1*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills{
2*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    "$id": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Processor.v1_20_1.json",
3*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    "$ref": "#/definitions/Processor",
4*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    "$schema": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/redfish-schema-v1.json",
5*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    "copyright": "Copyright 2014-2024 DMTF. For the full DMTF copyright policy, see http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/copyright",
6*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    "definitions": {
7*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "Actions": {
8*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
9*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The available actions for this resource.",
10*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall contain the available actions for this resource.",
11*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
12*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
13*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
14*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
15*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
16*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
17*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
18*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
19*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
20*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
21*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
22*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
23*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
24*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
25*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
26*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "#Processor.Reset": {
27*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/Reset"
28*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
29*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "#Processor.ResetToDefaults": {
30*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/ResetToDefaults"
31*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
32*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Oem": {
33*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/OemActions",
34*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The available OEM-specific actions for this resource.",
35*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the available OEM-specific actions for this resource.",
36*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
37*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
38*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
39*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
40*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
41*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "BaseSpeedPriorityState": {
42*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
43*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Enabled",
44*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Disabled"
45*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
46*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
47*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Disabled": "Base speed priority is disabled.",
48*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Enabled": "Base speed priority is enabled."
49*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
50*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
51*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
52*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "EthernetInterface": {
53*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
54*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "This type defines an Ethernet interface.",
55*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "These properties shall contain the definition for an Ethernet interface for a Redfish implementation.",
56*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
57*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
58*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
59*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
60*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
61*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
62*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
63*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
64*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
65*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
66*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
67*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
68*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
69*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
70*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
71*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MaxLanes": {
72*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The number of lanes supported by this interface.",
73*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the maximum number of lanes supported by this interface.",
74*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
75*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
76*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
77*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
78*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
79*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
80*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
81*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MaxSpeedMbps": {
82*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The maximum speed supported by this interface.",
83*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the maximum speed supported by this interface.",
84*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
85*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
86*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
87*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
88*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
89*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "units": "Mbit/s",
90*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
91*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
92*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Oem": {
93*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Oem",
94*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The OEM extension property.",
95*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the OEM extensions.  All values for properties contained in this object shall conform to the Redfish Specification-described requirements.",
96*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
97*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
98*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
99*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
100*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
101*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "FPGA": {
102*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
103*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The properties of the FPGA device.",
104*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This object shall contain the properties of the FPGA device represented by a processor.",
105*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
106*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
107*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
108*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
109*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
110*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
111*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
112*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
113*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
114*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
115*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
116*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
117*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
118*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
119*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
120*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ExternalInterfaces": {
121*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of the FPGA external interfaces.",
122*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
123*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "#/definitions/ProcessorInterface"
124*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
125*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of objects that describe the external connectivity of the FPGA.",
126*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
127*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
128*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
129*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "FirmwareId": {
130*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The FPGA firmware identifier.",
131*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a string describing the FPGA firmware identifier.",
132*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
133*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string",
134*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
135*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
136*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "FirmwareManufacturer": {
137*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The FPGA firmware manufacturer.",
138*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a string describing the FPGA firmware manufacturer.",
139*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
140*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string",
141*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
142*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
143*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "FirmwareVersion": {
144*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "deprecated": "This property has been deprecated in favor of the `FirmwareVersion` property in the root of this resource.",
145*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The FPGA firmware version.",
146*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a string describing the FPGA firmware version.",
147*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
148*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string",
149*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0",
150*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionDeprecated": "v1_9_0"
151*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
152*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "FpgaType": {
153*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/FpgaType",
154*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The FPGA type.",
155*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a type of the FPGA device.",
156*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
157*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
158*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
159*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "HostInterface": {
160*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/ProcessorInterface",
161*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "deprecated": "This property has been deprecated in favor of the `SystemInterface` property in the root of this resource.",
162*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The FPGA interface to the host.",
163*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an object that describes the connectivity to the host for system software to use.",
164*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0",
165*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionDeprecated": "v1_8_0"
166*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
167*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Model": {
168*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The FPGA model.",
169*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a model of the FPGA device.",
170*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
171*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string",
172*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
173*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
174*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Oem": {
175*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Oem",
176*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The OEM extension property.",
177*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the OEM extensions.  All values for properties contained in this object shall conform to the Redfish Specification-described requirements.",
178*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
179*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
180*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PCIeVirtualFunctions": {
181*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The number of PCIe Virtual Functions.",
182*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an integer that describes the number of PCIe Virtual Functions configured within the FPGA.",
183*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
184*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "integer",
185*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
186*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
187*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ProgrammableFromHost": {
188*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An indication of whether the FPGA firmware can be reprogrammed from the host by using system software.",
189*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate whether the FPGA firmware can be reprogrammed from the host by using system software.  If `false`, system software shall not be able to program the FPGA firmware from the system interface.  In either state, a management controller may be able to program the FPGA firmware by using the sideband interface.",
190*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
191*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
192*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
193*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
194*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
195*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
196*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
197*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ReconfigurationSlots": {
198*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of the FPGA reconfiguration slots.  An FPGA uses a reconfiguration slot to contain an acceleration function that can change as the FPGA is provisioned.",
199*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
200*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "#/definitions/FpgaReconfigurationSlot"
201*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
202*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of the structures that describe the FPGA reconfiguration slots that the acceleration functions can program.",
203*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
204*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
205*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
206*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
207*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
208*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
209*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "FpgaReconfigurationSlot": {
210*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
211*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "This type describes the FPGA reconfiguration slot.  An FPGA uses a reconfiguration slot to contain an acceleration function that can change as the FPGA is provisioned.",
212*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall contain information about the FPGA reconfiguration slot.",
213*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
214*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
215*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
216*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
217*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
218*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
219*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
220*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
221*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
222*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
223*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
224*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
225*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
226*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
227*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
228*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AccelerationFunction": {
229*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/AccelerationFunction.json#/definitions/AccelerationFunction",
230*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the acceleration function that the code programmed into a reconfiguration slot provides.",
231*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource of type `AccelerationFunction` that represents the code programmed into this reconfiguration slot.",
232*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
233*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
234*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
235*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ProgrammableFromHost": {
236*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An indication of whether the reconfiguration slot can be reprogrammed from the host by using system software.",
237*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate whether the reconfiguration slot can be reprogrammed from the host by using system software.  If `false`, system software shall not be able to program the reconfiguration slot from the system interface.  In either state, a management controller may be able to program the reconfiguration slot by using the sideband interface.",
238*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
239*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
240*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
241*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
242*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
243*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
244*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
245*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SlotId": {
246*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The FPGA reconfiguration slot identifier.",
247*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the FPGA reconfiguration slot identifier.",
248*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
249*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
250*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
251*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
252*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
253*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
254*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
255*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "UUID": {
256*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
257*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
258*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/UUID"
259*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
260*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
261*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
262*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
263*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
264*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The UUID for this reconfiguration slot.",
265*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a universally unique identifier number for the reconfiguration slot.",
266*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
267*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
268*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
269*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
270*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
271*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
272*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "FpgaType": {
273*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
274*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Integrated",
275*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Discrete"
276*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
277*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
278*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Discrete": "The discrete FPGA device.",
279*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Integrated": "The FPGA device integrated with other processor in the single chip."
