xref: /openbmc/linux/drivers/net/wan/farsync.c (revision 87c2ce3b)
1 /*
2  *      FarSync WAN driver for Linux (2.6.x kernel version)
3  *
4  *      Actually sync driver for X.21, V.35 and V.24 on FarSync T-series cards
5  *
6  *      Copyright (C) 2001-2004 FarSite Communications Ltd.
7  *      www.farsite.co.uk
8  *
9  *      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10  *      modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11  *      as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
12  *      2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13  *
14  *      Author:      R.J.Dunlop    <bob.dunlop@farsite.co.uk>
15  *      Maintainer:  Kevin Curtis  <kevin.curtis@farsite.co.uk>
16  */
18 #include <linux/module.h>
19 #include <linux/kernel.h>
20 #include <linux/version.h>
21 #include <linux/pci.h>
22 #include <linux/ioport.h>
23 #include <linux/init.h>
24 #include <linux/if.h>
25 #include <linux/hdlc.h>
26 #include <asm/io.h>
27 #include <asm/uaccess.h>
29 #include "farsync.h"
31 /*
32  *      Module info
33  */
34 MODULE_AUTHOR("R.J.Dunlop <bob.dunlop@farsite.co.uk>");
35 MODULE_DESCRIPTION("FarSync T-Series WAN driver. FarSite Communications Ltd.");
38 /*      Driver configuration and global parameters
39  *      ==========================================
40  */
42 /*      Number of ports (per card) and cards supported
43  */
44 #define FST_MAX_PORTS           4
45 #define FST_MAX_CARDS           32
47 /*      Default parameters for the link
48  */
49 #define FST_TX_QUEUE_LEN        100	/* At 8Mbps a longer queue length is
50 					 * useful, the syncppp module forces
51 					 * this down assuming a slower line I
52 					 * guess.
53 					 */
54 #define FST_TXQ_DEPTH           16	/* This one is for the buffering
55 					 * of frames on the way down to the card
56 					 * so that we can keep the card busy
57 					 * and maximise throughput
58 					 */
59 #define FST_HIGH_WATER_MARK     12	/* Point at which we flow control
60 					 * network layer */
61 #define FST_LOW_WATER_MARK      8	/* Point at which we remove flow
62 					 * control from network layer */
63 #define FST_MAX_MTU             8000	/* Huge but possible */
64 #define FST_DEF_MTU             1500	/* Common sane value */
66 #define FST_TX_TIMEOUT          (2*HZ)
69 #define ARPHRD_MYTYPE   ARPHRD_RAWHDLC	/* Raw frames */
70 #else
71 #define ARPHRD_MYTYPE   ARPHRD_HDLC	/* Cisco-HDLC (keepalives etc) */
72 #endif
74 /*
75  * Modules parameters and associated varaibles
76  */
77 static int fst_txq_low = FST_LOW_WATER_MARK;
78 static int fst_txq_high = FST_HIGH_WATER_MARK;
79 static int fst_max_reads = 7;
80 static int fst_excluded_cards = 0;
81 static int fst_excluded_list[FST_MAX_CARDS];
83 module_param(fst_txq_low, int, 0);
84 module_param(fst_txq_high, int, 0);
85 module_param(fst_max_reads, int, 0);
86 module_param(fst_excluded_cards, int, 0);
87 module_param_array(fst_excluded_list, int, NULL, 0);
89 /*      Card shared memory layout
90  *      =========================
91  */
92 #pragma pack(1)
94 /*      This information is derived in part from the FarSite FarSync Smc.h
95  *      file. Unfortunately various name clashes and the non-portability of the
96  *      bit field declarations in that file have meant that I have chosen to
97  *      recreate the information here.
98  *
99  *      The SMC (Shared Memory Configuration) has a version number that is
100  *      incremented every time there is a significant change. This number can
101  *      be used to check that we have not got out of step with the firmware
102  *      contained in the .CDE files.
103  */
104 #define SMC_VERSION 24
106 #define FST_MEMSIZE 0x100000	/* Size of card memory (1Mb) */
108 #define SMC_BASE 0x00002000L	/* Base offset of the shared memory window main
109 				 * configuration structure */
110 #define BFM_BASE 0x00010000L	/* Base offset of the shared memory window DMA
111 				 * buffers */
113 #define LEN_TX_BUFFER 8192	/* Size of packet buffers */
114 #define LEN_RX_BUFFER 8192
116 #define LEN_SMALL_TX_BUFFER 256	/* Size of obsolete buffs used for DOS diags */
117 #define LEN_SMALL_RX_BUFFER 256
119 #define NUM_TX_BUFFER 2		/* Must be power of 2. Fixed by firmware */
120 #define NUM_RX_BUFFER 8
122 /* Interrupt retry time in milliseconds */
123 #define INT_RETRY_TIME 2
125 /*      The Am186CH/CC processors support a SmartDMA mode using circular pools
126  *      of buffer descriptors. The structure is almost identical to that used
127  *      in the LANCE Ethernet controllers. Details available as PDF from the
128  *      AMD web site: http://www.amd.com/products/epd/processors/\
129  *                    2.16bitcont/3.am186cxfa/a21914/21914.pdf
130  */
131 struct txdesc {			/* Transmit descriptor */
132 	volatile u16 ladr;	/* Low order address of packet. This is a
133 				 * linear address in the Am186 memory space
134 				 */
135 	volatile u8 hadr;	/* High order address. Low 4 bits only, high 4
136 				 * bits must be zero
137 				 */
138 	volatile u8 bits;	/* Status and config */
139 	volatile u16 bcnt;	/* 2s complement of packet size in low 15 bits.
140 				 * Transmit terminal count interrupt enable in
141 				 * top bit.
142 				 */
143 	u16 unused;		/* Not used in Tx */
144 };
146 struct rxdesc {			/* Receive descriptor */
147 	volatile u16 ladr;	/* Low order address of packet */
148 	volatile u8 hadr;	/* High order address */
149 	volatile u8 bits;	/* Status and config */
150 	volatile u16 bcnt;	/* 2s complement of buffer size in low 15 bits.
151 				 * Receive terminal count interrupt enable in
152 				 * top bit.
153 				 */
154 	volatile u16 mcnt;	/* Message byte count (15 bits) */
155 };
157 /* Convert a length into the 15 bit 2's complement */
158 /* #define cnv_bcnt(len)   (( ~(len) + 1 ) & 0x7FFF ) */
159 /* Since we need to set the high bit to enable the completion interrupt this
160  * can be made a lot simpler
161  */
162 #define cnv_bcnt(len)   (-(len))
164 /* Status and config bits for the above */
165 #define DMA_OWN         0x80	/* SmartDMA owns the descriptor */
166 #define TX_STP          0x02	/* Tx: start of packet */
167 #define TX_ENP          0x01	/* Tx: end of packet */
168 #define RX_ERR          0x40	/* Rx: error (OR of next 4 bits) */
169 #define RX_FRAM         0x20	/* Rx: framing error */
170 #define RX_OFLO         0x10	/* Rx: overflow error */
171 #define RX_CRC          0x08	/* Rx: CRC error */
172 #define RX_HBUF         0x04	/* Rx: buffer error */
173 #define RX_STP          0x02	/* Rx: start of packet */
174 #define RX_ENP          0x01	/* Rx: end of packet */
176 /* Interrupts from the card are caused by various events which are presented
177  * in a circular buffer as several events may be processed on one physical int
178  */
179 #define MAX_CIRBUFF     32
181 struct cirbuff {
182 	u8 rdindex;		/* read, then increment and wrap */
183 	u8 wrindex;		/* write, then increment and wrap */
184 	u8 evntbuff[MAX_CIRBUFF];
185 };
187 /* Interrupt event codes.
188  * Where appropriate the two low order bits indicate the port number
189  */
190 #define CTLA_CHG        0x18	/* Control signal changed */
191 #define CTLB_CHG        0x19
192 #define CTLC_CHG        0x1A
193 #define CTLD_CHG        0x1B
195 #define INIT_CPLT       0x20	/* Initialisation complete */
196 #define INIT_FAIL       0x21	/* Initialisation failed */
198 #define ABTA_SENT       0x24	/* Abort sent */
199 #define ABTB_SENT       0x25
200 #define ABTC_SENT       0x26
201 #define ABTD_SENT       0x27
203 #define TXA_UNDF        0x28	/* Transmission underflow */
204 #define TXB_UNDF        0x29
205 #define TXC_UNDF        0x2A
206 #define TXD_UNDF        0x2B
208 #define F56_INT         0x2C
209 #define M32_INT         0x2D
211 #define TE1_ALMA        0x30
213 /* Port physical configuration. See farsync.h for field values */
214 struct port_cfg {
215 	u16 lineInterface;	/* Physical interface type */
216 	u8 x25op;		/* Unused at present */
217 	u8 internalClock;	/* 1 => internal clock, 0 => external */
218 	u8 transparentMode;	/* 1 => on, 0 => off */
219 	u8 invertClock;		/* 0 => normal, 1 => inverted */
220 	u8 padBytes[6];		/* Padding */
221 	u32 lineSpeed;		/* Speed in bps */
222 };
224 /* TE1 port physical configuration */
225 struct su_config {
226 	u32 dataRate;
227 	u8 clocking;
228 	u8 framing;
229 	u8 structure;
230 	u8 interface;
231 	u8 coding;
232 	u8 lineBuildOut;
233 	u8 equalizer;
234 	u8 transparentMode;
235 	u8 loopMode;
236 	u8 range;
237 	u8 txBufferMode;
238 	u8 rxBufferMode;
239 	u8 startingSlot;
240 	u8 losThreshold;
241 	u8 enableIdleCode;
242 	u8 idleCode;
243 	u8 spare[44];
244 };
246 /* TE1 Status */
247 struct su_status {
248 	u32 receiveBufferDelay;
249 	u32 framingErrorCount;
250 	u32 codeViolationCount;
251 	u32 crcErrorCount;
252 	u32 lineAttenuation;
253 	u8 portStarted;
254 	u8 lossOfSignal;
255 	u8 receiveRemoteAlarm;
256 	u8 alarmIndicationSignal;
257 	u8 spare[40];
258 };
260 /* Finally sling all the above together into the shared memory structure.
261  * Sorry it's a hodge podge of arrays, structures and unused bits, it's been
262  * evolving under NT for some time so I guess we're stuck with it.
263  * The structure starts at offset SMC_BASE.
264  * See farsync.h for some field values.
265  */
266 struct fst_shared {
267 	/* DMA descriptor rings */
268 	struct rxdesc rxDescrRing[FST_MAX_PORTS][NUM_RX_BUFFER];
269 	struct txdesc txDescrRing[FST_MAX_PORTS][NUM_TX_BUFFER];
271 	/* Obsolete small buffers */
275 	u8 taskStatus;		/* 0x00 => initialising, 0x01 => running,
276 				 * 0xFF => halted
277 				 */
279 	u8 interruptHandshake;	/* Set to 0x01 by adapter to signal interrupt,
280 				 * set to 0xEE by host to acknowledge interrupt
281 				 */
283 	u16 smcVersion;		/* Must match SMC_VERSION */
285 	u32 smcFirmwareVersion;	/* 0xIIVVRRBB where II = product ID, VV = major
286 				 * version, RR = revision and BB = build
287 				 */
289 	u16 txa_done;		/* Obsolete completion flags */
290 	u16 rxa_done;
291 	u16 txb_done;
292 	u16 rxb_done;
293 	u16 txc_done;
294 	u16 rxc_done;
295 	u16 txd_done;
296 	u16 rxd_done;
298 	u16 mailbox[4];		/* Diagnostics mailbox. Not used */
300 	struct cirbuff interruptEvent;	/* interrupt causes */
302 	u32 v24IpSts[FST_MAX_PORTS];	/* V.24 control input status */
303 	u32 v24OpSts[FST_MAX_PORTS];	/* V.24 control output status */
305 	struct port_cfg portConfig[FST_MAX_PORTS];
307 	u16 clockStatus[FST_MAX_PORTS];	/* lsb: 0=> present, 1=> absent */
309 	u16 cableStatus;	/* lsb: 0=> present, 1=> absent */
311 	u16 txDescrIndex[FST_MAX_PORTS];	/* transmit descriptor ring index */
312 	u16 rxDescrIndex[FST_MAX_PORTS];	/* receive descriptor ring index */
314 	u16 portMailbox[FST_MAX_PORTS][2];	/* command, modifier */
315 	u16 cardMailbox[4];	/* Not used */
317 	/* Number of times the card thinks the host has
318 	 * missed an interrupt by not acknowledging
319 	 * within 2mS (I guess NT has problems)
320 	 */
321 	u32 interruptRetryCount;
323 	/* Driver private data used as an ID. We'll not
324 	 * use this as I'd rather keep such things
325 	 * in main memory rather than on the PCI bus
326 	 */
327 	u32 portHandle[FST_MAX_PORTS];
329 	/* Count of Tx underflows for stats */
330 	u32 transmitBufferUnderflow[FST_MAX_PORTS];
332 	/* Debounced V.24 control input status */
333 	u32 v24DebouncedSts[FST_MAX_PORTS];
335 	/* Adapter debounce timers. Don't touch */
336 	u32 ctsTimer[FST_MAX_PORTS];
337 	u32 ctsTimerRun[FST_MAX_PORTS];
338 	u32 dcdTimer[FST_MAX_PORTS];
339 	u32 dcdTimerRun[FST_MAX_PORTS];
341 	u32 numberOfPorts;	/* Number of ports detected at startup */
343 	u16 _reserved[64];
345 	u16 cardMode;		/* Bit-mask to enable features:
346 				 * Bit 0: 1 enables LED identify mode
347 				 */
349 	u16 portScheduleOffset;
351 	struct su_config suConfig;	/* TE1 Bits */
352 	struct su_status suStatus;
354 	u32 endOfSmcSignature;	/* endOfSmcSignature MUST be the last member of
355 				 * the structure and marks the end of shared
356 				 * memory. Adapter code initializes it as
357 				 * END_SIG.
