xref: /openbmc/bmcweb/redfish-core/schema/dmtf/installed/Cable_v1.xml (revision a529a6aa44e04ae5845d1324f3e8c887ebd47f7b)
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3<!--################################################################################       -->
4<!--# Redfish Schema:  Cable v1.2.3                                                        -->
5<!--#                                                                                      -->
6<!--# For a detailed change log, see the README file contained in the DSP8010 bundle,      -->
7<!--# available at http://www.dmtf.org/standards/redfish                                   -->
8<!--# Copyright 2014-2024 DMTF.                                                            -->
9<!--# For the full DMTF copyright policy, see http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/copyright -->
10<!--################################################################################       -->
12<edmx:Edmx xmlns:edmx="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edmx" Version="4.0">
14  <edmx:Reference Uri="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.0/errata03/csd01/complete/vocabularies/Org.OData.Core.V1.xml">
15    <edmx:Include Namespace="Org.OData.Core.V1" Alias="OData"/>
16  </edmx:Reference>
17  <edmx:Reference Uri="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.0/errata03/csd01/complete/vocabularies/Org.OData.Capabilities.V1.xml">
18    <edmx:Include Namespace="Org.OData.Capabilities.V1" Alias="Capabilities"/>
19  </edmx:Reference>
20  <edmx:Reference Uri="http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/RedfishExtensions_v1.xml">
21    <edmx:Include Namespace="RedfishExtensions.v1_0_0" Alias="Redfish"/>
22  </edmx:Reference>
23  <edmx:Reference Uri="http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource_v1.xml">
24    <edmx:Include Namespace="Resource"/>
25    <edmx:Include Namespace="Resource.v1_0_0"/>
26  </edmx:Reference>
27  <edmx:Reference Uri="http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Chassis_v1.xml">
28    <edmx:Include Namespace="Chassis"/>
29  </edmx:Reference>
30  <edmx:Reference Uri="http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Port_v1.xml">
31    <edmx:Include Namespace="Port"/>
32  </edmx:Reference>
33  <edmx:Reference Uri="http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Assembly_v1.xml">
34    <edmx:Include Namespace="Assembly"/>
35  </edmx:Reference>
37  <edmx:DataServices>
39    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Cable">
40      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
41      <Annotation Term="Redfish.Language" String="en"/>
43      <EntityType Name="Cable" BaseType="Resource.v1_0_0.Resource" Abstract="true">
44        <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The `Cable` schema contains properties that describe a cable connecting endpoints of a chassis, port, or any other cable-compatible endpoint."/>
45        <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This resource contains a simple cable for a Redfish implementation."/>
46        <Annotation Term="Capabilities.InsertRestrictions">
47          <Record>
48            <PropertyValue Property="Insertable" Bool="false"/>
49          </Record>
50        </Annotation>
51        <Annotation Term="Capabilities.UpdateRestrictions">
52          <Record>
53            <PropertyValue Property="Updatable" Bool="true"/>
54          </Record>
55        </Annotation>
56        <Annotation Term="Capabilities.DeleteRestrictions">
57          <Record>
58            <PropertyValue Property="Deletable" Bool="true"/>
59          </Record>
60        </Annotation>
61        <Annotation Term="Redfish.Uris">
62          <Collection>
63            <String>/redfish/v1/Cables/{CableId}</String>
64          </Collection>
65        </Annotation>
66      </EntityType>
67    </Schema>
69    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Cable.v1_0_0">
70      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
71      <Annotation Term="Redfish.Release" String="2021.2"/>
73      <EntityType Name="Cable" BaseType="Cable.Cable">
74        <Property Name="UserDescription" Type="Edm.String">
75          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
76          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The description of this cable."/>
77          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain a user-defined description for this cable."/>
78        </Property>
79        <Property Name="CableType" Type="Edm.String">
80          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
81          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The type of this cable."/>
82          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain a user-defined type for this cable."/>
83        </Property>
84        <Property Name="LengthMeters" Type="Edm.Decimal">
85          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
86          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The length of the cable in meters."/>
87          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the length of the cable in meters."/>
88        </Property>
89        <Property Name="DownstreamName" Type="Edm.String">
90          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
91          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The identifier for the downstream resource."/>
92          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain any identifier for a downstream resource."/>
93        </Property>
94        <Property Name="UpstreamName" Type="Edm.String">
95          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
96          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The identifier for the downstream resource."/>
97          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain any identifier for an upstream resource."/>
98        </Property>
99        <Property Name="Actions" Type="Cable.v1_0_0.Actions" Nullable="false">
