xref: /openbmc/linux/drivers/media/i2c/ov7670.c (revision 2c64e9cb)
1 /*
2  * A V4L2 driver for OmniVision OV7670 cameras.
3  *
4  * Copyright 2006 One Laptop Per Child Association, Inc.  Written
5  * by Jonathan Corbet with substantial inspiration from Mark
6  * McClelland's ovcamchip code.
7  *
8  * Copyright 2006-7 Jonathan Corbet <corbet@lwn.net>
9  *
10  * This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
11  * Public License, version 2.
12  */
13 #include <linux/clk.h>
14 #include <linux/init.h>
15 #include <linux/module.h>
16 #include <linux/slab.h>
17 #include <linux/i2c.h>
18 #include <linux/delay.h>
19 #include <linux/videodev2.h>
20 #include <linux/gpio.h>
21 #include <linux/gpio/consumer.h>
22 #include <media/v4l2-device.h>
23 #include <media/v4l2-event.h>
24 #include <media/v4l2-ctrls.h>
25 #include <media/v4l2-fwnode.h>
26 #include <media/v4l2-mediabus.h>
27 #include <media/v4l2-image-sizes.h>
28 #include <media/i2c/ov7670.h>
30 MODULE_AUTHOR("Jonathan Corbet <corbet@lwn.net>");
31 MODULE_DESCRIPTION("A low-level driver for OmniVision ov7670 sensors");
34 static bool debug;
35 module_param(debug, bool, 0644);
36 MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "Debug level (0-1)");
38 /*
39  * The 7670 sits on i2c with ID 0x42
40  */
41 #define OV7670_I2C_ADDR 0x42
43 #define PLL_FACTOR	4
45 /* Registers */
46 #define REG_GAIN	0x00	/* Gain lower 8 bits (rest in vref) */
47 #define REG_BLUE	0x01	/* blue gain */
48 #define REG_RED		0x02	/* red gain */
49 #define REG_VREF	0x03	/* Pieces of GAIN, VSTART, VSTOP */
50 #define REG_COM1	0x04	/* Control 1 */
51 #define  COM1_CCIR656	  0x40  /* CCIR656 enable */
52 #define REG_BAVE	0x05	/* U/B Average level */
53 #define REG_GbAVE	0x06	/* Y/Gb Average level */
54 #define REG_AECHH	0x07	/* AEC MS 5 bits */
55 #define REG_RAVE	0x08	/* V/R Average level */
56 #define REG_COM2	0x09	/* Control 2 */
57 #define  COM2_SSLEEP	  0x10	/* Soft sleep mode */
58 #define REG_PID		0x0a	/* Product ID MSB */
59 #define REG_VER		0x0b	/* Product ID LSB */
60 #define REG_COM3	0x0c	/* Control 3 */
61 #define  COM3_SWAP	  0x40	  /* Byte swap */
62 #define  COM3_SCALEEN	  0x08	  /* Enable scaling */
63 #define  COM3_DCWEN	  0x04	  /* Enable downsamp/crop/window */
64 #define REG_COM4	0x0d	/* Control 4 */
65 #define REG_COM5	0x0e	/* All "reserved" */
66 #define REG_COM6	0x0f	/* Control 6 */
67 #define REG_AECH	0x10	/* More bits of AEC value */
68 #define REG_CLKRC	0x11	/* Clocl control */
69 #define   CLK_EXT	  0x40	  /* Use external clock directly */
70 #define   CLK_SCALE	  0x3f	  /* Mask for internal clock scale */
71 #define REG_COM7	0x12	/* Control 7 */
72 #define   COM7_RESET	  0x80	  /* Register reset */
73 #define   COM7_FMT_MASK	  0x38
74 #define   COM7_FMT_VGA	  0x00
75 #define	  COM7_FMT_CIF	  0x20	  /* CIF format */
76 #define   COM7_FMT_QVGA	  0x10	  /* QVGA format */
77 #define   COM7_FMT_QCIF	  0x08	  /* QCIF format */
78 #define	  COM7_RGB	  0x04	  /* bits 0 and 2 - RGB format */
79 #define	  COM7_YUV	  0x00	  /* YUV */
80 #define	  COM7_BAYER	  0x01	  /* Bayer format */
81 #define	  COM7_PBAYER	  0x05	  /* "Processed bayer" */
82 #define REG_COM8	0x13	/* Control 8 */
83 #define   COM8_FASTAEC	  0x80	  /* Enable fast AGC/AEC */
84 #define   COM8_AECSTEP	  0x40	  /* Unlimited AEC step size */
85 #define   COM8_BFILT	  0x20	  /* Band filter enable */
86 #define   COM8_AGC	  0x04	  /* Auto gain enable */
87 #define   COM8_AWB	  0x02	  /* White balance enable */
88 #define   COM8_AEC	  0x01	  /* Auto exposure enable */
89 #define REG_COM9	0x14	/* Control 9  - gain ceiling */
90 #define REG_COM10	0x15	/* Control 10 */
91 #define   COM10_HSYNC	  0x40	  /* HSYNC instead of HREF */
92 #define   COM10_PCLK_HB	  0x20	  /* Suppress PCLK on horiz blank */
93 #define   COM10_HREF_REV  0x08	  /* Reverse HREF */
94 #define   COM10_VS_LEAD	  0x04	  /* VSYNC on clock leading edge */
95 #define   COM10_VS_NEG	  0x02	  /* VSYNC negative */
96 #define   COM10_HS_NEG	  0x01	  /* HSYNC negative */
97 #define REG_HSTART	0x17	/* Horiz start high bits */
98 #define REG_HSTOP	0x18	/* Horiz stop high bits */
99 #define REG_VSTART	0x19	/* Vert start high bits */
100 #define REG_VSTOP	0x1a	/* Vert stop high bits */
101 #define REG_PSHFT	0x1b	/* Pixel delay after HREF */
102 #define REG_MIDH	0x1c	/* Manuf. ID high */
103 #define REG_MIDL	0x1d	/* Manuf. ID low */
104 #define REG_MVFP	0x1e	/* Mirror / vflip */
105 #define   MVFP_MIRROR	  0x20	  /* Mirror image */
106 #define   MVFP_FLIP	  0x10	  /* Vertical flip */
108 #define REG_AEW		0x24	/* AGC upper limit */
109 #define REG_AEB		0x25	/* AGC lower limit */
110 #define REG_VPT		0x26	/* AGC/AEC fast mode op region */
111 #define REG_HSYST	0x30	/* HSYNC rising edge delay */
112 #define REG_HSYEN	0x31	/* HSYNC falling edge delay */
113 #define REG_HREF	0x32	/* HREF pieces */
114 #define REG_TSLB	0x3a	/* lots of stuff */
115 #define   TSLB_YLAST	  0x04	  /* UYVY or VYUY - see com13 */
116 #define REG_COM11	0x3b	/* Control 11 */
117 #define   COM11_NIGHT	  0x80	  /* NIght mode enable */
118 #define   COM11_NMFR	  0x60	  /* Two bit NM frame rate */
119 #define   COM11_HZAUTO	  0x10	  /* Auto detect 50/60 Hz */
120 #define	  COM11_50HZ	  0x08	  /* Manual 50Hz select */
121 #define   COM11_EXP	  0x02
122 #define REG_COM12	0x3c	/* Control 12 */
123 #define   COM12_HREF	  0x80	  /* HREF always */
124 #define REG_COM13	0x3d	/* Control 13 */
125 #define   COM13_GAMMA	  0x80	  /* Gamma enable */
126 #define	  COM13_UVSAT	  0x40	  /* UV saturation auto adjustment */
127 #define   COM13_UVSWAP	  0x01	  /* V before U - w/TSLB */
128 #define REG_COM14	0x3e	/* Control 14 */
129 #define   COM14_DCWEN	  0x10	  /* DCW/PCLK-scale enable */
130 #define REG_EDGE	0x3f	/* Edge enhancement factor */
131 #define REG_COM15	0x40	/* Control 15 */
132 #define   COM15_R10F0	  0x00	  /* Data range 10 to F0 */
133 #define	  COM15_R01FE	  0x80	  /*            01 to FE */
134 #define   COM15_R00FF	  0xc0	  /*            00 to FF */
135 #define   COM15_RGB565	  0x10	  /* RGB565 output */
136 #define   COM15_RGB555	  0x30	  /* RGB555 output */
137 #define REG_COM16	0x41	/* Control 16 */
138 #define   COM16_AWBGAIN   0x08	  /* AWB gain enable */
139 #define REG_COM17	0x42	/* Control 17 */
140 #define   COM17_AECWIN	  0xc0	  /* AEC window - must match COM4 */
141 #define   COM17_CBAR	  0x08	  /* DSP Color bar */
143 /*
144  * This matrix defines how the colors are generated, must be
145  * tweaked to adjust hue and saturation.
146  *
147  * Order: v-red, v-green, v-blue, u-red, u-green, u-blue
148  *
149  * They are nine-bit signed quantities, with the sign bit
150  * stored in 0x58.  Sign for v-red is bit 0, and up from there.