280*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
281*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
282*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
283*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "InstructionSet": {
284*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
285*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "x86",
286*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "x86-64",
287*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "IA-64",
288*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ARM-A32",
289*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ARM-A64",
290*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MIPS32",
291*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MIPS64",
292*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerISA",
293*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "RV32",
294*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "RV64",
295*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM"
296*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
297*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
298*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ARM-A32": "ARM 32-bit.",
299*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ARM-A64": "ARM 64-bit.",
300*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "IA-64": "Intel IA-64.",
301*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MIPS32": "MIPS 32-bit.",
302*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MIPS64": "MIPS 64-bit.",
303*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM": "OEM-defined.",
304*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerISA": "PowerISA-64 or PowerISA-32.",
305*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "RV32": "RISC-V 32-bit.",
306*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "RV64": "RISC-V 64-bit.",
307*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "x86": "x86 32-bit.",
308*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "x86-64": "x86 64-bit."
309*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
310*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumVersionAdded": {
311*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerISA": "v1_4_0",
312*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "RV32": "v1_19_0",
313*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "RV64": "v1_19_0"
314*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
315*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
316*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
317*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "Links": {
318*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
319*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The links to other resources that are related to this resource.",
320*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This Redfish Specification-described type shall contain links to resources that are related to but are not contained by, or subordinate to, this resource.",
321*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
322*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
323*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
324*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
325*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
326*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
327*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
328*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
329*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
330*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
331*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
332*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
333*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
334*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
335*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
336*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Chassis": {
337*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Chassis.json#/definitions/Chassis",
338*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the chassis that contains this processor.",
339*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource of type `Chassis` that represents the physical container associated with this processor.",
340*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
341*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
342*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
343*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ConnectedProcessors": {
344*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of links to the processors directly connected to this processor.",
345*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
346*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Processor.json#/definitions/Processor"
347*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
348*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `Processor` that are directly connected to this processor.",
349*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
350*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
351*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
352*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
353*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ConnectedProcessors@odata.count": {
354*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
355*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
356*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Endpoints": {
357*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of links to the endpoints that connect to this processor.",
358*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
359*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Endpoint.json#/definitions/Endpoint"
360*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
361*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `Endpoint` that represent endpoints associated with this processor.",
362*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
363*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
364*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
365*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
366*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Endpoints@odata.count": {
367*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
368*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
369*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "FabricAdapters": {
370*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of links to the fabric adapters that present this processor to a fabric.",
371*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
372*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/FabricAdapter.json#/definitions/FabricAdapter"
373*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
374*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `FabricAdapter` that represent the fabric adapters that present this processor to a fabric.",
375*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
376*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
377*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_17_0"
378*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
379*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "FabricAdapters@odata.count": {
380*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
381*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
382*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GraphicsController": {
383*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
384*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
385*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/GraphicsController.json#/definitions/GraphicsController"
386*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
387*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
388*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
389*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
390*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
391*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "A link to the graphics controller associated with this processor.",
392*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource of type `GraphicsController` that is associated with this processor.",
393*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
394*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_12_0"
395*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
396*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Memory": {
397*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of links to the memory associated with this processor.",
398*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
399*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Memory.json#/definitions/Memory"
400*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
401*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `Memory` that are associated with this processor.",
402*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
403*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
404*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_11_0"
405*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
406*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Memory@odata.count": {
407*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
408*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
409*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "NetworkDeviceFunctions": {
410*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The network device functions to which this processor performs offload computation, such as with a SmartNIC.",
411*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
412*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/NetworkDeviceFunction.json#/definitions/NetworkDeviceFunction"
413*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
414*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `NetworkDeviceFunction` that represent the network device functions to which this processor performs offload computation, such as with a SmartNIC.",
415*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
416*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
417*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
418*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
419*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "NetworkDeviceFunctions@odata.count": {
420*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
421*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
422*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Oem": {
423*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Oem",
424*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The OEM extension property.",
425*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the OEM extensions.  All values for properties contained in this object shall conform to the Redfish Specification-described requirements."