100          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The available actions for this resource."/>
101          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the available actions for this resource."/>
102        </Property>
103        <Property Name="Model" Type="Edm.String">
104          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
105          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The model number of the cable."/>
106          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the name by which the manufacturer generally refers to the cable."/>
107        </Property>
108        <Property Name="Manufacturer" Type="Edm.String">
109          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
110          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The manufacturer of this cable."/>
111          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the name of the organization responsible for producing the cable.  This organization might be the entity from whom the cable is purchased, but this is not necessarily true."/>
112        </Property>
113        <Property Name="Vendor" Type="Edm.String">
114          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
115          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The manufacturer of this cable."/>
116          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the name of the company that provides the final product that includes this cable."/>
117        </Property>
118        <Property Name="SKU" Type="Edm.String">
119          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
120          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The SKU for this cable."/>
121          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the stock-keeping unit (SKU) number for this cable."/>
122        </Property>
123        <Property Name="SerialNumber" Type="Edm.String">
124          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
125          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The serial number for this cable."/>
126          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the manufacturer-allocated number that identifies the cable."/>
127        </Property>
128        <Property Name="PartNumber" Type="Edm.String">
129          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
130          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The part number for this cable."/>
131          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the part number assigned by the organization that is responsible for producing or manufacturing the cable."/>
132        </Property>
133        <Property Name="AssetTag" Type="Edm.String">
134          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
135          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The user-assigned asset tag for this cable."/>
136          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall track the cable for inventory purposes."/>
137        </Property>
138        <Property Name="CableClass" Type="Cable.v1_0_0.CableClass">
139          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
140          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The identifier for the downstream resource."/>
141          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="The property shall contain the cable class for this cable."/>
142        </Property>
143        <Property Name="DownstreamConnectorTypes" Type="Collection(Cable.v1_0_0.ConnectorType)" Nullable="false">
144          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
145          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The connector types this cable supports."/>
146          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="The property shall contain an array of connector types this cable supports."/>
147        </Property>
148        <Property Name="UpstreamConnectorTypes" Type="Collection(Cable.v1_0_0.ConnectorType)" Nullable="false">
149          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
150          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The connector types this cable supports."/>
151          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="The property shall contain an array of connector types this cable supports."/>
152        </Property>
153        <Property Name="Links" Type="Cable.v1_0_0.Links" Nullable="false">
154          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The links to other resources that are related to this resource."/>
155          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain links to resources that are related to but are not contained by, or subordinate to, this resource."/>
156        </Property>
157        <Property Name="CableStatus" Type="Cable.v1_0_0.CableStatus" Nullable="false">
158          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
159          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The user-reported status of this resource."/>
160          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the user-reported status of this resource."/>
161        </Property>
162        <Property Name="Status" Type="Resource.Status" Nullable="false">
163          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The status and health of the resource and its subordinate or dependent resources."/>
164          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain any status or health properties of the resource."/>
165        </Property>
166        <Property Name="Location" Type="Resource.Location" Nullable="false">
167          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The location of the assembly."/>
168          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the location information of the associated assembly."/>
169        </Property>
170        <NavigationProperty Name="Assembly" Type="Assembly.Assembly" ContainsTarget="true" Nullable="false">
171          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
