1*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills{
2*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills    "$id": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ThermalMetrics.v1_3_2.json",
3*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills    "$ref": "#/definitions/ThermalMetrics",
4*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills    "$schema": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/redfish-schema-v1.json",
5*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills    "copyright": "Copyright 2014-2024 DMTF. For the full DMTF copyright policy, see http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/copyright",
6*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills    "definitions": {
7*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills        "Actions": {
8*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
9*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "description": "The available actions for this resource.",
10*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall contain the available actions for this resource.",
11*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
12*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
13*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
14*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "type": [
15*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "array",
16*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
17*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "integer",
18*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "number",
19*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "null",
20*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "object",
21*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "string"
22*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    ]
23*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                }
24*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            },
25*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "properties": {
26*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "#ThermalMetrics.ResetMetrics": {
27*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/ResetMetrics"
28*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
29*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "Oem": {
30*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/OemActions",
31*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "The available OEM-specific actions for this resource.",
32*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the available OEM-specific actions for this resource."
33*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                }
34*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            },
35*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
36*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills        },
37*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills        "HeaterSummary": {
38*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
39*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "description": "The heater metrics summary for the subsystem.",
40*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall contain properties that describe the heater metrics summary for the subsystem.",
41*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
42*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
43*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
44*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "type": [
45*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "array",
46*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
47*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "integer",
48*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "number",
49*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "null",
50*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "object",
51*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "string"
52*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    ]
53*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                }
54*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            },
55*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "properties": {
56*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "TotalPrePowerOnHeatingTimeSeconds": {
57*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "The total number of seconds all the heaters in the thermal subsystem were active while the respective devices they heat were powered off.",
58*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of seconds all the heaters in the thermal subsystem were active while the respective devices they heat were powered off.",
59*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
60*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "type": [
61*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "integer",
62*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "null"
63*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    ],
64*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
65*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
66*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "TotalRuntimeHeatingTimeSeconds": {
67*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "The total number of seconds all the heaters in the thermal subsystem were active while the respective devices they heat were powered on.",
68*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of seconds all the heaters in the thermal subsystem were active while the respective devices they heat were powered on.",
69*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
70*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "type": [
71*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "integer",
72*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "null"
73*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    ],
74*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
75*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                }
76*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            },
77*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
78*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills        },
79*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills        "OemActions": {
80*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": true,
81*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "description": "The available OEM-specific actions for this resource.",
82*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall contain the available OEM-specific actions for this resource.",
83*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
84*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
85*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
86*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "type": [
87*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "array",
88*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
89*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "integer",
90*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "number",
91*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "null",
92*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "object",
93*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "string"
94*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    ]
95*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                }
96*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            },
97*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "properties": {},
98*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
99*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills        },
100*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills        "ResetMetrics": {
101*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
102*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "description": "This action resets the summary metrics related to this equipment.",
103*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This action shall reset any time intervals or counted values for this equipment.",
104*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "parameters": {},
105*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
106*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
107*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
108*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "type": [
109*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "array",
110*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
111*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "integer",
112*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "number",
113*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "null",
114*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "object",
115*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "string"
116*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    ]
117*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                }
118*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            },
119*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "properties": {
120*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "target": {
121*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "Link to invoke action",
122*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "format": "uri-reference",
123*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
124*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
125*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "title": {
126*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "Friendly action name",
127*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
128*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                }
129*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            },
130*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
131*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills        },
132*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills        "TemperatureSummary": {
133*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
134*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "description": "The temperature readings for a subsystem.",
135*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall contain properties that describe temperature sensor for a subsystem.",
136*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
137*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
138*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
139*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "type": [
140*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "array",
141*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
142*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "integer",
143*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "number",
144*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "null",
145*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "object",
146*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "string"
147*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    ]
148*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                }
149*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            },
150*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "properties": {
151*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "Ambient": {
152*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
153*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        {
154*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Sensor.json#/definitions/SensorExcerpt"
155*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        },
156*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        {
157*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
158*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        }
159*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    ],
160*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "The ambient temperature (in degree Celsius units) of this subsystem.",
161*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "excerptCopy": "SensorExcerpt",
162*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the temperature, in degree Celsius units, for the ambient temperature of this subsystem.  The value of the `DataSourceUri` property, if present, shall reference a resource of type `Sensor` with the `ReadingType` property containing the value `Temperature`."
163*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
164*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "Exhaust": {
165*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
166*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        {
167*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Sensor.json#/definitions/SensorExcerpt"
168*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        },
169*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        {
170*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
171*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        }
172*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    ],
173*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "The exhaust temperature (in degree Celsius units) of this subsystem.",
174*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "excerptCopy": "SensorExcerpt",
175*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the temperature, in degree Celsius units, for the exhaust temperature of this subsystem.  The value of the `DataSourceUri` property, if present, shall reference a resource of type `Sensor` with the `ReadingType` property containing the value `Temperature`."
176*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
177*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "Intake": {
178*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
179*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        {
180*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Sensor.json#/definitions/SensorExcerpt"
181*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        },
182*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        {
183*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
184*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        }
185*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    ],
186*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "The intake temperature (in degree Celsius units) of this subsystem.",
187*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "excerptCopy": "SensorExcerpt",
188*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the temperature, in degree Celsius units, for the intake temperature of this subsystem.  The value of the `DataSourceUri` property, if present, shall reference a resource of type `Sensor` with the `ReadingType` property containing the value `Temperature`."