426*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
427*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PCIeDevice": {
428*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/PCIeDevice.json#/definitions/PCIeDevice",
429*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the PCIe device associated with this processor.",
430*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource of type `PCIeDevice` that represents the PCIe device associated with this processor.",
431*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
432*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
433*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
434*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PCIeFunctions": {
435*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of links to the PCIeFunctions associated with this processor.",
436*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
437*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/PCIeFunction.json#/definitions/PCIeFunction"
438*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
439*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `PCIeFunction` that represent the PCIe functions associated with this processor.",
440*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
441*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
442*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
443*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
444*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PCIeFunctions@odata.count": {
445*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
446*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
447*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
448*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
449*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
450*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "MemorySummary": {
451*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
452*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The summary of all memory associated with a processor.",
453*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall contain properties that describe the summary of all memory that is associated with a processor.",
454*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
455*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
456*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
457*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
458*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
459*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
460*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
461*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
462*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
463*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
464*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
465*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
466*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
467*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
468*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
469*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ECCModeEnabled": {
470*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An indication of whether memory ECC mode is enabled for this processor.",
471*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "The value of this property shall indicate if memory ECC mode is enabled for this processor.  This value shall not affect system memory ECC mode.",
472*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
473*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
474*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
475*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
476*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
477*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
478*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
479*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Metrics": {
480*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/MemoryMetrics.json#/definitions/MemoryMetrics",
481*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the memory metrics associated with all memory of this processor.",
482*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource of type `MemoryMetrics` that contains the metrics associated with all memory of this processor.",
483*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
484*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "uriSegment": "MemorySummary/MemoryMetrics",
485*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_11_0"
486*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
487*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TotalCacheSizeMiB": {
488*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Total size of cache memory of this processor.",
489*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total size of cache memory of this processor.",
490*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
491*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
492*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
493*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
494*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
495*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "units": "MiBy",
496*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_11_0"
497*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
498*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TotalMemorySizeMiB": {
499*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Total size of non-cache volatile or non-volatile memory attached to this processor.  Examples include DRAMs and NV-DIMMs that are not configured as block storage.",
500*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total size of non-cache volatile or non-volatile memory attached to this processor.  Examples include DRAMs and NV-DIMMs that are not configured as block storage.  This value indicates the size of memory directly attached or with strong affinity to this processor, not the total memory accessible by the processor.  This property shall not be present for implementations where all processors have equal memory performance or access characteristics, such as hop count, for all system memory.",
501*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
502*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
503*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
504*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
505*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
506*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "units": "MiBy",
507*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_11_0"
508*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
509*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
510*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
511*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
512*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "OemActions": {
513*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": true,
514*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The available OEM-specific actions for this resource.",
515*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall contain the available OEM-specific actions for this resource.",
516*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
517*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
518*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
519*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
520*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
521*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
522*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
523*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
524*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
525*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
526*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
527*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
528*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
529*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
530*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {},
531*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
532*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
533*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "Processor": {
534*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
535*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The `Processor` schema describes the information about a single processor that a system contains.  A processor includes both performance characteristics, clock speed, architecture, core count, and so on, and compatibility, such as the CPU ID instruction results.  It also describes the location, such as a slot, socket, or bay, where a unit can be installed, by populating a resource instance with an absent state if a unit is not present.",
536*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This resource shall represent a single processor that a system contains.  A processor includes both performance characteristics, clock speed, architecture, core count, and so on, and compatibility, such as the CPU ID instruction results.  It may also represent a location, such as a slot, socket, or bay, where a unit may be installed, but the `State` property within the `Status` property contains `Absent`.",
537*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
538*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
539*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
540*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
541*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
542*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
543*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
544*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
545*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
546*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
547*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
548*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
549*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
550*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
551*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
552*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "@odata.context": {
553*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/context"
554*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
555*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "@odata.etag": {
556*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/etag"
557*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
558*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "@odata.id": {
559*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/id"
560*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
561*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "@odata.type": {
562*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/type"
563*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
564*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AccelerationFunctions": {
565*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/AccelerationFunctionCollection.json#/definitions/AccelerationFunctionCollection",
566*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the collection of acceleration functions associated with this processor.",
567*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `AccelerationFunctionCollection`.",
568*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
569*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
570*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
571*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Actions": {
572*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/Actions",
573*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The available actions for this resource.",
574*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the available actions for this resource.",
575*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
576*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
577*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AdditionalFirmwareVersions": {
578*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/SoftwareInventory.json#/definitions/AdditionalVersions",
579*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The additional firmware versions of the processor.",
580*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the additional firmware versions of the processor.",
581*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_15_0"
582*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
583*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AppliedOperatingConfig": {
584*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/OperatingConfig.json#/definitions/OperatingConfig",
585*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the operating configuration that is applied to this processor.",
586*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource of type `OperatingConfig` that specifies the configuration is applied to this processor.",
587*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
588*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_9_0"
589*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
590*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Assembly": {
591*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Assembly.json#/definitions/Assembly",
592*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to an assembly associated with this processor.",
593*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource of type `Assembly`.",
594*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
595*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_2_0"
596*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
597*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BaseSpeedMHz": {
598*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The base (nominal) clock speed of the processor in MHz.",
599*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the base (nominal) clock speed of the processor in MHz.",
600*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "minimum": 0,
601*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
602*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
603*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
604*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
605*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
606*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "units": "MHz",
607*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_10_0"
608*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
609*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BaseSpeedPriorityState": {
610*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
611*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
612*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/BaseSpeedPriorityState"
613*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
614*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
615*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
616*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
617*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
618*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The state of the base frequency settings of the operation configuration applied to this processor.",
619*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the state of the base frequency settings of the operating configuration applied to this processor.",
620*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
