xref: /openbmc/linux/arch/powerpc/include/asm/reg.h (revision 3c6a73cc)
1 /*
2  * Contains the definition of registers common to all PowerPC variants.
3  * If a register definition has been changed in a different PowerPC
4  * variant, we will case it in #ifndef XXX ... #endif, and have the
5  * number used in the Programming Environments Manual For 32-Bit
6  * Implementations of the PowerPC Architecture (a.k.a. Green Book) here.
7  */
9 #ifndef _ASM_POWERPC_REG_H
10 #define _ASM_POWERPC_REG_H
11 #ifdef __KERNEL__
13 #include <linux/stringify.h>
14 #include <asm/cputable.h>
16 /* Pickup Book E specific registers. */
17 #if defined(CONFIG_BOOKE) || defined(CONFIG_40x)
18 #include <asm/reg_booke.h>
19 #endif /* CONFIG_BOOKE || CONFIG_40x */
22 #include <asm/reg_fsl_emb.h>
23 #endif
25 #ifdef CONFIG_8xx
26 #include <asm/reg_8xx.h>
27 #endif /* CONFIG_8xx */
29 #define MSR_SF_LG	63              /* Enable 64 bit mode */
30 #define MSR_ISF_LG	61              /* Interrupt 64b mode valid on 630 */
31 #define MSR_HV_LG 	60              /* Hypervisor state */
32 #define MSR_TS_T_LG	34		/* Trans Mem state: Transactional */
33 #define MSR_TS_S_LG	33		/* Trans Mem state: Suspended */
34 #define MSR_TS_LG	33		/* Trans Mem state (2 bits) */
35 #define MSR_TM_LG	32		/* Trans Mem Available */
36 #define MSR_VEC_LG	25	        /* Enable AltiVec */
37 #define MSR_VSX_LG	23		/* Enable VSX */
38 #define MSR_POW_LG	18		/* Enable Power Management */
39 #define MSR_WE_LG	18		/* Wait State Enable */
40 #define MSR_TGPR_LG	17		/* TLB Update registers in use */
41 #define MSR_CE_LG	17		/* Critical Interrupt Enable */
42 #define MSR_ILE_LG	16		/* Interrupt Little Endian */
43 #define MSR_EE_LG	15		/* External Interrupt Enable */
44 #define MSR_PR_LG	14		/* Problem State / Privilege Level */
45 #define MSR_FP_LG	13		/* Floating Point enable */
46 #define MSR_ME_LG	12		/* Machine Check Enable */
47 #define MSR_FE0_LG	11		/* Floating Exception mode 0 */
48 #define MSR_SE_LG	10		/* Single Step */
49 #define MSR_BE_LG	9		/* Branch Trace */
50 #define MSR_DE_LG	9 		/* Debug Exception Enable */
51 #define MSR_FE1_LG	8		/* Floating Exception mode 1 */
52 #define MSR_IP_LG	6		/* Exception prefix 0x000/0xFFF */
53 #define MSR_IR_LG	5 		/* Instruction Relocate */
54 #define MSR_DR_LG	4 		/* Data Relocate */
55 #define MSR_PE_LG	3		/* Protection Enable */
56 #define MSR_PX_LG	2		/* Protection Exclusive Mode */
57 #define MSR_PMM_LG	2		/* Performance monitor */
58 #define MSR_RI_LG	1		/* Recoverable Exception */
59 #define MSR_LE_LG	0 		/* Little Endian */
61 #ifdef __ASSEMBLY__
62 #define __MASK(X)	(1<<(X))
63 #else
64 #define __MASK(X)	(1UL<<(X))
65 #endif
67 #ifdef CONFIG_PPC64
68 #define MSR_SF		__MASK(MSR_SF_LG)	/* Enable 64 bit mode */
69 #define MSR_ISF		__MASK(MSR_ISF_LG)	/* Interrupt 64b mode valid on 630 */
70 #define MSR_HV 		__MASK(MSR_HV_LG)	/* Hypervisor state */
71 #else
72 /* so tests for these bits fail on 32-bit */
73 #define MSR_SF		0
74 #define MSR_ISF		0
75 #define MSR_HV		0
76 #endif
78 #define MSR_VEC		__MASK(MSR_VEC_LG)	/* Enable AltiVec */
79 #define MSR_VSX		__MASK(MSR_VSX_LG)	/* Enable VSX */
80 #define MSR_POW		__MASK(MSR_POW_LG)	/* Enable Power Management */
81 #define MSR_WE		__MASK(MSR_WE_LG)	/* Wait State Enable */
82 #define MSR_TGPR	__MASK(MSR_TGPR_LG)	/* TLB Update registers in use */
83 #define MSR_CE		__MASK(MSR_CE_LG)	/* Critical Interrupt Enable */
84 #define MSR_ILE		__MASK(MSR_ILE_LG)	/* Interrupt Little Endian */
85 #define MSR_EE		__MASK(MSR_EE_LG)	/* External Interrupt Enable */
86 #define MSR_PR		__MASK(MSR_PR_LG)	/* Problem State / Privilege Level */
87 #define MSR_FP		__MASK(MSR_FP_LG)	/* Floating Point enable */
88 #define MSR_ME		__MASK(MSR_ME_LG)	/* Machine Check Enable */
89 #define MSR_FE0		__MASK(MSR_FE0_LG)	/* Floating Exception mode 0 */
90 #define MSR_SE		__MASK(MSR_SE_LG)	/* Single Step */
91 #define MSR_BE		__MASK(MSR_BE_LG)	/* Branch Trace */
92 #define MSR_DE		__MASK(MSR_DE_LG)	/* Debug Exception Enable */
93 #define MSR_FE1		__MASK(MSR_FE1_LG)	/* Floating Exception mode 1 */
94 #define MSR_IP		__MASK(MSR_IP_LG)	/* Exception prefix 0x000/0xFFF */
95 #define MSR_IR		__MASK(MSR_IR_LG)	/* Instruction Relocate */
96 #define MSR_DR		__MASK(MSR_DR_LG)	/* Data Relocate */
97 #define MSR_PE		__MASK(MSR_PE_LG)	/* Protection Enable */
98 #define MSR_PX		__MASK(MSR_PX_LG)	/* Protection Exclusive Mode */
99 #ifndef MSR_PMM
100 #define MSR_PMM		__MASK(MSR_PMM_LG)	/* Performance monitor */
101 #endif
102 #define MSR_RI		__MASK(MSR_RI_LG)	/* Recoverable Exception */
103 #define MSR_LE		__MASK(MSR_LE_LG)	/* Little Endian */
105 #define MSR_TM		__MASK(MSR_TM_LG)	/* Transactional Mem Available */
106 #define MSR_TS_N	0			/*  Non-transactional */
107 #define MSR_TS_S	__MASK(MSR_TS_S_LG)	/*  Transaction Suspended */
108 #define MSR_TS_T	__MASK(MSR_TS_T_LG)	/*  Transaction Transactional */
109 #define MSR_TS_MASK	(MSR_TS_T | MSR_TS_S)   /* Transaction State bits */
110 #define MSR_TM_ACTIVE(x) (((x) & MSR_TS_MASK) != 0) /* Transaction active? */
111 #define MSR_TM_TRANSACTIONAL(x)	(((x) & MSR_TS_MASK) == MSR_TS_T)
112 #define MSR_TM_SUSPENDED(x)	(((x) & MSR_TS_MASK) == MSR_TS_S)
114 #if defined(CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3S_64)
115 #define MSR_64BIT	MSR_SF
117 /* Server variant */
118 #define __MSR		(MSR_ME | MSR_RI | MSR_IR | MSR_DR | MSR_ISF |MSR_HV)
119 #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
120 #define MSR_		__MSR
121 #else
122 #define MSR_		(__MSR | MSR_LE)
123 #endif
124 #define MSR_KERNEL	(MSR_ | MSR_64BIT)
125 #define MSR_USER32	(MSR_ | MSR_PR | MSR_EE)
126 #define MSR_USER64	(MSR_USER32 | MSR_64BIT)
127 #elif defined(CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3S_32) || defined(CONFIG_8xx)
128 /* Default MSR for kernel mode. */
131 #endif
133 #ifndef MSR_64BIT
134 #define MSR_64BIT	0
135 #endif
137 /* Floating Point Status and Control Register (FPSCR) Fields */
138 #define FPSCR_FX	0x80000000	/* FPU exception summary */
139 #define FPSCR_FEX	0x40000000	/* FPU enabled exception summary */
140 #define FPSCR_VX	0x20000000	/* Invalid operation summary */
141 #define FPSCR_OX	0x10000000	/* Overflow exception summary */
142 #define FPSCR_UX	0x08000000	/* Underflow exception summary */
143 #define FPSCR_ZX	0x04000000	/* Zero-divide exception summary */
144 #define FPSCR_XX	0x02000000	/* Inexact exception summary */
145 #define FPSCR_VXSNAN	0x01000000	/* Invalid op for SNaN */
146 #define FPSCR_VXISI	0x00800000	/* Invalid op for Inv - Inv */
147 #define FPSCR_VXIDI	0x00400000	/* Invalid op for Inv / Inv */
148 #define FPSCR_VXZDZ	0x00200000	/* Invalid op for Zero / Zero */
149 #define FPSCR_VXIMZ	0x00100000	/* Invalid op for Inv * Zero */
150 #define FPSCR_VXVC	0x00080000	/* Invalid op for Compare */
151 #define FPSCR_FR	0x00040000	/* Fraction rounded */
152 #define FPSCR_FI	0x00020000	/* Fraction inexact */
153 #define FPSCR_FPRF	0x0001f000	/* FPU Result Flags */
154 #define FPSCR_FPCC	0x0000f000	/* FPU Condition Codes */
155 #define FPSCR_VXSOFT	0x00000400	/* Invalid op for software request */
156 #define FPSCR_VXSQRT	0x00000200	/* Invalid op for square root */
157 #define FPSCR_VXCVI	0x00000100	/* Invalid op for integer convert */
158 #define FPSCR_VE	0x00000080	/* Invalid op exception enable */
159 #define FPSCR_OE	0x00000040	/* IEEE overflow exception enable */
160 #define FPSCR_UE	0x00000020	/* IEEE underflow exception enable */
