1299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
2299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
3299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab=====
4299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehabspufs
5299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab=====
6299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
7299cd274SMauro Carvalho ChehabName
8299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab====
9299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
10299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       spufs - the SPU file system
11299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
12299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
13299cd274SMauro Carvalho ChehabDescription
14299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab===========
15299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
16299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       The SPU file system is used on PowerPC machines that implement the Cell
17299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       Broadband Engine Architecture in order to access Synergistic  Processor
18299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       Units (SPUs).
19299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
20299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       The file system provides a name space similar to posix shared memory or
21299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       message queues. Users that have write permissions on  the  file  system
22299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       can use spu_create(2) to establish SPU contexts in the spufs root.
23299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
24299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       Every SPU context is represented by a directory containing a predefined
25299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       set of files. These files can be used for manipulating the state of the
26299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       logical SPU. Users can change permissions on those files, but not actu-
27299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       ally add or remove files.
28299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
29299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
30299cd274SMauro Carvalho ChehabMount Options
31299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab=============
32299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
33299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       uid=<uid>
34299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              set the user owning the mount point, the default is 0 (root).
35299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
36299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       gid=<gid>
37299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              set the group owning the mount point, the default is 0 (root).
38299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
39299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
40299cd274SMauro Carvalho ChehabFiles
41299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab=====
42299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
43299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       The files in spufs mostly follow the standard behavior for regular sys-
44299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       tem  calls like read(2) or write(2), but often support only a subset of
45299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       the operations supported on regular file systems. This list details the
46299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       supported  operations  and  the  deviations  from  the behaviour in the
47299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       respective man pages.
48299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
49299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       All files that support the read(2) operation also support readv(2)  and
50299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       all  files  that support the write(2) operation also support writev(2).
51299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       All files support the access(2) and stat(2) family of  operations,  but
52299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       only  the  st_mode,  st_nlink,  st_uid and st_gid fields of struct stat
53299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       contain reliable information.
54299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
55299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       All files support the chmod(2)/fchmod(2) and chown(2)/fchown(2)  opera-
56299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       tions,  but  will  not be able to grant permissions that contradict the
57299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       possible operations, e.g. read access on the wbox file.
58299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
59299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       The current set of files is:
60299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
61299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
62299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab   /mem
63299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       the contents of the local storage memory  of  the  SPU.   This  can  be
64299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       accessed  like  a regular shared memory file and contains both code and
65299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       data in the address space of the SPU.  The possible  operations  on  an
66299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       open mem file are:
67299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
68299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       read(2), pread(2), write(2), pwrite(2), lseek(2)
69299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              These  operate  as  documented, with the exception that seek(2),
70299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              write(2) and pwrite(2) are not supported beyond the end  of  the
71299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              file. The file size is the size of the local storage of the SPU,
72299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              which normally is 256 kilobytes.
73299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
74299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       mmap(2)
75299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              Mapping mem into the process address space gives access  to  the
76299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              SPU  local  storage  within  the  process  address  space.  Only
77299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              MAP_SHARED mappings are allowed.
78299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
79299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
80299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab   /mbox
81299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       The first SPU to CPU communication mailbox. This file is read-only  and
82299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       can  be  read  in  units of 32 bits.  The file can only be used in non-
83299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       blocking mode and it even poll() will not block on  it.   The  possible
84299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       operations on an open mbox file are:
85299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
86299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       read(2)
87299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              If  a  count smaller than four is requested, read returns -1 and
88299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              sets errno to EINVAL.  If there is no data available in the mail
89299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              box,  the  return  value  is set to -1 and errno becomes EAGAIN.
90299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              When data has been read successfully, four bytes are  placed  in
91299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              the data buffer and the value four is returned.
92299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
93299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
94299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab   /ibox
95299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       The  second  SPU  to CPU communication mailbox. This file is similar to
96299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       the first mailbox file, but can be read in blocking I/O mode,  and  the
97299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       poll  family of system calls can be used to wait for it.  The  possible
98299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       operations on an open ibox file are:
99299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
100299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       read(2)
101299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              If a count smaller than four is requested, read returns  -1  and
102299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              sets errno to EINVAL.  If there is no data available in the mail
103299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              box and the file descriptor has been opened with O_NONBLOCK, the
104299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              return value is set to -1 and errno becomes EAGAIN.
