1*e4624435SJonathan Corbet=====================
2*e4624435SJonathan CorbetBooting AArch64 Linux
3*e4624435SJonathan Corbet=====================
4*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
5*e4624435SJonathan CorbetAuthor: Will Deacon <will.deacon@arm.com>
6*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
7*e4624435SJonathan CorbetDate  : 07 September 2012
8*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
9*e4624435SJonathan CorbetThis document is based on the ARM booting document by Russell King and
10*e4624435SJonathan Corbetis relevant to all public releases of the AArch64 Linux kernel.
11*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
12*e4624435SJonathan CorbetThe AArch64 exception model is made up of a number of exception levels
13*e4624435SJonathan Corbet(EL0 - EL3), with EL0, EL1 and EL2 having a secure and a non-secure
14*e4624435SJonathan Corbetcounterpart.  EL2 is the hypervisor level, EL3 is the highest priority
15*e4624435SJonathan Corbetlevel and exists only in secure mode. Both are architecturally optional.
16*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
17*e4624435SJonathan CorbetFor the purposes of this document, we will use the term `boot loader`
18*e4624435SJonathan Corbetsimply to define all software that executes on the CPU(s) before control
19*e4624435SJonathan Corbetis passed to the Linux kernel.  This may include secure monitor and
20*e4624435SJonathan Corbethypervisor code, or it may just be a handful of instructions for
21*e4624435SJonathan Corbetpreparing a minimal boot environment.
22*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
23*e4624435SJonathan CorbetEssentially, the boot loader should provide (as a minimum) the
24*e4624435SJonathan Corbetfollowing:
25*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
26*e4624435SJonathan Corbet1. Setup and initialise the RAM
27*e4624435SJonathan Corbet2. Setup the device tree
28*e4624435SJonathan Corbet3. Decompress the kernel image
29*e4624435SJonathan Corbet4. Call the kernel image
30*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
31*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
32*e4624435SJonathan Corbet1. Setup and initialise RAM
33*e4624435SJonathan Corbet---------------------------
34*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
35*e4624435SJonathan CorbetRequirement: MANDATORY
36*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
37*e4624435SJonathan CorbetThe boot loader is expected to find and initialise all RAM that the
38*e4624435SJonathan Corbetkernel will use for volatile data storage in the system.  It performs
39*e4624435SJonathan Corbetthis in a machine dependent manner.  (It may use internal algorithms
40*e4624435SJonathan Corbetto automatically locate and size all RAM, or it may use knowledge of
41*e4624435SJonathan Corbetthe RAM in the machine, or any other method the boot loader designer
42*e4624435SJonathan Corbetsees fit.)
43*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
44*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
45*e4624435SJonathan Corbet2. Setup the device tree
46*e4624435SJonathan Corbet-------------------------
47*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
48*e4624435SJonathan CorbetRequirement: MANDATORY
49*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
50*e4624435SJonathan CorbetThe device tree blob (dtb) must be placed on an 8-byte boundary and must
51*e4624435SJonathan Corbetnot exceed 2 megabytes in size. Since the dtb will be mapped cacheable
52*e4624435SJonathan Corbetusing blocks of up to 2 megabytes in size, it must not be placed within
53*e4624435SJonathan Corbetany 2M region which must be mapped with any specific attributes.
54*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
55*e4624435SJonathan CorbetNOTE: versions prior to v4.2 also require that the DTB be placed within
56*e4624435SJonathan Corbetthe 512 MB region starting at text_offset bytes below the kernel Image.
57*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
58*e4624435SJonathan Corbet3. Decompress the kernel image
59*e4624435SJonathan Corbet------------------------------
60*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
61*e4624435SJonathan CorbetRequirement: OPTIONAL
62*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
63*e4624435SJonathan CorbetThe AArch64 kernel does not currently provide a decompressor and
64*e4624435SJonathan Corbettherefore requires decompression (gzip etc.) to be performed by the boot
65*e4624435SJonathan Corbetloader if a compressed Image target (e.g. Image.gz) is used.  For
66*e4624435SJonathan Corbetbootloaders that do not implement this requirement, the uncompressed
67*e4624435SJonathan CorbetImage target is available instead.
