1*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills{
2*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    "$id": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ComputerSystem.v1_22_2.json",
3*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    "$ref": "#/definitions/ComputerSystem",
4*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    "$schema": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/redfish-schema-v1.json",
5*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    "copyright": "Copyright 2014-2024 DMTF. For the full DMTF copyright policy, see http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/copyright",
6*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    "definitions": {
7*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "Actions": {
8*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
9*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The available actions for this resource.",
10*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall contain the available actions for this resource.",
11*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
12*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
13*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
14*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
15*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
16*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
17*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
18*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
19*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
20*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
21*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
22*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
23*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
24*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
25*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
26*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "#ComputerSystem.AddResourceBlock": {
27*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/AddResourceBlock"
28*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
29*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "#ComputerSystem.Decommission": {
30*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/Decommission"
31*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
32*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "#ComputerSystem.RemoveResourceBlock": {
33*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/RemoveResourceBlock"
34*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
35*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "#ComputerSystem.Reset": {
36*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/Reset"
37*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
38*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "#ComputerSystem.SetDefaultBootOrder": {
39*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/SetDefaultBootOrder"
40*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
41*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Oem": {
42*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/OemActions",
43*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The available OEM-specific actions for this resource.",
44*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the available OEM-specific actions for this resource."
45*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
46*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
47*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
48*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
49*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "AddResourceBlock": {
50*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
51*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "This action adds a resource block to a system.",
52*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This action shall add a resource block to a system.",
53*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "parameters": {
54*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ComputerSystemETag": {
55*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The current ETag of the system.",
56*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This parameter shall contain the current ETag of the system.  If the client-provided ETag does not match the current ETag of the system, the service shall return the HTTP `428 Precondition Required` status code to reject the request.",
57*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
58*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
59*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ResourceBlock": {
60*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ResourceBlock.json#/definitions/ResourceBlock",
61*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The resource block to add to the system.",
62*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This parameter shall contain a link to the specified resource block to add to the system.",
63*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "requiredParameter": true
64*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
65*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ResourceBlockETag": {
66*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The current ETag of the resource block to add to the system.",
67*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This parameter shall contain the current ETag of the resource block to add to the system.  If the client-provided ETag does not match the current ETag of the resource block that the `ResourceBlock` parameter specifies, the service shall return the HTTP `428 Precondition Required` status code to reject the request.",
68*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
69*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
70*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
71*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
72*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
73*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
74*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
75*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
76*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
77*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
78*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
79*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
80*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
81*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
82*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
83*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
84*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
85*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
86*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "target": {
87*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Link to invoke action",
88*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "format": "uri-reference",
89*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
90*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
91*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "title": {
92*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Friendly action name",
93*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
94*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
95*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
96*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object",
97*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "versionAdded": "v1_6_0"
98*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
99*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "AutomaticRetryConfig": {
100*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
101*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Disabled",
102*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "RetryAttempts",
103*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "RetryAlways"
104*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
105*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
106*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Disabled": "Disable automatic retrying of booting.",
107*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "RetryAlways": "Always automatically retry booting.",
108*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "RetryAttempts": "Automatic retrying of booting is based on a specified retry count."
109*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
110*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumLongDescriptions": {
111*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Disabled": "This value shall indicate that automatic retrying of booting is disabled.",
112*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "RetryAlways": "This value shall indicate that the system will always automatically retry booting.",
113*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "RetryAttempts": "This value shall indicate that the number of retries of booting is based on the `AutomaticRetryAttempts` property, and the `RemainingAutomaticRetryAttempts` property indicates the number of remaining attempts."
114*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
115*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
116*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
117*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "Boot": {
118*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
119*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The boot information for this resource.",
120*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall contain properties that describe boot information for a system.",
121*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
122*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
123*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
124*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
125*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
126*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
127*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
128*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
129*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
130*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
131*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
132*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
133*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
134*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
135*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
136*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AliasBootOrder": {
137*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Ordered array of boot source aliases representing the persistent boot order associated with this computer system.",
138*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
139*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "anyOf": [
140*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            {
141*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                                "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ComputerSystem.json#/definitions/BootSource"
142*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            },
143*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            {
144*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                                "type": "null"
145*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            }
146*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        ]
147*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
148*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an ordered array of boot source aliases of the `BootSource` type that represents the persistent boot order of this computer system.  This array shall not contain duplicate values.  Virtual devices for an alias should take precedence over a physical device.  Systems may attempt to boot from multiple devices that share an alias.",
149*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
150*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
151*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_6_0"
152*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
153*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AutomaticRetryAttempts": {
154*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The number of attempts the system will automatically retry booting.",
155*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the number of attempts the system will automatically retry booting in the event the system enters an error state on boot.",
156*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "minimum": 0,
157*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
158*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
159*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
160*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
161*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
162*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_11_0"
163*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
164*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AutomaticRetryConfig": {
165*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
166*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
167*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/AutomaticRetryConfig"
168*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
169*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
170*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
171*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
172*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
173*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The configuration of how the system retries booting automatically.",
174*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the configuration of how the system retries booting automatically.",
175*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
176*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_11_0"
177*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
178*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BootNext": {
179*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The `BootOptionReference` of the Boot Option to perform a one-time boot from when `BootSourceOverrideTarget` is `UefiBootNext`.",
180*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the `BootOptionReference` of the UEFI boot option for one time boot, as defined by the UEFI Specification.  The valid values for this property are specified in the values of the BootOrder array.  `BootSourceOverrideEnabled` set to `Continuous` is not supported for `BootSourceOverrideTarget` set to `UefiBootNext` because this setting is defined in UEFI as a one-time boot setting.",
181*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
182*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
183*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
184*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
185*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
186*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
187*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
188*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BootOptions": {
189*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/BootOptionCollection.json#/definitions/BootOptionCollection",
190*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the collection of the UEFI boot options associated with this computer system.",
191*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `BootOptionCollection`.",
192*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
193*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
194*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
195*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BootOrder": {
196*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of `BootOptionReference` strings that represent the persistent boot order for with this computer system.  Changes to the boot order typically require a system reset before they take effect.  It is likely that a client finds the `@Redfish.Settings` term in this resource, and if it is found, the client makes requests to change boot order settings by modifying the resource identified by the `@Redfish.Settings` term.",
197*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
198*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "type": [
199*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "string",
200*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "null"
201*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        ]
202*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
203*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of `BootOptionReference` strings that represent the persistent boot order for this computer system.  For UEFI systems, this is the UEFI Specification-defined UEFI BootOrder.",
204*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
205*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
206*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
207*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
208*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BootOrderPropertySelection": {
209*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
210*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
211*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/BootOrderTypes"
212*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
213*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
214*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
215*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
216*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
217*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The name of the boot order property that the system uses for the persistent boot order.",
218*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate which boot order property the system uses for the persistent boot order.",
219*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
220*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_6_0"
221*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
222*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BootSourceOverrideEnabled": {
223*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
224*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
225*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/BootSourceOverrideEnabled"
226*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
227*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
228*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
229*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
230*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
231*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The state of the boot source override feature.",
232*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain `Once` for a one-time boot override, and `Continuous` for a remain-active-until-cancelled override.  If set to `Once`, the value is reset to `Disabled` after the `BootSourceOverrideTarget` actions have completed successfully.  Changes to this property do not alter the BIOS persistent boot order configuration.",
233*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false
234*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
235*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BootSourceOverrideMode": {
236*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
237*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
238*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/BootSourceOverrideMode"
239*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
240*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
241*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
242*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
243*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
244*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The BIOS boot mode to use when the system boots from the `BootSourceOverrideTarget` boot source.",
245*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the BIOS boot mode to use when the system boots from the `BootSourceOverrideTarget` boot source.",
246*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
247*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
248*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
249*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BootSourceOverrideTarget": {
250*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
251*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
252*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ComputerSystem.json#/definitions/BootSource"
253*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
254*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
255*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
256*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
257*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
258*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The current boot source to use at the next boot instead of the normal boot device, if `BootSourceOverrideEnabled` does not contain `Disabled`.",
259*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the source to boot the system from, overriding the normal boot order.  The `@Redfish.AllowableValues` annotation specifies the valid values for this property.  `UefiTarget` indicates to boot from the UEFI device path found in `UefiTargetBootSourceOverride`.  `UefiBootNext` indicates to boot from the UEFI `BootOptionReference` found in `BootNext`.  Virtual devices for a target should take precedence over a physical device.  Systems may attempt to boot from multiple devices that share a target identifier.  Changes to this property do not alter the BIOS persistent boot order configuration.",
260*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false
261*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
262*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Certificates": {
263*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/CertificateCollection.json#/definitions/CertificateCollection",
264*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to a collection of certificates used for booting through HTTPS by this computer system.",
265*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `CertificateCollection`.",
266*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
267*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_7_0"
268*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
269*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "HttpBootUri": {
270*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The URI to boot from when `BootSourceOverrideTarget` is set to `UefiHttp`.",
271*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "format": "uri-reference",
272*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the URI to perform an HTTP or HTTPS boot when `BootSourceOverrideTarget` is set to `UefiHttp`.  If this property is not configured or supported, the URI shall be provided by a DHCP server as specified by the UEFI Specification.",
273*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
274*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
275*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
276*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
277*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
278*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_9_0"
279*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
280*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "RemainingAutomaticRetryAttempts": {
281*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The number of remaining automatic retry boots.",
282*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the number of attempts remaining the system will retry booting in the event the system enters an error state on boot.  If `0`, the system has no remaining automatic boot retry attempts and shall not automatically retry booting if the system enters an error state.  This property shall be reset to the value of `AutomaticRetryAttempts` upon a successful boot attempt.",
283*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "minimum": 0,
284*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
285*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
286*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
287*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
288*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
289*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_11_0"
290*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
291*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "StopBootOnFault": {
292*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
293*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
294*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/StopBootOnFault"
295*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
296*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
297*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
298*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
299*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
300*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "If the boot should stop on a fault.",
301*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the setting if the boot should stop on a fault.",
302*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
303*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_15_0"
304*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
305*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TrustedModuleRequiredToBoot": {
306*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
307*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
308*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/TrustedModuleRequiredToBoot"
309*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
310*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
311*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
312*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
313*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
314*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The Trusted Module boot requirement.",
315*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the Trusted Module boot requirement.",
316*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
317*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_14_0"
318*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
319*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "UefiTargetBootSourceOverride": {
320*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The UEFI device path of the device from which to boot when `BootSourceOverrideTarget` is `UefiTarget`.",
321*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the UEFI device path of the override boot target.  Changes to this property do not alter the BIOS persistent boot order configuration.",
322*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
323*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
324*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
325*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
326*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
327*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
328*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
329*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
330*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
331*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "BootOrderTypes": {
332*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The enumerations of `BootOrderTypes` specify the choice of boot order property to use when controller the persistent boot order for this computer system.",
333*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
334*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BootOrder",
335*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AliasBootOrder"
336*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
337*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
338*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AliasBootOrder": "The system uses the `AliasBootOrder` property to specify the persistent boot order.",
339*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BootOrder": "The system uses the `BootOrder` property to specify the persistent boot order."
