1 /* 2 // Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation 3 // 4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 // 8 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 9 // 10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 // limitations under the License. 15 */ 16 17 #pragma once 18 19 #include <ipmid/api-types.hpp> 20 #include <user_channel/user_layer.hpp> 21 namespace ipmi 22 { 23 namespace intel 24 { 25 26 static constexpr NetFn netFnGeneral = netFnOemOne; 27 static constexpr NetFn netFnPlatform = netFnOemTwo; 28 static constexpr NetFn netFnApp = netFnOemEight; 29 30 namespace general 31 { 32 static constexpr Cmd cmdRestoreConfiguration = 0x02; 33 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetSmSignal = 0x14; 34 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetSmSignal = 0x15; 35 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetBIOSID = 0x26; 36 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetOEMDeviceInfo = 0x27; 37 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetColdRedundancyConfig = 0x2d; 38 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetColdRedundancyConfig = 0x2e; 39 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetAICSlotFRUIDSlotPosRecords = 0x31; 40 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetMultiNodeRole = 0x33; 41 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetMultiNodeId = 0x36; 42 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetSystemGUID = 0x41; 43 static constexpr Cmd cmdDisableBMCSystemReset = 0x42; 44 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetBMCResetDisables = 0x43; 45 static constexpr Cmd cmdSendEmbeddedFWUpdStatus = 0x44; 46 static constexpr Cmd cmdSlotI2CMasterWriteRead = 0x52; 47 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetPowerRestoreDelay = 0x54; 48 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetPowerRestoreDelay = 0x55; 49 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetFaultIndication = 0x57; 50 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetOEMUser2Activation = 0x5A; 51 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetSpecialUserPassword = 0x5F; 52 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetShutdownPolicy = 0x60; 53 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetShutdownPolicy = 0x62; 54 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetMultiNodePresence = 0x63; 55 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetBufferSize = 0x66; 56 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetFanConfig = 0x89; 57 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetFanConfig = 0x8a; 58 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetFanSpeedOffset = 0x8c; 59 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetFanSpeedOffset = 0x8d; 60 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetDimmOffset = 0x8e; 61 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetDimmOffset = 0x8f; 62 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetFscParameter = 0x90; 63 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetFscParameter = 0x91; 64 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetChassisIdentifier = 0x92; 65 static constexpr Cmd cmdReadBaseBoardProductId = 0x93; 66 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetProcessorErrConfig = 0x9A; 67 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetProcessorErrConfig = 0x9B; 68 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetManufacturingData = 0xA1; 69 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetManufacturingData = 0xA2; 70 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetFITcLayout = 0xA3; 71 static constexpr Cmd cmdMTMBMCFeatureControl = 0xA4; 72 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetLEDStatus = 0xB0; 73 static constexpr Cmd cmdControlBmcServices = 0xB1; 74 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetBmcServiceStatus = 0xB2; 75 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetSecurityMode = 0xB3; 76 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetSecurityMode = 0xB4; 77 static constexpr Cmd cmdMtmKeepAlive = 0xB5; 78 static constexpr Cmd cmdOEMGetReading = 0xE2; 79 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetBIOSCap = 0xD3; 80 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetBIOSCap = 0xD4; 81 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetPayload = 0xD5; 82 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetPayload = 0xD6; 83 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetBIOSPwdHashInfo = 0xD7; 84 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetBIOSPwdHash = 0xD8; 85 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetNmiStatus = 0xE5; 86 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetEfiBootOptions = 0xEA; 87 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetEfiBootOptions = 0xEB; 88 static constexpr Cmd cmdSetNmiStatus = 0xED; 89 static constexpr Cmd cmdGetPSUVersion = 0xEF; 90 } // namespace general 91 92 namespace platform 93 { 94 static constexpr Cmd cmdCfgHostSerialPortSpeed = 0x90; 95 static constexpr Cmd cmdClearCMOS = 0x91; 96 } // namespace platform 97 98 namespace app 99 { 100 static constexpr Cmd cmdMdrStatus = 0x20; 101 static constexpr Cmd cmdMdrComplete = 0x21; 102 static constexpr Cmd cmdMdrEvent = 0x22; 103 static constexpr Cmd cmdMdrRead = 0x23; 104 static constexpr Cmd cmdMdrWrite = 0x24; 105 static constexpr Cmd cmdMdrLock = 0x25; 106 static constexpr Cmd cmdMdrIIAgentStatus = 0x30; 107 static constexpr Cmd cmdMdrIIGetDir = 0x31; 108 static constexpr Cmd cmdMdrIIGetDataInfo = 0x32; 109 static constexpr Cmd cmdMdrIILockData = 0x33; 110 static constexpr Cmd cmdMdrIIUnlockData = 0X34; 111 static constexpr Cmd cmdMdrIIGetDataBlock = 0x35; 112 static constexpr Cmd cmdMdrIISendDir = 0x38; 113 static constexpr Cmd cmdMdrIISendDataInfoOffer = 0x39; 114 static constexpr Cmd cmdMdrIISendDataInfo = 0x3a; 115 static constexpr Cmd cmdMdrIIDataStart = 0x3b; 116 static constexpr Cmd cmdMdrIIDataDone = 0x3c; 117 static constexpr Cmd cmdMdrIISendDataBlock = 0x3d; 118 static constexpr Cmd cmdSlotIpmb = 0x51; 119 static constexpr Cmd cmdPFRMailboxRead = 0x84; 120 } // namespace app 121 122 } // namespace intel 123 124 } // namespace ipmi 125 126 // FIXME: put these in the cpp files that use them 127 enum class IPMIIntelOEMReturnCodes 128 { 129 ipmiCCPayloadActive = 0x80, 130 ipmiCCInvalidPCIESlotID = 0x80, 131 ipmiCCParameterNotSupported = 0x80, 132 ipmiCCPayloadAlreadyDeactivated = 0x80, 133 ipmiCCSetInProcess = 0x81, 134 ipmiCCPayloadDisable = 0x81, 135 ipmiCCLostArbitration = 0x81, 136 ipmiCCInvalidCablePortIndex = 0x81, 137 ipmiCCHealthStatusNotAvailable = 0x81, 138 ipmiCCBusError = 0x82, 139 ipmiCCReadOnly = 0x82, 140 ipmiCCWriteOnly = 0x82, 141 ipmiCCNoCablePresent = 0x82, 142 ipmiCCDataCollectionInProgress = 0x82, 143 ipmiCCPayloadActivationLimitReached = 0x82, 144 ipmiCCNACKOnWrite = 0x83, 145 ipmiCCDataCollectionFailed = 0x83, 146 ipmiCCCanNotActivateWithEncrption = 0x83, 147 ipmiCCCanNotActivateWithoutEncryption = 0x84, 148 ipmiCCInvalidChecksum = 0x85, 149 ipmiCCNoCabledPCIEPortsAvailable = 0xC2, 150 151 }; 152 153 enum class IPMIReturnCodeExt 154 { 155 ipmiCCInvalidLUN = 0xC2, 156 ipmiCCTimeout = 0xC3, 157 ipmiCCStorageLeak = 0xC4, 158 ipmiCCRequestDataTruncated = 0xC6, 159 ipmiCCRequestDataFieldLengthLimitExceeded = 0xC8, 160 ipmiCCCanNotReturnNumberOfRequestedDataBytes = 0xCA, 161 ipmiCCRequestSensorDataRecordNotFound = 0xCB, 162 ipmiCCDestinationUnavailable = 0xD3, 163 ipmiCCParamterNotSupportInPresentState = 0xD5, 164 }; 165 166 static constexpr const uint8_t maxBIOSIDLength = 0xFF; 167 static constexpr const uint8_t maxCPUNum = 4; 168 static constexpr const char* biosActiveObjPath = 169 "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/bios_active"; 170 static constexpr const char* biosVersionIntf = 171 "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version"; 172 static constexpr const char* biosVersionProp = "Version"; 173 174 static constexpr const char* powerRestoreDelayObjPath = 175 "/xyz/openbmc_project/control/power_restore_delay"; 176 static constexpr const char* powerRestoreDelayIntf = 177 "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Power.RestoreDelay"; 178 static constexpr const char* powerRestoreDelayProp = "PowerRestoreDelay"; 179 static constexpr const char* processorErrConfigObjPath = 180 "/xyz/openbmc_project/control/processor_error_config"; 181 static constexpr const char* processorErrConfigIntf = 182 "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Processor.ErrConfig"; 183 static constexpr const char* bmcResetDisablesPath = 184 "/xyz/openbmc_project/control/bmc_reset_disables"; 185 static constexpr const char* bmcResetDisablesIntf = 186 "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.ResetDisables"; 187 188 static constexpr const char* identifyLEDObjPath = 189 "/xyz/openbmc_project/led/physical/identify"; 190 static constexpr const char* ledIntf = "xyz.openbmc_project.Led.Physical"; 191 static constexpr const char* statusAmberObjPath = 192 "/xyz/openbmc_project/led/physical/status_amber"; 193 static constexpr const char* statusGreenObjPath = 194 "/xyz/openbmc_project/led/physical/status_green"; 195 196 static constexpr const uint8_t noShutdownOnOCOT = 0; 197 static constexpr const uint8_t shutdownOnOCOT = 1; 198 static constexpr const uint8_t noShutdownPolicySupported = 0; 199 static constexpr const uint8_t shutdownPolicySupported = 1; 200 static constexpr const char* oemShutdownPolicyIntf = 201 "com.intel.Control.OCOTShutdownPolicy"; 202 static constexpr const char* oemShutdownPolicyObjPath = 203 "/com/intel/control/ocotshutdown_policy_config"; 204 static constexpr const char* oemShutdownPolicyObjPathProp = "OCOTPolicy"; 205 206 static constexpr const char* fwGetEnvCmd = "/sbin/fw_printenv"; 207 static constexpr const char* fwSetEnvCmd = "/sbin/fw_setenv"; 208 static constexpr const char* fwHostSerailCfgEnvName = "hostserialcfg"; 209 210 constexpr const char* settingsBusName = "xyz.openbmc_project.Settings"; 211 212 static constexpr const uint8_t getHostSerialCfgCmd = 0; 213 static constexpr const uint8_t setHostSerialCfgCmd = 1; 214 215 // parameters: 216 // 0: host serial port 1 and 2 normal speed 217 // 1: host serial port 1 high spend, port 2 normal speed 218 // 2: host serial port 1 normal spend, port 2 high speed 219 // 3: host serial port 1 and 2 high speed 220 static constexpr const uint8_t HostSerialCfgParamMax = 3; 221 static constexpr uint8_t ipmiDefaultUserId = 2; 222 223 static constexpr const uint8_t selEvtTargetMask = 0xF0; 224 static constexpr const uint8_t selEvtTargetShift = 4; 225 226 static constexpr const uint8_t targetInstanceMask = 0x0E; 227 static constexpr const uint8_t targetInstanceShift = 1; 228 229 enum class IPMINetfnIntelOEMAppCmd 230 { 231 mdrStatus = 0x20, 232 mdrComplete = 0x21, 233 mdrEvent = 0x22, 234 mdrRead = 0x23, 235 mdrWrite = 0x24, 236 mdrLock = 0x25, 237 mdr2AgentStatus = 0x30, 238 mdr2GetDir = 0x31, 239 mdr2GetDataInfo = 0x32, 240 mdr2LockData = 0x33, 241 mdr2UnlockData = 0x34, 242 mdr2GetDataBlock = 0x35, 243 mdr2SendDir = 0x38, 244 mdr2SendDataInfoOffer = 0x39, 245 mdr2SendDataInfo = 0x3a, 246 mdr2DataStart = 0x3b, 247 mdr2DataDone = 0x3c, 248 