xref: /openbmc/linux/drivers/i2c/algos/i2c-algo-bit.c (revision 5f32c314)
1 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  * i2c-algo-bit.c i2c driver algorithms for bit-shift adapters
3  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
4  *   Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Simon G. Vogl
6     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9     (at your option) any later version.
11     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14     GNU General Public License for more details.
16     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
19     MA 02110-1301 USA.
20  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
22 /* With some changes from Frodo Looijaard <frodol@dds.nl>, Kyösti Mälkki
23    <kmalkki@cc.hut.fi> and Jean Delvare <jdelvare@suse.de> */
25 #include <linux/kernel.h>
26 #include <linux/module.h>
27 #include <linux/delay.h>
28 #include <linux/errno.h>
29 #include <linux/sched.h>
30 #include <linux/i2c.h>
31 #include <linux/i2c-algo-bit.h>
34 /* ----- global defines ----------------------------------------------- */
36 #ifdef DEBUG
37 #define bit_dbg(level, dev, format, args...) \
38 	do { \
39 		if (i2c_debug >= level) \
40 			dev_dbg(dev, format, ##args); \
41 	} while (0)
42 #else
43 #define bit_dbg(level, dev, format, args...) \
44 	do {} while (0)
45 #endif /* DEBUG */
47 /* ----- global variables ---------------------------------------------	*/
49 static int bit_test;	/* see if the line-setting functions work	*/
50 module_param(bit_test, int, S_IRUGO);
51 MODULE_PARM_DESC(bit_test, "lines testing - 0 off; 1 report; 2 fail if stuck");
53 #ifdef DEBUG
54 static int i2c_debug = 1;
55 module_param(i2c_debug, int, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
56 MODULE_PARM_DESC(i2c_debug,
57 		 "debug level - 0 off; 1 normal; 2 verbose; 3 very verbose");
58 #endif
60 /* --- setting states on the bus with the right timing: ---------------	*/
62 #define setsda(adap, val)	adap->setsda(adap->data, val)
63 #define setscl(adap, val)	adap->setscl(adap->data, val)
64 #define getsda(adap)		adap->getsda(adap->data)
65 #define getscl(adap)		adap->getscl(adap->data)
67 static inline void sdalo(struct i2c_algo_bit_data *adap)
68 {
69 	setsda(adap, 0);
70 	udelay((adap->udelay + 1) / 2);
71 }
73 static inline void sdahi(struct i2c_algo_bit_data *adap)
74 {
75 	setsda(adap, 1);
76 	udelay((adap->udelay + 1) / 2);
77 }
79 static inline void scllo(struct i2c_algo_bit_data *adap)
80 {
81 	setscl(adap, 0);
82 	udelay(adap->udelay / 2);
83 }
85 /*
86  * Raise scl line, and do checking for delays. This is necessary for slower
87  * devices.
88  */
89 static int sclhi(struct i2c_algo_bit_data *adap)
90 {
91 	unsigned long start;
93 	setscl(adap, 1);
95 	/* Not all adapters have scl sense line... */
96 	if (!adap->getscl)
97 		goto done;
99 	start = jiffies;
100 	while (!getscl(adap)) {
101 		/* This hw knows how to read the clock line, so we wait
102 		 * until it actually gets high.  This is safer as some
103 		 * chips may hold it low ("clock stretching") while they
104 		 * are processing data internally.
105 		 */
106 		if (time_after(jiffies, start + adap->timeout)) {
107 			/* Test one last time, as we may have been preempted
108 			 * between last check and timeout test.
