11 Release Date : Thur. Nov. 07 16:30:43 PST 2007 - 2 (emaild-id:megaraidlinux@lsi.com) 3 Sumant Patro 4 Bo Yang 5 62 Current Version : 73 Older Version : 8 91. Increased MFI_POLL_TIMEOUT_SECS to 60 seconds from 10. FW may take 10 a max of 60 seconds to respond to the INIT cmd. 11 121 Release Date : Fri. Sep. 07 16:30:43 PST 2007 - 13 (emaild-id:megaraidlinux@lsi.com) 14 Sumant Patro 15 Bo Yang 16 172 Current Version : 183 Older Version : 19 201. Added module parameter "poll_mode_io" to support for "polling" 21 (reduced interrupt operation). In this mode, IO completion 22 interrupts are delayed. At the end of initiating IOs, the 23 driver schedules for cmd completion if there are pending cmds 24 to be completed. A timer-based interrupt has also been added 25 to prevent IO completion processing from being delayed 26 indefinitely in the case that no new IOs are initiated. 27 281 Release Date : Fri. Sep. 07 16:30:43 PST 2007 - 29 (emaild-id:megaraidlinux@lsi.com) 30 Sumant Patro 31 Bo Yang 32 332 Current Version : 343 Older Version : 35 361. Setting the max_sectors_per_req based on max SGL supported by the 37 FW. Prior versions calculated this value from controller info 38 (max_sectors_1, max_sectors_2). For certain controllers/FW, 39 this was resulting in a value greater than max SGL supported 40 by the FW. Issue was first reported by users running LUKS+XFS 41 with megaraid_sas. Thanks to RB for providing the logs and 42 duplication steps that helped to get to the root cause of the 43 issue. 2. Increased MFI_POLL_TIMEOUT_SECS to 60 seconds from 44 10. FW may take a max of 60 seconds to respond to the INIT 45 cmd. 46 471 Release Date : Fri. June. 15 16:30:43 PST 2007 - 48 (emaild-id:megaraidlinux@lsi.com) 49 Sumant Patro 50 Bo Yang 51 522 Current Version : 533 Older Version : 54 551. Added the megasas_reset_timer routine to intercept cmd timeout and throttle io. 56 57On Fri, 2007-03-16 at 16:44 -0600, James Bottomley wrote: 58It looks like megaraid_sas at least needs this to throttle its commands 59> as they begin to time out. The code keeps the existing transport 60> template use of eh_timed_out (and allows the transport to override the 61> host if they both have this callback). 62> 63> James 64 651 Release Date : Sat May. 12 16:30:43 PST 2007 - 66 (emaild-id:megaraidlinux@lsi.com) 67 Sumant Patro 68 Bo Yang 69 702 Current Version : 713 Older Version : 72 731. When MegaSAS driver receives reset call from OS, driver waits in reset 74routine for max 3 minutes for all pending command completion. Now driver will 75call completion routine every 5 seconds from the reset routine instead of 76waiting for depending on cmd completion from isr path. 77 781 Release Date : Mon Apr. 30 10:25:52 PST 2007 - 79 (emaild-id:megaraidlinux@lsi.com) 80 Sumant Patro 81 Bo Yang 82 832 Current Version : 843 Older Version : 85 86 1. Memory Manager for IOCTL removed for 2.6 kernels. 87 pci_alloc_consistent replaced by dma_alloc_coherent. With this 88 change there is no need of memory manager in the driver code 89 90 On Wed, 2007-02-07 at 13:30 -0800, Andrew Morton wrote: 91 > I suspect all this horror is due to stupidity in the DMA API. 92 > 93 > pci_alloc_consistent() just goes and assumes GFP_ATOMIC, whereas 94 > the caller (megasas_mgmt_fw_ioctl) would have been perfectly happy 95 > to use GFP_KERNEL. 96 > 97 > I bet this fixes it 98 99 It does, but the DMA API was expanded to cope with this exact case, so 100 use dma_alloc_coherent() directly in the megaraid code instead. The dev 101 is just &pci_dev->dev. 102 103 James <James.Bottomley@SteelEye.com> 104 105 3. SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE is not supported by FW and thus blocked by driver. 