1*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
2*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
3*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park===============
4*c4ba6014SSeongJae ParkGetting Started
5*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park===============
6*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
7*c4ba6014SSeongJae ParkThis document briefly describes how you can use DAMON by demonstrating its
8*c4ba6014SSeongJae Parkdefault user space tool.  Please note that this document describes only a part
9*c4ba6014SSeongJae Parkof its features for brevity.  Please refer to :doc:`usage` for more details.
10*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
11*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
12*c4ba6014SSeongJae ParkTL; DR
13*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park======
14*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
15*c4ba6014SSeongJae ParkFollow the commands below to monitor and visualize the memory access pattern of
16*c4ba6014SSeongJae Parkyour workload. ::
17*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
18*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    # # build the kernel with CONFIG_DAMON_*=y, install it, and reboot
19*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    # mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug/
20*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    # git clone https://github.com/awslabs/damo
21*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    # ./damo/damo record $(pidof <your workload>)
22*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    # ./damo/damo report heat --plot_ascii
23*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
24*c4ba6014SSeongJae ParkThe final command draws the access heatmap of ``<your workload>``.  The heatmap
25*c4ba6014SSeongJae Parkshows which memory region (x-axis) is accessed when (y-axis) and how frequently
26*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park(number; the higher the more accesses have been observed). ::
27*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
28*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110000
29*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    111121111111111111111111111111211111111111111111111111110000
30*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001555552000
31*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000222223555552000
32*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111677775000000000
33*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    000000000000000000000000000000000000000488888000000000000000
34*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    000000000000000000000000000000000177888400000000000000000000
35*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    000000000000000000000000000046666522222100000000000000000000
36*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    000000000000000000000014444344444300000000000000000000000000
37*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    000000000000000002222245555510000000000000000000000000000000
38*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    # access_frequency:  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
39*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    # x-axis: space (140286319947776-140286426374096: 101.496 MiB)
40*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    # y-axis: time (605442256436361-605479951866441: 37.695430s)
41*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    # resolution: 60x10 (1.692 MiB and 3.770s for each character)
42*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
43*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
44*c4ba6014SSeongJae ParkPrerequisites
45*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park=============
46*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
47*c4ba6014SSeongJae ParkKernel
48*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park------
49*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
50*c4ba6014SSeongJae ParkYou should first ensure your system is running on a kernel built with
51*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park``CONFIG_DAMON_*=y``.
52*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
53*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
54*c4ba6014SSeongJae ParkUser Space Tool
55*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park---------------
56*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
57*c4ba6014SSeongJae ParkFor the demonstration, we will use the default user space tool for DAMON,
58*c4ba6014SSeongJae Parkcalled DAMON Operator (DAMO).  It is available at
59*c4ba6014SSeongJae Parkhttps://github.com/awslabs/damo.  The examples below assume that ``damo`` is on
60*c4ba6014SSeongJae Parkyour ``$PATH``.  It's not mandatory, though.
61*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
62*c4ba6014SSeongJae ParkBecause DAMO is using the debugfs interface (refer to :doc:`usage` for the
63*c4ba6014SSeongJae Parkdetail) of DAMON, you should ensure debugfs is mounted.  Mount it manually as
64*c4ba6014SSeongJae Parkbelow::
65*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
66*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    # mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug/
67*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
68*c4ba6014SSeongJae Parkor append the following line to your ``/etc/fstab`` file so that your system
69*c4ba6014SSeongJae Parkcan automatically mount debugfs upon booting::
70*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
71*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    debugfs /sys/kernel/debug debugfs defaults 0 0
72*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
73*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
74*c4ba6014SSeongJae ParkRecording Data Access Patterns
75*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park==============================
76*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
77*c4ba6014SSeongJae ParkThe commands below record the memory access patterns of a program and save the
78*c4ba6014SSeongJae Parkmonitoring results to a file. ::
79*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
80*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    $ git clone https://github.com/sjp38/masim
81*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    $ cd masim; make; ./masim ./configs/zigzag.cfg &
82*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    $ sudo damo record -o damon.data $(pidof masim)
83*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
84*c4ba6014SSeongJae ParkThe first two lines of the commands download an artificial memory access
85*c4ba6014SSeongJae Parkgenerator program and run it in the background.  The generator will repeatedly
86*c4ba6014SSeongJae Parkaccess two 100 MiB sized memory regions one by one.  You can substitute this
87*c4ba6014SSeongJae Parkwith your real workload.  The last line asks ``damo`` to record the access
88*c4ba6014SSeongJae Parkpattern in the ``damon.data`` file.
89*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
90*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
91*c4ba6014SSeongJae ParkVisualizing Recorded Patterns
92*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park=============================
93*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
94*c4ba6014SSeongJae ParkThe following three commands visualize the recorded access patterns and save
95*c4ba6014SSeongJae Parkthe results as separate image files. ::
96*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
97*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    $ damo report heats --heatmap access_pattern_heatmap.png
98*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    $ damo report wss --range 0 101 1 --plot wss_dist.png
99*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park    $ damo report wss --range 0 101 1 --sortby time --plot wss_chron_change.png
100*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
101*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park- ``access_pattern_heatmap.png`` will visualize the data access pattern in a
102*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park  heatmap, showing which memory region (y-axis) got accessed when (x-axis)
103*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park  and how frequently (color).
104*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park- ``wss_dist.png`` will show the distribution of the working set size.
105*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park- ``wss_chron_change.png`` will show how the working set size has
106*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park  chronologically changed.
107*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
108*c4ba6014SSeongJae ParkYou can view the visualizations of this example workload at [1]_.
109*c4ba6014SSeongJae ParkVisualizations of other realistic workloads are available at [2]_ [3]_ [4]_.
110*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park
111*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park.. [1] https://damonitor.github.io/doc/html/v17/admin-guide/mm/damon/start.html#visualizing-recorded-patterns
112*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park.. [2] https://damonitor.github.io/test/result/visual/latest/rec.heatmap.1.png.html
113*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park.. [3] https://damonitor.github.io/test/result/visual/latest/rec.wss_sz.png.html
114*c4ba6014SSeongJae Park.. [4] https://damonitor.github.io/test/result/visual/latest/rec.wss_time.png.html