1b2441318SGreg Kroah-Hartman/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
21da177e4SLinus Torvalds/*
31da177e4SLinus Torvalds * arch/alpha/lib/ev6-csum_ipv6_magic.S
41da177e4SLinus Torvalds * 21264 version contributed by Rick Gorton <rick.gorton@alpha-processor.com>
51da177e4SLinus Torvalds *
61da177e4SLinus Torvalds * unsigned short csum_ipv6_magic(struct in6_addr *saddr,
71da177e4SLinus Torvalds *                                struct in6_addr *daddr,
81da177e4SLinus Torvalds *                                __u32 len,
91da177e4SLinus Torvalds *                                unsigned short proto,
101da177e4SLinus Torvalds *                                unsigned int csum);
111da177e4SLinus Torvalds *
121da177e4SLinus Torvalds * Much of the information about 21264 scheduling/coding comes from:
131da177e4SLinus Torvalds *	Compiler Writer's Guide for the Alpha 21264
141da177e4SLinus Torvalds *	abbreviated as 'CWG' in other comments here
151da177e4SLinus Torvalds *	ftp.digital.com/pub/Digital/info/semiconductor/literature/dsc-library.html
161da177e4SLinus Torvalds * Scheduling notation:
171da177e4SLinus Torvalds *	E	- either cluster
181da177e4SLinus Torvalds *	U	- upper subcluster; U0 - subcluster U0; U1 - subcluster U1
191da177e4SLinus Torvalds *	L	- lower subcluster; L0 - subcluster L0; L1 - subcluster L1
201da177e4SLinus Torvalds * Try not to change the actual algorithm if possible for consistency.
211da177e4SLinus Torvalds * Determining actual stalls (other than slotting) doesn't appear to be easy to do.
221da177e4SLinus Torvalds *
231da177e4SLinus Torvalds * unsigned short csum_ipv6_magic(struct in6_addr *saddr,
241da177e4SLinus Torvalds *                                struct in6_addr *daddr,
251da177e4SLinus Torvalds *                                __u32 len,
261da177e4SLinus Torvalds *                                unsigned short proto,
271da177e4SLinus Torvalds *                                unsigned int csum);
281da177e4SLinus Torvalds *
291da177e4SLinus Torvalds * Swap <proto> (takes form 0xaabb)
301da177e4SLinus Torvalds * Then shift it left by 48, so result is:
311da177e4SLinus Torvalds *	0xbbaa0000 00000000
321da177e4SLinus Torvalds * Then turn it back into a sign extended 32-bit item
331da177e4SLinus Torvalds *	0xbbaa0000
341da177e4SLinus Torvalds *
351da177e4SLinus Torvalds * Swap <len> (an unsigned int) using Mike Burrows' 7-instruction sequence
361da177e4SLinus Torvalds * (we can't hide the 3-cycle latency of the unpkbw in the 6-instruction sequence)
371da177e4SLinus Torvalds * Assume input takes form 0xAABBCCDD
381da177e4SLinus Torvalds *
391da177e4SLinus Torvalds * Finally, original 'folding' approach is to split the long into 4 unsigned shorts
401da177e4SLinus Torvalds * add 4 ushorts, resulting in ushort/carry
411da177e4SLinus Torvalds * add carry bits + ushort --> ushort
421da177e4SLinus Torvalds * add carry bits + ushort --> ushort (in case the carry results in an overflow)
431da177e4SLinus Torvalds * Truncate to a ushort.  (took 13 instructions)
441da177e4SLinus Torvalds * From doing some testing, using the approach in checksum.c:from64to16()
451da177e4SLinus Torvalds * results in the same outcome:
461da177e4SLinus Torvalds * split into 2 uints, add those, generating a ulong
471da177e4SLinus Torvalds * add the 3 low ushorts together, generating a uint
481da177e4SLinus Torvalds * a final add of the 2 lower ushorts
491da177e4SLinus Torvalds * truncating the result.