621*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_9_0"
622*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
623*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "CacheMemory": {
624*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/MemoryCollection.json#/definitions/MemoryCollection",
625*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the collection of cache memory associated with this processor.",
626*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `MemoryCollection` that represents the cache memory of this processor.",
627*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
628*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_20_0"
629*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
630*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Certificates": {
631*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/CertificateCollection.json#/definitions/CertificateCollection",
632*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to a collection of certificates for device identity and attestation.",
633*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `CertificateCollection` that contains certificates for device identity and attestation.",
634*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
635*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_11_0"
636*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
637*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Description": {
638*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
639*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
640*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Description"
641*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
642*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
643*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
644*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
645*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
646*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
647*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
648*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Enabled": {
649*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An indication of whether this processor is enabled.",
650*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "The value of this property shall indicate if this processor is enabled.",
651*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
652*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "boolean",
653*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_12_0"
654*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
655*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "EnvironmentMetrics": {
656*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/EnvironmentMetrics.json#/definitions/EnvironmentMetrics",
657*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the environment metrics for this processor.",
658*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource of type `EnvironmentMetrics` that specifies the environment metrics for this processor.",
659*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
660*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_11_0"
661*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
662*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "FPGA": {
663*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/FPGA",
664*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The properties for processors of the FPGA type.",
665*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an object containing properties for processors of type `FPGA`.",
666*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
667*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
668*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Family": {
669*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The processor family.",
670*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a string that identifies the processor family, as specified by the combination of the `EffectiveFamily` and `EffectiveModel` properties.",
671*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
672*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
673*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
674*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
675*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
676*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
677*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
678*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "FirmwareVersion": {
679*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The firmware version of the processor.",
680*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a string describing the firmware version of the processor as provided by the manufacturer.",
681*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
682*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string",
683*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_7_0"
684*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
685*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "HighSpeedCoreIDs": {
686*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The list of core identifiers corresponding to the cores that have been configured with the higher clock speed from the operating configuration applied to this processor.",
687*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
688*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "type": [
689*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "integer",
690*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "null"
691*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        ]
692*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
693*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of core identifiers corresponding to the cores that have been configured with the higher clock speed from the operating configuration applied to this processor.",
694*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
695*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
696*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_9_0"
697*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
698*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Id": {
699*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Id",
700*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
701*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
702*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "InstructionSet": {
703*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
704*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
705*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/InstructionSet"
706*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
707*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
708*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
709*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
710*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
711*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The instruction set of the processor.",
712*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the string that identifies the instruction set of the processor contained in this socket.",
713*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
714*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
715*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Links": {
716*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/Links",
717*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The links to other resources that are related to this resource.",
718*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain links to resources that are related to but are not contained by, or subordinate to, this resource.",
719*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
720*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
721*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Location": {
722*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Location",
723*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The location of the processor.",
724*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the location information of the associated processor.",
725*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_2_0"
726*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
727*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "LocationIndicatorActive": {
728*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An indicator allowing an operator to physically locate this resource.",
729*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the state of the indicator used to physically identify or locate this resource.  A write to this property shall update the value of `IndicatorLED` in this resource, if supported, to reflect the implementation of the locating function.",
730*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
731*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
732*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
733*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
734*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
735*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_10_0"
736*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
737*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Manufacturer": {
738*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The processor manufacturer.",
739*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a string that identifies the manufacturer of the processor.",
740*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
741*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
742*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
743*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
744*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
745*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
746*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MaxSpeedMHz": {
747*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The maximum clock speed of the processor.",
748*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate the maximum rated clock speed of the processor in MHz.",
749*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
750*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
751*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
752*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
753*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
754*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "units": "MHz"
755*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
756*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MaxTDPWatts": {
757*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The maximum Thermal Design Power (TDP) in watt units.",
758*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the maximum Thermal Design Power (TDP) in watt units.",
759*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
760*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
761*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
762*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
763*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
764*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "units": "W",
765*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
766*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
767*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Measurements": {
768*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "deprecated": "This property has been deprecated in favor of the `ComponentIntegrity` resource.",
769*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of DSP0274-defined measurement blocks.",
770*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
771*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/SoftwareInventory.json#/definitions/MeasurementBlock"
772*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
773*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of DSP0274-defined measurement blocks.",
774*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
775*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_11_0",
776*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionDeprecated": "v1_14_0"
777*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
778*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MemorySummary": {
779*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/MemorySummary",
780*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The summary of all memory associated with this processor.",
781*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain properties that describe the summary of all memory that is associated with this processor.",
782*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_11_0"
783*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
784*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Metrics": {
785*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ProcessorMetrics.json#/definitions/ProcessorMetrics",
786*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the metrics associated with this processor.",
787*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource of type `ProcessorMetrics` that contains the metrics associated with this processor.",
788*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
789*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "uriSegment": "ProcessorMetrics",
790*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
791*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
792*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MinSpeedMHz": {
793*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The minimum clock speed of the processor in MHz.",
794*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate the minimum rated clock speed of the processor in MHz.",
795*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
796*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
797*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
798*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
799*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
800*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "units": "MHz",
801*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_8_0"
802*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
803*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Model": {
804*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The product model number of this device.",
805*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate the model information as provided by the manufacturer of this processor.",
806*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
807*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
808*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
809*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
810*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
811*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
812*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Name": {
813*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Name",
814*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
815*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
816*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Oem": {
817*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Oem",
818*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The OEM extension property.",
819*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the OEM extensions.  All values for properties that this object contains shall conform to the Redfish Specification-described requirements."
