2 ==============================
3 MPI Header File Change History
4 ==============================
6 Copyright (c) 2000-2006 LSI Logic Corporation.
8 ---------------------------------------
9 Header Set Release Version:    01.05.14
10 Header Set Release Date:       10-11-06
11 ---------------------------------------
13 Filename               Current version     Prior version
14 ----------             ---------------     -------------
15 mpi.h                  01.05.12            01.05.11
16 mpi_ioc.h              01.05.12            01.05.11
17 mpi_cnfg.h             01.05.13            01.05.12
18 mpi_init.h             01.05.08            01.05.07
19 mpi_targ.h             01.05.06            01.05.06
20 mpi_fc.h               01.05.01            01.05.01
21 mpi_lan.h              01.05.01            01.05.01
22 mpi_raid.h             01.05.02            01.05.02
23 mpi_tool.h             01.05.03            01.05.03
24 mpi_inb.h              01.05.01            01.05.01
25 mpi_sas.h              01.05.04            01.05.03
26 mpi_type.h             01.05.02            01.05.02
27 mpi_history.txt        01.05.14            01.05.13
30 *  Date      Version   Description
31 *  --------  --------  ------------------------------------------------------
34 *  05-08-00  00.10.01  Original release for 0.10 spec dated 4/26/2000.
35 *  05-24-00  00.10.02  Added MPI_IOCSTATUS_SCSI_RESIDUAL_MISMATCH definition.
36 *  06-06-00  01.00.01  Update MPI_VERSION_MAJOR and MPI_VERSION_MINOR.
37 *  06-22-00  01.00.02  Added MPI_IOCSTATUS_LAN_ definitions.
38 *                      Removed LAN_SUSPEND function definition.
39 *                      Added MPI_MSGFLAGS_CONTINUATION_REPLY definition.
40 *  06-30-00  01.00.03  Added MPI_CONTEXT_REPLY_TYPE_LAN definition.
41 *                      Added MPI_GET/SET_CONTEXT_REPLY_TYPE macros.
42 *  07-27-00  01.00.04  Added MPI_FAULT_ definitions.
43 *                      Removed MPI_IOCSTATUS_MSG/DATA_XFER_ERROR definitions.
44 *                      Added MPI_IOCSTATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR definition.
45 *                      Added MPI_IOCSTATUS_TARGET_XFER_COUNT_MISMATCH.
46 *  11-02-00  01.01.01  Original release for post 1.0 work
47 *  12-04-00  01.01.02  Added new function codes.
48 *  01-09-01  01.01.03  Added more definitions to the system interface section
49 *                      Added MPI_IOCSTATUS_TARGET_STS_DATA_NOT_SENT.
50 *  01-25-01  01.01.04  Changed MPI_VERSION_MINOR from 0x00 to 0x01.
51 *  02-20-01  01.01.05  Started using MPI_POINTER.
52 *                      Added defines for MPI_DIAG_PREVENT_IOC_BOOT and
53 *                      MPI_DIAG_CLEAR_FLASH_BAD_SIG.
54 *                      Obsoleted MPI_IOCSTATUS_TARGET_FC_ defines.
55 *  02-27-01  01.01.06  Removed MPI_HOST_INDEX_REGISTER define.
56 *                      Added function codes for RAID.
57 *  04-09-01  01.01.07  Added alternate define for MPI_DOORBELL_ACTIVE,
58 *                      MPI_DOORBELL_USED, to better match the spec.
59 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release for v1.2 work.
60 *                      Changed MPI_VERSION_MINOR from 0x01 to 0x02.
61 *                      Added define MPI_FUNCTION_TOOLBOX.
62 *  09-28-01  01.02.02  New function code MPI_SCSI_ENCLOSURE_PROCESSOR.
63 *  11-01-01  01.02.03  Changed name to MPI_FUNCTION_SCSI_ENCLOSURE_PROCESSOR.
64 *  03-14-02  01.02.04  Added MPI_HEADER_VERSION_ defines.
65 *  05-31-02  01.02.05  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
66 *  07-12-02  01.02.06  Added define for MPI_FUNCTION_MAILBOX.
67 *  09-16-02  01.02.07  Bumped value for MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
68 *  11-15-02  01.02.08  Added define MPI_IOCSTATUS_TARGET_INVALID_IO_INDEX and
69 *                      obsoleted define MPI_IOCSTATUS_TARGET_INVALID_IOCINDEX.
70 *  04-01-03  01.02.09  New IOCStatus code: MPI_IOCSTATUS_FC_EXCHANGE_CANCELED
71 *  06-26-03  01.02.10  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT value.
72 *  01-16-04  01.02.11  Added define for MPI_IOCLOGINFO_TYPE_SHIFT.
73 *  04-29-04  01.02.12  Added function codes for MPI_FUNCTION_DIAG_BUFFER_POST
74 *                      and MPI_FUNCTION_DIAG_RELEASE.
75 *                      Added MPI_IOCSTATUS_DIAGNOSTIC_RELEASED define.
76 *                      Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT value.
77 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Bumped MPI_VERSION_MINOR for MPI v1.3.
78 *                      Added codes for Inband.
79 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Added defines for Host Buffer Access Control doorbell.
80 *                      Added define for offset of High Priority Request Queue.
81 *                      Added new function codes and new IOCStatus codes.
82 *                      Added a IOCLogInfo type of SAS.
83 *  12-07-04  01.05.02  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
84 *  12-09-04  01.05.03  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
85 *  01-15-05  01.05.04  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
86 *  02-09-05  01.05.05  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
87 *  02-22-05  01.05.06  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
88 *  03-11-05  01.05.07  Removed function codes for SCSI IO 32 and
89 *                      TargetAssistExtended requests.
90 *                      Removed EEDP IOCStatus codes.
91 *  06-24-05  01.05.08  Added function codes for SCSI IO 32 and
92 *                      TargetAssistExtended requests.
93 *                      Added EEDP IOCStatus codes.
94 *  08-03-05  01.05.09  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
95 *  08-30-05  01.05.10  Added 2 new IOCStatus codes for Target.
96 *  03-27-06  01.05.11  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
97 *  10-11-06  01.05.12  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
98 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 *  05-08-00  00.10.01  Original release for 0.10 spec dated 4/26/2000.
102 *  05-24-00  00.10.02  Added _MSG_IOC_INIT_REPLY structure.
103 *  06-06-00  01.00.01  Added CurReplyFrameSize field to _MSG_IOC_FACTS_REPLY.
104 *  06-12-00  01.00.02  Added _MSG_PORT_ENABLE_REPLY structure.