5058ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky *
5158ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky * Misalignment handling added by Ivan Kokshaysky <ink@jurassic.park.msu.ru>
5258ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky * The cost is 16 instructions (~8 cycles), including two extra loads which
5358ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky * may cause additional delay in rare cases (load-load replay traps).
541da177e4SLinus Torvalds */
551da177e4SLinus Torvalds
56*f3c78e94SMasahiro Yamada#include <linux/export.h>
571da177e4SLinus Torvalds	.globl csum_ipv6_magic
581da177e4SLinus Torvalds	.align 4
591da177e4SLinus Torvalds	.ent csum_ipv6_magic
601da177e4SLinus Torvalds	.frame $30,0,$26,0
611da177e4SLinus Torvaldscsum_ipv6_magic:
621da177e4SLinus Torvalds	.prologue 0
631da177e4SLinus Torvalds
6458ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	ldq_u	$0,0($16)	# L : Latency: 3
651da177e4SLinus Torvalds	inslh	$18,7,$4	# U : 0000000000AABBCC
6658ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	ldq_u	$1,8($16)	# L : Latency: 3
671da177e4SLinus Torvalds	sll	$19,8,$7	# U : U L U L : 0x00000000 00aabb00
681da177e4SLinus Torvalds
6958ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	and	$16,7,$6	# E : src misalignment
7058ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	ldq_u	$5,15($16)	# L : Latency: 3
711da177e4SLinus Torvalds	zapnot	$20,15,$20	# U : zero extend incoming csum
7258ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	ldq_u	$2,0($17)	# L : U L U L : Latency: 3
7358ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky
7458ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	extql	$0,$6,$0	# U :
7558ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	extqh	$1,$6,$22	# U :
7658ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	ldq_u	$3,8($17)	# L : Latency: 3
7758ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	sll	$19,24,$19	# U : U U L U : 0x000000aa bb000000
7858ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky
7958ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	cmoveq	$6,$31,$22	# E : src aligned?
8058ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	ldq_u	$23,15($17)	# L : Latency: 3
811da177e4SLinus Torvalds	inswl	$18,3,$18	# U : 000000CCDD000000
8258ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	addl	$19,$7,$19	# E : U L U L : <sign bits>bbaabb00
831da177e4SLinus Torvalds
8458ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	or	$0,$22,$0	# E : 1st src word complete
8558ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	extql	$1,$6,$1	# U :
8658ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	or	$18,$4,$18	# E : 000000CCDDAABBCC
8758ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	extqh	$5,$6,$5	# U : L U L U
881da177e4SLinus Torvalds
8958ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	and	$17,7,$6	# E : dst misalignment
9058ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	extql	$2,$6,$2	# U :
9158ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	or	$1,$5,$1	# E : 2nd src word complete
9258ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	extqh	$3,$6,$22	# U : L U L U :
9358ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky
9458ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	cmoveq	$6,$31,$22	# E : dst aligned?
