xref: /openbmc/bmcweb/redfish-core/schema/dmtf/csdl/Privileges_v1.xml (revision 099225cc9300c8e06b742a48318df75b0366561f)
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3<!--################################################################################       -->
4<!--# Redfish Schema:  Privileges v1.0.5                                                   -->
5<!--#                                                                                      -->
6<!--# For a detailed change log, see the README file contained in the DSP8010 bundle,      -->
7<!--# available at http://www.dmtf.org/standards/redfish                                   -->
8<!--# Copyright 2014-2023 DMTF.                                                            -->
9<!--# For the full DMTF copyright policy, see http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/copyright -->
10<!--################################################################################       -->
12<edmx:Edmx xmlns:edmx="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edmx" Version="4.0">
14  <edmx:Reference Uri="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.0/errata03/csd01/complete/vocabularies/Org.OData.Core.V1.xml">
15    <edmx:Include Namespace="Org.OData.Core.V1" Alias="OData"/>
16  </edmx:Reference>
17  <edmx:Reference Uri="http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/RedfishExtensions_v1.xml">
18    <edmx:Include Namespace="RedfishExtensions.v1_0_0" Alias="Redfish"/>
19  </edmx:Reference>
21  <edmx:DataServices>
23    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Privileges">
24      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
26      <EnumType Name="PrivilegeType">
27        <Member Name="Login">
28          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Can log in to the service and read resources."/>
29        </Member>
30        <Member Name="ConfigureManager">
31          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Can configure managers."/>
32        </Member>
33        <Member Name="ConfigureUsers">
34          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Can configure users and their accounts."/>
35        </Member>
36        <Member Name="ConfigureSelf">
37          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Can change the password for the current user account, log out of their own sessions, and perform operations on resources they created.  Services will need to be aware of resource ownership to map this privilege to an operation from a particular user."/>
38        </Member>
39        <Member Name="ConfigureComponents">
40          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Can configure components that this service manages."/>
41        </Member>
42        <Member Name="NoAuth">
43          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Authentication is not required."/>
44          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This value shall be used to indicate an operation does not require authentication.  This privilege shall not be used in Redfish roles."/>
45          <Annotation Term="Redfish.Revisions">
46            <Collection>
47              <Record>
48                <PropertyValue Property="Kind" EnumMember="Redfish.RevisionKind/Added"/>
49                <PropertyValue Property="Version" String="2019.3"/>
50              </Record>
51            </Collection>
52          </Annotation>
53        </Member>
54        <Member Name="ConfigureCompositionInfrastructure">
55          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Can view and configure composition service resources."/>
56          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This value shall be used to indicate the user can view and configure composition service resources without matching the Client property in the ResourceBlock or CompositionReservation resources."/>
57          <Annotation Term="Redfish.Revisions">
58            <Collection>
59              <Record>
60                <PropertyValue Property="Kind" EnumMember="Redfish.RevisionKind/Added"/>
61                <PropertyValue Property="Version" String="2021.1"/>
62              </Record>
63            </Collection>
64          </Annotation>
65        </Member>
66        <Member Name="AdministrateSystems">
67          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Administrator for systems found in the systems collection.  Able to manage boot configuration, keys, and certificates for systems."/>
68          <Annotation Term="Redfish.Revisions">
69            <Collection>
70              <Record>
71                <PropertyValue Property="Kind" EnumMember="Redfish.RevisionKind/Added"/>
72                <PropertyValue Property="Version" String="2022.2"/>
73              </Record>
74            </Collection>
75          </Annotation>
76        </Member>
77        <Member Name="OperateSystems">
78          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Operator for systems found in the systems collection.  Able to perform resets and configure interfaces."/>
79          <Annotation Term="Redfish.Revisions">
80            <Collection>
81              <Record>
82                <PropertyValue Property="Kind" EnumMember="Redfish.RevisionKind/Added"/>
83                <PropertyValue Property="Version" String="2022.2"/>
84              </Record>
85            </Collection>
86          </Annotation>
87        </Member>
88        <Member Name="AdministrateStorage">
89          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Administrator for storage subsystems and storage systems found in the storage collection and storage system collection respectively."/>
90          <Annotation Term="Redfish.Revisions">
91            <Collection>
92              <Record>
93                <PropertyValue Property="Kind" EnumMember="Redfish.RevisionKind/Added"/>
94                <PropertyValue Property="Version" String="2022.2"/>
95              </Record>
96            </Collection>
97          </Annotation>
98        </Member>
99        <Member Name="OperateStorageBackup">
100          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Operator for storage backup functionality for storage subsystems and storage systems found in the storage collection and storage system collection respectively."/>
101          <Annotation Term="Redfish.Revisions">
102            <Collection>
103              <Record>
104                <PropertyValue Property="Kind" EnumMember="Redfish.RevisionKind/Added"/>
105                <PropertyValue Property="Version" String="2022.2"/>
106              </Record>
107            </Collection>
108          </Annotation>
109        </Member>
110      </EnumType>
111    </Schema>
113    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Privileges.v1_0_0">
114      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
115      <Annotation Term="Redfish.Release" String="1.0"/>
117      <Term Name="OemGetPrivileges" Type="Collection(Edm.String)" Nullable="false">
118        <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="OEM HTTP GET operation privileges might be defined on a Link element to provide read privileges for the referenced resources, or on individual elements to override the privileges for that element."/>
119      </Term>
120      <Term Name="OemPostPrivileges" Type="Collection(Edm.String)" Nullable="false">
121        <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="OEM HTTP POST operation privileges might be defined on a Link element to provide create privileges for the referenced resources, or on individual elements to override the privileges for that element."/>
122      </Term>
123      <Term Name="OemPatchPutPrivileges" Type="Collection(Edm.String)" Nullable="false">
124        <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="OEM HTTP PATCH/PUT operation privileges might be defined on a Link element to provide update privileges for the referenced resources, or on individual elements to override the privileges for that element."/>
125      </Term>
126      <Term Name="OemDeletePrivileges" Type="Collection(Edm.String)" Nullable="false">
127        <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="OEM HTTP DELETE operation privileges might be defined on a Link element to provide update privileges for the referenced resources, or on individual elements to override the privileges for that element."/>
128      </Term>
129    </Schema>
131    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Privileges.v1_0_2">
132      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
133      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to show that annotations in previous namespaces were updated."/>
134    </Schema>
136    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Privileges.v1_0_3">
137      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
138      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to show that annotations in previous namespaces were updated."/>
139    </Schema>
141    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Privileges.v1_0_4">
142      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
143      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version deprecates the versioned PrivilegeType definition to use an unversioned definition."/>
144    </Schema>
146    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Privileges.v1_0_5">
147      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
148      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to update descriptions that this schema defines."/>
149    </Schema>
151  </edmx:DataServices>