1.. |struct cpufreq_policy| replace:: :c:type:`struct cpufreq_policy <cpufreq_policy>`
2.. |intel_pstate| replace:: :doc:`intel_pstate <intel_pstate>`
5CPU Performance Scaling
10 Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corp., Rafael J. Wysocki <rafael.j.wysocki@intel.com>
12The Concept of CPU Performance Scaling
15The majority of modern processors are capable of operating in a number of
16different clock frequency and voltage configurations, often referred to as
17Operating Performance Points or P-states (in ACPI terminology).  As a rule,
18the higher the clock frequency and the higher the voltage, the more instructions
19can be retired by the CPU over a unit of time, but also the higher the clock
20frequency and the higher the voltage, the more energy is consumed over a unit of
21time (or the more power is drawn) by the CPU in the given P-state.  Therefore
22there is a natural tradeoff between the CPU capacity (the number of instructions
23that can be executed over a unit of time) and the power drawn by the CPU.
25In some situations it is desirable or even necessary to run the program as fast
26as possible and then there is no reason to use any P-states different from the
27highest one (i.e. the highest-performance frequency/voltage configuration
28available).  In some other cases, however, it may not be necessary to execute
29instructions so quickly and maintaining the highest available CPU capacity for a
30relatively long time without utilizing it entirely may be regarded as wasteful.
31It also may not be physically possible to maintain maximum CPU capacity for too
32long for thermal or power supply capacity reasons or similar.  To cover those
33cases, there are hardware interfaces allowing CPUs to be switched between
34different frequency/voltage configurations or (in the ACPI terminology) to be
35put into different P-states.
37Typically, they are used along with algorithms to estimate the required CPU
38capacity, so as to decide which P-states to put the CPUs into.  Of course, since
39the utilization of the system generally changes over time, that has to be done
40repeatedly on a regular basis.  The activity by which this happens is referred
41to as CPU performance scaling or CPU frequency scaling (because it involves
42adjusting the CPU clock frequency).
45CPU Performance Scaling in Linux
48The Linux kernel supports CPU performance scaling by means of the ``CPUFreq``
49(CPU Frequency scaling) subsystem that consists of three layers of code: the
50core, scaling governors and scaling drivers.
52The ``CPUFreq`` core provides the common code infrastructure and user space
53interfaces for all platforms that support CPU performance scaling.  It defines
54the basic framework in which the other components operate.
56Scaling governors implement algorithms to estimate the required CPU capacity.
57As a rule, each governor implements one, possibly parametrized, scaling
60Scaling drivers talk to the hardware.  They provide scaling governors with
61information on the available P-states (or P-state ranges in some cases) and
62access platform-specific hardware interfaces to change CPU P-states as requested
63by scaling governors.
65In principle, all available scaling governors can be used with every scaling
66driver.  That design is based on the observation that the information used by
67performance scaling algorithms for P-state selection can be represented in a
68platform-independent form in the majority of cases, so it should be possible
69to use the same performance scaling algorithm implemented in exactly the same
70way regardless of which scaling driver is used.  Consequently, the same set of
71scaling governors should be suitable for every supported platform.
73However, that observation may not hold for performance scaling algorithms
74based on information provided by the hardware itself, for example through
75feedback registers, as that information is typically specific to the hardware
76interface it comes from and may not be easily represented in an abstract,
77platform-independent way.  For this reason, ``CPUFreq`` allows scaling drivers
78to bypass the governor layer and implement their own performance scaling
79algorithms.  That is done by the |intel_pstate| scaling driver.
82``CPUFreq`` Policy Objects
85In some cases the hardware interface for P-state control is shared by multiple
86CPUs.  That is, for example, the same register (or set of registers) is used to
87control the P-state of multiple CPUs at the same time and writing to it affects
88all of those CPUs simultaneously.
90Sets of CPUs sharing hardware P-state control interfaces are represented by
91``CPUFreq`` as |struct cpufreq_policy| objects.  For consistency,
92|struct cpufreq_policy| is also used when there is only one CPU in the given
95The ``CPUFreq`` core maintains a pointer to a |struct cpufreq_policy| object for
96every CPU in the system, including CPUs that are currently offline.  If multiple
97CPUs share the same hardware P-state control interface, all of the pointers
98corresponding to them point to the same |struct cpufreq_policy| object.
