1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
2 /*
3  *  Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Vojtech Pavlik <vojtech@ucw.cz>
4  *  Copyright (c) 2001-2002, 2007 Johann Deneux <johann.deneux@gmail.com>
5  *
6  *  USB/RS232 I-Force joysticks and wheels.
7  */
9 /*
10  */
12 #include "iforce.h"
14 /*
15  * Set the magnitude of a constant force effect
16  * Return error code
17  *
18  * Note: caller must ensure exclusive access to device
19  */
21 static int make_magnitude_modifier(struct iforce* iforce,
22 	struct resource* mod_chunk, int no_alloc, __s16 level)
23 {
24 	unsigned char data[3];
26 	if (!no_alloc) {
27 		mutex_lock(&iforce->mem_mutex);
28 		if (allocate_resource(&(iforce->device_memory), mod_chunk, 2,
29 			iforce->device_memory.start, iforce->device_memory.end, 2L,
30 			NULL, NULL)) {
31 			mutex_unlock(&iforce->mem_mutex);
32 			return -ENOSPC;
33 		}
34 		mutex_unlock(&iforce->mem_mutex);
35 	}
37 	data[0] = LO(mod_chunk->start);
38 	data[1] = HI(mod_chunk->start);
39 	data[2] = HIFIX80(level);
41 	iforce_send_packet(iforce, FF_CMD_MAGNITUDE, data);
43 	iforce_dump_packet(iforce, "magnitude", FF_CMD_MAGNITUDE, data);
44 	return 0;
45 }
47 /*
48  * Upload the component of an effect dealing with the period, phase and magnitude
49  */
51 static int make_period_modifier(struct iforce* iforce,
52 	struct resource* mod_chunk, int no_alloc,
53 	__s16 magnitude, __s16 offset, u16 period, u16 phase)
54 {
55 	unsigned char data[7];
57 	period = TIME_SCALE(period);
59 	if (!no_alloc) {
60 		mutex_lock(&iforce->mem_mutex);
61 		if (allocate_resource(&(iforce->device_memory), mod_chunk, 0x0c,
62 			iforce->device_memory.start, iforce->device_memory.end, 2L,
63 			NULL, NULL)) {
64 			mutex_unlock(&iforce->mem_mutex);
65 			return -ENOSPC;
66 		}
67 		mutex_unlock(&iforce->mem_mutex);
68 	}
70 	data[0] = LO(mod_chunk->start);
71 	data[1] = HI(mod_chunk->start);
73 	data[2] = HIFIX80(magnitude);
74 	data[3] = HIFIX80(offset);
75 	data[4] = HI(phase);
77 	data[5] = LO(period);
78 	data[6] = HI(period);
80 	iforce_send_packet(iforce, FF_CMD_PERIOD, data);
82 	return 0;
83 }
85 /*
86  * Uploads the part of an effect setting the envelope of the force
87  */
89 static int make_envelope_modifier(struct iforce* iforce,
90 	struct resource* mod_chunk, int no_alloc,
91 	u16 attack_duration, __s16 initial_level,
92 	u16 fade_duration, __s16 final_level)
93 {
94 	unsigned char data[8];
96 	attack_duration = TIME_SCALE(attack_duration);
97 	fade_duration = TIME_SCALE(fade_duration);
99 	if (!no_alloc) {
100 		mutex_lock(&iforce->mem_mutex);
101 		if (allocate_resource(&(iforce->device_memory), mod_chunk, 0x0e,
102 			iforce->device_memory.start, iforce->device_memory.end, 2L,
103 			NULL, NULL)) {
104 			mutex_unlock(&iforce->mem_mutex);
105 			return -ENOSPC;
106 		}
107 		mutex_unlock(&iforce->mem_mutex);
108 	}
110 	data[0] = LO(mod_chunk->start);
111 	data[1] = HI(mod_chunk->start);
113 	data[2] = LO(attack_duration);
114 	data[3] = HI(attack_duration);
115 	data[4] = HI(initial_level);
117 	data[5] = LO(fade_duration);
118 	data[6] = HI(fade_duration);
119 	data[7] = HI(final_level);
121 	iforce_send_packet(iforce, FF_CMD_ENVELOPE, data);
123 	return 0;
124 }
126 /*
127  * Component of spring, friction, inertia... effects