109 			 */
110 			if (getscl(adap))
111 				break;
112 			return -ETIMEDOUT;
113 		}
114 		cpu_relax();
115 	}
116 #ifdef DEBUG
117 	if (jiffies != start && i2c_debug >= 3)
118 		pr_debug("i2c-algo-bit: needed %ld jiffies for SCL to go "
119 			 "high\n", jiffies - start);
120 #endif
122 done:
123 	udelay(adap->udelay);
124 	return 0;
125 }
128 /* --- other auxiliary functions --------------------------------------	*/
129 static void i2c_start(struct i2c_algo_bit_data *adap)
130 {
131 	/* assert: scl, sda are high */
132 	setsda(adap, 0);
133 	udelay(adap->udelay);
134 	scllo(adap);
135 }
137 static void i2c_repstart(struct i2c_algo_bit_data *adap)
138 {
139 	/* assert: scl is low */
140 	sdahi(adap);
141 	sclhi(adap);
142 	setsda(adap, 0);
143 	udelay(adap->udelay);
144 	scllo(adap);
145 }
148 static void i2c_stop(struct i2c_algo_bit_data *adap)
149 {
150 	/* assert: scl is low */
151 	sdalo(adap);
152 	sclhi(adap);
153 	setsda(adap, 1);
154 	udelay(adap->udelay);
155 }
159 /* send a byte without start cond., look for arbitration,
160    check ackn. from slave */
161 /* returns:
162  * 1 if the device acknowledged
163  * 0 if the device did not ack
164  * -ETIMEDOUT if an error occurred (while raising the scl line)
165  */
166 static int i2c_outb(struct i2c_adapter *i2c_adap, unsigned char c)
167 {
168 	int i;
169 	int sb;
170 	int ack;
171 	struct i2c_algo_bit_data *adap = i2c_adap->algo_data;
173 	/* assert: scl is low */
174 	for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
175 		sb = (c >> i) & 1;
176 		setsda(adap, sb);
177 		udelay((adap->udelay + 1) / 2);
178 		if (sclhi(adap) < 0) { /* timed out */
179 			bit_dbg(1, &i2c_adap->dev, "i2c_outb: 0x%02x, "
180 				"timeout at bit #%d\n", (int)c, i);
181 			return -ETIMEDOUT;
182 		}
183 		/* FIXME do arbitration here:
184 		 * if (sb && !getsda(adap)) -> ouch! Get out of here.
185 		 *
186 		 * Report a unique code, so higher level code can retry
187 		 * the whole (combined) message and *NOT* issue STOP.
188 		 */
189 		scllo(adap);
190 	}
191 	sdahi(adap);
192 	if (sclhi(adap) < 0) { /* timeout */
193 		bit_dbg(1, &i2c_adap->dev, "i2c_outb: 0x%02x, "
194 			"timeout at ack\n", (int)c);
195 		return -ETIMEDOUT;
196 	}
198 	/* read ack: SDA should be pulled down by slave, or it may
199 	 * NAK (usually to report problems with the data we wrote).
200 	 */
201 	ack = !getsda(adap);    /* ack: sda is pulled low -> success */
202 	bit_dbg(2, &i2c_adap->dev, "i2c_outb: 0x%02x %s\n", (int)c,
203 		ack ? "A" : "NA");
205 	scllo(adap);
206 	return ack;
207 	/* assert: scl is low (sda undef) */
208 }
211 static int i2c_inb(struct i2c_adapter *i2c_adap)
212 {
213 	/* read byte via i2c port, without start/stop sequence	*/
214 	/* acknowledge is sent in i2c_read.			*/
215 	int i;
216 	unsigned char indata = 0;
217 	struct i2c_algo_bit_data *adap = i2c_adap->algo_data;
219 	/* assert: scl is low */
220 	sdahi(adap);
221 	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
222 		if (sclhi(adap) < 0) { /* timeout */
223 			bit_dbg(1, &i2c_adap->dev, "i2c_inb: timeout at bit "
224 				"#%d\n", 7 - i);
225 			return -ETIMEDOUT;
226 		}
227 		indata *= 2;
228 		if (getsda(adap))
229 			indata |= 0x01;
230 		setscl(adap, 0);
231 		udelay(i == 7 ? adap->udelay / 2 : adap->udelay);
232 	}
233 	/* assert: scl is low */
234 	return indata;
235 }
237 /*
238  * Sanity check for the adapter hardware - check the reaction of
239  * the bus lines only if it seems to be idle.
