1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3<!--################################################################################       -->
4<!--# Redfish Schema:  Event v1.11.0                                                       -->
5<!--#                                                                                      -->
6<!--# For a detailed change log, see the README file contained in the DSP8010 bundle,      -->
7<!--# available at http://www.dmtf.org/standards/redfish                                   -->
8<!--# Copyright 2014-2024 DMTF.                                                            -->
9<!--# For the full DMTF copyright policy, see http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/copyright -->
10<!--################################################################################       -->
12<edmx:Edmx xmlns:edmx="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edmx" Version="4.0">
14  <edmx:Reference Uri="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.0/errata03/csd01/complete/vocabularies/Org.OData.Core.V1.xml">
15    <edmx:Include Namespace="Org.OData.Core.V1" Alias="OData"/>
16  </edmx:Reference>
17  <edmx:Reference Uri="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.0/errata03/csd01/complete/vocabularies/Org.OData.Capabilities.V1.xml">
18    <edmx:Include Namespace="Org.OData.Capabilities.V1" Alias="Capabilities"/>
19  </edmx:Reference>
20  <edmx:Reference Uri="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.0/errata03/csd01/complete/vocabularies/Org.OData.Measures.V1.xml">
21    <edmx:Include Namespace="Org.OData.Measures.V1" Alias="Measures"/>
22  </edmx:Reference>
23  <edmx:Reference Uri="http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/RedfishExtensions_v1.xml">
24    <edmx:Include Namespace="RedfishExtensions.v1_0_0" Alias="Redfish"/>
25    <edmx:Include Namespace="Validation.v1_0_0" Alias="Validation"/>
26  </edmx:Reference>
27  <edmx:Reference Uri="http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource_v1.xml">
28    <edmx:Include Namespace="Resource"/>
29    <edmx:Include Namespace="Resource.v1_0_0"/>
30  </edmx:Reference>
31  <edmx:Reference Uri="http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/LogEntry_v1.xml">
32    <edmx:Include Namespace="LogEntry"/>
33  </edmx:Reference>
34  <edmx:Reference Uri="http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/ResolutionStep_v1.xml">
35    <edmx:Include Namespace="ResolutionStep"/>
36  </edmx:Reference>
38  <edmx:DataServices>
40    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event">
41      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
42      <Annotation Term="Redfish.Language" String="en"/>
44      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Resource.v1_0_0.Resource" Abstract="true">
45        <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The `Event` schema describes the JSON payload received by an event destination, which has subscribed to event notification, when events occur.  This resource contains data about events, including descriptions, severity, and a message identifier to a message registry that can be accessed for further information."/>
46        <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This resource contains an event for a Redfish implementation."/>
47        <Annotation Term="Capabilities.InsertRestrictions">
48          <Record>
49            <PropertyValue Property="Insertable" Bool="false"/>
50          </Record>
51        </Annotation>
52        <Annotation Term="Capabilities.UpdateRestrictions">
53          <Record>
54            <PropertyValue Property="Updatable" Bool="false"/>
55          </Record>
56        </Annotation>
57        <Annotation Term="Capabilities.DeleteRestrictions">
58          <Record>
59            <PropertyValue Property="Deletable" Bool="false"/>
60          </Record>
61        </Annotation>
62      </EntityType>
64      <EnumType Name="EventType">
65        <Annotation Term="Redfish.Revisions">
66          <Collection>
67            <Record>
68              <PropertyValue Property="Kind" EnumMember="Redfish.RevisionKind/Deprecated"/>
69              <PropertyValue Property="Version" String="v1_3_0"/>
70              <PropertyValue Property="Description" String="Starting with Redfish Specification v1.6 (Event v1.3), subscriptions are based on the `RegistryPrefix` and `ResourceType` properties and not on the `EventType` property."/>
71            </Record>
72          </Collection>
73        </Annotation>
74        <Member Name="StatusChange">
75          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The status of a resource has changed."/>
76        </Member>
77        <Member Name="ResourceUpdated">
78          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="A resource has been updated."/>
79        </Member>
80        <Member Name="ResourceAdded">
81          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="A resource has been added."/>
82        </Member>
83        <Member Name="ResourceRemoved">
84          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="A resource has been removed."/>
85        </Member>
86        <Member Name="Alert">
87          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="A condition requires attention."/>
88        </Member>
89        <Member Name="MetricReport">
90          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The telemetry service is sending a metric report."/>
91          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="Events of type `MetricReport` shall be sent to a client in accordance with the `MetricReport` schema definition."/>
92          <Annotation Term="Redfish.Revisions">
93            <Collection>
94              <Record>
95                <PropertyValue Property="Kind" EnumMember="Redfish.RevisionKind/Added"/>
96                <PropertyValue Property="Version" String="v1_3_0"/>
97              </Record>
98            </Collection>
99          </Annotation>
100        </Member>
101        <Member Name="Other">
102          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Because `EventType` is deprecated as of Redfish Specification v1.6, the event is based on a registry or resource but not an `EventType`."/>
103          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="Events of type `Other` shall be sent to a client in accordance with subscriptions to `RegistryPrefixes` or `ResourceTypes`."/>
104          <Annotation Term="Redfish.Revisions">
105            <Collection>
106              <Record>
107                <PropertyValue Property="Kind" EnumMember="Redfish.RevisionKind/Added"/>
108                <PropertyValue Property="Version" String="v1_4_0"/>
109              </Record>
110            </Collection>
111          </Annotation>
112        </Member>
113      </EnumType>
115    </Schema>
117    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_0_0">
118      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
119      <Annotation Term="Redfish.Release" String="1.0"/>
121      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.Event">
122        <NavigationProperty Name="Events" Type="Collection(Event.v1_0_0.EventRecord)" ContainsTarget="true">
123          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Each event in this array has a set of properties that describe the event.  Because this is an array, more than one event can be sent simultaneously."/>
124          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain an array of objects that represent the occurrence of one or more events."/>
125          <Annotation Term="Redfish.Required"/>
126          <Annotation Term="OData.AutoExpand"/>
127        </NavigationProperty>
128      </EntityType>
130      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Resource.v1_0_0.ReferenceableMember">
131        <Property Name="EventType" Type="Event.EventType" Nullable="false">
132          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
133          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The type of event."/>
134          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall indicate the type of event."/>
135          <Annotation Term="Redfish.Required"/>
136          <Annotation Term="Redfish.Revisions">
137            <Collection>
138              <Record>
139                <PropertyValue Property="Kind" EnumMember="Redfish.RevisionKind/Deprecated"/>
140                <PropertyValue Property="Version" String="v1_3_0"/>
141                <PropertyValue Property="Description" String="This property has been deprecated.  Starting with Redfish Specification v1.6 (Event v1.3), subscriptions are based on the `RegistryPrefix` and `ResourceType` properties and not on the `EventType` property."/>
142              </Record>
143            </Collection>
144          </Annotation>
145        </Property>
146        <Property Name="EventId" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false">
147          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