358 				 */
359 };
361 /* endOfSmcSignature value */
362 #define END_SIG                 0x12345678
364 /* Mailbox values. (portMailbox) */
365 #define NOP             0	/* No operation */
366 #define ACK             1	/* Positive acknowledgement to PC driver */
367 #define NAK             2	/* Negative acknowledgement to PC driver */
368 #define STARTPORT       3	/* Start an HDLC port */
369 #define STOPPORT        4	/* Stop an HDLC port */
370 #define ABORTTX         5	/* Abort the transmitter for a port */
371 #define SETV24O         6	/* Set V24 outputs */
373 /* PLX Chip Register Offsets */
374 #define CNTRL_9052      0x50	/* Control Register */
375 #define CNTRL_9054      0x6c	/* Control Register */
377 #define INTCSR_9052     0x4c	/* Interrupt control/status register */
378 #define INTCSR_9054     0x68	/* Interrupt control/status register */
380 /* 9054 DMA Registers */
381 /*
382  * Note that we will be using DMA Channel 0 for copying rx data
383  * and Channel 1 for copying tx data
384  */
385 #define DMAMODE0        0x80
386 #define DMAPADR0        0x84
387 #define DMALADR0        0x88
388 #define DMASIZ0         0x8c
389 #define DMADPR0         0x90
390 #define DMAMODE1        0x94
391 #define DMAPADR1        0x98
392 #define DMALADR1        0x9c
393 #define DMASIZ1         0xa0
394 #define DMADPR1         0xa4
395 #define DMACSR0         0xa8
396 #define DMACSR1         0xa9
397 #define DMAARB          0xac
398 #define DMATHR          0xb0
399 #define DMADAC0         0xb4
400 #define DMADAC1         0xb8
401 #define DMAMARBR        0xac
403 #define FST_MIN_DMA_LEN 64
404 #define FST_RX_DMA_INT  0x01
405 #define FST_TX_DMA_INT  0x02
406 #define FST_CARD_INT    0x04
408 /* Larger buffers are positioned in memory at offset BFM_BASE */
409 struct buf_window {
412 };
414 /* Calculate offset of a buffer object within the shared memory window */
415 #define BUF_OFFSET(X)   (BFM_BASE + offsetof(struct buf_window, X))
417 #pragma pack()
419 /*      Device driver private information
420  *      =================================
421  */
422 /*      Per port (line or channel) information
423  */
424 struct fst_port_info {
425         struct net_device *dev; /* Device struct - must be first */
426 	struct fst_card_info *card;	/* Card we're associated with */
427 	int index;		/* Port index on the card */
428 	int hwif;		/* Line hardware (lineInterface copy) */
429 	int run;		/* Port is running */
430 	int mode;		/* Normal or FarSync raw */
431 	int rxpos;		/* Next Rx buffer to use */
432 	int txpos;		/* Next Tx buffer to use */
433 	int txipos;		/* Next Tx buffer to check for free */
434 	int start;		/* Indication of start/stop to network */
435 	/*
436 	 * A sixteen entry transmit queue
437 	 */
438 	int txqs;		/* index to get next buffer to tx */
439 	int txqe;		/* index to queue next packet */
440 	struct sk_buff *txq[FST_TXQ_DEPTH];	/* The queue */
441 	int rxqdepth;
442 };
444 /*      Per card information
445  */
446 struct fst_card_info {
447 	char __iomem *mem;	/* Card memory mapped to kernel space */
448 	char __iomem *ctlmem;	/* Control memory for PCI cards */
449 	unsigned int phys_mem;	/* Physical memory window address */
450 	unsigned int phys_ctlmem;	/* Physical control memory address */
451 	unsigned int irq;	/* Interrupt request line number */
452 	unsigned int nports;	/* Number of serial ports */
453 	unsigned int type;	/* Type index of card */
454 	unsigned int state;	/* State of card */
455 	spinlock_t card_lock;	/* Lock for SMP access */
456 	unsigned short pci_conf;	/* PCI card config in I/O space */
457 	/* Per port info */
458 	struct fst_port_info ports[FST_MAX_PORTS];
459 	struct pci_dev *device;	/* Information about the pci device */
460 	int card_no;		/* Inst of the card on the system */
461 	int family;		/* TxP or TxU */
462 	int dmarx_in_progress;
463 	int dmatx_in_progress;
464 	unsigned long int_count;
465 	unsigned long int_time_ave;
466 	void *rx_dma_handle_host;
467 	dma_addr_t rx_dma_handle_card;
468 	void *tx_dma_handle_host;
469 	dma_addr_t tx_dma_handle_card;
470 	struct sk_buff *dma_skb_rx;
471 	struct fst_port_info *dma_port_rx;
472 	struct fst_port_info *dma_port_tx;
473 	int dma_len_rx;
474 	int dma_len_tx;
475 	int dma_txpos;
476 	int dma_rxpos;
477 };
479 /* Convert an HDLC device pointer into a port info pointer and similar */
480 #define dev_to_port(D)  (dev_to_hdlc(D)->priv)
481 #define port_to_dev(P)  ((P)->dev)
484 /*
485  *      Shared memory window access macros
486  *
487  *      We have a nice memory based structure above, which could be directly
488  *      mapped on i386 but might not work on other architectures unless we use
489  *      the readb,w,l and writeb,w,l macros. Unfortunately these macros take
490  *      physical offsets so we have to convert. The only saving grace is that
491  *      this should all collapse back to a simple indirection eventually.
492  */
493 #define WIN_OFFSET(X)   ((long)&(((struct fst_shared *)SMC_BASE)->X))
495 #define FST_RDB(C,E)    readb ((C)->mem + WIN_OFFSET(E))
496 #define FST_RDW(C,E)    readw ((C)->mem + WIN_OFFSET(E))
497 #define FST_RDL(C,E)    readl ((C)->mem + WIN_OFFSET(E))
499 #define FST_WRB(C,E,B)  writeb ((B), (C)->mem + WIN_OFFSET(E))
500 #define FST_WRW(C,E,W)  writew ((W), (C)->mem + WIN_OFFSET(E))
501 #define FST_WRL(C,E,L)  writel ((L), (C)->mem + WIN_OFFSET(E))
503 /*
504  *      Debug support
505  */
506 #if FST_DEBUG
508 static int fst_debug_mask = { FST_DEBUG };
510 /* Most common debug activity is to print something if the corresponding bit
511  * is set in the debug mask. Note: this uses a non-ANSI extension in GCC to
512  * support variable numbers of macro parameters. The inverted if prevents us
513  * eating someone else's else clause.
514  */
515 #define dbg(F,fmt,A...) if ( ! ( fst_debug_mask & (F))) \
516                                 ; \
517                         else \
518                                 printk ( KERN_DEBUG FST_NAME ": " fmt, ## A )
520 #else
521 #define dbg(X...)		/* NOP */
522 #endif
524 /*      Printing short cuts
525  */
526 #define printk_err(fmt,A...)    printk ( KERN_ERR     FST_NAME ": " fmt, ## A )
527 #define printk_warn(fmt,A...)   printk ( KERN_WARNING FST_NAME ": " fmt, ## A )
528 #define printk_info(fmt,A...)   printk ( KERN_INFO    FST_NAME ": " fmt, ## A )
530 /*
531  *      PCI ID lookup table
532  */
533 static struct pci_device_id fst_pci_dev_id[] __devinitdata = {
535 	 PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, FST_TYPE_T2P},
538 	 PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, FST_TYPE_T4P},
541 	 PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, FST_TYPE_T1U},
544 	 PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, FST_TYPE_T2U},
547 	 PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, FST_TYPE_T4U},
550 	 PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, FST_TYPE_TE1},
553 	 PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, FST_TYPE_TE1},
554 	{0,}			/* End */
555 };
557 MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, fst_pci_dev_id);
559 /*
560  *      Device Driver Work Queues
561  *
562  *      So that we don't spend too much time processing events in the
563  *      Interrupt Service routine, we will declare a work queue per Card
564  *      and make the ISR schedule a task in the queue for later execution.
565  *      In the 2.4 Kernel we used to use the immediate queue for BH's
566  *      Now that they are gone, tasklets seem to be much better than work
567  *      queues.
568  */
570 static void do_bottom_half_tx(struct fst_card_info *card);
571 static void do_bottom_half_rx(struct fst_card_info *card);
572 static void fst_process_tx_work_q(unsigned long work_q);
573 static void fst_process_int_work_q(unsigned long work_q);
575 static DECLARE_TASKLET(fst_tx_task, fst_process_tx_work_q, 0);
576 static DECLARE_TASKLET(fst_int_task, fst_process_int_work_q, 0);
578 static struct fst_card_info *fst_card_array[FST_MAX_CARDS];
579 static spinlock_t fst_work_q_lock;
580 static u64 fst_work_txq;
581 static u64 fst_work_intq;
583 static void
584 fst_q_work_item(u64 * queue, int card_index)
585 {
586 	unsigned long flags;
587 	u64 mask;
589 	/*
590 	 * Grab the queue exclusively
591 	 */
592 	spin_lock_irqsave(&fst_work_q_lock, flags);
594 	/*
595 	 * Making an entry in the queue is simply a matter of setting
596 	 * a bit for the card indicating that there is work to do in the
597 	 * bottom half for the card.  Note the limitation of 64 cards.
598 	 * That ought to be enough
599 	 */
600 	mask = 1 << card_index;
601 	*queue |= mask;
602 	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fst_work_q_lock, flags);
603 }
605 static void
606 fst_process_tx_work_q(unsigned long /*void **/work_q)
607 {
608 	unsigned long flags;
609 	u64 work_txq;
610 	int i;
612 	/*
613 	 * Grab the queue exclusively
614 	 */
615 	dbg(DBG_TX, "fst_process_tx_work_q\n");
616 	spin_lock_irqsave(&fst_work_q_lock, flags);
617 	work_txq = fst_work_txq;
618 	fst_work_txq = 0;
619 	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fst_work_q_lock, flags);
621 	/*
622 	 * Call the bottom half for each card with work waiting
623 	 */
624 	for (i = 0; i < FST_MAX_CARDS; i++) {
625 		if (work_txq & 0x01) {
626 			if (fst_card_array[i] != NULL) {
627 				dbg(DBG_TX, "Calling tx bh for card %d\n", i);
628 				do_bottom_half_tx(fst_card_array[i]);
629 			}
630 		}
631 		work_txq = work_txq >> 1;
632 	}
633 }
635 static void
636 fst_process_int_work_q(unsigned long /*void **/work_q)
637 {
638 	unsigned long flags;
639 	u64 work_intq;
640 	int i;
642 	/*
643 	 * Grab the queue exclusively
644 	 */
645 	dbg(DBG_INTR, "fst_process_int_work_q\n");
646 	spin_lock_irqsave(&fst_work_q_lock, flags);
647 	work_intq = fst_work_intq;
648 	fst_work_intq = 0;
649 	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fst_work_q_lock, flags);
651 	/*
652 	 * Call the bottom half for each card with work waiting
653 	 */
654 	for (i = 0; i < FST_MAX_CARDS; i++) {
655 		if (work_intq & 0x01) {
656 			if (fst_card_array[i] != NULL) {
657 				dbg(DBG_INTR,
658 				    "Calling rx & tx bh for card %d\n", i);
659 				do_bottom_half_rx(fst_card_array[i]);
660 				do_bottom_half_tx(fst_card_array[i]);
661 			}
662 		}
663 		work_intq = work_intq >> 1;
664 	}
665 }
667 /*      Card control functions
668  *      ======================
669  */
670 /*      Place the processor in reset state
671  *
672  * Used to be a simple write to card control space but a glitch in the latest
673  * AMD Am186CH processor means that we now have to do it by asserting and de-
674  * asserting the PLX chip PCI Adapter Software Reset. Bit 30 in CNTRL register
675  * at offset 9052_CNTRL.  Note the updates for the TXU.