105 *                      Added _MSG_EVENT_ACK_REPLY structure.
106 *                      Added _MSG_FW_DOWNLOAD_REPLY structure.
107 *                      Added _MSG_TOOLBOX_REPLY structure.
108 *  06-30-00  01.00.03  Added MaxLanBuckets to _PORT_FACT_REPLY structure.
109 *  07-27-00  01.00.04  Added _EVENT_DATA structure definitions for _SCSI,
110 *                      _LINK_STATUS, _LOOP_STATE and _LOGOUT.
111 *  08-11-00  01.00.05  Switched positions of MsgLength and Function fields in
112 *                      _MSG_EVENT_ACK_REPLY structure to match specification.
113 *  11-02-00  01.01.01  Original release for post 1.0 work
114 *                      Added a value for Manufacturer to WhoInit
115 *  12-04-00  01.01.02  Modified IOCFacts reply, added FWUpload messages, and
116 *                      removed toolbox message.
117 *  01-09-01  01.01.03  Added event enabled and disabled defines.
118 *                      Added structures for FwHeader and DataHeader.
119 *                      Added ImageType to FwUpload reply.
120 *  02-20-01  01.01.04  Started using MPI_POINTER.
121 *  02-27-01  01.01.05  Added event for RAID status change and its event data.
122 *                      Added IocNumber field to MSG_IOC_FACTS_REPLY.
123 *  03-27-01  01.01.06  Added defines for ProductId field of MPI_FW_HEADER.
124 *                      Added structure offset comments.
125 *  04-09-01  01.01.07  Added structure EVENT_DATA_EVENT_CHANGE.
126 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release for v1.2 work.
127 *                      New format for FWVersion and ProductId in
128 *                      MSG_IOC_FACTS_REPLY and MPI_FW_HEADER.
129 *  08-31-01  01.02.02  Addded event MPI_EVENT_SCSI_DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGE and
130 *                      related structure and defines.
131 *                      Added event MPI_EVENT_ON_BUS_TIMER_EXPIRED.
132 *                      Added MPI_IOCINIT_FLAGS_DISCARD_FW_IMAGE.
133 *                      Replaced a reserved field in MSG_IOC_FACTS_REPLY with
134 *                      IOCExceptions and changed DataImageSize to reserved.
135 *                      Added MPI_FW_DOWNLOAD_ITYPE_NVSTORE_DATA and
136 *                      MPI_FW_UPLOAD_ITYPE_NVDATA.
137 *  09-28-01  01.02.03  Modified Event Data for Integrated RAID.
138 *  11-01-01  01.02.04  Added defines for MPI_EXT_IMAGE_HEADER ImageType field.
139 *  03-14-02  01.02.05  Added HeaderVersion field to MSG_IOC_FACTS_REPLY.
140 *  05-31-02  01.02.06  Added define for
142 *                      Added AliasIndex to EVENT_DATA_LOGOUT structure.
143 *  04-01-03  01.02.07  Added defines for MPI_FW_HEADER_SIGNATURE_.
144 *  06-26-03  01.02.08  Added new values to the product family defines.
145 *  04-29-04  01.02.09  Added IOCCapabilities field to MSG_IOC_FACTS_REPLY and
146 *                      added related defines.
147 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Original release for MPI v1.3.
148 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Added four new fields to MSG_IOC_INIT.
149 *                      Added three new fields to MSG_IOC_FACTS_REPLY.
150 *                      Defined four new bits for the IOCCapabilities field of
151 *                      the IOCFacts reply.
152 *                      Added two new PortTypes for the PortFacts reply.
153 *                      Added six new events along with their EventData
154 *                      structures.
155 *                      Added a new MsgFlag to the FwDownload request to
156 *                      indicate last segment.
157 *                      Defined a new image type of boot loader.
158 *                      Added FW family codes for SAS product families.
159 *  10-05-04  01.05.02  Added ReplyFifoHostSignalingAddr field to
160 *                      MSG_IOC_FACTS_REPLY.
161 *  12-07-04  01.05.03  Added more defines for SAS Discovery Error event.
162 *  12-09-04  01.05.04  Added Unsupported device to SAS Device event.
163 *  01-15-05  01.05.05  Added event data for SAS SES Event.
164 *  02-09-05  01.05.06  Added MPI_FW_UPLOAD_ITYPE_FW_BACKUP define.
165 *  02-22-05  01.05.07  Added Host Page Buffer Persistent flag to IOC Facts
166 *                      Reply and IOC Init Request.
167 *  03-11-05  01.05.08  Added family code for 1068E family.
168 *                      Removed IOCFacts Reply EEDP Capability bit.
169 *  06-24-05  01.05.09  Added 5 new IOCFacts Reply IOCCapabilities bits.
170 *                      Added Max SATA Targets to SAS Discovery Error event.
171 *  08-30-05  01.05.10  Added 4 new events and their event data structures.
172 *                      Added new ReasonCode value for SAS Device Status Change
173 *                      event.
174 *                      Added new family code for FC949E.
175 *  03-27-06  01.05.11  Added MPI_IOCFACTS_CAPABILITY_TLR.
176 *                      Added additional Reason Codes and more event data fields
177 *                      to EVENT_DATA_SAS_DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGE.
178 *                      Added EVENT_DATA_SAS_BROADCAST_PRIMITIVE structure and
179 *                      new event.
180 *                      Added MPI_EVENT_SAS_SMP_ERROR and event data structure.
181 *                      Added MPI_EVENT_SAS_INIT_DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGE and event
182 *                      data structure.
183 *                      Added MPI_EVENT_SAS_INIT_TABLE_OVERFLOW and event
184 *                      data structure.
185 *                      Added MPI_EXT_IMAGE_TYPE_INITIALIZATION.
186 *  10-11-06  01.05.12  Added MPI_IOCFACTS_EXCEPT_METADATA_UNSUPPORTED.
187 *                      Added MaxInitiators field to PortFacts reply.
188 *                      Added SAS Device Status Change ReasonCode for
189 *                      asynchronous notificaiton.
190 *                      Added MPI_EVENT_SAS_EXPANDER_STATUS_CHANGE and event
191 *                      data structure.
192 *                      Added new ImageType values for FWDownload and FWUpload
193 *                      requests.
194 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
197 *  05-08-00  00.10.01  Original release for 0.10 spec dated 4/26/2000.
198 *  06-06-00  01.00.01  Update version number for 1.0 release.
199 *  06-08-00  01.00.02  Added _PAGEVERSION definitions for all pages.
200 *                      Added FcPhLowestVersion, FcPhHighestVersion, Reserved2
201 *                      fields to FC_DEVICE_0 page, updated the page version.
