xref: /openbmc/dbus-sensors/src/Thresholds.cpp (revision 1d7b4788943d5450e2c72965bb972369ae908b2c)
1 #include "Thresholds.hpp"
3 #include "VariantVisitors.hpp"
4 #include "sensor.hpp"
6 #include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
7 #include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>
9 #include <array>
10 #include <cmath>
11 #include <fstream>
12 #include <iostream>
13 #include <memory>
14 #include <stdexcept>
15 #include <string>
16 #include <tuple>
17 #include <utility>
18 #include <variant>
19 #include <vector>
21 static constexpr bool debug = false;
22 namespace thresholds
23 {
24 Level findThresholdLevel(uint8_t sev)
25 {
26     for (const ThresholdDefinition& prop : thresProp)
27     {
28         if (prop.sevOrder == sev)
29         {
30             return prop.level;
31         }
32     }
33     return Level::ERROR;
34 }
36 Direction findThresholdDirection(const std::string& direct)
37 {
38     if (direct == "greater than")
39     {
40         return Direction::HIGH;
41     }
42     if (direct == "less than")
43     {
44         return Direction::LOW;
45     }
46     return Direction::ERROR;
47 }
49 bool parseThresholdsFromConfig(
50     const SensorData& sensorData,
51     std::vector<thresholds::Threshold>& thresholdVector,
52     const std::string* matchLabel, const int* sensorIndex)
53 {
54     for (const auto& [intf, cfg] : sensorData)
55     {
56         if (intf.find("Thresholds") == std::string::npos)
57         {
58             continue;
59         }
60         if (matchLabel != nullptr)
61         {
62             auto labelFind = cfg.find("Label");
63             if (labelFind == cfg.end())
64             {
65                 continue;
66             }
67             if (std::visit(VariantToStringVisitor(), labelFind->second) !=
68                 *matchLabel)
69             {
70                 continue;
71             }
72         }
74         if (sensorIndex != nullptr)
75         {
76             auto indexFind = cfg.find("Index");
78             // If we're checking for index 1, a missing Index is OK.
79             if ((indexFind == cfg.end()) && (*sensorIndex != 1))
80             {
81                 continue;
82             }
84             if ((indexFind != cfg.end()) &&
85                 (std::visit(VariantToIntVisitor(), indexFind->second) !=
86                  *sensorIndex))
87             {
88                 continue;
89             }
90         }
92         double hysteresis = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
93         auto hysteresisFind = cfg.find("Hysteresis");
94         if (hysteresisFind != cfg.end())
95         {
96             hysteresis = std::visit(VariantToDoubleVisitor(),
97                                     hysteresisFind->second);
98         }
100         auto directionFind = cfg.find("Direction");
101         auto severityFind = cfg.find("Severity");
102         auto valueFind = cfg.find("Value");
103         if (valueFind == cfg.end() || severityFind == cfg.end() ||
104             directionFind == cfg.end())
105         {
106             std::cerr << "Malformed threshold on configuration interface "
107                       << intf << "\n";
108             return false;
109         }
110         unsigned int severity = std::visit(VariantToUnsignedIntVisitor(),
111                                            severityFind->second);
113         std::string directions = std::visit(VariantToStringVisitor(),
114                                             directionFind->second);
116         Level level = findThresholdLevel(severity);
117         Direction direction = findThresholdDirection(directions);
119         if ((level == Level::ERROR) || (direction == Direction::ERROR))
120         {
121             continue;
122         }
123         double val = std::visit(VariantToDoubleVisitor(), valueFind->second);
125         thresholdVector.emplace_back(level, direction, val, hysteresis);
126     }
127     return true;
128 }
130 void persistThreshold(const std::string& path, const std::string& baseInterface,
131                       const thresholds::Threshold& threshold,
132                       std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::connection>& conn,
133                       size_t thresholdCount, const std::string& labelMatch)
134 {
135     for (size_t ii = 0; ii < thresholdCount; ii++)
136     {
137         std::string thresholdInterface = baseInterface + ".Thresholds" +
138                                          std::to_string(ii);
