1What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/triggerX/master_mode_available 2KernelVersion: 4.11 3Contact: benjamin.gaignard@st.com 4Description: 5 Reading returns the list possible master modes which are: 6 - "reset" : The UG bit from the TIMx_EGR register is used as trigger output (TRGO). 7 - "enable" : The Counter Enable signal CNT_EN is used as trigger output. 8 - "update" : The update event is selected as trigger output. 9 For instance a master timer can then be used as a prescaler for a slave timer. 10 - "compare_pulse" : The trigger output send a positive pulse when the CC1IF flag is to be set. 11 - "OC1REF" : OC1REF signal is used as trigger output. 12 - "OC2REF" : OC2REF signal is used as trigger output. 13 - "OC3REF" : OC3REF signal is used as trigger output. 14 - "OC4REF" : OC4REF signal is used as trigger output. 15 16What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/triggerX/master_mode 17KernelVersion: 4.11 18Contact: benjamin.gaignard@st.com 19Description: 20 Reading returns the current master modes. 21 Writing set the master mode 22 23What: /sys/bus/iio/devices/triggerX/sampling_frequency 24KernelVersion: 4.11 25Contact: benjamin.gaignard@st.com 26Description: 27 Reading returns the current sampling frequency. 28 Writing an value different of 0 set and start sampling. 29 Writing 0 stop sampling. 30