148          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The unique instance identifier of an event."/>
149          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain a service-defined unique identifier for the event."/>
150        </Property>
151        <Property Name="EventTimestamp" Type="Edm.DateTimeOffset" Nullable="false">
152          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
153          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The time the event occurred."/>
154          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall indicate the time the event occurred where the value shall be consistent with the Redfish service time that is also used for the values of the `Modified` property."/>
155        </Property>
156        <Property Name="Severity" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false">
157          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
158          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The severity of the event."/>
159          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the severity of the event, as defined in the 'Status' clause of the Redfish Specification.  Services can replace the value defined in the message registry with a value more applicable to the implementation."/>
160          <Annotation Term="Redfish.Revisions">
161            <Collection>
162              <Record>
163                <PropertyValue Property="Kind" EnumMember="Redfish.RevisionKind/Deprecated"/>
164                <PropertyValue Property="Version" String="v1_5_0"/>
165                <PropertyValue Property="Description" String="This property has been deprecated in favor of `MessageSeverity`, which ties the values to the enumerations defined for the `Health` property within `Status`."/>
166              </Record>
167            </Collection>
168          </Annotation>
169        </Property>
170        <Property Name="Message" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false">
171          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
172          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The human-readable event message."/>
173          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain a human-readable event message."/>
174        </Property>
175        <Property Name="MessageId" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false">
176          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
177          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The identifier for the message."/>
178          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain a `MessageId`, as defined in the 'MessageId format' clause of the Redfish Specification."/>
179          <Annotation Term="Validation.Pattern" String="^[A-Za-z0-9]+\.\d+\.\d+\.[A-Za-z0-9.]+$"/>
180          <Annotation Term="Redfish.Required"/>
181        </Property>
182        <Property Name="MessageArgs" Type="Collection(Edm.String)" Nullable="false">
183          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
184          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="An array of message arguments that are substituted for the arguments in the message when looked up in the message registry."/>
185          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain an array of message arguments that are substituted for the arguments in the message when looked up in the message registry.  It has the same semantics as the `MessageArgs` property in the Redfish `MessageRegistry` schema.  If the corresponding `ParamType` value contains `number`, the service shall convert the number to a string representation of the number."/>
186        </Property>
187        <Property Name="Context" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false">
188          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
189          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="A context can be supplied at subscription time.  This property is the context value supplied by the subscriber."/>
190          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain a client supplied context for the event destination to which this event is being sent."/>
191          <Annotation Term="Redfish.Revisions">
192            <Collection>
193              <Record>
194                <PropertyValue Property="Kind" EnumMember="Redfish.RevisionKind/Deprecated"/>
195                <PropertyValue Property="Version" String="v1_1_0"/>
196                <PropertyValue Property="Description" String="Events are triggered independently from subscriptions to those events.  This property has been deprecated in favor of the `Context` property found at the root level of the object."/>
197              </Record>
198            </Collection>
199          </Annotation>
200        </Property>
201        <NavigationProperty Name="OriginOfCondition" Type="Resource.Item" Nullable="false">
202          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
203          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="A link to the resource or object that originated the condition that caused the event to be generated."/>
204          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain a link to the resource or object that originated the condition that caused the event to be generated.  If the event subscription has the `IncludeOriginOfCondition` property set to `true`, it shall include the entire resource or object referenced by the link.  For events that represent the creation or deletion of a resource, this property should reference the created or deleted resource and not the collection that contains the resource."/>
205          <Annotation Term="OData.AutoExpandReferences"/>
206        </NavigationProperty>
207      </EntityType>
208    </Schema>
210    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_0_2">
211      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
212      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to show that annotations in previous namespaces were updated."/>
213      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_0_0.Event"/>
214      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_0_0.EventRecord"/>
215    </Schema>
217    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_0_3">
218      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
219      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to show that annotations in previous namespaces were updated."/>
220      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_0_2.Event"/>
221      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_0_2.EventRecord"/>
222    </Schema>
224    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_0_4">
225      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
226      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to show that annotations in previous namespaces were updated."/>
227      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_0_3.Event"/>
228      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_0_3.EventRecord"/>
229    </Schema>
231    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_0_5">
232      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
233      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to remove the nullable term on arrays of links."/>
234      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_0_4.Event"/>
235      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_0_4.EventRecord"/>
236    </Schema>
238    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_0_6">
239      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
240      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version deprecates the versioned definition of `EventType` to use an unversioned definition."/>
241      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_0_5.Event"/>
242      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_0_5.EventRecord"/>
243    </Schema>
245    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_0_7">
246      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
247      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to force the regeneration of JSON Schema so that OData properties are marked as required, and integer properties are marked as integer rather than number."/>
248      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_0_6.Event"/>
249      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_0_6.EventRecord"/>
250    </Schema>
252    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_0_8">
253      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
254      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to use the new revisions annotation."/>
255      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_0_7.Event"/>
256      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_0_7.EventRecord"/>
257    </Schema>
259    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_0_9">
260      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