100``CPUFreq`` uses |struct cpufreq_policy| as its basic data type and the design
101of its user space interface is based on the policy concept.
104CPU Initialization
107First of all, a scaling driver has to be registered for ``CPUFreq`` to work.
108It is only possible to register one scaling driver at a time, so the scaling
109driver is expected to be able to handle all CPUs in the system.
111The scaling driver may be registered before or after CPU registration.  If
112CPUs are registered earlier, the driver core invokes the ``CPUFreq`` core to
113take a note of all of the already registered CPUs during the registration of the
114scaling driver.  In turn, if any CPUs are registered after the registration of
115the scaling driver, the ``CPUFreq`` core will be invoked to take note of them
116at their registration time.
118In any case, the ``CPUFreq`` core is invoked to take note of any logical CPU it
119has not seen so far as soon as it is ready to handle that CPU.  [Note that the
120logical CPU may be a physical single-core processor, or a single core in a
121multicore processor, or a hardware thread in a physical processor or processor
122core.  In what follows "CPU" always means "logical CPU" unless explicitly stated
123otherwise and the word "processor" is used to refer to the physical part
124possibly including multiple logical CPUs.]
126Once invoked, the ``CPUFreq`` core checks if the policy pointer is already set
127for the given CPU and if so, it skips the policy object creation.  Otherwise,
128a new policy object is created and initialized, which involves the creation of
129a new policy directory in ``sysfs``, and the policy pointer corresponding to
130the given CPU is set to the new policy object's address in memory.
132Next, the scaling driver's ``->init()`` callback is invoked with the policy
133pointer of the new CPU passed to it as the argument.  That callback is expected
134to initialize the performance scaling hardware interface for the given CPU (or,
135more precisely, for the set of CPUs sharing the hardware interface it belongs
136to, represented by its policy object) and, if the policy object it has been
137called for is new, to set parameters of the policy, like the minimum and maximum
138frequencies supported by the hardware, the table of available frequencies (if
139the set of supported P-states is not a continuous range), and the mask of CPUs
140that belong to the same policy (including both online and offline CPUs).  That
141mask is then used by the core to populate the policy pointers for all of the
142CPUs in it.
144The next major initialization step for a new policy object is to attach a
145scaling governor to it (to begin with, that is the default scaling governor
146determined by the kernel configuration, but it may be changed later
147via ``sysfs``).  First, a pointer to the new policy object is passed to the
148governor's ``->init()`` callback which is expected to initialize all of the
149data structures necessary to handle the given policy and, possibly, to add
150a governor ``sysfs`` interface to it.  Next, the governor is started by
151invoking its ``->start()`` callback.
153That callback it expected to register per-CPU utilization update callbacks for
154all of the online CPUs belonging to the given policy with the CPU scheduler.
155The utilization update callbacks will be invoked by the CPU scheduler on
156important events, like task enqueue and dequeue, on every iteration of the
157scheduler tick or generally whenever the CPU utilization may change (from the
158scheduler's perspective).  They are expected to carry out computations needed
159to determine the P-state to use for the given policy going forward and to
160invoke the scaling driver to make changes to the hardware in accordance with
161the P-state selection.  The scaling driver may be invoked directly from
162scheduler context or asynchronously, via a kernel thread or workqueue, depending
163on the configuration and capabilities of the scaling driver and the governor.
165Similar steps are taken for policy objects that are not new, but were "inactive"
166previously, meaning that all of the CPUs belonging to them were offline.  The
167only practical difference in that case is that the ``CPUFreq`` core will attempt
168to use the scaling governor previously used with the policy that became
169"inactive" (and is re-initialized now) instead of the default governor.
171In turn, if a previously offline CPU is being brought back online, but some
172other CPUs sharing the policy object with it are online already, there is no
173need to re-initialize the policy object at all.  In that case, it only is
174necessary to restart the scaling governor so that it can take the new online CPU
175into account.  That is achieved by invoking the governor's ``->stop`` and
176``->start()`` callbacks, in this order, for the entire policy.
