1992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
2992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
3992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox======
4992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxXArray
5992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox======
6992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
7992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox:Author: Matthew Wilcox
8992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
9992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxOverview
10992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox========
11992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
12992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxThe XArray is an abstract data type which behaves like a very large array
13992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxof pointers.  It meets many of the same needs as a hash or a conventional
14992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxresizable array.  Unlike a hash, it allows you to sensibly go to the
15992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxnext or previous entry in a cache-efficient manner.  In contrast to a
16992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxresizable array, there is no need to copy data or change MMU mappings in
17992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxorder to grow the array.  It is more memory-efficient, parallelisable
18992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxand cache friendly than a doubly-linked list.  It takes advantage of
19992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxRCU to perform lookups without locking.
20992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
21992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxThe XArray implementation is efficient when the indices used are densely
22992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxclustered; hashing the object and using the hash as the index will not
23992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxperform well.  The XArray is optimised for small indices, but still has
24992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxgood performance with large indices.  If your index can be larger than
25992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox``ULONG_MAX`` then the XArray is not the data type for you.  The most
26992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoximportant user of the XArray is the page cache.
27992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
28992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxEach non-``NULL`` entry in the array has three bits associated with
29992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxit called marks.  Each mark may be set or cleared independently of
30992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthe others.  You can iterate over entries which are marked.
31992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
32992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxNormal pointers may be stored in the XArray directly.  They must be 4-byte
33992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxaligned, which is true for any pointer returned from :c:func:`kmalloc` and
34992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox:c:func:`alloc_page`.  It isn't true for arbitrary user-space pointers,
35992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxnor for function pointers.  You can store pointers to statically allocated
36992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxobjects, as long as those objects have an alignment of at least 4.
37992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
38992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxYou can also store integers between 0 and ``LONG_MAX`` in the XArray.
39992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxYou must first convert it into an entry using :c:func:`xa_mk_value`.
40992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxWhen you retrieve an entry from the XArray, you can check whether it is
41992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxa value entry by calling :c:func:`xa_is_value`, and convert it back to
42992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxan integer by calling :c:func:`xa_to_value`.
43992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
44992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxSome users want to store tagged pointers instead of using the marks
45992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxdescribed above.  They can call :c:func:`xa_tag_pointer` to create an
46992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxentry with a tag, :c:func:`xa_untag_pointer` to turn a tagged entry
47992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxback into an untagged pointer and :c:func:`xa_pointer_tag` to retrieve
48992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthe tag of an entry.  Tagged pointers use the same bits that are used
49992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxto distinguish value entries from normal pointers, so each user must
50992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxdecide whether they want to store value entries or tagged pointers in
51992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxany particular XArray.
52992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
53992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxThe XArray does not support storing :c:func:`IS_ERR` pointers as some
54992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxconflict with value entries or internal entries.
55992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
56992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxAn unusual feature of the XArray is the ability to create entries which
57992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxoccupy a range of indices.  Once stored to, looking up any index in
58992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthe range will return the same entry as looking up any other index in
59992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthe range.  Setting a mark on one index will set it on all of them.
60992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxStoring to any index will store to all of them.  Multi-index entries can
61992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxbe explicitly split into smaller entries, or storing ``NULL`` into any
62992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxentry will cause the XArray to forget about the range.
63992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
64992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxNormal API
65992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox==========
66992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
67992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxStart by initialising an XArray, either with :c:func:`DEFINE_XARRAY`
68992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxfor statically allocated XArrays or :c:func:`xa_init` for dynamically
69992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxallocated ones.  A freshly-initialised XArray contains a ``NULL``
70992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxpointer at every index.
71992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
72992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxYou can then set entries using :c:func:`xa_store` and get entries
73992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxusing :c:func:`xa_load`.  xa_store will overwrite any entry with the
74992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxnew entry and return the previous entry stored at that index.  You can
75992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxuse :c:func:`xa_erase` instead of calling :c:func:`xa_store` with a
76992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox``NULL`` entry.  There is no difference between an entry that has never
77804dfaf0SMatthew Wilcoxbeen stored to, one that has been erased and one that has most recently
78804dfaf0SMatthew Wilcoxhad ``NULL`` stored to it.