820*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
821*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OperatingConfigs": {
822*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/OperatingConfigCollection.json#/definitions/OperatingConfigCollection",
823*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the collection of operating configurations that can be applied to this processor.",
824*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `OperatingConfigCollection`.",
825*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
826*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_9_0"
827*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
828*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OperatingSpeedMHz": {
829*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Operating speed of the processor in MHz.",
830*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the operating speed of the processor in MHz.  The operating speed of the processor may change more frequently than the manager is able to monitor.",
831*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
832*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
833*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
834*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
835*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
836*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "units": "MHz",
837*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_8_0"
838*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
839*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OperatingSpeedRangeMHz": {
840*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
841*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
842*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Control.json#/definitions/ControlRangeExcerpt"
843*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
844*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
845*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
846*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
847*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
848*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Range of allowed operating speeds (MHz).",
849*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "excerptCopy": "ControlRangeExcerpt",
850*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the operating speed control, measured in megahertz units, for this resource.  The value of the `DataSourceUri` property, if present, shall reference a resource of type `Control` with the `ControlType` property containing the value of `FrequencyMHz`.",
851*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
852*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
853*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
854*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PartNumber": {
855*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The part number of the processor.",
856*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a part number assigned by the organization that is responsible for producing or manufacturing the processor.",
857*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
858*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
859*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
860*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
861*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
862*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_7_0"
863*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
864*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Ports": {
865*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/PortCollection.json#/definitions/PortCollection",
866*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the collection of ports for this processor.",
867*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `PortCollection`.  It shall contain the interconnect and fabric ports of this processor.  It shall not contain ports for `GraphicsController` resources, `USBController` resources, or other local adapter-related types of resources.",
868*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
869*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
870*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
871*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerState": {
872*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
873*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
874*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/PowerState"
875*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
876*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
877*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
878*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
879*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
880*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The current power state of the processor.",
881*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the power state of the processor.  If the `PowerState` property in the associated `Chassis` resource contains the value `Off`, this property shall contain `Off`.",
882*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
883*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_17_0"
884*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
885*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ProcessorArchitecture": {
886*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
887*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
888*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/ProcessorArchitecture"
889*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
890*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
891*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
892*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
893*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
894*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The architecture of the processor.",
895*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the string that identifies the architecture of the processor contained in this socket.",
896*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
897*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
898*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ProcessorId": {
899*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/ProcessorId",
900*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The identification information for this processor.",
901*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This object shall contain identification information for this processor.  For additional property requirements, see the corresponding definition in the Redfish Data Model Specification."
902*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
903*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ProcessorIndex": {
904*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The logical index of this processor within the system.",
905*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the zero-based index of the processor, indexed within the next unit of containment.  The value of this property shall match the ordering in the operating system topology interfaces, with offset adjustments, if needed.",
906*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
907*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
908*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
909*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
910*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
911*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
912*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
913*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ProcessorMemory": {
914*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The memory directly attached or integrated within this processor.  Examples include internal cache, dedicated memory for the processor, and system memory.",
915*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
916*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "#/definitions/ProcessorMemory"
917*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
918*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the memory directly attached or integrated within this processor.",
919*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
920*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
921*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
922*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ProcessorType": {
923*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
924*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
925*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/ProcessorType"
926*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
927*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
928*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
929*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
930*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
931*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The type of processor.",
932*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the string that identifies the type of processor contained in this socket.",
933*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
934*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
935*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Replaceable": {
936*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An indication of whether this component can be independently replaced as allowed by the vendor's replacement policy.",
937*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate whether this component can be independently replaced as allowed by the vendor's replacement policy.  A value of `false` indicates the component needs to be replaced by policy as part of another component.  If the `LocationType` property of this component contains `Embedded`, this property shall contain `false`.",
938*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
939*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
940*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
941*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
942*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
943*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
944*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
945*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SerialNumber": {
946*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The serial number of the processor.",
947*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a manufacturer-allocated number that identifies the processor.",
948*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
949*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
950*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
951*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
952*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
953*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_7_0"
954*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
955*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Socket": {
956*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The socket or location of the processor.",
957*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the string that identifies the physical location or socket of the processor.",
958*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
959*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
960*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
961*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
962*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
963*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
964*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SparePartNumber": {
965*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The spare part number of the processor.",
966*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the spare part number of the processor.",
967*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
968*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
969*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
970*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
971*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
972*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_11_0"
973*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
974*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SpeedLimitMHz": {
975*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The clock limit of the processor in MHz.",
976*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the clock limit of the processor in MHz.  This value shall be within the range of `MinSpeedMHz` and `MaxSpeedMHz` as provided by the manufacturer of this processor.",
977*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "minimum": 0,
978*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
979*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
980*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
981*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
982*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
983*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "units": "MHz",
984*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_10_0"
985*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
986*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SpeedLocked": {
987*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Indicates whether the clock speed of the processor is fixed at the value specified in the `SpeedLimitMHz` property.",
988*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate whether the clock speed of the processor is fixed, where a value `true` shall indicate that the clock speed is fixed at the value specified in the `SpeedLimitMHz` property.",
989*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
990*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
991*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
992*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
993*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
994*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_10_0"
995*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
996*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Status": {
997*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Status",
998*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The status and health of the resource and its subordinate or dependent resources.",
999*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain any status or health properties of the resource."