202 *                      Changed _FREE_RUNNING_CLOCK to _PACING_TRANSFERS in
203 *                      SCSI_PORT_0, SCSI_DEVICE_0 and SCSI_DEVICE_1 pages
204 *                      and updated the page versions.
205 *                      Added _RESPONSE_ID_MASK definition to SCSI_PORT_1
206 *                      page and updated the page version.
207 *                      Added Information field and _INFO_PARAMS_NEGOTIATED
208 *                      definitionto SCSI_DEVICE_0 page.
209 *  06-22-00  01.00.03  Removed batch controls from LAN_0 page and updated the
210 *                      page version.
211 *                      Added BucketsRemaining to LAN_1 page, redefined the
212 *                      state values, and updated the page version.
213 *                      Revised bus width definitions in SCSI_PORT_0,
214 *                      SCSI_DEVICE_0 and SCSI_DEVICE_1 pages.
215 *  06-30-00  01.00.04  Added MaxReplySize to LAN_1 page and updated the page
216 *                      version.
217 *                      Moved FC_DEVICE_0 PageAddress description to spec.
218 *  07-27-00  01.00.05  Corrected the SubsystemVendorID and SubsystemID field
219 *                      widths in IOC_0 page and updated the page version.
220 *  11-02-00  01.01.01  Original release for post 1.0 work
221 *                      Added Manufacturing pages, IO Unit Page 2, SCSI SPI
222 *                      Port Page 2, FC Port Page 4, FC Port Page 5
223 *  12-04-00  01.01.03  Config page changes to match MPI rev 1.00.01.
224 *  12-05-00  01.01.04  Modified config page actions.
225 *  01-09-01  01.01.05  Added defines for page address formats.
226 *                      Data size for Manufacturing pages 2 and 3 no longer
227 *                      defined here.
228 *                      Io Unit Page 2 size is fixed at 4 adapters and some
229 *                      flags were changed.
230 *                      SCSI Port Page 2 Device Settings modified.
231 *                      New fields added to FC Port Page 0 and some flags
232 *                      cleaned up.
233 *                      Removed impedance flash from FC Port Page 1.
234 *                      Added FC Port pages 6 and 7.
235 *  01-25-01  01.01.06  Added MaxInitiators field to FcPortPage0.
236 *  01-29-01  01.01.07  Changed some defines to make them 32 character unique.
237 *                      Added some LinkType defines for FcPortPage0.
238 *  02-20-01  01.01.08  Started using MPI_POINTER.
239 *  02-27-01  01.01.09  Replaced MPI_CONFIG_PAGETYPE_SCSI_LUN with
240 *                      MPI_CONFIG_PAGETYPE_RAID_VOLUME.
241 *                      Added definitions and structures for IOC Page 2 and
242 *                      RAID Volume Page 2.
243 *  03-27-01  01.01.10  Added CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_8 and CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_9.
244 *                      CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_3 now supports persistent by DID.
245 *                      Added VendorId and ProductRevLevel fields to
246 *                      RAIDVOL2_IM_PHYS_ID struct.
247 *                      Modified values for MPI_FCPORTPAGE0_FLAGS_ATTACH_
248 *                      defines to make them compatible to MPI version 1.0.
249 *                      Added structure offset comments.
250 *  04-09-01  01.01.11  Added some new defines for the PageAddress field and
251 *                      removed some obsolete ones.
252 *                      Added IO Unit Page 3.
253 *                      Modified defines for Scsi Port Page 2.
254 *                      Modified RAID Volume Pages.
255 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release for v1.2 work.
256 *                      Added SepID and SepBus to RVP2 IMPhysicalDisk struct.
257 *                      Added defines for the SEP bits in RVP2 VolumeSettings.
258 *                      Modified the DeviceSettings field in RVP2 to use the
259 *                      proper structure.
260 *                      Added defines for SES, SAF-TE, and cross channel for
261 *                      IOCPage2 CapabilitiesFlags.
262 *                      Removed define for MPI_IOUNITPAGE2_FLAGS_RAID_DISABLE.
263 *                      Removed define for
265 *                      Added define for MPI_CONFIG_PAGEATTR_RO_PERSISTENT.
266 *  08-29-01 01.02.02   Fixed value for MPI_MANUFACTPAGE_DEVID_53C1035.
267 *                      Added defines for MPI_FCPORTPAGE1_FLAGS_HARD_ALPA_ONLY
268 *                      and MPI_FCPORTPAGE1_FLAGS_IMMEDIATE_ERROR_REPLY.
269 *                      Removed MPI_SCSIPORTPAGE0_CAP_PACING_TRANSFERS,
270 *                      MPI_SCSIDEVPAGE0_NP_PACING_TRANSFERS, and
271 *                      MPI_SCSIDEVPAGE1_RP_PACING_TRANSFERS, and
272 *                      MPI_SCSIDEVPAGE1_CONF_PPR_ALLOWED.
273 *                      Added defines for MPI_SCSIDEVPAGE1_CONF_WDTR_DISALLOWED
274 *                      and MPI_SCSIDEVPAGE1_CONF_SDTR_DISALLOWED.
275 *                      Added OnBusTimerValue to CONFIG_PAGE_SCSI_PORT_1.
276 *                      Added rejected bits to SCSI Device Page 0 Information.
277 *                      Increased size of ALPA array in FC Port Page 2 by one
278 *                      and removed a one byte reserved field.
279 *  09-28-01 01.02.03   Swapped NegWireSpeedLow and NegWireSpeedLow in
280 *                      CONFIG_PAGE_LAN_1 to match preferred 64-bit ordering.
281 *                      Added structures for Manufacturing Page 4, IO Unit
282 *                      Page 3, IOC Page 3, IOC Page 4, RAID Volume Page 0, and
283 *                      RAID PhysDisk Page 0.
284 *  10-04-01 01.02.04   Added define for MPI_CONFIG_PAGETYPE_RAID_PHYSDISK.
285 *                      Modified some of the new defines to make them 32
286 *                      character unique.
287 *                      Modified how variable length pages (arrays) are defined.
288 *                      Added generic defines for hot spare pools and RAID
289 *                      volume types.
290 *  11-01-01 01.02.05   Added define for MPI_IOUNITPAGE1_DISABLE_IR.
291 *  03-14-02 01.02.06   Added PCISlotNum field to CONFIG_PAGE_IOC_1 along with
292 *                      related define, and bumped the page version define.
293 *  05-31-02 01.02.07   Added a Flags field to CONFIG_PAGE_IOC_2_RAID_VOL in a
294 *                      reserved byte and added a define.