79992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
80992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxYou can conditionally replace an entry at an index by using
81992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox:c:func:`xa_cmpxchg`.  Like :c:func:`cmpxchg`, it will only succeed if
82992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthe entry at that index has the 'old' value.  It also returns the entry
83992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxwhich was at that index; if it returns the same entry which was passed as
84992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox'old', then :c:func:`xa_cmpxchg` succeeded.
85992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
86992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxIf you want to only store a new entry to an index if the current entry
87992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxat that index is ``NULL``, you can use :c:func:`xa_insert` which
88fd9dc93eSMatthew Wilcoxreturns ``-EBUSY`` if the entry is not empty.
89992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
90992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxYou can enquire whether a mark is set on an entry by using
91992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox:c:func:`xa_get_mark`.  If the entry is not ``NULL``, you can set a mark
92992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxon it by using :c:func:`xa_set_mark` and remove the mark from an entry by
93992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxcalling :c:func:`xa_clear_mark`.  You can ask whether any entry in the
94992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxXArray has a particular mark set by calling :c:func:`xa_marked`.
95992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
96992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxYou can copy entries out of the XArray into a plain array by calling
97992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox:c:func:`xa_extract`.  Or you can iterate over the present entries in
98992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthe XArray by calling :c:func:`xa_for_each`.  You may prefer to use
99992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox:c:func:`xa_find` or :c:func:`xa_find_after` to move to the next present
100992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxentry in the XArray.
101992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
1020e9446c3SMatthew WilcoxCalling :c:func:`xa_store_range` stores the same entry in a range
1030e9446c3SMatthew Wilcoxof indices.  If you do this, some of the other operations will behave
1040e9446c3SMatthew Wilcoxin a slightly odd way.  For example, marking the entry at one index
1050e9446c3SMatthew Wilcoxmay result in the entry being marked at some, but not all of the other
1060e9446c3SMatthew Wilcoxindices.  Storing into one index may result in the entry retrieved by
1070e9446c3SMatthew Wilcoxsome, but not all of the other indices changing.
1080e9446c3SMatthew Wilcox
1094c0608f4SMatthew WilcoxSometimes you need to ensure that a subsequent call to :c:func:`xa_store`
1104c0608f4SMatthew Wilcoxwill not need to allocate memory.  The :c:func:`xa_reserve` function
111b0606fedSMatthew Wilcoxwill store a reserved entry at the indicated index.  Users of the
112b0606fedSMatthew Wilcoxnormal API will see this entry as containing ``NULL``.  If you do
113b0606fedSMatthew Wilcoxnot need to use the reserved entry, you can call :c:func:`xa_release`
114b0606fedSMatthew Wilcoxto remove the unused entry.  If another user has stored to the entry
115b0606fedSMatthew Wilcoxin the meantime, :c:func:`xa_release` will do nothing; if instead you
116b0606fedSMatthew Wilcoxwant the entry to become ``NULL``, you should use :c:func:`xa_erase`.
117b0606fedSMatthew WilcoxUsing :c:func:`xa_insert` on a reserved entry will fail.
1184c0608f4SMatthew Wilcox
119804dfaf0SMatthew WilcoxIf all entries in the array are ``NULL``, the :c:func:`xa_empty` function
120804dfaf0SMatthew Wilcoxwill return ``true``.
121804dfaf0SMatthew Wilcox
122992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxFinally, you can remove all entries from an XArray by calling
123992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox:c:func:`xa_destroy`.  If the XArray entries are pointers, you may wish
124992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxto free the entries first.  You can do this by iterating over all present
125992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxentries in the XArray using the :c:func:`xa_for_each` iterator.
