1 /*
2 // Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
8 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 //
10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 // limitations under the License.
15 */
17 #pragma once
18 #include <ipmid/api.h>
19 #include <sys/mman.h>
21 #include <oemcommands.hpp>
22 #include <sdbusplus/timer.hpp>
23 #include <types.hpp>
25 static constexpr const char* mdrType2File = "/var/lib/smbios/smbios2";
26 static constexpr const char* smbiosPath = "/var/lib/smbios";
27 static constexpr const size_t msgPayloadSize =
28     1024 * 60; // Total size will transfer for smbios table
29 static constexpr const size_t mdriiSMSize = 0x00100000;
31 static constexpr const uint16_t smbiosAgentId =
32     0x0101; // Agent ID for smbios entry
33 static constexpr const int firstAgentIndex = 1;
35 static constexpr const uint8_t maxDirEntries = 4; // Maximum directory entries
36 static constexpr const uint32_t mdr2SMSize =
37     0x00100000;                                   // Size of VGA share memory
38 static constexpr const uint32_t mdr2SMBaseAddress =
39     0x9FF00000; // Base address of VGA share memory
41 static constexpr const uint8_t mdrTypeII = 2;          // MDR V2 type
43 static constexpr const uint8_t mdr2Version = 2;        // MDR V2 versoin
44 static constexpr const uint8_t smbiosAgentVersion = 1; // Agent version of
45                                                        // smbios
47 static constexpr const uint32_t pageMask =
48     0xf000; // To make data become n times of page
49 static constexpr const int smbiosDirIndex = 0; // SMBIOS directory index
51 static constexpr const uint32_t smbiosTableVersion =
52     15;          // Version of smbios table
53 static constexpr const uint32_t smbiosTableTimestamp =
54     0x45464748;  // Time stamp when smbios table created
55 static constexpr const size_t smbiosSMMemoryOffset =
56     0;           // Offset of VGA share memory
57 static constexpr const size_t smbiosSMMemorySize =
58     1024 * 1024; // Total size of VGA share memory
59 static constexpr const size_t smbiosTableStorageSize =
60     64 * 1024;   // Total size of smbios table
61 static constexpr const uint32_t defaultTimeout = 4000;
62 static constexpr const uint16_t sysClock = 1000;
63 static constexpr const int lastAgentIndex = -1;
64 static constexpr const uint16_t lastAgentId = 0xFFFF;
65 constexpr const uint32_t invalidChecksum = 0xffffffff;
66 constexpr const char* dbusProperties = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties";
67 constexpr const char* mdrv2Path = "/xyz/openbmc_project/Smbios/MDR_V2";
68 constexpr const char* mdrv2Interface = "xyz.openbmc_project.Smbios.MDR_V2";
70 enum class MDR2SMBIOSStatusEnum
71 {
72     mdr2Init = 0,
73     mdr2Loaded = 1,
74     mdr2Updated = 2,
75     mdr2Updating = 3
76 };
78 enum class DirDataRequestEnum
79 {
80     dirDataNotRequested = 0x00,
81     dirDataRequested = 0x01
82 };
84 enum MDR2DirLockEnum
85 {
86     mdr2DirUnlock = 0,
87     mdr2DirLock = 1
88 };
90 #pragma pack(push)
91 #pragma pack(1)
93 struct MDRSMBIOSHeader
94 {
95     uint8_t dirVer;
96     uint8_t mdrType;
97     uint32_t timestamp;
98     uint32_t dataSize;
99 };
101 struct DataIdStruct
102 {
103     uint8_t dataInfo[16];
104 };
106 struct Mdr2DirEntry
107 {
108     DataIdStruct id;
109     uint32_t size;
110     uint32_t dataSetSize;
111     uint32_t dataVersion;
112     uint32_t timestamp;
113 };
115 struct Mdr2DirLocalStruct
116 {
117     Mdr2DirEntry common;
118     MDR2SMBIOSStatusEnum stage;
119     MDR2DirLockEnum lock;
120     uint16_t lockHandle;
121     uint32_t xferBuff;
122     uint32_t xferSize;
123     uint32_t maxDataSize;
124     uint8_t* dataStorage;
125 };
127 struct Mdr2DirStruct
128 {
129     uint8_t agentVersion;
130     uint8_t dirVersion;
131     uint8_t dirEntries;
132     uint8_t status; // valid / locked / etc
133     uint8_t remoteDirVersion;
134     uint16_t sessionHandle;
135     Mdr2DirLocalStruct dir[maxDirEntries];
136 };
138 // Three members include dataSetSize, dataVersion and timestamp
139 static constexpr const size_t syncDirCommonSize = 3;
141 // ====================== MDR II Pull Command Structures ======================
142 struct MDRiiGetDataInfoRequest
143 {
144     uint16_t agentId;
145     DataIdStruct dataSetInfo;
146 };
148 // MDR II data set information inquiry response
149 struct MDRiiGetDataInfoResponse
150 {
151     uint8_t mdrVersion;
152     DataIdStruct dataSetId;
153     uint8_t validFlag;
154     uint32_t dataLength;
155     uint8_t dataVersion;
