1|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2|MOTOROLA MICROPROCESSOR & MEMORY TECHNOLOGY GROUP 3|M68000 Hi-Performance Microprocessor Division 4|M68060 Software Package 5|Production Release P1.00 -- October 10, 1994 6| 7|M68060 Software Package Copyright � 1993, 1994 Motorola Inc. All rights reserved. 8| 9|THE SOFTWARE is provided on an "AS IS" basis and without warranty. 10|To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, 11|MOTOROLA DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, 12|INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 13|and any warranty against infringement with regard to the SOFTWARE 14|(INCLUDING ANY MODIFIED VERSIONS THEREOF) and any accompanying written materials. 15| 16|To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, 17|IN NO EVENT SHALL MOTOROLA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER 18|(INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, 19|BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) 20|ARISING OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE. 21|Motorola assumes no responsibility for the maintenance and support of the SOFTWARE. 22| 23|You are hereby granted a copyright license to use, modify, and distribute the SOFTWARE 24|so long as this entire notice is retained without alteration in any modified and/or 25|redistributed versions, and that such modified versions are clearly identified as such. 26|No licenses are granted by implication, estoppel or otherwise under any patents 27|or trademarks of Motorola, Inc. 28|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29| iskeleton.s 30| 31| This file contains: 32| (1) example "Call-out"s 33| (2) example package entry code 34| (3) example "Call-out" table 35| 36 37#include <linux/linkage.h> 38#include <asm/entry.h> 39#include <asm/asm-offsets.h> 40 41 42|################################ 43| (1) EXAMPLE CALL-OUTS # 44| # 45| _060_isp_done() # 46| _060_real_chk() # 47| _060_real_divbyzero() # 48| # 49| _060_real_cas() # 50| _060_real_cas2() # 51| _060_real_lock_page() # 52| _060_real_unlock_page() # 53|################################ 54 55| 56| _060_isp_done(): 57| 58| This is and example main exit point for the Unimplemented Integer 59| Instruction exception handler. For a normal exit, the 60| _isp_unimp() branches to here so that the operating system 61| can do any clean-up desired. The stack frame is the 62| Unimplemented Integer Instruction stack frame with 63| the PC pointing to the instruction following the instruction 64| just emulated. 65| To simply continue execution at the next instruction, just 66| do an "rte". 67| 68| Linux/68k: If returning to user space, check for needed reselections. 69 70 .global _060_isp_done 71_060_isp_done: 72 btst #0x5,%sp@ | supervisor bit set in saved SR? 73 beq .Lnotkern 74 rte 75.Lnotkern: 76 SAVE_ALL_INT 77 GET_CURRENT(%d0) 78 | deliver signals, reschedule etc.. 79 jra ret_from_exception 80 81| 82| _060_real_chk(): 83| 84| This is an alternate exit point for the Unimplemented Integer 85| Instruction exception handler. If the instruction was a "chk2" 86| and the operand was out of bounds, then _isp_unimp() creates 87| a CHK exception stack frame from the Unimplemented Integer Instrcution 88| stack frame and branches to this routine. 89| 90| Linux/68k: commented out test for tracing 91 92 .global _060_real_chk 93_060_real_chk: 94| tst.b (%sp) | is tracing enabled? 95| bpls real_chk_end | no 96 97| 98| CHK FRAME TRACE FRAME 99| ***************** ***************** 100| * Current PC * * Current PC * 101| ***************** ***************** 102| * 0x2 * 0x018 * * 0x2 * 0x024 * 103| ***************** ***************** 104| * Next * * Next * 105| * PC * * PC * 106| ***************** ***************** 107| * SR * * SR * 108| ***************** ***************** 109| 110| move.b #0x24,0x7(%sp) | set trace vecno 111| bral _060_real_trace 112 113real_chk_end: 114 bral trap | jump to trap handler 115 116| 117| _060_real_divbyzero: 118| 119| This is an alternate exit point for the Unimplemented Integer 120| Instruction exception handler isp_unimp(). If the instruction is a 64-bit 121| integer divide where the source operand is a zero, then the _isp_unimp() 122| creates a Divide-by-zero exception stack frame from the Unimplemented 123| Integer Instruction stack frame and branches to this routine. 124| 125| Remember that a trace exception may be pending. The code below performs 126| no action associated with the "chk" exception. If tracing is enabled, 127| then it create a Trace exception stack frame from the "chk" exception 128| stack frame and branches to the _real_trace() entry point. 129| 130| Linux/68k: commented out test for tracing 131 132 .global _060_real_divbyzero 133_060_real_divbyzero: 134| tst.b (%sp) | is tracing enabled? 135| bpls real_divbyzero_end | no 136 137| 138| DIVBYZERO FRAME TRACE FRAME 139| ***************** ***************** 140| * Current PC * * Current PC * 141| ***************** ***************** 142| * 0x2 * 0x014 * * 0x2 * 0x024 * 143| ***************** ***************** 144| * Next * * Next * 145| * PC * * PC * 146| ***************** ***************** 147| * SR * * SR * 148| ***************** ***************** 149| 150| move.b #0x24,0x7(%sp) | set trace vecno 151| bral _060_real_trace 152 153real_divbyzero_end: 154 bral trap | jump to trap handler 155 156|########################## 157 158| 159| _060_real_cas(): 160| 161| Entry point for the selected cas emulation code implementation. 