151  */
152 #define	REG_CMATRIX_BASE 0x4f
153 #define   CMATRIX_LEN 6
154 #define REG_CMATRIX_SIGN 0x58
157 #define REG_BRIGHT	0x55	/* Brightness */
158 #define REG_CONTRAS	0x56	/* Contrast control */
160 #define REG_GFIX	0x69	/* Fix gain control */
162 #define REG_DBLV	0x6b	/* PLL control an debugging */
163 #define   DBLV_BYPASS	  0x0a	  /* Bypass PLL */
164 #define   DBLV_X4	  0x4a	  /* clock x4 */
165 #define   DBLV_X6	  0x8a	  /* clock x6 */
166 #define   DBLV_X8	  0xca	  /* clock x8 */
168 #define REG_SCALING_XSC	0x70	/* Test pattern and horizontal scale factor */
169 #define   TEST_PATTTERN_0 0x80
170 #define REG_SCALING_YSC	0x71	/* Test pattern and vertical scale factor */
171 #define   TEST_PATTTERN_1 0x80
173 #define REG_REG76	0x76	/* OV's name */
174 #define   R76_BLKPCOR	  0x80	  /* Black pixel correction enable */
175 #define   R76_WHTPCOR	  0x40	  /* White pixel correction enable */
177 #define REG_RGB444	0x8c	/* RGB 444 control */
178 #define   R444_ENABLE	  0x02	  /* Turn on RGB444, overrides 5x5 */
179 #define   R444_RGBX	  0x01	  /* Empty nibble at end */
181 #define REG_HAECC1	0x9f	/* Hist AEC/AGC control 1 */
182 #define REG_HAECC2	0xa0	/* Hist AEC/AGC control 2 */
184 #define REG_BD50MAX	0xa5	/* 50hz banding step limit */
185 #define REG_HAECC3	0xa6	/* Hist AEC/AGC control 3 */
186 #define REG_HAECC4	0xa7	/* Hist AEC/AGC control 4 */
187 #define REG_HAECC5	0xa8	/* Hist AEC/AGC control 5 */
188 #define REG_HAECC6	0xa9	/* Hist AEC/AGC control 6 */
189 #define REG_HAECC7	0xaa	/* Hist AEC/AGC control 7 */
190 #define REG_BD60MAX	0xab	/* 60hz banding step limit */
192 enum ov7670_model {
193 	MODEL_OV7670 = 0,
194 	MODEL_OV7675,
195 };
197 struct ov7670_win_size {
198 	int	width;
199 	int	height;
200 	unsigned char com7_bit;
201 	int	hstart;		/* Start/stop values for the camera.  Note */
202 	int	hstop;		/* that they do not always make complete */
203 	int	vstart;		/* sense to humans, but evidently the sensor */
204 	int	vstop;		/* will do the right thing... */
205 	struct regval_list *regs; /* Regs to tweak */
206 };
208 struct ov7670_devtype {
209 	/* formats supported for each model */
210 	struct ov7670_win_size *win_sizes;
211 	unsigned int n_win_sizes;
212 	/* callbacks for frame rate control */
213 	int (*set_framerate)(struct v4l2_subdev *, struct v4l2_fract *);
214 	void (*get_framerate)(struct v4l2_subdev *, struct v4l2_fract *);
215 };
217 /*
218  * Information we maintain about a known sensor.
219  */
220 struct ov7670_format_struct;  /* coming later */
221 struct ov7670_info {
222 	struct v4l2_subdev sd;
224 	struct media_pad pad;
225 #endif
226 	struct v4l2_ctrl_handler hdl;
227 	struct {
228 		/* gain cluster */
229 		struct v4l2_ctrl *auto_gain;
230 		struct v4l2_ctrl *gain;
231 	};
232 	struct {
233 		/* exposure cluster */
234 		struct v4l2_ctrl *auto_exposure;
235 		struct v4l2_ctrl *exposure;
236 	};
237 	struct {
238 		/* saturation/hue cluster */
239 		struct v4l2_ctrl *saturation;
240 		struct v4l2_ctrl *hue;
241 	};
242 	struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt format;
243 	struct ov7670_format_struct *fmt;  /* Current format */
244 	struct ov7670_win_size *wsize;
245 	struct clk *clk;
246 	int on;
247 	struct gpio_desc *resetb_gpio;
248 	struct gpio_desc *pwdn_gpio;
249 	unsigned int mbus_config;	/* Media bus configuration flags */
250 	int min_width;			/* Filter out smaller sizes */
251 	int min_height;			/* Filter out smaller sizes */
252 	int clock_speed;		/* External clock speed (MHz) */
253 	u8 clkrc;			/* Clock divider value */
254 	bool use_smbus;			/* Use smbus I/O instead of I2C */
255 	bool pll_bypass;
256 	bool pclk_hb_disable;
257 	const struct ov7670_devtype *devtype; /* Device specifics */
258 };
260 static inline struct ov7670_info *to_state(struct v4l2_subdev *sd)
261 {
262 	return container_of(sd, struct ov7670_info, sd);
263 }
265 static inline struct v4l2_subdev *to_sd(struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl)
266 {
267 	return &container_of(ctrl->handler, struct ov7670_info, hdl)->sd;
268 }
272 /*
273  * The default register settings, as obtained from OmniVision.  There
274  * is really no making sense of most of these - lots of "reserved" values
275  * and such.
276  *
277  * These settings give VGA YUYV.
278  */
280 struct regval_list {
281 	unsigned char reg_num;
282 	unsigned char value;
283 };
285 static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs[] = {
286 	{ REG_COM7, COM7_RESET },
287 /*
288  * Clock scale: 3 = 15fps
289  *              2 = 20fps
290  *              1 = 30fps
291  */
292 	{ REG_CLKRC, 0x1 },	/* OV: clock scale (30 fps) */
293 	{ REG_TSLB,  0x04 },	/* OV */
294 	{ REG_COM7, 0 },	/* VGA */
295 	/*
296 	 * Set the hardware window.  These values from OV don't entirely
297 	 * make sense - hstop is less than hstart.  But they work...
298 	 */
299 	{ REG_HSTART, 0x13 },	{ REG_HSTOP, 0x01 },
300 	{ REG_HREF, 0xb6 },	{ REG_VSTART, 0x02 },
301 	{ REG_VSTOP, 0x7a },	{ REG_VREF, 0x0a },
303 	{ REG_COM3, 0 },	{ REG_COM14, 0 },
304 	/* Mystery scaling numbers */
305 	{ REG_SCALING_XSC, 0x3a },
306 	{ REG_SCALING_YSC, 0x35 },
307 	{ 0x72, 0x11 },		{ 0x73, 0xf0 },
308 	{ 0xa2, 0x02 },		{ REG_COM10, 0x0 },
310 	/* Gamma curve values */
311 	{ 0x7a, 0x20 },		{ 0x7b, 0x10 },
312 	{ 0x7c, 0x1e },		{ 0x7d, 0x35 },
313 	{ 0x7e, 0x5a },		{ 0x7f, 0x69 },
314 	{ 0x80, 0x76 },		{ 0x81, 0x80 },
315 	{ 0x82, 0x88 },		{ 0x83, 0x8f },
316 	{ 0x84, 0x96 },		{ 0x85, 0xa3 },
317 	{ 0x86, 0xaf },		{ 0x87, 0xc4 },
318 	{ 0x88, 0xd7 },		{ 0x89, 0xe8 },
320 	/* AGC and AEC parameters.  Note we start by disabling those features,
321 	   then turn them only after tweaking the values. */
323 	{ REG_GAIN, 0 },	{ REG_AECH, 0 },
324 	{ REG_COM4, 0x40 }, /* magic reserved bit */
325 	{ REG_COM9, 0x18 }, /* 4x gain + magic rsvd bit */
326 	{ REG_BD50MAX, 0x05 },	{ REG_BD60MAX, 0x07 },
327 	{ REG_AEW, 0x95 },	{ REG_AEB, 0x33 },
328 	{ REG_VPT, 0xe3 },	{ REG_HAECC1, 0x78 },
329 	{ REG_HAECC2, 0x68 },	{ 0xa1, 0x03 }, /* magic */
330 	{ REG_HAECC3, 0xd8 },	{ REG_HAECC4, 0xd8 },
331 	{ REG_HAECC5, 0xf0 },	{ REG_HAECC6, 0x90 },
332 	{ REG_HAECC7, 0x94 },
335 	/* Almost all of these are magic "reserved" values.  */
336 	{ REG_COM5, 0x61 },	{ REG_COM6, 0x4b },
337 	{ 0x16, 0x02 },		{ REG_MVFP, 0x07 },
338 	{ 0x21, 0x02 },		{ 0x22, 0x91 },
339 	{ 0x29, 0x07 },		{ 0x33, 0x0b },
340 	{ 0x35, 0x0b },		{ 0x37, 0x1d },
341 	{ 0x38, 0x71 },		{ 0x39, 0x2a },
342 	{ REG_COM12, 0x78 },	{ 0x4d, 0x40 },
343 	{ 0x4e, 0x20 },		{ REG_GFIX, 0 },
344 	{ 0x6b, 0x4a },		{ 0x74, 0x10 },
345 	{ 0x8d, 0x4f },		{ 0x8e, 0 },
346 	{ 0x8f, 0 },		{ 0x90, 0 },
347 	{ 0x91, 0 },		{ 0x96, 0 },
348 	{ 0x9a, 0 },		{ 0xb0, 0x84 },
349 	{ 0xb1, 0x0c },		{ 0xb2, 0x0e },
350 	{ 0xb3, 0x82 },		{ 0xb8, 0x0a },
352 	/* More reserved magic, some of which tweaks white balance */
353 	{ 0x43, 0x0a },		{ 0x44, 0xf0 },
354 	{ 0x45, 0x34 },		{ 0x46, 0x58 },
355 	{ 0x47, 0x28 },		{ 0x48, 0x3a },
356 	{ 0x59, 0x88 },		{ 0x5a, 0x88 },
357 	{ 0x5b, 0x44 },		{ 0x5c, 0x67 },
358 	{ 0x5d, 0x49 },		{ 0x5e, 0x0e },
359 	{ 0x6c, 0x0a },		{ 0x6d, 0x55 },
360 	{ 0x6e, 0x11 },		{ 0x6f, 0x9f }, /* "9e for advance AWB" */
361 	{ 0x6a, 0x40 },		{ REG_BLUE, 0x40 },
362 	{ REG_RED, 0x60 },
365 	/* Matrix coefficients */
366 	{ 0x4f, 0x80 },		{ 0x50, 0x80 },
367 	{ 0x51, 0 },		{ 0x52, 0x22 },
368 	{ 0x53, 0x5e },		{ 0x54, 0x80 },
369 	{ 0x58, 0x9e },
371 	{ REG_COM16, COM16_AWBGAIN },	{ REG_EDGE, 0 },
372 	{ 0x75, 0x05 },		{ 0x76, 0xe1 },
373 	{ 0x4c, 0 },		{ 0x77, 0x01 },
374 	{ REG_COM13, 0xc3 },	{ 0x4b, 0x09 },
375 	{ 0xc9, 0x60 },		{ REG_COM16, 0x38 },
376 	{ 0x56, 0x40 },
378 	{ 0x34, 0x11 },		{ REG_COM11, COM11_EXP|COM11_HZAUTO },
379 	{ 0xa4, 0x88 },		{ 0x96, 0 },
380 	{ 0x97, 0x30 },		{ 0x98, 0x20 },
381 	{ 0x99, 0x30 },		{ 0x9a, 0x84 },
382 	{ 0x9b, 0x29 },		{ 0x9c, 0x03 },
383 	{ 0x9d, 0x4c },		{ 0x9e, 0x3f },
384 	{ 0x78, 0x04 },
386 	/* Extra-weird stuff.  Some sort of multiplexor register */
387 	{ 0x79, 0x01 },		{ 0xc8, 0xf0 },
388 	{ 0x79, 0x0f },		{ 0xc8, 0x00 },
389 	{ 0x79, 0x10 },		{ 0xc8, 0x7e },
390 	{ 0x79, 0x0a },		{ 0xc8, 0x80 },
391 	{ 0x79, 0x0b },		{ 0xc8, 0x01 },
392 	{ 0x79, 0x0c },		{ 0xc8, 0x0f },
393 	{ 0x79, 0x0d },		{ 0xc8, 0x20 },
394 	{ 0x79, 0x09 },		{ 0xc8, 0x80 },
395 	{ 0x79, 0x02 },		{ 0xc8, 0xc0 },
396 	{ 0x79, 0x03 },		{ 0xc8, 0x40 },
397 	{ 0x79, 0x05 },		{ 0xc8, 0x30 },
398 	{ 0x79, 0x26 },
400 	{ 0xff, 0xff },	/* END MARKER */
401 };
404 /*
405  * Here we'll try to encapsulate the changes for just the output
406  * video format.
