xref: /openbmc/linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pinctrl/st,stm32-pinctrl.yaml (revision 474be445555ba8f2e776b4b6458c310bc215f76b)
1# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 OR BSD-2-Clause)
2# Copyright (C) STMicroelectronics 2019.
3%YAML 1.2
5$id: http://devicetree.org/schemas/pinctrl/st,stm32-pinctrl.yaml#
6$schema: http://devicetree.org/meta-schemas/core.yaml#
8title: STM32 GPIO and Pin Mux/Config controller
11  - Alexandre TORGUE <alexandre.torgue@foss.st.com>
13description: |
14  STMicroelectronics's STM32 MCUs intregrate a GPIO and Pin mux/config hardware
15  controller. It controls the input/output settings on the available pins and
16  also provides ability to multiplex and configure the output of various
17  on-chip controllers onto these pads.
20  compatible:
21    enum:
22      - st,stm32f429-pinctrl
23      - st,stm32f469-pinctrl
24      - st,stm32f746-pinctrl
25      - st,stm32f769-pinctrl
26      - st,stm32h743-pinctrl
27      - st,stm32mp135-pinctrl
28      - st,stm32mp157-pinctrl
29      - st,stm32mp157-z-pinctrl
31  '#address-cells':
32    const: 1
33  '#size-cells':
34    const: 1
36  ranges: true
37  pins-are-numbered: true
38  hwlocks: true
40  interrupts:
41    maxItems: 1
43  st,syscfg:
44    description: Phandle+args to the syscon node which includes IRQ mux selection.
45    $ref: "/schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/phandle-array"
46    items:
47      - items:
48          - description: syscon node which includes IRQ mux selection
49          - description: The offset of the IRQ mux selection register
50          - description: The field mask of IRQ mux, needed if different of 0xf
52  st,package:
53    description:
54      Indicates the SOC package used.
55      More details in include/dt-bindings/pinctrl/stm32-pinfunc.h
56    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
57    enum: [1, 2, 4, 8]
60  '^gpio@[0-9a-f]*$':
61    type: object
62    additionalProperties: false
63    properties:
64      gpio-controller: true
65      '#gpio-cells':
66        const: 2
67      interrupt-controller: true
68      '#interrupt-cells':
69        const: 2
71      reg:
72        maxItems: 1
73      clocks:
74        maxItems: 1
75      resets:
76        maxItems: 1
77      gpio-line-names: true
78      gpio-ranges:
79        minItems: 1
80        maxItems: 16
81      ngpios:
82        description:
83          Number of available gpios in a bank.
84        minimum: 1
85        maximum: 16
87      st,bank-name:
88        description:
89          Should be a name string for this bank as specified in the datasheet.
90        $ref: "/schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/string"
91        enum:
92          - GPIOA
93          - GPIOB
94          - GPIOC
95          - GPIOD
96          - GPIOE
97          - GPIOF
98          - GPIOG
99          - GPIOH
100          - GPIOI
101          - GPIOJ
102          - GPIOK
103          - GPIOZ
105      st,bank-ioport:
106        description:
107          Should correspond to the EXTI IOport selection (EXTI line used
108          to select GPIOs as interrupts).
109        $ref: "/schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32"
110        minimum: 0
111        maximum: 11
113    patternProperties:
114      "^(.+-hog(-[0-9]+)?)$":
115        type: object
116        required:
117          - gpio-hog
119    required:
120      - gpio-controller
121      - '#gpio-cells'
122      - reg
123      - clocks
124      - st,bank-name
126  '-[0-9]*$':
127    type: object
128    additionalProperties: false
130    patternProperties:
131      '^pins':
132        type: object
133        additionalProperties: false
134        description: |
135          A pinctrl node should contain at least one subnode representing the
136          pinctrl group available on the machine. Each subnode will list the
137          pins it needs, and how they should be configured, with regard to muxer
138          configuration, pullups, drive, output high/low and output speed.
139        properties:
140          pinmux:
141            $ref: "/schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array"
142            description: |
143              Integer array, represents gpio pin number and mux setting.
144              Supported pin number and mux varies for different SoCs, and are
145              defined in dt-bindings/pinctrl/<soc>-pinfunc.h directly.
