xref: /openbmc/intel-ipmi-oem/include/storagecommands.hpp (revision 21a1b5f8f8735d834779c877fef8a9bafd4d634d)
1 /*
2 // Copyright (c) 2017 2018 Intel Corporation
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
8 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 //
10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 // limitations under the License.
15 */
17 #pragma once
18 #include <ipmid/api-types.hpp>
19 #include <ipmid/api.hpp>
21 #include <cstdint>
23 static constexpr uint8_t ipmiSdrVersion = 0x51;
25 namespace intel_oem::ipmi::sel
26 {
27 static constexpr uint8_t selOperationSupport = 0x02;
28 static constexpr uint8_t systemEvent = 0x02;
29 static constexpr size_t systemEventSize = 3;
30 static constexpr uint8_t oemTsEventFirst = 0xC0;
31 static constexpr uint8_t oemTsEventLast = 0xDF;
32 static constexpr size_t oemTsEventSize = 9;
33 static constexpr uint8_t oemEventFirst = 0xE0;
34 static constexpr uint8_t oemEventLast = 0xFF;
35 static constexpr size_t oemEventSize = 13;
36 static constexpr uint8_t eventMsgRev = 0x04;
37 } // namespace intel_oem::ipmi::sel
39 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
40 //
41 // blurbs from ipmi-host/sensorhandler.hpp
42 //
43 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
44 static constexpr int FULL_RECORD_ID_STR_MAX_LENGTH = 16;
45 namespace get_sdr
46 {
47 // Record header
48 struct SensorDataRecordHeader
49 {
50     uint8_t record_id_lsb;
51     uint8_t record_id_msb;
52     uint8_t sdr_version;
53     uint8_t record_type;
54     uint8_t record_length; // Length not counting the header
55 } __attribute__((packed));
57 namespace header
58 {
60 inline void set_record_id(int id, SensorDataRecordHeader* hdr)
61 {
62     hdr->record_id_lsb = (id & 0xFF);
63     hdr->record_id_msb = (id >> 8) & 0xFF;
64 };
66 } // namespace header
68 /** @struct SensorDataFruRecordKey
69  *
70  *  FRU Device Locator Record(key) - SDR Type 11
71  */
72 struct SensorDataFruRecordKey
73 {
74     uint8_t deviceAddress;
75     uint8_t fruID;
76     uint8_t accessLun;
77     uint8_t channelNumber;
78 } __attribute__((packed));
80 static constexpr int FRU_RECORD_DEVICE_ID_MAX_LENGTH = 16;
82 /** @struct SensorDataFruRecordBody
83  *
84  *  FRU Device Locator Record(body) - SDR Type 11
85  */
86 struct SensorDataFruRecordBody
87 {
88     uint8_t reserved;
89     uint8_t deviceType;
90     uint8_t deviceTypeModifier;
91     uint8_t entityID;
92     uint8_t entityInstance;
93     uint8_t oem;
94     uint8_t deviceIDLen;
96 } __attribute__((packed));
98 /** @struct SensorDataFruRecord
99  *
100  *  FRU Device Locator Record - SDR Type 11
101  */
102 struct SensorDataFruRecord
103 {
104     SensorDataRecordHeader header;
105     SensorDataFruRecordKey key;
106     SensorDataFruRecordBody body;
107 } __attribute__((packed));
109 enum SensorDataRecordType
110 {
113     SENSOR_DATA_FRU_RECORD = 0x11,
115 };
117 // Record key
118 struct SensorDataRecordKey
119 {
120     uint8_t owner_id;
121     uint8_t owner_lun;
122     uint8_t sensor_number;
123 } __attribute__((packed));
125 struct SensorDataFullRecordBody
126 {
127     uint8_t entity_id;
128     uint8_t entity_instance;
129     uint8_t sensor_initialization;
130     uint8_t sensor_capabilities; // no macro support
131     uint8_t sensor_type;
132     uint8_t event_reading_type;
133     uint8_t supported_assertions[2];          // no macro support
134     uint8_t supported_deassertions[2];        // no macro support
135     uint8_t discrete_reading_setting_mask[2]; // no macro support
136     uint8_t sensor_units_1;
137     uint8_t sensor_units_2_base;
138     uint8_t sensor_units_3_modifier;
139     uint8_t linearization;
140     uint8_t m_lsb;
141     uint8_t m_msb_and_tolerance;
142     uint8_t b_lsb;
143     uint8_t b_msb_and_accuracy_lsb;
144     uint8_t accuracy_and_sensor_direction;
145     uint8_t r_b_exponents;
146     uint8_t analog_characteristic_flags; // no macro support
147     uint8_t nominal_reading;
148     uint8_t normal_max;
149     uint8_t normal_min;
150     uint8_t sensor_max;
151     uint8_t sensor_min;
152     uint8_t upper_nonrecoverable_threshold;
153     uint8_t upper_critical_threshold;
154     uint8_t upper_noncritical_threshold;
155     uint8_t lower_nonrecoverable_threshold;
156     uint8_t lower_critical_threshold;
157     uint8_t lower_noncritical_threshold;
158     uint8_t positive_threshold_hysteresis;
159     uint8_t negative_threshold_hysteresis;
160     uint16_t reserved;
161     uint8_t oem_reserved;
162     uint8_t id_string_info;
163     char id_string[FULL_RECORD_ID_STR_MAX_LENGTH];
164 } __attribute__((packed));
166 struct SensorDataFullRecord
167 {
168     SensorDataRecordHeader header;
169     SensorDataRecordKey key;
170     SensorDataFullRecordBody body;
171 } __attribute__((packed));
173 namespace body
174 {