126992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
127d9c48043SMatthew WilcoxAllocating XArrays
128d9c48043SMatthew Wilcox------------------
129d9c48043SMatthew Wilcox
130d9c48043SMatthew WilcoxIf you use :c:func:`DEFINE_XARRAY_ALLOC` to define the XArray, or
131d9c48043SMatthew Wilcoxinitialise it by passing ``XA_FLAGS_ALLOC`` to :c:func:`xa_init_flags`,
132d9c48043SMatthew Wilcoxthe XArray changes to track whether entries are in use or not.
133371c752dSMatthew Wilcox
1343ccaf57aSMatthew WilcoxYou can call :c:func:`xa_alloc` to store the entry at an unused index
135371c752dSMatthew Wilcoxin the XArray.  If you need to modify the array from interrupt context,
136371c752dSMatthew Wilcoxyou can use :c:func:`xa_alloc_bh` or :c:func:`xa_alloc_irq` to disable
137d9c48043SMatthew Wilcoxinterrupts while allocating the ID.
138d9c48043SMatthew Wilcox
1393ccaf57aSMatthew WilcoxUsing :c:func:`xa_store`, :c:func:`xa_cmpxchg` or :c:func:`xa_insert` will
1403ccaf57aSMatthew Wilcoxalso mark the entry as being allocated.  Unlike a normal XArray, storing
141d9c48043SMatthew Wilcox``NULL`` will mark the entry as being in use, like :c:func:`xa_reserve`.
142d9c48043SMatthew WilcoxTo free an entry, use :c:func:`xa_erase` (or :c:func:`xa_release` if
143d9c48043SMatthew Wilcoxyou only want to free the entry if it's ``NULL``).
144d9c48043SMatthew Wilcox
1453ccaf57aSMatthew WilcoxBy default, the lowest free entry is allocated starting from 0.  If you
1463ccaf57aSMatthew Wilcoxwant to allocate entries starting at 1, it is more efficient to use
1472fa044e5SMatthew Wilcox:c:func:`DEFINE_XARRAY_ALLOC1` or ``XA_FLAGS_ALLOC1``.  If you want to
1482fa044e5SMatthew Wilcoxallocate IDs up to a maximum, then wrap back around to the lowest free
1492fa044e5SMatthew WilcoxID, you can use :c:func:`xa_alloc_cyclic`.
1503ccaf57aSMatthew Wilcox
151d9c48043SMatthew WilcoxYou cannot use ``XA_MARK_0`` with an allocating XArray as this mark
152d9c48043SMatthew Wilcoxis used to track whether an entry is free or not.  The other marks are
153d9c48043SMatthew Wilcoxavailable for your use.
154371c752dSMatthew Wilcox
155992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxMemory allocation
156992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox-----------------
157992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
158371c752dSMatthew WilcoxThe :c:func:`xa_store`, :c:func:`xa_cmpxchg`, :c:func:`xa_alloc`,
159371c752dSMatthew Wilcox:c:func:`xa_reserve` and :c:func:`xa_insert` functions take a gfp_t
160371c752dSMatthew Wilcoxparameter in case the XArray needs to allocate memory to store this entry.
161992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxIf the entry is being deleted, no memory allocation needs to be performed,
162992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxand the GFP flags specified will be ignored.
163992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
164992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxIt is possible for no memory to be allocatable, particularly if you pass
165992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxa restrictive set of GFP flags.  In that case, the functions return a
166992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxspecial value which can be turned into an errno using :c:func:`xa_err`.
167992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxIf you don't need to know exactly which error occurred, using
168992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox:c:func:`xa_is_err` is slightly more efficient.
169992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
170992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxLocking
171992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox-------
172992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
173992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxWhen using the Normal API, you do not have to worry about locking.