676  */
677 static inline void
678 fst_cpureset(struct fst_card_info *card)
679 {
680 	unsigned char interrupt_line_register;
681 	unsigned long j = jiffies + 1;
682 	unsigned int regval;
684 	if (card->family == FST_FAMILY_TXU) {
685 		if (pci_read_config_byte
686 		    (card->device, PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE, &interrupt_line_register)) {
687 			dbg(DBG_ASS,
688 			    "Error in reading interrupt line register\n");
689 		}
690 		/*
691 		 * Assert PLX software reset and Am186 hardware reset
692 		 * and then deassert the PLX software reset but 186 still in reset
693 		 */
694 		outw(0x440f, card->pci_conf + CNTRL_9054 + 2);
695 		outw(0x040f, card->pci_conf + CNTRL_9054 + 2);
696 		/*
697 		 * We are delaying here to allow the 9054 to reset itself
698 		 */
699 		j = jiffies + 1;
700 		while (jiffies < j)
701 			/* Do nothing */ ;
702 		outw(0x240f, card->pci_conf + CNTRL_9054 + 2);
703 		/*
704 		 * We are delaying here to allow the 9054 to reload its eeprom
705 		 */
706 		j = jiffies + 1;
707 		while (jiffies < j)
708 			/* Do nothing */ ;
709 		outw(0x040f, card->pci_conf + CNTRL_9054 + 2);
711 		if (pci_write_config_byte
712 		    (card->device, PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE, interrupt_line_register)) {
713 			dbg(DBG_ASS,
714 			    "Error in writing interrupt line register\n");
715 		}
717 	} else {
718 		regval = inl(card->pci_conf + CNTRL_9052);
720 		outl(regval | 0x40000000, card->pci_conf + CNTRL_9052);
721 		outl(regval & ~0x40000000, card->pci_conf + CNTRL_9052);
722 	}
723 }
725 /*      Release the processor from reset
726  */
727 static inline void
728 fst_cpurelease(struct fst_card_info *card)
729 {
730 	if (card->family == FST_FAMILY_TXU) {
731 		/*
732 		 * Force posted writes to complete
733 		 */
734 		(void) readb(card->mem);
736 		/*
737 		 * Release LRESET DO = 1
738 		 * Then release Local Hold, DO = 1
739 		 */
740 		outw(0x040e, card->pci_conf + CNTRL_9054 + 2);
741 		outw(0x040f, card->pci_conf + CNTRL_9054 + 2);
742 	} else {
743 		(void) readb(card->ctlmem);
744 	}
745 }
747 /*      Clear the cards interrupt flag
748  */
749 static inline void
750 fst_clear_intr(struct fst_card_info *card)
751 {
752 	if (card->family == FST_FAMILY_TXU) {
753 		(void) readb(card->ctlmem);
754 	} else {
755 		/* Poke the appropriate PLX chip register (same as enabling interrupts)
756 		 */
757 		outw(0x0543, card->pci_conf + INTCSR_9052);
758 	}
759 }
761 /*      Enable card interrupts
762  */
763 static inline void
764 fst_enable_intr(struct fst_card_info *card)
765 {
766 	if (card->family == FST_FAMILY_TXU) {
767 		outl(0x0f0c0900, card->pci_conf + INTCSR_9054);
768 	} else {
769 		outw(0x0543, card->pci_conf + INTCSR_9052);
770 	}
771 }
773 /*      Disable card interrupts
774  */
775 static inline void
776 fst_disable_intr(struct fst_card_info *card)
777 {
778 	if (card->family == FST_FAMILY_TXU) {
779 		outl(0x00000000, card->pci_conf + INTCSR_9054);
780 	} else {
781 		outw(0x0000, card->pci_conf + INTCSR_9052);
782 	}
783 }
785 /*      Process the result of trying to pass a received frame up the stack
786  */
787 static void
788 fst_process_rx_status(int rx_status, char *name)
789 {
790 	switch (rx_status) {
791 	case NET_RX_SUCCESS:
792 		{
793 			/*
794 			 * Nothing to do here
795 			 */
796 			break;
797 		}
799 	case NET_RX_CN_LOW:
800 		{
801 			dbg(DBG_ASS, "%s: Receive Low Congestion\n", name);
802 			break;
803 		}
805 	case NET_RX_CN_MOD:
806 		{
807 			dbg(DBG_ASS, "%s: Receive Moderate Congestion\n", name);
808 			break;
809 		}
811 	case NET_RX_CN_HIGH:
812 		{
813 			dbg(DBG_ASS, "%s: Receive High Congestion\n", name);
814 			break;
815 		}
817 	case NET_RX_DROP:
818 		{
819 			dbg(DBG_ASS, "%s: Received packet dropped\n", name);
820 			break;
821 		}
822 	}
823 }
825 /*      Initilaise DMA for PLX 9054
826  */
827 static inline void
828 fst_init_dma(struct fst_card_info *card)
829 {
830 	/*
831 	 * This is only required for the PLX 9054
832 	 */
833 	if (card->family == FST_FAMILY_TXU) {
834 	        pci_set_master(card->device);
835 		outl(0x00020441, card->pci_conf + DMAMODE0);
836 		outl(0x00020441, card->pci_conf + DMAMODE1);
837 		outl(0x0, card->pci_conf + DMATHR);
838 	}
839 }
841 /*      Tx dma complete interrupt
842  */
843 static void
844 fst_tx_dma_complete(struct fst_card_info *card, struct fst_port_info *port,
845 		    int len, int txpos)
846 {
847 	struct net_device *dev = port_to_dev(port);
848 	struct net_device_stats *stats = hdlc_stats(dev);
850 	/*
851 	 * Everything is now set, just tell the card to go
852 	 */
853 	dbg(DBG_TX, "fst_tx_dma_complete\n");
854 	FST_WRB(card, txDescrRing[port->index][txpos].bits,
855 		DMA_OWN | TX_STP | TX_ENP);
856 	stats->tx_packets++;
857 	stats->tx_bytes += len;
858 	dev->trans_start = jiffies;
859 }
861 /*
862  * Mark it for our own raw sockets interface
863  */
864 static __be16 farsync_type_trans(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev)
865 {
866 	skb->dev = dev;
867 	skb->mac.raw = skb->data;
868 	skb->pkt_type = PACKET_HOST;
869 	return htons(ETH_P_CUST);
870 }
872 /*      Rx dma complete interrupt
873  */
874 static void
875 fst_rx_dma_complete(struct fst_card_info *card, struct fst_port_info *port,
876 		    int len, struct sk_buff *skb, int rxp)
877 {
878 	struct net_device *dev = port_to_dev(port);
879 	struct net_device_stats *stats = hdlc_stats(dev);
880 	int pi;
881 	int rx_status;
883 	dbg(DBG_TX, "fst_rx_dma_complete\n");
884 	pi = port->index;
885 	memcpy(skb_put(skb, len), card->rx_dma_handle_host, len);
887 	/* Reset buffer descriptor */
888 	FST_WRB(card, rxDescrRing[pi][rxp].bits, DMA_OWN);
890 	/* Update stats */
891 	stats->rx_packets++;
892 	stats->rx_bytes += len;
894 	/* Push upstream */
895 	dbg(DBG_RX, "Pushing the frame up the stack\n");
896 	if (port->mode == FST_RAW)
897 		skb->protocol = farsync_type_trans(skb, dev);
898 	else
899 		skb->protocol = hdlc_type_trans(skb, dev);
900 	rx_status = netif_rx(skb);
901 	fst_process_rx_status(rx_status, port_to_dev(port)->name);
902 	if (rx_status == NET_RX_DROP)
903 		stats->rx_dropped++;
904 	dev->last_rx = jiffies;
905 }
907 /*
908  *      Receive a frame through the DMA
909  */
910 static inline void
911 fst_rx_dma(struct fst_card_info *card, unsigned char *skb,
912 	   unsigned char *mem, int len)
913 {
914 	/*
915 	 * This routine will setup the DMA and start it
916 	 */
918 	dbg(DBG_RX, "In fst_rx_dma %p %p %d\n", skb, mem, len);
919 	if (card->dmarx_in_progress) {
920 		dbg(DBG_ASS, "In fst_rx_dma while dma in progress\n");
921 	}
923 	outl((unsigned long) skb, card->pci_conf + DMAPADR0);	/* Copy to here */
924 	outl((unsigned long) mem, card->pci_conf + DMALADR0);	/* from here */
925 	outl(len, card->pci_conf + DMASIZ0);	/* for this length */
926 	outl(0x00000000c, card->pci_conf + DMADPR0);	/* In this direction */
928 	/*
929 	 * We use the dmarx_in_progress flag to flag the channel as busy
930 	 */
931 	card->dmarx_in_progress = 1;
932 	outb(0x03, card->pci_conf + DMACSR0);	/* Start the transfer */
933 }
935 /*
936  *      Send a frame through the DMA
937  */
938 static inline void
939 fst_tx_dma(struct fst_card_info *card, unsigned char *skb,
940 	   unsigned char *mem, int len)
941 {
942 	/*
943 	 * This routine will setup the DMA and start it.
944 	 */
946 	dbg(DBG_TX, "In fst_tx_dma %p %p %d\n", skb, mem, len);
947 	if (card->dmatx_in_progress) {
948 		dbg(DBG_ASS, "In fst_tx_dma while dma in progress\n");
949 	}
951 	outl((unsigned long) skb, card->pci_conf + DMAPADR1);	/* Copy from here */
952 	outl((unsigned long) mem, card->pci_conf + DMALADR1);	/* to here */
953 	outl(len, card->pci_conf + DMASIZ1);	/* for this length */
954 	outl(0x000000004, card->pci_conf + DMADPR1);	/* In this direction */
956 	/*
957 	 * We use the dmatx_in_progress to flag the channel as busy
958 	 */
959 	card->dmatx_in_progress = 1;
960 	outb(0x03, card->pci_conf + DMACSR1);	/* Start the transfer */
961 }
963 /*      Issue a Mailbox command for a port.
964  *      Note we issue them on a fire and forget basis, not expecting to see an
965  *      error and not waiting for completion.