161 #define FPSCR_ZE	0x00000010	/* IEEE zero divide exception enable */
162 #define FPSCR_XE	0x00000008	/* FP inexact exception enable */
163 #define FPSCR_NI	0x00000004	/* FPU non IEEE-Mode */
164 #define FPSCR_RN	0x00000003	/* FPU rounding control */
166 /* Bit definitions for SPEFSCR. */
167 #define SPEFSCR_SOVH	0x80000000	/* Summary integer overflow high */
168 #define SPEFSCR_OVH	0x40000000	/* Integer overflow high */
169 #define SPEFSCR_FGH	0x20000000	/* Embedded FP guard bit high */
170 #define SPEFSCR_FXH	0x10000000	/* Embedded FP sticky bit high */
171 #define SPEFSCR_FINVH	0x08000000	/* Embedded FP invalid operation high */
172 #define SPEFSCR_FDBZH	0x04000000	/* Embedded FP div by zero high */
173 #define SPEFSCR_FUNFH	0x02000000	/* Embedded FP underflow high */
174 #define SPEFSCR_FOVFH	0x01000000	/* Embedded FP overflow high */
175 #define SPEFSCR_FINXS	0x00200000	/* Embedded FP inexact sticky */
176 #define SPEFSCR_FINVS	0x00100000	/* Embedded FP invalid op. sticky */
177 #define SPEFSCR_FDBZS	0x00080000	/* Embedded FP div by zero sticky */
178 #define SPEFSCR_FUNFS	0x00040000	/* Embedded FP underflow sticky */
179 #define SPEFSCR_FOVFS	0x00020000	/* Embedded FP overflow sticky */
180 #define SPEFSCR_MODE	0x00010000	/* Embedded FP mode */
181 #define SPEFSCR_SOV	0x00008000	/* Integer summary overflow */
182 #define SPEFSCR_OV	0x00004000	/* Integer overflow */
183 #define SPEFSCR_FG	0x00002000	/* Embedded FP guard bit */
184 #define SPEFSCR_FX	0x00001000	/* Embedded FP sticky bit */
185 #define SPEFSCR_FINV	0x00000800	/* Embedded FP invalid operation */
186 #define SPEFSCR_FDBZ	0x00000400	/* Embedded FP div by zero */
187 #define SPEFSCR_FUNF	0x00000200	/* Embedded FP underflow */
188 #define SPEFSCR_FOVF	0x00000100	/* Embedded FP overflow */
189 #define SPEFSCR_FINXE	0x00000040	/* Embedded FP inexact enable */
190 #define SPEFSCR_FINVE	0x00000020	/* Embedded FP invalid op. enable */
191 #define SPEFSCR_FDBZE	0x00000010	/* Embedded FP div by zero enable */
192 #define SPEFSCR_FUNFE	0x00000008	/* Embedded FP underflow enable */
193 #define SPEFSCR_FOVFE	0x00000004	/* Embedded FP overflow enable */
194 #define SPEFSCR_FRMC 	0x00000003	/* Embedded FP rounding mode control */
196 /* Special Purpose Registers (SPRNs)*/
198 #ifdef CONFIG_40x
199 #define SPRN_PID	0x3B1	/* Process ID */
200 #else
201 #define SPRN_PID	0x030	/* Process ID */
202 #ifdef CONFIG_BOOKE
203 #define SPRN_PID0	SPRN_PID/* Process ID Register 0 */
204 #endif
205 #endif
207 #define SPRN_CTR	0x009	/* Count Register */
208 #define SPRN_DSCR	0x11
209 #define SPRN_CFAR	0x1c	/* Come From Address Register */
210 #define SPRN_AMR	0x1d	/* Authority Mask Register */
211 #define SPRN_UAMOR	0x9d	/* User Authority Mask Override Register */
212 #define SPRN_AMOR	0x15d	/* Authority Mask Override Register */
213 #define SPRN_ACOP	0x1F	/* Available Coprocessor Register */
214 #define SPRN_TFIAR	0x81	/* Transaction Failure Inst Addr   */
215 #define SPRN_TEXASR	0x82	/* Transaction EXception & Summary */
216 #define SPRN_TEXASRU	0x83	/* ''	   ''	   ''	 Upper 32  */
217 #define   TEXASR_FS	__MASK(63-36) /* TEXASR Failure Summary */
218 #define SPRN_TFHAR	0x80	/* Transaction Failure Handler Addr */
219 #define SPRN_CTRLF	0x088
220 #define SPRN_CTRLT	0x098
221 #define   CTRL_CT	0xc0000000	/* current thread */
222 #define   CTRL_CT0	0x80000000	/* thread 0 */
223 #define   CTRL_CT1	0x40000000	/* thread 1 */
224 #define   CTRL_TE	0x00c00000	/* thread enable */
225 #define   CTRL_RUNLATCH	0x1
226 #define SPRN_DAWR	0xB4
227 #define SPRN_MPPR	0xB8	/* Micro Partition Prefetch Register */
228 #define SPRN_RPR	0xBA	/* Relative Priority Register */
229 #define SPRN_CIABR	0xBB
230 #define   CIABR_PRIV		0x3
231 #define   CIABR_PRIV_USER	1
232 #define   CIABR_PRIV_SUPER	2
233 #define   CIABR_PRIV_HYPER	3
234 #define SPRN_DAWRX	0xBC
235 #define   DAWRX_USER	__MASK(0)
236 #define   DAWRX_KERNEL	__MASK(1)
237 #define   DAWRX_HYP	__MASK(2)
238 #define   DAWRX_WTI	__MASK(3)
239 #define   DAWRX_WT	__MASK(4)
240 #define   DAWRX_DR	__MASK(5)
241 #define   DAWRX_DW	__MASK(6)
242 #define SPRN_DABR	0x3F5	/* Data Address Breakpoint Register */
243 #define SPRN_DABR2	0x13D	/* e300 */
244 #define SPRN_DABRX	0x3F7	/* Data Address Breakpoint Register Extension */
245 #define   DABRX_USER	__MASK(0)
246 #define   DABRX_KERNEL	__MASK(1)
247 #define   DABRX_HYP	__MASK(2)
248 #define   DABRX_BTI	__MASK(3)
250 #define SPRN_DAR	0x013	/* Data Address Register */
251 #define SPRN_DBCR	0x136	/* e300 Data Breakpoint Control Reg */
252 #define SPRN_DSISR	0x012	/* Data Storage Interrupt Status Register */
253 #define   DSISR_NOHPTE		0x40000000	/* no translation found */
254 #define   DSISR_PROTFAULT	0x08000000	/* protection fault */
255 #define   DSISR_ISSTORE		0x02000000	/* access was a store */
256 #define   DSISR_DABRMATCH	0x00400000	/* hit data breakpoint */
257 #define   DSISR_NOSEGMENT	0x00200000	/* SLB miss */
258 #define   DSISR_KEYFAULT	0x00200000	/* Key fault */
259 #define SPRN_TBRL	0x10C	/* Time Base Read Lower Register (user, R/O) */
260 #define SPRN_TBRU	0x10D	/* Time Base Read Upper Register (user, R/O) */
261 #define SPRN_TBWL	0x11C	/* Time Base Lower Register (super, R/W) */
262 #define SPRN_TBWU	0x11D	/* Time Base Upper Register (super, R/W) */
263 #define SPRN_TBU40	0x11E	/* Timebase upper 40 bits (hyper, R/W) */
264 #define SPRN_SPURR	0x134	/* Scaled PURR */
265 #define SPRN_HSPRG0	0x130	/* Hypervisor Scratch 0 */
266 #define SPRN_HSPRG1	0x131	/* Hypervisor Scratch 1 */
267 #define SPRN_HDSISR     0x132
268 #define SPRN_HDAR       0x133
269 #define SPRN_HDEC	0x136	/* Hypervisor Decrementer */
270 #define SPRN_HIOR	0x137	/* 970 Hypervisor interrupt offset */
271 #define SPRN_RMOR	0x138	/* Real mode offset register */
272 #define SPRN_HRMOR	0x139	/* Real mode offset register */
273 #define SPRN_HSRR0	0x13A	/* Hypervisor Save/Restore 0 */
274 #define SPRN_HSRR1	0x13B	/* Hypervisor Save/Restore 1 */
275 #define SPRN_IC		0x350	/* Virtual Instruction Count */
276 #define SPRN_VTB	0x351	/* Virtual Time Base */
277 #define SPRN_LDBAR	0x352	/* LD Base Address Register */
278 #define SPRN_PMICR	0x354   /* Power Management Idle Control Reg */
279 #define SPRN_PMSR	0x355   /* Power Management Status Reg */
280 #define SPRN_PMMAR	0x356	/* Power Management Memory Activity Register */
281 #define SPRN_PMCR	0x374	/* Power Management Control Register */
283 /* HFSCR and FSCR bit numbers are the same */
284 #define FSCR_TAR_LG	8	/* Enable Target Address Register */
285 #define FSCR_EBB_LG	7	/* Enable Event Based Branching */
286 #define FSCR_TM_LG	5	/* Enable Transactional Memory */
287 #define FSCR_BHRB_LG	4	/* Enable Branch History Rolling Buffer*/
288 #define FSCR_PM_LG	3	/* Enable prob/priv access to PMU SPRs */
289 #define FSCR_DSCR_LG	2	/* Enable Data Stream Control Register */
290 #define FSCR_VECVSX_LG	1	/* Enable VMX/VSX  */
291 #define FSCR_FP_LG	0	/* Enable Floating Point */
292 #define SPRN_FSCR	0x099	/* Facility Status & Control Register */
293 #define   FSCR_TAR	__MASK(FSCR_TAR_LG)
294 #define   FSCR_EBB	__MASK(FSCR_EBB_LG)
295 #define   FSCR_DSCR	__MASK(FSCR_DSCR_LG)
296 #define SPRN_HFSCR	0xbe	/* HV=1 Facility Status & Control Register */
297 #define   HFSCR_TAR	__MASK(FSCR_TAR_LG)
298 #define   HFSCR_EBB	__MASK(FSCR_EBB_LG)
299 #define   HFSCR_TM	__MASK(FSCR_TM_LG)
300 #define   HFSCR_PM	__MASK(FSCR_PM_LG)
304 #define   HFSCR_FP	__MASK(FSCR_FP_LG)
305 #define SPRN_TAR	0x32f	/* Target Address Register */