174992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxThe XArray uses RCU and an internal spinlock to synchronise access:
175992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
176992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxNo lock needed:
177992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_empty`
178992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_marked`
179992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
180992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxTakes RCU read lock:
181992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_load`
182992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_for_each`
183992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_find`
184992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_find_after`
185992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_extract`
186992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_get_mark`
187992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
188992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxTakes xa_lock internally:
189992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_store`
19084e5acb7SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_store_bh`
19184e5acb7SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_store_irq`
192992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_insert`
193b0606fedSMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_insert_bh`
194b0606fedSMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_insert_irq`
195992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_erase`
196992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_erase_bh`
197992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_erase_irq`
198992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_cmpxchg`
19955f3f7eaSMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_cmpxchg_bh`
20055f3f7eaSMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_cmpxchg_irq`
2010e9446c3SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_store_range`
202371c752dSMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_alloc`
203371c752dSMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_alloc_bh`
204371c752dSMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_alloc_irq`
2054c0608f4SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_reserve`
2064c0608f4SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_reserve_bh`
2074c0608f4SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_reserve_irq`
208992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_destroy`
209992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_set_mark`
210992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`xa_clear_mark`
211992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
212992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxAssumes xa_lock held on entry:
213992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`__xa_store`
214992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`__xa_insert`
215992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`__xa_erase`
216992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`__xa_cmpxchg`
217371c752dSMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`__xa_alloc`
2184c0608f4SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`__xa_reserve`
219992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`__xa_set_mark`
220992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox * :c:func:`__xa_clear_mark`
221992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
222992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxIf you want to take advantage of the lock to protect the data structures
223992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthat you are storing in the XArray, you can call :c:func:`xa_lock`
224992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxbefore calling :c:func:`xa_load`, then take a reference count on the
225992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxobject you have found before calling :c:func:`xa_unlock`.  This will
226992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxprevent stores from removing the object from the array between looking
227992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxup the object and incrementing the refcount.  You can also use RCU to
228992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxavoid dereferencing freed memory, but an explanation of that is beyond
229992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthe scope of this document.
230992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
231992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxThe XArray does not disable interrupts or softirqs while modifying
232992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthe array.  It is safe to read the XArray from interrupt or softirq
233992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxcontext as the RCU lock provides enough protection.
234992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
235992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxIf, for example, you want to store entries in the XArray in process
236992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxcontext and then erase them in softirq context, you can do that this way::
237992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
238992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox    void foo_init(struct foo *foo)
239992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox    {
240992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox        xa_init_flags(&foo->array, XA_FLAGS_LOCK_BH);
241992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox    }
242992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
243992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox    int foo_store(struct foo *foo, unsigned long index, void *entry)
244992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox    {
245992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox        int err;
246992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
247992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox        xa_lock_bh(&foo->array);
248992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox        err = xa_err(__xa_store(&foo->array, index, entry, GFP_KERNEL));
249992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox        if (!err)
250992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox            foo->count++;
251992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox        xa_unlock_bh(&foo->array);
252992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox        return err;
253992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox    }
254992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
255992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox    /* foo_erase() is only called from softirq context */
256992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox    void foo_erase(struct foo *foo, unsigned long index)
257992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox    {
258992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox        xa_lock(&foo->array);
259992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox        __xa_erase(&foo->array, index);
260992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox        foo->count--;
261992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox        xa_unlock(&foo->array);
262992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox    }
263992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
264992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxIf you are going to modify the XArray from interrupt or softirq context,
265992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxyou need to initialise the array using :c:func:`xa_init_flags`, passing
266992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox``XA_FLAGS_LOCK_IRQ`` or ``XA_FLAGS_LOCK_BH``.
267992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
268992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxThe above example also shows a common pattern of wanting to extend the
269992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxcoverage of the xa_lock on the store side to protect some statistics
270992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxassociated with the array.