68*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
69*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
70*e4624435SJonathan Corbet4. Call the kernel image
71*e4624435SJonathan Corbet------------------------
72*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
73*e4624435SJonathan CorbetRequirement: MANDATORY
74*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
75*e4624435SJonathan CorbetThe decompressed kernel image contains a 64-byte header as follows::
76*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
77*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  u32 code0;			/* Executable code */
78*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  u32 code1;			/* Executable code */
79*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  u64 text_offset;		/* Image load offset, little endian */
80*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  u64 image_size;		/* Effective Image size, little endian */
81*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  u64 flags;			/* kernel flags, little endian */
82*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  u64 res2	= 0;		/* reserved */
83*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  u64 res3	= 0;		/* reserved */
84*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  u64 res4	= 0;		/* reserved */
85*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  u32 magic	= 0x644d5241;	/* Magic number, little endian, "ARM\x64" */
86*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  u32 res5;			/* reserved (used for PE COFF offset) */
87*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
88*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
89*e4624435SJonathan CorbetHeader notes:
90*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
91*e4624435SJonathan Corbet- As of v3.17, all fields are little endian unless stated otherwise.
92*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
93*e4624435SJonathan Corbet- code0/code1 are responsible for branching to stext.
94*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
95*e4624435SJonathan Corbet- when booting through EFI, code0/code1 are initially skipped.
96*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  res5 is an offset to the PE header and the PE header has the EFI
97*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  entry point (efi_stub_entry).  When the stub has done its work, it
98*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  jumps to code0 to resume the normal boot process.
99*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
100*e4624435SJonathan Corbet- Prior to v3.17, the endianness of text_offset was not specified.  In
101*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  these cases image_size is zero and text_offset is 0x80000 in the
102*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  endianness of the kernel.  Where image_size is non-zero image_size is
103*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  little-endian and must be respected.  Where image_size is zero,
104*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  text_offset can be assumed to be 0x80000.
105*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
106*e4624435SJonathan Corbet- The flags field (introduced in v3.17) is a little-endian 64-bit field
107*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  composed as follows:
108*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
109*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  ============= ===============================================================
110*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  Bit 0		Kernel endianness.  1 if BE, 0 if LE.
111*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  Bit 1-2	Kernel Page size.
112*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
113*e4624435SJonathan Corbet			* 0 - Unspecified.
114*e4624435SJonathan Corbet			* 1 - 4K
115*e4624435SJonathan Corbet			* 2 - 16K
116*e4624435SJonathan Corbet			* 3 - 64K
117*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  Bit 3		Kernel physical placement
118*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
119*e4624435SJonathan Corbet			0
120*e4624435SJonathan Corbet			  2MB aligned base should be as close as possible
121*e4624435SJonathan Corbet			  to the base of DRAM, since memory below it is not
122*e4624435SJonathan Corbet			  accessible via the linear mapping
123*e4624435SJonathan Corbet			1
124*e4624435SJonathan Corbet			  2MB aligned base such that all image_size bytes
125*e4624435SJonathan Corbet			  counted from the start of the image are within
126*e4624435SJonathan Corbet			  the 48-bit addressable range of physical memory
127*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  Bits 4-63	Reserved.
128*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  ============= ===============================================================
129*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
130*e4624435SJonathan Corbet- When image_size is zero, a bootloader should attempt to keep as much
131*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  memory as possible free for use by the kernel immediately after the
132*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  end of the kernel image. The amount of space required will vary
133*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  depending on selected features, and is effectively unbound.
134*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
135*e4624435SJonathan CorbetThe Image must be placed text_offset bytes from a 2MB aligned base
136*e4624435SJonathan Corbetaddress anywhere in usable system RAM and called there. The region
137*e4624435SJonathan Corbetbetween the 2 MB aligned base address and the start of the image has no
138*e4624435SJonathan Corbetspecial significance to the kernel, and may be used for other purposes.