306 #define SPRN_LPCR	0x13E	/* LPAR Control Register */
307 #define   LPCR_VPM0	(1ul << (63-0))
308 #define   LPCR_VPM1	(1ul << (63-1))
309 #define   LPCR_ISL	(1ul << (63-2))
310 #define   LPCR_VC_SH	(63-2)
311 #define   LPCR_DPFD_SH	(63-11)
312 #define   LPCR_DPFD	(7ul << LPCR_DPFD_SH)
313 #define   LPCR_VRMASD	(0x1ful << (63-16))
314 #define   LPCR_VRMA_L	(1ul << (63-12))
315 #define   LPCR_VRMA_LP0	(1ul << (63-15))
316 #define   LPCR_VRMA_LP1	(1ul << (63-16))
317 #define   LPCR_VRMASD_SH (63-16)
318 #define   LPCR_RMLS    0x1C000000      /* impl dependent rmo limit sel */
319 #define	  LPCR_RMLS_SH	(63-37)
320 #define   LPCR_ILE     0x02000000      /* !HV irqs set MSR:LE */
321 #define   LPCR_AIL	0x01800000	/* Alternate interrupt location */
322 #define   LPCR_AIL_0	0x00000000	/* MMU off exception offset 0x0 */
323 #define   LPCR_AIL_3	0x01800000	/* MMU on exception offset 0xc00...4xxx */
324 #define   LPCR_ONL	0x00040000	/* online - PURR/SPURR count */
325 #define   LPCR_PECE	0x0001f000	/* powersave exit cause enable */
326 #define     LPCR_PECEDP	0x00010000	/* directed priv dbells cause exit */
327 #define     LPCR_PECEDH	0x00008000	/* directed hyp dbells cause exit */
328 #define     LPCR_PECE0	0x00004000	/* ext. exceptions can cause exit */
329 #define     LPCR_PECE1	0x00002000	/* decrementer can cause exit */
330 #define     LPCR_PECE2	0x00001000	/* machine check etc can cause exit */
331 #define   LPCR_MER	0x00000800	/* Mediated External Exception */
332 #define   LPCR_MER_SH	11
333 #define   LPCR_TC      0x00000200	/* Translation control */
334 #define   LPCR_LPES    0x0000000c
335 #define   LPCR_LPES0   0x00000008      /* LPAR Env selector 0 */
336 #define   LPCR_LPES1   0x00000004      /* LPAR Env selector 1 */
337 #define   LPCR_LPES_SH	2
338 #define   LPCR_RMI     0x00000002      /* real mode is cache inhibit */
339 #define   LPCR_HDICE   0x00000001      /* Hyp Decr enable (HV,PR,EE) */
340 #ifndef SPRN_LPID
341 #define SPRN_LPID	0x13F	/* Logical Partition Identifier */
342 #endif
343 #define   LPID_RSVD	0x3ff		/* Reserved LPID for partn switching */
344 #define	SPRN_HMER	0x150	/* Hardware m? error recovery */
345 #define	SPRN_HMEER	0x151	/* Hardware m? enable error recovery */
346 #define SPRN_PCR	0x152	/* Processor compatibility register */
347 #define   PCR_VEC_DIS	(1ul << (63-0))	/* Vec. disable (bit NA since POWER8) */
348 #define   PCR_VSX_DIS	(1ul << (63-1))	/* VSX disable (bit NA since POWER8) */
349 #define   PCR_TM_DIS	(1ul << (63-2))	/* Trans. memory disable (POWER8) */
350 #define   PCR_ARCH_206	0x4		/* Architecture 2.06 */
351 #define   PCR_ARCH_205	0x2		/* Architecture 2.05 */
352 #define	SPRN_HEIR	0x153	/* Hypervisor Emulated Instruction Register */
353 #define SPRN_TLBINDEXR	0x154	/* P7 TLB control register */
354 #define SPRN_TLBVPNR	0x155	/* P7 TLB control register */
355 #define SPRN_TLBRPNR	0x156	/* P7 TLB control register */
356 #define SPRN_TLBLPIDR	0x157	/* P7 TLB control register */
357 #define SPRN_DBAT0L	0x219	/* Data BAT 0 Lower Register */
358 #define SPRN_DBAT0U	0x218	/* Data BAT 0 Upper Register */
359 #define SPRN_DBAT1L	0x21B	/* Data BAT 1 Lower Register */
360 #define SPRN_DBAT1U	0x21A	/* Data BAT 1 Upper Register */
361 #define SPRN_DBAT2L	0x21D	/* Data BAT 2 Lower Register */
362 #define SPRN_DBAT2U	0x21C	/* Data BAT 2 Upper Register */
363 #define SPRN_DBAT3L	0x21F	/* Data BAT 3 Lower Register */
364 #define SPRN_DBAT3U	0x21E	/* Data BAT 3 Upper Register */
365 #define SPRN_DBAT4L	0x239	/* Data BAT 4 Lower Register */
366 #define SPRN_DBAT4U	0x238	/* Data BAT 4 Upper Register */
367 #define SPRN_DBAT5L	0x23B	/* Data BAT 5 Lower Register */
368 #define SPRN_DBAT5U	0x23A	/* Data BAT 5 Upper Register */
369 #define SPRN_DBAT6L	0x23D	/* Data BAT 6 Lower Register */
370 #define SPRN_DBAT6U	0x23C	/* Data BAT 6 Upper Register */
371 #define SPRN_DBAT7L	0x23F	/* Data BAT 7 Lower Register */
372 #define SPRN_DBAT7U	0x23E	/* Data BAT 7 Upper Register */
373 #define SPRN_PPR	0x380	/* SMT Thread status Register */
375 #define SPRN_DEC	0x016		/* Decrement Register */
376 #define SPRN_DER	0x095		/* Debug Enable Regsiter */
377 #define DER_RSTE	0x40000000	/* Reset Interrupt */
378 #define DER_CHSTPE	0x20000000	/* Check Stop */
379 #define DER_MCIE	0x10000000	/* Machine Check Interrupt */
380 #define DER_EXTIE	0x02000000	/* External Interrupt */
381 #define DER_ALIE	0x01000000	/* Alignment Interrupt */
382 #define DER_PRIE	0x00800000	/* Program Interrupt */
383 #define DER_FPUVIE	0x00400000	/* FP Unavailable Interrupt */
384 #define DER_DECIE	0x00200000	/* Decrementer Interrupt */
385 #define DER_SYSIE	0x00040000	/* System Call Interrupt */
386 #define DER_TRE		0x00020000	/* Trace Interrupt */
387 #define DER_SEIE	0x00004000	/* FP SW Emulation Interrupt */
388 #define DER_ITLBMSE	0x00002000	/* Imp. Spec. Instruction TLB Miss */
389 #define DER_ITLBERE	0x00001000	/* Imp. Spec. Instruction TLB Error */
390 #define DER_DTLBMSE	0x00000800	/* Imp. Spec. Data TLB Miss */
391 #define DER_DTLBERE	0x00000400	/* Imp. Spec. Data TLB Error */
392 #define DER_LBRKE	0x00000008	/* Load/Store Breakpoint Interrupt */
393 #define DER_IBRKE	0x00000004	/* Instruction Breakpoint Interrupt */
394 #define DER_EBRKE	0x00000002	/* External Breakpoint Interrupt */
395 #define DER_DPIE	0x00000001	/* Dev. Port Nonmaskable Request */
396 #define SPRN_DMISS	0x3D0		/* Data TLB Miss Register */
397 #define SPRN_DHDES	0x0B1		/* Directed Hyp. Doorbell Exc. State */
398 #define SPRN_DPDES	0x0B0		/* Directed Priv. Doorbell Exc. State */
399 #define SPRN_EAR	0x11A		/* External Address Register */
400 #define SPRN_HASH1	0x3D2		/* Primary Hash Address Register */
401 #define SPRN_HASH2	0x3D3		/* Secondary Hash Address Resgister */
402 #define SPRN_HID0	0x3F0		/* Hardware Implementation Register 0 */
403 #define HID0_HDICE_SH	(63 - 23)	/* 970 HDEC interrupt enable */
404 #define HID0_EMCP	(1<<31)		/* Enable Machine Check pin */
405 #define HID0_EBA	(1<<29)		/* Enable Bus Address Parity */
406 #define HID0_EBD	(1<<28)		/* Enable Bus Data Parity */
407 #define HID0_SBCLK	(1<<27)
408 #define HID0_EICE	(1<<26)
409 #define HID0_TBEN	(1<<26)		/* Timebase enable - 745x */
410 #define HID0_ECLK	(1<<25)
411 #define HID0_PAR	(1<<24)
412 #define HID0_STEN	(1<<24)		/* Software table search enable - 745x */
413 #define HID0_HIGH_BAT	(1<<23)		/* Enable high BATs - 7455 */
414 #define HID0_DOZE	(1<<23)
415 #define HID0_NAP	(1<<22)
416 #define HID0_SLEEP	(1<<21)
417 #define HID0_DPM	(1<<20)
418 #define HID0_BHTCLR	(1<<18)		/* Clear branch history table - 7450 */
419 #define HID0_XAEN	(1<<17)		/* Extended addressing enable - 7450 */
420 #define HID0_NHR	(1<<16)		/* Not hard reset (software bit-7450)*/
421 #define HID0_ICE	(1<<15)		/* Instruction Cache Enable */
422 #define HID0_DCE	(1<<14)		/* Data Cache Enable */
423 #define HID0_ILOCK	(1<<13)		/* Instruction Cache Lock */
424 #define HID0_DLOCK	(1<<12)		/* Data Cache Lock */
425 #define HID0_ICFI	(1<<11)		/* Instr. Cache Flash Invalidate */
426 #define HID0_DCI	(1<<10)		/* Data Cache Invalidate */
427 #define HID0_SPD	(1<<9)		/* Speculative disable */
428 #define HID0_DAPUEN	(1<<8)		/* Debug APU enable */
429 #define HID0_SGE	(1<<7)		/* Store Gathering Enable */
430 #define HID0_SIED	(1<<7)		/* Serial Instr. Execution [Disable] */
431 #define HID0_DCFA	(1<<6)		/* Data Cache Flush Assist */
432 #define HID0_LRSTK	(1<<4)		/* Link register stack - 745x */
433 #define HID0_BTIC	(1<<5)		/* Branch Target Instr Cache Enable */