271992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
272992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxSharing the XArray with interrupt context is also possible, either
273992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxusing :c:func:`xa_lock_irqsave` in both the interrupt handler and process
274992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxcontext, or :c:func:`xa_lock_irq` in process context and :c:func:`xa_lock`
275992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxin the interrupt handler.  Some of the more common patterns have helper
27684e5acb7SMatthew Wilcoxfunctions such as :c:func:`xa_store_bh`, :c:func:`xa_store_irq`,
27755f3f7eaSMatthew Wilcox:c:func:`xa_erase_bh`, :c:func:`xa_erase_irq`, :c:func:`xa_cmpxchg_bh`
27855f3f7eaSMatthew Wilcoxand :c:func:`xa_cmpxchg_irq`.
279992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
280992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxSometimes you need to protect access to the XArray with a mutex because
281992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthat lock sits above another mutex in the locking hierarchy.  That does
282992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxnot entitle you to use functions like :c:func:`__xa_erase` without taking
283992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthe xa_lock; the xa_lock is used for lockdep validation and will be used
284992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxfor other purposes in the future.
285992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
286992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxThe :c:func:`__xa_set_mark` and :c:func:`__xa_clear_mark` functions are also
287992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxavailable for situations where you look up an entry and want to atomically
288992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxset or clear a mark.  It may be more efficient to use the advanced API
289992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxin this case, as it will save you from walking the tree twice.
290992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
291992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxAdvanced API
292992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox============
293992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
294992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxThe advanced API offers more flexibility and better performance at the
295992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxcost of an interface which can be harder to use and has fewer safeguards.
296992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxNo locking is done for you by the advanced API, and you are required
297992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxto use the xa_lock while modifying the array.  You can choose whether
298992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxto use the xa_lock or the RCU lock while doing read-only operations on
299992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthe array.  You can mix advanced and normal operations on the same array;
300992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxindeed the normal API is implemented in terms of the advanced API.  The
301992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxadvanced API is only available to modules with a GPL-compatible license.
302992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
303992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxThe advanced API is based around the xa_state.  This is an opaque data
304992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxstructure which you declare on the stack using the :c:func:`XA_STATE`
305992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxmacro.  This macro initialises the xa_state ready to start walking
306992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxaround the XArray.  It is used as a cursor to maintain the position
307992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxin the XArray and let you compose various operations together without
308992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxhaving to restart from the top every time.
309992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
310992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxThe xa_state is also used to store errors.  You can call
311992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox:c:func:`xas_error` to retrieve the error.  All operations check whether
312992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthe xa_state is in an error state before proceeding, so there's no need
313992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxfor you to check for an error after each call; you can make multiple
314992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxcalls in succession and only check at a convenient point.  The only
315992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxerrors currently generated by the XArray code itself are ``ENOMEM`` and
316992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox``EINVAL``, but it supports arbitrary errors in case you want to call
317992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox:c:func:`xas_set_err` yourself.
318992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
319992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxIf the xa_state is holding an ``ENOMEM`` error, calling :c:func:`xas_nomem`
320992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxwill attempt to allocate more memory using the specified gfp flags and
321992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxcache it in the xa_state for the next attempt.  The idea is that you take
322992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthe xa_lock, attempt the operation and drop the lock.  The operation
323992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxattempts to allocate memory while holding the lock, but it is more
324992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxlikely to fail.  Once you have dropped the lock, :c:func:`xas_nomem`
325992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxcan try harder to allocate more memory.  It will return ``true`` if it
326992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxis worth retrying the operation (i.e. that there was a memory error *and*
327992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxmore memory was allocated).  If it has previously allocated memory, and
328992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthat memory wasn't used, and there is no error (or some error that isn't
329992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox``ENOMEM``), then it will free the memory previously allocated.
330992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
331992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxInternal Entries
332992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox----------------
333992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
334992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxThe XArray reserves some entries for its own purposes.  These are never
335992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxexposed through the normal API, but when using the advanced API, it's
336992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxpossible to see them.  Usually the best way to handle them is to pass them
337992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxto :c:func:`xas_retry`, and retry the operation if it returns ``true``.