1000*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1001*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SubProcessors": {
1002*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ProcessorCollection.json#/definitions/ProcessorCollection",
1003*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the collection of sub-processors associated with this processor, such as cores or threads, that are part of a processor.",
1004*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `ProcessorCollection`.",
1005*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1006*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_3_0"
1007*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1008*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SystemInterface": {
1009*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/ProcessorInterface",
1010*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The interface between the system and the processor.",
1011*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an object that describes the connectivity between the host system and the processor.",
1012*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_8_0"
1013*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1014*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TDPWatts": {
1015*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The nominal Thermal Design Power (TDP) in watt units.",
1016*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the nominal Thermal Design Power (TDP) in watt units.",
1017*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1018*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1019*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1020*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1021*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1022*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "units": "W",
1023*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
1024*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1025*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ThrottleCauses": {
1026*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The causes of the processor being throttled.",
1027*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
1028*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "anyOf": [
1029*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            {
1030*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                                "$ref": "#/definitions/ThrottleCause"
1031*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            },
1032*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            {
1033*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                                "type": "null"
1034*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            }
1035*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        ]
1036*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
1037*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the causes of the processor being throttled.  If `Throttled` contains `false`, this property shall contain an empty array.",
1038*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1039*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
1040*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
1041*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1042*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Throttled": {
1043*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An indication of whether the processor is throttled.",
1044*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate whether the processor is throttled.",
1045*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1046*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1047*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
1048*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1049*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1050*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
1051*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1052*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TotalCores": {
1053*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The total number of cores that this processor contains.",
1054*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate the total count of independent processor cores contained within this processor.",
1055*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1056*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1057*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1058*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1059*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1060*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1061*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TotalEnabledCores": {
1062*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The total number of enabled cores that this processor contains.",
1063*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate the total count of enabled independent processor cores contained within this processor.",
1064*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1065*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1066*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1067*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1068*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1069*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
1070*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1071*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TotalThreads": {
1072*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The total number of execution threads that this processor supports.",
1073*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate the total count of independent execution threads that this processor supports.",
1074*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1075*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1076*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1077*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1078*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1079*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1080*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TurboState": {
1081*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
1082*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
1083*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/TurboState"
1084*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
1085*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
1086*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
1087*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
1088*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1089*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The state of turbo for this processor.",
1090*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the state of turbo for this processor.",
1091*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1092*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_9_0"
1093*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1094*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "UUID": {
1095*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
1096*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
1097*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/UUID"
1098*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
1099*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
1100*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
1101*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
1102*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1103*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The UUID for this processor.",
1104*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a universally unique identifier number for the processor.  RFC4122 describes methods to use to create the value.  The value should be considered to be opaque.  Client software should only treat the overall value as a universally unique identifier and should not interpret any subfields within the UUID.",
1105*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1106*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
1107*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1108*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Version": {
1109*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The hardware version of the processor.",
1110*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the hardware version of the processor as determined by the vendor or supplier.",
1111*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1112*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1113*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
1114*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1115*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1116*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_7_0"
1117*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1118*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1119*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "required": [
1120*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "@odata.id",
1121*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "@odata.type",
1122*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Id",
1123*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Name"
1124*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
1125*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
1126*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1127*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "ProcessorArchitecture": {
1128*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
1129*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "x86",
1130*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "IA-64",
1131*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ARM",
1132*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MIPS",
1133*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Power",
1134*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "RISC-V",
1135*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM"
1136*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
1137*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
1138*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ARM": "ARM.",
1139*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "IA-64": "Intel Itanium.",
1140*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MIPS": "MIPS.",
1141*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM": "OEM-defined.",
1142*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Power": "Power.",
1143*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "RISC-V": "RISC-V.",
1144*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "x86": "x86 or x86-64."
1145*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1146*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumVersionAdded": {
1147*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Power": "v1_4_0",
1148*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "RISC-V": "v1_19_0"
1149*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1150*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
1151*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1152*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "ProcessorId": {
1153*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
1154*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The identification information for a processor.",
1155*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall contain identification information for a processor.",
1156*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
1157*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1158*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1159*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1160*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
1161*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
1162*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1163*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1164*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
1165*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
1166*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
1167*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1168*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1169*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1170*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
1171*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "EffectiveFamily": {
1172*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The effective family for this processor.",
1173*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the effective family information as provided by the manufacturer of this processor.  If this property represents raw register data, as determined by the value of the `ProcessorArchitecture` property, the service shall encode the value as a hex-encoded string following the regular expression pattern `^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+$` or a decimal-encoded string following the regular expression pattern `^\\d+$`.  For additional property requirements, see the corresponding definition in the Redfish Data Model Specification.",
1174*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1175*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1176*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
1177*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1178*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1179*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1180*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "EffectiveModel": {
1181*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The effective model for this processor.",
1182*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the effective model information as provided by the manufacturer of this processor.  If this property represents raw register data, as determined by the value of the `ProcessorArchitecture` property, the service shall encode the value as a hex-encoded string following the regular expression pattern `^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+$` or a decimal-encoded string following the regular expression pattern `^\\d+$`.  For additional property requirements, see the corresponding definition in the Redfish Data Model Specification.",
1183*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1184*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1185*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
1186*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1187*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1188*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1189*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "IdentificationRegisters": {
1190*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The raw manufacturer-provided processor identification registers for this processor.",
1191*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the raw manufacturer-provided processor-specific identification registers of this processor's features.  For additional property requirements, see the corresponding definition in the Redfish Data Model Specification.",
1192*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "pattern": "^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+$",
1193*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1194*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1195*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
1196*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1197*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1198*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1199*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MicrocodeInfo": {
1200*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The microcode information for this processor.",
1201*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the microcode information as provided by the manufacturer of this processor.  If this property represents raw register data, as determined by the value of the `ProcessorArchitecture` property, the service shall encode the value as a hex-encoded string following the regular expression pattern `^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+$` or a decimal-encoded string following the regular expression pattern `^\\d+$`.  For additional property requirements, see the corresponding definition in the Redfish Data Model Specification.",
1202*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1203*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1204*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