434 #define HID0_ABE	(1<<3)		/* Address Broadcast Enable */
435 #define HID0_FOLD	(1<<3)		/* Branch Folding enable - 745x */
436 #define HID0_BHTE	(1<<2)		/* Branch History Table Enable */
437 #define HID0_BTCD	(1<<1)		/* Branch target cache disable */
438 #define HID0_NOPDST	(1<<1)		/* No-op dst, dstt, etc. instr. */
439 #define HID0_NOPTI	(1<<0)		/* No-op dcbt and dcbst instr. */
440 /* POWER8 HID0 bits */
441 #define HID0_POWER8_4LPARMODE	__MASK(61)
442 #define HID0_POWER8_2LPARMODE	__MASK(57)
443 #define HID0_POWER8_1TO2LPAR	__MASK(52)
444 #define HID0_POWER8_1TO4LPAR	__MASK(51)
445 #define HID0_POWER8_DYNLPARDIS	__MASK(48)
447 #define SPRN_HID1	0x3F1		/* Hardware Implementation Register 1 */
448 #ifdef CONFIG_6xx
449 #define HID1_EMCP	(1<<31)		/* 7450 Machine Check Pin Enable */
450 #define HID1_DFS	(1<<22)		/* 7447A Dynamic Frequency Scaling */
451 #define HID1_PC0	(1<<16)		/* 7450 PLL_CFG[0] */
452 #define HID1_PC1	(1<<15)		/* 7450 PLL_CFG[1] */
453 #define HID1_PC2	(1<<14)		/* 7450 PLL_CFG[2] */
454 #define HID1_PC3	(1<<13)		/* 7450 PLL_CFG[3] */
455 #define HID1_SYNCBE	(1<<11)		/* 7450 ABE for sync, eieio */
456 #define HID1_ABE	(1<<10)		/* 7450 Address Broadcast Enable */
457 #define HID1_PS		(1<<16)		/* 750FX PLL selection */
458 #endif
459 #define SPRN_HID2	0x3F8		/* Hardware Implementation Register 2 */
460 #define SPRN_HID2_GEKKO	0x398		/* Gekko HID2 Register */
461 #define SPRN_IABR	0x3F2	/* Instruction Address Breakpoint Register */
462 #define SPRN_IABR2	0x3FA		/* 83xx */
463 #define SPRN_IBCR	0x135		/* 83xx Insn Breakpoint Control Reg */
464 #define SPRN_IAMR	0x03D		/* Instr. Authority Mask Reg */
465 #define SPRN_HID4	0x3F4		/* 970 HID4 */
466 #define  HID4_LPES0	 (1ul << (63-0)) /* LPAR env. sel. bit 0 */
467 #define	 HID4_RMLS2_SH	 (63 - 2)	/* Real mode limit bottom 2 bits */
468 #define	 HID4_LPID5_SH	 (63 - 6)	/* partition ID bottom 4 bits */
469 #define	 HID4_RMOR_SH	 (63 - 22)	/* real mode offset (16 bits) */
470 #define  HID4_RMOR	 (0xFFFFul << HID4_RMOR_SH)
471 #define  HID4_LPES1	 (1 << (63-57))	/* LPAR env. sel. bit 1 */
472 #define  HID4_RMLS0_SH	 (63 - 58)	/* Real mode limit top bit */
473 #define	 HID4_LPID1_SH	 0		/* partition ID top 2 bits */
474 #define SPRN_HID4_GEKKO	0x3F3		/* Gekko HID4 */
475 #define SPRN_HID5	0x3F6		/* 970 HID5 */
476 #define SPRN_HID6	0x3F9	/* BE HID 6 */
477 #define   HID6_LB	(0x0F<<12) /* Concurrent Large Page Modes */
478 #define   HID6_DLP	(1<<20)	/* Disable all large page modes (4K only) */
479 #define SPRN_TSC_CELL	0x399	/* Thread switch control on Cell */
480 #define   TSC_CELL_DEC_ENABLE_0	0x400000 /* Decrementer Interrupt */
481 #define   TSC_CELL_DEC_ENABLE_1	0x200000 /* Decrementer Interrupt */
482 #define   TSC_CELL_EE_ENABLE	0x100000 /* External Interrupt */
483 #define   TSC_CELL_EE_BOOST	0x080000 /* External Interrupt Boost */
484 #define SPRN_TSC 	0x3FD	/* Thread switch control on others */
485 #define SPRN_TST 	0x3FC	/* Thread switch timeout on others */
486 #if !defined(SPRN_IAC1) && !defined(SPRN_IAC2)
487 #define SPRN_IAC1	0x3F4		/* Instruction Address Compare 1 */
488 #define SPRN_IAC2	0x3F5		/* Instruction Address Compare 2 */
489 #endif
490 #define SPRN_IBAT0L	0x211		/* Instruction BAT 0 Lower Register */
491 #define SPRN_IBAT0U	0x210		/* Instruction BAT 0 Upper Register */
492 #define SPRN_IBAT1L	0x213		/* Instruction BAT 1 Lower Register */
493 #define SPRN_IBAT1U	0x212		/* Instruction BAT 1 Upper Register */
494 #define SPRN_IBAT2L	0x215		/* Instruction BAT 2 Lower Register */
495 #define SPRN_IBAT2U	0x214		/* Instruction BAT 2 Upper Register */
496 #define SPRN_IBAT3L	0x217		/* Instruction BAT 3 Lower Register */
497 #define SPRN_IBAT3U	0x216		/* Instruction BAT 3 Upper Register */
498 #define SPRN_IBAT4L	0x231		/* Instruction BAT 4 Lower Register */
499 #define SPRN_IBAT4U	0x230		/* Instruction BAT 4 Upper Register */
500 #define SPRN_IBAT5L	0x233		/* Instruction BAT 5 Lower Register */
501 #define SPRN_IBAT5U	0x232		/* Instruction BAT 5 Upper Register */
502 #define SPRN_IBAT6L	0x235		/* Instruction BAT 6 Lower Register */
503 #define SPRN_IBAT6U	0x234		/* Instruction BAT 6 Upper Register */
504 #define SPRN_IBAT7L	0x237		/* Instruction BAT 7 Lower Register */
505 #define SPRN_IBAT7U	0x236		/* Instruction BAT 7 Upper Register */
506 #define SPRN_ICMP	0x3D5		/* Instruction TLB Compare Register */
507 #define SPRN_ICTC	0x3FB	/* Instruction Cache Throttling Control Reg */
508 #define SPRN_ICTRL	0x3F3	/* 1011 7450 icache and interrupt ctrl */
509 #define ICTRL_EICE	0x08000000	/* enable icache parity errs */
510 #define ICTRL_EDC	0x04000000	/* enable dcache parity errs */
511 #define ICTRL_EICP	0x00000100	/* enable icache par. check */
512 #define SPRN_IMISS	0x3D4		/* Instruction TLB Miss Register */
513 #define SPRN_IMMR	0x27E		/* Internal Memory Map Register */
514 #define SPRN_L2CR	0x3F9		/* Level 2 Cache Control Regsiter */
515 #define SPRN_L2CR2	0x3f8
516 #define L2CR_L2E		0x80000000	/* L2 enable */
517 #define L2CR_L2PE		0x40000000	/* L2 parity enable */
518 #define L2CR_L2SIZ_MASK		0x30000000	/* L2 size mask */
519 #define L2CR_L2SIZ_256KB	0x10000000	/* L2 size 256KB */
520 #define L2CR_L2SIZ_512KB	0x20000000	/* L2 size 512KB */
521 #define L2CR_L2SIZ_1MB		0x30000000	/* L2 size 1MB */
522 #define L2CR_L2CLK_MASK		0x0e000000	/* L2 clock mask */
523 #define L2CR_L2CLK_DISABLED	0x00000000	/* L2 clock disabled */
524 #define L2CR_L2CLK_DIV1		0x02000000	/* L2 clock / 1 */
525 #define L2CR_L2CLK_DIV1_5	0x04000000	/* L2 clock / 1.5 */
526 #define L2CR_L2CLK_DIV2		0x08000000	/* L2 clock / 2 */
527 #define L2CR_L2CLK_DIV2_5	0x0a000000	/* L2 clock / 2.5 */
528 #define L2CR_L2CLK_DIV3		0x0c000000	/* L2 clock / 3 */
529 #define L2CR_L2RAM_MASK		0x01800000	/* L2 RAM type mask */
530 #define L2CR_L2RAM_FLOW		0x00000000	/* L2 RAM flow through */
531 #define L2CR_L2RAM_PIPE		0x01000000	/* L2 RAM pipelined */
532 #define L2CR_L2RAM_PIPE_LW	0x01800000	/* L2 RAM pipelined latewr */
533 #define L2CR_L2DO		0x00400000	/* L2 data only */
534 #define L2CR_L2I		0x00200000	/* L2 global invalidate */
535 #define L2CR_L2CTL		0x00100000	/* L2 RAM control */
536 #define L2CR_L2WT		0x00080000	/* L2 write-through */
537 #define L2CR_L2TS		0x00040000	/* L2 test support */
538 #define L2CR_L2OH_MASK		0x00030000	/* L2 output hold mask */
539 #define L2CR_L2OH_0_5		0x00000000	/* L2 output hold 0.5 ns */
540 #define L2CR_L2OH_1_0		0x00010000	/* L2 output hold 1.0 ns */
541 #define L2CR_L2SL		0x00008000	/* L2 DLL slow */
542 #define L2CR_L2DF		0x00004000	/* L2 differential clock */
543 #define L2CR_L2BYP		0x00002000	/* L2 DLL bypass */
544 #define L2CR_L2IP		0x00000001	/* L2 GI in progress */
545 #define L2CR_L2IO_745x		0x00100000	/* L2 instr. only (745x) */
546 #define L2CR_L2DO_745x		0x00010000	/* L2 data only (745x) */
547 #define L2CR_L2REP_745x		0x00001000	/* L2 repl. algorithm (745x) */
548 #define L2CR_L2HWF_745x		0x00000800	/* L2 hardware flush (745x) */
549 #define SPRN_L3CR		0x3FA	/* Level 3 Cache Control Regsiter */
550 #define L3CR_L3E		0x80000000	/* L3 enable */
551 #define L3CR_L3PE		0x40000000	/* L3 data parity enable */
552 #define L3CR_L3APE		0x20000000	/* L3 addr parity enable */
553 #define L3CR_L3SIZ		0x10000000	/* L3 size */
554 #define L3CR_L3CLKEN		0x08000000	/* L3 clock enable */
555 #define L3CR_L3RES		0x04000000	/* L3 special reserved bit */
556 #define L3CR_L3CLKDIV		0x03800000	/* L3 clock divisor */