407  *
408  * RGB656 and YUV422 come from OV; RGB444 is homebrewed.
409  *
410  * IMPORTANT RULE: the first entry must be for COM7, see ov7670_s_fmt for why.
411  */
414 static struct regval_list ov7670_fmt_yuv422[] = {
415 	{ REG_COM7, 0x0 },  /* Selects YUV mode */
416 	{ REG_RGB444, 0 },	/* No RGB444 please */
417 	{ REG_COM1, 0 },	/* CCIR601 */
418 	{ REG_COM15, COM15_R00FF },
419 	{ REG_COM9, 0x48 }, /* 32x gain ceiling; 0x8 is reserved bit */
420 	{ 0x4f, 0x80 },		/* "matrix coefficient 1" */
421 	{ 0x50, 0x80 },		/* "matrix coefficient 2" */
422 	{ 0x51, 0    },		/* vb */
423 	{ 0x52, 0x22 },		/* "matrix coefficient 4" */
424 	{ 0x53, 0x5e },		/* "matrix coefficient 5" */
425 	{ 0x54, 0x80 },		/* "matrix coefficient 6" */
426 	{ REG_COM13, COM13_GAMMA|COM13_UVSAT },
427 	{ 0xff, 0xff },
428 };
430 static struct regval_list ov7670_fmt_rgb565[] = {
431 	{ REG_COM7, COM7_RGB },	/* Selects RGB mode */
432 	{ REG_RGB444, 0 },	/* No RGB444 please */
433 	{ REG_COM1, 0x0 },	/* CCIR601 */
434 	{ REG_COM15, COM15_RGB565 },
435 	{ REG_COM9, 0x38 },	/* 16x gain ceiling; 0x8 is reserved bit */
436 	{ 0x4f, 0xb3 },		/* "matrix coefficient 1" */
437 	{ 0x50, 0xb3 },		/* "matrix coefficient 2" */
438 	{ 0x51, 0    },		/* vb */
439 	{ 0x52, 0x3d },		/* "matrix coefficient 4" */
440 	{ 0x53, 0xa7 },		/* "matrix coefficient 5" */
441 	{ 0x54, 0xe4 },		/* "matrix coefficient 6" */
442 	{ REG_COM13, COM13_GAMMA|COM13_UVSAT },
443 	{ 0xff, 0xff },
444 };
446 static struct regval_list ov7670_fmt_rgb444[] = {
447 	{ REG_COM7, COM7_RGB },	/* Selects RGB mode */
448 	{ REG_RGB444, R444_ENABLE },	/* Enable xxxxrrrr ggggbbbb */
449 	{ REG_COM1, 0x0 },	/* CCIR601 */
450 	{ REG_COM15, COM15_R01FE|COM15_RGB565 }, /* Data range needed? */
451 	{ REG_COM9, 0x38 },	/* 16x gain ceiling; 0x8 is reserved bit */
452 	{ 0x4f, 0xb3 },		/* "matrix coefficient 1" */
453 	{ 0x50, 0xb3 },		/* "matrix coefficient 2" */
454 	{ 0x51, 0    },		/* vb */
455 	{ 0x52, 0x3d },		/* "matrix coefficient 4" */
456 	{ 0x53, 0xa7 },		/* "matrix coefficient 5" */
457 	{ 0x54, 0xe4 },		/* "matrix coefficient 6" */
458 	{ REG_COM13, COM13_GAMMA|COM13_UVSAT|0x2 },  /* Magic rsvd bit */
459 	{ 0xff, 0xff },
460 };
462 static struct regval_list ov7670_fmt_raw[] = {
463 	{ REG_COM7, COM7_BAYER },
464 	{ REG_COM13, 0x08 }, /* No gamma, magic rsvd bit */
465 	{ REG_COM16, 0x3d }, /* Edge enhancement, denoise */
466 	{ REG_REG76, 0xe1 }, /* Pix correction, magic rsvd */
467 	{ 0xff, 0xff },
468 };
472 /*
473  * Low-level register I/O.
474  *
475  * Note that there are two versions of these.  On the XO 1, the
476  * i2c controller only does SMBUS, so that's what we use.  The
477  * ov7670 is not really an SMBUS device, though, so the communication
478  * is not always entirely reliable.
479  */
480 static int ov7670_read_smbus(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, unsigned char reg,
481 		unsigned char *value)
482 {
483 	struct i2c_client *client = v4l2_get_subdevdata(sd);
484 	int ret;
486 	ret = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(client, reg);
487 	if (ret >= 0) {
488 		*value = (unsigned char)ret;
489 		ret = 0;
490 	}
491 	return ret;
492 }
495 static int ov7670_write_smbus(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, unsigned char reg,
496 		unsigned char value)
497 {
498 	struct i2c_client *client = v4l2_get_subdevdata(sd);
499 	int ret = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client, reg, value);
501 	if (reg == REG_COM7 && (value & COM7_RESET))
502 		msleep(5);  /* Wait for reset to run */
503 	return ret;
504 }
506 /*
507  * On most platforms, we'd rather do straight i2c I/O.
508  */
509 static int ov7670_read_i2c(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, unsigned char reg,
510 		unsigned char *value)
511 {
512 	struct i2c_client *client = v4l2_get_subdevdata(sd);
513 	u8 data = reg;
514 	struct i2c_msg msg;
515 	int ret;
517 	/*
518 	 * Send out the register address...
519 	 */
520 	msg.addr = client->addr;
521 	msg.flags = 0;
522 	msg.len = 1;
523 	msg.buf = &data;
524 	ret = i2c_transfer(client->adapter, &msg, 1);
525 	if (ret < 0) {
526 		printk(KERN_ERR "Error %d on register write\n", ret);
527 		return ret;
528 	}
529 	/*
530 	 * ...then read back the result.
531 	 */
532 	msg.flags = I2C_M_RD;
533 	ret = i2c_transfer(client->adapter, &msg, 1);
534 	if (ret >= 0) {
535 		*value = data;
536 		ret = 0;
537 	}
538 	return ret;
539 }
542 static int ov7670_write_i2c(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, unsigned char reg,
543 		unsigned char value)
544 {
545 	struct i2c_client *client = v4l2_get_subdevdata(sd);
546 	struct i2c_msg msg;
547 	unsigned char data[2] = { reg, value };
548 	int ret;
550 	msg.addr = client->addr;
551 	msg.flags = 0;
552 	msg.len = 2;
553 	msg.buf = data;
554 	ret = i2c_transfer(client->adapter, &msg, 1);
555 	if (ret > 0)
556 		ret = 0;
557 	if (reg == REG_COM7 && (value & COM7_RESET))
558 		msleep(5);  /* Wait for reset to run */
559 	return ret;
560 }
562 static int ov7670_read(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, unsigned char reg,
563 		unsigned char *value)
564 {
565 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
566 	if (info->use_smbus)
567 		return ov7670_read_smbus(sd, reg, value);
568 	else
569 		return ov7670_read_i2c(sd, reg, value);
570 }
572 static int ov7670_write(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, unsigned char reg,
573 		unsigned char value)
574 {
575 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
576 	if (info->use_smbus)
577 		return ov7670_write_smbus(sd, reg, value);
578 	else
579 		return ov7670_write_i2c(sd, reg, value);
580 }
582 static int ov7670_update_bits(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, unsigned char reg,
583 		unsigned char mask, unsigned char value)
584 {
585 	unsigned char orig;
586 	int ret;
588 	ret = ov7670_read(sd, reg, &orig);
589 	if (ret)
590 		return ret;
592 	return ov7670_write(sd, reg, (orig & ~mask) | (value & mask));
593 }
595 /*
596  * Write a list of register settings; ff/ff stops the process.
597  */
598 static int ov7670_write_array(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, struct regval_list *vals)
599 {
600 	while (vals->reg_num != 0xff || vals->value != 0xff) {
601 		int ret = ov7670_write(sd, vals->reg_num, vals->value);
602 		if (ret < 0)
603 			return ret;
604 		vals++;
605 	}
606 	return 0;
607 }
610 /*
611  * Stuff that knows about the sensor.
612  */
613 static int ov7670_reset(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, u32 val)
614 {
615 	ov7670_write(sd, REG_COM7, COM7_RESET);
616 	msleep(1);
617 	return 0;
618 }
621 static int ov7670_init(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, u32 val)
622 {
623 	return ov7670_write_array(sd, ov7670_default_regs);
624 }
626 static int ov7670_detect(struct v4l2_subdev *sd)
627 {
628 	unsigned char v;
629 	int ret;
631 	ret = ov7670_init(sd, 0);
632 	if (ret < 0)
633 		return ret;
634 	ret = ov7670_read(sd, REG_MIDH, &v);
635 	if (ret < 0)
636 		return ret;
637 	if (v != 0x7f) /* OV manuf. id. */
638 		return -ENODEV;
639 	ret = ov7670_read(sd, REG_MIDL, &v);
640 	if (ret < 0)
641 		return ret;
642 	if (v != 0xa2)
643 		return -ENODEV;
644 	/*
645 	 * OK, we know we have an OmniVision chip...but which one?