338992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
339992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox.. flat-table::
340992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox   :widths: 1 1 6
341992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
342992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox   * - Name
343992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox     - Test
344992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox     - Usage
345992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
346992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox   * - Node
347992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox     - :c:func:`xa_is_node`
348992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox     - An XArray node.  May be visible when using a multi-index xa_state.
349992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
350992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox   * - Sibling
351992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox     - :c:func:`xa_is_sibling`
352992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox     - A non-canonical entry for a multi-index entry.  The value indicates
353992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox       which slot in this node has the canonical entry.
354992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
355992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox   * - Retry
356992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox     - :c:func:`xa_is_retry`
357992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox     - This entry is currently being modified by a thread which has the
358992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox       xa_lock.  The node containing this entry may be freed at the end
359992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox       of this RCU period.  You should restart the lookup from the head
360992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox       of the array.
361992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
3629f14d4f1SMatthew Wilcox   * - Zero
3639f14d4f1SMatthew Wilcox     - :c:func:`xa_is_zero`
3649f14d4f1SMatthew Wilcox     - Zero entries appear as ``NULL`` through the Normal API, but occupy
3659f14d4f1SMatthew Wilcox       an entry in the XArray which can be used to reserve the index for
366d9c48043SMatthew Wilcox       future use.  This is used by allocating XArrays for allocated entries
367d9c48043SMatthew Wilcox       which are ``NULL``.
3689f14d4f1SMatthew Wilcox
369992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxOther internal entries may be added in the future.  As far as possible, they
370992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxwill be handled by :c:func:`xas_retry`.
371992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
372992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxAdditional functionality
373992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox------------------------
374992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
375992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxThe :c:func:`xas_create_range` function allocates all the necessary memory
376992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxto store every entry in a range.  It will set ENOMEM in the xa_state if
377992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxit cannot allocate memory.
378992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
379992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxYou can use :c:func:`xas_init_marks` to reset the marks on an entry
380992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxto their default state.  This is usually all marks clear, unless the
381992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxXArray is marked with ``XA_FLAGS_TRACK_FREE``, in which case mark 0 is set
382992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxand all other marks are clear.  Replacing one entry with another using
383992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox:c:func:`xas_store` will not reset the marks on that entry; if you want
384992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthe marks reset, you should do that explicitly.
385992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
386992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxThe :c:func:`xas_load` will walk the xa_state as close to the entry
387992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxas it can.  If you know the xa_state has already been walked to the
388992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxentry and need to check that the entry hasn't changed, you can use
389992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox:c:func:`xas_reload` to save a function call.
390992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
391992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxIf you need to move to a different index in the XArray, call
392992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox:c:func:`xas_set`.  This resets the cursor to the top of the tree, which
393992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxwill generally make the next operation walk the cursor to the desired
394992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxspot in the tree.  If you want to move to the next or previous index,
395992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxcall :c:func:`xas_next` or :c:func:`xas_prev`.  Setting the index does
396992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxnot walk the cursor around the array so does not require a lock to be
397992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxheld, while moving to the next or previous index does.
398992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
399992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxYou can search for the next present entry using :c:func:`xas_find`.  This
400992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxis the equivalent of both :c:func:`xa_find` and :c:func:`xa_find_after`;
401992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxif the cursor has been walked to an entry, then it will find the next
402992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxentry after the one currently referenced.  If not, it will return the
403992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxentry at the index of the xa_state.  Using :c:func:`xas_next_entry` to
404992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxmove to the next present entry instead of :c:func:`xas_find` will save
405992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxa function call in the majority of cases at the expense of emitting more
406992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxinline code.
407992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
408992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxThe :c:func:`xas_find_marked` function is similar.  If the xa_state has
409992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxnot been walked, it will return the entry at the index of the xa_state,
410992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxif it is marked.  Otherwise, it will return the first marked entry after
411992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthe entry referenced by the xa_state.  The :c:func:`xas_next_marked`
412992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxfunction is the equivalent of :c:func:`xas_next_entry`.
413992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
414992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxWhen iterating over a range of the XArray using :c:func:`xas_for_each`
415992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxor :c:func:`xas_for_each_marked`, it may be necessary to temporarily stop
416992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthe iteration.  The :c:func:`xas_pause` function exists for this purpose.
417992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxAfter you have done the necessary work and wish to resume, the xa_state
418992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxis in an appropriate state to continue the iteration after the entry
419992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxyou last processed.  If you have interrupts disabled while iterating,
420992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxthen it is good manners to pause the iteration and reenable interrupts
421992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxevery ``XA_CHECK_SCHED`` entries.
422992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
423992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxThe :c:func:`xas_get_mark`, :c:func:`xas_set_mark` and
424992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox:c:func:`xas_clear_mark` functions require the xa_state cursor to have
425992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxbeen moved to the appropriate location in the xarray; they will do
426992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxnothing if you have called :c:func:`xas_pause` or :c:func:`xas_set`
427992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoximmediately before.
428992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
429992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxYou can call :c:func:`xas_set_update` to have a callback function
430992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxcalled each time the XArray updates a node.  This is used by the page
431992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxcache workingset code to maintain its list of nodes which contain only
432992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxshadow entries.
433992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
434992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxMulti-Index Entries
435992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox-------------------
436992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
437992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxThe XArray has the ability to tie multiple indices together so that
438992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxoperations on one index affect all indices.  For example, storing into
439992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxany index will change the value of the entry retrieved from any index.
440992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxSetting or clearing a mark on any index will set or clear the mark
441992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxon every index that is tied together.  The current implementation
442992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxonly allows tying ranges which are aligned powers of two together;
443992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxeg indices 64-127 may be tied together, but 2-6 may not be.  This may
444992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxsave substantial quantities of memory; for example tying 512 entries
445992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxtogether will save over 4kB.
446992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
447992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxYou can create a multi-index entry by using :c:func:`XA_STATE_ORDER`
448992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxor :c:func:`xas_set_order` followed by a call to :c:func:`xas_store`.
449992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxCalling :c:func:`xas_load` with a multi-index xa_state will walk the
450992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxxa_state to the right location in the tree, but the return value is not
451992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxmeaningful, potentially being an internal entry or ``NULL`` even when there
452992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxis an entry stored within the range.  Calling :c:func:`xas_find_conflict`
453992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxwill return the first entry within the range or ``NULL`` if there are no
454992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxentries in the range.  The :c:func:`xas_for_each_conflict` iterator will
455992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxiterate over every entry which overlaps the specified range.
456992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
457992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxIf :c:func:`xas_load` encounters a multi-index entry, the xa_index
458992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxin the xa_state will not be changed.  When iterating over an XArray
459992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxor calling :c:func:`xas_find`, if the initial index is in the middle
460992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxof a multi-index entry, it will not be altered.  Subsequent calls
461992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxor iterations will move the index to the first index in the range.
462992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxEach entry will only be returned once, no matter how many indices it
463992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxoccupies.
464992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
465992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxUsing :c:func:`xas_next` or :c:func:`xas_prev` with a multi-index xa_state
466992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxis not supported.  Using either of these functions on a multi-index entry
467992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxwill reveal sibling entries; these should be skipped over by the caller.
468992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
469992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxStoring ``NULL`` into any index of a multi-index entry will set the entry
470992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxat every index to ``NULL`` and dissolve the tie.  Splitting a multi-index
471992a8e60SMatthew Wilcoxentry into entries occupying smaller ranges is not yet supported.
472992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
473992a8e60SMatthew WilcoxFunctions and structures
474992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox========================
475992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox
476992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox.. kernel-doc:: include/linux/xarray.h
477992a8e60SMatthew Wilcox.. kernel-doc:: lib/xarray.c