557 #define L3CR_L3IO		0x00400000	/* L3 instruction only */
558 #define L3CR_L3SPO		0x00040000	/* L3 sample point override */
559 #define L3CR_L3CKSP		0x00030000	/* L3 clock sample point */
560 #define L3CR_L3PSP		0x0000e000	/* L3 P-clock sample point */
561 #define L3CR_L3REP		0x00001000	/* L3 replacement algorithm */
562 #define L3CR_L3HWF		0x00000800	/* L3 hardware flush */
563 #define L3CR_L3I		0x00000400	/* L3 global invalidate */
564 #define L3CR_L3RT		0x00000300	/* L3 SRAM type */
565 #define L3CR_L3NIRCA		0x00000080	/* L3 non-integer ratio clock adj. */
566 #define L3CR_L3DO		0x00000040	/* L3 data only mode */
567 #define L3CR_PMEN		0x00000004	/* L3 private memory enable */
568 #define L3CR_PMSIZ		0x00000001	/* L3 private memory size */
570 #define SPRN_MSSCR0	0x3f6	/* Memory Subsystem Control Register 0 */
571 #define SPRN_MSSSR0	0x3f7	/* Memory Subsystem Status Register 1 */
572 #define SPRN_LDSTCR	0x3f8	/* Load/Store control register */
573 #define SPRN_LDSTDB	0x3f4	/* */
574 #define SPRN_LR		0x008	/* Link Register */
575 #ifndef SPRN_PIR
576 #define SPRN_PIR	0x3FF	/* Processor Identification Register */
577 #endif
578 #define SPRN_TIR	0x1BE	/* Thread Identification Register */
579 #define SPRN_PSPB	0x09F	/* Problem State Priority Boost reg */
580 #define SPRN_PTEHI	0x3D5	/* 981 7450 PTE HI word (S/W TLB load) */
581 #define SPRN_PTELO	0x3D6	/* 982 7450 PTE LO word (S/W TLB load) */
582 #define SPRN_PURR	0x135	/* Processor Utilization of Resources Reg */
583 #define SPRN_PVR	0x11F	/* Processor Version Register */
584 #define SPRN_RPA	0x3D6	/* Required Physical Address Register */
585 #define SPRN_SDA	0x3BF	/* Sampled Data Address Register */
586 #define SPRN_SDR1	0x019	/* MMU Hash Base Register */
587 #define SPRN_ASR	0x118   /* Address Space Register */
588 #define SPRN_SIA	0x3BB	/* Sampled Instruction Address Register */
589 #define SPRN_SPRG0	0x110	/* Special Purpose Register General 0 */
590 #define SPRN_SPRG1	0x111	/* Special Purpose Register General 1 */
591 #define SPRN_SPRG2	0x112	/* Special Purpose Register General 2 */
592 #define SPRN_SPRG3	0x113	/* Special Purpose Register General 3 */
593 #define SPRN_USPRG3	0x103	/* SPRG3 userspace read */
594 #define SPRN_SPRG4	0x114	/* Special Purpose Register General 4 */
595 #define SPRN_USPRG4	0x104	/* SPRG4 userspace read */
596 #define SPRN_SPRG5	0x115	/* Special Purpose Register General 5 */
597 #define SPRN_USPRG5	0x105	/* SPRG5 userspace read */
598 #define SPRN_SPRG6	0x116	/* Special Purpose Register General 6 */
599 #define SPRN_USPRG6	0x106	/* SPRG6 userspace read */
600 #define SPRN_SPRG7	0x117	/* Special Purpose Register General 7 */
601 #define SPRN_USPRG7	0x107	/* SPRG7 userspace read */
602 #define SPRN_SRR0	0x01A	/* Save/Restore Register 0 */
603 #define SPRN_SRR1	0x01B	/* Save/Restore Register 1 */
604 #define   SRR1_ISI_NOPT		0x40000000 /* ISI: Not found in hash */
605 #define   SRR1_ISI_N_OR_G	0x10000000 /* ISI: Access is no-exec or G */
606 #define   SRR1_ISI_PROT		0x08000000 /* ISI: Other protection fault */
607 #define   SRR1_WAKEMASK		0x00380000 /* reason for wakeup */
608 #define   SRR1_WAKESYSERR	0x00300000 /* System error */
609 #define   SRR1_WAKEEE		0x00200000 /* External interrupt */
610 #define   SRR1_WAKEMT		0x00280000 /* mtctrl */
611 #define	  SRR1_WAKEHMI		0x00280000 /* Hypervisor maintenance */
612 #define   SRR1_WAKEDEC		0x00180000 /* Decrementer interrupt */
613 #define   SRR1_WAKETHERM	0x00100000 /* Thermal management interrupt */
614 #define	  SRR1_WAKERESET	0x00100000 /* System reset */
615 #define	  SRR1_WAKESTATE	0x00030000 /* Powersave exit mask [46:47] */
616 #define	  SRR1_WS_DEEPEST	0x00030000 /* Some resources not maintained,
617 					  * may not be recoverable */
618 #define	  SRR1_WS_DEEPER	0x00020000 /* Some resources not maintained */
619 #define	  SRR1_WS_DEEP		0x00010000 /* All resources maintained */
620 #define   SRR1_PROGFPE		0x00100000 /* Floating Point Enabled */
621 #define   SRR1_PROGILL		0x00080000 /* Illegal instruction */
622 #define   SRR1_PROGPRIV		0x00040000 /* Privileged instruction */
623 #define   SRR1_PROGTRAP		0x00020000 /* Trap */
624 #define   SRR1_PROGADDR		0x00010000 /* SRR0 contains subsequent addr */
626 #define SPRN_HSRR0	0x13A	/* Save/Restore Register 0 */
627 #define SPRN_HSRR1	0x13B	/* Save/Restore Register 1 */
628 #define   HSRR1_DENORM		0x00100000 /* Denorm exception */
630 #define SPRN_TBCTL	0x35f	/* PA6T Timebase control register */
631 #define   TBCTL_FREEZE		0x0000000000000000ull /* Freeze all tbs */
632 #define   TBCTL_RESTART		0x0000000100000000ull /* Restart all tbs */
633 #define   TBCTL_UPDATE_UPPER	0x0000000200000000ull /* Set upper 32 bits */
634 #define   TBCTL_UPDATE_LOWER	0x0000000300000000ull /* Set lower 32 bits */
636 #ifndef SPRN_SVR
637 #define SPRN_SVR	0x11E	/* System Version Register */
638 #endif
639 #define SPRN_THRM1	0x3FC		/* Thermal Management Register 1 */
640 /* these bits were defined in inverted endian sense originally, ugh, confusing */
641 #define THRM1_TIN	(1 << 31)
642 #define THRM1_TIV	(1 << 30)
643 #define THRM1_THRES(x)	((x&0x7f)<<23)
644 #define THRM3_SITV(x)	((x&0x3fff)<<1)
645 #define THRM1_TID	(1<<2)
646 #define THRM1_TIE	(1<<1)
647 #define THRM1_V		(1<<0)
648 #define SPRN_THRM2	0x3FD		/* Thermal Management Register 2 */
649 #define SPRN_THRM3	0x3FE		/* Thermal Management Register 3 */
650 #define THRM3_E		(1<<0)
651 #define SPRN_TLBMISS	0x3D4		/* 980 7450 TLB Miss Register */
652 #define SPRN_UMMCR0	0x3A8	/* User Monitor Mode Control Register 0 */
653 #define SPRN_UMMCR1	0x3AC	/* User Monitor Mode Control Register 0 */
654 #define SPRN_UPMC1	0x3A9	/* User Performance Counter Register 1 */
655 #define SPRN_UPMC2	0x3AA	/* User Performance Counter Register 2 */
656 #define SPRN_UPMC3	0x3AD	/* User Performance Counter Register 3 */
657 #define SPRN_UPMC4	0x3AE	/* User Performance Counter Register 4 */
658 #define SPRN_USIA	0x3AB	/* User Sampled Instruction Address Register */
659 #define SPRN_VRSAVE	0x100	/* Vector Register Save Register */
660 #define SPRN_XER	0x001	/* Fixed Point Exception Register */
662 #define SPRN_MMCR0_GEKKO 0x3B8 /* Gekko Monitor Mode Control Register 0 */
663 #define SPRN_MMCR1_GEKKO 0x3BC /* Gekko Monitor Mode Control Register 1 */
664 #define SPRN_PMC1_GEKKO  0x3B9 /* Gekko Performance Monitor Control 1 */
665 #define SPRN_PMC2_GEKKO  0x3BA /* Gekko Performance Monitor Control 2 */
666 #define SPRN_PMC3_GEKKO  0x3BD /* Gekko Performance Monitor Control 3 */
667 #define SPRN_PMC4_GEKKO  0x3BE /* Gekko Performance Monitor Control 4 */
668 #define SPRN_WPAR_GEKKO  0x399 /* Gekko Write Pipe Address Register */
670 #define SPRN_SCOMC	0x114	/* SCOM Access Control */
671 #define SPRN_SCOMD	0x115	/* SCOM Access DATA */
673 /* Performance monitor SPRs */
674 #ifdef CONFIG_PPC64
675 #define SPRN_MMCR0	795
676 #define   MMCR0_FC	0x80000000UL /* freeze counters */
677 #define   MMCR0_FCS	0x40000000UL /* freeze in supervisor state */
679 #define   MMCR0_FCP	0x20000000UL /* freeze in problem state */
681 #define   MMCR0_FCM1	0x10000000UL /* freeze counters while MSR mark = 1 */
682 #define   MMCR0_FCM0	0x08000000UL /* freeze counters while MSR mark = 0 */
683 #define   MMCR0_PMXE	ASM_CONST(0x04000000) /* perf mon exception enable */
684 #define   MMCR0_FCECE	ASM_CONST(0x02000000) /* freeze ctrs on enabled cond or event */
685 #define   MMCR0_TBEE	0x00400000UL /* time base exception enable */
686 #define   MMCR0_BHRBA	0x00200000UL /* BHRB Access allowed in userspace */
