1 /*
2  * Performance counter support for POWER9 processors.
3  *
4  * Copyright 2016 Madhavan Srinivasan, IBM Corporation.
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
9  * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  */
12 /*
13  * Power9 event codes.
14  */
15 EVENT(PM_CYC,					0x0001e)
16 EVENT(PM_ICT_NOSLOT_CYC,			0x100f8)
17 EVENT(PM_CMPLU_STALL,				0x1e054)
18 EVENT(PM_INST_CMPL,				0x00002)
19 EVENT(PM_BRU_CMPL,				0x4d05e)
20 EVENT(PM_BR_MPRED_CMPL,				0x400f6)
22 /* All L1 D cache load references counted at finish, gated by reject */
23 EVENT(PM_LD_REF_L1,				0x100fc)
24 /* Load Missed L1 */
25 EVENT(PM_LD_MISS_L1_FIN,			0x2c04e)
26 /* Store Missed L1 */
27 EVENT(PM_ST_MISS_L1,				0x300f0)
28 /* L1 cache data prefetches */
29 EVENT(PM_L1_PREF,				0x20054)
30 /* Instruction fetches from L1 */
31 EVENT(PM_INST_FROM_L1,				0x04080)
32 /* Demand iCache Miss */
33 EVENT(PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS,			0x200fd)
34 /* Instruction Demand sectors wriittent into IL1 */
35 EVENT(PM_L1_DEMAND_WRITE,			0x0408c)
36 /* Instruction prefetch written into IL1 */
37 EVENT(PM_IC_PREF_WRITE,				0x0488c)
38 /* The data cache was reloaded from local core's L3 due to a demand load */
39 EVENT(PM_DATA_FROM_L3,				0x4c042)
40 /* Demand LD - L3 Miss (not L2 hit and not L3 hit) */
41 EVENT(PM_DATA_FROM_L3MISS,			0x300fe)
42 /* All successful D-side store dispatches for this thread */
43 EVENT(PM_L2_ST,					0x16880)
44 /* All successful D-side store dispatches for this thread that were L2 Miss */
45 EVENT(PM_L2_ST_MISS,				0x26880)
46 /* Total HW L3 prefetches(Load+store) */
47 EVENT(PM_L3_PREF_ALL,				0x4e052)
48 /* Data PTEG reload */
49 EVENT(PM_DTLB_MISS,				0x300fc)
50 /* ITLB Reloaded */
51 EVENT(PM_ITLB_MISS,				0x400fc)
52 /* Run_Instructions */
53 EVENT(PM_RUN_INST_CMPL,				0x500fa)
54 /* Alternate event code for PM_RUN_INST_CMPL */
56 /* Run_cycles */
57 EVENT(PM_RUN_CYC,				0x600f4)
58 /* Alternate event code for Run_cycles */
59 EVENT(PM_RUN_CYC_ALT,				0x200f4)
60 /* Instruction Dispatched */
61 EVENT(PM_INST_DISP,				0x200f2)
62 EVENT(PM_INST_DISP_ALT,				0x300f2)
63 /* Alternate Branch event code */
64 EVENT(PM_BR_CMPL_ALT,				0x10012)