295 *                      Added define for
296 *                      MPI_RAIDVOL0_STATUS_FLAG_VOLUME_INACTIVE.
297 *                      Added new config page: CONFIG_PAGE_IOC_5.
298 *                      Added MaxAliases, MaxHardAliases, and NumCurrentAliases
299 *                      fields to CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_0.
300 *                      Added AltConnector and NumRequestedAliases fields to
301 *                      CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_1.
302 *                      Added new config page: CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_10.
303 *  07-12-02 01.02.08   Added more MPI_MANUFACTPAGE_DEVID_ defines.
304 *                      Added additional MPI_SCSIDEVPAGE0_NP_ defines.
305 *                      Added more MPI_SCSIDEVPAGE1_RP_ defines.
306 *                      Added define for
308 *                      Added new config page: CONFIG_PAGE_SCSI_DEVICE_3.
309 *                      Modified MPI_FCPORTPAGE5_FLAGS_ defines.
310 *  09-16-02 01.02.09   Added MPI_SCSIDEVPAGE1_CONF_FORCE_PPR_MSG define.
311 *  11-15-02 01.02.10   Added ConnectedID defines for CONFIG_PAGE_SCSI_PORT_0.
312 *                      Added more Flags defines for CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_1.
313 *                      Added more Flags defines for CONFIG_PAGE_FC_DEVICE_0.
314 *  04-01-03 01.02.11   Added RR_TOV field and additional Flags defines for
315 *                      CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_1.
316 *                      Added define MPI_FCPORTPAGE5_FLAGS_DISABLE to disable
317 *                      an alias.
318 *                      Added more device id defines.
319 *  06-26-03 01.02.12   Added MPI_IOUNITPAGE1_IR_USE_STATIC_VOLUME_ID define.
320 *                      Added TargetConfig and IDConfig fields to
321 *                      CONFIG_PAGE_SCSI_PORT_1.
322 *                      Added more PortFlags defines for CONFIG_PAGE_SCSI_PORT_2
323 *                      to control DV.
324 *                      Added more Flags defines for CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_1.
325 *                      In CONFIG_PAGE_FC_DEVICE_0, replaced Reserved1 field
326 *                      with ADISCHardALPA.
327 *                      Added MPI_FC_DEVICE_PAGE0_PROT_FCP_RETRY define.
328 *  01-16-04  01.02.13  Added InitiatorDeviceTimeout and InitiatorIoPendTimeout
329 *                      fields and related defines to CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_1.
330 *                      Added define for
331 *                      MPI_FCPORTPAGE1_FLAGS_SOFT_ALPA_FALLBACK.
332 *                      Added new fields to the substructures of
333 *                      CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_10.
334 *  04-29-04 01.02.14   Added define for IDP bit for CONFIG_PAGE_SCSI_PORT_0,
335 *                      CONFIG_PAGE_SCSI_DEVICE_0, and
336 *                      CONFIG_PAGE_SCSI_DEVICE_1. Also bumped Page Version for
337 *                      these pages.
338 *  05-11-04 01.03.01   Added structure for CONFIG_PAGE_INBAND_0.
339 *  08-19-04 01.05.01   Modified MSG_CONFIG request to support extended config
340 *                      pages.
341 *                      Added a new structure for extended config page header.
342 *                      Added new extended config pages types and structures for
343 *                      SAS IO Unit, SAS Expander, SAS Device, and SAS PHY.
344 *                      Replaced a reserved byte in CONFIG_PAGE_MANUFACTURING_4
345 *                      to add a Flags field.
346 *                      Two new Manufacturing config pages (5 and 6).
347 *                      Two new bits defined for IO Unit Page 1 Flags field.
348 *                      Modified CONFIG_PAGE_IO_UNIT_2 to add three new fields
349 *                      to specify the BIOS boot device.
350 *                      Four new Flags bits defined for IO Unit Page 2.
351 *                      Added IO Unit Page 4.
352 *                      Added EEDP Flags settings to IOC Page 1.
353 *                      Added new BIOS Page 1 config page.
354 *  10-05-04 01.05.02   Added define for
356 *                      Added new Flags field to CONFIG_PAGE_MANUFACTURING_5 and
357 *                      associated defines.
358 *                      Added more defines for SAS IO Unit Page 0
359 *                      DiscoveryStatus field.
360 *                      Added define for MPI_SAS_IOUNIT0_DS_SUBTRACTIVE_LINK
361 *                      and MPI_SAS_IOUNIT0_DS_TABLE_LINK.
362 *                      Added defines for Physical Mapping Modes to SAS IO Unit
363 *                      Page 2.
364 *                      Added define for
365 *                      MPI_SAS_DEVICE0_FLAGS_PORT_SELECTOR_ATTACH.
366 *  10-27-04 01.05.03   Added defines for new SAS PHY page addressing mode.
367 *                      Added defines for MaxTargetSpinUp to BIOS Page 1.
368 *                      Added 5 new ControlFlags defines for SAS IO Unit
369 *                      Page 1.
370 *                      Added MaxNumPhysicalMappedIDs field to SAS IO Unit
371 *                      Page 2.
372 *                      Added AccessStatus field to SAS Device Page 0 and added
373 *                      new Flags bits for supported SATA features.
374 *  12-07-04  01.05.04  Added config page structures for BIOS Page 2, RAID
375 *                      Volume Page 1, and RAID Physical Disk Page 1.
376 *                      Replaced IO Unit Page 1 BootTargetID,BootBus, and
377 *                      BootAdapterNum with reserved field.
378 *                      Added DataScrubRate and ResyncRate to RAID Volume
379 *                      Page 0.
380 *                      Added MPI_SAS_IOUNIT2_FLAGS_RESERVE_ID_0_FOR_BOOT
381 *                      define.
382 *  12-09-04  01.05.05  Added Target Mode Large CDB Enable to FC Port Page 1
383 *                      Flags field.
384 *                      Added Auto Port Config flag define for SAS IOUNIT
385 *                      Page 1 ControlFlags.
386 *                      Added Disabled bad Phy define to Expander Page 1
387 *                      Discovery Info field.
388 *                      Added SAS/SATA device support to SAS IOUnit Page 1
389 *                      ControlFlags.
390 *                      Added Unsupported device to SAS Dev Page 0 Flags field
391 *                      Added disable use SATA Hash Address for SAS IOUNIT
392 *                      page 1 in ControlFields.
393 *  01-15-05  01.05.06  Added defaults for data scrub rate and resync rate to
394 *                      Manufacturing Page 4.
395 *                      Added new defines for BIOS Page 1 IOCSettings field.
396 *                      Added ExtDiskIdentifier field to RAID Physical Disk
397 *                      Page 0.
