107         unsigned int   smcFirmwareVersion;
108         unsigned long  kernelVersion;   /* What Kernel version we are working with */
109         unsigned short lineInterface;   /* Physical interface type */
110         unsigned char  proto;           /* Line protocol */
111         unsigned char  internalClock;   /* 1 => internal clock, 0 => external */
112         unsigned int   lineSpeed;       /* Speed in bps */
113         unsigned int   v24IpSts;        /* V.24 control input status */
114         unsigned int   v24OpSts;        /* V.24 control output status */
115         unsigned short clockStatus;     /* lsb: 0=> present, 1=> absent */
116         unsigned short cableStatus;     /* lsb: 0=> present, 1=> absent */
117         unsigned short cardMode;        /* lsb: LED id mode */
118         unsigned short debug;           /* Debug flags */
119         unsigned char  transparentMode; /* Not used always 0 */
120         unsigned char  invertClock;     /* Invert clock feature for syncing */
121         unsigned char  startingSlot;    /* Time slot to use for start of tx */
122         unsigned char  clockSource;     /* External or internal */
123         unsigned char  framing;         /* E1, T1 or J1 */
124         unsigned char  structure;       /* unframed, double, crc4, f4, f12, */
125                                         /* f24 f72 */
126         unsigned char  interface;       /* rj48c or bnc */
127         unsigned char  coding;          /* hdb3 b8zs */
128         unsigned char  lineBuildOut;    /* 0, -7.5, -15, -22 */
129         unsigned char  equalizer;       /* short or lon haul settings */
130         unsigned char  loopMode;        /* various loopbacks */
131         unsigned char  range;           /* cable lengths */
132         unsigned char  txBufferMode;    /* tx elastic buffer depth */
133         unsigned char  rxBufferMode;    /* rx elastic buffer depth */
134         unsigned char  losThreshold;    /* Attenuation on LOS signal */
135         unsigned char  idleCode;        /* Value to send as idle timeslot */
136         unsigned int   receiveBufferDelay; /* delay thro rx buffer timeslots */
137         unsigned int   framingErrorCount; /* framing errors */
138         unsigned int   codeViolationCount; /* code violations */
139         unsigned int   crcErrorCount;   /* CRC errors */
140         int            lineAttenuation; /* in dB*/
141         unsigned short lossOfSignal;
142         unsigned short receiveRemoteAlarm;
143         unsigned short alarmIndicationSignal;
144 };
146 /* "valid" bitmask */
147 #define FSTVAL_NONE     0x00000000      /* Nothing valid (firmware not running).
148                                          * Slight misnomer. In fact nports,
149                                          * type, state and index will be set
150                                          * based on hardware detected.
151                                          */
152 #define FSTVAL_OMODEM   0x0000001F      /* First 5 bits correspond to the
153                                          * output status bits defined for
154                                          * v24OpSts
155                                          */
156 #define FSTVAL_SPEED    0x00000020      /* internalClock, lineSpeed, clockStatus
157                                          */
158 #define FSTVAL_CABLE    0x00000040      /* lineInterface, cableStatus */
159 #define FSTVAL_IMODEM   0x00000080      /* v24IpSts */
160 #define FSTVAL_CARD     0x00000100      /* nports, type, state, index,
161                                          * smcFirmwareVersion
162                                          */
163 #define FSTVAL_PROTO    0x00000200      /* proto */
164 #define FSTVAL_MODE     0x00000400      /* cardMode */
165 #define FSTVAL_PHASE    0x00000800      /* Clock phase */
166 #define FSTVAL_TE1      0x00001000      /* T1E1 Configuration */
167 #define FSTVAL_DEBUG    0x80000000      /* debug */
168 #define FSTVAL_ALL      0x00001FFF      /* Note: does not include DEBUG flag */
170 /* "type" */
171 #define FST_TYPE_NONE   0               /* Probably should never happen */
172 #define FST_TYPE_T2P    1               /* T2P X21 2 port card */
173 #define FST_TYPE_T4P    2               /* T4P X21 4 port card */
174 #define FST_TYPE_T1U    3               /* T1U X21 1 port card */
175 #define FST_TYPE_T2U    4               /* T2U X21 2 port card */
176 #define FST_TYPE_T4U    5               /* T4U X21 4 port card */
177 #define FST_TYPE_TE1    6               /* T1E1 X21 1 port card */
179 /* "family" */
180 #define FST_FAMILY_TXP  0               /* T2P or T4P */
181 #define FST_FAMILY_TXU  1               /* T1U or T2U or T4U */
183 /* "state" */
184 #define FST_UNINIT      0               /* Raw uninitialised state following
185                                          * system startup */
186 #define FST_RESET       1               /* Processor held in reset state */
187 #define FST_DOWNLOAD    2               /* Card being downloaded */
188 #define FST_STARTING    3               /* Released following download */
189 #define FST_RUNNING     4               /* Processor running */
190 #define FST_BADVERSION  5               /* Bad shared memory version detected */
191 #define FST_HALTED      6               /* Processor flagged a halt */
192 #define FST_IFAILED     7               /* Firmware issued initialisation failed
193                                          * interrupt
194                                          */
195 /* "lineInterface" */