178As mentioned before, the |intel_pstate| scaling driver bypasses the scaling
179governor layer of ``CPUFreq`` and provides its own P-state selection algorithms.
180Consequently, if |intel_pstate| is used, scaling governors are not attached to
181new policy objects.  Instead, the driver's ``->setpolicy()`` callback is invoked
182to register per-CPU utilization update callbacks for each policy.  These
183callbacks are invoked by the CPU scheduler in the same way as for scaling
184governors, but in the |intel_pstate| case they both determine the P-state to
185use and change the hardware configuration accordingly in one go from scheduler
188The policy objects created during CPU initialization and other data structures
189associated with them are torn down when the scaling driver is unregistered
190(which happens when the kernel module containing it is unloaded, for example) or
191when the last CPU belonging to the given policy in unregistered.
194Policy Interface in ``sysfs``
197During the initialization of the kernel, the ``CPUFreq`` core creates a
198``sysfs`` directory (kobject) called ``cpufreq`` under
201That directory contains a ``policyX`` subdirectory (where ``X`` represents an
202integer number) for every policy object maintained by the ``CPUFreq`` core.
203Each ``policyX`` directory is pointed to by ``cpufreq`` symbolic links
204under :file:`/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuY/` (where ``Y`` represents an integer
205that may be different from the one represented by ``X``) for all of the CPUs
206associated with (or belonging to) the given policy.  The ``policyX`` directories
207in :file:`/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq` each contain policy-specific
208attributes (files) to control ``CPUFreq`` behavior for the corresponding policy
209objects (that is, for all of the CPUs associated with them).
211Some of those attributes are generic.  They are created by the ``CPUFreq`` core
212and their behavior generally does not depend on what scaling driver is in use
213and what scaling governor is attached to the given policy.  Some scaling drivers
214also add driver-specific attributes to the policy directories in ``sysfs`` to
215control policy-specific aspects of driver behavior.
217The generic attributes under :file:`/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policyX/`
218are the following:
221	List of online CPUs belonging to this policy (i.e. sharing the hardware
222	performance scaling interface represented by the ``policyX`` policy
223	object).
226	If the platform firmware (BIOS) tells the OS to apply an upper limit to
227	CPU frequencies, that limit will be reported through this attribute (if
228	present).
230	The existence of the limit may be a result of some (often unintentional)
231	BIOS settings, restrictions coming from a service processor or another
232	BIOS/HW-based mechanisms.
234	This does not cover ACPI thermal limitations which can be discovered
235	through a generic thermal driver.
237	This attribute is not present if the scaling driver in use does not
238	support it.
241	Current frequency of the CPUs belonging to this policy as obtained from
242	the hardware (in KHz).
244	This is expected to be the frequency the hardware actually runs at.
245	If that frequency cannot be determined, this attribute should not
246	be present.
249	Maximum possible operating frequency the CPUs belonging to this policy
250	can run at (in kHz).
253	Minimum possible operating frequency the CPUs belonging to this policy
254	can run at (in kHz).
257	The time it takes to switch the CPUs belonging to this policy from one
258	P-state to another, in nanoseconds.
260	If unknown or if known to be so high that the scaling driver does not
261	work with the `ondemand`_ governor, -1 (:c:macro:`CPUFREQ_ETERNAL`)
262	will be returned by reads from this attribute.
265	List of all (online and offline) CPUs belonging to this policy.
268	List of ``CPUFreq`` scaling governors present in the kernel that can
269	be attached to this policy or (if the |intel_pstate| scaling driver is
270	in use) list of scaling algorithms provided by the driver that can be
271	applied to this policy.
273	[Note that some governors are modular and it may be necessary to load a
274	kernel module for the governor held by it to become available and be
275	listed by this attribute.]
278	Current frequency of all of the CPUs belonging to this policy (in kHz).
280	In the majority of cases, this is the frequency of the last P-state
281	requested by the scaling driver from the hardware using the scaling
282	interface provided by it, which may or may not reflect the frequency
283	the CPU is actually running at (due to hardware design and other
284	limitations).