162| If the implementation provided by the 68060ISP is sufficient, 163| then this routine simply re-enters the package through _isp_cas. 164| 165 .global _060_real_cas 166_060_real_cas: 167 bral _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x08 168 169| 170| _060_real_cas2(): 171| 172| Entry point for the selected cas2 emulation code implementation. 173| If the implementation provided by the 68060ISP is sufficient, 174| then this routine simply re-enters the package through _isp_cas2. 175| 176 .global _060_real_cas2 177_060_real_cas2: 178 bral _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x10 179 180| 181| _060_lock_page(): 182| 183| Entry point for the operating system`s routine to "lock" a page 184| from being paged out. This routine is needed by the cas/cas2 185| algorithms so that no page faults occur within the "core" code 186| region. Note: the routine must lock two pages if the operand 187| spans two pages. 188| NOTE: THE ROUTINE SHOULD RETURN AN FSLW VALUE IN D0 ON FAILURE 189| SO THAT THE 060SP CAN CREATE A PROPER ACCESS ERROR FRAME. 190| Arguments: 191| a0 = operand address 192| d0 = `xxxxxxff -> supervisor; `xxxxxx00 -> user 193| d1 = `xxxxxxff -> longword; `xxxxxx00 -> word 194| Expected outputs: 195| d0 = 0 -> success; non-zero -> failure 196| 197| Linux/m68k: Make sure the page is properly paged in, so we use 198| plpaw and handle any exception here. The kernel must not be 199| preempted until _060_unlock_page(), so that the page stays mapped. 200| 201 .global _060_real_lock_page 202_060_real_lock_page: 203 move.l %d2,-(%sp) 204 | load sfc/dfc 205 tst.b %d0 206 jne 1f 207 moveq #1,%d0 208 jra 2f 2091: moveq #5,%d0 2102: movec.l %dfc,%d2 211 movec.l %d0,%dfc 212 movec.l %d0,%sfc 213 214 clr.l %d0 215 | prefetch address 216 .chip 68060 217 move.l %a0,%a1 2181: plpaw (%a1) 219 addq.w #1,%a0 220 tst.b %d1 221 jeq 2f 222 addq.w #2,%a0 2232: plpaw (%a0) 2243: .chip 68k 225 226 | restore sfc/dfc 227 movec.l %d2,%dfc 228 movec.l %d2,%sfc 229 move.l (%sp)+,%d2 230 rts 231 232.section __ex_table,"a" 233 .align 4 234 .long 1b,11f 235 .long 2b,21f 236.previous 237.section .fixup,"ax" 238 .even 23911: move.l #0x020003c0,%d0 240 or.l %d2,%d0 241 swap %d0 242 jra 3b 24321: move.l #0x02000bc0,%d0 244 or.l %d2,%d0 245 swap %d0 246 jra 3b 247.previous 248 249| 250| _060_unlock_page(): 251| 252| Entry point for the operating system`s routine to "unlock" a 253| page that has been "locked" previously with _real_lock_page. 254| Note: the routine must unlock two pages if the operand spans 255| two pages. 256| Arguments: 257| a0 = operand address 258| d0 = `xxxxxxff -> supervisor; `xxxxxx00 -> user 259| d1 = `xxxxxxff -> longword; `xxxxxx00 -> word 260| 261| Linux/m68k: perhaps reenable preemption here... 262 263 .global _060_real_unlock_page 264_060_real_unlock_page: 265 clr.l %d0 266 rts 267 268|########################################################################### 269 270|################################# 271| (2) EXAMPLE PACKAGE ENTRY CODE # 272|################################# 273 274 .global _060_isp_unimp 275_060_isp_unimp: 276 bral _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x00 277 278 .global _060_isp_cas 279_060_isp_cas: 280 bral _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x08 281 282 .global _060_isp_cas2 283_060_isp_cas2: 284 bral _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x10 285 286 .global _060_isp_cas_finish 287_060_isp_cas_finish: 288 bra.l _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x18 289 290 .global _060_isp_cas2_finish 291_060_isp_cas2_finish: 292 bral _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x20 293 294 .global _060_isp_cas_inrange 295_060_isp_cas_inrange: 296 bral _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x28 297 298 .global _060_isp_cas_terminate 299_060_isp_cas_terminate: 300 bral _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x30 301 302 .global _060_isp_cas_restart 303_060_isp_cas_restart: 304 bral _I_CALL_TOP+0x80+0x38 305 306|########################################################################### 307 308|############################### 309| (3) EXAMPLE CALL-OUT SECTION # 310|############################### 311 312| The size of this section MUST be 128 bytes!!! 313 314_I_CALL_TOP: 315 .long _060_real_chk - _I_CALL_TOP 316 .long _060_real_divbyzero - _I_CALL_TOP 317 .long _060_real_trace - _I_CALL_TOP 318 .long _060_real_access - _I_CALL_TOP 319 .long _060_isp_done - _I_CALL_TOP 320 321 .long _060_real_cas - _I_CALL_TOP 322 .long _060_real_cas2 - _I_CALL_TOP 323 .long _060_real_lock_page - _I_CALL_TOP 324 .long _060_real_unlock_page - _I_CALL_TOP 325 326 .long 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 327 .long 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 328 329 .long _060_imem_read - _I_CALL_TOP 330 .long _060_dmem_read - _I_CALL_TOP 331 .long _060_dmem_write - _I_CALL_TOP 332 .long _060_imem_read_word - _I_CALL_TOP 333 .long _060_imem_read_long - _I_CALL_TOP 334 .long _060_dmem_read_byte - _I_CALL_TOP 335 .long _060_dmem_read_word - _I_CALL_TOP 336 .long _060_dmem_read_long - _I_CALL_TOP 337 .long _060_dmem_write_byte - _I_CALL_TOP 338 .long _060_dmem_write_word - _I_CALL_TOP 339 .long _060_dmem_write_long - _I_CALL_TOP 340 341 .long 0x00000000 342 .long 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 343 344|########################################################################### 345 346| 060 INTEGER KERNEL PACKAGE MUST GO HERE!!! 347#include "isp.sa" 348