xref: /openbmc/linux/drivers/net/ethernet/dlink/dl2k.h (revision 9f380456)
1 /*  D-Link DL2000-based Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Linux driver */
2 /*
3     Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 by D-Link Corporation
4     Written by Edward Peng.<edward_peng@dlink.com.tw>
5     Created 03-May-2001, base on Linux' sundance.c.
7     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10     (at your option) any later version.
11 */
13 #ifndef __DL2K_H__
14 #define __DL2K_H__
16 #include <linux/module.h>
17 #include <linux/kernel.h>
18 #include <linux/string.h>
19 #include <linux/timer.h>
20 #include <linux/errno.h>
21 #include <linux/ioport.h>
22 #include <linux/slab.h>
23 #include <linux/interrupt.h>
24 #include <linux/pci.h>
25 #include <linux/netdevice.h>
26 #include <linux/etherdevice.h>
27 #include <linux/skbuff.h>
28 #include <linux/init.h>
29 #include <linux/crc32.h>
30 #include <linux/ethtool.h>
31 #include <linux/mii.h>
32 #include <linux/bitops.h>
33 #include <asm/processor.h>	/* Processor type for cache alignment. */
34 #include <asm/io.h>
35 #include <asm/uaccess.h>
36 #include <linux/delay.h>
37 #include <linux/spinlock.h>
38 #include <linux/time.h>
39 #define TX_RING_SIZE	256
40 #define TX_QUEUE_LEN	(TX_RING_SIZE - 1) /* Limit ring entries actually used.*/
41 #define RX_RING_SIZE 	256
42 #define TX_TOTAL_SIZE	TX_RING_SIZE*sizeof(struct netdev_desc)
43 #define RX_TOTAL_SIZE	RX_RING_SIZE*sizeof(struct netdev_desc)
45 /* This driver was written to use PCI memory space, however x86-oriented
46    hardware often uses I/O space accesses. */
47 #ifndef MEM_MAPPING
48 #undef readb
49 #undef readw
50 #undef readl
51 #undef writeb
52 #undef writew
53 #undef writel
54 #define readb inb
55 #define readw inw
56 #define readl inl
57 #define writeb outb
58 #define writew outw
59 #define writel outl
60 #endif
62 /* Offsets to the device registers.
63    Unlike software-only systems, device drivers interact with complex hardware.
64    It's not useful to define symbolic names for every register bit in the
65    device.  The name can only partially document the semantics and make
66    the driver longer and more difficult to read.
67    In general, only the important configuration values or bits changed
68    multiple times should be defined symbolically.
69 */
70 enum dl2x_offsets {
71 	/* I/O register offsets */
72 	DMACtrl = 0x00,
73 	RxDMAStatus = 0x08,
74 	TFDListPtr0 = 0x10,
75 	TFDListPtr1 = 0x14,
76 	TxDMABurstThresh = 0x18,
77 	TxDMAUrgentThresh = 0x19,
78 	TxDMAPollPeriod = 0x1a,
79 	RFDListPtr0 = 0x1c,
80 	RFDListPtr1 = 0x20,
81 	RxDMABurstThresh = 0x24,
82 	RxDMAUrgentThresh = 0x25,
83 	RxDMAPollPeriod = 0x26,
84 	RxDMAIntCtrl = 0x28,
85 	DebugCtrl = 0x2c,
86 	ASICCtrl = 0x30,
87 	FifoCtrl = 0x38,
88 	RxEarlyThresh = 0x3a,
89 	FlowOffThresh = 0x3c,
90 	FlowOnThresh = 0x3e,
91 	TxStartThresh = 0x44,
92 	EepromData = 0x48,
93 	EepromCtrl = 0x4a,
94 	ExpromAddr = 0x4c,
95 	Exprodata = 0x50,
96 	WakeEvent = 0x51,
97 	CountDown = 0x54,
98 	IntStatusAck = 0x5a,
99 	IntEnable = 0x5c,
100 	IntStatus = 0x5e,
101 	TxStatus = 0x60,
102 	MACCtrl = 0x6c,
103 	VLANTag = 0x70,
104 	PhyCtrl = 0x76,
105 	StationAddr0 = 0x78,
106 	StationAddr1 = 0x7a,
107 	StationAddr2 = 0x7c,
108 	VLANId = 0x80,
109 	MaxFrameSize = 0x86,
110 	ReceiveMode = 0x88,
111 	HashTable0 = 0x8c,