340*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
341*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
342*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
343*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "BootProgress": {
344*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
345*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "This object describes the last boot progress state.",
346*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This object shall contain the last boot progress state and time.",
347*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
348*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
349*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
350*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
351*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
352*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
353*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
354*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
355*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
356*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
357*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
358*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
359*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
360*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
361*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
362*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "LastBootTimeSeconds": {
363*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The number of seconds the system spent booting to the operating system during the last boot.",
364*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the number of seconds that elapsed between system reset or power on and LastState transitioning to `OSRunning`.  If `LastState` contains `OSRunning`, this property shall contain the most recent boot time.  For other values of `LastState`, this property shall contain the boot time for the previous boot.",
365*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
366*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
367*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
368*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
369*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
370*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_18_0"
371*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
372*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "LastState": {
373*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
374*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
375*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/BootProgressTypes"
376*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
377*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
378*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
379*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
380*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
381*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The last boot progress state.",
382*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the last boot progress state.",
383*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
384*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
385*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
386*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "LastStateTime": {
387*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The date and time when the last boot state was updated.",
388*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "format": "date-time",
389*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the date and time when the last boot state was updated.",
390*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
391*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
392*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
393*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
394*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
395*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
396*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
397*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Oem": {
398*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Oem",
399*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The OEM extension property.",
400*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the OEM extensions.  All values for properties contained in this object shall conform to the Redfish Specification-described requirements.",
401*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
402*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
403*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OemLastState": {
404*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The OEM-specific last state, if the LastState type is `OEM`.",
405*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall represent the OEM-specific `LastState` of the `BootProgress`.  This property shall only be present if `LastState` is `OEM`.",
406*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
407*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
408*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
409*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
410*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
411*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
412*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
413*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
414*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
415*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
416*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "BootProgressTypes": {
417*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
418*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "None",
419*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PrimaryProcessorInitializationStarted",
420*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BusInitializationStarted",
421*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MemoryInitializationStarted",
422*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SecondaryProcessorInitializationStarted",
423*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PCIResourceConfigStarted",
424*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SystemHardwareInitializationComplete",
425*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SetupEntered",
426*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OSBootStarted",
427*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OSRunning",
428*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM"
429*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
430*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
431*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BusInitializationStarted": "The system has started initializing the buses.",
432*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MemoryInitializationStarted": "The system has started initializing the memory.",
433*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "None": "The system is not booting.",
434*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM": "A boot progress state in an OEM-defined format.",
435*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OSBootStarted": "The operating system has started booting.",
436*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OSRunning": "The operating system is running.",
437*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PCIResourceConfigStarted": "The system has started initializing the PCI resources.",
438*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PrimaryProcessorInitializationStarted": "The system has started initializing the primary processor.",
439*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SecondaryProcessorInitializationStarted": "The system has started initializing the remaining processors.",
440*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SetupEntered": "The system has entered the setup utility.",
441*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SystemHardwareInitializationComplete": "The system has completed initializing all hardware."
442*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
443*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumLongDescriptions": {
444*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BusInitializationStarted": "This value shall indicate that the system has started to initialize the buses.",
445*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MemoryInitializationStarted": "This value shall indicate that the system has started to initialize the memory.",
446*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "None": "This value shall indicate that the system is not booting or running, such as the system is powered off.",
447*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM": "This value shall indicate an OEM-defined boot progress state.",
448*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OSBootStarted": "This value shall indicate that the operating system has started to boot.",
449*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OSRunning": "This value shall indicate that the operating system is running and shall indicate the final boot progress state.",
450*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PCIResourceConfigStarted": "This value shall indicate that the system has started to initialize the PCI resources.",
451*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PrimaryProcessorInitializationStarted": "This value shall indicate that the system has started to initialize the primary processor.",
452*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SecondaryProcessorInitializationStarted": "This value shall indicate that the system has started to initialize the secondary processors.",
453*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SetupEntered": "This value shall indicate that the system has entered the setup utility.",
454*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SystemHardwareInitializationComplete": "This value shall indicate that the system has completed initializing all hardware."
455*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
456*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumVersionAdded": {
457*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SetupEntered": "v1_15_0"
458*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
459*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
460*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
461*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "BootSourceOverrideEnabled": {
462*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
463*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Disabled",
464*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Once",
465*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Continuous"
466*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
467*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
468*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Continuous": "The system boots to the target specified in the `BootSourceOverrideTarget` property until this property is `Disabled`.",
469*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Disabled": "The system boots normally.",
470*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Once": "On its next boot cycle, the system boots one time to the boot source override target.  Then, the `BootSourceOverrideEnabled` value is reset to `Disabled`."
471*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
472*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
473*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
474*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "BootSourceOverrideMode": {
475*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
476*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Legacy",
477*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "UEFI"
478*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
479*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
480*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Legacy": "The system boots in non-UEFI boot mode to the boot source override target.",
481*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "UEFI": "The system boots in UEFI boot mode to the boot source override target."
482*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
483*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
484*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
485*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "Composition": {
486*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
487*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "Information about the composition capabilities and state of a computer system.",
488*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall contain information about the composition capabilities and state of a computer system.",
489*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
490*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
491*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
492*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
493*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
494*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
495*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
496*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
497*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
498*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
499*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
500*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
501*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
502*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
503*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
504*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "UseCases": {
505*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The composition use cases in which this computer system can participate.",
506*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
507*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "anyOf": [
508*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            {
509*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                                "$ref": "#/definitions/CompositionUseCase"
510*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            },
511*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            {
512*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                                "type": "null"
513*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            }
514*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        ]
515*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
516*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the composition use cases in which this computer system can participate.",
517*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
518*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
519*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_18_0"
520*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
521*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
522*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
523*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
524*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "CompositionUseCase": {
525*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
526*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ResourceBlockCapable",
527*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ExpandableSystem"
528*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
529*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
530*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ExpandableSystem": "This computer system supports expandable system composition and is associated with a resource block.",
531*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ResourceBlockCapable": "This computer system supports being registered as a resource block in order for it to participate in composition requests."
532*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
533*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumLongDescriptions": {
534*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ExpandableSystem": "This value shall indicate the computer system supports expandable system composition and is associated with a resource block.",
535*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ResourceBlockCapable": "This value shall indicate the computer system supports being registered as a resource block in order for it to participate in composition requests."
536*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
537*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
538*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
539*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "ComputerSystem": {
540*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
541*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The `ComputerSystem` schema represents a computer or system instance and the software-visible resources, or items within the data plane, such as memory, CPU, and other devices that it can access.  Details of those resources or subsystems are also linked through this resource.",
542*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This resource shall represent a computing system in the Redfish Specification.",
543*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
544*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
545*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
546*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
547*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
548*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
549*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
550*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
551*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
552*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
553*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
554*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
555*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
556*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
557*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
558*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "@odata.context": {
559*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/context"
560*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
561*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "@odata.etag": {
562*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/etag"
563*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
564*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "@odata.id": {
565*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/id"
566*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
567*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "@odata.type": {
568*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/type"
569*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
570*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Actions": {
571*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/Actions",
572*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The available actions for this resource.",
573*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the available actions for this resource."
574*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
575*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AssetTag": {
576*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The user-definable tag that can track this computer system for inventory or other client purposes.",
577*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the system asset tag value.  Modifying this property may modify the `AssetTag` in the containing `Chassis` resource.",
578*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
579*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
580*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
581*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
582*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
583*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
584*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Bios": {
585*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Bios.json#/definitions/Bios",
586*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the BIOS settings associated with this system.",
587*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource of type `Bios` that lists the BIOS settings for this system.",
588*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
589*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
590*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
591*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BiosVersion": {
592*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The version of the system BIOS or primary system firmware.",
593*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the version string of the currently installed and running BIOS for x86 systems.  For other systems, the property may contain a version string that represents the primary system firmware.",
594*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
595*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
596*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
597*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
598*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
599*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
600*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Boot": {
601*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/Boot",
602*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The boot settings for this system.",
603*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the boot settings for this system."
604*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
605*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BootProgress": {
606*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
607*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
608*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/BootProgress"
609*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
610*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
611*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
612*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
613*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
614*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This object describes the last boot progress state.",
615*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This object shall contain the last boot progress state and time.",
616*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
617*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
618*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Certificates": {
619*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/CertificateCollection.json#/definitions/CertificateCollection",
620*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to a collection of certificates for device identity and attestation.",
621*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `CertificateCollection` that contains certificates for device identity and attestation.",
622*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
623*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_14_0"
624*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
625*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Composition": {
626*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
627*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
628*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/Composition"
629*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
630*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
631*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
632*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
633*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
634*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Information about the composition capabilities and state of the computer system.",
635*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain information about the composition capabilities and state of the computer system.",
636*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_18_0"
637*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
638*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Description": {
639*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
640*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
641*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Description"
642*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
643*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
644*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
645*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
646*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
647*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
648*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
649*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "EthernetInterfaces": {
650*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/EthernetInterfaceCollection.json#/definitions/EthernetInterfaceCollection",
651*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the collection of Ethernet interfaces associated with this system.",
652*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `EthernetInterfaceCollection`.",
653*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
654*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
655*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "FabricAdapters": {
656*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/FabricAdapterCollection.json#/definitions/FabricAdapterCollection",
657*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the collection of fabric adapters associated with this system.",
658*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `FabricAdapterCollection`.",
659*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
660*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_10_0"
661*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
662*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GraphicalConsole": {
663*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/HostGraphicalConsole",
664*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The information about the graphical console (KVM-IP) service of this system.",
665*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the information about the graphical console (KVM-IP) service of this system.",
666*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
667*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
668*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "GraphicsControllers": {
669*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/GraphicsControllerCollection.json#/definitions/GraphicsControllerCollection",
670*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to a collection of graphics controllers that can output video for this system.",
671*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `GraphicsControllerCollection` that contains graphics controllers that can output video for this system.",
672*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
673*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_15_0"
674*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
675*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "HostName": {
676*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The DNS host name, without any domain information.",
677*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the host name for this system, as reported by the operating system or hypervisor.  A service running in the host operating system typically reports this value to the manager.  Modifying this property may modify the `HostName` in one or more `EthernetInterface` resources contained in this system.",
678*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
679*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
680*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
681*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
682*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
683*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
684*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "HostWatchdogTimer": {
685*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/WatchdogTimer",
686*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The host watchdog timer functionality for this system.",
687*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This object shall contain properties that describe the host watchdog timer functionality for this system.",
688*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
689*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
690*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "HostedServices": {
691*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/HostedServices",
692*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The services that this computer system supports.",
693*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall describe services that this computer system supports.",
694*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_2_0"
695*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
696*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "HostingRoles": {
697*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The hosting roles that this computer system supports.",
698*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
699*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "#/definitions/HostingRole"
700*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
701*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the hosting roles that this computer system supports.",
702*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
703*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
704*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_2_0"
705*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
706*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Id": {
707*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Id",
708*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
709*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
710*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "IdlePowerSaver": {
711*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
712*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
713*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/IdlePowerSaver"
714*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
715*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
716*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
717*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
718*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
719*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The idle power saver settings of the computer system.",
720*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the idle power saver settings of the computer system.",
721*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
722*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
723*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "IndicatorLED": {
724*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
725*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
726*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/IndicatorLED"
727*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
728*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
729*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
730*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
731*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
732*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "deprecated": "This property has been deprecated in favor of the `LocationIndicatorActive` property.",
733*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The state of the indicator LED, which identifies the system.",
734*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the state of the indicator light, which identifies this system.",
735*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
736*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionDeprecated": "v1_13_0"
737*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
738*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "KeyManagement": {
739*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
740*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
741*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/KeyManagement"
742*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
743*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
744*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
745*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
746*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
747*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The key management settings of the computer system.",
748*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the key management settings of the computer system.",
749*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
750*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
751*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "LastResetTime": {
752*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The date and time when the system was last reset or rebooted.",
753*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "format": "date-time",
754*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the date and time when the system last came out of a reset or was rebooted.",
755*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
756*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string",
757*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_12_0"
758*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
759*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Links": {
760*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/Links",
761*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The links to other resources that are related to this resource.",
762*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain links to resources that are related to but are not contained by, or subordinate to, this resource."
763*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
764*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "LocationIndicatorActive": {
765*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An indicator allowing an operator to physically locate this resource.",
766*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the state of the indicator used to physically identify or locate this resource.  A write to this property shall update the value of `IndicatorLED` in this resource, if supported, to reflect the implementation of the locating function.  Modifying this property may modify the `LocationIndicatorActive` in the containing `Chassis` resource.",
767*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
768*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
769*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
770*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
771*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
772*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
773*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
774*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "LogServices": {
775*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/LogServiceCollection.json#/definitions/LogServiceCollection",
776*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the collection of log services associated with this system.",
777*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `LogServiceCollection`.",
778*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
779*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
780*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Manufacturer": {
781*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The manufacturer or OEM of this system.",
782*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a value that represents the manufacturer of the system.",
783*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
784*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
785*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
786*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
787*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
788*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
789*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ManufacturingMode": {
790*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An indication of whether the system is in manufacturing mode.  Manufacturing mode is a special boot mode, not normally available to end users, that modifies features and settings for use while the system is being manufactured and tested.",
791*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate whether the system is in manufacturing mode.  If the system supports SMBIOS, the value shall match the 'Manufacturing mode is enabled' setting from the 'BIOS Characteristics' entry.",
792*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
793*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
794*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
795*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
796*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
797*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_18_0"
798*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
799*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Measurements": {
800*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "deprecated": "This property has been deprecated in favor of the `ComponentIntegrity` resource.",
801*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of DSP0274-defined measurement blocks.",
802*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
803*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/SoftwareInventory.json#/definitions/MeasurementBlock"
804*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
805*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of DSP0274-defined measurement blocks.",
806*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
807*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_14_0",
808*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionDeprecated": "v1_17_0"
809*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
810*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Memory": {
811*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/MemoryCollection.json#/definitions/MemoryCollection",
812*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the collection of memory associated with this system.",
813*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `MemoryCollection`.",
814*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
815*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
816*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
817*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MemoryDomains": {
818*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/MemoryDomainCollection.json#/definitions/MemoryDomainCollection",
819*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the collection of memory domains associated with this system.",
820*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `MemoryDomainCollection`.",
821*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
822*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_2_0"
823*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
824*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MemorySummary": {
825*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/MemorySummary",
826*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The central memory of the system in general detail.",
827*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall describe the central memory for this resource."
828*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
829*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Model": {
830*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The product name for this system, without the manufacturer name.",
831*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall describe how the manufacturer refers to this system.  Typically, this value is the product name for this system without the manufacturer name.",
832*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
833*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
834*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
835*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
836*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
837*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
838*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Name": {
839*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Name",
840*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
841*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
842*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "NetworkInterfaces": {
843*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/NetworkInterfaceCollection.json#/definitions/NetworkInterfaceCollection",
844*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the collection of Network Interfaces associated with this system.",
845*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `NetworkInterfaceCollection`.",
846*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
847*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_3_0"
848*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
849*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Oem": {
850*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Oem",
851*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The OEM extension property.",
852*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the OEM extensions.  All values for properties that this object contains shall conform to the Redfish Specification-described requirements."
853*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
854*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OperatingSystem": {
855*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/OperatingSystem.json#/definitions/OperatingSystem",
856*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the operating system information associated with this system.",
857*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource of type `OperatingSystem` that contains operating system information for this system.",
858*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
859*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_21_0"
860*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
861*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PCIeDevices": {
862*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to a collection of PCIe devices that this computer system uses.",
863*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
864*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/PCIeDevice.json#/definitions/PCIeDevice"
865*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
866*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `PCIeDevice`.",
867*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
868*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
869*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_2_0"
870*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
871*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PCIeDevices@odata.count": {
872*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
873*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
874*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PCIeFunctions": {
875*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to a collection of PCIe functions that this computer system uses.",
876*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
877*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/PCIeFunction.json#/definitions/PCIeFunction"
878*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
879*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `PCIeFunction`.",
880*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
881*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
882*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_2_0"
883*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
884*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PCIeFunctions@odata.count": {
885*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
886*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
887*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PartNumber": {
888*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The part number for this system.",
889*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the manufacturer-defined part number for the system.",
890*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
891*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
892*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
893*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
894*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
895*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
896*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerCycleDelaySeconds": {
897*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The number of seconds to delay power on after a `Reset` action requesting `PowerCycle`.  Zero seconds indicates no delay.",
898*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the number of seconds to delay power on after a `Reset` action requesting `PowerCycle`.  The value `0` shall indicate no delay to power on.",
899*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
900*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
901*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
902*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
903*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
904*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
905*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
906*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerMode": {
907*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
908*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
909*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/PowerMode"
910*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
911*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
912*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
913*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
914*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
915*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The power mode setting of the computer system.",
916*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the computer system power mode setting.",
917*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
918*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_15_0"
919*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
920*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerOffDelaySeconds": {
921*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The number of seconds to delay power off during a reset.  Zero seconds indicates no delay to power off.",
922*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the number of seconds to delay power off during a reset.  The value `0` shall indicate no delay to power off.",
923*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
924*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
925*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
926*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
927*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
928*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
929*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
930*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerOnDelaySeconds": {
931*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The number of seconds to delay power on after a power cycle or during a reset.  Zero seconds indicates no delay to power up.",
932*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the number of seconds to delay power on after a power cycle or during a reset.  The value `0` shall indicate no delay to power on.",
933*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
934*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
935*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
936*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
937*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
938*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
939*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
940*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerRestorePolicy": {
941*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/PowerRestorePolicyTypes",
942*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The desired power state of the system when power is restored after a power loss.",
943*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate the desired power state of the system when power is applied to the system.  The `LastState` value shall return the system to the `PowerState` property value it was in when power was lost.",
944*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
945*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_6_0"
946*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
947*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerState": {
948*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
949*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
950*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/PowerState"
951*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
952*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
953*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
954*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
955*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
956*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The current power state of the system.",
957*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the power state of the system.",
958*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
959*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
960*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ProcessorSummary": {
961*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/ProcessorSummary",
962*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The central processors of the system in general detail.",
963*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall describe the central processors for this resource.  Processors described by this property shall be limited to the processors that execute system code, and shall not include processors used for offload functionality."
964*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
965*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Processors": {
966*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ProcessorCollection.json#/definitions/ProcessorCollection",
967*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the collection of processors associated with this system.",
968*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `ProcessorCollection`.",
969*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
970*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
971*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Redundancy": {
972*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "autoExpand": true,
973*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to a collection of redundancy entities.  Each entity specifies a kind and level of redundancy and a collection, or redundancy set, of other computer systems that provide the specified redundancy to this computer system.",
974*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
975*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Redundancy.json#/definitions/Redundancy"
976*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
977*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a set of redundancy entities.  Each entity specifies a kind and level of redundancy and a collection, or redundancy set, of other computer systems that provide the specified redundancy to this computer system.",
978*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
979*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
980*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
981*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
982*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Redundancy@odata.count": {
983*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
984*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
985*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SKU": {
986*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The manufacturer SKU for this system.",
987*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the SKU for the system.",
988*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
989*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
990*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
991*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
992*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
993*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
994*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SecureBoot": {
995*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/SecureBoot.json#/definitions/SecureBoot",
996*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the UEFI Secure Boot associated with this system.",
997*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource of type `SecureBoot`.",
998*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
999*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
1000*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1001*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SerialConsole": {
1002*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/HostSerialConsole",
1003*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The serial console services that this system provides.",
1004*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain information about the serial console services of this system.",
1005*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
1006*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1007*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SerialNumber": {
1008*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The serial number for this system.",
1009*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the serial number for the system.",
1010*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1011*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1012*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
1013*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1014*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1015*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1016*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SimpleStorage": {
1017*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/SimpleStorageCollection.json#/definitions/SimpleStorageCollection",
1018*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the collection of storage devices associated with this system.",
1019*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `SimpleStorageCollection`.",
1020*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
1021*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1022*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Status": {
1023*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Status",
1024*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The status and health of the resource and its subordinate or dependent resources.",
1025*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain any status or health properties of the resource."
1026*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1027*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Storage": {
1028*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/StorageCollection.json#/definitions/StorageCollection",
1029*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the collection of storage devices associated with this system.",
1030*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `StorageCollection`.",
1031*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1032*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
1033*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1034*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SubModel": {
1035*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The sub-model for this system.",
1036*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the information about the sub-model (or configuration) of the system.  This shall not include the model/product name or the manufacturer name.",
1037*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1038*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1039*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
1040*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1041*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1042*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
1043*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1044*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SystemType": {
1045*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/SystemType",
1046*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The type of computer system that this resource represents.",
1047*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "An enumeration that indicates the kind of system that this resource represents.",
1048*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
1049*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1050*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TrustedModules": {
1051*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "deprecated": "This property has been deprecated in favor of the `TrustedComponents` property in `Links`.",
1052*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of trusted modules in the system.",
1053*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
1054*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "#/definitions/TrustedModules"
1055*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
1056*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This object shall contain an array of objects with properties that describe the trusted modules for this resource.",
1057*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
1058*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0",
1059*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionDeprecated": "v1_19_0"
1060*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1061*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "USBControllers": {
1062*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/USBControllerCollection.json#/definitions/USBControllerCollection",
1063*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to a collection of USB controllers for this system.",
1064*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `USBControllerCollection` that contains USB controllers for this system.",
1065*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1066*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_15_0"
1067*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1068*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "UUID": {
1069*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
1070*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
1071*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/UUID"
1072*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
1073*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
1074*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
1075*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
1076*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1077*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The UUID for this system.",
1078*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the universally unique identifier number for this system.  RFC4122 describes methods to create this value.  The value should be considered to be opaque.  Client software should only treat the overall value as a UUID and should not interpret any subfields within the UUID.  If the system supports SMBIOS, the property value should follow the SMBIOS 2.6 and later recommendation for converting the SMBIOS 16-byte UUID structure into the Redfish canonical `xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx` string format, so that the property value matches the byte order presented by current OS APIs, such as WMI and dmidecode.  For additional property requirements, see the corresponding definition in the Redfish Data Model Specification.",
1079*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true
1080*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1081*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "VirtualMedia": {
1082*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/VirtualMediaCollection.json#/definitions/VirtualMediaCollection",
1083*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the virtual media services for this system.",
1084*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `VirtualMediaCollection` that this system uses.",
1085*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1086*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
1087*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1088*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "VirtualMediaConfig": {
1089*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/VirtualMediaConfig",
1090*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The information about the virtual media service of this system.",
1091*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the information about the virtual media service of this system.",
1092*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
1093*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1094*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1095*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "required": [
1096*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "@odata.id",
1097*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "@odata.type",
1098*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Id",
1099*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Name"
1100*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
1101*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
1102*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1103*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "Decommission": {
1104*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
1105*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "This action decommissions a system.",
1106*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This action shall remove all specified data from a system in preparation to decommission the system.",
1107*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "parameters": {
1108*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ComputerSystemETag": {
1109*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The current ETag of the system.",
1110*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This parameter shall contain the current ETag of the system.  If the client-provided ETag does not match the current ETag of the system, the service shall return the HTTP `428 Precondition Required` status code to reject the request.",
1111*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
1112*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1113*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DecommissionTypes": {
1114*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The types of data to remove from the system.",
1115*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
1116*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "#/definitions/DecommissionType"
1117*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
1118*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This parameter shall contain a list of the types of data to remove from the system.",
1119*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "requiredParameter": true,
1120*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array"
1121*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1122*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEMDecommissionTypes": {
1123*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The OEM-specific types of data to remove from the system.",
1124*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
1125*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "type": "string"
1126*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
1127*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This parameter shall contain any OEM-specific types of data to remove from the system.",
1128*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array"
1129*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1130*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "RequireSecureErase": {
1131*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Ensure secure erasure of all devices and fail the request if not possible.",
1132*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This parameter shall indicate if a secure erase is required.  If the parameter contains `true` and a secure erase to the level of NIST 800-88 Clear or Purge for all specified components cannot be performed the service shall return the HTTP `501 Not Implemented` status code.  This failure may occur after the process has already started.  If not provided by the client, the value shall be assumed to be `false`.",
1133*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "boolean"
1134*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1135*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1136*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
1137*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1138*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1139*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1140*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
1141*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
1142*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1143*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1144*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
1145*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
1146*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
1147*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1148*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1149*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1150*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
1151*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "target": {
1152*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Link to invoke action",
1153*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "format": "uri-reference",
1154*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
1155*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1156*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "title": {
1157*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Friendly action name",
1158*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
1159*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1160*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1161*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object",
1162*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "versionAdded": "v1_21_0"
1163*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1164*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "DecommissionType": {
1165*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
1166*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "All",
1167*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "UserData",
1168*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ManagerConfig",
1169*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BIOSConfig",
1170*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "NetworkConfig",
1171*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "StorageConfig",
1172*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Logs"
1173*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
1174*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
1175*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "All": "Remove all possible data from the server.",
1176*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BIOSConfig": "Reset all BIOS settings to factory defaults.",
1177*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Logs": "Clear all logs.",
1178*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ManagerConfig": "Reset all manager settings to factory defaults.",
1179*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "NetworkConfig": "Reset all network settings to factory defaults.",
1180*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "StorageConfig": "Reset all storage controller settings to factory defaults.  This will leave the user data intact unless that is also specified.",
1181*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "UserData": "Remove all possible data from block devices and other user or operating system accessible storage attached to the system."
1182*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1183*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumLongDescriptions": {
1184*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "All": "This value shall indicate the service removes all the data that it can from the system.  This shall include all possible OEM data as well.",
1185*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BIOSConfig": "This value shall indicate the service resets all BIOS settings to factory defaults.  This shall be equivalent to performing the `ResetBios` action on each `Bios` resource.",
1186*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Logs": "This value shall indicate the service clears all logs.  This shall be equivalent to performing the `ClearLog` action on each `LogService` resource.",
1187*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ManagerConfig": "This value shall indicate the service resets all associated managers to factory defaults.  This shall be equivalent to performing the `ResetToDefaults` action on each `Manager` resource with the `ResetType` parameter of `ResetAll`.",
1188*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "NetworkConfig": "This value shall indicate the service resets all network settings on all network devices to factory defaults.",
1189*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "StorageConfig": "This value shall indicate the service resets all storage controller settings to factory defaults.  This shall be equivalent to performing the `ResetToDefaults` action on each `Storage` resource with the `ResetType` parameter of `PreserveVolumes`.",
1190*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "UserData": "This value shall indicate the service removes all the data from block devices or other operating system accessible storage.  If the `RequireSecureErase` parameter contains `true`, this shall be equivalent to performing the SecureErase action on each drive."
1191*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1192*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
1193*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1194*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "GraphicalConnectTypesSupported": {
1195*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
1196*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "KVMIP",
1197*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM"
1198*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
1199*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
1200*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "KVMIP": "The controller supports a graphical console connection through a KVM-IP (redirection of Keyboard, Video, Mouse over IP) protocol.",
1201*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM": "The controller supports a graphical console connection through an OEM-specific protocol."
1202*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1203*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
1204*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1205*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "HostGraphicalConsole": {
1206*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
1207*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The information about a graphical console service for this system.",
1208*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall describe a graphical console service for a computer system.",
1209*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
1210*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1211*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1212*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1213*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
1214*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
1215*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1216*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1217*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
1218*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
1219*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
1220*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1221*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1222*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1223*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
1224*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ConnectTypesSupported": {
1225*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property enumerates the graphical console connection types that the implementation allows.",
1226*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
1227*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "#/definitions/GraphicalConnectTypesSupported"
1228*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
1229*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of the enumerations.  `KVMIP` shall be included if a vendor-defined KVM-IP protocol is supported.",
1230*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1231*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
1232*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
1233*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1234*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MaxConcurrentSessions": {
1235*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The maximum number of service sessions, regardless of protocol, that this system can support.",
1236*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the maximum number of concurrent service sessions that this implementation supports.",
1237*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "minimum": 0,
1238*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1239*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "integer",
1240*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
1241*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1242*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Port": {
1243*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The protocol port.",
1244*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the port assigned to the service.",
1245*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "minimum": 0,
1246*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
1247*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1248*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1249*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1250*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1251*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
1252*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1253*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ServiceEnabled": {
1254*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An indication of whether the service is enabled for this system.",
1255*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate whether the protocol for the service is enabled.",
1256*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
1257*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "boolean",
1258*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
1259*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1260*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1261*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
1262*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1263*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "HostSerialConsole": {
1264*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
1265*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The information about the serial console services that this system provides.",
1266*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall describe the serial console services for a computer system.",
1267*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
1268*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1269*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1270*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1271*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
1272*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
1273*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1274*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1275*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
1276*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
1277*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
1278*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1279*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1280*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1281*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
1282*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "IPMI": {
1283*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/SerialConsoleProtocol",
1284*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The connection details for an IPMI Serial-over-LAN service.",
1285*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain connection details for a serial console service that uses the IPMI Serial-over-LAN (SOL) protocol.",
1286*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
1287*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1288*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MaxConcurrentSessions": {
1289*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The maximum number of service sessions, regardless of protocol, that this system can support.",
1290*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the maximum number of concurrent service sessions that this implementation supports.",
1291*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "minimum": 0,
1292*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1293*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "integer",
1294*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
1295*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1296*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SSH": {
1297*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/SerialConsoleProtocol",
1298*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The connection details for an SSH serial console service.",
1299*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain connection details for a serial console service that uses the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol.",
1300*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
1301*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1302*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Telnet": {
1303*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "#/definitions/SerialConsoleProtocol",
1304*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The connection details for a Telnet serial console service.",
1305*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain connection details for a serial console service that uses the Telnet protocol.",
1306*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
1307*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1308*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1309*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
1310*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1311*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "HostedServices": {
1312*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
1313*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The services that might be running or installed on the system.",
1314*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall describe services that a computer system supports.",
1315*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
1316*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1317*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1318*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1319*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
1320*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
1321*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1322*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1323*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
1324*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
1325*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
1326*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1327*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1328*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1329*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
1330*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Oem": {
1331*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Oem",
1332*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The OEM extension property.",
1333*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the OEM extensions.  All values for properties contained in this object shall conform to the Redfish Specification-described requirements.",
1334*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_2_0"
1335*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1336*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "StorageServices": {
1337*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/swordfish/v1/HostedStorageServices.json#/definitions/HostedStorageServices",
1338*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to a collection of storage services that this computer system supports.",
1339*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `HostedStorageServices`.",
1340*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1341*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_2_0"
1342*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1343*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1344*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
1345*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1346*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "HostingRole": {
1347*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The enumerations of `HostingRole` specify different features that the hosting computer system supports.",
1348*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
1349*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ApplicationServer",
1350*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "StorageServer",
1351*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Switch",
1352*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Appliance",
1353*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BareMetalServer",
1354*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "VirtualMachineServer",
1355*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ContainerServer"
1356*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
1357*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
1358*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Appliance": "The system hosts functionality that supports the system acting as an appliance.",
1359*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ApplicationServer": "The system hosts functionality that supports general purpose applications.",
1360*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BareMetalServer": "The system hosts functionality that supports the system acting as a bare-metal server.",
1361*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ContainerServer": "The system hosts functionality that supports the system acting as a container server.",
1362*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "StorageServer": "The system hosts functionality that supports the system acting as a storage server.",
1363*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Switch": "The system hosts functionality that supports the system acting as a switch.",
1364*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "VirtualMachineServer": "The system hosts functionality that supports the system acting as a virtual machine server."
1365*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1366*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumVersionAdded": {
1367*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Appliance": "v1_10_0",
1368*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BareMetalServer": "v1_10_0",
1369*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ContainerServer": "v1_10_0",
1370*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "VirtualMachineServer": "v1_10_0"
1371*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1372*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
1373*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1374*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "IdlePowerSaver": {
1375*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
1376*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The idle power saver settings of a computer system.",
1377*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This object shall contain the idle power saver settings of a computer system.",
1378*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
1379*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1380*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1381*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1382*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
1383*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
1384*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1385*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1386*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
1387*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
1388*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
1389*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1390*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1391*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1392*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
1393*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Enabled": {
1394*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An indication of whether idle power saver is enabled.",
1395*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "The value of this property shall indicate if idle power saver is enabled.",
1396*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
1397*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "boolean",
1398*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
1399*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1400*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "EnterDwellTimeSeconds": {
1401*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The duration in seconds the computer system is below the `EnterUtilizationPercent` value before the idle power save is activated.",
1402*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the duration in seconds the computer system is below the `EnterUtilizationPercent` value before the idle power save is activated.",
1403*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "minimum": 0,
1404*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
1405*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1406*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1407*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1408*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1409*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "units": "s",
1410*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
1411*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1412*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "EnterUtilizationPercent": {
1413*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The percentage of utilization when the computer system enters idle power save.  If the computer system's utilization goes below this value, it enters idle power save.",
1414*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the percentage of utilization, typically `0` to `100`, when the computer system enters idle power save.  If the computer system's utilization goes below this value for the duration specified by `EnterDwellTimeSeconds`, it shall enter idle power save.",
1415*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "minimum": 0,
1416*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
1417*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1418*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1419*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1420*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1421*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "units": "%",
1422*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
1423*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1424*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ExitDwellTimeSeconds": {
1425*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The duration in seconds the computer system is above the `ExitUtilizationPercent` value before the idle power save is stopped.",
1426*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the duration in seconds the computer system is above the `ExitUtilizationPercent` value before the idle power save is stopped.",
1427*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "minimum": 0,
1428*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
1429*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1430*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1431*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1432*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1433*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "units": "s",
1434*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
1435*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1436*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ExitUtilizationPercent": {
1437*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The percentage of utilization when the computer system exits idle power save.  If the computer system's utilization goes above this value, it exits idle power save.",
1438*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the percentage of utilization, typically `0` to `100`, when the computer system exits idle power save.  If the computer system's utilization goes above this value for the duration specified by `ExitDwellTimeSeconds`, it shall exit idle power save.",
1439*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "minimum": 0,
1440*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
1441*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1442*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1443*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1444*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1445*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "units": "%",
1446*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
1447*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1448*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1449*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
1450*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1451*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "IndicatorLED": {
1452*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
1453*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Unknown",
1454*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Lit",
1455*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Blinking",
1456*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Off"
1457*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
1458*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDeprecated": {
1459*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Unknown": "This value has been deprecated in favor of returning `null` if the state is unknown."
1460*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1461*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
1462*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Blinking": "The indicator LED is blinking.",
1463*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Lit": "The indicator LED is lit.",
1464*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Off": "The indicator LED is off.",
1465*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Unknown": "The state of the indicator LED cannot be determined."
1466*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1467*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumLongDescriptions": {
1468*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Blinking": "This value shall represent that the indicator LED is in a blinking state where the LED is being turned on and off in repetition.  If the service does not support this value, it shall reject `PATCH` or `PUT` requests containing this value by returning the HTTP `400 Bad Request` status code.",
1469*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Lit": "This value shall represent that the indicator LED is in a solid on state.  If the service does not support this value, it shall reject `PATCH` or `PUT` requests containing this value by returning the HTTP `400 Bad Request` status code.",
1470*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Off": "This value shall represent that the indicator LED is in a solid off state.  If the service does not support this value, it shall reject `PATCH` or `PUT` requests containing this value by returning the HTTP `400 Bad Request` status code.",
1471*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Unknown": "This value shall represent that the indicator LED is in an unknown state.  The service shall reject `PATCH` or `PUT` requests containing this value by returning the HTTP `400 Bad Request` status code."
1472*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1473*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumVersionDeprecated": {
1474*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Unknown": "v1_1_0"
1475*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1476*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
1477*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1478*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "InterfaceType": {
1479*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
1480*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TPM1_2",
1481*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TPM2_0",
1482*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TCM1_0"
1483*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
1484*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
1485*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TCM1_0": "Trusted Cryptography Module (TCM) 1.0.",
1486*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TPM1_2": "Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 1.2.",
1487*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TPM2_0": "Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0."
1488*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1489*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
1490*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1491*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "InterfaceTypeSelection": {
1492*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The enumerations of `InterfaceTypeSelection` specify the method for switching the TrustedModule InterfaceType, for instance between TPM1_2 and TPM2_0, if supported.",
1493*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
1494*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "None",
1495*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "FirmwareUpdate",
1496*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BiosSetting",
1497*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OemMethod"
1498*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
1499*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
1500*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BiosSetting": "The TrustedModule supports switching InterfaceType through platform software, such as a BIOS configuration attribute.",
1501*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "FirmwareUpdate": "The TrustedModule supports switching InterfaceType through a firmware update.",
1502*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "None": "The TrustedModule does not support switching the InterfaceType.",
1503*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OemMethod": "The TrustedModule supports switching InterfaceType through an OEM proprietary mechanism."
1504*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1505*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
1506*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1507*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "KMIPCachePolicy": {
1508*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
1509*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "None",
1510*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AfterFirstUse"
1511*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
1512*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
1513*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AfterFirstUse": "The system caches KMIP data after first use for the duration specified by the `CacheDuration` property.",
1514*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "None": "The system does not cache KMIP data."