139*e4624435SJonathan CorbetAt least image_size bytes from the start of the image must be free for
140*e4624435SJonathan Corbetuse by the kernel.
141*e4624435SJonathan CorbetNOTE: versions prior to v4.6 cannot make use of memory below the
142*e4624435SJonathan Corbetphysical offset of the Image so it is recommended that the Image be
143*e4624435SJonathan Corbetplaced as close as possible to the start of system RAM.
144*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
145*e4624435SJonathan CorbetIf an initrd/initramfs is passed to the kernel at boot, it must reside
146*e4624435SJonathan Corbetentirely within a 1 GB aligned physical memory window of up to 32 GB in
147*e4624435SJonathan Corbetsize that fully covers the kernel Image as well.
148*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
149*e4624435SJonathan CorbetAny memory described to the kernel (even that below the start of the
150*e4624435SJonathan Corbetimage) which is not marked as reserved from the kernel (e.g., with a
151*e4624435SJonathan Corbetmemreserve region in the device tree) will be considered as available to
152*e4624435SJonathan Corbetthe kernel.
153*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
154*e4624435SJonathan CorbetBefore jumping into the kernel, the following conditions must be met:
155*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
156*e4624435SJonathan Corbet- Quiesce all DMA capable devices so that memory does not get
157*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  corrupted by bogus network packets or disk data.  This will save
158*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  you many hours of debug.
159*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
160*e4624435SJonathan Corbet- Primary CPU general-purpose register settings:
161*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
162*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - x0 = physical address of device tree blob (dtb) in system RAM.
163*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - x1 = 0 (reserved for future use)
164*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - x2 = 0 (reserved for future use)
165*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - x3 = 0 (reserved for future use)
166*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
167*e4624435SJonathan Corbet- CPU mode
168*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
169*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  All forms of interrupts must be masked in PSTATE.DAIF (Debug, SError,
170*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  IRQ and FIQ).
171*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  The CPU must be in non-secure state, either in EL2 (RECOMMENDED in order
172*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  to have access to the virtualisation extensions), or in EL1.
173*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
174*e4624435SJonathan Corbet- Caches, MMUs
175*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
176*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  The MMU must be off.
177*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
178*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  The instruction cache may be on or off, and must not hold any stale
179*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  entries corresponding to the loaded kernel image.
180*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
181*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  The address range corresponding to the loaded kernel image must be
182*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  cleaned to the PoC. In the presence of a system cache or other
183*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  coherent masters with caches enabled, this will typically require
184*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  cache maintenance by VA rather than set/way operations.
185*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  System caches which respect the architected cache maintenance by VA
186*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  operations must be configured and may be enabled.
187*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  System caches which do not respect architected cache maintenance by VA
188*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  operations (not recommended) must be configured and disabled.
189*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
190*e4624435SJonathan Corbet- Architected timers
191*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
192*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  CNTFRQ must be programmed with the timer frequency and CNTVOFF must
193*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  be programmed with a consistent value on all CPUs.  If entering the
194*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  kernel at EL1, CNTHCTL_EL2 must have EL1PCTEN (bit 0) set where
195*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  available.
196*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
197*e4624435SJonathan Corbet- Coherency
198*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
199*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  All CPUs to be booted by the kernel must be part of the same coherency
200*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  domain on entry to the kernel.  This may require IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED
201*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  initialisation to enable the receiving of maintenance operations on
202*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  each CPU.
203*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
204*e4624435SJonathan Corbet- System registers
205*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
206*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  All writable architected system registers at or below the exception
207*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  level where the kernel image will be entered must be initialised by
208*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  software at a higher exception level to prevent execution in an UNKNOWN
209*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  state.
210*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
211*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  For all systems:
212*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If EL3 is present:
213*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
214*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - SCR_EL3.FIQ must have the same value across all CPUs the kernel is
215*e4624435SJonathan Corbet      executing on.
216*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - The value of SCR_EL3.FIQ must be the same as the one present at boot
217*e4624435SJonathan Corbet      time whenever the kernel is executing.