398 *                      Added new defines for SAS IO Unit Page 1 ControlFlags
399 *                      and to SAS Device Page 0 Flags to control SATA devices.
400 *                      Added defines and structures for the new Log Page 0, a
401 *                      new type of configuration page.
402 *  02-09-05  01.05.07  Added InactiveStatus field to RAID Volume Page 0.
403 *                      Added WWID field to RAID Volume Page 1.
404 *                      Added PhysicalPort field to SAS Expander pages 0 and 1.
405 *  03-11-05  01.05.08  Removed the EEDP flags from IOC Page 1.
406 *                      Added Enclosure/Slot boot device format to BIOS Page 2.
407 *                      New status value for RAID Volume Page 0 VolumeStatus
408 *                      (VolumeState subfield).
409 *                      New value for RAID Physical Page 0 InactiveStatus.
410 *                      Added Inactive Volume Member flag RAID Physical Disk
411 *                      Page 0 PhysDiskStatus field.
412 *                      New physical mapping mode in SAS IO Unit Page 2.
413 *                      Added CONFIG_PAGE_SAS_ENCLOSURE_0.
414 *                      Added Slot and Enclosure fields to SAS Device Page 0.
415 *  06-24-05  01.05.09  Added EEDP defines to IOC Page 1.
416 *                      Added more RAID type defines to IOC Page 2.
417 *                      Added Port Enable Delay settings to BIOS Page 1.
418 *                      Added Bad Block Table Full define to RAID Volume Page 0.
419 *                      Added Previous State defines to RAID Physical Disk
420 *                      Page 0.
421 *                      Added Max Sata Targets define for DiscoveryStatus field
422 *                      of SAS IO Unit Page 0.
423 *                      Added Device Self Test to Control Flags of SAS IO Unit
424 *                      Page 1.
425 *                      Added Direct Attach Starting Slot Number define for SAS
426 *                      IO Unit Page 2.
427 *                      Added new fields in SAS Device Page 2 for enclosure
428 *                      mapping.
429 *                      Added OwnerDevHandle and Flags field to SAS PHY Page 0.
430 *                      Added IOC GPIO Flags define to SAS Enclosure Page 0.
431 *                      Fixed the value for MPI_SAS_IOUNIT1_CONTROL_DEV_SATA_SUPPORT.
432 *  08-03-05  01.05.10  Removed ISDataScrubRate and ISResyncRate from
433 *                      Manufacturing Page 4.
434 *                      Added MPI_IOUNITPAGE1_SATA_WRITE_CACHE_DISABLE bit.
435 *                      Added NumDevsPerEnclosure field to SAS IO Unit page 2.
436 *                      Added MPI_SAS_IOUNIT2_FLAGS_HOST_ASSIGNED_PHYS_MAP
437 *                      define.
438 *                      Added EnclosureHandle field to SAS Expander page 0.
439 *                      Removed redundant NumTableEntriesProg field from SAS
440 *                      Expander Page 1.
441 *  08-30-05  01.05.11  Added DeviceID for FC949E and changed the DeviceID for
442 *                      SAS1078.
443 *                      Added more defines for Manufacturing Page 4 Flags field.
444 *                      Added more defines for IOCSettings and added
445 *                      ExpanderSpinup field to Bios Page 1.
446 *                      Added postpone SATA Init bit to SAS IO Unit Page 1
447 *                      ControlFlags.
448 *                      Changed LogEntry format for Log Page 0.
449 *  03-27-06  01.05.12  Added two new Flags defines for Manufacturing Page 4.
450 *                      Added Manufacturing Page 7.
451 *                      Added MPI_IOCPAGE2_CAP_FLAGS_RAID_64_BIT_ADDRESSING.
452 *                      Added IOC Page 6.
453 *                      Added PrevBootDeviceForm field to CONFIG_PAGE_BIOS_2.
454 *                      Added MaxLBAHigh field to RAID Volume Page 0.
455 *                      Added Nvdata version fields to SAS IO Unit Page 0.
456 *                      Added AdditionalControlFlags, MaxTargetPortConnectTime,
457 *                      ReportDeviceMissingDelay, and IODeviceMissingDelay
458 *                      fields to SAS IO Unit Page 1.
459 *  10-11-06  01.05.13  Added NumForceWWID field and ForceWWID array to
460 *                      Manufacturing Page 5.
461 *                      Added Manufacturing pages 8 through 10.
462 *                      Added defines for supported metadata size bits in
463 *                      CapabilitiesFlags field of IOC Page 6.
464 *                      Added defines for metadata size bits in VolumeSettings
465 *                      field of RAID Volume Page 0.
466 *                      Added SATA Link Reset settings, Enable SATA Asynchronous
467 *                      Notification bit, and HideNonZeroAttachedPhyIdentifiers
468 *                      bit to AdditionalControlFlags field of SAS IO Unit
469 *                      Page 1.
470 *                      Added defines for Enclosure Devices Unmapped and
471 *                      Device Limit Exceeded bits in Status field of SAS IO
472 *                      Unit Page 2.
473 *                      Added more AccessStatus values for SAS Device Page 0.
474 *                      Added bit for SATA Asynchronous Notification Support in
475 *                      Flags field of SAS Device Page 0.
476 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
479 *  05-08-00  00.10.01  Original release for 0.10 spec dated 4/26/2000.
480 *  05-24-00  00.10.02  Added SenseBufferLength to _MSG_SCSI_IO_REPLY.
481 *  06-06-00  01.00.01  Update version number for 1.0 release.
482 *  06-08-00  01.00.02  Added MPI_SCSI_RSP_INFO_ definitions.
483 *  11-02-00  01.01.01  Original release for post 1.0 work
484 *  12-04-00  01.01.02  Added MPI_SCSIIO_CONTROL_NO_DISCONNECT.
485 *  02-20-01  01.01.03  Started using MPI_POINTER.
486 *  03-27-01  01.01.04  Added structure offset comments.
487 *  04-10-01  01.01.05  Added new MsgFlag for MSG_SCSI_TASK_MGMT.
488 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release for v1.2 work.
490 *                      Added MPI_SCSI_STATE_QUEUE_TAG_REJECTED for
491 *                      MSG_SCSI_IO_REPLY.
492 *  09-28-01  01.02.03  Added structures and defines for SCSI Enclosure
493 *                      Processor messages.
494 *  10-04-01  01.02.04  Added defines for SEP request Action field.
495 *  05-31-02  01.02.05  Added MPI_SCSIIO_MSGFLGS_CMD_DETERMINES_DATA_DIR define
496 *                      for SCSI IO requests.