1515*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1516*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
1517*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1518*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "KMIPServer": {
1519*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
1520*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The KMIP server settings for a computer system.",
1521*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This object shall contain the KMIP server settings for a computer system.",
1522*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
1523*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1524*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1525*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1526*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
1527*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
1528*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1529*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1530*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
1531*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
1532*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
1533*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1534*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1535*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1536*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
1537*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Address": {
1538*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The KMIP server address.",
1539*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the KMIP server address.",
1540*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
1541*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1542*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
1543*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1544*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1545*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
1546*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1547*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "CacheDuration": {
1548*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The duration the system caches KMIP data.",
1549*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the duration that the system caches KMIP data.",
1550*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "pattern": "^P(\\d+D)?(T(\\d+H)?(\\d+M)?(\\d+(.\\d+)?S)?)?$",
1551*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
1552*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1553*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
1554*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1555*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1556*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_20_0"
1557*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1558*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "CachePolicy": {
1559*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
1560*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
1561*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/KMIPCachePolicy"
1562*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
1563*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
1564*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
1565*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
1566*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1567*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The cache policy to control how KMIP data is cached.",
1568*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the cache policy to control how KMIP data is cached.",
1569*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
1570*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_20_0"
1571*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1572*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Password": {
1573*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The password to access the KMIP server.  The value is `null` in responses.",
1574*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the password to access the KMIP server.  The value shall be `null` in responses.",
1575*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
1576*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1577*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
1578*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1579*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1580*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0",
1581*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "writeOnly": true
1582*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1583*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Port": {
1584*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The KMIP server port.",
1585*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the KMIP server port.",
1586*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
1587*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1588*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1589*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1590*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1591*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
1592*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1593*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Username": {
1594*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The username to access the KMIP server.",
1595*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the username to access the KMIP server.",
1596*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
1597*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1598*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
1599*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1600*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1601*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
1602*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1603*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1604*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
1605*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1606*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "KeyManagement": {
1607*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
1608*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The key management settings of a computer system.",
1609*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This object shall contain the key management settings of a computer system.",
1610*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
1611*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1612*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1613*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1614*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
1615*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
1616*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1617*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1618*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
1619*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
1620*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
1621*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1622*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1623*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1624*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
1625*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "KMIPCertificates": {
1626*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/CertificateCollection.json#/definitions/CertificateCollection",
1627*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to a collection of server certificates for the servers referenced by the `KMIPServers` property.",
1628*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource collection of type `CertificateCollection` that represents the server certificates for the servers referenced by the `KMIPServers` property.",
1629*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1630*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
1631*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1632*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "KMIPServers": {
1633*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The KMIP servers to which this computer system is subscribed.",
1634*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
1635*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "anyOf": [
1636*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            {
1637*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                                "$ref": "#/definitions/KMIPServer"
1638*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            },
1639*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            {
1640*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                                "type": "null"
1641*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            }
1642*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        ]
1643*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
1644*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the KMIP servers to which this computer system is subscribed for key management.",
1645*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
1646*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_16_0"
1647*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1648*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1649*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
1650*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1651*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "Links": {
1652*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
1653*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The links to other resources that are related to this resource.",
1654*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This Redfish Specification-described type shall contain links to resources that are related to but are not contained by, or subordinate to, this resource.",
1655*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
1656*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1657*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1658*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1659*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
1660*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
1661*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1662*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1663*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
1664*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
1665*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
1666*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1667*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1668*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1669*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
1670*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Chassis": {
1671*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of links to the chassis that contains this system.",
1672*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
1673*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Chassis.json#/definitions/Chassis"
1674*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
1675*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `Chassis` that represent the physical containers associated with this resource.",
1676*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1677*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array"
1678*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1679*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Chassis@odata.count": {
1680*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
1681*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1682*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ConsumingComputerSystems": {
1683*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of links to computer systems that are realized, in whole or in part, from this computer system.",
1684*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
1685*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ComputerSystem.json#/definitions/ComputerSystem"
1686*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
1687*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "The value shall be an array of links to computer systems that are realized, in whole or in part, from this computer system.",
1688*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1689*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
1690*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
1691*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1692*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ConsumingComputerSystems@odata.count": {
1693*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
1694*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1695*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "CooledBy": {
1696*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of links to resources or objects that cool this computer system.  Normally, the link is for either a chassis or a specific set of fans.",
1697*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
1698*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/idRef"
1699*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
1700*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources or objects that cool this computer system.",
1701*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1702*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array"
1703*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1704*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "CooledBy@odata.count": {
1705*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
1706*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1707*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Endpoints": {
1708*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of links to the endpoints that connect to this system.",
1709*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
1710*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Endpoint.json#/definitions/Endpoint"
1711*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
1712*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `Endpoint` with which this system is associated.",
1713*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1714*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
1715*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_2_0"
1716*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1717*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Endpoints@odata.count": {
1718*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
1719*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1720*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "HostingComputerSystem": {
1721*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
1722*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
1723*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ComputerSystem.json#/definitions/ComputerSystem"
1724*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
1725*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
1726*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
1727*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
1728*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1729*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the system that is hosting this virtual machine.",
1730*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to a resource of type `ComputerSystem` that represents the system that is hosting this virtual machine.  This property shall only be present if `SystemType` contains `Virtual`.",
1731*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1732*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_21_0"
1733*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1734*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ManagedBy": {
1735*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of links to the managers responsible for this system.",
1736*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
1737*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Manager.json#/definitions/Manager"
1738*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
1739*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `Manager` that represent the resources with management responsibility for this resource.",
1740*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1741*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array"
1742*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1743*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ManagedBy@odata.count": {
1744*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
1745*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1746*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Oem": {
1747*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Oem",
1748*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The OEM extension property.",
1749*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the OEM extensions.  All values for properties contained in this object shall conform to the Redfish Specification-described requirements."
1750*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1751*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OffloadedNetworkDeviceFunctions": {
1752*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The network device functions to which this system performs offload computation, such as with a SmartNIC.",
1753*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
1754*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/NetworkDeviceFunction.json#/definitions/NetworkDeviceFunction"
1755*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
1756*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `NetworkDeviceFunction` that represent the network device functions to which this system performs offload computation, such as with a SmartNIC.  This property shall not be present if the `SystemType` property does not contain `DPU`.",
1757*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1758*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
1759*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_17_0"
1760*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1761*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OffloadedNetworkDeviceFunctions@odata.count": {
1762*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
1763*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1764*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PoweredBy": {
1765*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of links to resources or objects that power this computer system.  Normally, the link is for either a chassis or a specific set of power supplies.",
1766*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
1767*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/idRef"
1768*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
1769*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources or objects that power this computer system.",
1770*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1771*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array"
1772*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1773*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PoweredBy@odata.count": {
1774*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
1775*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1776*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ResourceBlocks": {
1777*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of links to the resource blocks that are used in this computer system.",
1778*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
1779*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ResourceBlock.json#/definitions/ResourceBlock"
1780*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
1781*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `ResourceBlock` that show the resource blocks that are used in this computer system.",
1782*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
1783*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
1784*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
1785*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1786*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ResourceBlocks@odata.count": {
1787*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
1788*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1789*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SupplyingComputerSystems": {
1790*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of links to computer systems that contribute, in whole or in part, to the implementation of this computer system.",
1791*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
1792*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ComputerSystem.json#/definitions/ComputerSystem"
1793*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
1794*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "The value shall be an array of links to computer systems that contribute, in whole or in part, to the implementation of this computer system.",
1795*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1796*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
1797*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
1798*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1799*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SupplyingComputerSystems@odata.count": {
1800*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
1801*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1802*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TrustedComponents": {
1803*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of links to the trusted components for this system.",
1804*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
1805*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/TrustedComponent.json#/definitions/TrustedComponent"
1806*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
1807*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `TrustedComponent`.",
1808*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1809*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
1810*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_19_0"
1811*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1812*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TrustedComponents@odata.count": {
1813*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
1814*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1815*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "VirtualMachines": {
1816*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An array of links to the virtual machines this system is hosting.",
1817*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "items": {
1818*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ComputerSystem.json#/definitions/ComputerSystem"
1819*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    },
1820*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `ComputerSystem` that represent the virtual machines this system is hosting.",
1821*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1822*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "array",
1823*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_21_0"
1824*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1825*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "VirtualMachines@odata.count": {
1826*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/count"
1827*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1828*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1829*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
1830*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1831*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "MemoryMirroring": {
1832*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
1833*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "System",
1834*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DIMM",
1835*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Hybrid",
1836*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "None"
1837*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
1838*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
1839*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DIMM": "The system supports DIMM mirroring at the DIMM level.  Individual DIMMs can be mirrored.",
1840*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Hybrid": "The system supports a hybrid mirroring at the system and DIMM levels.  Individual DIMMs can be mirrored.",
1841*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "None": "The system does not support DIMM mirroring.",
1842*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "System": "The system supports DIMM mirroring at the system level.  Individual DIMMs are not paired for mirroring in this mode."
1843*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1844*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
1845*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1846*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "MemorySummary": {
1847*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
1848*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The memory of the system in general detail.",
1849*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall contain properties that describe the central memory for a system.",
1850*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
1851*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1852*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1853*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1854*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
1855*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
1856*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1857*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1858*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
1859*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
1860*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
1861*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1862*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1863*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1864*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
1865*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MemoryMirroring": {
1866*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
1867*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
1868*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/MemoryMirroring"
1869*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
1870*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
1871*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
1872*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
1873*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1874*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The ability and type of memory mirroring that this computer system supports.",
1875*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the ability and type of memory mirroring that this computer system supports.",
1876*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1877*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
1878*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1879*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Metrics": {
1880*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/MemoryMetrics.json#/definitions/MemoryMetrics",
1881*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the metrics associated with all memory in this system.",
1882*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to the metrics associated with all memory in this system.",
1883*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1884*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_8_0"
1885*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1886*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Status": {
1887*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Status",
1888*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "deprecated": "This property has been deprecated in favor of the `Conditions` property within `Status` in the root of this resource.",
1889*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The status and health of the resource and its subordinate or dependent resources.",
1890*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain any status or health properties of the resource.",
1891*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionDeprecated": "v1_16_0"
1892*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1893*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TotalSystemMemoryGiB": {
1894*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The total configured operating system-accessible memory (RAM), measured in GiB.",
1895*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the amount of configured system general purpose volatile (RAM) memory as measured in gibibytes.",
1896*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "minimum": 0,
1897*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1898*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1899*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1900*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1901*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1902*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "units": "GiBy"
1903*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
1904*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TotalSystemPersistentMemoryGiB": {
1905*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The total configured, system-accessible persistent memory, measured in GiB.",
1906*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total amount of configured persistent memory available to the system as measured in gibibytes.",
1907*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "minimum": 0,
1908*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
1909*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1910*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1911*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
1912*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
1913*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "units": "GiBy",
1914*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_4_0"
1915*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1916*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1917*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
1918*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1919*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "OemActions": {
1920*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": true,
1921*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The available OEM-specific actions for this resource.",
1922*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall contain the available OEM-specific actions for this resource.",
1923*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
1924*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1925*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1926*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1927*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
1928*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
1929*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
1930*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
1931*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
1932*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
1933*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
1934*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
1935*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
1936*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1937*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {},
1938*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
1939*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1940*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "PowerMode": {
1941*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
1942*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MaximumPerformance",
1943*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BalancedPerformance",
1944*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerSaving",
1945*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Static",
1946*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OSControlled",
1947*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM",
1948*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "EfficiencyFavorPower",
1949*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "EfficiencyFavorPerformance"
1950*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
1951*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
1952*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BalancedPerformance": "The system performs at the highest speeds while utilization is high and performs at reduced speeds when the utilization is low.",
1953*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "EfficiencyFavorPerformance": "The system performs at reduced speeds at all utilizations to save power while attempting to maintain performance.  This mode differs from `EfficiencyFavorPower` in that more performance is retained but less power is saved.",
1954*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "EfficiencyFavorPower": "The system performs at reduced speeds at all utilizations to save power at the cost of performance.  This mode differs from `PowerSaving` in that more performance is retained and less power is saved.  This mode differs from `EfficiencyFavorPerformance` in that less performance is retained but more power is saved.",
1955*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MaximumPerformance": "The system performs at the highest speeds possible.",
1956*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM": "The system power mode is OEM-defined.",
1957*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OSControlled": "The system power mode is controlled by the operating system.",
1958*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerSaving": "The system performs at reduced speeds to save power.",
1959*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Static": "The system power mode is static."
1960*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1961*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumLongDescriptions": {
1962*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "BalancedPerformance": "This value shall indicate the system performs at the highest speeds possible when the utilization is high and performs at reduced speeds when the utilization is low to save power.  This mode is a compromise between `MaximumPerformance` and `PowerSaving`.",
1963*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "EfficiencyFavorPerformance": "This value shall indicate the system performs at reduced speeds at all utilizations to save power while attempting to maintain performance.  This mode differs from `EfficiencyFavorPower` in that more performance is retained but less power is saved. This mode differs from 'MaximumPerformance' in that power is saved at the cost of some performance.  This mode differs from 'BalancedPerformance' in that power saving occurs at all utilizations.",
1964*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "EfficiencyFavorPower": "This value shall indicate the system performs at reduced speeds at all utilizations to save power at the cost of performance.  This mode differs from `PowerSaving` in that more performance is retained and less power is saved.  This mode differs from `EfficiencyFavorPerformance` in that less performance is retained but more power is saved. This mode differs from 'BalancedPerformance' in that power saving occurs at all utilizations.",
1965*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MaximumPerformance": "This value shall indicate the system performs at the highest speeds possible.  This mode should be used when performance is the top priority.",
1966*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM": "This value shall indicate the system performs at an OEM-defined power mode.",
1967*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OSControlled": "This value shall indicate the system performs at an operating system-controlled power mode.",
1968*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerSaving": "This value shall indicate the system performs at reduced speeds to save power.  This mode should be used when power saving is the top priority.",
1969*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Static": "This value shall indicate the system performs at a static base speed."
1970*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1971*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumVersionAdded": {
1972*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "EfficiencyFavorPerformance": "v1_22_0",
1973*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "EfficiencyFavorPower": "v1_22_0"
1974*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1975*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
1976*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1977*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "PowerRestorePolicyTypes": {
1978*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The enumerations of `PowerRestorePolicyTypes` specify the choice of power state for the system when power is applied.",
1979*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
1980*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AlwaysOn",
1981*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AlwaysOff",
1982*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "LastState"
1983*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
1984*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
1985*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AlwaysOff": "The system always remains powered off when power is applied.",
1986*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AlwaysOn": "The system always powers on when power is applied.",
1987*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "LastState": "The system returns to its last on or off power state when power is applied."
1988*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
1989*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
1990*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
1991*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "ProcessorSummary": {
1992*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
1993*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The central processors of the system in general detail.",
1994*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall contain properties that describe the central processors for a system.  Processors described by this type shall be limited to the processors that execute system code, and shall not include processors used for offload functionality.",
1995*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
1996*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
1997*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
1998*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
1999*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
2000*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
2001*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
2002*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
2003*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
2004*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
2005*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
2006*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
2007*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
2008*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2009*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
2010*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "CoreCount": {
2011*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The number of processor cores in the system.",
2012*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of central processor cores in the system.",
2013*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "minimum": 0,
2014*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
2015*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
2016*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
2017*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
2018*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
2019*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_14_0"
2020*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2021*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Count": {
2022*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The number of physical processors in the system.",
2023*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of physical central processors in the system.",
2024*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "minimum": 0,
2025*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
2026*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
2027*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
2028*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
2029*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
2030*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2031*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "LogicalProcessorCount": {
2032*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The number of logical processors in the system.",
2033*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of logical central processors in the system.",
2034*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "minimum": 0,
2035*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
2036*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
2037*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
2038*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
2039*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
2040*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
2041*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2042*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Metrics": {
2043*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ProcessorMetrics.json#/definitions/ProcessorMetrics",
2044*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The link to the metrics associated with all processors in this system.",
2045*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a link to the metrics associated with all processors in this system.",
2046*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
2047*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_7_0"
2048*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2049*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Model": {
2050*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The processor model for the primary or majority of processors in this system.",
2051*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the processor model for the central processors in the system, per the description in the Processor Information - Processor Family section of the SMBIOS Specification DSP0134 2.8 or later.",
2052*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
2053*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
2054*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
2055*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
2056*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
2057*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2058*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Status": {
2059*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Status",
2060*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "deprecated": "This property has been deprecated in favor of the `Conditions` property within `Status` in the root of this resource.",
2061*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The status and health of the resource and its subordinate or dependent resources.",
2062*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain any status or health properties of the resource.",
2063*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionDeprecated": "v1_16_0"
2064*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2065*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ThreadingEnabled": {
2066*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An indication of whether threading is enabled on all processors in this system.",
2067*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "The value of this property shall indicate that all `Processor` resources in this system where the `ProcessorType` property contains `CPU` have multiple threading support enabled.",
2068*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
2069*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "boolean",
2070*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_15_0"
2071*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
2072*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2073*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
2074*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
2075*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "RemoveResourceBlock": {
2076*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
2077*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "This action removes a resource block from a system.",
2078*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This action shall remove a resource block from a system.",
2079*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "parameters": {
2080*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ComputerSystemETag": {
2081*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The current ETag of the system.",
2082*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This parameter shall contain the current ETag of the system.  If the client-provided ETag does not match the current ETag of the system, the service shall return the HTTP `428 Precondition Required` status code to reject the request.",
2083*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
2084*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2085*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ResourceBlock": {
2086*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ResourceBlock.json#/definitions/ResourceBlock",
2087*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The resource block to remove from the system.",
2088*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This parameter shall contain a link to the specified resource block to remove from the system.",
2089*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "requiredParameter": true
2090*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2091*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ResourceBlockETag": {
2092*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The current ETag of the resource block to remove from the system.",
2093*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This parameter shall contain the current ETag of the resource block to remove from the system.  If the client-provided ETag does not match the current ETag of the resource block that the `ResourceBlock` parameter specifies, the service shall return the HTTP `428 Precondition Required` status code to reject the request.",
2094*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
2095*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
2096*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2097*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
2098*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
2099*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
2100*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
2101*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
2102*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
2103*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
2104*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
2105*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
2106*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
2107*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
2108*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
2109*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
2110*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2111*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
2112*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "target": {
2113*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Link to invoke action",
2114*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "format": "uri-reference",
2115*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
2116*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2117*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "title": {
2118*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Friendly action name",
2119*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
2120*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
2121*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2122*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object",
2123*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "versionAdded": "v1_6_0"
2124*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
2125*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "Reset": {
2126*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
2127*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "This action resets the system.",
2128*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This action shall reset the system represented by the resource.  For systems that implement ACPI Power Button functionality, the `PushPowerButton` value shall perform or emulate an ACPI Power Button Push, and the `ForceOff` value shall perform an ACPI Power Button Override, commonly known as a four-second hold of the power button.",
2129*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "parameters": {
2130*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ResetType": {
2131*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/ResetType",
2132*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The type of reset.",
2133*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This parameter shall contain the type of reset.  The service can accept a request without the parameter and perform an implementation-specific default reset.  Services should include the `@Redfish.AllowableValues` annotation for this parameter to ensure compatibility with clients, even when `ActionInfo` has been implemented."
2134*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
2135*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2136*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
2137*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
2138*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
2139*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
2140*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
2141*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
2142*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
2143*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
2144*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
2145*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
2146*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
2147*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
2148*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
2149*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2150*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
2151*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "target": {
2152*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Link to invoke action",
2153*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "format": "uri-reference",
2154*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
2155*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2156*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "title": {
2157*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Friendly action name",
2158*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
2159*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
2160*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2161*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
2162*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
2163*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "SerialConsoleProtocol": {
2164*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
2165*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The information about a serial console service that this system provides.",
2166*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall describe a serial console service for a computer system.",
2167*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
2168*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
2169*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
2170*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
2171*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
2172*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
2173*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
2174*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
2175*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
2176*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
2177*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
2178*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
2179*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
2180*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2181*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
2182*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ConsoleEntryCommand": {
2183*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The command string passed to the service to select or enter the system's serial console.",
2184*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a command string that can be provided by a client to select or enter the system's serial console, when the console is shared among several systems or a manager CLI.",
2185*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
2186*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
2187*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
2188*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
2189*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
2190*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
2191*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2192*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "HotKeySequenceDisplay": {
2193*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The hotkey sequence available for the user to exit the serial console session.",
2194*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain a string that can be provided to a user to describe the hotkey sequence used to exit the serial console session, or, if shared with a manager CLI, to return to the CLI.",
2195*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
2196*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
2197*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
2198*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
2199*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
2200*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
2201*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2202*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Port": {
2203*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The protocol port.",
2204*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the port assigned to the protocol.",
2205*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "minimum": 0,
2206*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
2207*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
2208*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
2209*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
2210*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
2211*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
2212*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2213*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ServiceEnabled": {
2214*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An indication of whether the service is enabled for this system.",
2215*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate whether the protocol for the service is enabled.",
2216*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
2217*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "boolean",
2218*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
2219*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2220*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SharedWithManagerCLI": {
2221*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Indicates whether the serial console service is shared with access to the manager's command-line interface (CLI).",
2222*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate whether the serial console service is shared with access to the manager's command-line interface (CLI).",
2223*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
2224*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "boolean",
2225*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
2226*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
2227*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2228*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
2229*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
2230*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "SetDefaultBootOrder": {
2231*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
2232*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "This action sets the `BootOrder` property to the default settings.",
2233*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This action shall set the `BootOrder` array to the default settings.",
2234*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "parameters": {},
2235*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
2236*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
2237*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
2238*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
2239*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
2240*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
2241*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
2242*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
2243*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
2244*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
2245*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
2246*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
2247*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
2248*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2249*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
2250*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "target": {
2251*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Link to invoke action",
2252*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "format": "uri-reference",
2253*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
2254*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2255*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "title": {
2256*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "Friendly action name",
2257*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "string"
2258*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
2259*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2260*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object",
2261*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
2262*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
2263*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "StopBootOnFault": {
2264*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
2265*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Never",
2266*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AnyFault"
2267*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
2268*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
2269*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AnyFault": "The system should stop the boot on any fault.",
2270*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Never": "The system performs any normal recovery actions during boot if a fault occurs."
2271*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2272*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumLongDescriptions": {
2273*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "AnyFault": "This value shall indicate the system will stop the boot if a fault occurs.  This includes, but is not limited to, faults that affect performance, fault tolerance, or capacity.",
2274*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Never": "This value shall indicate the system will continue to attempt to boot if a fault occurs."