1205*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1206*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1207*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1208*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ProtectedIdentificationNumber": {
1209*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The Protected Processor Identification Number (PPIN) for this processor.",
1210*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the Protected Processor Identification Number (PPIN) for this processor.",
1211*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1212*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1213*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
1214*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1215*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1216*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_10_0"
1217*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1218*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Step": {
1219*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The step value for this processor.",
1220*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the step or revision information as provided by the manufacturer of this processor.  If this property represents raw register data, as determined by the value of the `ProcessorArchitecture` property, the service shall encode the value as a hex-encoded string following the regular expression pattern `^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+$` or a decimal-encoded string following the regular expression pattern `^\\d+$`.  For additional property requirements, see the corresponding definition in the Redfish Data Model Specification.",
1221*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1222*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1223*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
1224*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1225*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1226*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1227*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "VendorId": {
1228*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The vendor identification for this processor.",
1229*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the vendor identification information as provided by the manufacturer of this processor.  If this property represents raw register data, as determined by the value of the `ProcessorArchitecture` property, the service shall encode the value as a hex-encoded string following the regular expression pattern `^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+$` or a decimal-encoded string following the regular expression pattern `^\\d+$`.  For additional property requirements, see the corresponding definition in the Redfish Data Model Specification.",
1230*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1231*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1232*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
1233*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1234*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1235*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1236*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1237*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
1238*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1239*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "ProcessorInterface": {
1240*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
1241*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "This type describes an interface between the system, or external connection, and the processor.",
1242*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall contain information about the system interface, or external connection, to the processor.",
1243*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
1244*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1245*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1246*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1247*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
1248*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
1249*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1250*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1251*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
1252*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
1253*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
1254*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1255*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1256*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1257*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
1258*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Ethernet": {
1259*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/EthernetInterface",
1260*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The Ethernet-related information for this interface.",
1261*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an object the describes the Ethernet-related information for this interface.",
1262*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
1263*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1264*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "InterfaceType": {
1265*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
1266*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
1267*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/SystemInterfaceType"
1268*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
1269*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
1270*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
1271*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
1272*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1273*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The interface type.",
1274*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an enumerated value that describes the type of interface between the system, or external connection, and the processor.",
1275*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1276*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
1277*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1278*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PCIe": {
1279*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/PCIeDevice.json#/definitions/PCIeInterface",
1280*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The PCIe-related information for this interface.",
1281*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an object the describes the PCIe-related information for this interface.",
1282*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
1283*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1284*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1285*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
1286*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1287*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "ProcessorMemory": {
1288*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
1289*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "This type describes the memory directly attached or integrated within a processor.",
1290*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall contain information about memory directly attached or integrated within a processor.",
1291*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
1292*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1293*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1294*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1295*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
1296*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
1297*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1298*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1299*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
1300*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
1301*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
1302*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1303*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1304*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1305*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
1306*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "CapacityMiB": {
1307*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The memory capacity in MiB.",
1308*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the memory capacity in MiB.",
1309*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1310*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1311*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1312*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1313*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1314*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "units": "MiBy",
1315*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
1316*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1317*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "IntegratedMemory": {
1318*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An indication of whether this memory is integrated within the processor.",
1319*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate whether this memory is integrated within the processor.  Otherwise, it is discrete memory attached to the processor.",
1320*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1321*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1322*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
1323*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1324*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1325*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
1326*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1327*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MemoryType": {
1328*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
1329*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
1330*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/ProcessorMemoryType"
1331*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
1332*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
1333*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
1334*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
1335*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1336*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The type of memory used by this processor.",
1337*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a type of the processor memory type.",
1338*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1339*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
1340*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1341*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SpeedMHz": {
1342*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The operating speed of the memory in MHz.",
1343*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the operating speed of the memory in MHz.",
1344*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1345*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1346*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1347*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1348*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1349*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
1350*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1351*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1352*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
1353*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1354*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "ProcessorMemoryType": {
1355*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
1356*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Cache",
1357*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "L1Cache",
1358*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "L2Cache",
1359*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "L3Cache",
1360*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "L4Cache",
1361*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "L5Cache",
1362*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "L6Cache",
1363*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "L7Cache",
1364*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "HBM1",
1365*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "HBM2",
1366*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "HBM2E",
1367*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "HBM3",
1368*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SGRAM",
1369*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GDDR",
1370*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GDDR2",
1371*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GDDR3",
1372*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GDDR4",
1373*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GDDR5",
1374*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GDDR5X",
1375*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GDDR6",
1376*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DDR",
1377*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DDR2",
1378*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DDR3",
1379*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DDR4",
1380*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DDR5",
1381*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SDRAM",
1382*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SRAM",
1383*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Flash",
1384*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM"
1385*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
1386*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
1387*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Cache": "Processor cache, but no level is determined.",
1388*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DDR": "Double data rate synchronous dynamic random-access memory.",
1389*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DDR2": "Double data rate type two synchronous dynamic random-access memory.",
1390*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DDR3": "Double data rate type three synchronous dynamic random-access memory.",
1391*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DDR4": "Double data rate type four synchronous dynamic random-access memory.",
1392*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DDR5": "Double data rate type five synchronous dynamic random-access memory.",
1393*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Flash": "Flash memory.",
1394*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GDDR": "Synchronous graphics random-access memory.",
1395*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GDDR2": "Double data rate type two synchronous graphics random-access memory.",
1396*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GDDR3": "Double data rate type three synchronous graphics random-access memory.",
1397*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GDDR4": "Double data rate type four synchronous graphics random-access memory.",
1398*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GDDR5": "Double data rate type five synchronous graphics random-access memory.",
1399*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GDDR5X": "Double data rate type five X synchronous graphics random-access memory.",
1400*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GDDR6": "Double data rate type six synchronous graphics random-access memory.",
1401*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "HBM1": "High Bandwidth Memory.",
1402*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "HBM2": "The second generation of High Bandwidth Memory.",
1403*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "HBM2E": "An updated version of the second generation of High Bandwidth Memory.",
1404*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "HBM3": "The third generation of High Bandwidth Memory.",
1405*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "L1Cache": "L1 cache.",
1406*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "L2Cache": "L2 cache.",
1407*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "L3Cache": "L3 cache.",
1408*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "L4Cache": "L4 cache.",
1409*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "L5Cache": "L5 cache.",
1410*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "L6Cache": "L6 cache.",
1411*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "L7Cache": "L7 cache.",
1412*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM": "OEM-defined.",
1413*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SDRAM": "Synchronous dynamic random-access memory.",
1414*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SGRAM": "Synchronous graphics RAM.",
1415*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SRAM": "Static random-access memory."