112 	HashTable1 = 0x90,
113 	RmonStatMask = 0x98,
114 	StatMask = 0x9c,
115 	RxJumboFrames = 0xbc,
116 	TCPCheckSumErrors = 0xc0,
117 	IPCheckSumErrors = 0xc2,
118 	UDPCheckSumErrors = 0xc4,
119 	TxJumboFrames = 0xf4,
120 	/* Ethernet MIB statistic register offsets */
121 	OctetRcvOk = 0xa8,
122 	McstOctetRcvOk = 0xac,
123 	BcstOctetRcvOk = 0xb0,
124 	FramesRcvOk = 0xb4,
125 	McstFramesRcvdOk = 0xb8,
126 	BcstFramesRcvdOk = 0xbe,
127 	MacControlFramesRcvd = 0xc6,
128 	FrameTooLongErrors = 0xc8,
129 	InRangeLengthErrors = 0xca,
130 	FramesCheckSeqErrors = 0xcc,
131 	FramesLostRxErrors = 0xce,
132 	OctetXmtOk = 0xd0,
133 	McstOctetXmtOk = 0xd4,
134 	BcstOctetXmtOk = 0xd8,
135 	FramesXmtOk = 0xdc,
136 	McstFramesXmtdOk = 0xe0,
137 	FramesWDeferredXmt = 0xe4,
138 	LateCollisions = 0xe8,
139 	MultiColFrames = 0xec,
140 	SingleColFrames = 0xf0,
141 	BcstFramesXmtdOk = 0xf6,
142 	CarrierSenseErrors = 0xf8,
143 	MacControlFramesXmtd = 0xfa,
144 	FramesAbortXSColls = 0xfc,
145 	FramesWEXDeferal = 0xfe,
146 	/* RMON statistic register offsets */
147 	EtherStatsCollisions = 0x100,
148 	EtherStatsOctetsTransmit = 0x104,
149 	EtherStatsPktsTransmit = 0x108,
150 	EtherStatsPkts64OctetTransmit = 0x10c,
151 	EtherStats65to127OctetsTransmit = 0x110,
152 	EtherStatsPkts128to255OctetsTransmit = 0x114,
153 	EtherStatsPkts256to511OctetsTransmit = 0x118,
154 	EtherStatsPkts512to1023OctetsTransmit = 0x11c,
155 	EtherStatsPkts1024to1518OctetsTransmit = 0x120,
156 	EtherStatsCRCAlignErrors = 0x124,
157 	EtherStatsUndersizePkts = 0x128,
158 	EtherStatsFragments = 0x12c,
159 	EtherStatsJabbers = 0x130,
160 	EtherStatsOctets = 0x134,
161 	EtherStatsPkts = 0x138,
162 	EtherStats64Octets = 0x13c,
163 	EtherStatsPkts65to127Octets = 0x140,
164 	EtherStatsPkts128to255Octets = 0x144,
165 	EtherStatsPkts256to511Octets = 0x148,
166 	EtherStatsPkts512to1023Octets = 0x14c,
167 	EtherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets = 0x150,
168 };
170 /* Bits in the interrupt status/mask registers. */
171 enum IntStatus_bits {
172 	InterruptStatus = 0x0001,
173 	HostError = 0x0002,
174 	MACCtrlFrame = 0x0008,
175 	TxComplete = 0x0004,
176 	RxComplete = 0x0010,
177 	RxEarly = 0x0020,
178 	IntRequested = 0x0040,
179 	UpdateStats = 0x0080,
180 	LinkEvent = 0x0100,
181 	TxDMAComplete = 0x0200,
182 	RxDMAComplete = 0x0400,
183 	RFDListEnd = 0x0800,
184 	RxDMAPriority = 0x1000,
185 };
187 /* Bits in the ReceiveMode register. */
188 enum ReceiveMode_bits {
189 	ReceiveUnicast = 0x0001,
190 	ReceiveMulticast = 0x0002,
191 	ReceiveBroadcast = 0x0004,
192 	ReceiveAllFrames = 0x0008,
193 	ReceiveMulticastHash = 0x0010,
194 	ReceiveIPMulticast = 0x0020,
195 	ReceiveVLANMatch = 0x0100,
196 	ReceiveVLANHash = 0x0200,
197 };
198 /* Bits in MACCtrl. */
199 enum MACCtrl_bits {
200 	DuplexSelect = 0x20,
201 	TxFlowControlEnable = 0x80,
202 	RxFlowControlEnable = 0x0100,
203 	RcvFCS = 0x200,
204 	AutoVLANtagging = 0x1000,
205 	AutoVLANuntagging = 0x2000,
206 	StatsEnable = 0x00200000,
207 	StatsDisable = 0x00400000,
208 	StatsEnabled = 0x00800000,
209 	TxEnable = 0x01000000,
210 	TxDisable = 0x02000000,
211 	TxEnabled = 0x04000000,
212 	RxEnable = 0x08000000,
213 	RxDisable = 0x10000000,
214 	RxEnabled = 0x20000000,
215 };
217 enum ASICCtrl_LoWord_bits {
218 	PhyMedia = 0x0080,
219 };
221 enum ASICCtrl_HiWord_bits {
222 	GlobalReset = 0x0001,
223 	RxReset = 0x0002,