286	Some architectures (e.g. ``x86``) may attempt to provide information
287	more precisely reflecting the current CPU frequency through this
288	attribute, but that still may not be the exact current CPU frequency as
289	seen by the hardware at the moment.
292	The scaling driver currently in use.
295	The scaling governor currently attached to this policy or (if the
296	|intel_pstate| scaling driver is in use) the scaling algorithm
297	provided by the driver that is currently applied to this policy.
299	This attribute is read-write and writing to it will cause a new scaling
300	governor to be attached to this policy or a new scaling algorithm
301	provided by the scaling driver to be applied to it (in the
302	|intel_pstate| case), as indicated by the string written to this
303	attribute (which must be one of the names listed by the
304	``scaling_available_governors`` attribute described above).
307	Maximum frequency the CPUs belonging to this policy are allowed to be
308	running at (in kHz).
310	This attribute is read-write and writing a string representing an
311	integer to it will cause a new limit to be set (it must not be lower
312	than the value of the ``scaling_min_freq`` attribute).
315	Minimum frequency the CPUs belonging to this policy are allowed to be
316	running at (in kHz).
318	This attribute is read-write and writing a string representing a
319	non-negative integer to it will cause a new limit to be set (it must not
320	be higher than the value of the ``scaling_max_freq`` attribute).
323	This attribute is functional only if the `userspace`_ scaling governor
324	is attached to the given policy.
326	It returns the last frequency requested by the governor (in kHz) or can
327	be written to in order to set a new frequency for the policy.
330Generic Scaling Governors
333``CPUFreq`` provides generic scaling governors that can be used with all
334scaling drivers.  As stated before, each of them implements a single, possibly
335parametrized, performance scaling algorithm.
337Scaling governors are attached to policy objects and different policy objects
338can be handled by different scaling governors at the same time (although that
339may lead to suboptimal results in some cases).
341The scaling governor for a given policy object can be changed at any time with
342the help of the ``scaling_governor`` policy attribute in ``sysfs``.
344Some governors expose ``sysfs`` attributes to control or fine-tune the scaling
345algorithms implemented by them.  Those attributes, referred to as governor
346tunables, can be either global (system-wide) or per-policy, depending on the
347scaling driver in use.  If the driver requires governor tunables to be
348per-policy, they are located in a subdirectory of each policy directory.
349Otherwise, they are located in a subdirectory under
350:file:`/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/`.  In either case the name of the
351subdirectory containing the governor tunables is the name of the governor
352providing them.
357When attached to a policy object, this governor causes the highest frequency,
358within the ``scaling_max_freq`` policy limit, to be requested for that policy.
360The request is made once at that time the governor for the policy is set to
361``performance`` and whenever the ``scaling_max_freq`` or ``scaling_min_freq``
362policy limits change after that.
367When attached to a policy object, this governor causes the lowest frequency,
368within the ``scaling_min_freq`` policy limit, to be requested for that policy.
370The request is made once at that time the governor for the policy is set to
371``powersave`` and whenever the ``scaling_max_freq`` or ``scaling_min_freq``
372policy limits change after that.
377This governor does not do anything by itself.  Instead, it allows user space
378to set the CPU frequency for the policy it is attached to by writing to the
379``scaling_setspeed`` attribute of that policy.
384This governor uses CPU utilization data available from the CPU scheduler.  It
385generally is regarded as a part of the CPU scheduler, so it can access the
386scheduler's internal data structures directly.
388It runs entirely in scheduler context, although in some cases it may need to
389invoke the scaling driver asynchronously when it decides that the CPU frequency
390should be changed for a given policy (that depends on whether or not the driver
391is capable of changing the CPU frequency from scheduler context).