9558ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	extql	$3,$6,$3	# U :
961da177e4SLinus Torvalds	addq	$20,$0,$20	# E : begin summing the words
9758ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	extqh	$23,$6,$23	# U : L U L U :
9858ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky
991da177e4SLinus Torvalds	srl	$18,16,$4	# U : 0000000000CCDDAA
10058ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	or	$2,$22,$2	# E : 1st dst word complete
1011da177e4SLinus Torvalds	zap	$19,0x3,$19	# U : <sign bits>bbaa0000
10258ed2f9cSIvan Kokshaysky	or	$3,$23,$3	# E : U L U L : 2nd dst word complete
1031da177e4SLinus Torvalds
1041da177e4SLinus Torvalds	cmpult	$20,$0,$0	# E :
1051da177e4SLinus Torvalds	addq	$20,$1,$20	# E :
1061da177e4SLinus Torvalds	zapnot	$18,0xa,$18	# U : 00000000DD00BB00
1071da177e4SLinus Torvalds	zap	$4,0xa,$4	# U : U U L L : 0000000000CC00AA
1081da177e4SLinus Torvalds
1091da177e4SLinus Torvalds	or	$18,$4,$18	# E : 00000000DDCCBBAA
1101da177e4SLinus Torvalds	nop			# E :
1111da177e4SLinus Torvalds	cmpult	$20,$1,$1	# E :
1121da177e4SLinus Torvalds	addq	$20,$2,$20	# E : U L U L
1131da177e4SLinus Torvalds
1141da177e4SLinus Torvalds	cmpult	$20,$2,$2	# E :
1151da177e4SLinus Torvalds	addq	$20,$3,$20	# E :
1161da177e4SLinus Torvalds	cmpult	$20,$3,$3	# E : (1 cycle stall on $20)
1171da177e4SLinus Torvalds	addq	$20,$18,$20	# E : U L U L (1 cycle stall on $20)
1181da177e4SLinus Torvalds
1191da177e4SLinus Torvalds	cmpult	$20,$18,$18	# E :
1201da177e4SLinus Torvalds	addq	$20,$19,$20	# E : (1 cycle stall on $20)
1211da177e4SLinus Torvalds	addq	$0,$1,$0	# E : merge the carries back into the csum
1221da177e4SLinus Torvalds	addq	$2,$3,$2	# E :
1231da177e4SLinus Torvalds
1241da177e4SLinus Torvalds	cmpult	$20,$19,$19	# E :
1251da177e4SLinus Torvalds	addq	$18,$19,$18	# E : (1 cycle stall on $19)
1261da177e4SLinus Torvalds	addq	$0,$2,$0	# E :
1271da177e4SLinus Torvalds	addq	$20,$18,$20	# E : U L U L :
1281da177e4SLinus Torvalds		/* (1 cycle stall on $18, 2 cycles on $20) */
1291da177e4SLinus Torvalds
1301da177e4SLinus Torvalds	addq	$0,$20,$0	# E :
1311da177e4SLinus Torvalds	zapnot	$0,15,$1	# U : Start folding output (1 cycle stall on $0)
1321da177e4SLinus Torvalds	nop			# E :
1331da177e4SLinus Torvalds	srl	$0,32,$0	# U : U L U L : (1 cycle stall on $0)
1341da177e4SLinus Torvalds
1351da177e4SLinus Torvalds	addq	$1,$0,$1	# E : Finished generating ulong
1361da177e4SLinus Torvalds	extwl	$1,2,$2		# U : ushort[1] (1 cycle stall on $1)
1371da177e4SLinus Torvalds	zapnot	$1,3,$0		# U : ushort[0] (1 cycle stall on $1)
1381da177e4SLinus Torvalds	extwl	$1,4,$1		# U : ushort[2] (1 cycle stall on $1)
1391da177e4SLinus Torvalds
1401da177e4SLinus Torvalds	addq	$0,$2,$0	# E
1411da177e4SLinus Torvalds	addq	$0,$1,$3	# E : Finished generating uint
1421da177e4SLinus Torvalds		/* (1 cycle stall on $0) */
1431da177e4SLinus Torvalds	extwl	$3,2,$1		# U : ushort[1] (1 cycle stall on $3)
1441da177e4SLinus Torvalds	nop			# E : L U L U
1451da177e4SLinus Torvalds
1461da177e4SLinus Torvalds	addq	$1,$3,$0	# E : Final carry
1471da177e4SLinus Torvalds	not	$0,$4		# E : complement (1 cycle stall on $0)
1481da177e4SLinus Torvalds	zapnot	$4,3,$0		# U : clear upper garbage bits
1491da177e4SLinus Torvalds		/* (1 cycle stall on $4) */
1501da177e4SLinus Torvalds	ret			# L0 : L U L U
1511da177e4SLinus Torvalds
1521da177e4SLinus Torvalds	.end csum_ipv6_magic
15300fc0e0dSAl Viro	EXPORT_SYMBOL(csum_ipv6_magic)