1fae35da4SMiguel OjedaThis is the full-colour version of the currently unofficial Linux logo
2fae35da4SMiguel Ojeda("currently unofficial" just means that there has been no paperwork and
3fae35da4SMiguel Ojedathat I have not really announced it yet).  It was created by Larry Ewing,
4fae35da4SMiguel Ojedaand is freely usable as long as you acknowledge Larry as the original
5fae35da4SMiguel Ojedaartist.
6fae35da4SMiguel Ojeda
7fae35da4SMiguel OjedaNote that there are black-and-white versions of this available that
8fae35da4SMiguel Ojedascale down to smaller sizes and are better for letterheads or whatever
9fae35da4SMiguel Ojedayou want to use it for: for the full range of logos take a look at
10fae35da4SMiguel OjedaLarry's web-page:
11fae35da4SMiguel Ojeda
12fae35da4SMiguel Ojeda	https://www.isc.tamu.edu/~lewing/linux/
13fae35da4SMiguel Ojeda
14*6199e138SMiguel OjedaThe SVG version was re-illustrated in vector by Garrett LeSage and
15*6199e138SMiguel Ojedarefined and cleaned up by IFo Hancroft. It is also freely usable
16*6199e138SMiguel Ojedaas long as you acknowledge Larry, Garrett and IFo as above.
17*6199e138SMiguel Ojeda
18*6199e138SMiguel OjedaThere are also black-and-white and inverted vector versions at
19*6199e138SMiguel OjedaGarrett's repository:
20*6199e138SMiguel Ojeda
21*6199e138SMiguel Ojeda	https://github.com/garrett/Tux