128  */
130 static int make_condition_modifier(struct iforce* iforce,
131 	struct resource* mod_chunk, int no_alloc,
132 	__u16 rsat, __u16 lsat, __s16 rk, __s16 lk, u16 db, __s16 center)
133 {
134 	unsigned char data[10];
136 	if (!no_alloc) {
137 		mutex_lock(&iforce->mem_mutex);
138 		if (allocate_resource(&(iforce->device_memory), mod_chunk, 8,
139 			iforce->device_memory.start, iforce->device_memory.end, 2L,
140 			NULL, NULL)) {
141 			mutex_unlock(&iforce->mem_mutex);
142 			return -ENOSPC;
143 		}
144 		mutex_unlock(&iforce->mem_mutex);
145 	}
147 	data[0] = LO(mod_chunk->start);
148 	data[1] = HI(mod_chunk->start);
150 	data[2] = (100 * rk) >> 15;	/* Dangerous: the sign is extended by gcc on plateforms providing an arith shift */
151 	data[3] = (100 * lk) >> 15; /* This code is incorrect on cpus lacking arith shift */
153 	center = (500 * center) >> 15;
154 	data[4] = LO(center);
155 	data[5] = HI(center);
157 	db = (1000 * db) >> 16;
158 	data[6] = LO(db);
159 	data[7] = HI(db);
161 	data[8] = (100 * rsat) >> 16;
162 	data[9] = (100 * lsat) >> 16;
164 	iforce_send_packet(iforce, FF_CMD_CONDITION, data);
165 	iforce_dump_packet(iforce, "condition", FF_CMD_CONDITION, data);
167 	return 0;
168 }
170 static unsigned char find_button(struct iforce *iforce, signed short button)
171 {
172 	int i;
174 	for (i = 1; iforce->type->btn[i] >= 0; i++)
175 		if (iforce->type->btn[i] == button)
176 			return i + 1;
177 	return 0;
178 }
180 /*
181  * Analyse the changes in an effect, and tell if we need to send an condition
182  * parameter packet
183  */
184 static int need_condition_modifier(struct iforce *iforce,
185 				   struct ff_effect *old,
186 				   struct ff_effect *new)
187 {
188 	int ret = 0;
189 	int i;
191 	if (new->type != FF_SPRING && new->type != FF_FRICTION) {
192 		dev_warn(&iforce->dev->dev, "bad effect type in %s\n",
193 			 __func__);
194 		return 0;
195 	}
197 	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
198 		ret |= old->u.condition[i].right_saturation != new->u.condition[i].right_saturation
199 			|| old->u.condition[i].left_saturation != new->u.condition[i].left_saturation
200 			|| old->u.condition[i].right_coeff != new->u.condition[i].right_coeff
201 			|| old->u.condition[i].left_coeff != new->u.condition[i].left_coeff
202 			|| old->u.condition[i].deadband != new->u.condition[i].deadband
203 			|| old->u.condition[i].center != new->u.condition[i].center;
204 	}
205 	return ret;
206 }
208 /*
209  * Analyse the changes in an effect, and tell if we need to send a magnitude
210  * parameter packet
211  */
212 static int need_magnitude_modifier(struct iforce *iforce,
213 				   struct ff_effect *old,
214 				   struct ff_effect *effect)
215 {
216 	if (effect->type != FF_CONSTANT) {
217 		dev_warn(&iforce->dev->dev, "bad effect type in %s\n",
218 			 __func__);
219 		return 0;
220 	}
222 	return old->u.constant.level != effect->u.constant.level;
223 }
225 /*
226  * Analyse the changes in an effect, and tell if we need to send an envelope
227  * parameter packet
228  */
229 static int need_envelope_modifier(struct iforce *iforce, struct ff_effect *old,
230 				  struct ff_effect *effect)
231 {
232 	switch (effect->type) {
233 	case FF_CONSTANT:
234 		if (old->u.constant.envelope.attack_length != effect->u.constant.envelope.attack_length