261      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to regenerate JSON Schema so that `@odata.id` is not provided as a property, and so that URI properties use the uri-reference format."/>
262      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_0_8.Event"/>
263      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_0_8.EventRecord"/>
264    </Schema>
266    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_0_10">
267      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
268      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to update the description for `EventId`.  It was also created to update descriptions that this schema defines."/>
269      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_0_9.Event"/>
270      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_0_9.EventRecord"/>
271    </Schema>
273    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_0_11">
274      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
275      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to expand the description for `OriginOfCondition` to show that it can be expanded based on the configuration of the event destination."/>
276      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_0_10.Event"/>
277      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_0_10.EventRecord"/>
278    </Schema>
280    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_0_12">
281      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
282      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to clarify that `Severity` can be overridden by the service."/>
283      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_0_11.Event"/>
284      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_0_11.EventRecord"/>
285    </Schema>
287    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_0_13">
288      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
289      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to correct the description for `MessageId`, and to align descriptions between the `Message` and `Event` schemas.  It was also created to remove language in the long description for `EventId` to align with the specification."/>
290      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_0_12.Event"/>
291      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_0_12.EventRecord"/>
292    </Schema>
294    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_0_14">
295      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
296      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to clarify the usage of `OriginOfCondition` for creation and deletion events."/>
297      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_0_13.Event"/>
298      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_0_13.EventRecord"/>
299    </Schema>
301    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_0_15">
302      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
303      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to improve the description of message argument-related properties by explaining that number-type arguments are converted to strings prior to their consumption in a message."/>
304      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_0_14.Event"/>
305      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_0_14.EventRecord"/>
306    </Schema>
308    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_0_16">
309      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
310      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to force the regeneration of OpenAPI schemas to properly express nullable properties with external references.  It was also created to correct various typographical errors."/>
311      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_0_15.Event"/>
312      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_0_15.EventRecord"/>
313    </Schema>
315    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_1_0">
316      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
317      <Annotation Term="Redfish.Release" String="2016.1"/>
319      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_0_2.Event">
320        <Property Name="Context" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false">
321          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
322          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="A context can be supplied at subscription time.  This property is the context value supplied by the subscriber."/>
323          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain a client supplied context for the event destination to which this event is being sent."/>
324        </Property>
325      </EntityType>
327      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_0_2.EventRecord"/>
328    </Schema>
330    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_1_1">
331      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
332      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to show that annotations in previous namespaces were updated."/>
333      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_1_0.Event"/>
334      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_1_0.EventRecord"/>
335    </Schema>
337    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_1_2">
338      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
339      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to show that annotations in previous namespaces were updated."/>
340      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_1_1.Event"/>
341      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_1_1.EventRecord"/>
342    </Schema>
344    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_1_3">
345      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
346      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to remove the nullable term on arrays of links."/>
347      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_1_2.Event"/>
348      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_1_2.EventRecord"/>
349    </Schema>
351    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_1_4">
352      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
353      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version deprecates the versioned definition of `EventType` to use an unversioned definition."/>
354      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_1_3.Event"/>
355      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_1_3.EventRecord"/>
356    </Schema>
358    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_1_5">
359      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
360      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to force the regeneration of JSON Schema so that OData properties are marked as required, and integer properties are marked as integer rather than number."/>
361      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_1_4.Event"/>
362      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_1_4.EventRecord"/>
363    </Schema>
365    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_1_6">
366      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
367      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to use the new revisions annotation."/>
368      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_1_5.Event"/>
369      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_1_5.EventRecord"/>
370    </Schema>
372    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_1_7">
373      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
374      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to regenerate JSON Schema so that `@odata.id` is not provided as a property, and so that URI properties use the uri-reference format."/>
375      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_1_6.Event"/>
376      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_1_6.EventRecord"/>
377    </Schema>
379    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_1_8">
380      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
381      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to update the description for `EventId`.  It was also created to update descriptions that this schema defines."/>
382      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_1_7.Event"/>
383      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_1_7.EventRecord"/>
384    </Schema>
386    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_1_9">
387      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
388      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to expand the description for `OriginOfCondition` to show that it can be expanded based on the configuration of the event destination."/>
389      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_1_8.Event"/>
390      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_1_8.EventRecord"/>
391    </Schema>
393    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_1_10">