196 #define V24             1
197 #define X21             2
198 #define V35             3
199 #define X21D            4
200 #define T1              5
201 #define E1              6
202 #define J1              7
204 /* "proto" */
205 #define FST_HDLC        1               /* Cisco compatible HDLC */
206 #define FST_PPP         2               /* Sync PPP */
207 #define FST_MONITOR     3               /* Monitor only (raw packet reception) */
208 #define FST_RAW         4               /* Two way raw packets */
209 #define FST_GEN_HDLC    5               /* Using "Generic HDLC" module */
211 /* "internalClock" */
212 #define INTCLK          1
213 #define EXTCLK          0
215 /* "v24IpSts" bitmask */
216 #define IPSTS_CTS       0x00000001      /* Clear To Send (Indicate for X.21) */
218 #define IPSTS_DSR       0x00000002      /* Data Set Ready (T2P Port A) */
219 #define IPSTS_DCD       0x00000004      /* Data Carrier Detect */
220 #define IPSTS_RI        0x00000008      /* Ring Indicator (T2P Port A) */
221 #define IPSTS_TMI       0x00000010      /* Test Mode Indicator (Not Supported)*/
223 /* "v24OpSts" bitmask */
224 #define OPSTS_RTS       0x00000001      /* Request To Send (Control for X.21) */
226 #define OPSTS_DTR       0x00000002      /* Data Terminal Ready */
227 #define OPSTS_DSRS      0x00000004      /* Data Signalling Rate Select (Not
228                                          * Supported) */
229 #define OPSTS_SS        0x00000008      /* Select Standby (Not Supported) */
230 #define OPSTS_LL        0x00000010      /* Maintenance Test (Not Supported) */
232 /* "cardMode" bitmask */
233 #define CARD_MODE_IDENTIFY      0x0001
235 /*
236  * Constants for T1/E1 configuration
237  */
239 /*
240  * Clock source
241  */
242 #define CLOCKING_SLAVE       0
243 #define CLOCKING_MASTER      1
245 /*
246  * Framing
247  */
248 #define FRAMING_E1           0
249 #define FRAMING_J1           1
250 #define FRAMING_T1           2
252 /*
253  * Structure
254  */
255 #define STRUCTURE_UNFRAMED   0
256 #define STRUCTURE_E1_DOUBLE  1
257 #define STRUCTURE_E1_CRC4    2
258 #define STRUCTURE_E1_CRC4M   3
259 #define STRUCTURE_T1_4       4
260 #define STRUCTURE_T1_12      5
261 #define STRUCTURE_T1_24      6
262 #define STRUCTURE_T1_72      7
264 /*
265  * Interface
266  */
267 #define INTERFACE_RJ48C      0
268 #define INTERFACE_BNC        1
270 /*
271  * Coding
272  */
274 #define CODING_HDB3          0
275 #define CODING_NRZ           1
276 #define CODING_CMI           2
277 #define CODING_CMI_HDB3      3
278 #define CODING_CMI_B8ZS      4
279 #define CODING_AMI           5
280 #define CODING_AMI_ZCS       6
281 #define CODING_B8ZS          7
283 /*
284  * Line Build Out
285  */
286 #define LBO_0dB              0
287 #define LBO_7dB5             1
288 #define LBO_15dB             2
289 #define LBO_22dB5            3
291 /*
292  * Range for long haul t1 > 655ft
293  */
294 #define RANGE_0_133_FT       0
295 #define RANGE_0_40_M         RANGE_0_133_FT
296 #define RANGE_133_266_FT     1
297 #define RANGE_40_81_M        RANGE_133_266_FT
298 #define RANGE_266_399_FT     2
299 #define RANGE_81_122_M       RANGE_266_399_FT
300 #define RANGE_399_533_FT     3
301 #define RANGE_122_162_M       RANGE_399_533_FT
302 #define RANGE_533_655_FT     4
303 #define RANGE_162_200_M      RANGE_533_655_FT
304 /*
305  * Receive Equaliser
306  */
307 #define EQUALIZER_SHORT      0
308 #define EQUALIZER_LONG       1
310 /*
311  * Loop modes
312  */
313 #define LOOP_NONE            0
314 #define LOOP_LOCAL           1
315 #define LOOP_PAYLOAD_EXC_TS0 2
316 #define LOOP_PAYLOAD_INC_TS0 3
317 #define LOOP_REMOTE          4
319 /*
320  * Buffer modes
321  */
322 #define BUFFER_2_FRAME       0
323 #define BUFFER_1_FRAME       1
324 #define BUFFER_96_BIT        2
325 #define BUFFER_NONE          3
327 /*      Debug support
328  *
329  *      These should only be enabled for development kernels, production code
330  *      should define FST_DEBUG=0 in order to exclude the code.
331  *      Setting FST_DEBUG=1 will include all the debug code but in a disabled
332  *      state, use the FSTSETCONF ioctl to enable specific debug actions, or
333  *      FST_DEBUG can be set to prime the debug selection.
334  */
335 #define FST_DEBUG       0x0000
336 #if FST_DEBUG
338 extern int fst_debug_mask;              /* Bit mask of actions to debug, bits
339                                          * listed below. Note: Bit 0 is used
340                                          * to trigger the inclusion of this
341                                          * code, without enabling any actions.
342                                          */
343 #define DBG_INIT        0x0002          /* Card detection and initialisation */
344 #define DBG_OPEN        0x0004          /* Open and close sequences */
345 #define DBG_PCI         0x0008          /* PCI config operations */
346 #define DBG_IOCTL       0x0010          /* Ioctls and other config */
347 #define DBG_INTR        0x0020          /* Interrupt routines (be careful) */
348 #define DBG_TX          0x0040          /* Packet transmission */
349 #define DBG_RX          0x0080          /* Packet reception */
350 #define DBG_CMD         0x0100          /* Port command issuing */
352 #define DBG_ASS         0xFFFF          /* Assert like statements. Code that
353                                          * should never be reached, if you see
354                                          * one of these then I've been an ass
355                                          */
356 #endif  /* FST_DEBUG */