646 	 */
647 	ret = ov7670_read(sd, REG_PID, &v);
648 	if (ret < 0)
649 		return ret;
650 	if (v != 0x76)  /* PID + VER = 0x76 / 0x73 */
651 		return -ENODEV;
652 	ret = ov7670_read(sd, REG_VER, &v);
653 	if (ret < 0)
654 		return ret;
655 	if (v != 0x73)  /* PID + VER = 0x76 / 0x73 */
656 		return -ENODEV;
657 	return 0;
658 }
661 /*
662  * Store information about the video data format.  The color matrix
663  * is deeply tied into the format, so keep the relevant values here.
664  * The magic matrix numbers come from OmniVision.
665  */
666 static struct ov7670_format_struct {
667 	u32 mbus_code;
668 	enum v4l2_colorspace colorspace;
669 	struct regval_list *regs;
670 	int cmatrix[CMATRIX_LEN];
671 } ov7670_formats[] = {
672 	{
673 		.mbus_code	= MEDIA_BUS_FMT_YUYV8_2X8,
674 		.colorspace	= V4L2_COLORSPACE_SRGB,
675 		.regs		= ov7670_fmt_yuv422,
676 		.cmatrix	= { 128, -128, 0, -34, -94, 128 },
677 	},
678 	{
679 		.mbus_code	= MEDIA_BUS_FMT_RGB444_2X8_PADHI_LE,
680 		.colorspace	= V4L2_COLORSPACE_SRGB,
681 		.regs		= ov7670_fmt_rgb444,
682 		.cmatrix	= { 179, -179, 0, -61, -176, 228 },
683 	},
684 	{
685 		.mbus_code	= MEDIA_BUS_FMT_RGB565_2X8_LE,
686 		.colorspace	= V4L2_COLORSPACE_SRGB,
687 		.regs		= ov7670_fmt_rgb565,
688 		.cmatrix	= { 179, -179, 0, -61, -176, 228 },
689 	},
690 	{
691 		.mbus_code	= MEDIA_BUS_FMT_SBGGR8_1X8,
692 		.colorspace	= V4L2_COLORSPACE_SRGB,
693 		.regs		= ov7670_fmt_raw,
694 		.cmatrix	= { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
695 	},
696 };
697 #define N_OV7670_FMTS ARRAY_SIZE(ov7670_formats)
700 /*
701  * Then there is the issue of window sizes.  Try to capture the info here.
702  */
704 /*
705  * QCIF mode is done (by OV) in a very strange way - it actually looks like
706  * VGA with weird scaling options - they do *not* use the canned QCIF mode
707  * which is allegedly provided by the sensor.  So here's the weird register
708  * settings.
709  */
710 static struct regval_list ov7670_qcif_regs[] = {
712 	{ REG_COM3, COM3_DCWEN },
713 	{ REG_COM14, COM14_DCWEN | 0x01},
714 	{ 0x73, 0xf1 },
715 	{ 0xa2, 0x52 },
716 	{ 0x7b, 0x1c },
717 	{ 0x7c, 0x28 },
718 	{ 0x7d, 0x3c },
719 	{ 0x7f, 0x69 },
720 	{ REG_COM9, 0x38 },
721 	{ 0xa1, 0x0b },
722 	{ 0x74, 0x19 },
723 	{ 0x9a, 0x80 },
724 	{ 0x43, 0x14 },
725 	{ REG_COM13, 0xc0 },
726 	{ 0xff, 0xff },
727 };
729 static struct ov7670_win_size ov7670_win_sizes[] = {
730 	/* VGA */
731 	{
732 		.width		= VGA_WIDTH,
733 		.height		= VGA_HEIGHT,
734 		.com7_bit	= COM7_FMT_VGA,
735 		.hstart		= 158,	/* These values from */
736 		.hstop		=  14,	/* Omnivision */
737 		.vstart		=  10,
738 		.vstop		= 490,
739 		.regs		= NULL,
740 	},
741 	/* CIF */
742 	{
743 		.width		= CIF_WIDTH,
744 		.height		= CIF_HEIGHT,
745 		.com7_bit	= COM7_FMT_CIF,
746 		.hstart		= 170,	/* Empirically determined */
747 		.hstop		=  90,
748 		.vstart		=  14,
749 		.vstop		= 494,
750 		.regs		= NULL,
751 	},
752 	/* QVGA */
753 	{
754 		.width		= QVGA_WIDTH,
755 		.height		= QVGA_HEIGHT,
756 		.com7_bit	= COM7_FMT_QVGA,
757 		.hstart		= 168,	/* Empirically determined */
758 		.hstop		=  24,
759 		.vstart		=  12,
760 		.vstop		= 492,
761 		.regs		= NULL,
762 	},
763 	/* QCIF */
764 	{
765 		.width		= QCIF_WIDTH,
766 		.height		= QCIF_HEIGHT,
767 		.com7_bit	= COM7_FMT_VGA, /* see comment above */
768 		.hstart		= 456,	/* Empirically determined */
769 		.hstop		=  24,
770 		.vstart		=  14,
771 		.vstop		= 494,
772 		.regs		= ov7670_qcif_regs,
773 	}
774 };
776 static struct ov7670_win_size ov7675_win_sizes[] = {
777 	/*
778 	 * Currently, only VGA is supported. Theoretically it could be possible
779 	 * to support CIF, QVGA and QCIF too. Taking values for ov7670 as a
780 	 * base and tweak them empirically could be required.
781 	 */
782 	{
783 		.width		= VGA_WIDTH,
784 		.height		= VGA_HEIGHT,
785 		.com7_bit	= COM7_FMT_VGA,
786 		.hstart		= 158,	/* These values from */
787 		.hstop		=  14,	/* Omnivision */
788 		.vstart		=  14,  /* Empirically determined */
789 		.vstop		= 494,
790 		.regs		= NULL,
791 	}
792 };
794 static void ov7675_get_framerate(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
795 				 struct v4l2_fract *tpf)
796 {
797 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
798 	u32 clkrc = info->clkrc;
799 	int pll_factor;
801 	if (info->pll_bypass)
802 		pll_factor = 1;
803 	else
804 		pll_factor = PLL_FACTOR;
806 	clkrc++;
807 	if (info->fmt->mbus_code == MEDIA_BUS_FMT_SBGGR8_1X8)
808 		clkrc = (clkrc >> 1);
810 	tpf->numerator = 1;
811 	tpf->denominator = (5 * pll_factor * info->clock_speed) /
812 			(4 * clkrc);
813 }
815 static int ov7675_apply_framerate(struct v4l2_subdev *sd)
816 {
817 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
818 	int ret;
820 	ret = ov7670_write(sd, REG_CLKRC, info->clkrc);
821 	if (ret < 0)
822 		return ret;
824 	return ov7670_write(sd, REG_DBLV,
825 			    info->pll_bypass ? DBLV_BYPASS : DBLV_X4);
826 }
828 static int ov7675_set_framerate(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
829 				 struct v4l2_fract *tpf)
830 {
831 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
832 	u32 clkrc;
833 	int pll_factor;
835 	/*
836 	 * The formula is fps = 5/4*pixclk for YUV/RGB and
837 	 * fps = 5/2*pixclk for RAW.
838 	 *
839 	 * pixclk = clock_speed / (clkrc + 1) * PLLfactor
840 	 *
841 	 */
842 	if (tpf->numerator == 0 || tpf->denominator == 0) {
843 		clkrc = 0;
844 	} else {
845 		pll_factor = info->pll_bypass ? 1 : PLL_FACTOR;
846 		clkrc = (5 * pll_factor * info->clock_speed * tpf->numerator) /
847 			(4 * tpf->denominator);
848 		if (info->fmt->mbus_code == MEDIA_BUS_FMT_SBGGR8_1X8)
849 			clkrc = (clkrc << 1);
850 		clkrc--;
851 	}
853 	/*
854 	 * The datasheet claims that clkrc = 0 will divide the input clock by 1
855 	 * but we've checked with an oscilloscope that it divides by 2 instead.
856 	 * So, if clkrc = 0 just bypass the divider.
857 	 */
858 	if (clkrc <= 0)
859 		clkrc = CLK_EXT;
860 	else if (clkrc > CLK_SCALE)
861 		clkrc = CLK_SCALE;
862 	info->clkrc = clkrc;
864 	/* Recalculate frame rate */
865 	ov7675_get_framerate(sd, tpf);
867 	/*
868 	 * If the device is not powered up by the host driver do
869 	 * not apply any changes to H/W at this time. Instead
870 	 * the framerate will be restored right after power-up.
871 	 */
872 	if (info->on)
873 		return ov7675_apply_framerate(sd);
875 	return 0;
876 }
878 static void ov7670_get_framerate_legacy(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
879 				 struct v4l2_fract *tpf)
880 {
881 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
883 	tpf->numerator = 1;
884 	tpf->denominator = info->clock_speed;
885 	if ((info->clkrc & CLK_EXT) == 0 && (info->clkrc & CLK_SCALE) > 1)
886 		tpf->denominator /= (info->clkrc & CLK_SCALE);
887 }
889 static int ov7670_set_framerate_legacy(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
890 					struct v4l2_fract *tpf)
891 {
892 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
893 	int div;
895 	if (tpf->numerator == 0 || tpf->denominator == 0)
896 		div = 1;  /* Reset to full rate */
897 	else
898 		div = (tpf->numerator * info->clock_speed) / tpf->denominator;
899 	if (div == 0)
900 		div = 1;
901 	else if (div > CLK_SCALE)
902 		div = CLK_SCALE;
903 	info->clkrc = (info->clkrc & 0x80) | div;
904 	tpf->numerator = 1;
905 	tpf->denominator = info->clock_speed / div;
907 	/*
908 	 * If the device is not powered up by the host driver do
909 	 * not apply any changes to H/W at this time. Instead
910 	 * the framerate will be restored right after power-up.