394      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
395      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to clarify that `Severity` can be overridden by the service."/>
396      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_1_9.Event"/>
397      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_1_9.EventRecord"/>
398    </Schema>
400    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_1_11">
401      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
402      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to correct the description for `MessageId`, and to align descriptions between the `Message` and `Event` schemas.  It was also created to remove language in the long description for `EventId` to align with the specification."/>
403      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_1_10.Event"/>
404      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_1_10.EventRecord"/>
405    </Schema>
407    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_1_12">
408      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
409      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to clarify the usage of `OriginOfCondition` for creation and deletion events."/>
410      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_1_11.Event"/>
411      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_1_11.EventRecord"/>
412    </Schema>
414    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_1_13">
415      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
416      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to improve the description of message argument-related properties by explaining that number-type arguments are converted to strings prior to their consumption in a message."/>
417      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_1_12.Event"/>
418      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_1_12.EventRecord"/>
419    </Schema>
421    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_1_14">
422      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
423      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to force the regeneration of OpenAPI schemas to properly express nullable properties with external references.  It was also created to correct various typographical errors."/>
424      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_1_13.Event"/>
425      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_1_13.EventRecord"/>
426    </Schema>
428    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_2_0">
429      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
430      <Annotation Term="Redfish.Release" String="2017.1"/>
432      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_1_3.Event">
433        <Property Name="Actions" Type="Event.v1_2_0.Actions" Nullable="false">
434          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The available actions for this resource."/>
435          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the available actions for this resource."/>
436        </Property>
437      </EntityType>
439      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_1_3.EventRecord">
440        <Property Name="Actions" Type="Event.v1_2_0.EventRecordActions" Nullable="false">
441          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The available actions for this resource."/>
442          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the available actions for this resource."/>
443        </Property>
444      </EntityType>
446      <ComplexType Name="Actions">
447        <Annotation Term="OData.AdditionalProperties" Bool="false"/>
448        <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The available actions for this resource."/>
449        <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This type shall contain the available actions for this resource."/>
450        <Property Name="Oem" Type="Event.v1_2_0.OemActions" Nullable="false">
451          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The available OEM-specific actions for this resource."/>
452          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the available OEM-specific actions for this resource."/>
453        </Property>
454      </ComplexType>
456      <ComplexType Name="OemActions">
457        <Annotation Term="OData.AdditionalProperties" Bool="true"/>
458        <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The available OEM-specific actions for this resource."/>
459        <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This type shall contain the available OEM-specific actions for this resource."/>
460      </ComplexType>
462      <ComplexType Name="EventRecordActions">
463        <Annotation Term="OData.AdditionalProperties" Bool="false"/>
464        <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The available actions for this resource."/>
465        <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This type shall contain the available actions for this resource."/>
466        <Property Name="Oem" Type="Event.v1_2_0.EventRecordOemActions" Nullable="false">
467          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The available OEM-specific actions for this resource."/>
468          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the available OEM-specific actions for this resource."/>
469        </Property>
470      </ComplexType>
472      <ComplexType Name="EventRecordOemActions">
473        <Annotation Term="OData.AdditionalProperties" Bool="true"/>
474        <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The available OEM-specific actions for this resource."/>
475        <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This type shall contain the available OEM-specific actions for this resource."/>
476      </ComplexType>
477    </Schema>
479    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_2_1">
480      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
481      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version deprecates the versioned definition of `EventType` to use an unversioned definition."/>
482      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_2_0.Event"/>
483      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_2_0.EventRecord"/>
484    </Schema>
486    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_2_2">
487      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
488      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to force the regeneration of JSON Schema so that OData properties are marked as required, and integer properties are marked as integer rather than number."/>
489      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_2_1.Event"/>
490      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_2_1.EventRecord"/>
491    </Schema>
493    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_2_3">
494      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
495      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to use the new revisions annotation."/>
496      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_2_2.Event"/>
497      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_2_2.EventRecord"/>
498    </Schema>
500    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_2_4">
501      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
502      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to regenerate JSON Schema so that `@odata.id` is not provided as a property, and so that URI properties use the uri-reference format."/>
503      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_2_3.Event"/>
504      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_2_3.EventRecord"/>
505    </Schema>
507    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_2_5">
508      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
509      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to update the description for `EventId`.  It was also created to update descriptions that this schema defines."/>
510      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_2_4.Event"/>
511      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_2_4.EventRecord"/>
512    </Schema>
514    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_2_6">
515      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
516      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to expand the description for `OriginOfCondition` to show that it can be expanded based on the configuration of the event destination."/>
517      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_2_5.Event"/>
518      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_2_5.EventRecord"/>
519    </Schema>
521    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_2_7">
522      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
523      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to clarify that `Severity` can be overridden by the service."/>