105299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
106299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              If  there  is  no  data  available  in the mail box and the file
107299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              descriptor has been opened without  O_NONBLOCK,  the  call  will
108299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              block  until  the  SPU  writes to its interrupt mailbox channel.
109299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              When data has been read successfully, four bytes are  placed  in
110299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              the data buffer and the value four is returned.
111299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
112299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       poll(2)
113299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              Poll  on  the  ibox  file returns (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM) whenever
114299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              data is available for reading.
115299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
116299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
117299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab   /wbox
118299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       The CPU to SPU communation mailbox. It is write-only and can be written
119299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       in  units  of  32  bits. If the mailbox is full, write() will block and
120299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       poll can be used to wait for it becoming  empty  again.   The  possible
121299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       operations  on  an open wbox file are: write(2) If a count smaller than
122299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       four is requested, write returns -1 and sets errno to EINVAL.  If there
123299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       is  no space available in the mail box and the file descriptor has been
124299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       opened with O_NONBLOCK, the return value is set to -1 and errno becomes
125299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       EAGAIN.
126299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
127299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       If  there is no space available in the mail box and the file descriptor
128299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       has been opened without O_NONBLOCK, the call will block until  the  SPU
129299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       reads  from  its PPE mailbox channel.  When data has been read success-
130299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       fully, four bytes are placed in the data buffer and the value  four  is
131299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       returned.
132299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
133299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       poll(2)
134299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              Poll  on  the  ibox file returns (POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM) whenever
135299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              space is available for writing.
136299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
137299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
138299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab   /mbox_stat, /ibox_stat, /wbox_stat
139299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       Read-only files that contain the length of the current queue, i.e.  how
140299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       many  words  can  be  read  from  mbox or ibox or how many words can be
141299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       written to wbox without blocking.  The files can be read only in 4-byte
142299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       units  and  return  a  big-endian  binary integer number.  The possible
143299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       operations on an open ``*box_stat`` file are:
144299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
145299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       read(2)
146299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              If a count smaller than four is requested, read returns  -1  and
147299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              sets errno to EINVAL.  Otherwise, a four byte value is placed in
148299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              the data buffer, containing the number of elements that  can  be
149299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              read  from  (for  mbox_stat  and  ibox_stat)  or written to (for
150299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              wbox_stat) the respective mail box without blocking or resulting
151299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              in EAGAIN.
152299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
153299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
154299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab   /npc, /decr, /decr_status, /spu_tag_mask, /event_mask, /srr0
155299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       Internal  registers  of  the SPU. The representation is an ASCII string
156299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       with the numeric value of the next instruction to  be  executed.  These
157299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       can  be  used in read/write mode for debugging, but normal operation of
158299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       programs should not rely on them because access to any of  them  except
159299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       npc requires an SPU context save and is therefore very inefficient.
160299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
161299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       The contents of these files are:
162299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
163299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       =================== ===================================
164299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       npc                 Next Program Counter
165299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       decr                SPU Decrementer
166299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       decr_status         Decrementer Status
167299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       spu_tag_mask        MFC tag mask for SPU DMA
168299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       event_mask          Event mask for SPU interrupts
169299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       srr0                Interrupt Return address register
170299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       =================== ===================================
171299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
172299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
173299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       The   possible   operations   on   an   open  npc,  decr,  decr_status,
174299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       spu_tag_mask, event_mask or srr0 file are:
175299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
176299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       read(2)
177299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              When the count supplied to the read call  is  shorter  than  the
178299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              required  length for the pointer value plus a newline character,
179299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              subsequent reads from the same file descriptor  will  result  in
180299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              completing  the string, regardless of changes to the register by
181299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              a running SPU task.  When a complete string has been  read,  all
182299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              subsequent read operations will return zero bytes and a new file
183299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              descriptor needs to be opened to read the value again.