189*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
190*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "Internal": {
191*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
192*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        {
193*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Sensor.json#/definitions/SensorExcerpt"
194*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        },
195*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        {
196*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
197*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        }
198*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    ],
199*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "The internal temperature (in degree Celsius units) of this subsystem.",
200*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "excerptCopy": "SensorExcerpt",
201*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the temperature, in degree Celsius units, for the internal temperature of this subsystem.  The value of the `DataSourceUri` property, if present, shall reference a resource of type `Sensor` with the `ReadingType` property containing the value `Temperature`."
202*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                }
203*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            },
204*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
205*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills        },
206*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills        "ThermalMetrics": {
207*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
208*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "description": "The `ThermalMetrics` schema represents the thermal metrics of a chassis.",
209*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This resource shall represent the thermal metrics of a chassis for a Redfish implementation.",
210*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
211*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
212*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
213*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "type": [
214*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "array",
215*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
216*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "integer",
217*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "number",
218*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "null",
219*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "object",
220*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "string"
221*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    ]
222*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                }
223*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            },
224*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "properties": {
225*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "@odata.context": {
226*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/context"
227*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
228*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "@odata.etag": {
229*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/etag"
230*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
231*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "@odata.id": {
232*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/id"
233*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
234*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "@odata.type": {
235*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/type"
236*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
237*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "Actions": {
238*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/Actions",
239*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "The available actions for this resource.",
240*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the available actions for this resource."
241*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
242*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "AirFlowCubicMetersPerMinute": {
243*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
244*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        {
245*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Sensor.json#/definitions/SensorExcerpt"
246*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        },
247*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        {
248*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
249*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        }
250*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    ],
251*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "The air flow through the chassis (m^3/min).",
252*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "excerptCopy": "SensorExcerpt",
253*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the rate of air flow, in cubic meters per minute units, between the air intake and the air exhaust of this chassis.  The value of the `DataSourceUri` property, if present, shall reference a resource of type `Sensor` with the `ReadingType` property containing the value `AirFlowCMM`.",
254*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
255*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_2_0"
256*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
257*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "DeltaPressurekPa": {
258*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
259*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        {
260*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Sensor.json#/definitions/SensorExcerpt"
261*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        },
262*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        {
263*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
264*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        }
265*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    ],
266*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "The differential pressure (kPa).",
267*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "excerptCopy": "SensorExcerpt",
268*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the pressure, in kilopascal units, for the difference in pressure between the air intake and the air exhaust of this chassis.  The value of the `DataSourceUri` property, if present, shall reference a resource of type `Sensor` with the `ReadingType` property containing the value `PressurekPa`.",
269*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
270*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_2_0"
271*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
272*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "Description": {
273*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
274*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        {
275*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Description"
276*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        },
277*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        {
278*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
279*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        }
280*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    ],
281*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
282*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
283*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "EnergykWh": {
284*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
285*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        {
286*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Sensor.json#/definitions/SensorEnergykWhExcerpt"
287*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        },
288*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        {
289*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
290*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        }
291*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    ],
292*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "Energy consumption (kWh) of the thermal management subsystem.",
293*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "excerptCopy": "SensorEnergykWhExcerpt",
294*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total energy, in kilowatt-hour units, for the thermal subsystem.  The value shall include the total energy consumption of devices involved in thermal management of the chassis, such as fans, pumps, and heaters.  The value of the `DataSourceUri` property, if present, shall reference a resource of type `Sensor` with the `ReadingType` property containing the value `EnergykWh`.",
295*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_3_0"
296*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
297*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "HeaterSummary": {
298*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/HeaterSummary",
299*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "The summary of heater metrics for this chassis.",
300*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the summary of heater metrics for this subsystem.",
301*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
302*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
303*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "Id": {
304*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Id",
305*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
306*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
307*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "Name": {
308*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Name",
309*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
310*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
311*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "Oem": {
312*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Oem",
313*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "The OEM extension property.",
314*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the OEM extensions.  All values for properties that this object contains shall conform to the Redfish Specification-described requirements."
315*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
316*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "PowerWatts": {
317*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
318*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        {
319*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Sensor.json#/definitions/SensorPowerExcerpt"
320*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        },
321*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        {
322*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
323*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        }
324*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    ],
325*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "Power consumption (W) of the thermal management subsystem.",
326*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "excerptCopy": "SensorPowerExcerpt",
327*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the power, in watt units, for the thermal subsystem.  The value shall include the total power consumption of devices involved in thermal management of the chassis, such as fans, pumps, and heaters.  The value of the `DataSourceUri` property, if present, shall reference a resource of type `Sensor` with the `ReadingType` property containing the value `Power`.",
328*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_3_0"
329*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
330*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "TemperatureReadingsCelsius": {
331*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "The temperatures (in degree Celsius units) from all related sensors for this device.",
332*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "excerptCopy": "SensorArrayExcerpt",
333*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "items": {
334*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Sensor.json#/definitions/SensorArrayExcerpt"
335*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    },
336*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the temperatures, in degree Celsius units, for this subsystem.  The value of the `DataSourceUri` property, if present, shall reference a resource of type `Sensor` with the `ReadingType` property containing the value `Temperature`.",
337*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "type": "array"
338*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
339*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "TemperatureReadingsCelsius@odata.count": {
340*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
341*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                },
342*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "TemperatureSummaryCelsius": {
343*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/TemperatureSummary",
344*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "description": "The summary temperature readings for this chassis.",
345*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the temperature sensor readings for this subsystem."
346*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                }
347*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            },
348*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "required": [
349*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "@odata.id",
350*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "@odata.type",
351*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "Id",
352*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills                "Name"
353*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            ],
354*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
355*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills        }
356*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills    },
357*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills    "language": "en",
358*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills    "owningEntity": "DMTF",
359*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills    "release": "2023.2",
360*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills    "title": "#ThermalMetrics.v1_3_2.ThermalMetrics"
361*f2a8e57eSGunnar Mills}