497 *  11-15-02  01.02.06  Added special extended SCSI Status defines for FCP.
498 *  06-26-03  01.02.07  Added MPI_SCSI_STATUS_FCPEXT_UNASSIGNED define.
499 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Original release for MPI v1.3.
500 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Added MsgFlags defines for EEDP to SCSI IO request.
501 *                      Added new word to MSG_SCSI_IO_REPLY to add TaskTag field
502 *                      and a reserved U16.
503 *                      Added new MSG_SCSI_IO32_REQUEST structure.
504 *                      Added a TaskType of Clear Task Set to SCSI
505 *                      Task Management request.
506 *  12-07-04  01.05.02  Added support for Task Management Query Task.
507 *  01-15-05  01.05.03  Modified SCSI Enclosure Processor Request to support
508 *                      WWID addressing.
509 *  03-11-05  01.05.04  Removed EEDP flags from SCSI IO Request.
510 *                      Removed SCSI IO 32 Request.
511 *                      Modified SCSI Enclosure Processor Request and Reply to
512 *                      support Enclosure/Slot addressing rather than WWID
513 *                      addressing.
514 *  06-24-05  01.05.05  Added SCSI IO 32 structures and defines.
515 *                      Added four new defines for SEP SlotStatus.
516 *  08-03-05  01.05.06  Fixed some MPI_SCSIIO32_MSGFLGS_ defines to make them
517 *                      unique in the first 32 characters.
518 *  03-27-06  01.05.07  Added Task Management type of Clear ACA.
519 *  10-11-06  01.05.08  Shortened define for Task Management type of Clear ACA.
520 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
523 *  05-08-00  00.10.01  Original release for 0.10 spec dated 4/26/2000.
524 *  06-06-00  01.00.01  Update version number for 1.0 release.
525 *  06-22-00  01.00.02  Added _MSG_TARGET_CMD_BUFFER_POST_REPLY structure.
526 *                      Corrected DECSRIPTOR typo to DESCRIPTOR.
527 *  11-02-00  01.01.01  Original release for post 1.0 work
528 *                      Modified target mode to use IoIndex instead of
529 *                      HostIndex and IocIndex. Added Alias.
530 *  01-09-01  01.01.02  Added defines for TARGET_ASSIST_FLAGS_REPOST_CMD_BUFFER
531 *                      and TARGET_STATUS_SEND_FLAGS_REPOST_CMD_BUFFER.
532 *  02-20-01  01.01.03  Started using MPI_POINTER.
533 *                      Added structures for MPI_TARGET_SCSI_SPI_CMD_BUFFER and
534 *                      MPI_TARGET_FCP_CMD_BUFFER.
535 *  03-27-01  01.01.04  Added structure offset comments.
536 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release for v1.2 work.
537 *  09-28-01  01.02.02  Added structure for MPI_TARGET_SCSI_SPI_STATUS_IU.
538 *                      Added PriorityReason field to some replies and
539 *                      defined more PriorityReason codes.
540 *                      Added some defines for to support previous version
541 *                      of MPI.
542 *  10-04-01  01.02.03  Added PriorityReason to MSG_TARGET_ERROR_REPLY.
543 *  11-01-01  01.02.04  Added define for TARGET_STATUS_SEND_FLAGS_HIGH_PRIORITY.
544 *  03-14-02  01.02.05  Modified MPI_TARGET_FCP_RSP_BUFFER to get the proper
545 *                      byte ordering.
546 *  05-31-02  01.02.06  Modified TARGET_MODE_REPLY_ALIAS_MASK to only include
547 *                      one bit.
548 *                      Added AliasIndex field to MPI_TARGET_FCP_CMD_BUFFER.
549 *  09-16-02  01.02.07  Added flags for confirmed completion.
550 *                      Added PRIORITY_REASON_TARGET_BUSY.
551 *  11-15-02  01.02.08  Added AliasID field to MPI_TARGET_SCSI_SPI_CMD_BUFFER.
552 *  04-01-03  01.02.09  Added OptionalOxid field to MPI_TARGET_FCP_CMD_BUFFER.
553 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Original release for MPI v1.3.
554 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Added new request message structures for
555 *                      MSG_TARGET_CMD_BUF_POST_BASE_REQUEST,
556 *                      MSG_TARGET_CMD_BUF_POST_LIST_REQUEST, and
557 *                      MSG_TARGET_ASSIST_EXT_REQUEST.
558 *                      Added new structures for SAS SSP Command buffer, SSP
559 *                      Task buffer, and SSP Status IU.
560 *  10-05-04  01.05.02  MSG_TARGET_CMD_BUFFER_POST_BASE_LIST_REPLY added.
561 *  02-22-05  01.05.03  Changed a comment.
562 *  03-11-05  01.05.04  Removed TargetAssistExtended Request.
563 *  06-24-05  01.05.05  Added TargetAssistExtended structures and defines.
564 *  03-27-06  01.05.06  Added a comment.
565 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
568 *  05-08-00  00.10.01  Original release for 0.10 spec dated 4/26/2000.
569 *  06-06-00  01.00.01  Update version number for 1.0 release.
570 *  06-12-00  01.00.02  Added _MSG_FC_ABORT_REPLY structure.
571 *  11-02-00  01.01.01  Original release for post 1.0 work
572 *  12-04-00  01.01.02  Added messages for Common Transport Send and
573 *                      Primitive Send.
574 *  01-09-01  01.01.03  Modified some of the new flags to have an MPI prefix
575 *                      and modified the FcPrimitiveSend flags.
576 *  01-25-01  01.01.04  Move InitiatorIndex in LinkServiceRsp reply to a larger
577 *                      field.
578 *                      Added FC_ABORT_TYPE_CT_SEND_REQUEST and
579 *                      FC_ABORT_TYPE_EXLINKSEND_REQUEST for FcAbort request.
580 *                      Added MPI_FC_PRIM_SEND_FLAGS_STOP_SEND.
581 *  02-20-01  01.01.05  Started using MPI_POINTER.
582 *  03-27-01  01.01.06  Added Flags field to MSG_LINK_SERVICE_BUFFER_POST_REPLY
583 *                      and defined MPI_LS_BUF_POST_REPLY_FLAG_NO_RSP_NEEDED.
584 *                      Added MPI_FC_PRIM_SEND_FLAGS_RESET_LINK define.
585 *                      Added structure offset comments.
586 *  04-09-01  01.01.07  Added RspLength field to MSG_LINK_SERVICE_RSP_REQUEST.
587 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release for v1.2 work.
588 *  09-28-01  01.02.02  Change name of reserved field in
589 *                      MSG_LINK_SERVICE_RSP_REPLY.