911 	 */
912 	if (info->on)
913 		return ov7670_write(sd, REG_CLKRC, info->clkrc);
915 	return 0;
916 }
918 /*
919  * Store a set of start/stop values into the camera.
920  */
921 static int ov7670_set_hw(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int hstart, int hstop,
922 		int vstart, int vstop)
923 {
924 	int ret;
925 	unsigned char v;
926 /*
927  * Horizontal: 11 bits, top 8 live in hstart and hstop.  Bottom 3 of
928  * hstart are in href[2:0], bottom 3 of hstop in href[5:3].  There is
929  * a mystery "edge offset" value in the top two bits of href.
930  */
931 	ret =  ov7670_write(sd, REG_HSTART, (hstart >> 3) & 0xff);
932 	ret += ov7670_write(sd, REG_HSTOP, (hstop >> 3) & 0xff);
933 	ret += ov7670_read(sd, REG_HREF, &v);
934 	v = (v & 0xc0) | ((hstop & 0x7) << 3) | (hstart & 0x7);
935 	msleep(10);
936 	ret += ov7670_write(sd, REG_HREF, v);
937 /*
938  * Vertical: similar arrangement, but only 10 bits.
939  */
940 	ret += ov7670_write(sd, REG_VSTART, (vstart >> 2) & 0xff);
941 	ret += ov7670_write(sd, REG_VSTOP, (vstop >> 2) & 0xff);
942 	ret += ov7670_read(sd, REG_VREF, &v);
943 	v = (v & 0xf0) | ((vstop & 0x3) << 2) | (vstart & 0x3);
944 	msleep(10);
945 	ret += ov7670_write(sd, REG_VREF, v);
946 	return ret;
947 }
950 static int ov7670_enum_mbus_code(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
951 		struct v4l2_subdev_pad_config *cfg,
952 		struct v4l2_subdev_mbus_code_enum *code)
953 {
954 	if (code->pad || code->index >= N_OV7670_FMTS)
955 		return -EINVAL;
957 	code->code = ov7670_formats[code->index].mbus_code;
958 	return 0;
959 }
961 static int ov7670_try_fmt_internal(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
962 		struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt *fmt,
963 		struct ov7670_format_struct **ret_fmt,
964 		struct ov7670_win_size **ret_wsize)
965 {
966 	int index, i;
967 	struct ov7670_win_size *wsize;
968 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
969 	unsigned int n_win_sizes = info->devtype->n_win_sizes;
970 	unsigned int win_sizes_limit = n_win_sizes;
972 	for (index = 0; index < N_OV7670_FMTS; index++)
973 		if (ov7670_formats[index].mbus_code == fmt->code)
974 			break;
975 	if (index >= N_OV7670_FMTS) {
976 		/* default to first format */
977 		index = 0;
978 		fmt->code = ov7670_formats[0].mbus_code;
979 	}
980 	if (ret_fmt != NULL)
981 		*ret_fmt = ov7670_formats + index;
982 	/*
983 	 * Fields: the OV devices claim to be progressive.
984 	 */
985 	fmt->field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE;
987 	/*
988 	 * Don't consider values that don't match min_height and min_width
989 	 * constraints.
990 	 */
991 	if (info->min_width || info->min_height)
992 		for (i = 0; i < n_win_sizes; i++) {
993 			wsize = info->devtype->win_sizes + i;
995 			if (wsize->width < info->min_width ||
996 				wsize->height < info->min_height) {
997 				win_sizes_limit = i;
998 				break;
999 			}
1000 		}
1001 	/*
1002 	 * Round requested image size down to the nearest
1003 	 * we support, but not below the smallest.
1004 	 */
1005 	for (wsize = info->devtype->win_sizes;
1006 	     wsize < info->devtype->win_sizes + win_sizes_limit; wsize++)
1007 		if (fmt->width >= wsize->width && fmt->height >= wsize->height)
1008 			break;
1009 	if (wsize >= info->devtype->win_sizes + win_sizes_limit)
1010 		wsize--;   /* Take the smallest one */
1011 	if (ret_wsize != NULL)
1012 		*ret_wsize = wsize;
1013 	/*
1014 	 * Note the size we'll actually handle.
1015 	 */
1016 	fmt->width = wsize->width;
1017 	fmt->height = wsize->height;
1018 	fmt->colorspace = ov7670_formats[index].colorspace;
1020 	info->format = *fmt;
1022 	return 0;
1023 }
1025 static int ov7670_apply_fmt(struct v4l2_subdev *sd)
1026 {
1027 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
1028 	struct ov7670_win_size *wsize = info->wsize;
1029 	unsigned char com7, com10 = 0;
1030 	int ret;
1032 	/*
1033 	 * COM7 is a pain in the ass, it doesn't like to be read then
1034 	 * quickly written afterward.  But we have everything we need
1035 	 * to set it absolutely here, as long as the format-specific
1036 	 * register sets list it first.
1037 	 */
1038 	com7 = info->fmt->regs[0].value;
1039 	com7 |= wsize->com7_bit;
1040 	ret = ov7670_write(sd, REG_COM7, com7);
1041 	if (ret)
1042 		return ret;
1044 	/*
1045 	 * Configure the media bus through COM10 register
1046 	 */
1047 	if (info->mbus_config & V4L2_MBUS_VSYNC_ACTIVE_LOW)
1048 		com10 |= COM10_VS_NEG;
1049 	if (info->mbus_config & V4L2_MBUS_HSYNC_ACTIVE_LOW)
1050 		com10 |= COM10_HREF_REV;
1051 	if (info->pclk_hb_disable)
1052 		com10 |= COM10_PCLK_HB;
1053 	ret = ov7670_write(sd, REG_COM10, com10);
1054 	if (ret)
1055 		return ret;
1057 	/*
1058 	 * Now write the rest of the array.  Also store start/stops
1059 	 */
1060 	ret = ov7670_write_array(sd, info->fmt->regs + 1);
1061 	if (ret)
1062 		return ret;
1064 	ret = ov7670_set_hw(sd, wsize->hstart, wsize->hstop, wsize->vstart,
1065 			    wsize->vstop);
1066 	if (ret)
1067 		return ret;
1069 	if (wsize->regs) {
1070 		ret = ov7670_write_array(sd, wsize->regs);
1071 		if (ret)
1072 			return ret;
1073 	}
1075 	/*
1076 	 * If we're running RGB565, we must rewrite clkrc after setting
1077 	 * the other parameters or the image looks poor.  If we're *not*
1078 	 * doing RGB565, we must not rewrite clkrc or the image looks
1079 	 * *really* poor.
1080 	 *
1081 	 * (Update) Now that we retain clkrc state, we should be able
1082 	 * to write it unconditionally, and that will make the frame
1083 	 * rate persistent too.
1084 	 */
1085 	ret = ov7670_write(sd, REG_CLKRC, info->clkrc);
1086 	if (ret)
1087 		return ret;
1089 	return 0;
1090 }
1092 /*
1093  * Set a format.
1094  */
1095 static int ov7670_set_fmt(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
1096 		struct v4l2_subdev_pad_config *cfg,
1097 		struct v4l2_subdev_format *format)
1098 {
1099 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
1101 	struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt *mbus_fmt;
1102 #endif
1103 	int ret;
1105 	if (format->pad)
1106 		return -EINVAL;
1108 	if (format->which == V4L2_SUBDEV_FORMAT_TRY) {
1109 		ret = ov7670_try_fmt_internal(sd, &format->format, NULL, NULL);
1110 		if (ret)
1111 			return ret;
1113 		mbus_fmt = v4l2_subdev_get_try_format(sd, cfg, format->pad);
1114 		*mbus_fmt = format->format;
1115 		return 0;
1116 #else
1117 		return -ENOTTY;
1118 #endif
1119 	}
1121 	ret = ov7670_try_fmt_internal(sd, &format->format, &info->fmt, &info->wsize);
1122 	if (ret)
1123 		return ret;
1125 	/*
1126 	 * If the device is not powered up by the host driver do
1127 	 * not apply any changes to H/W at this time. Instead
1128 	 * the frame format will be restored right after power-up.
1129 	 */
1130 	if (info->on)
1131 		return ov7670_apply_fmt(sd);
1133 	return 0;
1134 }
1136 static int ov7670_get_fmt(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
1137 			  struct v4l2_subdev_pad_config *cfg,
1138 			  struct v4l2_subdev_format *format)
1139 {
1140 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
1142 	struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt *mbus_fmt;
1143 #endif
1145 	if (format->which == V4L2_SUBDEV_FORMAT_TRY) {
1147 		mbus_fmt = v4l2_subdev_get_try_format(sd, cfg, 0);
1148 		format->format = *mbus_fmt;
1149 		return 0;
1150 #else
1151 		return -ENOTTY;
1152 #endif
1153 	} else {
1154 		format->format = info->format;
1155 	}
1157 	return 0;
1158 }
1160 /*
1161  * Implement G/S_PARM.  There is a "high quality" mode we could try
1162  * to do someday; for now, we just do the frame rate tweak.
1163  */
1164 static int ov7670_g_frame_interval(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
1165 				   struct v4l2_subdev_frame_interval *ival)
1166 {
1167 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
1170 	info->devtype->get_framerate(sd, &ival->interval);
1172 	return 0;
1173 }
1175 static int ov7670_s_frame_interval(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
1176 				   struct v4l2_subdev_frame_interval *ival)
1177 {
1178 	struct v4l2_fract *tpf = &ival->interval;
1179 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
1182 	return info->devtype->set_framerate(sd, tpf);
1183 }
1186 /*
1187  * Frame intervals.  Since frame rates are controlled with the clock
1188  * divider, we can only do 30/n for integer n values.  So no continuous
1189  * or stepwise options.  Here we just pick a handful of logical values.