235 		|| old->u.constant.envelope.attack_level != effect->u.constant.envelope.attack_level
236 		|| old->u.constant.envelope.fade_length != effect->u.constant.envelope.fade_length
237 		|| old->u.constant.envelope.fade_level != effect->u.constant.envelope.fade_level)
238 			return 1;
239 		break;
241 	case FF_PERIODIC:
242 		if (old->u.periodic.envelope.attack_length != effect->u.periodic.envelope.attack_length
243 		|| old->u.periodic.envelope.attack_level != effect->u.periodic.envelope.attack_level
244 		|| old->u.periodic.envelope.fade_length != effect->u.periodic.envelope.fade_length
245 		|| old->u.periodic.envelope.fade_level != effect->u.periodic.envelope.fade_level)
246 			return 1;
247 		break;
249 	default:
250 		dev_warn(&iforce->dev->dev, "bad effect type in %s\n",
251 			 __func__);
252 	}
254 	return 0;
255 }
257 /*
258  * Analyse the changes in an effect, and tell if we need to send a periodic
259  * parameter effect
260  */
261 static int need_period_modifier(struct iforce *iforce, struct ff_effect *old,
262 				struct ff_effect *new)
263 {
264 	if (new->type != FF_PERIODIC) {
265 		dev_warn(&iforce->dev->dev, "bad effect type in %s\n",
266 			 __func__);
267 		return 0;
268 	}
269 	return (old->u.periodic.period != new->u.periodic.period
270 		|| old->u.periodic.magnitude != new->u.periodic.magnitude
271 		|| old->u.periodic.offset != new->u.periodic.offset
272 		|| old->u.periodic.phase != new->u.periodic.phase);
273 }
275 /*
276  * Analyse the changes in an effect, and tell if we need to send an effect
277  * packet
278  */
279 static int need_core(struct ff_effect *old, struct ff_effect *new)
280 {
281 	if (old->direction != new->direction
282 		|| old->trigger.button != new->trigger.button
283 		|| old->trigger.interval != new->trigger.interval
284 		|| old->replay.length != new->replay.length
285 		|| old->replay.delay != new->replay.delay)
286 		return 1;
288 	return 0;
289 }
290 /*
291  * Send the part common to all effects to the device
292  */
293 static int make_core(struct iforce* iforce, u16 id, u16 mod_id1, u16 mod_id2,
294 	u8 effect_type, u8 axes, u16 duration, u16 delay, u16 button,
295 	u16 interval, u16 direction)
296 {
297 	unsigned char data[14];
299 	duration = TIME_SCALE(duration);
300 	delay    = TIME_SCALE(delay);
301 	interval = TIME_SCALE(interval);
303 	data[0]  = LO(id);
304 	data[1]  = effect_type;
305 	data[2]  = LO(axes) | find_button(iforce, button);
307 	data[3]  = LO(duration);
308 	data[4]  = HI(duration);
310 	data[5]  = HI(direction);
312 	data[6]  = LO(interval);
313 	data[7]  = HI(interval);
315 	data[8]  = LO(mod_id1);
316 	data[9]  = HI(mod_id1);
317 	data[10] = LO(mod_id2);
318 	data[11] = HI(mod_id2);
320 	data[12] = LO(delay);
321 	data[13] = HI(delay);
323 	/* Stop effect */
324 /*	iforce_control_playback(iforce, id, 0);*/
326 	iforce_send_packet(iforce, FF_CMD_EFFECT, data);
328 	/* If needed, restart effect */
329 	if (test_bit(FF_CORE_SHOULD_PLAY, iforce->core_effects[id].flags)) {
330 		/* BUG: perhaps we should replay n times, instead of 1. But we do not know n */
331 		iforce_control_playback(iforce, id, 1);
332 	}
334 	return 0;
335 }
337 /*
338  * Upload a periodic effect to the device
339  * See also iforce_upload_constant.