240  */
241 static int test_bus(struct i2c_adapter *i2c_adap)
242 {
243 	struct i2c_algo_bit_data *adap = i2c_adap->algo_data;
244 	const char *name = i2c_adap->name;
245 	int scl, sda, ret;
247 	if (adap->pre_xfer) {
248 		ret = adap->pre_xfer(i2c_adap);
249 		if (ret < 0)
250 			return -ENODEV;
251 	}
253 	if (adap->getscl == NULL)
254 		pr_info("%s: Testing SDA only, SCL is not readable\n", name);
256 	sda = getsda(adap);
257 	scl = (adap->getscl == NULL) ? 1 : getscl(adap);
258 	if (!scl || !sda) {
259 		printk(KERN_WARNING
260 		       "%s: bus seems to be busy (scl=%d, sda=%d)\n",
261 		       name, scl, sda);
262 		goto bailout;
263 	}
265 	sdalo(adap);
266 	sda = getsda(adap);
267 	scl = (adap->getscl == NULL) ? 1 : getscl(adap);
268 	if (sda) {
269 		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: SDA stuck high!\n", name);
270 		goto bailout;
271 	}
272 	if (!scl) {
273 		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: SCL unexpected low "
274 		       "while pulling SDA low!\n", name);
275 		goto bailout;
276 	}
278 	sdahi(adap);
279 	sda = getsda(adap);
280 	scl = (adap->getscl == NULL) ? 1 : getscl(adap);
281 	if (!sda) {
282 		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: SDA stuck low!\n", name);
283 		goto bailout;
284 	}
285 	if (!scl) {
286 		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: SCL unexpected low "
287 		       "while pulling SDA high!\n", name);
288 		goto bailout;
289 	}
291 	scllo(adap);
292 	sda = getsda(adap);
293 	scl = (adap->getscl == NULL) ? 0 : getscl(adap);
294 	if (scl) {
295 		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: SCL stuck high!\n", name);
296 		goto bailout;
297 	}
298 	if (!sda) {
299 		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: SDA unexpected low "
300 		       "while pulling SCL low!\n", name);
301 		goto bailout;
302 	}
304 	sclhi(adap);
305 	sda = getsda(adap);
306 	scl = (adap->getscl == NULL) ? 1 : getscl(adap);
307 	if (!scl) {
308 		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: SCL stuck low!\n", name);
309 		goto bailout;
310 	}
311 	if (!sda) {
312 		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: SDA unexpected low "
313 		       "while pulling SCL high!\n", name);
314 		goto bailout;
315 	}
317 	if (adap->post_xfer)
318 		adap->post_xfer(i2c_adap);
320 	pr_info("%s: Test OK\n", name);
321 	return 0;
322 bailout:
323 	sdahi(adap);
324 	sclhi(adap);
326 	if (adap->post_xfer)
327 		adap->post_xfer(i2c_adap);
329 	return -ENODEV;
330 }
332 /* ----- Utility functions
333  */
335 /* try_address tries to contact a chip for a number of
336  * times before it gives up.