524      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_2_6.Event"/>
525      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_2_6.EventRecord"/>
526    </Schema>
528    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_2_8">
529      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
530      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to correct the description for `MessageId`, and to align descriptions between the `Message` and `Event` schemas.  It was also created to remove language in the long description for `EventId` to align with the specification."/>
531      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_2_7.Event"/>
532      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_2_7.EventRecord"/>
533    </Schema>
535    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_2_9">
536      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
537      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to clarify the usage of `OriginOfCondition` for creation and deletion events."/>
538      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_2_8.Event"/>
539      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_2_8.EventRecord"/>
540    </Schema>
542    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_2_10">
543      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
544      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to improve the description of message argument-related properties by explaining that number-type arguments are converted to strings prior to their consumption in a message."/>
545      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_2_9.Event"/>
546      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_2_9.EventRecord"/>
547    </Schema>
549    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_2_11">
550      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
551      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to force the regeneration of OpenAPI schemas to properly express nullable properties with external references.  It was also created to correct various typographical errors."/>
552      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_2_10.Event"/>
553      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_2_10.EventRecord"/>
554    </Schema>
556    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_3_0">
557      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
558      <Annotation Term="Redfish.Release" String="2018.2"/>
559      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version deprecates `EventType` and to add the grouping mechanism `EventGroupId`."/>
561      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_2_2.Event"/>
563      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_2_2.EventRecord">
564        <Property Name="EventGroupId" Type="Edm.Int64" Nullable="false">
565          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
566          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The identifier that correlates events with the same root cause.  If `0`, no other event is related to this event."/>
567          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall indicate that events are related and shall have the same value when multiple event messages are produced by the same root cause.  Implementations shall use separate values for events with a separate root cause.  This property value shall not imply an ordering of events.  The `0` value shall indicate that this event is not grouped with any other event."/>
568        </Property>
569      </EntityType>
570    </Schema>
572    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_3_1">
573      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
574      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to use the new revisions annotation."/>
575      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_3_0.Event"/>
576      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_3_0.EventRecord"/>
577    </Schema>
579    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_3_2">
580      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
581      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to regenerate JSON Schema so that `@odata.id` is not provided as a property, and so that URI properties use the uri-reference format."/>
582      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_3_1.Event"/>
583      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_3_1.EventRecord"/>
584    </Schema>
586    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_3_3">
587      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
588      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to update the description for `EventId` and `EventGroupId`.  It was also created to update descriptions that this schema defines."/>
589      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_3_2.Event"/>
590      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_3_2.EventRecord"/>
591    </Schema>
593    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_3_4">
594      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
595      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to expand the description for `OriginOfCondition` to show that it can be expanded based on the configuration of the event destination."/>
596      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_3_3.Event"/>
597      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_3_3.EventRecord"/>
598    </Schema>
600    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_3_5">
601      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
602      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to clarify that `Severity` can be overridden by the service."/>
603      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_3_4.Event"/>
604      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_3_4.EventRecord"/>
605    </Schema>
607    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_3_6">
608      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
609      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to correct the description for `MessageId`, and to align descriptions between the `Message` and `Event` schemas.  It was also created to remove language in the long description for `EventId` to align with the specification."/>
610      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_3_5.Event"/>
611      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_3_5.EventRecord"/>
612    </Schema>
614    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_3_7">
615      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
616      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to clarify the usage of `OriginOfCondition` for creation and deletion events."/>
617      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_3_6.Event"/>
618      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_3_6.EventRecord"/>
619    </Schema>
621    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_3_8">
622      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
623      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to improve the description of message argument-related properties by explaining that number-type arguments are converted to strings prior to their consumption in a message."/>
624      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_3_7.Event"/>
625      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_3_7.EventRecord"/>
626    </Schema>
628    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_3_9">
629      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
630      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to force the regeneration of OpenAPI schemas to properly express nullable properties with external references.  It was also created to correct various typographical errors."/>
631      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_3_8.Event"/>
632      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_3_8.EventRecord"/>
633    </Schema>
635    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_4_0">
636      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
637      <Annotation Term="Redfish.Release" String="2019.1"/>
638      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to add the value `Other` to `EventType`."/>
640      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_3_2.Event"/>
642      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_3_2.EventRecord"/>
643    </Schema>
645    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_4_1">
646      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
647      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to update the description for `EventId` and `EventGroupId`.  It was also created to update descriptions that this schema defines."/>
648      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_4_0.Event"/>
649      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_4_0.EventRecord"/>
650    </Schema>
652    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_4_2">