175 inline void set_id_strlen(uint8_t len, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
176 {
177     body->id_string_info &= ~(0x1f);
178     body->id_string_info |= len & 0x1f;
179 };
180 inline void set_id_type(uint8_t type, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
181 {
182     body->id_string_info &= ~(3 << 6);
183     body->id_string_info |= (type & 0x3) << 6;
184 };
185 } // namespace body
186 } // namespace get_sdr
187 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
188 //
189 // <end> blurbs from ipmi-host/sensorhandler.hpp
190 //
191 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
193 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
194 //
195 // blurbs from ipmi-host/selutility.hpp
196 //
197 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
198 namespace ipmi::sel
199 {
200 static constexpr auto firstEntry = 0x0000;
201 static constexpr auto lastEntry = 0xFFFF;
202 static constexpr auto entireRecord = 0xFF;
203 static constexpr auto selVersion = 0x51;
204 static constexpr auto invalidTimeStamp = 0xFFFFFFFF;
205 static constexpr auto getEraseStatus = 0x00;
206 static constexpr auto eraseComplete = 0x01;
207 static constexpr auto initiateErase = 0xAA;
209 } // namespace ipmi::sel
210 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
211 //
212 // <end> blurbs from ipmi-host/selutility.hpp
213 //
214 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
216 #pragma pack(push, 1)
217 struct GetSDRReq
218 {
219     uint16_t reservationID;
220     uint16_t recordID;
221     uint8_t offset;
222     uint8_t bytesToRead;
223 };
224 #pragma pack(pop)
226 enum class SdrRepositoryInfoOps : uint8_t
227 {
228     allocCommandSupported = 0x1,
229     reserveSDRRepositoryCommandSupported = 0x2,
230     partialAddSDRSupported = 0x4,
231     deleteSDRSupported = 0x8,
232     reserved = 0x10,
233     modalLSB = 0x20,
234     modalMSB = 0x40,
235     overflow = 0x80
236 };
238 enum class GetFRUAreaAccessType : uint8_t
239 {
240     byte = 0x0,
241     words = 0x1
242 };
244 enum class SensorUnits : uint8_t
245 {
246     unspecified = 0x0,
247     degreesC = 0x1,
248     volts = 0x4,
249     amps = 0x5,
250     watts = 0x6,
251     rpm = 0x12,
252 };
254 #pragma pack(push, 1)
255 struct Type12Record
256 {
257     get_sdr::SensorDataRecordHeader header;
258     uint8_t targetAddress;
259     uint8_t channelNumber;
260     uint8_t powerStateNotification;
261     uint8_t deviceCapabilities;
262     // define reserved bytes explicitly. The uint24_t is silently expanded to
263     // uint32_t, which ruins the byte alignment required by this structure.
264     uint8_t reserved[3];
265     uint8_t entityID;
266     uint8_t entityInstance;
267     uint8_t oem;
268     uint8_t typeLengthCode;
269     char name[16];
271     Type12Record(uint16_t recordID, uint8_t address, uint8_t chNumber,
272                  uint8_t pwrStateNotification, uint8_t capabilities,
273                  uint8_t eid, uint8_t entityInst, uint8_t mfrDefined,
274                  const std::string& sensorname) :
275         targetAddress(address),
276         channelNumber(chNumber), powerStateNotification(pwrStateNotification),
277         deviceCapabilities(capabilities), reserved{}, entityID(eid),
278         entityInstance(entityInst), oem(mfrDefined)
279     {
280         get_sdr::header::set_record_id(recordID, &header);
281         header.sdr_version = ipmiSdrVersion;
282         header.record_type = 0x12;
283         size_t nameLen = std::min(sensorname.size(), sizeof(name));
284         header.record_length = sizeof(Type12Record) -
285                                sizeof(get_sdr::SensorDataRecordHeader) -
286                                sizeof(name) + nameLen;
287         typeLengthCode = 0xc0 | nameLen;
288         std::copy(sensorname.begin(), sensorname.begin() + nameLen, name);
289     }
290 };
291 #pragma pack(pop)
293 #pragma pack(push, 1)
294 struct NMDiscoveryRecord
295 {
296     get_sdr::SensorDataRecordHeader header;
297     uint8_t oemID0;
298     uint8_t oemID1;
299     uint8_t oemID2;
300     uint8_t subType;
301     uint8_t version;
302     uint8_t targetAddress;
303     uint8_t channelNumber;
304     uint8_t healthEventSensor;
305     uint8_t exceptionEventSensor;
306     uint8_t operationalCapSensor;
307     uint8_t thresholdExceededSensor;
308 };
309 #pragma pack(pop)
311 namespace ipmi
312 {
313 namespace storage
314 {
316 constexpr const size_t nmDiscoverySDRCount = 1;
317 constexpr const size_t type12Count = 2;
318 ipmi::Cc getFruSdrs(ipmi::Context::ptr& ctx, size_t index,
319                     get_sdr::SensorDataFruRecord& resp);
321 ipmi::Cc getFruSdrCount(ipmi::Context::ptr& ctx, size_t& count);
323 std::vector<uint8_t> getType12SDRs(uint16_t index, uint16_t recordId);
324 std::vector<uint8_t> getNMDiscoverySDR(uint16_t index, uint16_t recordId);
325 } // namespace storage
326 } // namespace ipmi