337  * return values:
338  * 1 chip answered
339  * 0 chip did not answer
340  * -x transmission error
341  */
342 static int try_address(struct i2c_adapter *i2c_adap,
343 		       unsigned char addr, int retries)
344 {
345 	struct i2c_algo_bit_data *adap = i2c_adap->algo_data;
346 	int i, ret = 0;
348 	for (i = 0; i <= retries; i++) {
349 		ret = i2c_outb(i2c_adap, addr);
350 		if (ret == 1 || i == retries)
351 			break;
352 		bit_dbg(3, &i2c_adap->dev, "emitting stop condition\n");
353 		i2c_stop(adap);
354 		udelay(adap->udelay);
355 		yield();
356 		bit_dbg(3, &i2c_adap->dev, "emitting start condition\n");
357 		i2c_start(adap);
358 	}
359 	if (i && ret)
360 		bit_dbg(1, &i2c_adap->dev, "Used %d tries to %s client at "
361 			"0x%02x: %s\n", i + 1,
362 			addr & 1 ? "read from" : "write to", addr >> 1,
363 			ret == 1 ? "success" : "failed, timeout?");
364 	return ret;
365 }
367 static int sendbytes(struct i2c_adapter *i2c_adap, struct i2c_msg *msg)
368 {
369 	const unsigned char *temp = msg->buf;
370 	int count = msg->len;
371 	unsigned short nak_ok = msg->flags & I2C_M_IGNORE_NAK;
372 	int retval;
373 	int wrcount = 0;
375 	while (count > 0) {
376 		retval = i2c_outb(i2c_adap, *temp);
378 		/* OK/ACK; or ignored NAK */
379 		if ((retval > 0) || (nak_ok && (retval == 0))) {
380 			count--;
381 			temp++;
382 			wrcount++;
384 		/* A slave NAKing the master means the slave didn't like
385 		 * something about the data it saw.  For example, maybe
386 		 * the SMBus PEC was wrong.
387 		 */
388 		} else if (retval == 0) {
389 			dev_err(&i2c_adap->dev, "sendbytes: NAK bailout.\n");
390 			return -EIO;
392 		/* Timeout; or (someday) lost arbitration
393 		 *
394 		 * FIXME Lost ARB implies retrying the transaction from
395 		 * the first message, after the "winning" master issues
396 		 * its STOP.  As a rule, upper layer code has no reason
397 		 * to know or care about this ... it is *NOT* an error.
398 		 */
399 		} else {
400 			dev_err(&i2c_adap->dev, "sendbytes: error %d\n",
401 					retval);
402 			return retval;
403 		}
404 	}
405 	return wrcount;
406 }
408 static int acknak(struct i2c_adapter *i2c_adap, int is_ack)
409 {
410 	struct i2c_algo_bit_data *adap = i2c_adap->algo_data;
412 	/* assert: sda is high */
413 	if (is_ack)		/* send ack */
414 		setsda(adap, 0);
415 	udelay((adap->udelay + 1) / 2);
416 	if (sclhi(adap) < 0) {	/* timeout */
417 		dev_err(&i2c_adap->dev, "readbytes: ack/nak timeout\n");
418 		return -ETIMEDOUT;
419 	}
420 	scllo(adap);
421 	return 0;
422 }
424 static int readbytes(struct i2c_adapter *i2c_adap, struct i2c_msg *msg)
425 {
426 	int inval;
427 	int rdcount = 0;	/* counts bytes read */
428 	unsigned char *temp = msg->buf;
429 	int count = msg->len;
430 	const unsigned flags = msg->flags;
432 	while (count > 0) {
433 		inval = i2c_inb(i2c_adap);
434 		if (inval >= 0) {
435 			*temp = inval;
436 			rdcount++;
437 		} else {   /* read timed out */
438 			break;
439 		}
441 		temp++;
442 		count--;
444 		/* Some SMBus transactions require that we receive the
445 		   transaction length as the first read byte. */
446 		if (rdcount == 1 && (flags & I2C_M_RECV_LEN)) {
447 			if (inval <= 0 || inval > I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX) {
448 				if (!(flags & I2C_M_NO_RD_ACK))
449 					acknak(i2c_adap, 0);
450 				dev_err(&i2c_adap->dev, "readbytes: invalid "
451 					"block length (%d)\n", inval);
452 				return -EPROTO;
453 			}
454 			/* The original count value accounts for the extra
455 			   bytes, that is, either 1 for a regular transaction,
456 			   or 2 for a PEC transaction. */
457 			count += inval;
458 			msg->len += inval;
459 		}
461 		bit_dbg(2, &i2c_adap->dev, "readbytes: 0x%02x %s\n",
462 			inval,
463 			(flags & I2C_M_NO_RD_ACK)
464 				? "(no ack/nak)"
465 				: (count ? "A" : "NA"));
467 		if (!(flags & I2C_M_NO_RD_ACK)) {
468 			inval = acknak(i2c_adap, count);
469 			if (inval < 0)
470 				return inval;
471 		}
472 	}
473 	return rdcount;
474 }
476 /* doAddress initiates the transfer by generating the start condition (in
477  * try_address) and transmits the address in the necessary format to handle
478  * reads, writes as well as 10bit-addresses.
479  * returns:
480  *  0 everything went okay, the chip ack'ed, or IGNORE_NAK flag was set
481  * -x an error occurred (like: -ENXIO if the device did not answer, or
482  *	-ETIMEDOUT, for example if the lines are stuck...)
483  */
484 static int bit_doAddress(struct i2c_adapter *i2c_adap, struct i2c_msg *msg)
485 {
486 	unsigned short flags = msg->flags;
487 	unsigned short nak_ok = msg->flags & I2C_M_IGNORE_NAK;
488 	struct i2c_algo_bit_data *adap = i2c_adap->algo_data;
490 	unsigned char addr;
491 	int ret, retries;
493 	retries = nak_ok ? 0 : i2c_adap->retries;
495 	if (flags & I2C_M_TEN) {
496 		/* a ten bit address */
497 		addr = 0xf0 | ((msg->addr >> 7) & 0x06);
498 		bit_dbg(2, &i2c_adap->dev, "addr0: %d\n", addr);
499 		/* try extended address code...*/
500 		ret = try_address(i2c_adap, addr, retries);
501 		if ((ret != 1) && !nak_ok)  {
502 			dev_err(&i2c_adap->dev,
503 				"died at extended address code\n");
504 			return -ENXIO;
505 		}
506 		/* the remaining 8 bit address */
507 		ret = i2c_outb(i2c_adap, msg->addr & 0xff);
508 		if ((ret != 1) && !nak_ok) {
509 			/* the chip did not ack / xmission error occurred */
510 			dev_err(&i2c_adap->dev, "died at 2nd address code\n");
511 			return -ENXIO;
512 		}
513 		if (flags & I2C_M_RD) {
514 			bit_dbg(3, &i2c_adap->dev, "emitting repeated "
515 				"start condition\n");
516 			i2c_repstart(adap);
517 			/* okay, now switch into reading mode */
518 			addr |= 0x01;
519 			ret = try_address(i2c_adap, addr, retries);
520 			if ((ret != 1) && !nak_ok) {
521 				dev_err(&i2c_adap->dev,
522 					"died at repeated address code\n");
523 				return -EIO;
524 			}
525 		}
526 	} else {		/* normal 7bit address	*/
527 		addr = msg->addr << 1;
528 		if (flags & I2C_M_RD)
529 			addr |= 1;
530 		if (flags & I2C_M_REV_DIR_ADDR)
531 			addr ^= 1;
532 		ret = try_address(i2c_adap, addr, retries);
533 		if ((ret != 1) && !nak_ok)
534 			return -ENXIO;
535 	}
537 	return 0;
538 }
540 static int bit_xfer(struct i2c_adapter *i2c_adap,
541 		    struct i2c_msg msgs[], int num)
542 {
543 	struct i2c_msg *pmsg;
544 	struct i2c_algo_bit_data *adap = i2c_adap->algo_data;
545 	int i, ret;
546 	unsigned short nak_ok;
548 	if (adap->pre_xfer) {
549 		ret = adap->pre_xfer(i2c_adap);
550 		if (ret < 0)
551 			return ret;
552 	}
554 	bit_dbg(3, &i2c_adap->dev, "emitting start condition\n");
555 	i2c_start(adap);
556 	for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
557 		pmsg = &msgs[i];
558 		nak_ok = pmsg->flags & I2C_M_IGNORE_NAK;
559 		if (!(pmsg->flags & I2C_M_NOSTART)) {
560 			if (i) {
561 				bit_dbg(3, &i2c_adap->dev, "emitting "
562 					"repeated start condition\n");
563 				i2c_repstart(adap);