1416*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1417*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumVersionAdded": {
1418*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Cache": "v1_17_0",
1419*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "HBM2E": "v1_17_0"
1420*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1421*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
1422*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1423*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "ProcessorType": {
1424*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
1425*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "CPU",
1426*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GPU",
1427*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "FPGA",
1428*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DSP",
1429*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Accelerator",
1430*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Core",
1431*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Thread",
1432*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Partition",
1433*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM"
1434*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
1435*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
1436*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Accelerator": "An accelerator.",
1437*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "CPU": "A CPU.",
1438*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Core": "A core in a processor.",
1439*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DSP": "A DSP.",
1440*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "FPGA": "An FPGA.",
1441*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GPU": "A GPU.",
1442*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM": "An OEM-defined processing unit.",
1443*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Partition": "A partition in a single processor.",
1444*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Thread": "A thread in a processor."
1445*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1446*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumLongDescriptions": {
1447*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Partition": "This value shall indicate a partition in a processor that is instantiated from a user configuration to carve out resources in a single processor.  An example of this is assigning memory to a set of cores in a GPU."
1448*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1449*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumVersionAdded": {
1450*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Core": "v1_3_0",
1451*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Partition": "v1_19_0",
1452*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Thread": "v1_3_0"
1453*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1454*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
1455*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1456*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "Reset": {
1457*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
1458*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "This action resets the processor.",
1459*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This action shall reset the processor.",
1460*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "parameters": {
1461*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ResetType": {
1462*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/ResetType",
1463*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The type of reset.",
1464*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This parameter shall contain the type of reset.  The service can accept a request without the parameter and perform an implementation-specific default reset."
1465*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1466*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1467*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
1468*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1469*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1470*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1471*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
1472*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
1473*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1474*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1475*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
1476*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
1477*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
1478*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1479*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1480*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1481*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
1482*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "target": {
1483*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Link to invoke action",
1484*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "format": "uri-reference",
1485*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
1486*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1487*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "title": {
1488*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Friendly action name",
1489*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
1490*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1491*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1492*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object",
1493*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "versionAdded": "v1_6_0"
1494*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1495*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "ResetToDefaults": {
1496*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
1497*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The action resets the values of writable properties to factory defaults.",
1498*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This action shall reset the values of writable properties in this resource to their default values as specified by the manufacturer.",
1499*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "parameters": {},
1500*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
1501*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1502*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1503*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1504*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
1505*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
1506*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1507*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1508*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
1509*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
1510*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
1511*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1512*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1513*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1514*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
1515*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "target": {
1516*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Link to invoke action",
1517*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "format": "uri-reference",
1518*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
1519*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1520*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "title": {
1521*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Friendly action name",
1522*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
1523*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1524*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1525*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object",
1526*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "versionAdded": "v1_15_0"
1527*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1528*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "SystemInterfaceType": {
1529*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
1530*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "QPI",
1531*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "UPI",
1532*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PCIe",
1533*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Ethernet",
1534*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AMBA",
1535*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "CCIX",
1536*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "CXL",
1537*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM"
1538*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
1539*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
1540*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AMBA": "The Arm Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture interface.",
1541*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "CCIX": "The Cache Coherent Interconnect for Accelerators interface.",
1542*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "CXL": "The Compute Express Link interface.",
1543*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Ethernet": "An Ethernet interface.",
1544*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM": "An OEM-defined interface.",
1545*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PCIe": "A PCI Express interface.",
1546*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "QPI": "The Intel QuickPath Interconnect.",
1547*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "UPI": "The Intel UltraPath Interconnect."
1548*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1549*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumVersionAdded": {
1550*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AMBA": "v1_8_0",
1551*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "CCIX": "v1_8_0",
1552*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "CXL": "v1_8_0"
1553*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1554*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
1555*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1556*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "ThrottleCause": {
1557*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
1558*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerLimit",
1559*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ThermalLimit",
1560*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ClockLimit",
1561*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ManagementDetectedFault",
1562*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Unknown",
1563*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM"
1564*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
1565*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
1566*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ClockLimit": "The cause of the processor being throttled is a clock limit.",
1567*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ManagementDetectedFault": "The cause of the processor being throttled is a fault detected by management hardware or firmware.",
1568*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM": "The cause of the processor being throttled is OEM-specific.",
1569*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerLimit": "The cause of the processor being throttled is a power limit.",
1570*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ThermalLimit": "The cause of the processor being throttled is a thermal limit.",
1571*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Unknown": "The cause of the processor being throttled is not known."
1572*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1573*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumVersionAdded": {
1574*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ManagementDetectedFault": "v1_18_0"
1575*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1576*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
1577*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1578*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "TurboState": {
1579*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
1580*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Enabled",
1581*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Disabled"
1582*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
1583*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
1584*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Disabled": "Turbo is disabled.",
1585*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Enabled": "Turbo is enabled."
1586*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1587*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
1588*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        }
1589*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    },
1590*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    "language": "en",
1591*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    "owningEntity": "DMTF",
1592*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    "release": "2024.1",
1593*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    "title": "#Processor.v1_20_1.Processor"
1594*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills}