1# Dump Manager Design 2 3Author: 4 Dhruvaraj Subhashchandran <dhruvaraj@in.ibm.com> 5 6Other contributors: 7 8Created: 12/12/2019 9 10## Problem Description 11During a crash or a host failure, an event monitor mechanism generates an error 12log, but the size of the error log is limited to few kilobytes, so all the data 13from the crash or failure may not fit into an error log. The additional data 14required for the debugging needs to be collected as a dump. 15The existing OpenBMC dump interfaces support only the dumps generated on 16the BMC and dump manager doesn't support download operations. 17 18## Glossary 19 20- **System Dump**: A dump of the Host's main memory and processor registers. 21 [Read More](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Core_dump) 22- **Memory Preserving Reboot(MPR)**: A method of reboot with preserving the 23 contents of the volatile memory 24- **PLDM**: An interface and data model to access low-level platform inventory, 25 monitoring, control, event, and data/parameters transfer functions. 26 [ReadMore](https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/designs/pldm-stack.md) 27- **Machine Check Exception**: A severe error inside a processor core that 28 causes a processor core to stop all processing activities. 29- **BMCWeb**: An embedded webserver for OpenBMC. [More Info](https://github.com/openbmc/bmcweb/blob/master/README.md) 30 31## Background and References 32Various types of dumps are created based on the type and source of failure. 33The dump manager, which is orchestrating the collection and offload, needs to 34provide methods to create, store the dump details, and offload it. Additionally, 35some sources allow the dump to be extracted manually without a failure to 36understand the current state or analyze a suspected problems. 37 38### Type of dumps supported. 39These are some of the dumps supported by dump manager. 40 41#### BMC Dump 42A dump collected when there is a failure in the BMC with various debug 43information. This type of dump can be generated by user too to get the current 44state of the BMC. This dump gets collected on BMC and stored on BMC 45 46#### System Dump 47A system dump is a collection of debugging information from the host, this may 48include host memory and/or register data. This dump can be initiated by BMC and 49there can be system reboots while collecting the dump. Dump gets stored in the 50host memory and offloaded through the BMC or get collected directly to BMC based 51on the size of dump contents and the available space on the BMC to store the 52dump. 53 54#### Resource dump 55A special type of host dump is initiated and collected by the host based on the 56request from a user. No system state change may be necessary during the 57collection of this kind of a dump. A resource indicator may be used to indicate 58what data to be collected. The content of the dump can be decided by the host. 59This dump can be stored in host memory and offloaded through BMC or host can 60send this dump down to BMC once the collection is completed based on the size 61of the dump and the availability of space on the BMC. 62 63#### Hostboot dump 64A dump that can be collected during the boot failure of the host. This dump may 65or may not include the contents of the main memory and/or the processor registers. 66 67#### Hardware dump 68This dump can be collected during a critical failure on the hardware 69components like the processor while the host is booted and running. The host may 70stop during this dump and may collect various processor states and/or memory 71contents to help to debug the failure. 72 73 74## Requirements 75 76 77#### Dump manager needs to provide interfaces for 78- Create a dump: Initiate the creation of the dump, based on an error condition 79 or a user request. 80- List the dumps: List all dumps present in the BMC. 81- Get a dump: Offload the dump to an external entity. 82- Notify: Notify the dump manager that a new dump is created. 83- Delete the dump. 84- Mark a dump as offloaded to an external entity. 85- Set the dump policies like disabling a type of dump or dump overwriting policy. 86 87## Proposed Design 88There are various types of dumps; interfaces are standard for most of the dumps, 89but huge dumps which cannot be stored on the BMC needs additional support. 90This document will explain the design of different types of dumps. The dumps are 91classified based on where it is collected, stored, and how it is extracted. Two 92major types are 93 94- Collected by BMC and stored on BMC. 95- Collected and stored on an attached entity but offloaded through BMC. 96 97This proposal focuses on re-using the existing [phosphor-debug-collector](https://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-debug-collector), which 98collects the dumps from BMC. 99 100 101 102 103#### Brief design points of existing phosphor-debug-collector 104- A create interface which assumes the type is BMC dump and returns an ID to the 105 caller for the user-initiated dumps. 106- An external request of dump is considered as a user-initiated BMC dump and 107 initiate BMC dump collection with a tool named dreport with type manual dump 108- The dreport create dump file in the dump path provided by the dump manager code. 109- A watch process is forked by the dump manager to catch the signal for the file 110 close on that path and assume the dump collection is completed. 111- The watch process calls an internal dbus interface to create the dump entry 112 with size and timestamp. 113- The path of dump is based on the predefined base path and the id of the dump. 114- When the request comes for offload, the file is downloaded from the dump base 115 path +id, no update in the entry whether dump is offloaded 116- Deleting a dump by deleting the entry and internal file also will be deleted. 117- There are system generated dumps based on error log or core dump, which works 118 similar to user-initiated dumps with the following difference. 119- No external create D-Bus interface is needed, but a monitor application will 120 monitor for specific conditions like the existence of a core file or a signal 121 for new error log creation of a few selected types. 122- Once the event occurred, the monitor will call an internal D-Bus interface 123 dump manager to create the dump with the type of dump. 124- The dump manager calls dreport with a dump type got from the monitor and write 125 data to a path based on dump id. 126 127#### Updates proposed to the existing phosphor-debug-collector. 128- External D-Bus interface needs to specify the type of the dump since a user 129 can request multiple types of dumps 130- Create will be returning an id which can be mapped to the actual dump once it 131 is created. 132- A Notify interface is provided for notifying the creation of a dump outside 133 the BMC but offloaded through BMC. 134- The InitiateOffload function will be implemented to download the dump. 135- Status of the dump, whether offloaded or not, will be added to the dump entry. 136 137### Dump manager interfaces. 138- Dump Manager DBus object provides interfaces for creating and managing dump 139 140- Interfaces 141 - **Create**: The interface to create a dump, called by clients to initiate 142 user-initiated dump. 143 - AdditionalData: The additional data, if any, for initiating the dump. 144 The key in this case should be an implementation specific enum 145 defined for the specific type of dump either in xyz or in a domain. 146 The values can be either a string or a 64 bit number. 147 The enum-format string is required to come from a parallel class 148 with this specific Enum name. All of the Enum strings should be in 149 the format 150 'domain.Dump.Create.CreateParameters.ParamName'. 151 e.g.: 152 { 153 "key1": "value1", 154 "key2": "value2" 155 } 156 ends up in AdditionaData like: 157 ["KEY1=value1", "KEY2=value2"] 158 159 - **Notify**: Notify the dump manager that a new dump is created. 160 - ID: ID of the dump, if not 0 this will be the external id of the dump 161 - Type: Type of dump that was created. 162 - Size: Size of the dump 163 164 ### Dump entry interfaces 165 - **InitiateOffload**: Initiate the offload of the dump. 166 - OffloadUri: The URI where the dump should be offloaded. 167 168#### The properties common to all dumps 169There will be a base dump entry with properties common to all types of dumps 170- ID: Id of the dump 171- Timestamp: Dump creation timestamp 172- Size: Total size of the dump 173- OffloadComplete: Set to true when offload is completed 174- OffloadURI: The URI for offloading the dump, set while initiating the offload. 175Specific types need to inherit from this common dump entry class 176and add specific properties. 177 178#### Additional propertries based on dump types 179 180##### BMC Dump 181- No Additional properties 182 183##### System Dump 184- External Source ID: ID provided by the Host, this id will be used for all 185 communication to the source of the dump, in this case, Host. 186 187 188### Flow of dumps collected and stored in the Host 189PLDM is provided as an example dump transport and notification mechanism 190between Host and BMC. 191 192- Create: Initiate methods to create the dump in Host. 193- Generating the dump in Host 194- Host notifies the creation of dump through PLDM to BMC. 195- PLDM call Notify to create the dump entry 196- InitiateOffload: Dump manager request Host to start offload 197- The Host sends the dump through PLDM, and PLDM on BMC sends it out. 198 199 200## Alternatives Considered 201- Offloading Host dumps through Host instead of BMC, but considered BMC option 202 due to following reasons 203 - The BMC is considered the "management path" of most servers and often 204 the Host is not connected to the desired network for the offload 205 location. 206 - BMC provides one common point for all dumps generated in the system 207 for external management appliance. 208 209## Impacts 210- The existing BMC dump interface needs to be re-used. The current interface is 211 not accepting a dump type, so a new interface to create the dump with type 212 will be provided for BMC dump also without changing the existing interface. 213- Modifying the BMC dump infrastructure to support additional dumps. 214- openpower-proc-control will be updated to call memory preserving chip-ops and 215 to handle memory preserving reboot on POWER platforms. 216- Additional system state to indicate the system is collecting debug data 217 While performing memory preserving reboot. 218 219 220## Testing 221- Unit tests to make sure the dump manager interfaces are working. 222- Following integration tests will be executed to make sure the dump manager 223is working as expected. 224 - Test creating host dumps and offloading it. 225 - Test deleting host dumps 226 - Create/List/Offload/Delete BMC dumps to make sure existing 227 dump manager functions are not broken. 228- Automated tests for dump Create/List/Offload/Delete to avoid regression. 229