1190  */
1192 static int ov7670_frame_rates[] = { 30, 15, 10, 5, 1 };
1194 static int ov7670_enum_frame_interval(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
1195 				      struct v4l2_subdev_pad_config *cfg,
1196 				      struct v4l2_subdev_frame_interval_enum *fie)
1197 {
1198 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
1199 	unsigned int n_win_sizes = info->devtype->n_win_sizes;
1200 	int i;
1202 	if (fie->pad)
1203 		return -EINVAL;
1204 	if (fie->index >= ARRAY_SIZE(ov7670_frame_rates))
1205 		return -EINVAL;
1207 	/*
1208 	 * Check if the width/height is valid.
1209 	 *
1210 	 * If a minimum width/height was requested, filter out the capture
1211 	 * windows that fall outside that.
1212 	 */
1213 	for (i = 0; i < n_win_sizes; i++) {
1214 		struct ov7670_win_size *win = &info->devtype->win_sizes[i];
1216 		if (info->min_width && win->width < info->min_width)
1217 			continue;
1218 		if (info->min_height && win->height < info->min_height)
1219 			continue;
1220 		if (fie->width == win->width && fie->height == win->height)
1221 			break;
1222 	}
1223 	if (i == n_win_sizes)
1224 		return -EINVAL;
1225 	fie->interval.numerator = 1;
1226 	fie->interval.denominator = ov7670_frame_rates[fie->index];
1227 	return 0;
1228 }
1230 /*
1231  * Frame size enumeration
1232  */
1233 static int ov7670_enum_frame_size(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
1234 				  struct v4l2_subdev_pad_config *cfg,
1235 				  struct v4l2_subdev_frame_size_enum *fse)
1236 {
1237 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
1238 	int i;
1239 	int num_valid = -1;
1240 	__u32 index = fse->index;
1241 	unsigned int n_win_sizes = info->devtype->n_win_sizes;
1243 	if (fse->pad)
1244 		return -EINVAL;
1246 	/*
1247 	 * If a minimum width/height was requested, filter out the capture
1248 	 * windows that fall outside that.
1249 	 */
1250 	for (i = 0; i < n_win_sizes; i++) {
1251 		struct ov7670_win_size *win = &info->devtype->win_sizes[i];
1252 		if (info->min_width && win->width < info->min_width)
1253 			continue;
1254 		if (info->min_height && win->height < info->min_height)
1255 			continue;
1256 		if (index == ++num_valid) {
1257 			fse->min_width = fse->max_width = win->width;
1258 			fse->min_height = fse->max_height = win->height;
1259 			return 0;
1260 		}
1261 	}
1263 	return -EINVAL;
1264 }
1266 /*
1267  * Code for dealing with controls.
1268  */
1270 static int ov7670_store_cmatrix(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
1271 		int matrix[CMATRIX_LEN])
1272 {
1273 	int i, ret;
1274 	unsigned char signbits = 0;
1276 	/*
1277 	 * Weird crap seems to exist in the upper part of
1278 	 * the sign bits register, so let's preserve it.
1279 	 */
1280 	ret = ov7670_read(sd, REG_CMATRIX_SIGN, &signbits);
1281 	signbits &= 0xc0;
1283 	for (i = 0; i < CMATRIX_LEN; i++) {
1284 		unsigned char raw;
1286 		if (matrix[i] < 0) {
1287 			signbits |= (1 << i);
1288 			if (matrix[i] < -255)
1289 				raw = 0xff;
1290 			else
1291 				raw = (-1 * matrix[i]) & 0xff;
1292 		}
1293 		else {
1294 			if (matrix[i] > 255)
1295 				raw = 0xff;
1296 			else
1297 				raw = matrix[i] & 0xff;
1298 		}
1299 		ret += ov7670_write(sd, REG_CMATRIX_BASE + i, raw);
1300 	}
1301 	ret += ov7670_write(sd, REG_CMATRIX_SIGN, signbits);
1302 	return ret;
1303 }
1306 /*
1307  * Hue also requires messing with the color matrix.  It also requires
1308  * trig functions, which tend not to be well supported in the kernel.
1309  * So here is a simple table of sine values, 0-90 degrees, in steps
1310  * of five degrees.  Values are multiplied by 1000.
1311  *
1312  * The following naive approximate trig functions require an argument
1313  * carefully limited to -180 <= theta <= 180.
1314  */
1315 #define SIN_STEP 5
1316 static const int ov7670_sin_table[] = {
1317 	   0,	 87,   173,   258,   342,   422,
1318 	 499,	573,   642,   707,   766,   819,
1319 	 866,	906,   939,   965,   984,   996,
1320 	1000
1321 };
1323 static int ov7670_sine(int theta)
1324 {
1325 	int chs = 1;
1326 	int sine;
1328 	if (theta < 0) {
1329 		theta = -theta;
1330 		chs = -1;
1331 	}
1332 	if (theta <= 90)
1333 		sine = ov7670_sin_table[theta/SIN_STEP];
1334 	else {
1335 		theta -= 90;
1336 		sine = 1000 - ov7670_sin_table[theta/SIN_STEP];
1337 	}
1338 	return sine*chs;
1339 }
1341 static int ov7670_cosine(int theta)
1342 {
1343 	theta = 90 - theta;
1344 	if (theta > 180)
1345 		theta -= 360;
1346 	else if (theta < -180)
1347 		theta += 360;
1348 	return ov7670_sine(theta);
1349 }
1354 static void ov7670_calc_cmatrix(struct ov7670_info *info,
1355 		int matrix[CMATRIX_LEN], int sat, int hue)
1356 {
1357 	int i;
1358 	/*
1359 	 * Apply the current saturation setting first.
1360 	 */
1361 	for (i = 0; i < CMATRIX_LEN; i++)
1362 		matrix[i] = (info->fmt->cmatrix[i] * sat) >> 7;
1363 	/*
1364 	 * Then, if need be, rotate the hue value.
1365 	 */
1366 	if (hue != 0) {
1367 		int sinth, costh, tmpmatrix[CMATRIX_LEN];
1369 		memcpy(tmpmatrix, matrix, CMATRIX_LEN*sizeof(int));
1370 		sinth = ov7670_sine(hue);
1371 		costh = ov7670_cosine(hue);
1373 		matrix[0] = (matrix[3]*sinth + matrix[0]*costh)/1000;
1374 		matrix[1] = (matrix[4]*sinth + matrix[1]*costh)/1000;
1375 		matrix[2] = (matrix[5]*sinth + matrix[2]*costh)/1000;
1376 		matrix[3] = (matrix[3]*costh - matrix[0]*sinth)/1000;
1377 		matrix[4] = (matrix[4]*costh - matrix[1]*sinth)/1000;
1378 		matrix[5] = (matrix[5]*costh - matrix[2]*sinth)/1000;
1379 	}
1380 }
1384 static int ov7670_s_sat_hue(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int sat, int hue)
1385 {
1386 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
1387 	int matrix[CMATRIX_LEN];
1388 	int ret;
1390 	ov7670_calc_cmatrix(info, matrix, sat, hue);
1391 	ret = ov7670_store_cmatrix(sd, matrix);
1392 	return ret;
1393 }
1396 /*
1397  * Some weird registers seem to store values in a sign/magnitude format!
1398  */
1400 static unsigned char ov7670_abs_to_sm(unsigned char v)
1401 {
1402 	if (v > 127)
1403 		return v & 0x7f;
1404 	return (128 - v) | 0x80;
1405 }
1407 static int ov7670_s_brightness(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int value)
1408 {
1409 	unsigned char com8 = 0, v;
1410 	int ret;
1412 	ov7670_read(sd, REG_COM8, &com8);
1413 	com8 &= ~COM8_AEC;
1414 	ov7670_write(sd, REG_COM8, com8);
1415 	v = ov7670_abs_to_sm(value);
1416 	ret = ov7670_write(sd, REG_BRIGHT, v);
1417 	return ret;
1418 }
1420 static int ov7670_s_contrast(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int value)
1421 {
1422 	return ov7670_write(sd, REG_CONTRAS, (unsigned char) value);
1423 }
1425 static int ov7670_s_hflip(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int value)
1426 {
1427 	unsigned char v = 0;
1428 	int ret;
1430 	ret = ov7670_read(sd, REG_MVFP, &v);
1431 	if (value)
1432 		v |= MVFP_MIRROR;
1433 	else
1434 		v &= ~MVFP_MIRROR;
1435 	msleep(10);  /* FIXME */
1436 	ret += ov7670_write(sd, REG_MVFP, v);
1437 	return ret;
1438 }
1440 static int ov7670_s_vflip(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int value)
1441 {
1442 	unsigned char v = 0;
1443 	int ret;
1445 	ret = ov7670_read(sd, REG_MVFP, &v);
1446 	if (value)
1447 		v |= MVFP_FLIP;
1448 	else
1449 		v &= ~MVFP_FLIP;
1450 	msleep(10);  /* FIXME */
1451 	ret += ov7670_write(sd, REG_MVFP, v);
1452 	return ret;
1453 }
1455 /*
1456  * GAIN is split between REG_GAIN and REG_VREF[7:6].  If one believes
1457  * the data sheet, the VREF parts should be the most significant, but
1458  * experience shows otherwise.  There seems to be little value in
1459  * messing with the VREF bits, so we leave them alone.
1460  */
1461 static int ov7670_g_gain(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, __s32 *value)
1462 {
1463 	int ret;
1464 	unsigned char gain;
1466 	ret = ov7670_read(sd, REG_GAIN, &gain);
1467 	*value = gain;
1468 	return ret;
1469 }
1471 static int ov7670_s_gain(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int value)
1472 {
1473 	int ret;
1474 	unsigned char com8;
1476 	ret = ov7670_write(sd, REG_GAIN, value & 0xff);
1477 	/* Have to turn off AGC as well */
1478 	if (ret == 0) {
1479 		ret = ov7670_read(sd, REG_COM8, &com8);
1480 		ret = ov7670_write(sd, REG_COM8, com8 & ~COM8_AGC);
1481 	}
1482 	return ret;
1483 }
1485 /*
1486  * Tweak autogain.
1487  */
1488 static int ov7670_s_autogain(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int value)
1489 {
1490 	int ret;
1491 	unsigned char com8;
1493 	ret = ov7670_read(sd, REG_COM8, &com8);
1494 	if (ret == 0) {
1495 		if (value)
1496 			com8 |= COM8_AGC;
1497 		else
1498 			com8 &= ~COM8_AGC;
1499 		ret = ov7670_write(sd, REG_COM8, com8);
1500 	}
1501 	return ret;
1502 }
1504 static int ov7670_s_exp(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int value)
1505 {
1506 	int ret;
1507 	unsigned char com1, com8, aech, aechh;
1509 	ret = ov7670_read(sd, REG_COM1, &com1) +
1510 		ov7670_read(sd, REG_COM8, &com8) +
1511 		ov7670_read(sd, REG_AECHH, &aechh);
1512 	if (ret)
1513 		return ret;
1515 	com1 = (com1 & 0xfc) | (value & 0x03);
1516 	aech = (value >> 2) & 0xff;
1517 	aechh = (aechh & 0xc0) | ((value >> 10) & 0x3f);
1518 	ret = ov7670_write(sd, REG_COM1, com1) +
1519 		ov7670_write(sd, REG_AECH, aech) +
1520 		ov7670_write(sd, REG_AECHH, aechh);
1521 	/* Have to turn off AEC as well */
1522 	if (ret == 0)
1523 		ret = ov7670_write(sd, REG_COM8, com8 & ~COM8_AEC);
1524 	return ret;
1525 }
1527 /*
1528  * Tweak autoexposure.
1529  */
1530 static int ov7670_s_autoexp(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
1531 		enum v4l2_exposure_auto_type value)
1532 {
1533 	int ret;
1534 	unsigned char com8;
1536 	ret = ov7670_read(sd, REG_COM8, &com8);
1537 	if (ret == 0) {
1538 		if (value == V4L2_EXPOSURE_AUTO)
1539 			com8 |= COM8_AEC;
1540 		else
1541 			com8 &= ~COM8_AEC;
1542 		ret = ov7670_write(sd, REG_COM8, com8);
1543 	}
1544 	return ret;
1545 }
1547 static const char * const ov7670_test_pattern_menu[] = {
1548 	"No test output",
1549 	"Shifting \"1\"",
1550 	"8-bar color bar",
1551 	"Fade to gray color bar",
1552 };
1554 static int ov7670_s_test_pattern(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int value)
1555 {
1556 	int ret;
1558 	ret = ov7670_update_bits(sd, REG_SCALING_XSC, TEST_PATTTERN_0,
1559 				value & BIT(0) ? TEST_PATTTERN_0 : 0);
1560 	if (ret)
1561 		return ret;
1563 	return ov7670_update_bits(sd, REG_SCALING_YSC, TEST_PATTTERN_1,
1564 				value & BIT(1) ? TEST_PATTTERN_1 : 0);
1565 }
1567 static int ov7670_g_volatile_ctrl(struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl)
1568 {
1569 	struct v4l2_subdev *sd = to_sd(ctrl);
1570 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
1572 	switch (ctrl->id) {
1573 	case V4L2_CID_AUTOGAIN:
1574 		return ov7670_g_gain(sd, &info->gain->val);
1575 	}
1576 	return -EINVAL;
1577 }
1579 static int ov7670_s_ctrl(struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl)
1580 {
1581 	struct v4l2_subdev *sd = to_sd(ctrl);
1582 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
1584 	switch (ctrl->id) {
1585 	case V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS:
1586 		return ov7670_s_brightness(sd, ctrl->val);
1587 	case V4L2_CID_CONTRAST:
1588 		return ov7670_s_contrast(sd, ctrl->val);
1589 	case V4L2_CID_SATURATION:
1590 		return ov7670_s_sat_hue(sd,
1591 				info->saturation->val, info->hue->val);
1592 	case V4L2_CID_VFLIP:
1593 		return ov7670_s_vflip(sd, ctrl->val);
1594 	case V4L2_CID_HFLIP:
1595 		return ov7670_s_hflip(sd, ctrl->val);
1596 	case V4L2_CID_AUTOGAIN:
1597 		/* Only set manual gain if auto gain is not explicitly
1598 		   turned on. */
1599 		if (!ctrl->val) {
1600 			/* ov7670_s_gain turns off auto gain */
1601 			return ov7670_s_gain(sd, info->gain->val);
1602 		}
1603 		return ov7670_s_autogain(sd, ctrl->val);
1604 	case V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE_AUTO:
1605 		/* Only set manual exposure if auto exposure is not explicitly
1606 		   turned on. */
1607 		if (ctrl->val == V4L2_EXPOSURE_MANUAL) {
1608 			/* ov7670_s_exp turns off auto exposure */
1609 			return ov7670_s_exp(sd, info->exposure->val);
1610 		}
1611 		return ov7670_s_autoexp(sd, ctrl->val);
1612 	case V4L2_CID_TEST_PATTERN:
1613 		return ov7670_s_test_pattern(sd, ctrl->val);
1614 	}
1615 	return -EINVAL;
1616 }
1618 static const struct v4l2_ctrl_ops ov7670_ctrl_ops = {
1619 	.s_ctrl = ov7670_s_ctrl,
1620 	.g_volatile_ctrl = ov7670_g_volatile_ctrl,
1621 };
1624 static int ov7670_g_register(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, struct v4l2_dbg_register *reg)
1625 {
1626 	unsigned char val = 0;
1627 	int ret;
1629 	ret = ov7670_read(sd, reg->reg & 0xff, &val);
1630 	reg->val = val;
1631 	reg->size = 1;
1632 	return ret;
1633 }
1635 static int ov7670_s_register(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, const struct v4l2_dbg_register *reg)
1636 {
1637 	ov7670_write(sd, reg->reg & 0xff, reg->val & 0xff);
1638 	return 0;
1639 }
1640 #endif
1642 static void ov7670_power_on(struct v4l2_subdev *sd)
1643 {
1644 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
1646 	if (info->on)
1647 		return;
1649 	clk_prepare_enable(info->clk);
1651 	if (info->pwdn_gpio)
1652 		gpiod_set_value(info->pwdn_gpio, 0);
1653 	if (info->resetb_gpio) {
1654 		gpiod_set_value(info->resetb_gpio, 1);
1655 		usleep_range(500, 1000);
1656 		gpiod_set_value(info->resetb_gpio, 0);
1657 	}
1658 	if (info->pwdn_gpio || info->resetb_gpio || info->clk)
1659 		usleep_range(3000, 5000);
1661 	info->on = true;
1662 }
1664 static void ov7670_power_off(struct v4l2_subdev *sd)
1665 {
1666 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
1668 	if (!info->on)
1669 		return;
1671 	clk_disable_unprepare(info->clk);
1673 	if (info->pwdn_gpio)
1674 		gpiod_set_value(info->pwdn_gpio, 1);
1676 	info->on = false;
1677 }
1679 static int ov7670_s_power(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int on)
1680 {
1681 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
1683 	if (info->on == on)
1684 		return 0;
1686 	if (on) {
1687 		ov7670_power_on (sd);
1688 		ov7670_init(sd, 0);
1689 		ov7670_apply_fmt(sd);
1690 		ov7675_apply_framerate(sd);
1691 		v4l2_ctrl_handler_setup(&info->hdl);
1692 	} else {
1693 		ov7670_power_off (sd);
1694 	}
1696 	return 0;
1697 }
1699 static void ov7670_get_default_format(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
1700 				      struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt *format)
1701 {
1702 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
1704 	format->width = info->devtype->win_sizes[0].width;
1705 	format->height = info->devtype->win_sizes[0].height;
1706 	format->colorspace = info->fmt->colorspace;
1707 	format->code = info->fmt->mbus_code;
1708 	format->field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE;
1709 }
1712 static int ov7670_open(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, struct v4l2_subdev_fh *fh)
1713 {
1714 	struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt *format =
1715 				v4l2_subdev_get_try_format(sd, fh->pad, 0);
1717 	ov7670_get_default_format(sd, format);
1719 	return 0;
1720 }
1721 #endif
1723 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1725 static const struct v4l2_subdev_core_ops ov7670_core_ops = {
1726 	.reset = ov7670_reset,
1727 	.init = ov7670_init,
1728 	.s_power = ov7670_s_power,
1729 	.log_status = v4l2_ctrl_subdev_log_status,
1730 	.subscribe_event = v4l2_ctrl_subdev_subscribe_event,
1731 	.unsubscribe_event = v4l2_event_subdev_unsubscribe,
1733 	.g_register = ov7670_g_register,
1734 	.s_register = ov7670_s_register,
1735 #endif
1736 };
1738 static const struct v4l2_subdev_video_ops ov7670_video_ops = {
1739 	.s_frame_interval = ov7670_s_frame_interval,
1740 	.g_frame_interval = ov7670_g_frame_interval,
1741 };
1743 static const struct v4l2_subdev_pad_ops ov7670_pad_ops = {
1744 	.enum_frame_interval = ov7670_enum_frame_interval,
1745 	.enum_frame_size = ov7670_enum_frame_size,
1746 	.enum_mbus_code = ov7670_enum_mbus_code,
1747 	.get_fmt = ov7670_get_fmt,
1748 	.set_fmt = ov7670_set_fmt,
1749 };
1751 static const struct v4l2_subdev_ops ov7670_ops = {
1752 	.core = &ov7670_core_ops,
1753 	.video = &ov7670_video_ops,
1754 	.pad = &ov7670_pad_ops,
1755 };
1758 static const struct v4l2_subdev_internal_ops ov7670_subdev_internal_ops = {
1759 	.open = ov7670_open,
1760 };
1761 #endif
1763 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1765 static const struct ov7670_devtype ov7670_devdata[] = {
1766 	[MODEL_OV7670] = {
1767 		.win_sizes = ov7670_win_sizes,
1768 		.n_win_sizes = ARRAY_SIZE(ov7670_win_sizes),
1769 		.set_framerate = ov7670_set_framerate_legacy,
1770 		.get_framerate = ov7670_get_framerate_legacy,
1771 	},
1772 	[MODEL_OV7675] = {
1773 		.win_sizes = ov7675_win_sizes,
1774 		.n_win_sizes = ARRAY_SIZE(ov7675_win_sizes),
1775 		.set_framerate = ov7675_set_framerate,
1776 		.get_framerate = ov7675_get_framerate,
1777 	},
1778 };
1780 static int ov7670_init_gpio(struct i2c_client *client, struct ov7670_info *info)
1781 {
1782 	info->pwdn_gpio = devm_gpiod_get_optional(&client->dev, "powerdown",
1783 			GPIOD_OUT_LOW);
1784 	if (IS_ERR(info->pwdn_gpio)) {
1785 		dev_info(&client->dev, "can't get %s GPIO\n", "powerdown");
1786 		return PTR_ERR(info->pwdn_gpio);
1787 	}
1789 	info->resetb_gpio = devm_gpiod_get_optional(&client->dev, "reset",
1790 			GPIOD_OUT_LOW);
1791 	if (IS_ERR(info->resetb_gpio)) {
1792 		dev_info(&client->dev, "can't get %s GPIO\n", "reset");
1793 		return PTR_ERR(info->resetb_gpio);
1794 	}
1796 	usleep_range(3000, 5000);
1798 	return 0;
1799 }
1801 /*
1802  * ov7670_parse_dt() - Parse device tree to collect mbus configuration
1803  *			properties
1804  */
1805 static int ov7670_parse_dt(struct device *dev,
1806 			   struct ov7670_info *info)
1807 {
1808 	struct fwnode_handle *fwnode = dev_fwnode(dev);
1809 	struct v4l2_fwnode_endpoint bus_cfg = { .bus_type = 0 };
1810 	struct fwnode_handle *ep;
1811 	int ret;
1813 	if (!fwnode)
1814 		return -EINVAL;
1816 	info->pclk_hb_disable = false;
1817 	if (fwnode_property_present(fwnode, "ov7670,pclk-hb-disable"))
1818 		info->pclk_hb_disable = true;
1820 	ep = fwnode_graph_get_next_endpoint(fwnode, NULL);
1821 	if (!ep)
1822 		return -EINVAL;
1824 	ret = v4l2_fwnode_endpoint_parse(ep, &bus_cfg);
1825 	fwnode_handle_put(ep);
1826 	if (ret)
1827 		return ret;
1829 	if (bus_cfg.bus_type != V4L2_MBUS_PARALLEL) {
1830 		dev_err(dev, "Unsupported media bus type\n");
1831 		return ret;
1832 	}
1833 	info->mbus_config = bus_cfg.bus.parallel.flags;
1835 	return 0;
1836 }
1838 static int ov7670_probe(struct i2c_client *client,
1839 			const struct i2c_device_id *id)
1840 {
1841 	struct v4l2_fract tpf;
1842 	struct v4l2_subdev *sd;
1843 	struct ov7670_info *info;
1844 	int ret;
1846 	info = devm_kzalloc(&client->dev, sizeof(*info), GFP_KERNEL);
1847 	if (info == NULL)
1848 		return -ENOMEM;
1849 	sd = &info->sd;
1850 	v4l2_i2c_subdev_init(sd, client, &ov7670_ops);
1853 	sd->internal_ops = &ov7670_subdev_internal_ops;
1855 #endif
1857 	info->clock_speed = 30; /* default: a guess */
1859 	if (dev_fwnode(&client->dev)) {
1860 		ret = ov7670_parse_dt(&client->dev, info);
1861 		if (ret)
1862 			return ret;
1864 	} else if (client->dev.platform_data) {
1865 		struct ov7670_config *config = client->dev.platform_data;
1867 		/*
1868 		 * Must apply configuration before initializing device, because it
1869 		 * selects I/O method.
1870 		 */
1871 		info->min_width = config->min_width;
1872 		info->min_height = config->min_height;
1873 		info->use_smbus = config->use_smbus;
1875 		if (config->clock_speed)
1876 			info->clock_speed = config->clock_speed;
1878 		if (config->pll_bypass)
1879 			info->pll_bypass = true;
1881 		if (config->pclk_hb_disable)
1882 			info->pclk_hb_disable = true;
1883 	}
1885 	info->clk = devm_clk_get(&client->dev, "xclk"); /* optional */
1886 	if (IS_ERR(info->clk)) {
1887 		ret = PTR_ERR(info->clk);
1888 		if (ret == -ENOENT)
1889 			info->clk = NULL;
1890 		else
1891 			return ret;
1892 	}
1894 	ret = ov7670_init_gpio(client, info);
1895 	if (ret)
1896 		return ret;
1898 	ov7670_power_on(sd);
1900 	if (info->clk) {
1901 		info->clock_speed = clk_get_rate(info->clk) / 1000000;
1902 		if (info->clock_speed < 10 || info->clock_speed > 48) {
1903 			ret = -EINVAL;
1904 			goto power_off;
1905 		}
1906 	}
1908 	/* Make sure it's an ov7670 */
1909 	ret = ov7670_detect(sd);
1910 	if (ret) {
1911 		v4l_dbg(1, debug, client,
1912 			"chip found @ 0x%x (%s) is not an ov7670 chip.\n",
1913 			client->addr << 1, client->adapter->name);
1914 		goto power_off;
1915 	}
1916 	v4l_info(client, "chip found @ 0x%02x (%s)\n",
1917 			client->addr << 1, client->adapter->name);
1919 	info->devtype = &ov7670_devdata[id->driver_data];
1920 	info->fmt = &ov7670_formats[0];
1921 	info->wsize = &info->devtype->win_sizes[0];
1923 	ov7670_get_default_format(sd, &info->format);
1925 	info->clkrc = 0;
1927 	/* Set default frame rate to 30 fps */
1928 	tpf.numerator = 1;
1929 	tpf.denominator = 30;
1930 	info->devtype->set_framerate(sd, &tpf);
1932 	v4l2_ctrl_handler_init(&info->hdl, 10);
1933 	v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&info->hdl, &ov7670_ctrl_ops,
1934 			V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS, 0, 255, 1, 128);
1935 	v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&info->hdl, &ov7670_ctrl_ops,
1936 			V4L2_CID_CONTRAST, 0, 127, 1, 64);
1937 	v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&info->hdl, &ov7670_ctrl_ops,
1938 			V4L2_CID_VFLIP, 0, 1, 1, 0);
1939 	v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&info->hdl, &ov7670_ctrl_ops,
1940 			V4L2_CID_HFLIP, 0, 1, 1, 0);
1941 	info->saturation = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&info->hdl, &ov7670_ctrl_ops,
1942 			V4L2_CID_SATURATION, 0, 256, 1, 128);
1943 	info->hue = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&info->hdl, &ov7670_ctrl_ops,
1944 			V4L2_CID_HUE, -180, 180, 5, 0);
1945 	info->gain = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&info->hdl, &ov7670_ctrl_ops,
1946 			V4L2_CID_GAIN, 0, 255, 1, 128);
1947 	info->auto_gain = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&info->hdl, &ov7670_ctrl_ops,
1948 			V4L2_CID_AUTOGAIN, 0, 1, 1, 1);
1949 	info->exposure = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&info->hdl, &ov7670_ctrl_ops,
1950 			V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE, 0, 65535, 1, 500);
1951 	info->auto_exposure = v4l2_ctrl_new_std_menu(&info->hdl, &ov7670_ctrl_ops,
1953 			V4L2_EXPOSURE_AUTO);
1954 	v4l2_ctrl_new_std_menu_items(&info->hdl, &ov7670_ctrl_ops,
1956 			ARRAY_SIZE(ov7670_test_pattern_menu) - 1, 0, 0,
1957 			ov7670_test_pattern_menu);
1958 	sd->ctrl_handler = &info->hdl;
1959 	if (info->hdl.error) {
1960 		ret = info->hdl.error;
1962 		goto hdl_free;
1963 	}
1964 	/*
1965 	 * We have checked empirically that hw allows to read back the gain
1966 	 * value chosen by auto gain but that's not the case for auto exposure.
1967 	 */
1968 	v4l2_ctrl_auto_cluster(2, &info->auto_gain, 0, true);
1969 	v4l2_ctrl_auto_cluster(2, &info->auto_exposure,
1970 			       V4L2_EXPOSURE_MANUAL, false);
1971 	v4l2_ctrl_cluster(2, &info->saturation);
1974 	info->pad.flags = MEDIA_PAD_FL_SOURCE;
1975 	info->sd.entity.function = MEDIA_ENT_F_CAM_SENSOR;
1976 	ret = media_entity_pads_init(&info->sd.entity, 1, &info->pad);
1977 	if (ret < 0)
1978 		goto hdl_free;
1979 #endif
1981 	v4l2_ctrl_handler_setup(&info->hdl);
1983 	ret = v4l2_async_register_subdev(&info->sd);
1984 	if (ret < 0)
1985 		goto entity_cleanup;
1987 	ov7670_power_off(sd);
1988 	return 0;
1990 entity_cleanup:
1991 	media_entity_cleanup(&info->sd.entity);
1992 hdl_free:
1993 	v4l2_ctrl_handler_free(&info->hdl);
1994 power_off:
1995 	ov7670_power_off(sd);
1996 	return ret;
1997 }
1999 static int ov7670_remove(struct i2c_client *client)
2000 {
2001 	struct v4l2_subdev *sd = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
2002 	struct ov7670_info *info = to_state(sd);
2004 	v4l2_async_unregister_subdev(sd);
2005 	v4l2_ctrl_handler_free(&info->hdl);
2006 	media_entity_cleanup(&info->sd.entity);
2007 	ov7670_power_off(sd);
2008 	return 0;
2009 }
2011 static const struct i2c_device_id ov7670_id[] = {
2012 	{ "ov7670", MODEL_OV7670 },
2013 	{ "ov7675", MODEL_OV7675 },
2014 	{ }
2015 };
2016 MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, ov7670_id);
2019 static const struct of_device_id ov7670_of_match[] = {
2020 	{ .compatible = "ovti,ov7670", },
2021 	{ /* sentinel */ },
2022 };
2023 MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, ov7670_of_match);
2024 #endif
2026 static struct i2c_driver ov7670_driver = {
2027 	.driver = {
2028 		.name	= "ov7670",
2029 		.of_match_table = of_match_ptr(ov7670_of_match),
2030 	},
2031 	.probe		= ov7670_probe,
2032 	.remove		= ov7670_remove,
2033 	.id_table	= ov7670_id,
2034 };
2036 module_i2c_driver(ov7670_driver);