218*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
219*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If EL3 is present and the kernel is entered at EL2:
220*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
221*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - SCR_EL3.HCE (bit 8) must be initialised to 0b1.
222*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
223*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  For systems with a GICv3 interrupt controller to be used in v3 mode:
224*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If EL3 is present:
225*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
226*e4624435SJonathan Corbet      - ICC_SRE_EL3.Enable (bit 3) must be initialised to 0b1.
227*e4624435SJonathan Corbet      - ICC_SRE_EL3.SRE (bit 0) must be initialised to 0b1.
228*e4624435SJonathan Corbet      - ICC_CTLR_EL3.PMHE (bit 6) must be set to the same value across
229*e4624435SJonathan Corbet        all CPUs the kernel is executing on, and must stay constant
230*e4624435SJonathan Corbet        for the lifetime of the kernel.
231*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
232*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If the kernel is entered at EL1:
233*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
234*e4624435SJonathan Corbet      - ICC.SRE_EL2.Enable (bit 3) must be initialised to 0b1
235*e4624435SJonathan Corbet      - ICC_SRE_EL2.SRE (bit 0) must be initialised to 0b1.
236*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
237*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - The DT or ACPI tables must describe a GICv3 interrupt controller.
238*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
239*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  For systems with a GICv3 interrupt controller to be used in
240*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  compatibility (v2) mode:
241*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
242*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If EL3 is present:
243*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
244*e4624435SJonathan Corbet      ICC_SRE_EL3.SRE (bit 0) must be initialised to 0b0.
245*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
246*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If the kernel is entered at EL1:
247*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
248*e4624435SJonathan Corbet      ICC_SRE_EL2.SRE (bit 0) must be initialised to 0b0.
249*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
250*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - The DT or ACPI tables must describe a GICv2 interrupt controller.
251*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
252*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  For CPUs with pointer authentication functionality:
253*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
254*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If EL3 is present:
255*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
256*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - SCR_EL3.APK (bit 16) must be initialised to 0b1
257*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - SCR_EL3.API (bit 17) must be initialised to 0b1
258*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
259*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If the kernel is entered at EL1:
260*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
261*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - HCR_EL2.APK (bit 40) must be initialised to 0b1
262*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - HCR_EL2.API (bit 41) must be initialised to 0b1
263*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
264*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  For CPUs with Activity Monitors Unit v1 (AMUv1) extension present:
265*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
266*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If EL3 is present:
267*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
268*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - CPTR_EL3.TAM (bit 30) must be initialised to 0b0
269*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - CPTR_EL2.TAM (bit 30) must be initialised to 0b0
270*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - AMCNTENSET0_EL0 must be initialised to 0b1111
271*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - AMCNTENSET1_EL0 must be initialised to a platform specific value
272*e4624435SJonathan Corbet      having 0b1 set for the corresponding bit for each of the auxiliary
273*e4624435SJonathan Corbet      counters present.
274*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
275*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If the kernel is entered at EL1:
276*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
277*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - AMCNTENSET0_EL0 must be initialised to 0b1111
278*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - AMCNTENSET1_EL0 must be initialised to a platform specific value
279*e4624435SJonathan Corbet      having 0b1 set for the corresponding bit for each of the auxiliary
280*e4624435SJonathan Corbet      counters present.
281*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
282*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  For CPUs with the Fine Grained Traps (FEAT_FGT) extension present:
283*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
284*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If EL3 is present and the kernel is entered at EL2:
285*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
286*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - SCR_EL3.FGTEn (bit 27) must be initialised to 0b1.
287*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
288*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  For CPUs with support for HCRX_EL2 (FEAT_HCX) present:
289*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
290*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If EL3 is present and the kernel is entered at EL2:
291*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
292*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - SCR_EL3.HXEn (bit 38) must be initialised to 0b1.
293*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
294*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  For CPUs with Advanced SIMD and floating point support:
295*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
296*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If EL3 is present:
297*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
298*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - CPTR_EL3.TFP (bit 10) must be initialised to 0b0.
