1config DRM_I915_WERROR 2 bool "Force GCC to throw an error instead of a warning when compiling" 3 # As this may inadvertently break the build, only allow the user 4 # to shoot oneself in the foot iff they aim really hard 5 depends on EXPERT 6 # We use the dependency on !COMPILE_TEST to not be enabled in 7 # allmodconfig or allyesconfig configurations 8 depends on !COMPILE_TEST 9 default n 10 help 11 Add -Werror to the build flags for (and only for) i915.ko. 12 Do not enable this unless you are writing code for the i915.ko module. 13 14 Recommended for driver developers only. 15 16 If in doubt, say "N". 17 18config DRM_I915_DEBUG 19 bool "Enable additional driver debugging" 20 depends on DRM_I915 21 select PREEMPT_COUNT 22 select X86_MSR # used by igt/pm_rpm 23 select DRM_VGEM # used by igt/prime_vgem (dmabuf interop checks) 24 select DRM_DEBUG_MM if DRM=y 25 default n 26 help 27 Choose this option to turn on extra driver debugging that may affect 28 performance but will catch some internal issues. 29 30 Recommended for driver developers only. 31 32 If in doubt, say "N". 33 34config DRM_I915_DEBUG_GEM 35 bool "Insert extra checks into the GEM internals" 36 default n 37 depends on DRM_I915_WERROR 38 help 39 Enable extra sanity checks (including BUGs) along the GEM driver 40 paths that may slow the system down and if hit hang the machine. 41 42 Recommended for driver developers only. 43 44 If in doubt, say "N". 45 46