2275*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2276*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
2277*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
2278*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "SystemType": {
2279*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
2280*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Physical",
2281*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Virtual",
2282*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OS",
2283*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PhysicallyPartitioned",
2284*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "VirtuallyPartitioned",
2285*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Composed",
2286*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DPU"
2287*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
2288*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDeprecated": {
2289*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OS": "This value has been deprecated in favor of representing operating systems with the `OperatingSystem` resource."
2290*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2291*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
2292*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Composed": "A computer system constructed by binding resource blocks together.",
2293*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DPU": "A computer system that performs the functions of a data processing unit, such as a SmartNIC.",
2294*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OS": "An operating system instance.",
2295*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Physical": "A computer system.",
2296*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PhysicallyPartitioned": "A hardware-based partition of a computer system.",
2297*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Virtual": "A virtual machine instance running on this system.",
2298*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "VirtuallyPartitioned": "A virtual or software-based partition of a computer system."
2299*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2300*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumLongDescriptions": {
2301*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Composed": "A `SystemType` of `Composed` typically represents a single system constructed from disaggregated resources through the Redfish composition service.",
2302*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DPU": "A `SystemType` of `DPU` typically represents a single system that performs offload computation as a data processing unit, such as a SmartNIC.",
2303*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OS": "A `SystemType` of `OS` typically represents an OS or hypervisor view of the system.",
2304*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Physical": "A `SystemType` of `Physical` typically represents the hardware aspects of a system, such as a management controller.",
2305*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PhysicallyPartitioned": "A `SystemType` of `PhysicallyPartitioned` typically represents a single system constructed from one or more physical systems through a firmware or hardware-based service.",
2306*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Virtual": "A `SystemType` of `Virtual` typically represents a system that is actually a virtual machine instance.  Responses should contain the `ProcessorSummary` and `MemorySummary` properties to show the processor and memory resources allocated to the virtual machine.",
2307*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "VirtuallyPartitioned": "A `SystemType` of `VirtuallyPartitioned` typically represents a single system constructed from one or more virtual systems through a software-based service."
2308*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2309*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumVersionAdded": {
2310*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Composed": "v1_4_0",
2311*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DPU": "v1_16_0"
2312*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2313*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumVersionDeprecated": {
2314*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OS": "v1_21_0"
2315*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2316*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
2317*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
2318*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "TrustedModuleRequiredToBoot": {
2319*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
2320*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Disabled",
2321*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Required"
2322*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
2323*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
2324*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Disabled": "No Trusted Module requirement to boot.",
2325*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Required": "A functional Trusted Module is required to boot."
2326*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2327*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumLongDescriptions": {
2328*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Disabled": "This value shall indicate a Trusted Module is not required to boot.",
2329*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Required": "This value shall indicate a functioning Trusted Module is required to boot."
2330*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2331*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
2332*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
2333*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "TrustedModules": {
2334*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
2335*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The Trusted Module installed in the system.",
2336*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall describe a Trusted Module for a system.",
2337*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
2338*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
2339*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
2340*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
2341*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
2342*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
2343*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
2344*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
2345*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
2346*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
2347*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
2348*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
2349*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
2350*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2351*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
2352*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "FirmwareVersion": {
2353*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The firmware version of this Trusted Module.",
2354*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the firmware version as defined by the manufacturer for the Trusted Module.",
2355*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
2356*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
2357*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
2358*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
2359*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
2360*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
2361*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2362*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "FirmwareVersion2": {
2363*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The second firmware version of this Trusted Module, if applicable.",
2364*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the 2nd firmware version, if applicable, as defined by the manufacturer for the Trusted Module.",
2365*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
2366*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
2367*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string",
2368*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
2369*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
2370*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_3_0"
2371*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2372*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "InterfaceType": {
2373*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
2374*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
2375*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/InterfaceType"
2376*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
2377*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
2378*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
2379*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
2380*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
2381*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The interface type of the Trusted Module.",
2382*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the interface type of the installed Trusted Module.",
2383*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
2384*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
2385*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2386*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "InterfaceTypeSelection": {
2387*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
2388*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
2389*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/InterfaceTypeSelection"
2390*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
2391*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
2392*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
2393*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
2394*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
2395*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The interface type selection supported by this Trusted Module.",
2396*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the interface type `Selection` method (for example to switch between TPM1_2 and TPM2_0) that is supported by this Trusted Module.",
2397*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": true,
2398*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_3_0"
2399*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2400*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Oem": {
2401*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Oem",
2402*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The OEM extension property.",
2403*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the OEM extensions.  All values for properties contained in this object shall conform to the Redfish Specification-described requirements.",
2404*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
2405*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2406*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Status": {
2407*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Status",
2408*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The status and health of the resource and its subordinate or dependent resources.",
2409*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain any status or health properties of the resource.",
2410*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_1_0"
2411*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
2412*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2413*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
2414*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
2415*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "VirtualMediaConfig": {
2416*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
2417*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The information about virtual media service for this system.",
2418*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall describe a virtual media service for a computer system.",
2419*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
2420*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
2421*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
2422*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
2423*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
2424*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
2425*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
2426*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
2427*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
2428*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
2429*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
2430*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
2431*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
2432*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2433*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
2434*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Port": {
2435*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The protocol port.",
2436*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the port assigned to the service.",
2437*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "minimum": 0,
2438*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
2439*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
2440*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
2441*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
2442*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
2443*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
2444*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2445*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ServiceEnabled": {
2446*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An indication of whether the service is enabled for this system.",
2447*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate whether the protocol for the service is enabled.",
2448*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
2449*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": "boolean",
2450*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_13_0"
2451*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
2452*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2453*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
2454*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
2455*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "WatchdogTimeoutActions": {
2456*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The enumerations of `WatchdogTimeoutActions` specify the choice of action to take when the host watchdog timer reaches its timeout value.",
2457*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
2458*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "None",
2459*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ResetSystem",
2460*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerCycle",
2461*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerDown",
2462*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM"
2463*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
2464*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
2465*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "None": "No action taken.",
2466*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM": "Perform an OEM-defined action.",
2467*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerCycle": "Power cycle the system.",
2468*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "PowerDown": "Power down the system.",
2469*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "ResetSystem": "Reset the system."
2470*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2471*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
2472*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
2473*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "WatchdogTimer": {
2474*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "additionalProperties": false,
2475*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "This type describes the host watchdog timer functionality for this system.",
2476*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "longDescription": "This type shall contain properties that describe the host watchdog timer functionality for this system.",
2477*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "patternProperties": {
2478*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
2479*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.",
2480*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
2481*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "array",
2482*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
2483*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "integer",
2484*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "number",
2485*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null",
2486*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "object",
2487*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "string"
2488*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ]
2489*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
2490*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2491*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "properties": {
2492*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "FunctionEnabled": {
2493*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "An indication of whether a user has enabled the host watchdog timer functionality.  This property indicates only that a user has enabled the timer.  To activate the timer, installation of additional host-based software is necessary; an update to this property does not initiate the timer.",
2494*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall indicate whether a user has enabled the host watchdog timer functionality.  This property indicates only that a user has enabled the timer.  To activate the timer, installation of additional host-based software is necessary; an update to this property does not initiate the timer.",
2495*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
2496*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "type": [
2497*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "boolean",
2498*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        "null"
2499*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
2500*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
2501*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2502*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Oem": {
2503*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Oem",
2504*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The OEM extension property.",
2505*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the OEM extensions.  All values for properties contained in this object shall conform to the Redfish Specification-described requirements.",
2506*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
2507*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2508*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "Status": {
2509*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Status",
2510*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The status and health of the resource and its subordinate or dependent resources.",
2511*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain any status or health properties of the resource.",
2512*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
2513*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2514*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TimeoutAction": {
2515*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
2516*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
2517*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/WatchdogTimeoutActions"
2518*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
2519*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
2520*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
2521*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
2522*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
2523*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The action to perform when the watchdog timer reaches its timeout value.",
2524*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the action to perform when the watchdog timer reaches its timeout value.",
2525*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
2526*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
2527*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                },
2528*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "WarningAction": {
2529*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "anyOf": [
2530*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
2531*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "$ref": "#/definitions/WatchdogWarningActions"
2532*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        },
2533*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        {
2534*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                            "type": "null"
2535*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                        }
2536*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    ],
2537*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "description": "The action to perform when the watchdog timer is close to reaching its timeout value.  This action typically occurs from three to ten seconds before to the timeout value, but the exact timing is dependent on the implementation.",
2538*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "longDescription": "This property shall contain the action to perform before the watchdog timer expires.  This action typically occurs from three to ten seconds before to the timeout value, but the exact timing is dependent on the implementation.",
2539*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "readonly": false,
2540*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                    "versionAdded": "v1_5_0"
2541*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                }
2542*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2543*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "required": [
2544*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "FunctionEnabled",
2545*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "TimeoutAction"
2546*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
2547*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "object"
2548*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        },
2549*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        "WatchdogWarningActions": {
2550*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "description": "The enumerations of `WatchdogWarningActions` specify the choice of action to take when the host watchdog timer is close (typically 3-10 seconds) to reaching its timeout value.",
2551*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enum": [
2552*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "None",
2553*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DiagnosticInterrupt",
2554*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SMI",
2555*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MessagingInterrupt",
2556*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SCI",
2557*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM"
2558*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            ],
2559*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "enumDescriptions": {
2560*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "DiagnosticInterrupt": "Raise a (typically non-maskable) Diagnostic Interrupt.",
2561*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "MessagingInterrupt": "Raise a legacy IPMI messaging interrupt.",
2562*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "None": "No action taken.",
2563*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "OEM": "Perform an OEM-defined action.",
2564*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SCI": "Raise an interrupt using the ACPI System Control Interrupt (SCI).",
2565*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills                "SMI": "Raise a Systems Management Interrupt (SMI)."
2566*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            },
2567*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills            "type": "string"
2568*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills        }
2569*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    },
2570*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    "language": "en",
2571*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    "owningEntity": "DMTF",
2572*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    "release": "2023.3",
2573*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills    "title": "#ComputerSystem.v1_22_2.ComputerSystem"
2574*28cfceb2SGunnar Mills}