224 	TxReset = 0x0004,
225 	DMAReset = 0x0008,
226 	FIFOReset = 0x0010,
227 	NetworkReset = 0x0020,
228 	HostReset = 0x0040,
229 	ResetBusy = 0x0400,
230 };
232 /* Transmit Frame Control bits */
233 enum TFC_bits {
234 	DwordAlign = 0x00000000,
235 	WordAlignDisable = 0x00030000,
236 	WordAlign = 0x00020000,
237 	TCPChecksumEnable = 0x00040000,
238 	UDPChecksumEnable = 0x00080000,
239 	IPChecksumEnable = 0x00100000,
240 	FCSAppendDisable = 0x00200000,
241 	TxIndicate = 0x00400000,
242 	TxDMAIndicate = 0x00800000,
243 	FragCountShift = 24,
244 	VLANTagInsert = 0x0000000010000000,
245 	TFDDone = 0x80000000,
246 	VIDShift = 32,
247 	UsePriorityShift = 48,
248 };
250 /* Receive Frames Status bits */
251 enum RFS_bits {
252 	RxFIFOOverrun = 0x00010000,
253 	RxRuntFrame = 0x00020000,
254 	RxAlignmentError = 0x00040000,
255 	RxFCSError = 0x00080000,
256 	RxOverSizedFrame = 0x00100000,
257 	RxLengthError = 0x00200000,
258 	VLANDetected = 0x00400000,
259 	TCPDetected = 0x00800000,
260 	TCPError = 0x01000000,
261 	UDPDetected = 0x02000000,
262 	UDPError = 0x04000000,
263 	IPDetected = 0x08000000,
264 	IPError = 0x10000000,
265 	FrameStart = 0x20000000,
266 	FrameEnd = 0x40000000,
267 	RFDDone = 0x80000000,
268 	TCIShift = 32,
269 	RFS_Errors = 0x003f0000,
270 };
272 #define MII_RESET_TIME_OUT		10000
273 /* MII register */
274 enum _mii_reg {
275 	MII_PHY_SCR = 16,
276 };
278 /* PCS register */
279 enum _pcs_reg {
280 	PCS_BMCR = 0,
281 	PCS_BMSR = 1,
282 	PCS_ANAR = 4,
283 	PCS_ANLPAR = 5,
284 	PCS_ANER = 6,
285 	PCS_ANNPT = 7,
286 	PCS_ANLPRNP = 8,
287 	PCS_ESR = 15,
288 };
290 /* IEEE Extened Status Register */
291 enum _mii_esr {
292 	MII_ESR_1000BX_FD = 0x8000,
293 	MII_ESR_1000BX_HD = 0x4000,
294 	MII_ESR_1000BT_FD = 0x2000,
295 	MII_ESR_1000BT_HD = 0x1000,
296 };
297 /* PHY Specific Control Register */
298 #if 0
299 typedef union t_MII_PHY_SCR {
300 	u16 image;
301 	struct {
302 		u16 disable_jabber:1;	// bit 0
303 		u16 polarity_reversal:1;	// bit 1
304 		u16 SEQ_test:1;	// bit 2
305 		u16 _bit_3:1;	// bit 3
306 		u16 disable_CLK125:1;	// bit 4
307 		u16 mdi_crossover_mode:2;	// bit 6:5
308 		u16 enable_ext_dist:1;	// bit 7
309 		u16 _bit_8_9:2;	// bit 9:8
310 		u16 force_link:1;	// bit 10
311 		u16 assert_CRS:1;	// bit 11
312 		u16 rcv_fifo_depth:2;	// bit 13:12
313 		u16 xmit_fifo_depth:2;	// bit 15:14
314 	} bits;
315 } PHY_SCR_t, *PPHY_SCR_t;
316 #endif
318 typedef enum t_MII_ADMIN_STATUS {
319 	adm_reset,
320 	adm_operational,
321 	adm_loopback,
322 	adm_power_down,
323 	adm_isolate
326 /* Physical Coding Sublayer Management (PCS) */
327 /* PCS control and status registers bitmap as the same as MII */
328 /* PCS Extended Status register bitmap as the same as MII */
329 /* PCS ANAR */
330 enum _pcs_anar {
331 	PCS_ANAR_NEXT_PAGE = 0x8000,
332 	PCS_ANAR_REMOTE_FAULT = 0x3000,
333 	PCS_ANAR_ASYMMETRIC = 0x0100,
334 	PCS_ANAR_PAUSE = 0x0080,
335 	PCS_ANAR_HALF_DUPLEX = 0x0040,
336 	PCS_ANAR_FULL_DUPLEX = 0x0020,
337 };
338 /* PCS ANLPAR */
339 enum _pcs_anlpar {
346 };
348 typedef struct t_SROM {
349 	u16 config_param;	/* 0x00 */
350 	u16 asic_ctrl;		/* 0x02 */
351 	u16 sub_vendor_id;	/* 0x04 */
352 	u16 sub_system_id;	/* 0x06 */
353 	u16 reserved1[12];	/* 0x08-0x1f */
354 	u8 mac_addr[6];		/* 0x20-0x25 */
355 	u8 reserved2[10];	/* 0x26-0x2f */
356 	u8 sib[204];		/* 0x30-0xfb */
357 	u32 crc;		/* 0xfc-0xff */
358 } SROM_t, *PSROM_t;
360 /* Ioctl custom data */
361 struct ioctl_data {
362 	char signature[10];
363 	int cmd;
364 	int len;
365 	char *data;
366 };
368 /* The Rx and Tx buffer descriptors. */
369 struct netdev_desc {
370 	__le64 next_desc;
371 	__le64 status;
372 	__le64 fraginfo;
373 };
375 #define PRIV_ALIGN	15	/* Required alignment mask */
376 /* Use  __attribute__((aligned (L1_CACHE_BYTES)))  to maintain alignment
377    within the structure. */
378 struct netdev_private {
379 	/* Descriptor rings first for alignment. */
380 	struct netdev_desc *rx_ring;
381 	struct netdev_desc *tx_ring;
382 	struct sk_buff *rx_skbuff[RX_RING_SIZE];
383 	struct sk_buff *tx_skbuff[TX_RING_SIZE];
384 	dma_addr_t tx_ring_dma;
385 	dma_addr_t rx_ring_dma;
386 	struct pci_dev *pdev;
387 	spinlock_t tx_lock;
388 	spinlock_t rx_lock;
389 	struct net_device_stats stats;
390 	unsigned int rx_buf_sz;		/* Based on MTU+slack. */
391 	unsigned int speed;		/* Operating speed */
392 	unsigned int vlan;		/* VLAN Id */
393 	unsigned int chip_id;		/* PCI table chip id */
394 	unsigned int rx_coalesce; 	/* Maximum frames each RxDMAComplete intr */
395 	unsigned int rx_timeout; 	/* Wait time between RxDMAComplete intr */
396 	unsigned int tx_coalesce;	/* Maximum frames each tx interrupt */
397 	unsigned int full_duplex:1;	/* Full-duplex operation requested. */
398 	unsigned int an_enable:2;	/* Auto-Negotiated Enable */
399 	unsigned int jumbo:1;		/* Jumbo frame enable */
400 	unsigned int coalesce:1;	/* Rx coalescing enable */
401 	unsigned int tx_flow:1;		/* Tx flow control enable */
402 	unsigned int rx_flow:1;		/* Rx flow control enable */
403 	unsigned int phy_media:1;	/* 1: fiber, 0: copper */
404 	unsigned int link_status:1;	/* Current link status */
405 	struct netdev_desc *last_tx;	/* Last Tx descriptor used. */
406 	unsigned long cur_rx, old_rx;	/* Producer/consumer ring indices */
407 	unsigned long cur_tx, old_tx;
408 	struct timer_list timer;
409 	int wake_polarity;
410 	char name[256];		/* net device description */
411 	u8 duplex_polarity;
412 	u16 mcast_filter[4];
413 	u16 advertising;	/* NWay media advertisement */
414 	u16 negotiate;		/* Negotiated media */
415 	int phy_addr;		/* PHY addresses. */
416 };
418 /* The station address location in the EEPROM. */
419 /* The struct pci_device_id consist of:
420         vendor, device          Vendor and device ID to match (or PCI_ANY_ID)
421         subvendor, subdevice    Subsystem vendor and device ID to match (or PCI_ANY_ID)
422         class                   Device class to match. The class_mask tells which bits
423         class_mask              of the class are honored during the comparison.
424         driver_data             Data private to the driver.
425 */
427 static DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE(rio_pci_tbl) = {
428 	{0x1186, 0x4000, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, },
429 	{0x13f0, 0x1021, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, },
430 	{ }
431 };
432 MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (pci, rio_pci_tbl);
433 #define TX_TIMEOUT  (4*HZ)
434 #define PACKET_SIZE		1536
435 #define MAX_JUMBO		8000
436 #define RIO_IO_SIZE             340
437 #define DEFAULT_RXC		5
438 #define DEFAULT_RXT		750
439 #define DEFAULT_TXC		1
440 #define MAX_TXC			8
441 #endif				/* __DL2K_H__ */