172          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The link to the assembly associated with this cable."/>
173          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain a link to a resource of type `Assembly`."/>
174          <Annotation Term="OData.AutoExpandReferences"/>
175        </NavigationProperty>
176      </EntityType>
178      <EnumType Name="CableClass">
179        <Member Name="Power">
180          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable is used for connecting to a power system."/>
181        </Member>
182        <Member Name="Network">
183          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable is used for connecting to a networking system."/>
184        </Member>
185        <Member Name="Storage">
186          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable is used for connecting to a storage system."/>
187        </Member>
188        <Member Name="Fan">
189          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable is used for connecting to a fan system."/>
190        </Member>
191        <Member Name="PCIe">
192          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable is used for connecting to a PCIe endpoint."/>
193        </Member>
194        <Member Name="USB">
195          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable is used for connecting to a USB endpoint."/>
196        </Member>
197        <Member Name="Video">
198          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable is used for connecting to a video system."/>
199        </Member>
200        <Member Name="Fabric">
201          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable is used for connecting to a fabric."/>
202        </Member>
203        <Member Name="Serial">
204          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable is used for connecting to a serial endpoint."/>
205        </Member>
206        <Member Name="General">
207          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable is used for providing general connectivity."/>
208        </Member>
209      </EnumType>
211      <EnumType Name="ConnectorType">
212        <Member Name="ACPower">
213          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to an AC power connector."/>
214        </Member>
215        <Member Name="DB9">
216          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to a DB9 connector."/>
217        </Member>
218        <Member Name="DCPower">
219          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to a DC power connector."/>
220        </Member>
221        <Member Name="DisplayPort">
222          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to a DisplayPort power connector."/>
223        </Member>
224        <Member Name="HDMI">
225          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to an HDMI connector."/>
226        </Member>
227        <Member Name="ICI">
228          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to an ICI connector."/>
229        </Member>
230        <Member Name="IPASS">
231          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to an IPASS connector."/>
232        </Member>
233        <Member Name="PCIe">
234          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to a PCIe connector."/>
235        </Member>
236        <Member Name="Proprietary">
237          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to a proprietary connector."/>
238        </Member>
239        <Member Name="RJ45">
240          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to an RJ45 connector."/>
241        </Member>
242        <Member Name="SATA">
243          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to a SATA connector."/>
244        </Member>
245        <Member Name="SCSI">
246          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to a SCSI connector."/>
247        </Member>
248        <Member Name="SlimSAS">
249          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to a SlimSAS connector."/>
250        </Member>
251        <Member Name="SFP">
252          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to an SFP connector."/>
253        </Member>
254        <Member Name="SFPPlus">
255          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to an SFPPlus connector."/>
256        </Member>
257        <Member Name="USBA">
258          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to a USB-A connector."/>
259        </Member>
260        <Member Name="USBC">
261          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to a USB-C connector."/>
262        </Member>
263        <Member Name="QSFP">
264          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to a QSFP connector."/>
265        </Member>
266        <Member Name="CDFP">
267          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to a CDFP connector."/>
268          <Annotation Term="Redfish.Revisions">
269            <Collection>
270              <Record>
271                <PropertyValue Property="Kind" EnumMember="Redfish.RevisionKind/Added"/>
272                <PropertyValue Property="Version" String="v1_2_0"/>
273              </Record>
274            </Collection>
275          </Annotation>
276        </Member>
277        <Member Name="OSFP">
278          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This cable connects to an OSFP connector."/>
279          <Annotation Term="Redfish.Revisions">
280            <Collection>
281              <Record>
282                <PropertyValue Property="Kind" EnumMember="Redfish.RevisionKind/Added"/>
283                <PropertyValue Property="Version" String="v1_2_0"/>
284              </Record>
285            </Collection>
286          </Annotation>
287        </Member>
288      </EnumType>
290      <EnumType Name="CableStatus">
291        <Member Name="Normal">
292          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The cable is operating normally."/>