393The actions of this governor for a particular CPU depend on the scheduling class
394invoking its utilization update callback for that CPU.  If it is invoked by the
395RT or deadline scheduling classes, the governor will increase the frequency to
396the allowed maximum (that is, the ``scaling_max_freq`` policy limit).  In turn,
397if it is invoked by the CFS scheduling class, the governor will use the
398Per-Entity Load Tracking (PELT) metric for the root control group of the
399given CPU as the CPU utilization estimate (see the `Per-entity load tracking`_
400LWN.net article for a description of the PELT mechanism).  Then, the new
401CPU frequency to apply is computed in accordance with the formula
403	f = 1.25 * ``f_0`` * ``util`` / ``max``
405where ``util`` is the PELT number, ``max`` is the theoretical maximum of
406``util``, and ``f_0`` is either the maximum possible CPU frequency for the given
407policy (if the PELT number is frequency-invariant), or the current CPU frequency
410This governor also employs a mechanism allowing it to temporarily bump up the
411CPU frequency for tasks that have been waiting on I/O most recently, called
412"IO-wait boosting".  That happens when the :c:macro:`SCHED_CPUFREQ_IOWAIT` flag
413is passed by the scheduler to the governor callback which causes the frequency
414to go up to the allowed maximum immediately and then draw back to the value
415returned by the above formula over time.
417This governor exposes only one tunable:
420	Minimum time (in microseconds) that has to pass between two consecutive
421	runs of governor computations (default: 1000 times the scaling driver's
422	transition latency).
424	The purpose of this tunable is to reduce the scheduler context overhead
425	of the governor which might be excessive without it.
427This governor generally is regarded as a replacement for the older `ondemand`_
428and `conservative`_ governors (described below), as it is simpler and more
429tightly integrated with the CPU scheduler, its overhead in terms of CPU context
430switches and similar is less significant, and it uses the scheduler's own CPU
431utilization metric, so in principle its decisions should not contradict the
432decisions made by the other parts of the scheduler.
437This governor uses CPU load as a CPU frequency selection metric.
439In order to estimate the current CPU load, it measures the time elapsed between
440consecutive invocations of its worker routine and computes the fraction of that
441time in which the given CPU was not idle.  The ratio of the non-idle (active)
442time to the total CPU time is taken as an estimate of the load.
444If this governor is attached to a policy shared by multiple CPUs, the load is
445estimated for all of them and the greatest result is taken as the load estimate
446for the entire policy.
448The worker routine of this governor has to run in process context, so it is
449invoked asynchronously (via a workqueue) and CPU P-states are updated from
450there if necessary.  As a result, the scheduler context overhead from this
451governor is minimum, but it causes additional CPU context switches to happen
452relatively often and the CPU P-state updates triggered by it can be relatively
453irregular.  Also, it affects its own CPU load metric by running code that
454reduces the CPU idle time (even though the CPU idle time is only reduced very
455slightly by it).
457It generally selects CPU frequencies proportional to the estimated load, so that
458the value of the ``cpuinfo_max_freq`` policy attribute corresponds to the load of
4591 (or 100%), and the value of the ``cpuinfo_min_freq`` policy attribute
460corresponds to the load of 0, unless when the load exceeds a (configurable)
461speedup threshold, in which case it will go straight for the highest frequency
462it is allowed to use (the ``scaling_max_freq`` policy limit).
464This governor exposes the following tunables:
467	This is how often the governor's worker routine should run, in
468	microseconds.
470	Typically, it is set to values of the order of 10000 (10 ms).  Its
471	default value is equal to the value of ``cpuinfo_transition_latency``
472	for each policy this governor is attached to (but since the unit here
473	is greater by 1000, this means that the time represented by
474	``sampling_rate`` is 1000 times greater than the transition latency by
475	default).
477	If this tunable is per-policy, the following shell command sets the time
478	represented by it to be 750 times as high as the transition latency::
480	# echo `$(($(cat cpuinfo_transition_latency) * 750 / 1000)) > ondemand/sampling_rate
483	If the estimated CPU load is above this value (in percent), the governor
484	will set the frequency to the maximum value allowed for the policy.
485	Otherwise, the selected frequency will be proportional to the estimated
486	CPU load.
489	If set to 1 (default 0), it will cause the CPU load estimation code to
490	treat the CPU time spent on executing tasks with "nice" levels greater
491	than 0 as CPU idle time.
493	This may be useful if there are tasks in the system that should not be
494	taken into account when deciding what frequency to run the CPUs at.
495	Then, to make that happen it is sufficient to increase the "nice" level
496	of those tasks above 0 and set this attribute to 1.
499	Temporary multiplier, between 1 (default) and 100 inclusive, to apply to
500	the ``sampling_rate`` value if the CPU load goes above ``up_threshold``.
502	This causes the next execution of the governor's worker routine (after
503	setting the frequency to the allowed maximum) to be delayed, so the
504	frequency stays at the maximum level for a longer time.
506	Frequency fluctuations in some bursty workloads may be avoided this way
507	at the cost of additional energy spent on maintaining the maximum CPU
508	capacity.
511	Reduction factor to apply to the original frequency target of the
512	governor (including the maximum value used when the ``up_threshold``
513	value is exceeded by the estimated CPU load) or sensitivity threshold
514	for the AMD frequency sensitivity powersave bias driver
515	(:file:`drivers/cpufreq/amd_freq_sensitivity.c`), between 0 and 1000
516	inclusive.
518	If the AMD frequency sensitivity powersave bias driver is not loaded,
519	the effective frequency to apply is given by
521		f * (1 - ``powersave_bias`` / 1000)
523	where f is the governor's original frequency target.  The default value
524	of this attribute is 0 in that case.
526	If the AMD frequency sensitivity powersave bias driver is loaded, the
527	value of this attribute is 400 by default and it is used in a different
528	way.
530	On Family 16h (and later) AMD processors there is a mechanism to get a
531	measured workload sensitivity, between 0 and 100% inclusive, from the
532	hardware.  That value can be used to estimate how the performance of the
533	workload running on a CPU will change in response to frequency changes.
535	The performance of a workload with the sensitivity of 0 (memory-bound or
536	IO-bound) is not expected to increase at all as a result of increasing
537	the CPU frequency, whereas workloads with the sensitivity of 100%
538	(CPU-bound) are expected to perform much better if the CPU frequency is
539	increased.
541	If the workload sensitivity is less than the threshold represented by
542	the ``powersave_bias`` value, the sensitivity powersave bias driver
543	will cause the governor to select a frequency lower than its original
544	target, so as to avoid over-provisioning workloads that will not benefit
545	from running at higher CPU frequencies.
550This governor uses CPU load as a CPU frequency selection metric.
552It estimates the CPU load in the same way as the `ondemand`_ governor described
553above, but the CPU frequency selection algorithm implemented by it is different.
555Namely, it avoids changing the frequency significantly over short time intervals
556which may not be suitable for systems with limited power supply capacity (e.g.
557battery-powered).  To achieve that, it changes the frequency in relatively
558small steps, one step at a time, up or down - depending on whether or not a
559(configurable) threshold has been exceeded by the estimated CPU load.
561This governor exposes the following tunables:
564	Frequency step in percent of the maximum frequency the governor is
565	allowed to set (the ``scaling_max_freq`` policy limit), between 0 and
566	100 (5 by default).
568	This is how much the frequency is allowed to change in one go.  Setting
569	it to 0 will cause the default frequency step (5 percent) to be used
570	and setting it to 100 effectively causes the governor to periodically
571	switch the frequency between the ``scaling_min_freq`` and
572	``scaling_max_freq`` policy limits.
575	Threshold value (in percent, 20 by default) used to determine the
576	frequency change direction.
578	If the estimated CPU load is greater than this value, the frequency will
579	go up (by ``freq_step``).  If the load is less than this value (and the
580	``sampling_down_factor`` mechanism is not in effect), the frequency will
581	go down.  Otherwise, the frequency will not be changed.
584	Frequency decrease deferral factor, between 1 (default) and 10
585	inclusive.
587	It effectively causes the frequency to go down ``sampling_down_factor``
588	times slower than it ramps up.
591Frequency Boost Support
597Some processors support a mechanism to raise the operating frequency of some
598cores in a multicore package temporarily (and above the sustainable frequency
599threshold for the whole package) under certain conditions, for example if the
600whole chip is not fully utilized and below its intended thermal or power budget.
602Different names are used by different vendors to refer to this functionality.
603For Intel processors it is referred to as "Turbo Boost", AMD calls it
604"Turbo-Core" or (in technical documentation) "Core Performance Boost" and so on.
605As a rule, it also is implemented differently by different vendors.  The simple
606term "frequency boost" is used here for brevity to refer to all of those
609The frequency boost mechanism may be either hardware-based or software-based.
610If it is hardware-based (e.g. on x86), the decision to trigger the boosting is
611made by the hardware (although in general it requires the hardware to be put
612into a special state in which it can control the CPU frequency within certain
613limits).  If it is software-based (e.g. on ARM), the scaling driver decides
614whether or not to trigger boosting and when to do that.
616The ``boost`` File in ``sysfs``
619This file is located under :file:`/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/` and controls
620the "boost" setting for the whole system.  It is not present if the underlying
621scaling driver does not support the frequency boost mechanism (or supports it,
622but provides a driver-specific interface for controlling it, like
625If the value in this file is 1, the frequency boost mechanism is enabled.  This
626means that either the hardware can be put into states in which it is able to
627trigger boosting (in the hardware-based case), or the software is allowed to
628trigger boosting (in the software-based case).  It does not mean that boosting
629is actually in use at the moment on any CPUs in the system.  It only means a
630permission to use the frequency boost mechanism (which still may never be used
631for other reasons).
633If the value in this file is 0, the frequency boost mechanism is disabled and
634cannot be used at all.
636The only values that can be written to this file are 0 and 1.
638Rationale for Boost Control Knob
641The frequency boost mechanism is generally intended to help to achieve optimum
642CPU performance on time scales below software resolution (e.g. below the
643scheduler tick interval) and it is demonstrably suitable for many workloads, but
644it may lead to problems in certain situations.
646For this reason, many systems make it possible to disable the frequency boost
647mechanism in the platform firmware (BIOS) setup, but that requires the system to
648be restarted for the setting to be adjusted as desired, which may not be
649practical at least in some cases.  For example:
651  1. Boosting means overclocking the processor, although under controlled
652     conditions.  Generally, the processor's energy consumption increases
653     as a result of increasing its frequency and voltage, even temporarily.
654     That may not be desirable on systems that switch to power sources of
655     limited capacity, such as batteries, so the ability to disable the boost
656     mechanism while the system is running may help there (but that depends on
657     the workload too).
659  2. In some situations deterministic behavior is more important than
660     performance or energy consumption (or both) and the ability to disable
661     boosting while the system is running may be useful then.
663  3. To examine the impact of the frequency boost mechanism itself, it is useful
664     to be able to run tests with and without boosting, preferably without
665     restarting the system in the meantime.
667  4. Reproducible results are important when running benchmarks.  Since
668     the boosting functionality depends on the load of the whole package,
669     single-thread performance may vary because of it which may lead to
670     unreproducible results sometimes.  That can be avoided by disabling the
671     frequency boost mechanism before running benchmarks sensitive to that
672     issue.
674Legacy AMD ``cpb`` Knob
677The AMD powernow-k8 scaling driver supports a ``sysfs`` knob very similar to
678the global ``boost`` one.  It is used for disabling/enabling the "Core
679Performance Boost" feature of some AMD processors.
681If present, that knob is located in every ``CPUFreq`` policy directory in
682``sysfs`` (:file:`/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policyX/`) and is called
683``cpb``, which indicates a more fine grained control interface.  The actual
684implementation, however, works on the system-wide basis and setting that knob
685for one policy causes the same value of it to be set for all of the other
686policies at the same time.
688That knob is still supported on AMD processors that support its underlying
689hardware feature, but it may be configured out of the kernel (via the
690:c:macro:`CONFIG_X86_ACPI_CPUFREQ_CPB` configuration option) and the global
691``boost`` knob is present regardless.  Thus it is always possible use the
692``boost`` knob instead of the ``cpb`` one which is highly recommended, as that
693is more consistent with what all of the other systems do (and the ``cpb`` knob
694may not be supported any more in the future).
696The ``cpb`` knob is never present for any processors without the underlying
697hardware feature (e.g. all Intel ones), even if the
698:c:macro:`CONFIG_X86_ACPI_CPUFREQ_CPB` configuration option is set.
701.. _Per-entity load tracking: https://lwn.net/Articles/531853/