146              These defines are calculated as: ((port * 16 + line) << 8) | function
147              With:
148              - port: The gpio port index (PA = 0, PB = 1, ..., PK = 11)
149              - line: The line offset within the port (PA0 = 0, PA1 = 1, ..., PA15 = 15)
150              - function: The function number, can be:
151              * 0 : GPIO
152              * 1 : Alternate Function 0
153              * 2 : Alternate Function 1
154              * 3 : Alternate Function 2
155              * ...
156              * 16 : Alternate Function 15
157              * 17 : Analog
158              To simplify the usage, macro is available to generate "pinmux" field.
159              This macro is available here:
160                - include/dt-bindings/pinctrl/stm32-pinfunc.h
161              Some examples of using macro:
162               /* GPIO A9 set as alernate function 2 */
163               ... {
164                          pinmux = <STM32_PINMUX('A', 9, AF2)>;
165               };
166               /* GPIO A9 set as GPIO  */
167               ... {
168                          pinmux = <STM32_PINMUX('A', 9, GPIO)>;
169               };
170               /* GPIO A9 set as analog */
171               ... {
172                          pinmux = <STM32_PINMUX('A', 9, ANALOG)>;
173               };
175          bias-disable:
176            type: boolean
177          bias-pull-down:
178            type: boolean
179          bias-pull-up:
180            type: boolean
181          drive-push-pull:
182            type: boolean
183          drive-open-drain:
184            type: boolean
185          output-low:
186            type: boolean
187          output-high:
188            type: boolean
189          slew-rate:
190            description: |
191              0: Low speed
192              1: Medium speed
193              2: Fast speed
194              3: High speed
195            $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
196            enum: [0, 1, 2, 3]
198        required:
199          - pinmux
202  - $ref: "pinctrl.yaml#"
205  - compatible
206  - '#address-cells'
207  - '#size-cells'
208  - ranges
209  - pins-are-numbered
211additionalProperties: false
214  - |
215    #include <dt-bindings/pinctrl/stm32-pinfunc.h>
216    #include <dt-bindings/mfd/stm32f4-rcc.h>
217    //Example 1
218      pinctrl@40020000 {
219              #address-cells = <1>;
220              #size-cells = <1>;
221              compatible = "st,stm32f429-pinctrl";
222              ranges = <0 0x40020000 0x3000>;
223              pins-are-numbered;
225              gpioa: gpio@0 {
226                      gpio-controller;
227                      #gpio-cells = <2>;
228                      reg = <0x0 0x400>;
229                      resets = <&reset_ahb1 0>;
230                      clocks = <&rcc 0 STM32F4_AHB1_CLOCK(GPIOA)>;
231                      st,bank-name = "GPIOA";
232              };
233       };
235    //Example 2 (using gpio-ranges)
236      pinctrl@50020000 {
237              #address-cells = <1>;
238              #size-cells = <1>;
239              compatible = "st,stm32f429-pinctrl";
240              ranges = <0 0x50020000 0x3000>;
241              pins-are-numbered;
243              gpiob: gpio@1000 {
244                      gpio-controller;
245                      #gpio-cells = <2>;
246                      reg = <0x1000 0x400>;
247                      resets = <&reset_ahb1 0>;
248                      clocks = <&rcc 0 STM32F4_AHB1_CLOCK(GPIOB)>;
249                      st,bank-name = "GPIOB";
250                      gpio-ranges = <&pinctrl 0 0 16>;
251              };
253              gpioc: gpio@2000 {
254                      gpio-controller;
255                      #gpio-cells = <2>;
256                      reg = <0x2000 0x400>;
257                      resets = <&reset_ahb1 0>;
258                      clocks = <&rcc 0 STM32F4_AHB1_CLOCK(GPIOC)>;
259                      st,bank-name = "GPIOC";
260                      ngpios = <5>;
261                      gpio-ranges = <&pinctrl 0 16 3>,
262                                    <&pinctrl 14 30 2>;
263              };
264      };
266    //Example 3 pin groups
267      pinctrl {
268        usart1_pins_a: usart1-0 {
269                pins1 {
270                        pinmux = <STM32_PINMUX('A', 9, AF7)>;
271                        bias-disable;
272                        drive-push-pull;
273                        slew-rate = <0>;
274                };
275                pins2 {
276                        pinmux = <STM32_PINMUX('A', 10, AF7)>;
277                        bias-disable;
278                };
279        };
280    };
282    usart1 {
283                pinctrl-0 = <&usart1_pins_a>;
284                pinctrl-names = "default";
285    };