139         conn->async_method_call(
140             [&, path, threshold, thresholdInterface,
141              labelMatch](const boost::system::error_code& ec,
142                          const SensorBaseConfigMap& result) {
143             if (ec)
144             {
145                 return; // threshold not supported
146             }
148             if (!labelMatch.empty())
149             {
150                 auto labelFind = result.find("Label");
151                 if (labelFind == result.end())
152                 {
153                     std::cerr << "No label in threshold configuration\n";
154                     return;
155                 }
156                 std::string label = std::visit(VariantToStringVisitor(),
157                                                labelFind->second);
158                 if (label != labelMatch)
159                 {
160                     return;
161                 }
162             }
164             auto directionFind = result.find("Direction");
165             auto severityFind = result.find("Severity");
166             auto valueFind = result.find("Value");
167             if (valueFind == result.end() || severityFind == result.end() ||
168                 directionFind == result.end())
169             {
170                 std::cerr << "Malformed threshold in configuration\n";
171                 return;
172             }
173             unsigned int severity = std::visit(VariantToUnsignedIntVisitor(),
174                                                severityFind->second);
176             std::string dir = std::visit(VariantToStringVisitor(),
177                                          directionFind->second);
178             if ((findThresholdLevel(severity) != threshold.level) ||
179                 (findThresholdDirection(dir) != threshold.direction))
180             {
181                 return; // not the droid we're looking for
182             }
184             std::variant<double> value(threshold.value);
185             conn->async_method_call(
186                 [](const boost::system::error_code& ec) {
187                 if (ec)
188                 {
189                     std::cerr << "Error setting threshold " << ec << "\n";
190                 }
191             },
192                 entityManagerName, path, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties",
193                 "Set", thresholdInterface, "Value", value);
194         },
195             entityManagerName, path, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties",
196             "GetAll", thresholdInterface);
197     }
198 }
200 void updateThresholds(Sensor* sensor)
201 {
202     for (const auto& threshold : sensor->thresholds)
203     {
204         std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface> interface =
205             sensor->getThresholdInterface(threshold.level);
207         if (!interface)
208         {
209             continue;
210         }
212         std::string property = Sensor::propertyLevel(threshold.level,
213                                                      threshold.direction);
214         if (property.empty())
215         {
216             continue;
217         }
218         interface->set_property(property, threshold.value);
219     }
220 }
222 // Debugging counters
223 static int cHiTrue = 0;
224 static int cHiFalse = 0;
225 static int cHiMidstate = 0;
226 static int cLoTrue = 0;
227 static int cLoFalse = 0;
228 static int cLoMidstate = 0;
229 static int cDebugThrottle = 0;
230 static constexpr int assertLogCount = 10;
232 struct ChangeParam
233 {
234     ChangeParam(Threshold whichThreshold, bool status, double value) :
235         threshold(whichThreshold), asserted(status), assertValue(value)
236     {}
238     Threshold threshold;
239     bool asserted;
240     double assertValue;
241 };
243 static std::vector<ChangeParam> checkThresholds(Sensor* sensor, double value)
244 {
245     std::vector<ChangeParam> thresholdChanges;
246     if (sensor->thresholds.empty())
247     {
248         return thresholdChanges;
249     }
251     for (auto& threshold : sensor->thresholds)
252     {
253         // Use "Schmitt trigger" logic to avoid threshold trigger spam,
254         // if value is noisy while hovering very close to a threshold.
255         // When a threshold is crossed, indicate true immediately,
256         // but require more distance to be crossed the other direction,
257         // before resetting the indicator back to false.
258         if (threshold.direction == thresholds::Direction::HIGH)
259         {
260             if (value >= threshold.value)
261             {
262                 thresholdChanges.emplace_back(threshold, true, value);
263                 if (++cHiTrue < assertLogCount)
264                 {
265                     std::cerr << "Sensor " << sensor->name << " high threshold "
266                               << threshold.value << " assert: value " << value
267                               << " raw data " << sensor->rawValue << "\n";
268                 }
269             }
270             else if (value < (threshold.value - threshold.hysteresis))
271             {
272                 thresholdChanges.emplace_back(threshold, false, value);
273                 ++cHiFalse;
274             }
275             else
276             {
277                 ++cHiMidstate;
278             }
279         }
280         else if (threshold.direction == thresholds::Direction::LOW)
281         {
282             if (value <= threshold.value)
283             {
284                 thresholdChanges.emplace_back(threshold, true, value);
285                 if (++cLoTrue < assertLogCount)
286                 {
287                     std::cerr << "Sensor " << sensor->name << " low threshold "
288                               << threshold.value << " assert: value "
289                               << sensor->value << " raw data "
290                               << sensor->rawValue << "\n";
291                 }
292             }
293             else if (value > (threshold.value + threshold.hysteresis))
294             {
295                 thresholdChanges.emplace_back(threshold, false, value);
296                 ++cLoFalse;
297             }
298             else
299             {
300                 ++cLoMidstate;
301             }
302         }
303         else
304         {
305             std::cerr << "Error determining threshold direction\n";
306         }
307     }
309     // Throttle debug output, so that it does not continuously spam
310     ++cDebugThrottle;
311     if (cDebugThrottle >= 1000)
312     {
313         cDebugThrottle = 0;
314         if constexpr (debug)
315         {
316             std::cerr << "checkThresholds: High T=" << cHiTrue
317                       << " F=" << cHiFalse << " M=" << cHiMidstate
318                       << ", Low T=" << cLoTrue << " F=" << cLoFalse
319                       << " M=" << cLoMidstate << "\n";
320         }
321     }
323     return thresholdChanges;
324 }
326 void ThresholdTimer::startTimer(const std::weak_ptr<Sensor>& weakSensor,
327                                 const Threshold& threshold, bool assert,
328                                 double assertValue)
329 {
330     struct TimerUsed timerUsed = {};
331     constexpr const size_t waitTime = 5;
332     TimerPair* pair = nullptr;
334     for (TimerPair& timer : timers)
335     {
336         if (!timer.first.used)
337         {
338             pair = &timer;
339             break;
340         }
341     }
342     if (pair == nullptr)
343     {
344         pair = &timers.emplace_back(timerUsed, boost::asio::steady_timer(io));
345     }
347     pair->first.used = true;
348     pair->first.level = threshold.level;
349     pair->first.direction = threshold.direction;
350     pair->first.assert = assert;
351     pair->second.expires_after(std::chrono::seconds(waitTime));
352     pair->second.async_wait([weakSensor, pair, threshold, assert,
353                              assertValue](boost::system::error_code ec) {
354         auto sensorPtr = weakSensor.lock();
355         if (!sensorPtr)
356         {
357             return; // owner sensor has been destructed
358         }
359         // pair is valid as long as sensor is valid
360         pair->first.used = false;
362         if (ec == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted)
363         {
364             return; // we're being canceled
365         }
366         if (ec)
367         {
368             std::cerr << "timer error: " << ec.message() << "\n";
369             return;
370         }
371         if (sensorPtr->readingStateGood())
372         {
373             assertThresholds(sensorPtr.get(), assertValue, threshold.level,
374                              threshold.direction, assert);
375         }
376     });
377 }
379 bool checkThresholds(Sensor* sensor)
380 {
381     bool status = true;
382     std::vector<ChangeParam> changes = checkThresholds(sensor, sensor->value);
383     for (const auto& change : changes)
384     {
385         assertThresholds(sensor, change.assertValue, change.threshold.level,
386                          change.threshold.direction, change.asserted);
387         if (change.threshold.level == thresholds::Level::CRITICAL &&
388             change.asserted)
389         {
390             status = false;
391         }
392     }
394     return status;
395 }
397 void checkThresholdsPowerDelay(const std::weak_ptr<Sensor>& weakSensor,
398                                ThresholdTimer& thresholdTimer)
399 {
400     auto sensorPtr = weakSensor.lock();
401     if (!sensorPtr)
402     {
403         return; // sensor is destructed, should never be here
404     }
406     Sensor* sensor = sensorPtr.get();
407     std::vector<ChangeParam> changes = checkThresholds(sensor, sensor->value);
408     for (const auto& change : changes)
409     {
410         // When CPU is powered off, some volatges are expected to
411         // go below low thresholds. Filter these events with thresholdTimer.
412         // 1. always delay the assertion of low events to see if they are
413         //   caused by power off event.
414         // 2. conditional delay the de-assertion of low events if there is
415         //   an existing timer for assertion.
416         // 3. no delays for de-assert of low events if there is an existing
417         //   de-assert for low event. This means 2nd de-assert would happen
418         //   first and when timer expires for the previous one, no additional
419         //   signal will be logged.
420         // 4. no delays for all high events.
421         if (change.threshold.direction == thresholds::Direction::LOW)
422         {
423             if (change.asserted || thresholdTimer.hasActiveTimer(
424                                        change.threshold, !change.asserted))
425             {
426                 thresholdTimer.startTimer(weakSensor, change.threshold,
427                                           change.asserted, change.assertValue);
428                 continue;
429             }
430         }
431         assertThresholds(sensor, change.assertValue, change.threshold.level,
432                          change.threshold.direction, change.asserted);
433     }
434 }
436 void assertThresholds(Sensor* sensor, double assertValue,
437                       thresholds::Level level, thresholds::Direction direction,
438                       bool assert)
439 {
440     std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface> interface =
441         sensor->getThresholdInterface(level);
443     if (!interface)
444     {
445         std::cout << "trying to set uninitialized interface\n";
446         return;
447     }
449     std::string property = Sensor::propertyAlarm(level, direction);
450     if (property.empty())
451     {
452         std::cout << "Alarm property is empty \n";
453         return;
454     }
455     if (interface->set_property<bool, true>(property, assert))
456     {
457         try
458         {
459             // msg.get_path() is interface->get_object_path()
460             sdbusplus::message_t msg =
461                 interface->new_signal("ThresholdAsserted");
463             msg.append(sensor->name, interface->get_interface_name(), property,
464                        assert, assertValue);
465             msg.signal_send();
466         }
467         catch (const sdbusplus::exception_t& e)
468         {
469             std::cerr
470                 << "Failed to send thresholdAsserted signal with assertValue\n";
471         }
472     }
473 }
475 bool parseThresholdsFromAttr(
476     std::vector<thresholds::Threshold>& thresholdVector,
477     const std::string& inputPath, const double& scaleFactor,
478     const double& offset)
479 {
480     const boost::container::flat_map<
481         std::string, std::vector<std::tuple<const char*, thresholds::Level,
482                                             thresholds::Direction, double>>>
483         map = {
484             {"average",
485              {
486                  std::make_tuple("average_min", Level::WARNING, Direction::LOW,
487                                  0.0),
488                  std::make_tuple("average_max", Level::WARNING, Direction::HIGH,
489                                  0.0),
490              }},
491             {"input",
492              {
493                  std::make_tuple("min", Level::WARNING, Direction::LOW, 0.0),
494                  std::make_tuple("max", Level::WARNING, Direction::HIGH, 0.0),
495                  std::make_tuple("lcrit", Level::CRITICAL, Direction::LOW, 0.0),
496                  std::make_tuple("crit", Level::CRITICAL, Direction::HIGH,
497                                  offset),
498              }},
499         };
501     if (auto fileParts = splitFileName(inputPath))
502     {
503         auto& [type, nr, item] = *fileParts;
504         if (map.count(item) != 0)
505         {
506             for (const auto& t : map.at(item))
507             {
508                 const auto& [suffix, level, direction, offset] = t;
509                 auto attrPath = boost::replace_all_copy(inputPath, item,
510                                                         suffix);
511                 if (auto val = readFile(attrPath, scaleFactor))
512                 {
513                     *val += offset;
514                     if (debug)
515                     {
516                         std::cout << "Threshold: " << attrPath << ": " << *val
517                                   << "\n";
518                     }
519                     thresholdVector.emplace_back(level, direction, *val, 0);
520                 }
521             }
522         }
523     }
524     return true;
525 }
527 std::string getInterface(const Level thresholdLevel)
528 {
529     for (const ThresholdDefinition& thresh : thresProp)
530     {
531         if (thresh.level == thresholdLevel)
532         {
533             return std::string("xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.") +
534                    thresh.levelName;
535         }
536     }
537     return "";
538 }
539 } // namespace thresholds