687 #define   MMCR0_EBE	0x00100000UL /* Event based branch enable */
688 #define   MMCR0_PMCC	0x000c0000UL /* PMC control */
689 #define   MMCR0_PMCC_U6	0x00080000UL /* PMC1-6 are R/W by user (PR) */
690 #define   MMCR0_PMC1CE	0x00008000UL /* PMC1 count enable*/
691 #define   MMCR0_PMCjCE	ASM_CONST(0x00004000) /* PMCj count enable*/
692 #define   MMCR0_TRIGGER	0x00002000UL /* TRIGGER enable */
693 #define   MMCR0_PMAO_SYNC ASM_CONST(0x00000800) /* PMU intr is synchronous */
694 #define   MMCR0_C56RUN	ASM_CONST(0x00000100) /* PMC5/6 count when RUN=0 */
695 /* performance monitor alert has occurred, set to 0 after handling exception */
696 #define   MMCR0_PMAO	ASM_CONST(0x00000080)
697 #define   MMCR0_SHRFC	0x00000040UL /* SHRre freeze conditions between threads */
698 #define   MMCR0_FC56	0x00000010UL /* freeze counters 5 and 6 */
699 #define   MMCR0_FCTI	0x00000008UL /* freeze counters in tags inactive mode */
700 #define   MMCR0_FCTA	0x00000004UL /* freeze counters in tags active mode */
701 #define   MMCR0_FCWAIT	0x00000002UL /* freeze counter in WAIT state */
702 #define   MMCR0_FCHV	0x00000001UL /* freeze conditions in hypervisor mode */
703 #define SPRN_MMCR1	798
704 #define SPRN_MMCR2	769
705 #define SPRN_MMCRA	0x312
706 #define   MMCRA_SDSYNC	0x80000000UL /* SDAR synced with SIAR */
707 #define   MMCRA_SDAR_DCACHE_MISS 0x40000000UL
708 #define   MMCRA_SDAR_ERAT_MISS   0x20000000UL
709 #define   MMCRA_SIHV	0x10000000UL /* state of MSR HV when SIAR set */
710 #define   MMCRA_SIPR	0x08000000UL /* state of MSR PR when SIAR set */
711 #define   MMCRA_SLOT	0x07000000UL /* SLOT bits (37-39) */
712 #define   MMCRA_SLOT_SHIFT	24
713 #define   MMCRA_SAMPLE_ENABLE 0x00000001UL /* enable sampling */
714 #define   POWER6_MMCRA_SDSYNC 0x0000080000000000ULL	/* SDAR/SIAR synced */
715 #define   POWER6_MMCRA_SIHV   0x0000040000000000ULL
716 #define   POWER6_MMCRA_SIPR   0x0000020000000000ULL
717 #define   POWER6_MMCRA_THRM	0x00000020UL
718 #define   POWER6_MMCRA_OTHER	0x0000000EUL
720 #define   POWER7P_MMCRA_SIAR_VALID 0x10000000	/* P7+ SIAR contents valid */
721 #define   POWER7P_MMCRA_SDAR_VALID 0x08000000	/* P7+ SDAR contents valid */
723 #define SPRN_MMCRH	316	/* Hypervisor monitor mode control register */
724 #define SPRN_MMCRS	894	/* Supervisor monitor mode control register */
725 #define SPRN_MMCRC	851	/* Core monitor mode control register */
726 #define SPRN_EBBHR	804	/* Event based branch handler register */
727 #define SPRN_EBBRR	805	/* Event based branch return register */
728 #define SPRN_BESCR	806	/* Branch event status and control register */
729 #define   BESCR_GE	0x8000000000000000ULL /* Global Enable */
730 #define SPRN_WORT	895	/* Workload optimization register - thread */
732 #define SPRN_PMC1	787
733 #define SPRN_PMC2	788
734 #define SPRN_PMC3	789
735 #define SPRN_PMC4	790
736 #define SPRN_PMC5	791
737 #define SPRN_PMC6	792
738 #define SPRN_PMC7	793
739 #define SPRN_PMC8	794
740 #define SPRN_SIAR	780
741 #define SPRN_SDAR	781
742 #define SPRN_SIER	784
743 #define   SIER_SIPR		0x2000000	/* Sampled MSR_PR */
744 #define   SIER_SIHV		0x1000000	/* Sampled MSR_HV */
745 #define   SIER_SIAR_VALID	0x0400000	/* SIAR contents valid */
746 #define   SIER_SDAR_VALID	0x0200000	/* SDAR contents valid */
747 #define SPRN_TACR	888
748 #define SPRN_TCSCR	889
749 #define SPRN_CSIGR	890
750 #define SPRN_SPMC1	892
751 #define SPRN_SPMC2	893
753 /* When EBB is enabled, some of MMCR0/MMCR2/SIER are user accessible */
755 #define MMCR2_USER_MASK	0x4020100804020000UL /* (FC1P|FC2P|FC3P|FC4P|FC5P|FC6P) */
756 #define SIER_USER_MASK	0x7fffffUL
758 #define SPRN_PA6T_MMCR0 795
759 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_EN0	0x0000000000000001UL
760 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_EN1	0x0000000000000002UL
761 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_EN2	0x0000000000000004UL
762 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_EN3	0x0000000000000008UL
763 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_EN4	0x0000000000000010UL
764 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_EN5	0x0000000000000020UL
765 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_SUPEN	0x0000000000000040UL
766 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_PREN	0x0000000000000080UL
767 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_HYPEN	0x0000000000000100UL
768 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_FCM0	0x0000000000000200UL
769 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_FCM1	0x0000000000000400UL
770 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_INTGEN	0x0000000000000800UL
771 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_INTEN0	0x0000000000001000UL
772 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_INTEN1	0x0000000000002000UL
773 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_INTEN2	0x0000000000004000UL
774 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_INTEN3	0x0000000000008000UL
775 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_INTEN4	0x0000000000010000UL
776 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_INTEN5	0x0000000000020000UL
777 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_DISCNT	0x0000000000040000UL
778 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_UOP	0x0000000000080000UL
779 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_TRG	0x0000000000100000UL
780 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_TRGEN	0x0000000000200000UL
781 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_TRGREG	0x0000000001600000UL
782 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_SIARLOG	0x0000000002000000UL
783 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_SDARLOG	0x0000000004000000UL
784 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_PROEN	0x0000000008000000UL
785 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_PROLOG	0x0000000010000000UL
786 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_DAMEN2	0x0000000020000000UL
787 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_DAMEN3	0x0000000040000000UL
788 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_DAMEN4	0x0000000080000000UL
789 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_DAMEN5	0x0000000100000000UL
790 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_DAMSEL2	0x0000000200000000UL
791 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_DAMSEL3	0x0000000400000000UL
792 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_DAMSEL4	0x0000000800000000UL
793 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_DAMSEL5	0x0000001000000000UL
794 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_HANDDIS	0x0000002000000000UL
795 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_PCTEN	0x0000004000000000UL
796 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_SOCEN	0x0000008000000000UL
797 #define   PA6T_MMCR0_SOCMOD	0x0000010000000000UL
799 #define SPRN_PA6T_MMCR1 798
800 #define   PA6T_MMCR1_ES2	0x00000000000000ffUL
801 #define   PA6T_MMCR1_ES3	0x000000000000ff00UL
802 #define   PA6T_MMCR1_ES4	0x0000000000ff0000UL
803 #define   PA6T_MMCR1_ES5	0x00000000ff000000UL
805 #define SPRN_PA6T_UPMC0 771	/* User PerfMon Counter 0 */
806 #define SPRN_PA6T_UPMC1 772	/* ... */
807 #define SPRN_PA6T_UPMC2 773
808 #define SPRN_PA6T_UPMC3 774
809 #define SPRN_PA6T_UPMC4 775
810 #define SPRN_PA6T_UPMC5 776
811 #define SPRN_PA6T_UMMCR0 779	/* User Monitor Mode Control Register 0 */