966  */
967 static void
968 fst_issue_cmd(struct fst_port_info *port, unsigned short cmd)
969 {
970 	struct fst_card_info *card;
971 	unsigned short mbval;
972 	unsigned long flags;
973 	int safety;
975 	card = port->card;
976 	spin_lock_irqsave(&card->card_lock, flags);
977 	mbval = FST_RDW(card, portMailbox[port->index][0]);
979 	safety = 0;
980 	/* Wait for any previous command to complete */
981 	while (mbval > NAK) {
982 		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->card_lock, flags);
983 		schedule_timeout_uninterruptible(1);
984 		spin_lock_irqsave(&card->card_lock, flags);
986 		if (++safety > 2000) {
987 			printk_err("Mailbox safety timeout\n");
988 			break;
989 		}
991 		mbval = FST_RDW(card, portMailbox[port->index][0]);
992 	}
993 	if (safety > 0) {
994 		dbg(DBG_CMD, "Mailbox clear after %d jiffies\n", safety);
995 	}
996 	if (mbval == NAK) {
997 		dbg(DBG_CMD, "issue_cmd: previous command was NAK'd\n");
998 	}
1000 	FST_WRW(card, portMailbox[port->index][0], cmd);
1002 	if (cmd == ABORTTX || cmd == STARTPORT) {
1003 		port->txpos = 0;
1004 		port->txipos = 0;
1005 		port->start = 0;
1006 	}
1008 	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->card_lock, flags);
1009 }
1011 /*      Port output signals control
1012  */
1013 static inline void
1014 fst_op_raise(struct fst_port_info *port, unsigned int outputs)
1015 {
1016 	outputs |= FST_RDL(port->card, v24OpSts[port->index]);
1017 	FST_WRL(port->card, v24OpSts[port->index], outputs);
1019 	if (port->run)
1020 		fst_issue_cmd(port, SETV24O);
1021 }
1023 static inline void
1024 fst_op_lower(struct fst_port_info *port, unsigned int outputs)
1025 {
1026 	outputs = ~outputs & FST_RDL(port->card, v24OpSts[port->index]);
1027 	FST_WRL(port->card, v24OpSts[port->index], outputs);
1029 	if (port->run)
1030 		fst_issue_cmd(port, SETV24O);
1031 }
1033 /*
1034  *      Setup port Rx buffers
1035  */
1036 static void
1037 fst_rx_config(struct fst_port_info *port)
1038 {
1039 	int i;
1040 	int pi;
1041 	unsigned int offset;
1042 	unsigned long flags;
1043 	struct fst_card_info *card;
1045 	pi = port->index;
1046 	card = port->card;
1047 	spin_lock_irqsave(&card->card_lock, flags);
1048 	for (i = 0; i < NUM_RX_BUFFER; i++) {
1049 		offset = BUF_OFFSET(rxBuffer[pi][i][0]);
1051 		FST_WRW(card, rxDescrRing[pi][i].ladr, (u16) offset);
1052 		FST_WRB(card, rxDescrRing[pi][i].hadr, (u8) (offset >> 16));
1053 		FST_WRW(card, rxDescrRing[pi][i].bcnt, cnv_bcnt(LEN_RX_BUFFER));
1054 		FST_WRW(card, rxDescrRing[pi][i].mcnt, LEN_RX_BUFFER);
1055 		FST_WRB(card, rxDescrRing[pi][i].bits, DMA_OWN);
1056 	}
1057 	port->rxpos = 0;
1058 	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->card_lock, flags);
1059 }
1061 /*
1062  *      Setup port Tx buffers
1063  */
1064 static void
1065 fst_tx_config(struct fst_port_info *port)
1066 {
1067 	int i;
1068 	int pi;
1069 	unsigned int offset;
1070 	unsigned long flags;
1071 	struct fst_card_info *card;
1073 	pi = port->index;
1074 	card = port->card;
1075 	spin_lock_irqsave(&card->card_lock, flags);
1076 	for (i = 0; i < NUM_TX_BUFFER; i++) {
1077 		offset = BUF_OFFSET(txBuffer[pi][i][0]);
1079 		FST_WRW(card, txDescrRing[pi][i].ladr, (u16) offset);
1080 		FST_WRB(card, txDescrRing[pi][i].hadr, (u8) (offset >> 16));
1081 		FST_WRW(card, txDescrRing[pi][i].bcnt, 0);
1082 		FST_WRB(card, txDescrRing[pi][i].bits, 0);
1083 	}
1084 	port->txpos = 0;
1085 	port->txipos = 0;
1086 	port->start = 0;
1087 	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->card_lock, flags);
1088 }
1090 /*      TE1 Alarm change interrupt event
1091  */
1092 static void
1093 fst_intr_te1_alarm(struct fst_card_info *card, struct fst_port_info *port)
1094 {
1095 	u8 los;
1096 	u8 rra;
1097 	u8 ais;
1099 	los = FST_RDB(card, suStatus.lossOfSignal);
1100 	rra = FST_RDB(card, suStatus.receiveRemoteAlarm);
1101 	ais = FST_RDB(card, suStatus.alarmIndicationSignal);
1103 	if (los) {
1104 		/*
1105 		 * Lost the link
1106 		 */
1107 		if (netif_carrier_ok(port_to_dev(port))) {
1108 			dbg(DBG_INTR, "Net carrier off\n");
1109 			netif_carrier_off(port_to_dev(port));
1110 		}
1111 	} else {
1112 		/*
1113 		 * Link available
1114 		 */
1115 		if (!netif_carrier_ok(port_to_dev(port))) {
1116 			dbg(DBG_INTR, "Net carrier on\n");
1117 			netif_carrier_on(port_to_dev(port));
1118 		}
1119 	}
1121 	if (los)
1122 		dbg(DBG_INTR, "Assert LOS Alarm\n");
1123 	else
1124 		dbg(DBG_INTR, "De-assert LOS Alarm\n");
1125 	if (rra)
1126 		dbg(DBG_INTR, "Assert RRA Alarm\n");
1127 	else
1128 		dbg(DBG_INTR, "De-assert RRA Alarm\n");
1130 	if (ais)
1131 		dbg(DBG_INTR, "Assert AIS Alarm\n");
1132 	else
1133 		dbg(DBG_INTR, "De-assert AIS Alarm\n");
1134 }
1136 /*      Control signal change interrupt event
1137  */
1138 static void
1139 fst_intr_ctlchg(struct fst_card_info *card, struct fst_port_info *port)
1140 {
1141 	int signals;
1143 	signals = FST_RDL(card, v24DebouncedSts[port->index]);
1145 	if (signals & (((port->hwif == X21) || (port->hwif == X21D))
1146 		       ? IPSTS_INDICATE : IPSTS_DCD)) {
1147 		if (!netif_carrier_ok(port_to_dev(port))) {
1148 			dbg(DBG_INTR, "DCD active\n");
1149 			netif_carrier_on(port_to_dev(port));
1150 		}
1151 	} else {
1152 		if (netif_carrier_ok(port_to_dev(port))) {
1153 			dbg(DBG_INTR, "DCD lost\n");
1154 			netif_carrier_off(port_to_dev(port));
1155 		}
1156 	}
1157 }
1159 /*      Log Rx Errors
1160  */
1161 static void
1162 fst_log_rx_error(struct fst_card_info *card, struct fst_port_info *port,
1163 		 unsigned char dmabits, int rxp, unsigned short len)
1164 {
1165 	struct net_device *dev = port_to_dev(port);
1166 	struct net_device_stats *stats = hdlc_stats(dev);
1168 	/*
1169 	 * Increment the appropriate error counter
1170 	 */
1171 	stats->rx_errors++;
1172 	if (dmabits & RX_OFLO) {
1173 		stats->rx_fifo_errors++;
1174 		dbg(DBG_ASS, "Rx fifo error on card %d port %d buffer %d\n",
1175 		    card->card_no, port->index, rxp);
1176 	}
1177 	if (dmabits & RX_CRC) {
1178 		stats->rx_crc_errors++;
1179 		dbg(DBG_ASS, "Rx crc error on card %d port %d\n",
1180 		    card->card_no, port->index);
1181 	}
1182 	if (dmabits & RX_FRAM) {
1183 		stats->rx_frame_errors++;
1184 		dbg(DBG_ASS, "Rx frame error on card %d port %d\n",
1185 		    card->card_no, port->index);
1186 	}
1187 	if (dmabits == (RX_STP | RX_ENP)) {
1188 		stats->rx_length_errors++;
1189 		dbg(DBG_ASS, "Rx length error (%d) on card %d port %d\n",
1190 		    len, card->card_no, port->index);
1191 	}
1192 }
1194 /*      Rx Error Recovery
1195  */
1196 static void
1197 fst_recover_rx_error(struct fst_card_info *card, struct fst_port_info *port,
1198 		     unsigned char dmabits, int rxp, unsigned short len)
1199 {
1200 	int i;
1201 	int pi;
1203 	pi = port->index;
1204 	/*
1205 	 * Discard buffer descriptors until we see the start of the
1206 	 * next frame.  Note that for long frames this could be in
1207 	 * a subsequent interrupt.
1208 	 */
1209 	i = 0;
1210 	while ((dmabits & (DMA_OWN | RX_STP)) == 0) {
1211 		FST_WRB(card, rxDescrRing[pi][rxp].bits, DMA_OWN);
1212 		rxp = (rxp+1) % NUM_RX_BUFFER;
1213 		if (++i > NUM_RX_BUFFER) {
1214 			dbg(DBG_ASS, "intr_rx: Discarding more bufs"
1215 			    " than we have\n");
1216 			break;
1217 		}
1218 		dmabits = FST_RDB(card, rxDescrRing[pi][rxp].bits);
1219 		dbg(DBG_ASS, "DMA Bits of next buffer was %x\n", dmabits);
1220 	}
1221 	dbg(DBG_ASS, "There were %d subsequent buffers in error\n", i);
1223 	/* Discard the terminal buffer */
1224 	if (!(dmabits & DMA_OWN)) {
1225 		FST_WRB(card, rxDescrRing[pi][rxp].bits, DMA_OWN);
1226 		rxp = (rxp+1) % NUM_RX_BUFFER;
1227 	}
1228 	port->rxpos = rxp;
1229 	return;
1231 }
1233 /*      Rx complete interrupt
1234  */
1235 static void
1236 fst_intr_rx(struct fst_card_info *card, struct fst_port_info *port)
1237 {
1238 	unsigned char dmabits;
1239 	int pi;
1240 	int rxp;
1241 	int rx_status;
1242 	unsigned short len;
1243 	struct sk_buff *skb;
1244 	struct net_device *dev = port_to_dev(port);
1245 	struct net_device_stats *stats = hdlc_stats(dev);
1247 	/* Check we have a buffer to process */
1248 	pi = port->index;
1249 	rxp = port->rxpos;
1250 	dmabits = FST_RDB(card, rxDescrRing[pi][rxp].bits);
1251 	if (dmabits & DMA_OWN) {
1252 		dbg(DBG_RX | DBG_INTR, "intr_rx: No buffer port %d pos %d\n",
1253 		    pi, rxp);
1254 		return;
1255 	}
1256 	if (card->dmarx_in_progress) {
1257 		return;
1258 	}
1260 	/* Get buffer length */
1261 	len = FST_RDW(card, rxDescrRing[pi][rxp].mcnt);
1262 	/* Discard the CRC */
1263 	len -= 2;
1264 	if (len == 0) {
1265 		/*
1266 		 * This seems to happen on the TE1 interface sometimes
1267 		 * so throw the frame away and log the event.
1268 		 */
1269 		printk_err("Frame received with 0 length. Card %d Port %d\n",
1270 			   card->card_no, port->index);
1271 		/* Return descriptor to card */
1272 		FST_WRB(card, rxDescrRing[pi][rxp].bits, DMA_OWN);
1274 		rxp = (rxp+1) % NUM_RX_BUFFER;
1275 		port->rxpos = rxp;
1276 		return;
1277 	}
1279 	/* Check buffer length and for other errors. We insist on one packet
1280 	 * in one buffer. This simplifies things greatly and since we've
1281 	 * allocated 8K it shouldn't be a real world limitation
1282 	 */
1283 	dbg(DBG_RX, "intr_rx: %d,%d: flags %x len %d\n", pi, rxp, dmabits, len);
1284 	if (dmabits != (RX_STP | RX_ENP) || len > LEN_RX_BUFFER - 2) {
1285 		fst_log_rx_error(card, port, dmabits, rxp, len);
1286 		fst_recover_rx_error(card, port, dmabits, rxp, len);
1287 		return;
1288 	}
1290 	/* Allocate SKB */
1291 	if ((skb = dev_alloc_skb(len)) == NULL) {
1292 		dbg(DBG_RX, "intr_rx: can't allocate buffer\n");
1294 		stats->rx_dropped++;
1296 		/* Return descriptor to card */
1297 		FST_WRB(card, rxDescrRing[pi][rxp].bits, DMA_OWN);
1299 		rxp = (rxp+1) % NUM_RX_BUFFER;
1300 		port->rxpos = rxp;
1301 		return;
1302 	}
1304 	/*
1305 	 * We know the length we need to receive, len.
1306 	 * It's not worth using the DMA for reads of less than
1307 	 * FST_MIN_DMA_LEN
1308 	 */
1310 	if ((len < FST_MIN_DMA_LEN) || (card->family == FST_FAMILY_TXP)) {
1311 		memcpy_fromio(skb_put(skb, len),
1312 			      card->mem + BUF_OFFSET(rxBuffer[pi][rxp][0]),
1313 			      len);
1315 		/* Reset buffer descriptor */
1316 		FST_WRB(card, rxDescrRing[pi][rxp].bits, DMA_OWN);
1318 		/* Update stats */
1319 		stats->rx_packets++;
1320 		stats->rx_bytes += len;
1322 		/* Push upstream */
1323 		dbg(DBG_RX, "Pushing frame up the stack\n");
1324 		if (port->mode == FST_RAW)
1325 			skb->protocol = farsync_type_trans(skb, dev);
1326 		else
1327 			skb->protocol = hdlc_type_trans(skb, dev);
1328 		rx_status = netif_rx(skb);
1329 		fst_process_rx_status(rx_status, port_to_dev(port)->name);
1330 		if (rx_status == NET_RX_DROP) {
1331 			stats->rx_dropped++;
1332 		}
1333 		dev->last_rx = jiffies;
1334 	} else {
1335 		card->dma_skb_rx = skb;
1336 		card->dma_port_rx = port;
1337 		card->dma_len_rx = len;
1338 		card->dma_rxpos = rxp;
1339 		fst_rx_dma(card, (char *) card->rx_dma_handle_card,
1340 			   (char *) BUF_OFFSET(rxBuffer[pi][rxp][0]), len);
1341 	}
1342 	if (rxp != port->rxpos) {
1343 		dbg(DBG_ASS, "About to increment rxpos by more than 1\n");
1344 		dbg(DBG_ASS, "rxp = %d rxpos = %d\n", rxp, port->rxpos);
1345 	}
1346 	rxp = (rxp+1) % NUM_RX_BUFFER;
1347 	port->rxpos = rxp;
1348 }
1350 /*
1351  *      The bottom halfs to the ISR
1352  *
1353  */
1355 static void
1356 do_bottom_half_tx(struct fst_card_info *card)
1357 {
1358 	struct fst_port_info *port;
1359 	int pi;
1360 	int txq_length;
1361 	struct sk_buff *skb;
1362 	unsigned long flags;
1363 	struct net_device *dev;
1364 	struct net_device_stats *stats;
1366 	/*
1367 	 *  Find a free buffer for the transmit
1368 	 *  Step through each port on this card
1369 	 */
1371 	dbg(DBG_TX, "do_bottom_half_tx\n");
1372 	for (pi = 0, port = card->ports; pi < card->nports; pi++, port++) {
1373 		if (!port->run)
1374 			continue;
1376                 dev = port_to_dev(port);
1377                 stats = hdlc_stats(dev);
1378 		while (!
1379 		       (FST_RDB(card, txDescrRing[pi][port->txpos].bits) &
1380 			DMA_OWN)
1381                        && !(card->dmatx_in_progress)) {
1382 			/*
1383 			 * There doesn't seem to be a txdone event per-se
1384 			 * We seem to have to deduce it, by checking the DMA_OWN
1385 			 * bit on the next buffer we think we can use
1386 			 */
1387 			spin_lock_irqsave(&card->card_lock, flags);
1388 			if ((txq_length = port->txqe - port->txqs) < 0) {
1389 				/*
1390 				 * This is the case where one has wrapped and the
1391 				 * maths gives us a negative number
1392 				 */
1393 				txq_length = txq_length + FST_TXQ_DEPTH;
1394 			}
1395 			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->card_lock, flags);
1396 			if (txq_length > 0) {
1397 				/*
1398 				 * There is something to send
1399 				 */
1400 				spin_lock_irqsave(&card->card_lock, flags);
1401 				skb = port->txq[port->txqs];
1402 				port->txqs++;
1403 				if (port->txqs == FST_TXQ_DEPTH) {
1404 					port->txqs = 0;
1405 				}
1406 				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->card_lock, flags);
1407 				/*
1408 				 * copy the data and set the required indicators on the
1409 				 * card.
1410 				 */
1411 				FST_WRW(card, txDescrRing[pi][port->txpos].bcnt,
1412 					cnv_bcnt(skb->len));
1413 				if ((skb->len < FST_MIN_DMA_LEN)
1414 				    || (card->family == FST_FAMILY_TXP)) {
1415 					/* Enqueue the packet with normal io */
1416 					memcpy_toio(card->mem +
1417 						    BUF_OFFSET(txBuffer[pi]
1418 							       [port->
1419 								txpos][0]),
1420 						    skb->data, skb->len);
1421 					FST_WRB(card,
1422 						txDescrRing[pi][port->txpos].
1423 						bits,
1424 						DMA_OWN | TX_STP | TX_ENP);
1425 					stats->tx_packets++;
1426 					stats->tx_bytes += skb->len;
1427 					dev->trans_start = jiffies;
1428 				} else {
1429 					/* Or do it through dma */
1430 					memcpy(card->tx_dma_handle_host,
1431 					       skb->data, skb->len);
1432 					card->dma_port_tx = port;
1433 					card->dma_len_tx = skb->len;
1434 					card->dma_txpos = port->txpos;
1435 					fst_tx_dma(card,
1436 						   (char *) card->
1437 						   tx_dma_handle_card,
1438 						   (char *)
1439 						   BUF_OFFSET(txBuffer[pi]
1440 							      [port->txpos][0]),
1441 						   skb->len);
1442 				}
1443 				if (++port->txpos >= NUM_TX_BUFFER)
1444 					port->txpos = 0;
1445 				/*
1446 				 * If we have flow control on, can we now release it?
1447 				 */
1448 				if (port->start) {
1449 					if (txq_length < fst_txq_low) {
1450 						netif_wake_queue(port_to_dev
1451 								 (port));
1452 						port->start = 0;
1453 					}
1454 				}
1455 				dev_kfree_skb(skb);
1456 			} else {
1457 				/*
1458 				 * Nothing to send so break out of the while loop
1459 				 */
1460 				break;
1461 			}
1462 		}
1463 	}
1464 }
1466 static void
1467 do_bottom_half_rx(struct fst_card_info *card)
1468 {
1469 	struct fst_port_info *port;
1470 	int pi;
1471 	int rx_count = 0;
1473 	/* Check for rx completions on all ports on this card */
1474 	dbg(DBG_RX, "do_bottom_half_rx\n");
1475 	for (pi = 0, port = card->ports; pi < card->nports; pi++, port++) {
1476 		if (!port->run)
1477 			continue;
1479 		while (!(FST_RDB(card, rxDescrRing[pi][port->rxpos].bits)
1480 			 & DMA_OWN) && !(card->dmarx_in_progress)) {
1481 			if (rx_count > fst_max_reads) {
1482 				/*
1483 				 * Don't spend forever in receive processing
1484 				 * Schedule another event
1485 				 */
1486 				fst_q_work_item(&fst_work_intq, card->card_no);
1487 				tasklet_schedule(&fst_int_task);
1488 				break;	/* Leave the loop */
1489 			}
1490 			fst_intr_rx(card, port);
1491 			rx_count++;
1492 		}
1493 	}
1494 }
1496 /*
1497  *      The interrupt service routine
1498  *      Dev_id is our fst_card_info pointer
1499  */
1500 static irqreturn_t
1501 fst_intr(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
1502 {
1503 	struct fst_card_info *card;
1504 	struct fst_port_info *port;
1505 	int rdidx;		/* Event buffer indices */
1506 	int wridx;
1507 	int event;		/* Actual event for processing */
1508 	unsigned int dma_intcsr = 0;
1509 	unsigned int do_card_interrupt;
1510 	unsigned int int_retry_count;
1512 	if ((card = dev_id) == NULL) {
1513 		dbg(DBG_INTR, "intr: spurious %d\n", irq);
1514 		return IRQ_NONE;
1515 	}
1517 	/*
1518 	 * Check to see if the interrupt was for this card
1519 	 * return if not
1520 	 * Note that the call to clear the interrupt is important
1521 	 */
1522 	dbg(DBG_INTR, "intr: %d %p\n", irq, card);
1523 	if (card->state != FST_RUNNING) {
1524 		printk_err
1525 		    ("Interrupt received for card %d in a non running state (%d)\n",
1526 		     card->card_no, card->state);
1528 		/*
1529 		 * It is possible to really be running, i.e. we have re-loaded
1530 		 * a running card
1531 		 * Clear and reprime the interrupt source
1532 		 */
1533 		fst_clear_intr(card);
1534 		return IRQ_HANDLED;
1535 	}
1537 	/* Clear and reprime the interrupt source */
1538 	fst_clear_intr(card);
1540 	/*
1541 	 * Is the interrupt for this card (handshake == 1)
1542 	 */
1543 	do_card_interrupt = 0;
1544 	if (FST_RDB(card, interruptHandshake) == 1) {
1545 		do_card_interrupt += FST_CARD_INT;
1546 		/* Set the software acknowledge */
1547 		FST_WRB(card, interruptHandshake, 0xEE);
1548 	}
1549 	if (card->family == FST_FAMILY_TXU) {
1550 		/*
1551 		 * Is it a DMA Interrupt
1552 		 */
1553 		dma_intcsr = inl(card->pci_conf + INTCSR_9054);
1554 		if (dma_intcsr & 0x00200000) {
1555 			/*
1556 			 * DMA Channel 0 (Rx transfer complete)
1557 			 */
1558 			dbg(DBG_RX, "DMA Rx xfer complete\n");
1559 			outb(0x8, card->pci_conf + DMACSR0);
1560 			fst_rx_dma_complete(card, card->dma_port_rx,
1561 					    card->dma_len_rx, card->dma_skb_rx,
1562 					    card->dma_rxpos);
1563 			card->dmarx_in_progress = 0;
1564 			do_card_interrupt += FST_RX_DMA_INT;
1565 		}
1566 		if (dma_intcsr & 0x00400000) {
1567 			/*
1568 			 * DMA Channel 1 (Tx transfer complete)
1569 			 */
1570 			dbg(DBG_TX, "DMA Tx xfer complete\n");
1571 			outb(0x8, card->pci_conf + DMACSR1);
1572 			fst_tx_dma_complete(card, card->dma_port_tx,
1573 					    card->dma_len_tx, card->dma_txpos);
1574 			card->dmatx_in_progress = 0;
1575 			do_card_interrupt += FST_TX_DMA_INT;
1576 		}
1577 	}
1579 	/*
1580 	 * Have we been missing Interrupts
1581 	 */
1582 	int_retry_count = FST_RDL(card, interruptRetryCount);
1583 	if (int_retry_count) {
1584 		dbg(DBG_ASS, "Card %d int_retry_count is  %d\n",
1585 		    card->card_no, int_retry_count);
1586 		FST_WRL(card, interruptRetryCount, 0);
1587 	}
1589 	if (!do_card_interrupt) {
1590 		return IRQ_HANDLED;
1591 	}
1593 	/* Scehdule the bottom half of the ISR */
1594 	fst_q_work_item(&fst_work_intq, card->card_no);
1595 	tasklet_schedule(&fst_int_task);
1597 	/* Drain the event queue */
1598 	rdidx = FST_RDB(card, interruptEvent.rdindex) & 0x1f;
1599 	wridx = FST_RDB(card, interruptEvent.wrindex) & 0x1f;
1600 	while (rdidx != wridx) {
1601 		event = FST_RDB(card, interruptEvent.evntbuff[rdidx]);
1602 		port = &card->ports[event & 0x03];
1604 		dbg(DBG_INTR, "Processing Interrupt event: %x\n", event);
1606 		switch (event) {
1607 		case TE1_ALMA:
1608 			dbg(DBG_INTR, "TE1 Alarm intr\n");
1609 			if (port->run)
1610 				fst_intr_te1_alarm(card, port);
1611 			break;
1613 		case CTLA_CHG:
1614 		case CTLB_CHG:
1615 		case CTLC_CHG:
1616 		case CTLD_CHG:
1617 			if (port->run)
1618 				fst_intr_ctlchg(card, port);
1619 			break;
1621 		case ABTA_SENT:
1622 		case ABTB_SENT:
1623 		case ABTC_SENT:
1624 		case ABTD_SENT:
1625 			dbg(DBG_TX, "Abort complete port %d\n", port->index);
1626 			break;
1628 		case TXA_UNDF:
1629 		case TXB_UNDF:
1630 		case TXC_UNDF:
1631 		case TXD_UNDF:
1632 			/* Difficult to see how we'd get this given that we
1633 			 * always load up the entire packet for DMA.
1634 			 */
1635 			dbg(DBG_TX, "Tx underflow port %d\n", port->index);
1636                         hdlc_stats(port_to_dev(port))->tx_errors++;
1637                         hdlc_stats(port_to_dev(port))->tx_fifo_errors++;
1638 			dbg(DBG_ASS, "Tx underflow on card %d port %d\n",
1639 			    card->card_no, port->index);
1640 			break;
1642 		case INIT_CPLT:
1643 			dbg(DBG_INIT, "Card init OK intr\n");
1644 			break;
1646 		case INIT_FAIL:
1647 			dbg(DBG_INIT, "Card init FAILED intr\n");
1648 			card->state = FST_IFAILED;
1649 			break;
1651 		default:
1652 			printk_err("intr: unknown card event %d. ignored\n",
1653 				   event);
1654 			break;
1655 		}
1657 		/* Bump and wrap the index */
1658 		if (++rdidx >= MAX_CIRBUFF)
1659 			rdidx = 0;
1660 	}
1661 	FST_WRB(card, interruptEvent.rdindex, rdidx);
1662         return IRQ_HANDLED;
1663 }
1665 /*      Check that the shared memory configuration is one that we can handle
1666  *      and that some basic parameters are correct
1667  */
1668 static void
1669 check_started_ok(struct fst_card_info *card)
1670 {
1671 	int i;
1673 	/* Check structure version and end marker */
1674 	if (FST_RDW(card, smcVersion) != SMC_VERSION) {
1675 		printk_err("Bad shared memory version %d expected %d\n",
1676 			   FST_RDW(card, smcVersion), SMC_VERSION);
1677 		card->state = FST_BADVERSION;
1678 		return;
1679 	}
1680 	if (FST_RDL(card, endOfSmcSignature) != END_SIG) {
1681 		printk_err("Missing shared memory signature\n");
1682 		card->state = FST_BADVERSION;
1683 		return;
1684 	}
1685 	/* Firmware status flag, 0x00 = initialising, 0x01 = OK, 0xFF = fail */
1686 	if ((i = FST_RDB(card, taskStatus)) == 0x01) {
1687 		card->state = FST_RUNNING;
1688 	} else if (i == 0xFF) {
1689 		printk_err("Firmware initialisation failed. Card halted\n");
1690 		card->state = FST_HALTED;
1691 		return;
1692 	} else if (i != 0x00) {
1693 		printk_err("Unknown firmware status 0x%x\n", i);
1694 		card->state = FST_HALTED;
1695 		return;
1696 	}
1698 	/* Finally check the number of ports reported by firmware against the
1699 	 * number we assumed at card detection. Should never happen with
1700 	 * existing firmware etc so we just report it for the moment.
1701 	 */
1702 	if (FST_RDL(card, numberOfPorts) != card->nports) {
1703 		printk_warn("Port count mismatch on card %d."
1704 			    " Firmware thinks %d we say %d\n", card->card_no,
1705 			    FST_RDL(card, numberOfPorts), card->nports);
1706 	}
1707 }
1709 static int
1710 set_conf_from_info(struct fst_card_info *card, struct fst_port_info *port,
1711 		   struct fstioc_info *info)
1712 {
1713 	int err;
1714 	unsigned char my_framing;
1716 	/* Set things according to the user set valid flags
1717 	 * Several of the old options have been invalidated/replaced by the
1718 	 * generic hdlc package.
1719 	 */
1720 	err = 0;
1721 	if (info->valid & FSTVAL_PROTO) {
1722 		if (info->proto == FST_RAW)
1723 			port->mode = FST_RAW;
1724 		else
1725 			port->mode = FST_GEN_HDLC;
1726 	}
1728 	if (info->valid & FSTVAL_CABLE)
1729 		err = -EINVAL;
1731 	if (info->valid & FSTVAL_SPEED)
1732 		err = -EINVAL;
1734 	if (info->valid & FSTVAL_PHASE)
1735 		FST_WRB(card, portConfig[port->index].invertClock,
1736 			info->invertClock);
1737 	if (info->valid & FSTVAL_MODE)
1738 		FST_WRW(card, cardMode, info->cardMode);
1739 	if (info->valid & FSTVAL_TE1) {
1740 		FST_WRL(card, suConfig.dataRate, info->lineSpeed);
1741 		FST_WRB(card, suConfig.clocking, info->clockSource);
1742 		my_framing = FRAMING_E1;
1743 		if (info->framing == E1)
1744 			my_framing = FRAMING_E1;
1745 		if (info->framing == T1)
1746 			my_framing = FRAMING_T1;
1747 		if (info->framing == J1)
1748 			my_framing = FRAMING_J1;
1749 		FST_WRB(card, suConfig.framing, my_framing);
1750 		FST_WRB(card, suConfig.structure, info->structure);
1751 		FST_WRB(card, suConfig.interface, info->interface);
1752 		FST_WRB(card, suConfig.coding, info->coding);
1753 		FST_WRB(card, suConfig.lineBuildOut, info->lineBuildOut);
1754 		FST_WRB(card, suConfig.equalizer, info->equalizer);
1755 		FST_WRB(card, suConfig.transparentMode, info->transparentMode);
1756 		FST_WRB(card, suConfig.loopMode, info->loopMode);
1757 		FST_WRB(card, suConfig.range, info->range);
1758 		FST_WRB(card, suConfig.txBufferMode, info->txBufferMode);
1759 		FST_WRB(card, suConfig.rxBufferMode, info->rxBufferMode);
1760 		FST_WRB(card, suConfig.startingSlot, info->startingSlot);
1761 		FST_WRB(card, suConfig.losThreshold, info->losThreshold);
1762 		if (info->idleCode)
1763 			FST_WRB(card, suConfig.enableIdleCode, 1);
1764 		else
1765 			FST_WRB(card, suConfig.enableIdleCode, 0);
1766 		FST_WRB(card, suConfig.idleCode, info->idleCode);
1767 #if FST_DEBUG
1768 		if (info->valid & FSTVAL_TE1) {
1769 			printk("Setting TE1 data\n");
1770 			printk("Line Speed = %d\n", info->lineSpeed);
1771 			printk("Start slot = %d\n", info->startingSlot);
1772 			printk("Clock source = %d\n", info->clockSource);
1773 			printk("Framing = %d\n", my_framing);
1774 			printk("Structure = %d\n", info->structure);
1775 			printk("interface = %d\n", info->interface);
1776 			printk("Coding = %d\n", info->coding);
1777 			printk("Line build out = %d\n", info->lineBuildOut);
1778 			printk("Equaliser = %d\n", info->equalizer);
1779 			printk("Transparent mode = %d\n",
1780 			       info->transparentMode);
1781 			printk("Loop mode = %d\n", info->loopMode);
1782 			printk("Range = %d\n", info->range);
1783 			printk("Tx Buffer mode = %d\n", info->txBufferMode);
1784 			printk("Rx Buffer mode = %d\n", info->rxBufferMode);
1785 			printk("LOS Threshold = %d\n", info->losThreshold);
1786 			printk("Idle Code = %d\n", info->idleCode);
1787 		}
1788 #endif
1789 	}
1790 #if FST_DEBUG
1791 	if (info->valid & FSTVAL_DEBUG) {
1792 		fst_debug_mask = info->debug;
1793 	}
1794 #endif
1796 	return err;
1797 }
1799 static void
1800 gather_conf_info(struct fst_card_info *card, struct fst_port_info *port,
1801 		 struct fstioc_info *info)
1802 {
1803 	int i;
1805 	memset(info, 0, sizeof (struct fstioc_info));
1807 	i = port->index;
1808 	info->kernelVersion = LINUX_VERSION_CODE;
1809 	info->nports = card->nports;
1810 	info->type = card->type;
1811 	info->state = card->state;
1812 	info->proto = FST_GEN_HDLC;
1813 	info->index = i;
1814 #if FST_DEBUG
1815 	info->debug = fst_debug_mask;
1816 #endif
1818 	/* Only mark information as valid if card is running.
1819 	 * Copy the data anyway in case it is useful for diagnostics
1820 	 */
1821 	info->valid = ((card->state == FST_RUNNING) ? FSTVAL_ALL : FSTVAL_CARD)
1822 #if FST_DEBUG
1823 	    | FSTVAL_DEBUG
1824 #endif
1825 	    ;
1827 	info->lineInterface = FST_RDW(card, portConfig[i].lineInterface);
1828 	info->internalClock = FST_RDB(card, portConfig[i].internalClock);
1829 	info->lineSpeed = FST_RDL(card, portConfig[i].lineSpeed);
1830 	info->invertClock = FST_RDB(card, portConfig[i].invertClock);
1831 	info->v24IpSts = FST_RDL(card, v24IpSts[i]);
1832 	info->v24OpSts = FST_RDL(card, v24OpSts[i]);
1833 	info->clockStatus = FST_RDW(card, clockStatus[i]);
1834 	info->cableStatus = FST_RDW(card, cableStatus);
1835 	info->cardMode = FST_RDW(card, cardMode);
1836 	info->smcFirmwareVersion = FST_RDL(card, smcFirmwareVersion);
1838 	/*
1839 	 * The T2U can report cable presence for both A or B
1840 	 * in bits 0 and 1 of cableStatus.  See which port we are and
1841 	 * do the mapping.
1842 	 */
1843 	if (card->family == FST_FAMILY_TXU) {
1844 		if (port->index == 0) {
1845 			/*
1846 			 * Port A
1847 			 */
1848 			info->cableStatus = info->cableStatus & 1;
1849 		} else {
1850 			/*
1851 			 * Port B
1852 			 */
1853 			info->cableStatus = info->cableStatus >> 1;
1854 			info->cableStatus = info->cableStatus & 1;
1855 		}
1856 	}
1857 	/*
1858 	 * Some additional bits if we are TE1
1859 	 */
1860 	if (card->type == FST_TYPE_TE1) {
1861 		info->lineSpeed = FST_RDL(card, suConfig.dataRate);
1862 		info->clockSource = FST_RDB(card, suConfig.clocking);
1863 		info->framing = FST_RDB(card, suConfig.framing);
1864 		info->structure = FST_RDB(card, suConfig.structure);
1865 		info->interface = FST_RDB(card, suConfig.interface);
1866 		info->coding = FST_RDB(card, suConfig.coding);
1867 		info->lineBuildOut = FST_RDB(card, suConfig.lineBuildOut);
1868 		info->equalizer = FST_RDB(card, suConfig.equalizer);
1869 		info->loopMode = FST_RDB(card, suConfig.loopMode);
1870 		info->range = FST_RDB(card, suConfig.range);
1871 		info->txBufferMode = FST_RDB(card, suConfig.txBufferMode);
1872 		info->rxBufferMode = FST_RDB(card, suConfig.rxBufferMode);
1873 		info->startingSlot = FST_RDB(card, suConfig.startingSlot);
1874 		info->losThreshold = FST_RDB(card, suConfig.losThreshold);
1875 		if (FST_RDB(card, suConfig.enableIdleCode))
1876 			info->idleCode = FST_RDB(card, suConfig.idleCode);
1877 		else
1878 			info->idleCode = 0;
1879 		info->receiveBufferDelay =
1880 		    FST_RDL(card, suStatus.receiveBufferDelay);
1881 		info->framingErrorCount =
1882 		    FST_RDL(card, suStatus.framingErrorCount);
1883 		info->codeViolationCount =
1884 		    FST_RDL(card, suStatus.codeViolationCount);
1885 		info->crcErrorCount = FST_RDL(card, suStatus.crcErrorCount);
1886 		info->lineAttenuation = FST_RDL(card, suStatus.lineAttenuation);
1887 		info->lossOfSignal = FST_RDB(card, suStatus.lossOfSignal);
1888 		info->receiveRemoteAlarm =
1889 		    FST_RDB(card, suStatus.receiveRemoteAlarm);
1890 		info->alarmIndicationSignal =
1891 		    FST_RDB(card, suStatus.alarmIndicationSignal);
1892 	}
1893 }
1895 static int
1896 fst_set_iface(struct fst_card_info *card, struct fst_port_info *port,
1897 	      struct ifreq *ifr)
1898 {
1899 	sync_serial_settings sync;
1900 	int i;
1902 	if (ifr->ifr_settings.size != sizeof (sync)) {
1903 		return -ENOMEM;
1904 	}
1906 	if (copy_from_user
1907 	    (&sync, ifr->ifr_settings.ifs_ifsu.sync, sizeof (sync))) {
1908 		return -EFAULT;
1909 	}
1911 	if (sync.loopback)
1912 		return -EINVAL;
1914 	i = port->index;
1916 	switch (ifr->ifr_settings.type) {
1917 	case IF_IFACE_V35:
1918 		FST_WRW(card, portConfig[i].lineInterface, V35);
1919 		port->hwif = V35;
1920 		break;
1922 	case IF_IFACE_V24:
1923 		FST_WRW(card, portConfig[i].lineInterface, V24);
1924 		port->hwif = V24;
1925 		break;
1927 	case IF_IFACE_X21:
1928 		FST_WRW(card, portConfig[i].lineInterface, X21);
1929 		port->hwif = X21;
1930 		break;
1932 	case IF_IFACE_X21D:
1933 		FST_WRW(card, portConfig[i].lineInterface, X21D);
1934 		port->hwif = X21D;
1935 		break;
1937 	case IF_IFACE_T1:
1938 		FST_WRW(card, portConfig[i].lineInterface, T1);
1939 		port->hwif = T1;
1940 		break;
1942 	case IF_IFACE_E1:
1943 		FST_WRW(card, portConfig[i].lineInterface, E1);
1944 		port->hwif = E1;
1945 		break;
1948 		break;
1950 	default:
1951 		return -EINVAL;
1952 	}
1954 	switch (sync.clock_type) {
1955 	case CLOCK_EXT:
1956 		FST_WRB(card, portConfig[i].internalClock, EXTCLK);
1957 		break;
1959 	case CLOCK_INT:
1960 		FST_WRB(card, portConfig[i].internalClock, INTCLK);
1961 		break;
1963 	default:
1964 		return -EINVAL;
1965 	}
1966 	FST_WRL(card, portConfig[i].lineSpeed, sync.clock_rate);
1967 	return 0;
1968 }
1970 static int
1971 fst_get_iface(struct fst_card_info *card, struct fst_port_info *port,
1972 	      struct ifreq *ifr)
1973 {
1974 	sync_serial_settings sync;
1975 	int i;
1977 	/* First check what line type is set, we'll default to reporting X.21
1978 	 * if nothing is set as IF_IFACE_SYNC_SERIAL implies it can't be
1979 	 * changed
1980 	 */
1981 	switch (port->hwif) {
1982 	case E1:
1983 		ifr->ifr_settings.type = IF_IFACE_E1;
1984 		break;
1985 	case T1:
1986 		ifr->ifr_settings.type = IF_IFACE_T1;
1987 		break;
1988 	case V35:
1989 		ifr->ifr_settings.type = IF_IFACE_V35;
1990 		break;
1991 	case V24:
1992 		ifr->ifr_settings.type = IF_IFACE_V24;
1993 		break;
1994 	case X21D:
1995 		ifr->ifr_settings.type = IF_IFACE_X21D;
1996 		break;
1997 	case X21:
1998 	default:
1999 		ifr->ifr_settings.type = IF_IFACE_X21;
2000 		break;
2001 	}
2002 	if (ifr->ifr_settings.size == 0) {
2003 		return 0;	/* only type requested */
2004 	}
2005 	if (ifr->ifr_settings.size < sizeof (sync)) {
2006 		return -ENOMEM;
2007 	}
2009 	i = port->index;
2010 	sync.clock_rate = FST_RDL(card, portConfig[i].lineSpeed);
2011 	/* Lucky card and linux use same encoding here */
2012 	sync.clock_type = FST_RDB(card, portConfig[i].internalClock) ==
2014 	sync.loopback = 0;
2016 	if (copy_to_user(ifr->ifr_settings.ifs_ifsu.sync, &sync, sizeof (sync))) {
2017 		return -EFAULT;
2018 	}
2020 	ifr->ifr_settings.size = sizeof (sync);
2021 	return 0;
2022 }
2024 static int
2025 fst_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd)
2026 {
2027 	struct fst_card_info *card;
2028 	struct fst_port_info *port;
2029 	struct fstioc_write wrthdr;
2030 	struct fstioc_info info;
2031 	unsigned long flags;
2033 	dbg(DBG_IOCTL, "ioctl: %x, %p\n", cmd, ifr->ifr_data);
2035 	port = dev_to_port(dev);
2036 	card = port->card;
2038 	if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
2039 		return -EPERM;
2041 	switch (cmd) {
2042 	case FSTCPURESET:
2043 		fst_cpureset(card);
2044 		card->state = FST_RESET;
2045 		return 0;
2048 		fst_cpurelease(card);
2049 		card->state = FST_STARTING;
2050 		return 0;
2052 	case FSTWRITE:		/* Code write (download) */
2054 		/* First copy in the header with the length and offset of data
2055 		 * to write
2056 		 */
2057 		if (ifr->ifr_data == NULL) {
2058 			return -EINVAL;
2059 		}
2060 		if (copy_from_user(&wrthdr, ifr->ifr_data,
2061 				   sizeof (struct fstioc_write))) {
2062 			return -EFAULT;
2063 		}
2065 		/* Sanity check the parameters. We don't support partial writes
2066 		 * when going over the top
2067 		 */
2068 		if (wrthdr.size > FST_MEMSIZE || wrthdr.offset > FST_MEMSIZE
2069 		    || wrthdr.size + wrthdr.offset > FST_MEMSIZE) {
2070 			return -ENXIO;
2071 		}
2073 		/* Now copy the data to the card.
2074 		 * This will probably break on some architectures.
2075 		 * I'll fix it when I have something to test on.
2076 		 */
2077 		if (copy_from_user(card->mem + wrthdr.offset,
2078 				   ifr->ifr_data + sizeof (struct fstioc_write),
2079 				   wrthdr.size)) {
2080 			return -EFAULT;
2081 		}
2083 		/* Writes to the memory of a card in the reset state constitute
2084 		 * a download
2085 		 */
2086 		if (card->state == FST_RESET) {
2087 			card->state = FST_DOWNLOAD;
2088 		}
2089 		return 0;
2091 	case FSTGETCONF:
2093 		/* If card has just been started check the shared memory config
2094 		 * version and marker
2095 		 */
2096 		if (card->state == FST_STARTING) {
2097 			check_started_ok(card);
2099 			/* If everything checked out enable card interrupts */
2100 			if (card->state == FST_RUNNING) {
2101 				spin_lock_irqsave(&card->card_lock, flags);
2102 				fst_enable_intr(card);
2103 				FST_WRB(card, interruptHandshake, 0xEE);
2104 				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->card_lock, flags);
2105 			}
2106 		}
2108 		if (ifr->ifr_data == NULL) {
2109 			return -EINVAL;
2110 		}
2112 		gather_conf_info(card, port, &info);
2114 		if (copy_to_user(ifr->ifr_data, &info, sizeof (info))) {
2115 			return -EFAULT;
2116 		}
2117 		return 0;
2119 	case FSTSETCONF:
2121 		/*
2122 		 * Most of the settings have been moved to the generic ioctls
2123 		 * this just covers debug and board ident now
2124 		 */
2126 		if (card->state != FST_RUNNING) {
2127 			printk_err
2128 			    ("Attempt to configure card %d in non-running state (%d)\n",
2129 			     card->card_no, card->state);
2130 			return -EIO;
2131 		}
2132 		if (copy_from_user(&info, ifr->ifr_data, sizeof (info))) {
2133 			return -EFAULT;
2134 		}
2136 		return set_conf_from_info(card, port, &info);
2138 	case SIOCWANDEV:
2139 		switch (ifr->ifr_settings.type) {
2140 		case IF_GET_IFACE:
2141 			return fst_get_iface(card, port, ifr);
2144 		case IF_IFACE_V35:
2145 		case IF_IFACE_V24:
2146 		case IF_IFACE_X21:
2147 		case IF_IFACE_X21D:
2148 		case IF_IFACE_T1:
2149 		case IF_IFACE_E1:
2150 			return fst_set_iface(card, port, ifr);
2152 		case IF_PROTO_RAW:
2153 			port->mode = FST_RAW;
2154 			return 0;
2156 		case IF_GET_PROTO:
2157 			if (port->mode == FST_RAW) {
2158 				ifr->ifr_settings.type = IF_PROTO_RAW;
2159 				return 0;
2160 			}
2161 			return hdlc_ioctl(dev, ifr, cmd);
2163 		default:
2164 			port->mode = FST_GEN_HDLC;
2165 			dbg(DBG_IOCTL, "Passing this type to hdlc %x\n",
2166 			    ifr->ifr_settings.type);
2167 			return hdlc_ioctl(dev, ifr, cmd);
2168 		}
2170 	default:
2171 		/* Not one of ours. Pass through to HDLC package */
2172 		return hdlc_ioctl(dev, ifr, cmd);
2173 	}
2174 }
2176 static void
2177 fst_openport(struct fst_port_info *port)
2178 {
2179 	int signals;
2180 	int txq_length;
2182 	/* Only init things if card is actually running. This allows open to
2183 	 * succeed for downloads etc.
2184 	 */
2185 	if (port->card->state == FST_RUNNING) {
2186 		if (port->run) {
2187 			dbg(DBG_OPEN, "open: found port already running\n");
2189 			fst_issue_cmd(port, STOPPORT);
2190 			port->run = 0;
2191 		}
2193 		fst_rx_config(port);
2194 		fst_tx_config(port);
2195 		fst_op_raise(port, OPSTS_RTS | OPSTS_DTR);
2197 		fst_issue_cmd(port, STARTPORT);
2198 		port->run = 1;
2200 		signals = FST_RDL(port->card, v24DebouncedSts[port->index]);
2201 		if (signals & (((port->hwif == X21) || (port->hwif == X21D))
2202 			       ? IPSTS_INDICATE : IPSTS_DCD))
2203 			netif_carrier_on(port_to_dev(port));
2204 		else
2205 			netif_carrier_off(port_to_dev(port));
2207 		txq_length = port->txqe - port->txqs;
2208 		port->txqe = 0;
2209 		port->txqs = 0;
2210 	}
2212 }
2214 static void
2215 fst_closeport(struct fst_port_info *port)
2216 {
2217 	if (port->card->state == FST_RUNNING) {
2218 		if (port->run) {
2219 			port->run = 0;
2220 			fst_op_lower(port, OPSTS_RTS | OPSTS_DTR);
2222 			fst_issue_cmd(port, STOPPORT);
2223 		} else {
2224 			dbg(DBG_OPEN, "close: port not running\n");
2225 		}
2226 	}
2227 }
2229 static int
2230 fst_open(struct net_device *dev)
2231 {
2232 	int err;
2233 	struct fst_port_info *port;
2235 	port = dev_to_port(dev);
2236 	if (!try_module_get(THIS_MODULE))
2237           return -EBUSY;
2239 	if (port->mode != FST_RAW) {
2240 		err = hdlc_open(dev);
2241 		if (err)
2242 			return err;
2243 	}
2245 	fst_openport(port);
2246 	netif_wake_queue(dev);
2247 	return 0;
2248 }
2250 static int
2251 fst_close(struct net_device *dev)
2252 {
2253 	struct fst_port_info *port;
2254 	struct fst_card_info *card;
2255 	unsigned char tx_dma_done;
2256 	unsigned char rx_dma_done;
2258 	port = dev_to_port(dev);
2259 	card = port->card;
2261 	tx_dma_done = inb(card->pci_conf + DMACSR1);
2262 	rx_dma_done = inb(card->pci_conf + DMACSR0);
2263 	dbg(DBG_OPEN,
2264 	    "Port Close: tx_dma_in_progress = %d (%x) rx_dma_in_progress = %d (%x)\n",
2265 	    card->dmatx_in_progress, tx_dma_done, card->dmarx_in_progress,
2266 	    rx_dma_done);
2268 	netif_stop_queue(dev);
2269 	fst_closeport(dev_to_port(dev));
2270 	if (port->mode != FST_RAW) {
2271 		hdlc_close(dev);
2272 	}
2273 	module_put(THIS_MODULE);
2274 	return 0;
2275 }
2277 static int
2278 fst_attach(struct net_device *dev, unsigned short encoding, unsigned short parity)
2279 {
2280 	/*
2281 	 * Setting currently fixed in FarSync card so we check and forget
2282 	 */
2283 	if (encoding != ENCODING_NRZ || parity != PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT)
2284 		return -EINVAL;
2285 	return 0;
2286 }
2288 static void
2289 fst_tx_timeout(struct net_device *dev)
2290 {
2291 	struct fst_port_info *port;
2292 	struct fst_card_info *card;
2293 	struct net_device_stats *stats = hdlc_stats(dev);
2295 	port = dev_to_port(dev);
2296 	card = port->card;
2297 	stats->tx_errors++;
2298 	stats->tx_aborted_errors++;
2299 	dbg(DBG_ASS, "Tx timeout card %d port %d\n",
2300 	    card->card_no, port->index);
2301 	fst_issue_cmd(port, ABORTTX);
2303 	dev->trans_start = jiffies;
2304 	netif_wake_queue(dev);
2305 	port->start = 0;
2306 }
2308 static int
2309 fst_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev)
2310 {
2311 	struct fst_card_info *card;
2312 	struct fst_port_info *port;
2313 	struct net_device_stats *stats = hdlc_stats(dev);
2314 	unsigned long flags;
2315 	int txq_length;
2317 	port = dev_to_port(dev);
2318 	card = port->card;
2319 	dbg(DBG_TX, "fst_start_xmit: length = %d\n", skb->len);
2321 	/* Drop packet with error if we don't have carrier */
2322 	if (!netif_carrier_ok(dev)) {
2323 		dev_kfree_skb(skb);
2324 		stats->tx_errors++;
2325 		stats->tx_carrier_errors++;
2326 		dbg(DBG_ASS,
2327 		    "Tried to transmit but no carrier on card %d port %d\n",
2328 		    card->card_no, port->index);
2329 		return 0;
2330 	}
2332 	/* Drop it if it's too big! MTU failure ? */
2333 	if (skb->len > LEN_TX_BUFFER) {
2334 		dbg(DBG_ASS, "Packet too large %d vs %d\n", skb->len,
2335 		    LEN_TX_BUFFER);
2336 		dev_kfree_skb(skb);
2337 		stats->tx_errors++;
2338 		return 0;
2339 	}
2341 	/*
2342 	 * We are always going to queue the packet
2343 	 * so that the bottom half is the only place we tx from
2344 	 * Check there is room in the port txq
2345 	 */
2346 	spin_lock_irqsave(&card->card_lock, flags);
2347 	if ((txq_length = port->txqe - port->txqs) < 0) {
2348 		/*
2349 		 * This is the case where the next free has wrapped but the
2350 		 * last used hasn't
2351 		 */
2352 		txq_length = txq_length + FST_TXQ_DEPTH;
2353 	}
2354 	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->card_lock, flags);
2355 	if (txq_length > fst_txq_high) {
2356 		/*
2357 		 * We have got enough buffers in the pipeline.  Ask the network
2358 		 * layer to stop sending frames down
2359 		 */
2360 		netif_stop_queue(dev);
2361 		port->start = 1;	/* I'm using this to signal stop sent up */
2362 	}
2364 	if (txq_length == FST_TXQ_DEPTH - 1) {
2365 		/*
2366 		 * This shouldn't have happened but such is life
2367 		 */
2368 		dev_kfree_skb(skb);
2369 		stats->tx_errors++;
2370 		dbg(DBG_ASS, "Tx queue overflow card %d port %d\n",
2371 		    card->card_no, port->index);
2372 		return 0;
2373 	}
2375 	/*
2376 	 * queue the buffer
2377 	 */
2378 	spin_lock_irqsave(&card->card_lock, flags);
2379 	port->txq[port->txqe] = skb;
2380 	port->txqe++;
2381 	if (port->txqe == FST_TXQ_DEPTH)
2382 		port->txqe = 0;
2383 	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->card_lock, flags);
2385 	/* Scehdule the bottom half which now does transmit processing */
2386 	fst_q_work_item(&fst_work_txq, card->card_no);
2387 	tasklet_schedule(&fst_tx_task);
2389 	return 0;
2390 }
2392 /*
2393  *      Card setup having checked hardware resources.
2394  *      Should be pretty bizarre if we get an error here (kernel memory
2395  *      exhaustion is one possibility). If we do see a problem we report it
2396  *      via a printk and leave the corresponding interface and all that follow
2397  *      disabled.
2398  */
2399 static char *type_strings[] __devinitdata = {
2400 	"no hardware",		/* Should never be seen */
2401 	"FarSync T2P",
2402 	"FarSync T4P",
2403 	"FarSync T1U",
2404 	"FarSync T2U",
2405 	"FarSync T4U",
2406 	"FarSync TE1"
2407 };
2409 static void __devinit
2410 fst_init_card(struct fst_card_info *card)
2411 {
2412 	int i;
2413 	int err;
2415 	/* We're working on a number of ports based on the card ID. If the
2416 	 * firmware detects something different later (should never happen)
2417 	 * we'll have to revise it in some way then.
2418 	 */
2419 	for (i = 0; i < card->nports; i++) {
2420                 err = register_hdlc_device(card->ports[i].dev);
2421                 if (err < 0) {
2422 			int j;
2423                         printk_err ("Cannot register HDLC device for port %d"
2424                                     " (errno %d)\n", i, -err );
2425 			for (j = i; j < card->nports; j++) {
2426 				free_netdev(card->ports[j].dev);
2427 				card->ports[j].dev = NULL;
2428 			}
2429                         card->nports = i;
2430                         break;
2431                 }
2432 	}
2434 	printk_info("%s-%s: %s IRQ%d, %d ports\n",
2435 	       port_to_dev(&card->ports[0])->name,
2436 	       port_to_dev(&card->ports[card->nports - 1])->name,
2437 	       type_strings[card->type], card->irq, card->nports);
2438 }
2440 /*
2441  *      Initialise card when detected.
2442  *      Returns 0 to indicate success, or errno otherwise.
2443  */
2444 static int __devinit
2445 fst_add_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent)
2446 {
2447 	static int firsttime_done = 0;
2448 	static int no_of_cards_added = 0;
2449 	struct fst_card_info *card;
2450 	int err = 0;
2451 	int i;
2453 	if (!firsttime_done) {
2454 		printk_info("FarSync WAN driver " FST_USER_VERSION
2455 		       " (c) 2001-2004 FarSite Communications Ltd.\n");
2456 		firsttime_done = 1;
2457 		dbg(DBG_ASS, "The value of debug mask is %x\n", fst_debug_mask);
2458 	}
2460 	/*
2461 	 * We are going to be clever and allow certain cards not to be
2462 	 * configured.  An exclude list can be provided in /etc/modules.conf
2463 	 */
2464 	if (fst_excluded_cards != 0) {
2465 		/*
2466 		 * There are cards to exclude
2467 		 *
2468 		 */
2469 		for (i = 0; i < fst_excluded_cards; i++) {
2470 			if ((pdev->devfn) >> 3 == fst_excluded_list[i]) {
2471 				printk_info("FarSync PCI device %d not assigned\n",
2472 				       (pdev->devfn) >> 3);
2473 				return -EBUSY;
2474 			}
2475 		}
2476 	}
2478 	/* Allocate driver private data */
2479 	card = kmalloc(sizeof (struct fst_card_info), GFP_KERNEL);
2480 	if (card == NULL) {
2481 		printk_err("FarSync card found but insufficient memory for"
2482 			   " driver storage\n");
2483 		return -ENOMEM;
2484 	}
2485 	memset(card, 0, sizeof (struct fst_card_info));
2487 	/* Try to enable the device */
2488 	if ((err = pci_enable_device(pdev)) != 0) {
2489 		printk_err("Failed to enable card. Err %d\n", -err);
2490 		kfree(card);
2491 		return err;
2492 	}
2494 	if ((err = pci_request_regions(pdev, "FarSync")) !=0) {
2495 	        printk_err("Failed to allocate regions. Err %d\n", -err);
2496 		pci_disable_device(pdev);
2497 		kfree(card);
2498 	        return err;
2499 	}
2501 	/* Get virtual addresses of memory regions */
2502 	card->pci_conf = pci_resource_start(pdev, 1);
2503 	card->phys_mem = pci_resource_start(pdev, 2);
2504 	card->phys_ctlmem = pci_resource_start(pdev, 3);
2505 	if ((card->mem = ioremap(card->phys_mem, FST_MEMSIZE)) == NULL) {
2506 		printk_err("Physical memory remap failed\n");
2507 		pci_release_regions(pdev);
2508 		pci_disable_device(pdev);
2509 		kfree(card);
2510 		return -ENODEV;
2511 	}
2512 	if ((card->ctlmem = ioremap(card->phys_ctlmem, 0x10)) == NULL) {
2513 		printk_err("Control memory remap failed\n");
2514 		pci_release_regions(pdev);
2515 		pci_disable_device(pdev);
2516 		kfree(card);
2517 		return -ENODEV;
2518 	}
2519 	dbg(DBG_PCI, "kernel mem %p, ctlmem %p\n", card->mem, card->ctlmem);
2521 	/* Register the interrupt handler */
2522 	if (request_irq(pdev->irq, fst_intr, SA_SHIRQ, FST_DEV_NAME, card)) {
2523 		printk_err("Unable to register interrupt %d\n", card->irq);
2524 		pci_release_regions(pdev);
2525 		pci_disable_device(pdev);
2526 		iounmap(card->ctlmem);
2527 		iounmap(card->mem);
2528 		kfree(card);
2529 		return -ENODEV;
2530 	}
2532 	/* Record info we need */
2533 	card->irq = pdev->irq;
2534 	card->type = ent->driver_data;
2535 	card->family = ((ent->driver_data == FST_TYPE_T2P) ||
2536 			(ent->driver_data == FST_TYPE_T4P))
2538 	if ((ent->driver_data == FST_TYPE_T1U) ||
2539 	    (ent->driver_data == FST_TYPE_TE1))
2540 		card->nports = 1;
2541 	else
2542 		card->nports = ((ent->driver_data == FST_TYPE_T2P) ||
2543 				(ent->driver_data == FST_TYPE_T2U)) ? 2 : 4;
2545 	card->state = FST_UNINIT;
2546         spin_lock_init ( &card->card_lock );
2548         for ( i = 0 ; i < card->nports ; i++ ) {
2549 		struct net_device *dev = alloc_hdlcdev(&card->ports[i]);
2550 		hdlc_device *hdlc;
2551 		if (!dev) {
2552 			while (i--)
2553 				free_netdev(card->ports[i].dev);
2554 			printk_err ("FarSync: out of memory\n");
2555                         free_irq(card->irq, card);
2556                         pci_release_regions(pdev);
2557                         pci_disable_device(pdev);
2558                         iounmap(card->ctlmem);
2559                         iounmap(card->mem);
2560                         kfree(card);
2561                         return -ENODEV;
2562 		}
2563 		card->ports[i].dev    = dev;
2564                 card->ports[i].card   = card;
2565                 card->ports[i].index  = i;
2566                 card->ports[i].run    = 0;
2568 		hdlc = dev_to_hdlc(dev);
2570                 /* Fill in the net device info */
2571 		/* Since this is a PCI setup this is purely
2572 		 * informational. Give them the buffer addresses
2573 		 * and basic card I/O.
2574 		 */
2575                 dev->mem_start   = card->phys_mem
2576                                  + BUF_OFFSET ( txBuffer[i][0][0]);
2577                 dev->mem_end     = card->phys_mem
2578                                  + BUF_OFFSET ( txBuffer[i][NUM_TX_BUFFER][0]);
2579                 dev->base_addr   = card->pci_conf;
2580                 dev->irq         = card->irq;
2582                 dev->tx_queue_len          = FST_TX_QUEUE_LEN;
2583                 dev->open                  = fst_open;
2584                 dev->stop                  = fst_close;
2585                 dev->do_ioctl              = fst_ioctl;
2586                 dev->watchdog_timeo        = FST_TX_TIMEOUT;
2587                 dev->tx_timeout            = fst_tx_timeout;
2588                 hdlc->attach = fst_attach;
2589                 hdlc->xmit   = fst_start_xmit;
2590 	}
2592 	card->device = pdev;
2594 	dbg(DBG_PCI, "type %d nports %d irq %d\n", card->type,
2595 	    card->nports, card->irq);
2596 	dbg(DBG_PCI, "conf %04x mem %08x ctlmem %08x\n",
2597 	    card->pci_conf, card->phys_mem, card->phys_ctlmem);
2599 	/* Reset the card's processor */
2600 	fst_cpureset(card);
2601 	card->state = FST_RESET;
2603 	/* Initialise DMA (if required) */
2604 	fst_init_dma(card);
2606 	/* Record driver data for later use */
2607 	pci_set_drvdata(pdev, card);
2609 	/* Remainder of card setup */
2610 	fst_card_array[no_of_cards_added] = card;
2611 	card->card_no = no_of_cards_added++;	/* Record instance and bump it */
2612 	fst_init_card(card);
2613 	if (card->family == FST_FAMILY_TXU) {
2614 		/*
2615 		 * Allocate a dma buffer for transmit and receives
2616 		 */
2617 		card->rx_dma_handle_host =
2618 		    pci_alloc_consistent(card->device, FST_MAX_MTU,
2619 					 &card->rx_dma_handle_card);
2620 		if (card->rx_dma_handle_host == NULL) {
2621 			printk_err("Could not allocate rx dma buffer\n");
2622 			fst_disable_intr(card);
2623 			pci_release_regions(pdev);
2624 			pci_disable_device(pdev);
2625 			iounmap(card->ctlmem);
2626 			iounmap(card->mem);
2627 			kfree(card);
2628 			return -ENOMEM;
2629 		}
2630 		card->tx_dma_handle_host =
2631 		    pci_alloc_consistent(card->device, FST_MAX_MTU,
2632 					 &card->tx_dma_handle_card);
2633 		if (card->tx_dma_handle_host == NULL) {
2634 			printk_err("Could not allocate tx dma buffer\n");
2635 			fst_disable_intr(card);
2636 			pci_release_regions(pdev);
2637 			pci_disable_device(pdev);
2638 			iounmap(card->ctlmem);
2639 			iounmap(card->mem);
2640 			kfree(card);
2641 			return -ENOMEM;
2642 		}
2643 	}
2644 	return 0;		/* Success */
2645 }
2647 /*
2648  *      Cleanup and close down a card
2649  */
2650 static void __devexit
2651 fst_remove_one(struct pci_dev *pdev)
2652 {
2653 	struct fst_card_info *card;
2654 	int i;
2656 	card = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
2658 	for (i = 0; i < card->nports; i++) {
2659 		struct net_device *dev = port_to_dev(&card->ports[i]);
2660 		unregister_hdlc_device(dev);
2661 	}
2663 	fst_disable_intr(card);
2664 	free_irq(card->irq, card);
2666 	iounmap(card->ctlmem);
2667 	iounmap(card->mem);
2668 	pci_release_regions(pdev);
2669 	if (card->family == FST_FAMILY_TXU) {
2670 		/*
2671 		 * Free dma buffers
2672 		 */
2673 		pci_free_consistent(card->device, FST_MAX_MTU,
2674 				    card->rx_dma_handle_host,
2675 				    card->rx_dma_handle_card);
2676 		pci_free_consistent(card->device, FST_MAX_MTU,
2677 				    card->tx_dma_handle_host,
2678 				    card->tx_dma_handle_card);
2679 	}
2680 	fst_card_array[card->card_no] = NULL;
2681 }
2683 static struct pci_driver fst_driver = {
2684         .name		= FST_NAME,
2685         .id_table	= fst_pci_dev_id,
2686         .probe		= fst_add_one,
2687         .remove	= __devexit_p(fst_remove_one),
2688         .suspend	= NULL,
2689         .resume	= NULL,
2690 };
2692 static int __init
2693 fst_init(void)
2694 {
2695 	int i;
2697 	for (i = 0; i < FST_MAX_CARDS; i++)
2698 		fst_card_array[i] = NULL;
2699 	spin_lock_init(&fst_work_q_lock);
2700 	return pci_module_init(&fst_driver);
2701 }
2703 static void __exit
2704 fst_cleanup_module(void)
2705 {
2706 	printk_info("FarSync WAN driver unloading\n");
2707 	pci_unregister_driver(&fst_driver);
2708 }
2710 module_init(fst_init);
2711 module_exit(fst_cleanup_module);