1173a3b01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira**-a**, **--auto** *us*
2173a3b01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira
3173a3b01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira        Set the automatic trace mode. This mode sets some commonly used options
4173a3b01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira        while debugging the system. It is equivalent to use **-T** *us* **-s** *us*
5173a3b01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira        **-t**. By default, *timerlat* tracer uses FIFO:95 for *timerlat* threads,
6173a3b01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira        thus equilavent to **-P** *f:95*.
7173a3b01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira
8df337d01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira**-p**, **--period** *us*
9df337d01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira
10df337d01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira        Set the *timerlat* tracer period in microseconds.
11df337d01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira
12df337d01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira**-i**, **--irq** *us*
13df337d01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira
14df337d01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira        Stop trace if the *IRQ* latency is higher than the argument in us.
15df337d01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira
16df337d01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira**-T**, **--thread** *us*
17df337d01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira
18df337d01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira        Stop trace if the *Thread* latency is higher than the argument in us.
19df337d01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira
20df337d01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira**-s**, **--stack** *us*
21df337d01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira
22df337d01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira        Save the stack trace at the *IRQ* if a *Thread* latency is higher than the
23df337d01SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira        argument in us.
247d0dc957SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira
257d0dc957SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira**--dma-latency** *us*
267d0dc957SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira        Set the /dev/cpu_dma_latency to *us*, aiming to bound exit from idle latencies.
277d0dc957SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira        *cyclictest* sets this value to *0* by default, use **--dma-latency** *0* to have
287d0dc957SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira        similar results.
29*61273832SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira
30*61273832SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira**-u**, **--user-threads**
31*61273832SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira
32*61273832SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira        Set timerlat to run without a workload, and then dispatches user-space workloads
33*61273832SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira        to wait on the timerlat_fd. Once the workload is awakes, it goes to sleep again
34*61273832SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira        adding so the measurement for the kernel-to-user and user-to-kernel to the tracer
35*61273832SDaniel Bristot de Oliveira        output.