564 			}
565 			ret = bit_doAddress(i2c_adap, pmsg);
566 			if ((ret != 0) && !nak_ok) {
567 				bit_dbg(1, &i2c_adap->dev, "NAK from "
568 					"device addr 0x%02x msg #%d\n",
569 					msgs[i].addr, i);
570 				goto bailout;
571 			}
572 		}
573 		if (pmsg->flags & I2C_M_RD) {
574 			/* read bytes into buffer*/
575 			ret = readbytes(i2c_adap, pmsg);
576 			if (ret >= 1)
577 				bit_dbg(2, &i2c_adap->dev, "read %d byte%s\n",
578 					ret, ret == 1 ? "" : "s");
579 			if (ret < pmsg->len) {
580 				if (ret >= 0)
581 					ret = -EIO;
582 				goto bailout;
583 			}
584 		} else {
585 			/* write bytes from buffer */
586 			ret = sendbytes(i2c_adap, pmsg);
587 			if (ret >= 1)
588 				bit_dbg(2, &i2c_adap->dev, "wrote %d byte%s\n",
589 					ret, ret == 1 ? "" : "s");
590 			if (ret < pmsg->len) {
591 				if (ret >= 0)
592 					ret = -EIO;
593 				goto bailout;
594 			}
595 		}
596 	}
597 	ret = i;
599 bailout:
600 	bit_dbg(3, &i2c_adap->dev, "emitting stop condition\n");
601 	i2c_stop(adap);
603 	if (adap->post_xfer)
604 		adap->post_xfer(i2c_adap);
605 	return ret;
606 }
608 static u32 bit_func(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
609 {
614 }
617 /* -----exported algorithm data: -------------------------------------	*/
619 const struct i2c_algorithm i2c_bit_algo = {
620 	.master_xfer	= bit_xfer,
621 	.functionality	= bit_func,
622 };
623 EXPORT_SYMBOL(i2c_bit_algo);
625 /*
626  * registering functions to load algorithms at runtime
627  */
628 static int __i2c_bit_add_bus(struct i2c_adapter *adap,
629 			     int (*add_adapter)(struct i2c_adapter *))
630 {
631 	struct i2c_algo_bit_data *bit_adap = adap->algo_data;
632 	int ret;
634 	if (bit_test) {
635 		ret = test_bus(adap);
636 		if (bit_test >= 2 && ret < 0)
637 			return -ENODEV;
638 	}
640 	/* register new adapter to i2c module... */
641 	adap->algo = &i2c_bit_algo;
642 	adap->retries = 3;
644 	ret = add_adapter(adap);
645 	if (ret < 0)
646 		return ret;
648 	/* Complain if SCL can't be read */
649 	if (bit_adap->getscl == NULL) {
650 		dev_warn(&adap->dev, "Not I2C compliant: can't read SCL\n");
651 		dev_warn(&adap->dev, "Bus may be unreliable\n");
652 	}
653 	return 0;
654 }
656 int i2c_bit_add_bus(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
657 {
658 	return __i2c_bit_add_bus(adap, i2c_add_adapter);
659 }
660 EXPORT_SYMBOL(i2c_bit_add_bus);
662 int i2c_bit_add_numbered_bus(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
663 {
664 	return __i2c_bit_add_bus(adap, i2c_add_numbered_adapter);
665 }
666 EXPORT_SYMBOL(i2c_bit_add_numbered_bus);
668 MODULE_AUTHOR("Simon G. Vogl <simon@tk.uni-linz.ac.at>");
669 MODULE_DESCRIPTION("I2C-Bus bit-banging algorithm");