812 #define SPRN_PA6T_SIAR	780	/* Sampled Instruction Address */
813 #define SPRN_PA6T_UMMCR1 782	/* User Monitor Mode Control Register 1 */
814 #define SPRN_PA6T_SIER	785	/* Sampled Instruction Event Register */
815 #define SPRN_PA6T_PMC0	787
816 #define SPRN_PA6T_PMC1	788
817 #define SPRN_PA6T_PMC2	789
818 #define SPRN_PA6T_PMC3	790
819 #define SPRN_PA6T_PMC4	791
820 #define SPRN_PA6T_PMC5	792
821 #define SPRN_PA6T_TSR0	793	/* Timestamp Register 0 */
822 #define SPRN_PA6T_TSR1	794	/* Timestamp Register 1 */
823 #define SPRN_PA6T_TSR2	799	/* Timestamp Register 2 */
824 #define SPRN_PA6T_TSR3	784	/* Timestamp Register 3 */
826 #define SPRN_PA6T_IER	981	/* Icache Error Register */
827 #define SPRN_PA6T_DER	982	/* Dcache Error Register */
828 #define SPRN_PA6T_BER	862	/* BIU Error Address Register */
829 #define SPRN_PA6T_MER	849	/* MMU Error Register */
831 #define SPRN_PA6T_IMA0	880	/* Instruction Match Array 0 */
832 #define SPRN_PA6T_IMA1	881	/* ... */
833 #define SPRN_PA6T_IMA2	882
834 #define SPRN_PA6T_IMA3	883
835 #define SPRN_PA6T_IMA4	884
836 #define SPRN_PA6T_IMA5	885
837 #define SPRN_PA6T_IMA6	886
838 #define SPRN_PA6T_IMA7	887
839 #define SPRN_PA6T_IMA8	888
840 #define SPRN_PA6T_IMA9	889
841 #define SPRN_PA6T_BTCR	978	/* Breakpoint and Tagging Control Register */
842 #define SPRN_PA6T_IMAAT	979	/* Instruction Match Array Action Table */
843 #define SPRN_PA6T_PCCR	1019	/* Power Counter Control Register */
844 #define SPRN_BKMK	1020	/* Cell Bookmark Register */
845 #define SPRN_PA6T_RPCCR	1021	/* Retire PC Trace Control Register */
848 #else /* 32-bit */
849 #define SPRN_MMCR0	952	/* Monitor Mode Control Register 0 */
850 #define   MMCR0_FC	0x80000000UL /* freeze counters */
851 #define   MMCR0_FCS	0x40000000UL /* freeze in supervisor state */
852 #define   MMCR0_FCP	0x20000000UL /* freeze in problem state */
853 #define   MMCR0_FCM1	0x10000000UL /* freeze counters while MSR mark = 1 */
854 #define   MMCR0_FCM0	0x08000000UL /* freeze counters while MSR mark = 0 */
855 #define   MMCR0_PMXE	0x04000000UL /* performance monitor exception enable */
856 #define   MMCR0_FCECE	0x02000000UL /* freeze ctrs on enabled cond or event */
857 #define   MMCR0_TBEE	0x00400000UL /* time base exception enable */
858 #define   MMCR0_PMC1CE	0x00008000UL /* PMC1 count enable*/
859 #define   MMCR0_PMCnCE	0x00004000UL /* count enable for all but PMC 1*/
860 #define   MMCR0_TRIGGER	0x00002000UL /* TRIGGER enable */
861 #define   MMCR0_PMC1SEL	0x00001fc0UL /* PMC 1 Event */
862 #define   MMCR0_PMC2SEL	0x0000003fUL /* PMC 2 Event */
864 #define SPRN_MMCR1	956
865 #define   MMCR1_PMC3SEL	0xf8000000UL /* PMC 3 Event */
866 #define   MMCR1_PMC4SEL	0x07c00000UL /* PMC 4 Event */
867 #define   MMCR1_PMC5SEL	0x003e0000UL /* PMC 5 Event */
868 #define   MMCR1_PMC6SEL 0x0001f800UL /* PMC 6 Event */
869 #define SPRN_MMCR2	944
870 #define SPRN_PMC1	953	/* Performance Counter Register 1 */
871 #define SPRN_PMC2	954	/* Performance Counter Register 2 */
872 #define SPRN_PMC3	957	/* Performance Counter Register 3 */
873 #define SPRN_PMC4	958	/* Performance Counter Register 4 */
874 #define SPRN_PMC5	945	/* Performance Counter Register 5 */
875 #define SPRN_PMC6	946	/* Performance Counter Register 6 */
877 #define SPRN_SIAR	955	/* Sampled Instruction Address Register */
879 /* Bit definitions for MMCR0 and PMC1 / PMC2. */
880 #define MMCR0_PMC1_CYCLES	(1 << 7)
881 #define MMCR0_PMC1_ICACHEMISS	(5 << 7)
882 #define MMCR0_PMC1_DTLB		(6 << 7)
883 #define MMCR0_PMC2_DCACHEMISS	0x6
884 #define MMCR0_PMC2_CYCLES	0x1
885 #define MMCR0_PMC2_ITLB		0x7
886 #define MMCR0_PMC2_LOADMISSTIME	0x5
887 #endif
889 /*
890  * SPRG usage:
891  *
892  * All 64-bit:
893  *	- SPRG1 stores PACA pointer except 64-bit server in
894  *        HV mode in which case it is HSPRG0
895  *
896  * 64-bit server:
897  *	- SPRG0 scratch for TM recheckpoint/reclaim (reserved for HV on Power4)
898  *	- SPRG2 scratch for exception vectors
899  *	- SPRG3 CPU and NUMA node for VDSO getcpu (user visible)
900  *      - HSPRG0 stores PACA in HV mode
901  *      - HSPRG1 scratch for "HV" exceptions
902  *
903  * 64-bit embedded
904  *	- SPRG0 generic exception scratch
905  *	- SPRG2 TLB exception stack
906  *	- SPRG3 critical exception scratch (user visible, sorry!)
907  *	- SPRG4 unused (user visible)
908  *	- SPRG6 TLB miss scratch (user visible, sorry !)
909  *	- SPRG7 CPU and NUMA node for VDSO getcpu (user visible)
910  *	- SPRG8 machine check exception scratch
911  *	- SPRG9 debug exception scratch
912  *
913  * All 32-bit:
914  *	- SPRG3 current thread_info pointer
915  *        (virtual on BookE, physical on others)
916  *
917  * 32-bit classic:
918  *	- SPRG0 scratch for exception vectors
919  *	- SPRG1 scratch for exception vectors
920  *	- SPRG2 indicator that we are in RTAS
921  *	- SPRG4 (603 only) pseudo TLB LRU data
922  *
923  * 32-bit 40x:
924  *	- SPRG0 scratch for exception vectors
925  *	- SPRG1 scratch for exception vectors
926  *	- SPRG2 scratch for exception vectors
927  *	- SPRG4 scratch for exception vectors (not 403)
928  *	- SPRG5 scratch for exception vectors (not 403)
929  *	- SPRG6 scratch for exception vectors (not 403)
930  *	- SPRG7 scratch for exception vectors (not 403)
931  *
932  * 32-bit 440 and FSL BookE:
933  *	- SPRG0 scratch for exception vectors
934  *	- SPRG1 scratch for exception vectors (*)
935  *	- SPRG2 scratch for crit interrupts handler
936  *	- SPRG4 scratch for exception vectors
937  *	- SPRG5 scratch for exception vectors
938  *	- SPRG6 scratch for machine check handler
939  *	- SPRG7 scratch for exception vectors
940  *	- SPRG9 scratch for debug vectors (e500 only)
941  *
942  *      Additionally, BookE separates "read" and "write"
943  *      of those registers. That allows to use the userspace
944  *      readable variant for reads, which can avoid a fault
945  *      with KVM type virtualization.
946  *
947  * 32-bit 8xx:
948  *	- SPRG0 scratch for exception vectors
949  *	- SPRG1 scratch for exception vectors
950  *	- SPRG2 scratch for exception vectors
951  *
952  */
953 #ifdef CONFIG_PPC64
955 #else
957 #endif
959 #ifdef CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3S_64
966 #define GET_PACA(rX)					\
968 	mfspr	rX,SPRN_SPRG_PACA;			\
970 	mfspr	rX,SPRN_SPRG_HPACA;			\
973 #define SET_PACA(rX)					\
975 	mtspr	SPRN_SPRG_PACA,rX;			\
977 	mtspr	SPRN_SPRG_HPACA,rX;			\
980 #define GET_SCRATCH0(rX)				\
982 	mfspr	rX,SPRN_SPRG_SCRATCH0;			\
984 	mfspr	rX,SPRN_SPRG_HSCRATCH0;			\
987 #define SET_SCRATCH0(rX)				\
989 	mtspr	SPRN_SPRG_SCRATCH0,rX;			\
991 	mtspr	SPRN_SPRG_HSCRATCH0,rX;			\
994 #else /* CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3S_64 */
995 #define GET_SCRATCH0(rX)	mfspr	rX,SPRN_SPRG_SCRATCH0
996 #define SET_SCRATCH0(rX)	mtspr	SPRN_SPRG_SCRATCH0,rX
998 #endif
1000 #ifdef CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3E_64
1011 #define SET_PACA(rX)	mtspr	SPRN_SPRG_PACA,rX
1012 #define GET_PACA(rX)	mfspr	rX,SPRN_SPRG_PACA
1014 #endif
1016 #ifdef CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3S_32
1020 #define SPRN_SPRG_603_LRU	SPRN_SPRG4
1021 #endif
1023 #ifdef CONFIG_40x
1031 #endif
1033 #ifdef CONFIG_BOOKE
1048 #ifdef CONFIG_E200
1051 #else
1054 #endif
1055 #endif
1057 #ifdef CONFIG_8xx
1061 #endif
1065 /*
1066  * An mtfsf instruction with the L bit set. On CPUs that support this a
1067  * full 64bits of FPSCR is restored and on other CPUs the L bit is ignored.