340  */
341 int iforce_upload_periodic(struct iforce *iforce, struct ff_effect *effect, struct ff_effect *old)
342 {
343 	u8 wave_code;
344 	int core_id = effect->id;
345 	struct iforce_core_effect* core_effect = iforce->core_effects + core_id;
346 	struct resource* mod1_chunk = &(iforce->core_effects[core_id].mod1_chunk);
347 	struct resource* mod2_chunk = &(iforce->core_effects[core_id].mod2_chunk);
348 	int param1_err = 1;
349 	int param2_err = 1;
350 	int core_err = 0;
352 	if (!old || need_period_modifier(iforce, old, effect)) {
353 		param1_err = make_period_modifier(iforce, mod1_chunk,
354 			old != NULL,
355 			effect->u.periodic.magnitude, effect->u.periodic.offset,
356 			effect->u.periodic.period, effect->u.periodic.phase);
357 		if (param1_err)
358 			return param1_err;
359 		set_bit(FF_MOD1_IS_USED, core_effect->flags);
360 	}
362 	if (!old || need_envelope_modifier(iforce, old, effect)) {
363 		param2_err = make_envelope_modifier(iforce, mod2_chunk,
364 			old !=NULL,
365 			effect->u.periodic.envelope.attack_length,
366 			effect->u.periodic.envelope.attack_level,
367 			effect->u.periodic.envelope.fade_length,
368 			effect->u.periodic.envelope.fade_level);
369 		if (param2_err)
370 			return param2_err;
371 		set_bit(FF_MOD2_IS_USED, core_effect->flags);
372 	}
374 	switch (effect->u.periodic.waveform) {
375 		case FF_SQUARE:		wave_code = 0x20; break;
376 		case FF_TRIANGLE:	wave_code = 0x21; break;
377 		case FF_SINE:		wave_code = 0x22; break;
378 		case FF_SAW_UP:		wave_code = 0x23; break;
379 		case FF_SAW_DOWN:	wave_code = 0x24; break;
380 		default:		wave_code = 0x20; break;
381 	}
383 	if (!old || need_core(old, effect)) {
384 		core_err = make_core(iforce, effect->id,
385 			mod1_chunk->start,
386 			mod2_chunk->start,
387 			wave_code,
388 			0x20,
389 			effect->replay.length,
390 			effect->replay.delay,
391 			effect->trigger.button,
392 			effect->trigger.interval,
393 			effect->direction);
394 	}
396 	/* If one of the parameter creation failed, we already returned an
397 	 * error code.
398 	 * If the core creation failed, we return its error code.