293          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This value shall indicate the cable is operating normally.  The `State` property in `Status` shall contain the value `Enabled` and the `Health` property in `Status` shall contain the value `OK`."/>
294        </Member>
295        <Member Name="Degraded">
296          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The cable is degraded."/>
297          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This value shall indicate the cable is degraded.  The `State` property in `Status` shall contain the value `Enabled` and the `Health` property in `Status` shall contain the value `Warning`."/>
298        </Member>
299        <Member Name="Failed">
300          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The cable has failed."/>
301          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This value shall indicate the cable has failed.  The `State` property in `Status` shall contain the value `Enabled` and the `Health` property in `Status` shall contain the value `Critical`."/>
302        </Member>
303        <Member Name="Testing">
304          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The cable is under test."/>
305          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This value shall indicate the cable is under test.  The `State` property in `Status` shall contain the value `InTest`."/>
306        </Member>
307        <Member Name="Disabled">
308          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The cable is disabled."/>
309          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This value shall indicate the cable is disabled.  The `State` property in `Status` shall contain the value `Disabled`."/>
310        </Member>
311        <Member Name="SetByService">
312          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The cable status is set by the service."/>
313          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This value shall indicate the status for the cable is not defined by the user.  If implemented, the service shall determine the value of the `State` and `Health` properties in `Status`."/>
314        </Member>
315      </EnumType>
317      <ComplexType Name="Actions">
318        <Annotation Term="OData.AdditionalProperties" Bool="false"/>
319        <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The available actions for this resource."/>
320        <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This type shall contain the available actions for this resource."/>
321        <Property Name="Oem" Type="Cable.v1_0_0.OemActions" Nullable="false">
322          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The available OEM-specific actions for this resource."/>
323          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the available OEM-specific actions for this resource."/>
324        </Property>
325      </ComplexType>
327      <ComplexType Name="OemActions">
328        <Annotation Term="OData.AdditionalProperties" Bool="true"/>
329        <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The available OEM-specific actions for this resource."/>
330        <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This type shall contain the available OEM-specific actions for this resource."/>
331      </ComplexType>
333      <ComplexType Name="Links" BaseType="Resource.Links">
334        <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The links to other resources that are related to this resource."/>
335        <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This Redfish Specification-described type shall contain links to resources that are related to but are not contained by, or subordinate to, this resource."/>
336        <NavigationProperty Name="DownstreamChassis" Type="Collection(Chassis.Chassis)">
337          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
338          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="An array of links to the downstream chassis connected to this cable."/>
339          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `Chassis` that represent the physical downstream containers connected to this cable."/>
340          <Annotation Term="OData.AutoExpandReferences"/>
341        </NavigationProperty>
342        <NavigationProperty Name="UpstreamChassis" Type="Collection(Chassis.Chassis)">
343          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
344          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="An array of links to the upstream chassis connected to this cable."/>
345          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `Chassis` that represent the physical upstream containers connected to this cable."/>
346          <Annotation Term="OData.AutoExpandReferences"/>
347        </NavigationProperty>
348        <NavigationProperty Name="DownstreamPorts" Type="Collection(Port.Port)">
349          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
350          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="An array of links to the downstream ports connected to this cable."/>
351          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `Port` that represent the physical downstream connections connected to this cable."/>
352          <Annotation Term="OData.AutoExpandReferences"/>
353        </NavigationProperty>
354        <NavigationProperty Name="UpstreamPorts" Type="Collection(Port.Port)">
355          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
356          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="An array of links to the upstream ports connected to this cable."/>
357          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain an array of links to resources of type `Port` that represent the physical upstream connections connected to this cable."/>
358          <Annotation Term="OData.AutoExpandReferences"/>
359        </NavigationProperty>
360        <NavigationProperty Name="DownstreamResources" Type="Collection(Resource.Resource)">
361          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
362          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="An array of links to the downstream resources connected to this cable."/>
363          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain an array of links to resources that represent the physical downstream connections connected to this cable.  Even if the resource is already referenced in another property within `Links`, such as `DownstreamPorts` or `DownstreamChassis`, it shall also be referenced in this property."/>
364          <Annotation Term="OData.AutoExpandReferences"/>
365        </NavigationProperty>
366        <NavigationProperty Name="UpstreamResources" Type="Collection(Resource.Resource)">
367          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
368          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="An array of links to the upstream resources connected to this cable."/>
369          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain an array of links to resources that represent the physical upstream connections connected to this cable.  Even if the resource is already referenced in another property within `Links`, such as `UpstreamPorts` or `UpstreamChassis`, it shall also be referenced in this property."/>
370          <Annotation Term="OData.AutoExpandReferences"/>
371        </NavigationProperty>
372      </ComplexType>
373    </Schema>
375    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Cable.v1_0_1">
376      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
377      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to remove the additional properties term in the root of the resource, which was incorrectly set to `true`."/>
378      <EntityType Name="Cable" BaseType="Cable.v1_0_0.Cable"/>
379    </Schema>
381    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Cable.v1_0_2">
382      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
383      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to correct various typographical errors."/>
384      <EntityType Name="Cable" BaseType="Cable.v1_0_1.Cable"/>
385    </Schema>
387    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Cable.v1_0_3">
388      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
389      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to force the regeneration of OpenAPI schemas to properly express nullable properties with external references.  It was also created to correct various typographical errors."/>
390      <EntityType Name="Cable" BaseType="Cable.v1_0_2.Cable"/>
391    </Schema>
393    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Cable.v1_1_0">
394      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
395      <Annotation Term="Redfish.Release" String="2021.3"/>
397      <EntityType Name="Cable" BaseType="Cable.v1_0_0.Cable">
398        <Property Name="UserLabel" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false">
399          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
400          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="A user-assigned label."/>
401          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain a user-assigned label used to identify this resource.  If a value has not been assigned by a user, the value of this property shall be an empty string."/>
402        </Property>
403      </EntityType>
404    </Schema>
406    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Cable.v1_1_1">
407      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
408      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to remove the additional properties term in the root of the resource, which was incorrectly set to `true`."/>
409      <EntityType Name="Cable" BaseType="Cable.v1_1_0.Cable"/>
410    </Schema>
412    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Cable.v1_1_2">
413      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
414      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to correct various typographical errors."/>
415      <EntityType Name="Cable" BaseType="Cable.v1_1_1.Cable"/>
416    </Schema>
418    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Cable.v1_1_3">
419      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
420      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to force the regeneration of OpenAPI schemas to properly express nullable properties with external references.  It was also created to correct various typographical errors."/>
421      <EntityType Name="Cable" BaseType="Cable.v1_1_2.Cable"/>
422    </Schema>
424    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Cable.v1_2_0">
425      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
426      <Annotation Term="Redfish.Release" String="2021.4"/>
427      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to add `CDFP` and `OSFP` to `ConnectorType`."/>
429      <EntityType Name="Cable" BaseType="Cable.v1_1_0.Cable"/>
430    </Schema>
432    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Cable.v1_2_1">
433      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
434      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to remove the additional properties term in the root of the resource, which was incorrectly set to `true`."/>
435      <EntityType Name="Cable" BaseType="Cable.v1_2_0.Cable"/>
436    </Schema>
438    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Cable.v1_2_2">
439      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
440      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to correct various typographical errors."/>
441      <EntityType Name="Cable" BaseType="Cable.v1_2_1.Cable"/>
442    </Schema>
444    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Cable.v1_2_3">
445      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
446      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to force the regeneration of OpenAPI schemas to properly express nullable properties with external references.  It was also created to correct various typographical errors."/>
447      <EntityType Name="Cable" BaseType="Cable.v1_2_2.Cable"/>
448    </Schema>
450  </edmx:DataServices>