mdr2SendDataBlock = 0x3d, 249 }; 250 251 enum class OEMDevEntityType 252 { 253 biosId, 254 devVer, 255 sdrVer, 256 }; 257 258 enum class FWUpdateTarget : uint8_t 259 { 260 targetBMC = 0x0, 261 targetBIOS = 0x1, 262 targetME = 0x2, 263 targetOEMEWS = 0x4, 264 }; 265 266 enum class CPUStatus 267 { 268 disabled = 0x0, 269 enabled = 0x1, 270 notPresent = 0x3, 271 }; 272 273 #pragma pack(push, 1) 274 struct GUIDData 275 { 276 uint8_t node1; 277 uint8_t node2; 278 uint8_t node3; 279 uint8_t node4; 280 uint8_t node5; 281 uint8_t node6; 282 uint8_t clock1; 283 uint8_t clock2; 284 uint8_t timeHigh1; 285 uint8_t timeHigh2; 286 uint8_t timeMid1; 287 uint8_t timeMid2; 288 uint8_t timeLow1; 289 uint8_t timeLow2; 290 uint8_t timeLow3; 291 uint8_t timeLow4; 292 }; 293 294 struct DeviceInfo 295 { 296 uint8_t biosIDLength; 297 uint8_t biosId[maxBIOSIDLength]; 298 }; 299 300 struct SetPowerRestoreDelayReq 301 { 302 uint8_t byteMSB; 303 uint8_t byteLSB; 304 }; 305 306 struct GetPowerRestoreDelayRes 307 { 308 uint8_t byteMSB; 309 uint8_t byteLSB; 310 }; 311 312 struct GetOemDeviceInfoRes 313 { 314 uint8_t resDatalen; 315 uint8_t data[maxBIOSIDLength]; 316 }; 317 318 struct GetOEMShutdownPolicyRes 319 { 320 uint8_t policy; 321 uint8_t policySupport; 322 }; 323 324 struct CfgHostSerialReq 325 { 326 uint8_t command; 327 uint8_t parameter; 328 }; 329 #pragma pack(pop) 330 331 // 332 // Fault type enumeration 333 // 334 enum class RemoteFaultType 335 { 336 fan, // 0 337 temperature, // 1 338 power, // 2 339 driveslot, // 3 340 software, // 4 341 memory, // 5 342 max = 6 // 6 343 }; 344 345 // Enumeration for remote fault states as required by the HSC 346 // 347 enum class RemoteFaultState 348 { 349 // fault indicators 350 fanLEDs, 351 cpu1DimmLeds, 352 cpu2DimmLeds, 353 cpu3DimmLeds, 354 cpu4DimmLeds, 355 maxFaultState, 356 }; 357 358 enum class DimmFaultType 359 { 360 cpu1cpu2Dimm, 361 cpu3cpu4Dimm, 362 maxFaultGroup, 363 }; 364 365 enum class setFscParamFlags : uint8_t 366 { 367 tcontrol = 0x1, 368 pwmOffset = 0x2, 369 maxPwm = 0x3, 370 cfm = 0x4 371 }; 372 373 enum class dimmOffsetTypes : uint8_t 374 { 375 staticCltt = 0x0, 376 dimmPower = 0x2 377 }; 378 379 // FIXME: this stuff needs to be rewritten 380 enum IPMI_INTEL_OEM_RETURN_CODES 381 { 382 IPMI_CC_OEM_PAYLOAD_ACTIVE = 0x80, 383 IPMI_CC_OEM_INVALID_PCIE_SLOTID = 0x80, 384 IPMI_CC_OEM_PARAMETER_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x80, 385 IPMI_CC_OEM_PAYLOAD_ALREADY_DEACTIVATED = 0x80, 386 IPMI_CC_OEM_SET_IN_PROCESS = 0x81, 387 IPMI_CC_OEM_PAYLOAD_DISABLE = 0x81, 388 IPMI_CC_OEM_LOST_ARBITRATION = 0x81, 389 IPMI_CC_OEM_INVALID_CABLE_PORT_INDEX = 0x81, 390 IPMI_CC_OEM_HEALTH_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE = 0x81, 391 IPMI_CC_OEM_BUS_ERROR = 0x82, 392 IPMI_CC_OEM_READ_ONLY = 0x82, 393 IPMI_CC_OEM_WRITE_ONLY = 0x82, 394 IPMI_CC_OEM_NO_CABLE_PRESENT = 0x82, 395 IPMI_CC_OEM_DATA_COLLECTION_IN_PROGRESS = 0x82, 396 IPMI_CC_OEM_PAYLOAD_ACTIVATION_LIMIT_REACH = 0x82, 397 IPMI_CC_OEM_NACK_ON_WRITE = 0x83, 398 IPMI_CC_OEM_DATA_COLLECTION_FAILED = 0x83, 399 IPMI_CC_OEM_CAN_NOT_ACTIVATE_WITH_ENCRYPTION = 0x83, 400 IPMI_CC_OEM_CAN_NOT_ACTIVATE_WITHOUT_ENCRYPTION = 0x84, 401 IPMI_CC_OEM_INVALID_CHECKSUM = 0x85, 402 IPMI_CC_OEM_NO_CABLED_PCIE_PORTS_AVAILABLE = 0xC2, 403 }; 404 405 enum IPMI_RETURN_CODE_EXT 406 { 407 IPMI_CC_INVALID_LUN = 0xC2, 408 IPMI_CC_STORGE_LEAK = 0xC4, 409 IPMI_CC_REQUEST_DATA_TRUNCATED = 0xC6, 410 IPMI_CC_REQUEST_DATA_FIELD_LENGTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 0xC8, 411 IPMI_CC_CANNOT_RETURN_NUMBER_OF_REQUESTED_DATA_BYTES = 0xCA, 412 IPMI_CC_REQUEST_SENSOR_DATA_RECORD_NOT_FOUND = 0xCB, 413 IPMI_CC_DESTINATION_UNAVAILABLE = 0xD3, 414 IPMI_CC_PARAMETER_NOT_SUPPORT_IN_PRESENT_STATE = 0xD5, 415 }; 416