399 	 * Else: if one parameter at least was created, we return 0
400 	 *       else we return 1;
401 	 */
402 	return core_err < 0 ? core_err : (param1_err && param2_err);
403 }
405 /*
406  * Upload a constant force effect
407  * Return value:
408  *  <0 Error code
409  *  0 Ok, effect created or updated
410  *  1 effect did not change since last upload, and no packet was therefore sent
411  */
412 int iforce_upload_constant(struct iforce *iforce, struct ff_effect *effect, struct ff_effect *old)
413 {
414 	int core_id = effect->id;
415 	struct iforce_core_effect* core_effect = iforce->core_effects + core_id;
416 	struct resource* mod1_chunk = &(iforce->core_effects[core_id].mod1_chunk);
417 	struct resource* mod2_chunk = &(iforce->core_effects[core_id].mod2_chunk);
418 	int param1_err = 1;
419 	int param2_err = 1;
420 	int core_err = 0;
422 	if (!old || need_magnitude_modifier(iforce, old, effect)) {
423 		param1_err = make_magnitude_modifier(iforce, mod1_chunk,
424 			old != NULL,
425 			effect->u.constant.level);
426 		if (param1_err)
427 			return param1_err;
428 		set_bit(FF_MOD1_IS_USED, core_effect->flags);
429 	}
431 	if (!old || need_envelope_modifier(iforce, old, effect)) {
432 		param2_err = make_envelope_modifier(iforce, mod2_chunk,
433 			old != NULL,
434 			effect->u.constant.envelope.attack_length,
435 			effect->u.constant.envelope.attack_level,
436 			effect->u.constant.envelope.fade_length,
437 			effect->u.constant.envelope.fade_level);
438 		if (param2_err)
439 			return param2_err;
440 		set_bit(FF_MOD2_IS_USED, core_effect->flags);
441 	}
443 	if (!old || need_core(old, effect)) {
444 		core_err = make_core(iforce, effect->id,
445 			mod1_chunk->start,
446 			mod2_chunk->start,
447 			0x00,
448 			0x20,
449 			effect->replay.length,
450 			effect->replay.delay,
451 			effect->trigger.button,
452 			effect->trigger.interval,
453 			effect->direction);
454 	}
456 	/* If one of the parameter creation failed, we already returned an
457 	 * error code.
458 	 * If the core creation failed, we return its error code.
459 	 * Else: if one parameter at least was created, we return 0
460 	 *       else we return 1;
461 	 */
462 	return core_err < 0 ? core_err : (param1_err && param2_err);
463 }
465 /*
466  * Upload an condition effect. Those are for example friction, inertia, springs...
467  */
468 int iforce_upload_condition(struct iforce *iforce, struct ff_effect *effect, struct ff_effect *old)
469 {
470 	int core_id = effect->id;
471 	struct iforce_core_effect* core_effect = iforce->core_effects + core_id;
472 	struct resource* mod1_chunk = &(core_effect->mod1_chunk);
473 	struct resource* mod2_chunk = &(core_effect->mod2_chunk);
474 	u8 type;
475 	int param_err = 1;
476 	int core_err = 0;
478 	switch (effect->type) {
479 		case FF_SPRING:	type = 0x40; break;
480 		case FF_DAMPER:	type = 0x41; break;
481 		default: return -1;
482 	}
484 	if (!old || need_condition_modifier(iforce, old, effect)) {
485 		param_err = make_condition_modifier(iforce, mod1_chunk,
486 			old != NULL,
487 			effect->u.condition[0].right_saturation,
488 			effect->u.condition[0].left_saturation,
489 			effect->u.condition[0].right_coeff,
490 			effect->u.condition[0].left_coeff,
491 			effect->u.condition[0].deadband,
492 			effect->u.condition[0].center);
493 		if (param_err)
494 			return param_err;
495 		set_bit(FF_MOD1_IS_USED, core_effect->flags);
497 		param_err = make_condition_modifier(iforce, mod2_chunk,
498 			old != NULL,
499 			effect->u.condition[1].right_saturation,
500 			effect->u.condition[1].left_saturation,
501 			effect->u.condition[1].right_coeff,
502 			effect->u.condition[1].left_coeff,
503 			effect->u.condition[1].deadband,
504 			effect->u.condition[1].center);
505 		if (param_err)
506 			return param_err;
507 		set_bit(FF_MOD2_IS_USED, core_effect->flags);
509 	}
511 	if (!old || need_core(old, effect)) {
512 		core_err = make_core(iforce, effect->id,
513 			mod1_chunk->start, mod2_chunk->start,
514 			type, 0xc0,
515 			effect->replay.length, effect->replay.delay,
516 			effect->trigger.button, effect->trigger.interval,
517 			effect->direction);
518 	}
520 	/* If the parameter creation failed, we already returned an
521 	 * error code.
522 	 * If the core creation failed, we return its error code.
523 	 * Else: if a parameter  was created, we return 0
524 	 *       else we return 1;
525 	 */
526 	return core_err < 0 ? core_err : param_err;
527 }