156     uint32_t timeStamp;
157 };
159 // ====================== MDR II Push Command Structures ======================
160 // MDR II Client send data set info offer response
161 struct MDRiiOfferDataInfoResponse
162 {
163     DataIdStruct dataSetInfo;
164 };
166 // MDR II Push Agent send data set info command
167 struct MDRiiSendDataInfoRequest
168 {
169     uint16_t agentId;
170     DataIdStruct dataSetInfo;
171     uint8_t validFlag;
172     uint32_t dataLength;
173     uint32_t dataVersion; // Roughly equivalent to the "file name"
174     uint32_t
175         timeStamp; // More info on the identity of this particular set of data
176 };
178 // MDR II Pull Agent lock data set command
179 struct MDRiiLockDataRequest
180 {
181     uint16_t agentId;
182     DataIdStruct dataSetInfo;
183     uint16_t timeout;
184 };
186 // MDR II Pull Agent lock data set response
187 struct MDRiiLockDataResponse
188 {
189     uint8_t mdrVersion;
190     uint16_t lockHandle;
191     uint32_t dataLength;
192     uint32_t xferAddress;
193     uint32_t xferLength;
194 };
196 // MDR II Push Agent send data start command
197 struct MDRiiDataStartRequest
198 {
199     uint16_t agentId;
200     DataIdStruct dataSetInfo;
201     uint32_t dataLength;
202     uint32_t xferAddress;
203     uint32_t xferLength;
204     uint16_t timeout;
205 };
207 // MDR II Client send data start response
208 struct MDRiiDataStartResponse
209 {
210     uint8_t xferStartAck;
211     uint16_t sessionHandle;
212 };
214 // MDR II
215 struct MDRiiDataDoneRequest
216 {
217     uint16_t agentId;
218     uint16_t lockHandle;
219 };
221 #pragma pack(pop)
223 class SharedMemoryArea
224 {
225   public:
SharedMemoryArea(uint32_t addr,uint32_t areaSize)226     SharedMemoryArea(uint32_t addr, uint32_t areaSize) :
227         vPtr(nullptr), physicalAddr(addr), size(areaSize)
228     {
229         Initialize(addr, areaSize);
230     }
~SharedMemoryArea()232     ~SharedMemoryArea()
233     {
234         if ((vPtr != nullptr) && (vPtr != MAP_FAILED))
235         {
236             if (0 != munmap(vPtr, size))
237             {
238                 phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(
239                     "Ummap share memory failed");
240             }
241         }
242     }
244     void* vPtr;
246   private:
247     uint32_t physicalAddr;
248     uint32_t size;
250     void Initialize(uint32_t addr, uint32_t areaSize);
251 };
253 class MDRV2
254 {
255   public:
MDRV2()256     MDRV2()
257     {
258         timer =
259             std::make_unique<sdbusplus::Timer>([&](void) { timeoutHandler(); });
260     }
262     int agentLookup(const uint16_t& agentId);
263     int findLockHandle(const uint16_t& lockHandle);
264     int syncDirCommonData(uint8_t idIndex, uint32_t size,
265                           const std::string& service);
266     int findDataId(const uint8_t* dataInfo, const size_t& len,
267                    const std::string& service);
268     uint16_t getSessionHandle(Mdr2DirStruct* dir);
269     bool smbiosIsUpdating(uint8_t index);
270     uint32_t calcChecksum32(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len);
271     bool storeDatatoFlash(MDRSMBIOSHeader* mdrHdr, uint8_t* data);
272     bool smbiosUnlock(uint8_t index);
273     void timeoutHandler();
274     bool smbiosTryLock(uint8_t flag, uint8_t index, uint16_t* session,
275                        uint16_t timeout);
276     int sdplusMdrv2GetProperty(const std::string& name,
277                                ipmi::DbusVariant& value,
278                                const std::string& service);
280     Mdr2DirStruct smbiosDir{
281         smbiosAgentVersion,
282         1,
283         1,
284         1,
285         0,
286         0,
287         {40,
288          41,
289          42,
290          43,
291          44,
292          45,
293          46,
294          47,
295          48,
296          49,
297          50,
298          51,
299          52,
300          53,
301          54,
302          0x42,
303          0,
304          smbiosTableStorageSize,
305          smbiosTableVersion,
306          smbiosTableTimestamp,
307          MDR2SMBIOSStatusEnum::mdr2Init,
308          MDR2DirLockEnum::mdr2DirUnlock,
309          0,
310          smbiosSMMemoryOffset,
311          smbiosSMMemorySize,
312          smbiosTableStorageSize,
313          smbiosTableStorage}};
314     std::unique_ptr<SharedMemoryArea> area;
315     std::unique_ptr<sdbusplus::Timer> timer;
317   private:
318     uint8_t lockIndex = 0;
319     uint8_t smbiosTableStorage[smbiosTableStorageSize];
320 };