106 4. Hibernation support added 107 5. Performing diskdump while running IO in RHEL 4 was failing. Fixed. 108 1091 Release Date : Fri Feb. 09 14:36:28 PST 2007 - 110 (emaild-id:megaraidlinux@lsi.com) 111 Sumant Patro 112 Bo Yang 113 1142 Current Version : 1153 Older Version : 116 117i. Under heavy IO mid-layer prints "DRIVER_TIMEOUT" errors 118 119 The driver now waits for 10 seconds to elapse instead of 5 (as in 120 previous release) to resume IO. 121 1221 Release Date : Mon Feb. 05 11:35:24 PST 2007 - 123 (emaild-id:megaraidlinux@lsi.com) 124 Sumant Patro 125 Bo Yang 1262 Current Version : 1273 Older Version : 128 129i. Under heavy IO mid-layer prints "DRIVER_TIMEOUT" errors 130 131 Fix: The driver is now throttling IO. 132 Checks added in megasas_queue_command to know if FW is able to 133 process commands within timeout period. If number of retries 134 is 2 or greater,the driver stops sending cmd to FW temporarily. IO is 135 resumed if pending cmd count reduces to 16 or 5 seconds has elapsed 136 from the time cmds were last sent to FW. 137 138ii. FW enables WCE bit in Mode Sense cmd for drives that are configured 139 as WriteBack. The OS may send "SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE" cmd when Logical 140 Disks are exposed with WCE=1. User is advised to enable Write Back 141 mode only when the controller has battery backup. At this time 142 Synhronize cache is not supported by the FW. Driver will short-cycle 143 the cmd and return sucess without sending down to FW. 144 1451 Release Date : Sun Jan. 14 11:21:32 PDT 2007 - 146 Sumant Patro <Sumant.Patro@lsil.com>/Bo Yang 1472 Current Version : 1483 Older Version : 149 150i. bios_param entry added in scsi_host_template that returns disk geometry 151 information. 152 1531 Release Date : Fri Oct 20 11:21:32 PDT 2006 - Sumant Patro <Sumant.Patro@lsil.com>/Bo Yang 1542 Current Version : 1553 Older Version : 156 1571. Added new memory management module to support the IOCTL memory allocation. For IOCTL we try to allocate from the memory pool created during driver initialization. If mem pool is empty then we allocate at run time. 1582. Added check in megasas_queue_command and dpc/isr routine to see if we have already declared adapter dead 159 (hw_crit_error=1). If hw_crit_error==1, now we donot accept any processing of pending cmds/accept any cmd from OS 160 1611 Release Date : Mon Oct 02 11:21:32 PDT 2006 - Sumant Patro <Sumant.Patro@lsil.com> 1622 Current Version : 1633 Older Version : 164 165i. PCI_DEVICE macro used 166 167 Convert the pci_device_id-table of the megaraid_sas-driver to the PCI_DEVICE-macro, to safe some lines. 168 169 - Henrik Kretzschmar <henne@nachtwindheim.de> 170ii. All compiler warnings removed 171iii. megasas_ctrl_info struct reverted to 3.02 release 172iv. Default value of megasas_dbg_lvl set to 0 173v. Removing in megasas_exit the sysfs entry created for megasas_dbg_lvl 174vi. In megasas_teardown_frame_pool(), cmd->frame was passed instead of 175 cmd->sense to pci_pool_free. Fixed. Bug was pointed out by 176 Eric Sesterhenn 177 1781 Release Date : Wed Sep 13 14:22:51 PDT 2006 - Sumant Patro <Sumant.Patro@lsil.com> 1792 Current Version : 1803 Older Version : 181 182i. Added Reboot notify 183ii. Reduced by 1 max cmds sent to FW from Driver to make the reply_q_sz same 184 as Max Cmds FW can support 185 1861 Release Date : Tue Aug 22 16:33:14 PDT 2006 - Sumant Patro <Sumant.Patro@lsil.com> 1872 Current Version : 1883 Older Version : 189 190i. Send stop adapter to FW & Dump pending FW cmds before declaring adapter dead. 191 New varible added to set dbg level. 