590 *  05-31-02  01.02.03  Adding AliasIndex to FC Direct Access requests.
591 *  01-16-04  01.02.04  Added define for MPI_FC_PRIM_SEND_FLAGS_ML_RESET_LINK.
592 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Original release for MPI v1.3.
593 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Original release for MPI v1.5.
594 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
597 *  05-08-00  00.10.01  Original release for 0.10 spec dated 4/26/2000.
598 *  05-24-00  00.10.02  Added LANStatus field to _MSG_LAN_SEND_REPLY.
599 *                      Added LANStatus field to _MSG_LAN_RECEIVE_POST_REPLY.
600 *                      Moved ListCount field in _MSG_LAN_RECEIVE_POST_REPLY.
601 *  06-06-00  01.00.01  Update version number for 1.0 release.
602 *  06-12-00  01.00.02  Added MPI_ to BUCKETSTATUS_ definitions.
603 *  06-22-00  01.00.03  Major changes to match new LAN definition in 1.0 spec.
604 *  06-30-00  01.00.04  Added Context Reply definitions per revised proposal.
605 *                      Changed transaction context usage to bucket/buffer.
606 *  07-05-00  01.00.05  Removed LAN_RECEIVE_POST_BUCKET_CONTEXT_MASK definition
607 *                      to lan private header file
608 *  11-02-00  01.01.01  Original release for post 1.0 work
609 *  02-20-01  01.01.02  Started using MPI_POINTER.
610 *  03-27-01  01.01.03  Added structure offset comments.
611 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release for v1.2 work.
612 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Original release for MPI v1.3.
613 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Original release for MPI v1.5.
614 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
617 *  02-27-01  01.01.01  Original release for this file.
618 *  03-27-01  01.01.02  Added structure offset comments.
619 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release for v1.2 work.
620 *  08-29-01  01.02.02  Added DIAG_DATA_UPLOAD_HEADER and related defines.
621 *  09-28-01  01.02.02  Major rework for MPI v1.2 Integrated RAID changes.
622 *  10-04-01  01.02.03  Added ActionData defines for
623 *                      MPI_RAID_ACTION_DELETE_VOLUME action.
624 *  11-01-01  01.02.04  Added define for MPI_RAID_ACTION_ADATA_DO_NOT_SYNC.
625 *  03-14-02  01.02.05  Added define for MPI_RAID_ACTION_ADATA_LOW_LEVEL_INIT.
626 *  05-07-02  01.02.06  Added define for MPI_RAID_ACTION_ACTIVATE_VOLUME,
627 *                      MPI_RAID_ACTION_INACTIVATE_VOLUME, and
628 *                      MPI_RAID_ACTION_ADATA_INACTIVATE_ALL.
629 *  07-12-02  01.02.07  Added structures for Mailbox request and reply.
630 *  11-15-02  01.02.08  Added missing MsgContext field to MSG_MAILBOX_REQUEST.
631 *  04-01-03  01.02.09  New action data option flag for
632 *                      MPI_RAID_ACTION_DELETE_VOLUME.
633 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Original release for MPI v1.3.
634 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Original release for MPI v1.5.
635 *  01-15-05  01.05.02  Added defines for the two new RAID Actions for
636 *                      _SET_RESYNC_RATE and _SET_DATA_SCRUB_RATE.
637 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
640 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release.
641 *  08-29-01  01.02.02  Added DIAG_DATA_UPLOAD_HEADER and related defines.
642 *  01-16-04  01.02.03  Added defines and structures for new tools
643 *.                     MPI_TOOLBOX_ISTWI_READ_WRITE_TOOL and
644 *                      MPI_TOOLBOX_FC_MANAGEMENT_TOOL.
645 *  04-29-04  01.02.04  Added message structures for Diagnostic Buffer Post and
646 *                      Diagnostic Release requests and replies.
647 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Original release for MPI v1.3.
648 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Original release for MPI v1.5.
649 *  10-06-04  01.05.02  Added define for MPI_DIAG_BUF_TYPE_COUNT.
650 *  02-09-05  01.05.03  Added frame size option to FC management tool.
651 *                      Added Beacon tool to the Toolbox.
652 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
655 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Original release.
656 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Original release for MPI v1.5.
657 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
660 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Original release.
661 *  08-30-05  01.05.02  Added DeviceInfo bit for SEP.
662 *                      Added PrimFlags and Primitive field to SAS IO Unit
663 *                      Control request, and added a new operation code.
664 *  03-27-06  01.05.03  Added Force Full Discovery, Transmit Port Select Signal,
665 *                      and Remove Device operations to SAS IO Unit Control.
666 *                      Added DevHandle field to SAS IO Unit Control request and
667 *                      reply.
668 *  10-11-06  01.05.04  Fixed the name of a define for Operation field of SAS IO
669 *                      Unit Control request.
670 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
673 *  05-08-00  00.10.01  Original release for 0.10 spec dated 4/26/2000.
674 *  06-06-00  01.00.01  Update version number for 1.0 release.
675 *  11-02-00  01.01.01  Original release for post 1.0 work
676 *  02-20-01  01.01.02  Added define and ifdef for MPI_POINTER.
677 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release for v1.2 work.
678 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Original release for MPI v1.3.
679 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Original release for MPI v1.5.
680 *  08-30-05  01.05.02  Added PowerPC option to #ifdef's.
