1* OpenPIC and its interrupt numbers on Freescale's e500/e600 cores 2 3The OpenPIC specification does not specify which interrupt source has to 4become which interrupt number. This is up to the software implementation 5of the interrupt controller. The only requirement is that every 6interrupt source has to have an unique interrupt number / vector number. 7To accomplish this the current implementation assigns the number zero to 8the first source, the number one to the second source and so on until 9all interrupt sources have their unique number. 10Usually the assigned vector number equals the interrupt number mentioned 11in the documentation for a given core / CPU. This is however not true 12for the e500 cores (MPC85XX CPUs) where the documentation distinguishes 13between internal and external interrupt sources and starts counting at 14zero for both of them. 15 16So what to write for external interrupt source X or internal interrupt 17source Y into the device tree? Here is an example: 18 19The memory map for the interrupt controller in the MPC8544[0] shows, 20that the first interrupt source starts at 0x5_0000 (PIC Register Address 21Map-Interrupt Source Configuration Registers). This source becomes the 22number zero therefore: 23 External interrupt 0 = interrupt number 0 24 External interrupt 1 = interrupt number 1 25 External interrupt 2 = interrupt number 2 26 ... 27Every interrupt number allocates 0x20 bytes register space. So to get 28its number it is sufficient to shift the lower 16bits to right by five. 29So for the external interrupt 10 we have: 30 0x0140 >> 5 = 10 31 32After the external sources, the internal sources follow. The in core I2C 33controller on the MPC8544 for instance has the internal source number 3427. Oo obtain its interrupt number we take the lower 16bits of its memory 35address (0x5_0560) and shift it right: 36 0x0560 >> 5 = 43 37 38Therefore the I2C device node for the MPC8544 CPU has to have the 39interrupt number 43 specified in the device tree. 40 41[0] MPC8544E PowerQUICCTM III, Integrated Host Processor Family Reference Manual 42 MPC8544ERM Rev. 1 10/2007 43