184299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
185299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       write(2)
186299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              A write operation on the file results in setting the register to
187299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              the  value  given  in  the string. The string is parsed from the
188299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              beginning to the first non-numeric character or the end  of  the
189299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              buffer.  Subsequent writes to the same file descriptor overwrite
190299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              the previous setting.
191299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
192299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
193299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab   /fpcr
194299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       This file gives access to the Floating Point Status and Control  Regis-
195299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       ter as a four byte long file. The operations on the fpcr file are:
196299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
197299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       read(2)
198299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              If  a  count smaller than four is requested, read returns -1 and
199299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              sets errno to EINVAL.  Otherwise, a four byte value is placed in
200299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              the data buffer, containing the current value of the fpcr regis-
201299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              ter.
202299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
203299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       write(2)
204299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              If a count smaller than four is requested, write returns -1  and
205299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              sets  errno  to  EINVAL.  Otherwise, a four byte value is copied
206299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              from the data buffer, updating the value of the fpcr register.
207299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
208299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
209299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab   /signal1, /signal2
210299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       The two signal notification channels of an SPU.  These  are  read-write
211299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       files  that  operate  on  a 32 bit word.  Writing to one of these files
212299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       triggers an interrupt on the SPU.  The  value  written  to  the  signal
213299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       files can be read from the SPU through a channel read or from host user
214299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       space through the file.  After the value has been read by the  SPU,  it
215299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       is  reset  to zero.  The possible operations on an open signal1 or sig-
216299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       nal2 file are:
217299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
218299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       read(2)
219299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              If a count smaller than four is requested, read returns  -1  and
220299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              sets errno to EINVAL.  Otherwise, a four byte value is placed in
221299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              the data buffer, containing the current value of  the  specified
222299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              signal notification register.
223299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
224299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       write(2)
225299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              If  a count smaller than four is requested, write returns -1 and
226299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              sets errno to EINVAL.  Otherwise, a four byte  value  is  copied
227299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              from the data buffer, updating the value of the specified signal
228299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              notification register.  The signal  notification  register  will
229299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              either be replaced with the input data or will be updated to the
230*e2815b71SRandy Dunlap              bitwise OR of the old value and the input data, depending on the
231299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              contents  of  the  signal1_type,  or  signal2_type respectively,
232299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              file.
233299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
234299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
235299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab   /signal1_type, /signal2_type
236299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       These two files change the behavior of the signal1 and signal2  notifi-
237299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       cation  files.  The  contain  a numerical ASCII string which is read as
238299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       either "1" or "0".  In mode 0 (overwrite), the  hardware  replaces  the
239299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       contents of the signal channel with the data that is written to it.  in
240299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       mode 1 (logical OR), the hardware accumulates the bits that are  subse-
241299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       quently written to it.  The possible operations on an open signal1_type
242299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       or signal2_type file are:
243299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
244299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       read(2)
245299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              When the count supplied to the read call  is  shorter  than  the
246299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              required  length  for the digit plus a newline character, subse-
247299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              quent reads from the same file descriptor will  result  in  com-
248299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              pleting  the  string.  When a complete string has been read, all
249299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              subsequent read operations will return zero bytes and a new file
250299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              descriptor needs to be opened to read the value again.
251299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
252299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       write(2)
253299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              A write operation on the file results in setting the register to
254299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              the value given in the string. The string  is  parsed  from  the
255299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              beginning  to  the first non-numeric character or the end of the
256299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              buffer.  Subsequent writes to the same file descriptor overwrite
257299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              the previous setting.
258299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
259299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
260299cd274SMauro Carvalho ChehabExamples
261299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab========
262299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       /etc/fstab entry
263299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab              none      /spu      spufs     gid=spu   0    0
264299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
265299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
266299cd274SMauro Carvalho ChehabAuthors
267299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab=======
268299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       Arnd  Bergmann  <arndb@de.ibm.com>,  Mark  Nutter <mnutter@us.ibm.com>,
269299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       Ulrich Weigand <Ulrich.Weigand@de.ibm.com>
270299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab
271299cd274SMauro Carvalho ChehabSee Also
272299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab========
273299cd274SMauro Carvalho Chehab       capabilities(7), close(2), spu_create(2), spu_run(2), spufs(7)