1068  *
1069  * Until binutils gets the new form of mtfsf, hardwire the instruction.
1070  */
1071 #ifdef CONFIG_PPC64
1072 #define MTFSF_L(REG) \
1073 	.long (0xfc00058e | ((0xff) << 17) | ((REG) << 11) | (1 << 25))
1074 #else
1075 #define MTFSF_L(REG)	mtfsf	0xff, (REG)
1076 #endif
1078 /* Processor Version Register (PVR) field extraction */
1080 #define PVR_VER(pvr)	(((pvr) >>  16) & 0xFFFF)	/* Version field */
1081 #define PVR_REV(pvr)	(((pvr) >>   0) & 0xFFFF)	/* Revison field */
1083 #define pvr_version_is(pvr)	(PVR_VER(mfspr(SPRN_PVR)) == (pvr))
1085 /*
1086  * IBM has further subdivided the standard PowerPC 16-bit version and
1087  * revision subfields of the PVR for the PowerPC 403s into the following:
1088  */
1090 #define PVR_FAM(pvr)	(((pvr) >> 20) & 0xFFF)	/* Family field */
1091 #define PVR_MEM(pvr)	(((pvr) >> 16) & 0xF)	/* Member field */
1092 #define PVR_CORE(pvr)	(((pvr) >> 12) & 0xF)	/* Core field */
1093 #define PVR_CFG(pvr)	(((pvr) >>  8) & 0xF)	/* Configuration field */
1094 #define PVR_MAJ(pvr)	(((pvr) >>  4) & 0xF)	/* Major revision field */
1095 #define PVR_MIN(pvr)	(((pvr) >>  0) & 0xF)	/* Minor revision field */
1097 /* Processor Version Numbers */
1099 #define PVR_403GA	0x00200000
1100 #define PVR_403GB	0x00200100
1101 #define PVR_403GC	0x00200200
1102 #define PVR_403GCX	0x00201400
1103 #define PVR_405GP	0x40110000
1104 #define PVR_476		0x11a52000
1105 #define PVR_476FPE	0x7ff50000
1106 #define PVR_STB03XXX	0x40310000
1107 #define PVR_NP405H	0x41410000
1108 #define PVR_NP405L	0x41610000
1109 #define PVR_601		0x00010000
1110 #define PVR_602		0x00050000
1111 #define PVR_603		0x00030000
1112 #define PVR_603e	0x00060000
1113 #define PVR_603ev	0x00070000
1114 #define PVR_603r	0x00071000
1115 #define PVR_604		0x00040000
1116 #define PVR_604e	0x00090000
1117 #define PVR_604r	0x000A0000
1118 #define PVR_620		0x00140000
1119 #define PVR_740		0x00080000
1120 #define PVR_750		PVR_740
1121 #define PVR_740P	0x10080000
1122 #define PVR_750P	PVR_740P
1123 #define PVR_7400	0x000C0000
1124 #define PVR_7410	0x800C0000
1125 #define PVR_7450	0x80000000
1126 #define PVR_8540	0x80200000
1127 #define PVR_8560	0x80200000
1128 #define PVR_VER_E500V1	0x8020
1129 #define PVR_VER_E500V2	0x8021
1130 #define PVR_VER_E500MC	0x8023
1131 #define PVR_VER_E5500	0x8024
1132 #define PVR_VER_E6500	0x8040
1134 /*
1135  * For the 8xx processors, all of them report the same PVR family for
1136  * the PowerPC core. The various versions of these processors must be
1137  * differentiated by the version number in the Communication Processor
1138  * Module (CPM).
1139  */
1140 #define PVR_821		0x00500000
1141 #define PVR_823		PVR_821
1142 #define PVR_850		PVR_821
1143 #define PVR_860		PVR_821
1144 #define PVR_8240	0x00810100
1145 #define PVR_8245	0x80811014
1146 #define PVR_8260	PVR_8240
1148 /* 476 Simulator seems to currently have the PVR of the 602... */
1149 #define PVR_476_ISS	0x00052000
1151 /* 64-bit processors */
1152 #define PVR_NORTHSTAR	0x0033
1153 #define PVR_PULSAR	0x0034
1154 #define PVR_POWER4	0x0035
1155 #define PVR_ICESTAR	0x0036
1156 #define PVR_SSTAR	0x0037
1157 #define PVR_POWER4p	0x0038
1158 #define PVR_970		0x0039
1159 #define PVR_POWER5	0x003A
1160 #define PVR_POWER5p	0x003B
1161 #define PVR_970FX	0x003C
1162 #define PVR_POWER6	0x003E
1163 #define PVR_POWER7	0x003F
1164 #define PVR_630		0x0040
1165 #define PVR_630p	0x0041
1166 #define PVR_970MP	0x0044
1167 #define PVR_970GX	0x0045
1168 #define PVR_POWER7p	0x004A
1169 #define PVR_POWER8E	0x004B
1170 #define PVR_POWER8	0x004D
1171 #define PVR_BE		0x0070
1172 #define PVR_PA6T	0x0090
1174 /* "Logical" PVR values defined in PAPR, representing architecture levels */
1175 #define PVR_ARCH_204	0x0f000001
1176 #define PVR_ARCH_205	0x0f000002
1177 #define PVR_ARCH_206	0x0f000003
1178 #define PVR_ARCH_206p	0x0f100003
1179 #define PVR_ARCH_207	0x0f000004
1181 /* Macros for setting and retrieving special purpose registers */
1182 #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
1183 #define mfmsr()		({unsigned long rval; \
1184 			asm volatile("mfmsr %0" : "=r" (rval) : \
1185 						: "memory"); rval;})
1186 #ifdef CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3S_64
1187 #define __mtmsrd(v, l)	asm volatile("mtmsrd %0," __stringify(l) \
1188 				     : : "r" (v) : "memory")
1189 #define mtmsrd(v)	__mtmsrd((v), 0)
1190 #define mtmsr(v)	mtmsrd(v)
1191 #else
1192 #define mtmsr(v)	asm volatile("mtmsr %0" : \
1193 				     : "r" ((unsigned long)(v)) \
1194 				     : "memory")
1195 #endif
1197 #define mfspr(rn)	({unsigned long rval; \
1198 			asm volatile("mfspr %0," __stringify(rn) \
1199 				: "=r" (rval)); rval;})
1200 #define mtspr(rn, v)	asm volatile("mtspr " __stringify(rn) ",%0" : \
1201 				     : "r" ((unsigned long)(v)) \
1202 				     : "memory")
1204 static inline unsigned long mfvtb (void)
1205 {
1206 #ifdef CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3S_64
1207 	if (cpu_has_feature(CPU_FTR_ARCH_207S))
1208 		return mfspr(SPRN_VTB);
1209 #endif
1210 	return 0;
1211 }
1213 #ifdef __powerpc64__
1214 #if defined(CONFIG_PPC_CELL) || defined(CONFIG_PPC_FSL_BOOK3E)
1215 #define mftb()		({unsigned long rval;				\
1216 			asm volatile(					\
1217 				"90:	mfspr %0, %2;\n"		\
1218 				"97:	cmpwi %0,0;\n"			\
1219 				"	beq- 90b;\n"			\
1220 				"99:\n"					\
1221 				".section __ftr_fixup,\"a\"\n"		\
1222 				".align 3\n"				\
1223 				"98:\n"					\
1224 				"	.llong %1\n"			\
1225 				"	.llong %1\n"			\
1226 				"	.llong 97b-98b\n"		\
1227 				"	.llong 99b-98b\n"		\
1228 				"	.llong 0\n"			\
1229 				"	.llong 0\n"			\
1230 				".previous"				\
1231 			: "=r" (rval) \
1232 			: "i" (CPU_FTR_CELL_TB_BUG), "i" (SPRN_TBRL)); \
1233 			rval;})
1234 #else
1235 #define mftb()		({unsigned long rval;	\
1236 			asm volatile("mfspr %0, %1" : \
1237 				     "=r" (rval) : "i" (SPRN_TBRL)); rval;})
1238 #endif /* !CONFIG_PPC_CELL */
1240 #else /* __powerpc64__ */
1242 #if defined(CONFIG_8xx)
1243 #define mftbl()		({unsigned long rval;	\
1244 			asm volatile("mftbl %0" : "=r" (rval)); rval;})
1245 #define mftbu()		({unsigned long rval;	\
1246 			asm volatile("mftbu %0" : "=r" (rval)); rval;})
1247 #else
1248 #define mftbl()		({unsigned long rval;	\
1249 			asm volatile("mfspr %0, %1" : "=r" (rval) : \
1250 				"i" (SPRN_TBRL)); rval;})
1251 #define mftbu()		({unsigned long rval;	\
1252 			asm volatile("mfspr %0, %1" : "=r" (rval) : \
1253 				"i" (SPRN_TBRU)); rval;})
1254 #endif
1255 #endif /* !__powerpc64__ */
1257 #define mttbl(v)	asm volatile("mttbl %0":: "r"(v))
1258 #define mttbu(v)	asm volatile("mttbu %0":: "r"(v))
1260 #ifdef CONFIG_PPC32
1261 #define mfsrin(v)	({unsigned int rval; \
1262 			asm volatile("mfsrin %0,%1" : "=r" (rval) : "r" (v)); \
1263 					rval;})
1264 #endif
1266 #define proc_trap()	asm volatile("trap")
1268 #define __get_SP()	({unsigned long sp; \
1269 			asm volatile("mr %0,1": "=r" (sp)); sp;})
1271 extern unsigned long scom970_read(unsigned int address);
1272 extern void scom970_write(unsigned int address, unsigned long value);
1274 struct pt_regs;
1276 extern void ppc_save_regs(struct pt_regs *regs);
1278 #endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
1279 #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
1280 #endif /* _ASM_POWERPC_REG_H */