299*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
300*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If EL2 is present and the kernel is entered at EL1:
301*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
302*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - CPTR_EL2.TFP (bit 10) must be initialised to 0b0.
303*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
304*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  For CPUs with the Scalable Vector Extension (FEAT_SVE) present:
305*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
306*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - if EL3 is present:
307*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
308*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - CPTR_EL3.EZ (bit 8) must be initialised to 0b1.
309*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
310*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - ZCR_EL3.LEN must be initialised to the same value for all CPUs the
311*e4624435SJonathan Corbet      kernel is executed on.
312*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
313*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If the kernel is entered at EL1 and EL2 is present:
314*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
315*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - CPTR_EL2.TZ (bit 8) must be initialised to 0b0.
316*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
317*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - CPTR_EL2.ZEN (bits 17:16) must be initialised to 0b11.
318*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
319*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - ZCR_EL2.LEN must be initialised to the same value for all CPUs the
320*e4624435SJonathan Corbet      kernel will execute on.
321*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
322*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  For CPUs with the Scalable Matrix Extension (FEAT_SME):
323*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
324*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If EL3 is present:
325*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
326*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - CPTR_EL3.ESM (bit 12) must be initialised to 0b1.
327*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
328*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - SCR_EL3.EnTP2 (bit 41) must be initialised to 0b1.
329*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
330*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - SMCR_EL3.LEN must be initialised to the same value for all CPUs the
331*e4624435SJonathan Corbet      kernel will execute on.
332*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
333*e4624435SJonathan Corbet - If the kernel is entered at EL1 and EL2 is present:
334*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
335*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - CPTR_EL2.TSM (bit 12) must be initialised to 0b0.
336*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
337*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - CPTR_EL2.SMEN (bits 25:24) must be initialised to 0b11.
338*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
339*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - SCTLR_EL2.EnTP2 (bit 60) must be initialised to 0b1.
340*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
341*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - SMCR_EL2.LEN must be initialised to the same value for all CPUs the
342*e4624435SJonathan Corbet      kernel will execute on.
343*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
344*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - HWFGRTR_EL2.nTPIDR2_EL0 (bit 55) must be initialised to 0b01.
345*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
346*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - HWFGWTR_EL2.nTPIDR2_EL0 (bit 55) must be initialised to 0b01.
347*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
348*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - HWFGRTR_EL2.nSMPRI_EL1 (bit 54) must be initialised to 0b01.
349*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
350*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - HWFGWTR_EL2.nSMPRI_EL1 (bit 54) must be initialised to 0b01.
351*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
352*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  For CPUs with the Scalable Matrix Extension FA64 feature (FEAT_SME_FA64):
353*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
354*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If EL3 is present:
355*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
356*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - SMCR_EL3.FA64 (bit 31) must be initialised to 0b1.
357*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
358*e4624435SJonathan Corbet - If the kernel is entered at EL1 and EL2 is present:
359*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
360*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - SMCR_EL2.FA64 (bit 31) must be initialised to 0b1.
361*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
362*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  For CPUs with the Memory Tagging Extension feature (FEAT_MTE2):
363*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
364*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If EL3 is present:
365*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
366*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - SCR_EL3.ATA (bit 26) must be initialised to 0b1.
367*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
368*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If the kernel is entered at EL1 and EL2 is present:
369*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
370*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - HCR_EL2.ATA (bit 56) must be initialised to 0b1.
371*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
372*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  For CPUs with the Scalable Matrix Extension version 2 (FEAT_SME2):
373*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
374*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If EL3 is present:
375*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
376*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - SMCR_EL3.EZT0 (bit 30) must be initialised to 0b1.
377*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
378*e4624435SJonathan Corbet - If the kernel is entered at EL1 and EL2 is present:
379*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
380*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - SMCR_EL2.EZT0 (bit 30) must be initialised to 0b1.
381*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
382*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  For CPUs with Memory Copy and Memory Set instructions (FEAT_MOPS):
383*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
384*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If the kernel is entered at EL1 and EL2 is present:
385*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
386*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - HCRX_EL2.MSCEn (bit 11) must be initialised to 0b1.