192ii. Disable interrupt made as fn pointer as they are different for 1068 / 1078 193iii. Frame count optimization. Main frame can contain 2 SGE for 64 bit SGLs and 194 3 SGE for 32 bit SGL 195iv. Tasklet added for cmd completion 196v. If FW in operational state before firing INIT, now we send RESET Flag to FW instead of just READY. This is used to do soft reset. 197vi. megasas_ctrl_prop structure updated (based on FW struct) 198vii. Added print : FW now in Ready State during initialization 199 2001 Release Date : Sun Aug 06 22:49:52 PDT 2006 - Sumant Patro <Sumant.Patro@lsil.com> 2012 Current Version : 2023 Older Version : 203 204i. Added FW tranistion state for Hotplug scenario 205 2061 Release Date : Sun May 14 22:49:52 PDT 2006 - Sumant Patro <Sumant.Patro@lsil.com> 2072 Current Version : 2083 Older Version : 209 210i. Added support for ZCR controller. 211 212 New device id 0x413 added. 213 214ii. Bug fix : Disable controller interrupt before firing INIT cmd to FW. 215 216 Interrupt is enabled after required initialization is over. 217 This is done to ensure that driver is ready to handle interrupts when 218 it is generated by the controller. 219 220 -Sumant Patro <Sumant.Patro@lsil.com> 221 2221 Release Date : Wed Feb 03 14:31:44 PST 2006 - Sumant Patro <Sumant.Patro@lsil.com> 2232 Current Version : 2243 Older Version : 225 226i. Remove superflous instance_lock 227 228 gets rid of the otherwise superflous instance_lock and avoids an unsave 229 unsynchronized access in the error handler. 230 231 - Christoph Hellwig <hch@lst.de> 232 233 2341 Release Date : Wed Feb 03 14:31:44 PST 2006 - Sumant Patro <Sumant.Patro@lsil.com> 2352 Current Version : 2363 Older Version : 237 238i. Support for 1078 type (ppc IOP) controller, device id : 0x60 added. 239 During initialization, depending on the device id, the template members 240 are initialized with function pointers specific to the ppc or 241 xscale controllers. 242 243 -Sumant Patro <Sumant.Patro@lsil.com> 244 2451 Release Date : Fri Feb 03 14:16:25 PST 2006 - Sumant Patro 246 <Sumant.Patro@lsil.com> 2472 Current Version : 2483 Older Version : 249i. Register 16 byte CDB capability with scsi midlayer 250 251 "Ths patch properly registers the 16 byte command length capability of the 252 megaraid_sas controlled hardware with the scsi midlayer. All megaraid_sas 253 hardware supports 16 byte CDB's." 254 255 -Joshua Giles <joshua_giles@dell.com> 256 2571 Release Date : Mon Jan 23 14:09:01 PST 2006 - Sumant Patro <Sumant.Patro@lsil.com> 2582 Current Version : 2593 Older Version : 260 261i. New template defined to represent each family of controllers (identified by processor used). 262 The template will have defintions that will be initialised to appropritae values for a specific family of controllers. The template definition has four function pointers. During driver initialisation the function pointers will be set based on the controller family type. This change is done to support new controllers that has different processors and thus different register set. 263 264 -Sumant Patro <Sumant.Patro@lsil.com> 265 2661 Release Date : Mon Dec 19 14:36:26 PST 2005 - Sumant Patro <Sumant.Patro@lsil.com> 2672 Current Version : 2683 Older Version : 269 270i. Code reorganized to remove code duplication in megasas_build_cmd. 271 272 "There's a lot of duplicate code megasas_build_cmd. Move that out of the different codepathes and merge the reminder of megasas_build_cmd into megasas_queue_command" 273 274 - Christoph Hellwig <hch@lst.de> 275 276ii. Defined MEGASAS_IOC_FIRMWARE32 for code paths that handles 32 bit applications in 64 bit systems. 277 278 "MEGASAS_IOC_FIRMWARE can't be redefined if CONFIG_COMPAT is set, we need to define a MEGASAS_IOC_FIRMWARE32 define so native binaries continue to work" 279 280 - Christoph Hellwig <hch@lst.de> 281