653      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
654      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to expand the description for `OriginOfCondition` to show that it can be expanded based on the configuration of the event destination."/>
655      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_4_1.Event"/>
656      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_4_1.EventRecord"/>
657    </Schema>
659    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_4_3">
660      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
661      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to clarify that `Severity` can be overridden by the service."/>
662      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_4_2.Event"/>
663      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_4_2.EventRecord"/>
664    </Schema>
666    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_4_4">
667      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
668      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to correct the description for `MessageId`, and to align descriptions between the `Message` and `Event` schemas.  It was also created to remove language in the long description for `EventId` to align with the specification."/>
669      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_4_3.Event"/>
670      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_4_3.EventRecord"/>
671    </Schema>
673    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_4_5">
674      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
675      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to clarify the usage of `OriginOfCondition` for creation and deletion events."/>
676      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_4_4.Event"/>
677      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_4_4.EventRecord"/>
678    </Schema>
680    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_4_6">
681      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
682      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to improve the description of message argument-related properties by explaining that number-type arguments are converted to strings prior to their consumption in a message."/>
683      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_4_5.Event"/>
684      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_4_5.EventRecord"/>
685    </Schema>
687    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_4_7">
688      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
689      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to force the regeneration of OpenAPI schemas to properly express nullable properties with external references.  It was also created to correct various typographical errors."/>
690      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_4_6.Event"/>
691      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_4_6.EventRecord"/>
692    </Schema>
694    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_5_0">
695      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
696      <Annotation Term="Redfish.Release" String="2020.2"/>
697      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to deprecate the `Severity` property and replace it with the `MessageSeverity` property, in order to tie the values to those used for the `Health` property within `Status`."/>
699      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_4_2.Event"/>
701      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_4_2.EventRecord">
702        <Property Name="MessageSeverity" Type="Resource.Health" Nullable="false">
703          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
704          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The severity of the message in this event."/>
705          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the severity of the message in this event.  Services can replace the value defined in the message registry with a value more applicable to the implementation."/>
706        </Property>
707      </EntityType>
708    </Schema>
710    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_5_1">
711      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
712      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to clarify that `MessageSeverity` and `Severity` can be overridden by the service."/>
713      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_5_0.Event"/>
714      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_5_0.EventRecord"/>
715    </Schema>
717    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_5_2">
718      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
719      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to correct the description for `MessageId`, and to align descriptions between the `Message` and `Event` schemas.  It was also created to remove language in the long description for `EventId` to align with the specification."/>
720      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_5_1.Event"/>
721      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_5_1.EventRecord"/>
722    </Schema>
724    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_5_3">
725      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
726      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to clarify the usage of `OriginOfCondition` for creation and deletion events."/>
727      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_5_2.Event"/>
728      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_5_2.EventRecord"/>
729    </Schema>
731    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_5_4">
732      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
733      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to improve the description of message argument-related properties by explaining that number-type arguments are converted to strings prior to their consumption in a message."/>
734      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_5_3.Event"/>
735      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_5_3.EventRecord"/>
736    </Schema>
738    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_5_5">
739      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
740      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to force the regeneration of OpenAPI schemas to properly express nullable properties with external references.  It was also created to correct various typographical errors."/>
741      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_5_4.Event"/>
742      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_5_4.EventRecord"/>
743    </Schema>
745    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_6_0">
746      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
747      <Annotation Term="Redfish.Release" String="2020.3"/>
749      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_5_1.Event"/>
751      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_5_1.EventRecord">
752        <Property Name="SpecificEventExistsInGroup" Type="Edm.Boolean" Nullable="false">
753          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
754          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Indicates this event is equivalent to a more specific event in this event group."/>
755          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall indicate that the event is equivalent to another event, with a more specific definition, within the same `EventGroupId`.  For example, the `DriveFailed` message from the Storage Device Message Registry is more specific than the `ResourceStatusChangedCritical` message from the Resource Event Message Registry, when both occur with the same `EventGroupId`.  This property shall contain `true` if a more specific event is available, and shall contain `false` if no equivalent event exists in the same `EventGroupId`.  If this property is absent, the value shall be assumed to be `false`."/>
756        </Property>
757      </EntityType>
758    </Schema>
760    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_6_1">
761      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
762      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to correct the description for `MessageId`, and to align descriptions between the `Message` and `Event` schemas.  It was also created to remove language in the long description for `EventId` to align with the specification."/>
763      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_6_0.Event"/>
764      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_6_0.EventRecord"/>
765    </Schema>
767    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_6_2">
768      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
769      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to clarify the usage of `OriginOfCondition` for creation and deletion events."/>
770      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_6_1.Event"/>
771      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_6_1.EventRecord"/>
772    </Schema>
774    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_6_3">
775      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
776      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to improve the description of message argument-related properties by explaining that number-type arguments are converted to strings prior to their consumption in a message."/>
777      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_6_2.Event"/>
778      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_6_2.EventRecord"/>
779    </Schema>
781    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_6_4">
782      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
783      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to force the regeneration of OpenAPI schemas to properly express nullable properties with external references.  It was also created to correct various typographical errors."/>
784      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_6_3.Event"/>
785      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_6_3.EventRecord"/>
786    </Schema>
788    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_7_0">
789      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
790      <Annotation Term="Redfish.Release" String="2021.2"/>
792      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_6_1.Event"/>
794      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_6_1.EventRecord">
795        <NavigationProperty Name="LogEntry" Type="LogEntry.LogEntry" Nullable="false">
796          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
797          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The link to a log entry if an entry was created for this event."/>
798          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain a link to a resource of type `LogEntry` that represents the log entry created for this event."/>
799          <Annotation Term="OData.AutoExpandReferences"/>
800        </NavigationProperty>
801      </EntityType>
802    </Schema>
804    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_7_1">
805      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
806      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to clarify the usage of `OriginOfCondition` for creation and deletion events."/>
807      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_7_0.Event"/>
808      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_7_0.EventRecord"/>
809    </Schema>
811    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_7_2">
812      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
813      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to improve the description of message argument-related properties by explaining that number-type arguments are converted to strings prior to their consumption in a message."/>
814      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_7_1.Event"/>
815      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_7_1.EventRecord"/>
816    </Schema>
818    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_7_3">
819      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
820      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to force the regeneration of OpenAPI schemas to properly express nullable properties with external references.  It was also created to correct various typographical errors."/>
821      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_7_2.Event"/>
822      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_7_2.EventRecord"/>
823    </Schema>
825    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_8_0">
826      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
827      <Annotation Term="Redfish.Release" String="2023.1"/>
829      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_7_1.Event"/>
831      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_7_1.EventRecord">
832        <Property Name="CPER" Type="Event.v1_8_0.CPER" Nullable="false">
833          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Details for a CPER section or record associated with this event."/>
834          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the details for a CPER section or record that is the source of this event."/>
835        </Property>
836        <Property Name="DiagnosticData" Type="Edm.String">
837          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
838          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="A Base64-encoded set of diagnostic data associated with this event."/>
839          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain a Base64-encoded string that represents diagnostic data associated with this event.  The contents shall depend on the value of the `DiagnosticDataType` property.  The length of the value should not exceed 4 KB.  Larger diagnostic data payloads should omit this property and use the `AdditionalDataURI` property to reference the data.  If both `DiagnosticData` and `AdditionalDataURI` are present, `DiagnosticData` shall contain the Base64-encoding of the data retrieved from the URI specified by the `AdditionalDataURI` property."/>
840        </Property>
841        <Property Name="DiagnosticDataType" Type="Event.v1_8_0.DiagnosticDataTypes">
842          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
843          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The type of data available in the `DiagnosticData` property or retrieved from the URI specified by the `AdditionalDataURI` property."/>
844          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the type of data available in the `DiagnosticData` property or retrieved from the URI specified by the `AdditionalDataURI` property."/>
845        </Property>
846        <Property Name="AdditionalDataSizeBytes" Type="Edm.Int64">
847          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
848          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The size of the additional data for this event."/>
849          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the size of the additional data retrieved from the URI specified by the `AdditionalDataURI` property for this event."/>
850          <Annotation Term="Measures.Unit" String="By"/>
851        </Property>
852        <Property Name="AdditionalDataURI" Type="Edm.String">
853          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
854          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The URI at which to access the additional data for the event, such as diagnostic data, image captures, or other files."/>
855          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the URI at which to access the additional data for the event, using the Redfish protocol and authentication methods.  If both `DiagnosticData` and `AdditionalDataURI` are present, `DiagnosticData` shall contain the Base64-encoding of the data retrieved from the URI specified by the `AdditionalDataURI` property."/>
856          <Annotation Term="OData.IsURL"/>
857        </Property>
858      </EntityType>
860      <ComplexType Name="CPER">
861        <Annotation Term="OData.AdditionalProperties" Bool="false"/>
862        <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Details for a CPER section or record associated with an event."/>
863        <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This object shall contain the details for a CPER section or record that is the source of an event."/>
864        <Property Name="NotificationType" Type="Edm.Guid">
865          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
866          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The CPER Notification Type for a CPER record."/>
867          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the CPER Notification Type for a CPER record that corresponds to the contents of the `DiagnosticData` property or data retrieved from the URI specified by the `AdditionalDataURI` property.  This property shall only be present if `DiagnosticDataType` contains `CPER`."/>
868        </Property>
869        <Property Name="SectionType" Type="Edm.Guid">
870          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
871          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The CPER Section Type."/>
872          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the CPER Section Type for a CPER section that corresponds to the contents of the `DiagnosticData` property or data retrieved from the URI specified by the `AdditionalDataURI` property.  This property shall only be present if `DiagnosticDataType` contains `CPERSection`."/>
873        </Property>
874        <Property Name="Oem" Type="Resource.Oem" Nullable="false">
875          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The OEM extension property."/>
876          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the OEM extensions.  All values for properties contained in this object shall conform to the Redfish Specification-described requirements."/>