681 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
683mpi_history.txt         Parts list history
685Filename    01.05.13   01.05.13   01.05.12   01.05.11   01.05.10   01.05.09
686----------  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
687mpi.h       01.05.12   01.05.11   01.05.10   01.05.09   01.05.08   01.05.07
688mpi_ioc.h   01.05.12   01.05.11   01.05.10   01.05.09   01.05.09   01.05.08
689mpi_cnfg.h  01.05.13   01.05.12   01.05.11   01.05.10   01.05.09   01.05.08
690mpi_init.h  01.05.08   01.05.07   01.05.06   01.05.06   01.05.05   01.05.04
691mpi_targ.h  01.05.06   01.05.06   01.05.05   01.05.05   01.05.05   01.05.04
692mpi_fc.h    01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
693mpi_lan.h   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
694mpi_raid.h  01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02
695mpi_tool.h  01.05.03   01.05.03   01.05.03   01.05.03   01.05.03   01.05.03
696mpi_inb.h   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
697mpi_sas.h   01.05.04   01.05.03   01.05.02   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
698mpi_type.h  01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
700Filename    01.05.08   01.05.07   01.05.06   01.05.05   01.05.04   01.05.03
701----------  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
702mpi.h       01.05.06   01.05.05   01.05.04   01.05.03   01.05.02   01.05.01
703mpi_ioc.h   01.05.07   01.05.06   01.05.05   01.05.04   01.05.03   01.05.02
704mpi_cnfg.h  01.05.07   01.05.07   01.05.06   01.05.05   01.05.04   01.05.03
705mpi_init.h  01.05.03   01.05.03   01.05.03   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.01
706mpi_targ.h  01.05.03   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02
707mpi_fc.h    01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
708mpi_lan.h   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
709mpi_raid.h  01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
710mpi_tool.h  01.05.03   01.05.03   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02
711mpi_inb.h   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
712mpi_sas.h   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
713mpi_type.h  01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
715Filename    01.05.02   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.14   01.02.13   01.02.12
716----------  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
717mpi.h       01.05.01   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.12   01.02.11   01.02.10
718mpi_ioc.h   01.05.02   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.09   01.02.08   01.02.08
719mpi_cnfg.h  01.05.02   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.14   01.02.13   01.02.12
720mpi_init.h  01.05.01   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.07   01.02.07   01.02.07
721mpi_targ.h  01.05.02   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.09   01.02.09   01.02.09
722mpi_fc.h    01.05.01   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.04   01.02.04   01.02.03
723mpi_lan.h   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01
724mpi_raid.h  01.05.01   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.09   01.02.09   01.02.09
725mpi_tool.h  01.05.02   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01
726mpi_inb.h   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.03.01
727mpi_sas.h   01.05.01   01.05.01
728mpi_type.h  01.05.01   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.04   01.02.03   01.02.02
730Filename    01.02.11   01.02.10   01.02.09   01.02.08   01.02.07   01.02.06
731----------  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
732mpi.h       01.02.09   01.02.08   01.02.07   01.02.06   01.02.05   01.02.04
733mpi_ioc.h   01.02.07   01.02.06   01.02.06   01.02.06   01.02.06   01.02.05
734mpi_cnfg.h  01.02.11   01.02.10   01.02.09   01.02.08   01.02.07   01.02.06
735mpi_init.h  01.02.06   01.02.06   01.02.05   01.02.05   01.02.05   01.02.04
736mpi_targ.h  01.02.09   01.02.08   01.02.07   01.02.06   01.02.06   01.02.05
737mpi_fc.h    01.02.03   01.02.03   01.02.03   01.02.03   01.02.03   01.02.02
738mpi_lan.h   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01
739mpi_raid.h  01.02.09   01.02.08   01.02.07   01.02.07   01.02.06   01.02.05
740mpi_tool.h  01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01
741mpi_type.h  01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.02
743Filename    01.02.05   01.02.04   01.02.03   01.02.02   01.02.01   01.01.10
744----------  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
745mpi.h       01.02.03   01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.01.07
746mpi_ioc.h   01.02.04   01.02.03   01.02.03   01.02.02   01.02.01   01.01.07
747mpi_cnfg.h  01.02.05   01.02.04   01.02.03   01.02.02   01.02.01   01.01.11
748mpi_init.h  01.02.04   01.02.04   01.02.03   01.02.02   01.02.01   01.01.05
749mpi_targ.h  01.02.04   01.02.03   01.02.02   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.01.04
750mpi_fc.h    01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.01.07
751mpi_lan.h   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.01.03
752mpi_raid.h  01.02.04   01.02.03   01.02.02   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.01.02
753mpi_tool.h  01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.01
754mpi_type.h  01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.01   01.01.02
756Filename    01.01.09   01.01.08   01.01.07   01.01.06   01.01.05   01.01.04
757----------  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
758mpi.h       01.01.06   01.01.06   01.01.05   01.01.04   01.01.04   01.01.03
759mpi_ioc.h   01.01.06   01.01.05   01.01.04   01.01.03   01.01.03   01.01.03
760mpi_cnfg.h  01.01.10   01.01.09   01.01.08   01.01.07   01.01.06   01.01.05
761mpi_init.h  01.01.04   01.01.03   01.01.03   01.01.02   01.01.02   01.01.02
762mpi_targ.h  01.01.04   01.01.03   01.01.03   01.01.02   01.01.02   01.01.02
763mpi_fc.h    01.01.06   01.01.05   01.01.05   01.01.04   01.01.04   01.01.03
764mpi_lan.h   01.01.03   01.01.02   01.01.02   01.01.01   01.01.01   01.01.01
765mpi_raid.h  01.01.02   01.01.01
766mpi_type.h  01.01.02   01.01.02   01.01.02   01.01.01   01.01.01   01.01.01
768Filename    01.01.03   01.01.02   01.01.01   01.00.07   01.00.06   01.00.05
769----------  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
770mpi.h       01.01.02   01.01.02   01.01.01   01.00.04   01.00.04   01.00.03
771mpi_ioc.h   01.01.02   01.01.02   01.01.01   01.00.05   01.00.04   01.00.03
772mpi_cnfg.h  01.01.04   01.01.03   01.01.01   01.00.05   01.00.05   01.00.04
773mpi_init.h  01.01.02   01.01.02   01.01.01   01.00.02   01.00.02   01.00.02
774mpi_targ.h  01.01.01   01.01.01   01.01.01   01.00.02   01.00.02   01.00.02
775mpi_fc.h    01.01.02   01.01.02   01.01.01   01.00.02   01.00.02   01.00.02
776mpi_lan.h   01.01.01   01.01.01   01.01.01   01.00.05   01.00.05   01.00.05
777mpi_type.h  01.01.01   01.01.01   01.01.01   01.00.01   01.00.01   01.00.01
779Filename     01.00.04   01.00.03   01.00.02   01.00.01   00.10.02   00.10.01
780----------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
781mpi.h        01.00.02   01.00.01   01.00.01   01.00.01   00.10.02   00.10.01
782mpi_ioc.h    01.00.02   01.00.02   01.00.01   01.00.01   00.10.02   00.10.01
783mpi_cnfg.h   01.00.03   01.00.02   01.00.02   01.00.01   00.10.01   00.10.01
784mpi_init.h   01.00.02   01.00.02   01.00.02   01.00.01   00.10.02   00.10.01
785mpi_targ.h   01.00.02   01.00.01   01.00.01   01.00.01   00.10.01   00.10.01
786mpi_fc.h     01.00.02   01.00.02   01.00.01   01.00.01   00.10.01   00.10.01
787mpi_lan.h    01.00.03   01.00.02   01.00.01   01.00.01   00.10.02   00.10.01
788mpi_type.h   01.00.01   01.00.01   01.00.01   01.00.01   00.10.01   00.10.01
791 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------