387*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
388*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  For CPUs with the Extended Translation Control Register feature (FEAT_TCR2):
389*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
390*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If EL3 is present:
391*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
392*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - SCR_EL3.TCR2En (bit 43) must be initialised to 0b1.
393*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
394*e4624435SJonathan Corbet - If the kernel is entered at EL1 and EL2 is present:
395*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
396*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - HCRX_EL2.TCR2En (bit 14) must be initialised to 0b1.
397*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
398*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  For CPUs with the Stage 1 Permission Indirection Extension feature (FEAT_S1PIE):
399*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
400*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If EL3 is present:
401*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
402*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - SCR_EL3.PIEn (bit 45) must be initialised to 0b1.
403*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
404*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  - If the kernel is entered at EL1 and EL2 is present:
405*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
406*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - HFGRTR_EL2.nPIR_EL1 (bit 58) must be initialised to 0b1.
407*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
408*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - HFGWTR_EL2.nPIR_EL1 (bit 58) must be initialised to 0b1.
409*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
410*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - HFGRTR_EL2.nPIRE0_EL1 (bit 57) must be initialised to 0b1.
411*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
412*e4624435SJonathan Corbet    - HFGRWR_EL2.nPIRE0_EL1 (bit 57) must be initialised to 0b1.
413*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
414*e4624435SJonathan CorbetThe requirements described above for CPU mode, caches, MMUs, architected
415*e4624435SJonathan Corbettimers, coherency and system registers apply to all CPUs.  All CPUs must
416*e4624435SJonathan Corbetenter the kernel in the same exception level.  Where the values documented
417*e4624435SJonathan Corbetdisable traps it is permissible for these traps to be enabled so long as
418*e4624435SJonathan Corbetthose traps are handled transparently by higher exception levels as though
419*e4624435SJonathan Corbetthe values documented were set.
420*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
421*e4624435SJonathan CorbetThe boot loader is expected to enter the kernel on each CPU in the
422*e4624435SJonathan Corbetfollowing manner:
423*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
424*e4624435SJonathan Corbet- The primary CPU must jump directly to the first instruction of the
425*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  kernel image.  The device tree blob passed by this CPU must contain
426*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  an 'enable-method' property for each cpu node.  The supported
427*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  enable-methods are described below.
428*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
429*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  It is expected that the bootloader will generate these device tree
430*e4624435SJonathan Corbet  properties and insert them into the blob prior to kernel entry.
431*e4624435SJonathan Corbet
432- CPUs with a "spin-table" enable-method must have a 'cpu-release-addr'
433  property in their cpu node.  This property identifies a
434  naturally-aligned 64-bit zero-initalised memory location.
436  These CPUs should spin outside of the kernel in a reserved area of
437  memory (communicated to the kernel by a /memreserve/ region in the
438  device tree) polling their cpu-release-addr location, which must be
439  contained in the reserved region.  A wfe instruction may be inserted
440  to reduce the overhead of the busy-loop and a sev will be issued by
441  the primary CPU.  When a read of the location pointed to by the
442  cpu-release-addr returns a non-zero value, the CPU must jump to this
443  value.  The value will be written as a single 64-bit little-endian
444  value, so CPUs must convert the read value to their native endianness
445  before jumping to it.
447- CPUs with a "psci" enable method should remain outside of
448  the kernel (i.e. outside of the regions of memory described to the
449  kernel in the memory node, or in a reserved area of memory described
450  to the kernel by a /memreserve/ region in the device tree).  The
451  kernel will issue CPU_ON calls as described in ARM document number ARM
452  DEN 0022A ("Power State Coordination Interface System Software on ARM
453  processors") to bring CPUs into the kernel.
455  The device tree should contain a 'psci' node, as described in
456  Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/psci.yaml.
458- Secondary CPU general-purpose register settings
460  - x0 = 0 (reserved for future use)
461  - x1 = 0 (reserved for future use)
462  - x2 = 0 (reserved for future use)
463  - x3 = 0 (reserved for future use)