877        </Property>
878      </ComplexType>
880      <EnumType Name="DiagnosticDataTypes">
881        <Member Name="Manager">
882          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Manager diagnostic data."/>
883        </Member>
884        <Member Name="PreOS">
885          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Pre-OS diagnostic data."/>
886        </Member>
887        <Member Name="OS">
888          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Operating system (OS) diagnostic data."/>
889        </Member>
890        <Member Name="OEM">
891          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="OEM diagnostic data."/>
892        </Member>
893        <Member Name="CPER">
894          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="UEFI Common Platform Error Record."/>
895          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This value shall indicate the data provided at the URI specified by the `AdditionalDataURI` property is a complete UEFI Specification-defined Common Platform Error Record.  The CPER data shall contain a Record Header and at least one Section as defined by the UEFI Specification."/>
896        </Member>
897        <Member Name="CPERSection">
898          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="A Section of a UEFI Common Platform Error Record."/>
899          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This value shall indicate the data provided at the URI specified by the `AdditionalDataURI` property is a single Section of a UEFI Specification-defined Common Platform Error Record.  The CPER data shall contain one Section as defined by the UEFI Specification, with no Record Header."/>
900        </Member>
901      </EnumType>
902    </Schema>
904    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_8_1">
905      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
906      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to improve the description of message argument-related properties by explaining that number-type arguments are converted to strings prior to their consumption in a message."/>
907      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_8_0.Event"/>
908      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_8_0.EventRecord"/>
909    </Schema>
911    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_8_2">
912      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
913      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to correct various typographical errors."/>
914      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_8_1.Event"/>
915      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_8_1.EventRecord"/>
916    </Schema>
918    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_8_3">
919      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
920      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to force the regeneration of OpenAPI schemas to properly express nullable properties with external references.  It was also created to correct various typographical errors."/>
921      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_8_2.Event"/>
922      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_8_2.EventRecord"/>
923    </Schema>
925    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_9_0">
926      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
927      <Annotation Term="Redfish.Release" String="2023.2"/>
929      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_8_1.Event"/>
931      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_8_1.EventRecord">
932        <Property Name="Resolution" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false">
933          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
934          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="Used to provide suggestions on how to resolve the situation that caused the event."/>
935          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the resolution of the event.  Services should replace the resolution defined in the message registry with a more specific resolution in the event."/>
936        </Property>
937        <Property Name="OEMDiagnosticDataType" Type="Edm.String">
938          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
939          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The OEM-defined type of data available in the `DiagnosticData` property or retrieved from the URI specified by the `AdditionalDataURI` property."/>
940          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the OEM-defined type of data available in the `DiagnosticData` property or retrieved from the URI specified by the `AdditionalDataURI` property.  This property shall be present if `DiagnosticDataType` is `OEM`."/>
941        </Property>
942      </EntityType>
943    </Schema>
945    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_9_1">
946      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
947      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to correct various typographical errors."/>
948      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_9_0.Event"/>
949      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_9_0.EventRecord"/>
950    </Schema>
952    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_9_2">
953      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
954      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to force the regeneration of OpenAPI schemas to properly express nullable properties with external references.  It was also created to correct various typographical errors."/>
955      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_9_1.Event"/>
956      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_9_1.EventRecord"/>
957    </Schema>
959    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_10_0">
960      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
961      <Annotation Term="Redfish.Release" String="2023.3"/>
963      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_9_1.Event"/>
965      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_9_1.EventRecord">
966        <Property Name="ResolutionSteps" Type="Collection(ResolutionStep.ResolutionStep)" Nullable="false">
967          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The list of recommended steps to resolve the cause of the event."/>
968          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain an array of recommended steps to resolve the cause of the event.  This property shall not be present if the `MessageSeverity` or `Severity` properties contain `OK`.  A client can stop executing the resolution steps once the `Resolved` property in the associated `LogEntry` resource contains `true` or the `Health` property in the associated resource referenced by the `OriginOfCondition` property contains `OK`."/>
969        </Property>
970       </EntityType>
971    </Schema>
973    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_10_1">
974      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
975      <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="This version was created to force the regeneration of OpenAPI schemas to properly express nullable properties with external references.  It was also created to correct various typographical errors."/>
976      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_10_0.Event"/>
977      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_10_0.EventRecord"/>
978    </Schema>
980    <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="Event.v1_11_0">
981      <Annotation Term="Redfish.OwningEntity" String="DMTF"/>
982      <Annotation Term="Redfish.Release" String="2024.3"/>
984      <EntityType Name="Event" BaseType="Event.v1_10_1.Event"/>
986      <EntityType Name="EventRecord" BaseType="Event.v1_10_1.EventRecord">
987        <Property Name="Username" Type="Edm.String">
988          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
989          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The username of the account associated with the event record."/>
990          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the username of the account associated with the event record.  This should be used for events that result from a user action."/>
991        </Property>
992        <Property Name="UserAuthenticationSource" Type="Edm.String">
993          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/Read"/>
994          <Annotation Term="OData.Description" String="The source of authentication for the username property associated with the event record."/>
995          <Annotation Term="OData.LongDescription" String="This property shall contain the URL to the authentication service that is associated with the username property.  This should be used for events that result from a user action."/>
996        </Property>
997      </EntityType>
998    </Schema>
1000  </edmx:DataServices>